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Created January 28, 2017 17:32
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Swift port of Box2D's dynamic AABB tree
// DynamicTree.swift
// Mojumbo
// Created by Benzi on 10/12/16.
// Swift port of the Box2D implemention of a dynamic balancing AABB tree
// Also read:
import Foundation
import CoreGraphics
import UIKit
import GameFramework
extension CGRect {
var perimeter: CGFloat {
return 2 * (width + height)
struct DynamicTreeNode<T> {
// fattened aabb
var aabb =
var originalAABB =
// user data
var item: T? = nil
var parent = -1
var next = -1
var child1 = -1
var child2 = -1
// leaf = 0, free node = -1
var height = -1
var isLeaf: Bool { return child1 == -1 }
init() {}
public struct DynamicTree<T> {
public let fattenFactor: CGFloat = 2.0
public let displacementFactor: CGFloat = 8.0
var root = -1
var nodes = [DynamicTreeNode<T>].init(repeating: DynamicTreeNode<T>(), count: 16)
var freeList = 0
var insertionCount = 0
public init() {
for i in 0..<nodes.count-1 {
nodes[i].next = i + 1
nodes[i].height = -1
nodes[nodes.count-1].next = -1
nodes[nodes.count-1].height = -1
public mutating func clear() {
root = -1
freeList = 0
insertionCount = 0
for i in 0..<nodes.count-1 {
nodes[i].next = i + 1
nodes[i].height = -1
nodes[i].item = nil
nodes[nodes.count-1].next = -1
nodes[nodes.count-1].height = -1
nodes[nodes.count-1].item = nil
func fatten(_ aabb: CGRect) -> CGRect {
return aabb.insetBy(dx: -fattenFactor, dy: -fattenFactor)
func unfatten(_ aabb: CGRect) -> CGRect {
return aabb.insetBy(dx: fattenFactor, dy: fattenFactor)
public mutating func createProxy(aabb: CGRect, item: T) -> Int {
let index = allocateNode()
nodes[index].aabb = fatten(aabb)
nodes[index].originalAABB = aabb
nodes[index].item = item
nodes[index].height = 0
return index
public mutating func destroyProxy(index: Int) {
assert(0 <= index && index < nodes.count)
assert(nodes[index].isLeaf, "proxy is not a leaf node")
public mutating func moveProxy(index: Int, aabb: CGRect, displacement d: CGPoint = -> Bool {
assert(0 <= index && index < nodes.count)
assert(nodes[index].isLeaf, "proxy is not a leaf node")
nodes[index].originalAABB = aabb
if nodes[index].aabb.contains(aabb) {
return false
// Extend AABB
var b = fatten(aabb)
// Predict AABB displacement
let d = d.multiply(displacementFactor)
if d.x < 0 {
b.origin.x += d.x
b.size.width -= d.x
else {
b.size.width += d.x
if d.y < 0 {
b.origin.y += d.y
b.size.height -= d.y
else {
b.size.height += d.y
nodes[index].aabb = b
return true
public func query(aabb: CGRect, callback:(T, CGRect)->Bool) {
var stack = Stack<Int>()
while stack.items.count > 0 {
let index = stack.pop()
if index == -1 { continue }
let node = nodes[index]
if node.aabb.intersects(aabb) {
if node.isLeaf {
let stop = callback(node.item!, node.originalAABB)
if stop { return }
else {
private mutating func allocateNode() -> Int {
if freeList == -1 {
let count = nodes.count
nodes = nodes + [DynamicTreeNode<T>].init(repeating: DynamicTreeNode<T>(), count: count)
for i in count..<nodes.count-1 {
nodes[i].next = i+1
nodes[i].height = -1
nodes[nodes.count-1].next = -1
nodes[nodes.count-1].height = -1
freeList = count
let index = freeList
freeList = nodes[index].next
nodes[index].parent = -1
nodes[index].child1 = -1
nodes[index].child2 = -1
nodes[index].height = 0
nodes[index].item = nil
return index
private mutating func freeNode(_ index: Int) {
assert(0 <= index && index < nodes.count)
nodes[index].next = freeList
nodes[index].height = -1
nodes[index].item = nil
freeList = index
@inline(__always) mutating private func setChild1(of parent: Int, to child: Int) {
nodes[parent].child1 = child
nodes[child].parent = parent
@inline(__always) mutating private func setChild2(of parent: Int, to child: Int) {
nodes[parent].child2 = child
nodes[child].parent = parent
private mutating func insertLeaf(_ leaf: Int) {
insertionCount += 1
if root == -1 {
root = leaf
nodes[root].parent = -1
// find the best sibling for this node
let leafAABB = nodes[leaf].aabb
var index = root
while nodes[index].isLeaf == false {
let child1 = nodes[index].child1
let child2 = nodes[index].child2
let area = nodes[index].aabb.perimeter
let combinedAABB = nodes[index].aabb.union(leafAABB)
let combinedArea = combinedAABB.perimeter
let cost = 2 * combinedArea
let inheritanceCost = 2 * (combinedArea - area)
@inline(__always) func computeCost(of child: Int) -> CGFloat {
if nodes[child].isLeaf {
let aabb = leafAABB.union(nodes[child].aabb)
return aabb.perimeter + inheritanceCost
let oldArea = nodes[child].aabb.perimeter
let newArea = leafAABB.union(nodes[child].aabb).perimeter
return newArea - oldArea + inheritanceCost
let cost1 = computeCost(of: child1)
let cost2 = computeCost(of: child2)
if cost < cost1 && cost < cost2 {
if cost1 < cost2 {
index = child1
else {
index = child2
let sibling = index
let oldParent = nodes[sibling].parent
let newParent = allocateNode()
nodes[newParent].parent = oldParent
nodes[newParent].item = nil
nodes[newParent].aabb = leafAABB.union(nodes[sibling].aabb)
nodes[newParent].height = nodes[sibling].height + 1
if oldParent != -1 {
// sibling is NOT the root
if nodes[oldParent].child1 == sibling {
nodes[oldParent].child1 = newParent
else {
nodes[oldParent].child2 = newParent
setChild1(of: newParent, to: sibling)
setChild2(of: newParent, to: leaf)
else {
// sibling was the root
setChild1(of: newParent, to: sibling)
setChild2(of: newParent, to: leaf)
root = newParent
// walk back up fixing heights and aabbs
index = nodes[leaf].parent
while index != -1 {
index = balance(index)
let child1 = nodes[index].child1
let child2 = nodes[index].child2
assert(child1 != -1, "found empty child")
assert(child2 != -1, "found empty child")
nodes[index].height = 1 + max(nodes[child1].height, nodes[child2].height)
nodes[index].aabb = nodes[child1].aabb.union(nodes[child2].aabb)
index = nodes[index].parent
private mutating func removeLeaf(_ leaf: Int) {
if leaf == root {
root = -1
let parent = nodes[leaf].parent
let grandParent = nodes[parent].parent
// get sibling of leaf
let sibling: Int
if nodes[parent].child1 == leaf {
sibling = nodes[parent].child2
else {
sibling = nodes[parent].child1
if grandParent != -1 {
// Destroy parent and connect sibling to grandParent.
if nodes[grandParent].child1 == parent {
nodes[grandParent].child1 = sibling
else {
nodes[grandParent].child2 = sibling
nodes[sibling].parent = grandParent
// Adjust ancestor bounds.
var index = grandParent
while index != -1 {
index = balance(index)
let child1 = nodes[index].child1
let child2 = nodes[index].child2
nodes[index].aabb = nodes[child1].aabb.union(nodes[child2].aabb)
nodes[index].height = 1 + max(nodes[child1].height, nodes[child2].height)
index = nodes[index].parent
else {
root = sibling
nodes[sibling].parent = -1
// Perform a left or right rotation if node A is imbalanced.
// Returns the new root index.
private mutating func balance(_ a: Int) -> Int {
assert(a != -1)
if nodes[a].isLeaf || nodes[a].height < 2 { return a }
let b = nodes[a].child1
let c = nodes[a].child2
assert(0 <= b && b < nodes.count-1)
assert(0 <= c && c < nodes.count-1)
let balance = nodes[c].height - nodes[b].height
// rotate c up
if balance > 1 {
let f = nodes[c].child1
let g = nodes[c].child2
assert(0 <= f && f < nodes.count-1)
assert(0 <= g && g < nodes.count-1)
// swap a and c
nodes[c].child1 = a
nodes[c].parent = nodes[a].parent
nodes[a].parent = c
// a's old parent should point to c
let cParent = nodes[c].parent
if cParent != -1 {
if nodes[cParent].child1 == a {
nodes[cParent].child1 = c
else {
assert(nodes[cParent].child2 == a, "cParent does not have either 'a' has child")
nodes[cParent].child2 = c
else {
root = c
// rotate
if nodes[f].height > nodes[g].height {
nodes[c].child2 = f
nodes[a].child2 = g
nodes[g].parent = a
nodes[a].aabb = nodes[b].aabb.union(nodes[g].aabb)
nodes[c].aabb = nodes[a].aabb.union(nodes[f].aabb)
nodes[a].height = 1 + max(nodes[b].height, nodes[g].height)
nodes[c].height = 1 + max(nodes[a].height, nodes[f].height)
else {
nodes[c].child2 = g
nodes[a].child2 = f
nodes[f].parent = a
nodes[a].aabb = nodes[b].aabb.union(nodes[f].aabb)
nodes[c].aabb = nodes[a].aabb.union(nodes[g].aabb)
nodes[a].height = 1 + max(nodes[b].height, nodes[f].height)
nodes[c].height = 1 + max(nodes[a].height, nodes[g].height)
return c
// rotate b up
if balance < -1 {
let d = nodes[b].child1
let e = nodes[b].child2
assert(0 <= d && d < nodes.count-1)
assert(0 <= e && e < nodes.count-1)
// swap a and b
nodes[b].child1 = a
nodes[b].parent = nodes[a].parent
nodes[a].parent = b
// a's old parent should point to b
let bParent = nodes[b].parent
if bParent != -1 {
if nodes[bParent].child1 == a {
nodes[bParent].child1 = b
else {
assert(nodes[bParent].child2 == a, "b parent does not have a as child")
nodes[bParent].child2 = b
else {
root = b
// rotate
if nodes[d].height > nodes[e].height {
nodes[b].child2 = d
nodes[a].child1 = e
nodes[e].parent = a
nodes[a].aabb = nodes[c].aabb.union(nodes[e].aabb)
nodes[b].aabb = nodes[a].aabb.union(nodes[d].aabb)
nodes[a].height = 1 + max(nodes[c].height, nodes[e].height)
nodes[b].height = 1 + max(nodes[a].height, nodes[d].height)
else {
nodes[b].child2 = e
nodes[a].child1 = d
nodes[d].parent = a
nodes[a].aabb = nodes[c].aabb.union(nodes[d].aabb)
nodes[b].aabb = nodes[a].aabb.union(nodes[e].aabb)
nodes[a].height = 1 + max(nodes[c].height, nodes[d].height)
nodes[b].height = 1 + max(nodes[a].height, nodes[e].height)
return b
return a
//// MARK:-
public extension DynamicTree {
func validateStructure(_ index: Int) {
if index == -1 { return }
if index == root {
assert(nodes[index].parent == -1)
let child1 = nodes[index].child1
let child2 = nodes[index].child2
if nodes[index].isLeaf {
assert(child1 == -1)
assert(child2 == -1)
assert(nodes[index].height == 0)
assert(0 <= child1 && child1 < nodes.count)
assert(0 <= child2 && child2 < nodes.count)
assert(nodes[child1].parent == index)
assert(nodes[child2].parent == index)
func validateMetrics(_ index: Int) {
if index == -1 { return }
let child1 = nodes[index].child1
let child2 = nodes[index].child2
if nodes[index].isLeaf {
assert(child1 == -1)
assert(child2 == -1)
assert(nodes[index].height == 0)
assert(0 <= child1 && child1 < nodes.count)
assert(0 <= child2 && child2 < nodes.count)
let h1 = nodes[child1].height
let h2 = nodes[child2].height
let height = 1 + max(h1, h2)
assert(nodes[index].height == height, "node metrics height not valid")
let aabb = nodes[child1].aabb.union(nodes[child2].aabb)
assert(nodes[index].aabb == aabb, "node metrics aabb not combined")
func validate() -> Bool {
if root == -1 {
return true
print("structure valid")
print("metrics valid")
var freeCount = 0
var freeIndex = freeList
while freeIndex != -1 {
assert(0 <= freeIndex && freeIndex < nodes.count)
freeIndex = nodes[freeIndex].next
freeCount += 1
assert(freeCount < nodes.count, "more free nodes")
let height = getHeigth()
let computedHeight = computeHeight()
assert(height == computedHeight, "heights not in sync")
print("height valid")
return true
func getHeigth() -> Int {
if root == -1 { return 0 }
return nodes[root].height
func computeHeight() -> Int {
return computeHeight(root)
func computeHeight(_ index: Int) -> Int {
assert(0 <= index && index < nodes.count)
if nodes[index].isLeaf { return 0 }
return 1 + max(computeHeight(nodes[index].child1), computeHeight(nodes[index].child2))
func dump() {
if root == -1 {
print("empty tree")
var n = Stack<(Int,Int)>()
while n.items.count > 0 {
let (level, i) = n.pop()
let indent = String.init(repeating: "..", count: level)
let t = nodes[i].item == nil ? "contains" : "\(nodes[i].item!)"
print("\(indent) [node \(i)]=\(t)") // parent:\(nodes[i].parent) leaf:\(nodes[i].isLeaf)")
if !nodes[i].isLeaf {
n.push((level+1, nodes[i].child1))
n.push((level+1, nodes[i].child2))
@available(iOS 10.0, *)
func dumpImage() -> UIImage {
if root == -1 {
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: CGSize(width: 200, height:200))
return renderer.image { ctx in
ctx.cgContext.fill(CGRect(x:0, y:95, width: 200, height: 10))
ctx.cgContext.fill(CGRect(x:95, y:9, width: 10, height: 200))
let rootBounds = nodes[root].aabb
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: CGSize(width: rootBounds.maxX, height:rootBounds.maxY))
let image = renderer.image { ctx in
// ctx.cgContext.scaleBy(x: 4, y: 4)
// ctx.cgContext.setLineWidth(0.5)
if root != -1 {
var n = Stack<Int>()
while n.items.count > 0 {
let i = n.pop()
if nodes[i].isLeaf {
let fattened = nodes[i].aabb
let actual = nodes[i].originalAABB
else {
// ctx.cgContext.setStrokeColor(UIColor.yellow.cgColor)
// ctx.cgContext.stroke(nodes[i].aabb)
// ctx.cgContext.setFillColor(UIColor.white.withAlphaComponent(0.5).cgColor)
// ctx.cgContext.fill(target)
return image
func printFreeList() {
var n = [Int]()
var i = freeList
if i == -1 {
print("freelist: nothing is free")
while i != -1 {
i = nodes[i].next
print("freelist: \( { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: " -> ") )")
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Assuming you have an entity class Entity, create a tree as follows

var tree = DynamicTree<Entity>()

For a specific entity with known AABB bounds, you need to create and store a reference to a proxy index.

let proxy = tree.createProxy(aabb: entityBounds, item: entity)

In your update loop, when the bounds of the entity changes as the entity moves, update the tree.

tree.moveProxy(index: proxy, aabb: newBounds) // displacement is optional

The displacement value is the delta vector that represents the distance moved by the entity for subsequent calls to moveProxy.

If a displacement is provided, the tree will try to predict the future bounds of the entity based on current velocity, and balance itself based on those expanded bounds. This is done to minimise per frame (internal) tree balancing updates. It is better to provide the correct displacement value whenever possible.


To get a list of all possible entities that can collide in a given AABB region of interest:

tree.query(aabb: regionToCheck) { entity, bounds in

     // note that we get callbacks for all possible candidate entities that could collide
     // so check AABB intersection explicitly here

     if bounds.intersects(regionToCheck) { 
         // actual intersection happened, do something

     return false // false means we need to continue querying to check for more entities

     // if you wish to stop querying the tree when a specific condition is met, return true instead
     // e.g. you might want to just check if a collision happened with at least one entity, and just stop checking other
     // candidate entities
     // return true // to stop

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