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Created October 15, 2015 19:42
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Example XML processing
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
let xml = "<coord2 count=\"3\">"
+ "<markers>"
+ "<marker>"
+ "<item>marker1</item>"
+ "</marker>"
+ "<marker>"
+ "<item>marker2</item>"
+ "<lat>36</lat>"
+ "</marker>"
+ "</markers>"
+ "</coord2>"
// Simple base class that is used to consume foundCharacters
// via the parser
class ParserBase : NSObject, NSXMLParserDelegate {
var currentElement:String = ""
var foundCharacters = ""
weak var parent:ParserBase? = nil
func parser(parser: NSXMLParser, didStartElement elementName: String, namespaceURI: String?, qualifiedName qName: String?, attributes attributeDict: [String : String]) {
currentElement = elementName
func parser(parser: NSXMLParser, foundCharacters string: String) {
self.foundCharacters += string
// Represents a coord2 tag
// It has a count attribute
// and a collection of markers
class Coord2 : ParserBase {
var count = 0
var markers = [Marker]()
override func parser(parser: NSXMLParser, didStartElement elementName: String, namespaceURI: String?, qualifiedName qName: String?, attributes attributeDict: [String : String]) {
print("processing <\(elementName)> tag from Coord")
if elementName == "coord2" {
// if we are processing a coord2 tag, we are at the root
// of this example
// extract the count value and set it
if let c = Int(attributeDict["count"]!) {
self.count = c
// if we found a marker tag, delegate further responsibility
// to parsing to a new instance of Marker
if elementName == "marker" {
let marker = Marker()
// push responsibility
parser.delegate = marker
// let marker know who we are
// so that once marker is done XML processing
// it can return parsing responsibility back
marker.parent = self
class Marker : ParserBase {
var item = ""
var lat = 0
func parser(parser: NSXMLParser, didEndElement elementName: String, namespaceURI: String?, qualifiedName qName: String?) {
print("processing <\(elementName)> tag from Marker")
// if we finished an item tag, the ParserBase parent
// would have accumulated the found characters
// so just assign that to our item variable
if elementName == "item" {
self.item = foundCharacters
// similarly for lat tags
// convert the lat to an int for example
else if elementName == "lat" {
if let l = Int(foundCharacters) { = l
// if we reached the </marker> tag, we do not
// have anything further to do, so delegate
// parsing responsibility to parent
else if elementName == "marker" {
parser.delegate = self.parent
// reset found characters
foundCharacters = ""
let xmlData = xml.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!
let parser = NSXMLParser(data: xmlData)
let coord = Coord2()
parser.delegate = coord
print("coord has a count attribute of \(coord.count)")
print("coord has \(coord.markers.count) markers")
for marker in coord.markers {
print("marker item = \(marker.item) and lat = \(")
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humdrum commented Feb 10, 2017

Here is a modified code for compatible with swift 3.

Thanks for the good sample code. 😄

//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit

let xml = "<coord2 count=\"3\">"
    + "<markers>"
    + "<marker>"
    + "<item>marker1</item>"
    + "</marker>"
    + "<marker>"
    + "<item>marker2</item>"
    + "<lat>36</lat>"
    + "</marker>"
    + "</markers>"
    + "</coord2>"

// Simple base class that is used to consume foundCharacters
// via the parser
class ParserBase : NSObject, XMLParserDelegate  {

    var currentElement:String = ""
    var foundCharacters = ""
    weak var parent:ParserBase? = nil

    func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, didStartElement elementName: String, namespaceURI: String?, qualifiedName qName: String?, attributes attributeDict: [String : String]) {

        currentElement = elementName

    func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, foundCharacters string: String) {
        self.foundCharacters += string


// Represents a coord2 tag
// It has a count attribute
// and a collection of markers
class Coord2 : ParserBase {

    var count = 0
    var markers = [Marker]()

    override func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, didStartElement elementName: String, namespaceURI: String?, qualifiedName qName: String?, attributes attributeDict: [String : String]) {

        print("processing <\(elementName)> tag from Coord")

        if elementName == "coord2" {

            // if we are processing a coord2 tag, we are at the root
            // of this example
            // extract the count value and set it
            if let c = Int(attributeDict["count"]!) {
                self.count = c

        // if we found a marker tag, delegate further responsibility
        // to parsing to a new instance of Marker

        if elementName == "marker" {
            let marker = Marker()

            // push responsibility
            parser.delegate = marker

            // let marker know who we are
            // so that once marker is done XML processing
            // it can return parsing responsibility back
            marker.parent = self


class Marker : ParserBase {

    var item = ""
    var lat = 0

    func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, didEndElement elementName: String, namespaceURI: String?, qualifiedName qName: String?) {

        print("processing <\(elementName)> tag from Marker")

        // if we finished an item tag, the ParserBase parent
        // would have accumulated the found characters
        // so just assign that to our item variable
        if elementName == "item" {
            self.item = foundCharacters

            // similarly for lat tags
            // convert the lat to an int for example
        else if elementName == "lat" {
            if let l = Int(foundCharacters) {
       = l

            // if we reached the </marker> tag, we do not
            // have anything further to do, so delegate
            // parsing responsibility to parent
        else if elementName == "marker" {
            parser.delegate = self.parent

        // reset found characters
        foundCharacters = ""


let xmlData = .utf8)!
let parser = XMLParser(data: xmlData)

let coord = Coord2()
parser.delegate = coord


print("coord has a count attribute of \(coord.count)")
print("coord has \(coord.markers.count) markers")

for marker in coord.markers {
    print("marker item = \(marker.item) and lat = \(")

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