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Last active May 27, 2022 15:00
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CIFilterChain - Chain together CI filters with a fluent API
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
public protocol CIFilterChainable {
var cifilter: CIFilter? { get }
extension String : CIFilterChainable {
public var cifilter: CIFilter? {
return CIFilter(name: self)
extension CIFilter : CIFilterChainable {
public var cifilter: CIFilter? { return self }
protocol CIFilterChainState {
func add(_ item: CIFilterChainable)
func defaults()
func generate() -> UIImage
func set(_ key: String, _ value: Any?)
func input(_ image: UIImage)
func input(_ chain: CIFilterChain)
class CIFilterChainErrorState : CIFilterChainState {
func add(_ item: CIFilterChainable) {}
func defaults() {}
func generate() -> UIImage { return UIImage() }
func set(_ key: String, _ value: Any?) {}
func input(_ image: UIImage) {}
func input(_ chain: CIFilterChain) {}
class CIFilterChainBuilderState : CIFilterChainState {
class ImagePassthroughFilter : CIFilter {
var inputImage: UIImage
init(_ inputImage: UIImage) {
self.inputImage = inputImage
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override var outputImage: CIImage? {
return CIImage(image: inputImage)
private var filters = [CIFilter]()
func add(_ item: CIFilterChainable) {
if let filter = item.cifilter {
func defaults() {
func set(_ key: String, _ value: Any?) {
filters.last?.setValue(value, forKey: key)
func input(_ image: UIImage) {
if filters.count == 0 {
let passthrough = ImagePassthroughFilter(image)
else if let passthrough = filters.first as? ImagePassthroughFilter {
passthrough.inputImage = image
else {
filters.first?.setValue(image.cgImage!, forKey: "inputImage")
func input(_ filterChain: CIFilterChain) {
func generate() -> UIImage {
let glContext = EAGLContext(api: EAGLRenderingAPI.openGLES2)
let ciContext = CIContext(eaglContext: glContext!)
for i in 0..<filters.count-1 {
filters[i+1].setValue(filters[i].outputImage, forKey: "inputImage")
let final = filters.last?.outputImage ?? CIImage.empty()
let outputImage = ciContext.createCGImage(final, from: final.extent)!
return UIImage(cgImage: outputImage)
public class CIFilterChain {
var state: CIFilterChainState = CIFilterChainBuilderState()
public func add(_ item: CIFilterChainable) -> Self {
if state is CIFilterChainBuilderState, item.cifilter == nil {
print("ERROR: CIFilterChain - cannot add '\(item)' cifilter is nil")
state = CIFilterChainErrorState()
return self
public func defaults() -> Self {
return self
public func set(_ key: String, _ value: Any?) -> Self {
state.set(key, value)
return self
public func input(_ image: UIImage) -> Self {
return self
public func input(_ filterChain: CIFilterChain) -> Self {
return self
public func generate() -> UIImage {
return state.generate()
extension CIFilterChain {
public func crop(_ width: CGFloat, _ height: CGFloat) -> Self {
.set("inputRectangle", CGRect.init(x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: height))
public func crop(_ rect: CGRect) -> Self {
return add("CICrop").defaults().set("inputRectangle", rect)
extension CIFilter {
public func props(_ key: String, _ value: Any?) -> Self {
setValue(value, forKey: key)
return self
infix operator >>>: CIFilterChainGroup
precedencegroup CIFilterChainGroup {
associativity: left
public func >>> (lhs: CIFilterChainable, rhs: CIFilterChainable) -> CIFilterChain {
let chain = CIFilterChain()
return chain.add(lhs).add(rhs)
public func >>> (chain: CIFilterChain, rhs: CIFilterChainable) -> CIFilterChain {
return chain.add(rhs)
public typealias CIFilterChainFunction = (CIFilterChain) -> ()
public func >>> (chain: CIFilterChain, f: CIFilterChainFunction) -> CIFilterChain {
return chain
public func >>> (lhs: CIFilterChainable, f: CIFilterChainFunction) -> CIFilterChain {
let chain = CIFilterChain()
return chain
extension CIFilter {
class func crop(_ width: CGFloat, _ height: CGFloat) -> CIFilterChainFunction {
return { $0.crop(width, height) }
class func set(_ key: String, _ value: Any?) -> CIFilterChainFunction {
return { $0.set(key, value) }
class func defaults() -> CIFilterChainFunction {
return { $0.defaults() }
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BenziAhamed commented Feb 18, 2017

var image = CIFilterChain()
    .add("CICheckerboardGenerator").defaults().set("inputWidth", 20)
    .add("CICrystallize").set("inputRadius", 5)
    .crop(100, 100)

screen shot 2017-02-18 at 11 03 23 pm

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let chain = "CICheckerboardGenerator"
    >>> CIFilter.defaults()
    >>> CIFilter.set("inputWidth", 20)
    >>> "CIBoxBlur"
    >>> "CIDotScreen"
    >>> "CITorusLensDistortion"
    >>> CIFilter.crop(300, 300)

screen shot 2017-05-21 at 11 48 59 pm

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Also supports error handling when chaining. The following code will generate an empty image.

let chain = "CICheckerboardGenerator"
    >>> CIFilter.defaults()
    >>> CIFilter.set("inputWidth", 20)
    >>> "CIDotScreen"
    >>> CIFilter.crop(300, 300)


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