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Created April 5, 2015 19:18
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Save BestPig/793f7ddfc2393ffd0418 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An IDAPython plugin that generates "comment" for data
# An IDAPython plugin that generates "comment" for data
# Compiler sometimes optimized initialisation of small strings
# and init them with, this example write "Hello!\n":
# - mov dword ptr[rax + 0], 6c6c6548h
# - mov dword ptr[rax + 4], a216fh
# This plugin will auto comment the following line as:
# - mov dword ptr[rax + 0], 6c6c6548h; 'Hell'
# - mov dword ptr[rax + 4], a216fh; 'o\n\x00\x00'
# In a second time, you can choose to concatenate them by select both line
# and press "Ctrl+H" or go the Edit menu and click on "Extract selected data"
# This will change comment to:
# - mov dword ptr[rax + 0], 6c6c6548h; 'Hello\n\x00\x00'
# - mov dword ptr[rax + 4], a216fh;
# @BestPig
import idc
import idaapi
import idautils
import sys
class DataCommentPlugin(idaapi.plugin_t):
flags = 0
comment = "Add comment on initialisation data with \"mov dword ptr[reg + 0x10], 74657465h\""
help = ""
wanted_name = "DataComment"
wanted_hotkey = ""
NAME = ""
def init(self):
self.menu_context_extract = idaapi.add_menu_item("Edit/", "Extract selected data", "Ctrl+H", 0, self.dc_extract, (None,))
for seg_addr in Segments():
segment = getseg(seg_addr)
if not segment.perm & SEGPERM_EXEC:
self.dcu_extract_between_addr(segment.startEA, segment.endEA)
return idaapi.PLUGIN_KEEP
def term(self):
return None
def run(self, arg):
return None
def dcu_is_wanted_assign(self, instr, addr):
if instr.get_canon_mnem() != 'mov':
return False
if GetOpType(addr, 1) != o_imm:
return False
if not getseg(addr).use32():
return False
if not 'dword ptr [' in GetOpnd(addr, 0):
return False
if (GetOperandValue(addr, 1) & 0xfffff000) == GetOperandValue(addr, 1):
return False
return True
def dcu_extract_between_addr(self, startAddr, endAddr, toMerge=False, force=False):
current_addr = startAddr
merged_comment = ''
first_mov = None
while current_addr <= endAddr:
instr = DecodeInstruction(current_addr)
if not instr:
current_addr += 1
if self.dcu_is_wanted_assign(instr, current_addr):
if not first_mov:
first_mov = current_addr
data_str = struct.pack('I', GetOperandValue(current_addr, 1) & 0xffffffff)
if toMerge:
merged_comment += data_str
current_comment = GetCommentEx(current_addr, 1)
if not current_comment or toMerge or force:
exact_comment = repr(data_str)[0 if sys.version_info.major < 3 else 1:]
if toMerge and current_comment == exact_comment:
MakeRptCmt(current_addr, ' ')
elif (not current_comment and not toMerge) or force:
MakeRptCmt(current_addr, '%s' % exact_comment)
current_addr += instr.size
if merged_comment and first_mov:
MakeRptCmt(first_mov, '%s' % repr(merged_comment)[0 if sys.version_info.major < 3 else 1:])
def dc_extract(self, arg):
multiple, start, end = idaapi.read_selection()
if multiple:
self.dcu_extract_between_addr(start, end, True)
self.dcu_extract_between_addr(here(), here(), False, True)
return DataCommentPlugin()
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