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Forked from jasperkuperus/DiscriminatorListener.php
Last active October 5, 2016 15:56
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Had some issues with the original version on this gist , so I made some changes. This code also works if using abstract MappedSuperClass.
namespace Namespace\That\Suits\You;
* @Annotation
* @Target("CLASS")
class DiscriminatorEntry implements \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Annotation
*@var string
public $discr;
namespace Namespace\That\Suits\You;
* This Listener listens to the loadClassMetadata event. Upon this event
* it hooks into Doctrine to update discriminator maps. Adding entries
* to the discriminator map at parent level is just not nice. We turn this
* around with this mechanism. In the subclass you will be able to give an
* entry for the discriminator map. In this listener we will retrieve the
* load metadata event to update the parent with a good discriminator map,
* collecting all entries from the subclasses.
class DiscriminatorListener implements \Doctrine\Common\EventSubscriber {
// The driver of Doctrine, can be used to find all loaded classes
private $driver;
// The *temporary* map used for one run, when computing everything
private $map;
// The cached map, this holds the results after a computation, also for other classes
private $cachedMap;
const ENTRY_ANNOTATION = '\Path\To\DiscriminatorEntry';
public function getSubscribedEvents() {
return Array( \Doctrine\ORM\Events::loadClassMetadata );
public function __construct( \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $db ) {
$this->driver = $db->getConfiguration()->getMetadataDriverImpl();
$this->cachedMap = Array();
public function loadClassMetadata( \Doctrine\ORM\Event\LoadClassMetadataEventArgs $event ) {
// Reset the temporary calculation map and get the classname
$this->map = Array();
$class = $event->getClassMetadata()->name;
if(!(new \ReflectionClass($class))->isInstantiable()){
// Did we already calculate the map for this element?
if( array_key_exists( $class, $this->cachedMap ) ) {
$this->overrideMetadata( $event, $class );
// Do we have to process this class?
if( $this->extractEntry( $class ) ) {
// Now build the whole map
$this->checkFamily( $class );
} else {
// Nothing to do…
// Create the lookup entries
$dMap = array_flip( $this->map );
foreach( $this->map as $cName => $discr ) {
$this->cachedMap[$cName]['map'] = $dMap;;
// Override the data for this class
$this->overrideMetadata( $event, $class );
private function overrideMetadata( \Doctrine\ORM\Event\LoadClassMetadataEventArgs $event, $class ) {
// Set the discriminator map and value
private function checkFamily( $class ) {
$parentClass = (new \ReflectionClass( $class ))->getParentClass();
if( $parentClass !== false && (new \ReflectionClass($parentClass->name))->isInstantiable()) {
// Also check all the children of our parent
$this->checkFamily( $parentClass->name );
} else {
// This is the top-most parent, used in overrideMetadata
$this->cachedMap[$class]['isParent'] = true;
// Find all the children of this class
$this->checkChildren( $class );
private function checkChildren( $class ) {
foreach( $this->driver->getAllClassNames() as $name ) {
$parentClass = (new \ReflectionClass( $class ))->getParentClass();
$cParent = $parentClass->name;
// Haven't done this class yet? Go for it.
if( !array_key_exists( $name, $this->map ) && $cParent == $class && $this->extractEntry( $name ) ) {
$this->checkChildren( $name );
private function extractEntry( $class ) {
$annotationReader = new \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader();
$annotation = $annotationReader->getClassAnnotation(new \ReflectionClass($class), self::ENTRY_ANNOTATION);
return false;
$discr = $annotation->discr;
if( in_array($discr , $this->map ) ) {
throw new \Exception( "Found duplicate discriminator map entry '" . $value . "' in " . $class );
$this->map[$class] = $discr;
return true;
namespace Namespace\For\Bundle;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle;
class MyBundle extends Bundle
public function boot()
$em = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
$em->getEventManager()->addEventSubscriber(new \Path\To\DiscriminatorListener($em));
* @Entity
* @InheritanceType( “SINGLE_TABLE” )
* @DiscriminatorColumn( name = “discr”, type = “string” )
* @DiscriminatorEntry( discr = “person” )
class Person {
// Implementation…
* @Entity
* @DiscriminatorEntry( discr = “employee” )
class Employee extends Person {
// Implementation…
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