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Save BertrandBordage/9892556 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python Paradox database reader
# coding: utf-8
Converts Paradox databases to Python objects or CSV.
You don't need any dependency (except Python) to make this module work.
This module is incomplete but reads most Paradox `.DB` files.
If this module is not fast or complete enough for you, consider using pxview.
from __future__ import division
import csv
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from struct import unpack
force_text = unicode
except NameError:
force_text = str
__author__ = 'Bertrand Bordage'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2014 Bertrand Bordage'
__license__ = 'MIT'
field_types = {
1: 'A', # string
2: 'D', # date
3: 'S', # short integer
4: 'I', # integer
5: '$', # money
6: 'N', # number
9: 'L', # logical (boolean)
12: 'M', # memo
20: 'T', # time
21: '@', # timestamp
22: '+', # autoincrement
def unpack_signed(fmt, s, complement):
v = unpack(fmt, s)[0]
if v == 0:
if v < 0:
return v + complement
return v - complement
I_COMPLEMENT = 1 << (4*8 - 1)
H_COMPLEMENT = 1 << (2*8 - 1)
B_COMPLEMENT = 1 << (1*8 - 1)
def unpack_i(s):
return unpack_signed('>i', s, I_COMPLEMENT)
def unpack_h(s):
return unpack_signed('>h', s, H_COMPLEMENT)
def unpack_b(s):
return bool(unpack_signed('>b', s, B_COMPLEMENT))
def unpack_d(s):
return -unpack('>d', s)[0]
def to_date(s):
ordinal = unpack_i(s)
if ordinal is None:
return date.fromordinal(ordinal)
except ValueError:
def to_time(s):
seconds = unpack_i(s)
if seconds is None:
seconds //= 1000
return (datetime.min + timedelta(seconds=seconds)).time()
SECONDS_PER_DAY = 60*60*24
def to_datetime(s):
seconds = int(unpack_d(s) // 1000)
ordinal, seconds = divmod(seconds, SECONDS_PER_DAY)
d = datetime.fromordinal(ordinal)
return d + timedelta(seconds=seconds)
except ValueError:
def decode_data(t, v, input_encoding):
if t == 'A':
return v.strip('\x00').decode(input_encoding)
if t == 'S':
return unpack_h(v)
if t == 'L':
return unpack_b(v)
if t == 'I':
return unpack_i(v)
if t == 'D':
return to_date(v)
if t == 'T':
return to_time(v)
if t == '@':
return to_datetime(v)
if t in ('N', '$'):
return unpack_d(v)
if t == 'M':
return '' # TODO: handle memos
if t == '+':
return unpack_i(v)
return v
def read(filename, dict_output=False, input_encoding='iso-8859-1'):
Converts a Paradox .DB file to Python objects.
db_file = open(filename)
header =
header_size = unpack('>H', header[2:4])[0]
header =*1024//4)
block_size = ord(header[5])
n_fields = ord(header[33])
parts = header.split(filename.split('/')[-1])
headers, data = parts
defs = headers[120:]
columns = data.strip('\x00').split('\x00')[:n_fields]
fields = []
for i, column in enumerate(columns):
t = field_types[ord(defs[i*2])]
length = ord(defs[i*2+1])
fields.append((column, t, length))
record_size = sum([length for _, _, length in fields])
blank_record = '\x00' * record_size
# FIXME: I don't know why, but this is not working without dividing
# header size by 4.
data_offset = header_size*1024//4
rows = []
block_index = 0
previous_record = None
while True:
offset = data_offset + block_index * block_size * 1024
block_header =
offset += 6
next_block_offset = data_offset + (block_index+1) * block_size * 1024
while offset + record_size < next_block_offset:
record =
if len(record) < record_size or record == blank_record:
if record == previous_record:
offset += record_size
previous_record = record
row = []
for k, t, size in fields:
v =
offset += size
v = decode_data(t, v, input_encoding)
row.append((k, v))
is_last_block = unpack('>H', block_header[0:2])[0] == 0
if is_last_block:
block_index += 1
if dict_output:
rows = map(dict, rows)
return fields, rows
def to_csv(filename, output_filename=None):
Converts a Paradox .DB to a CSV file.
fields, data = read(filename)
fieldnames = [c for c, _, _ in fields]
if output_filename is None:
output_filename = filename + '.csv'
d = csv.DictWriter(open(output_filename, 'w'), fieldnames)
d.writerows([dict([(k, force_text(v).encode('utf-8')) for k, v in row])
for row in data])
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@danielpcamara It’s a very old script I wrote probably for Python 2, which opened in binary mode by default if I remember correctly. pass 'rb' to open and that should do it.

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Thanks @BertrandBordage, this still didn't work for me, but I was able to find out another way to extract my DataBase in CSV using the app Paradox Data Editor.

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almakri commented Mar 16, 2022

how to write rows of table in pandas dataframe?

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GePlusE commented Nov 6, 2022

@BertrandBordage any idea why I get the following error
"TypeError: ord() expected string of length 1, but int found"
for line 136? I already added the "rb" as suggested above.

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Ajay263 commented Oct 6, 2023

Thanks for this solution, unfortunately it didn't work for me. I ended up implementing complete Python bindings to the pxlib library:

Install with

pip install pypxlib

Then you can for instance do:

from pypxlib import Table
table = Table('my-paradox.db')
    for row in table:

This is what worked for me

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