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Last active October 17, 2016 01:03
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Allow to manage a dataframe stored in a file (via read_pickle / write_pickle) from command line
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Allow to manage a dataframe stored in a file (via read_pickle / write_pickle)
# from command line
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
import argparse
from collections import OrderedDict
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# ------ Actions funcs ------
def add_column(df):
new_col = None
while not new_col:
new_col = raw_input('New column name: ').strip()
if raw_input('Create column {} ? Y/N\n> '.format(new_col)).strip().lower() != 'y':
df[new_col] = pd.Series(np.nan, index=df.index)
print('Success !')
def remove_column(df):
col_name = _input_column_name(df, 'Column to remove: ')
if raw_input('Delete column {} ? Y/N\n> '.format(col_name)).strip().lower() != 'y':
del df[col_name]
print('Success !')
def rename_column(df):
old_name = _input_column_name(df, 'Old column name: ')
new_name = None
while not new_name:
new_name = raw_input('New column name: ').strip()
if raw_input('Rename {} to {} ? Y/N\n> '.format(old_name, new_name)).strip().lower() != 'y':
df.columns = [col_name if col_name != old_name else new_name for col_name in df.columns]
print('Success !')
def show_columns(df):
print('{} columns : {}\n'.format(len(df.columns), ', '.join(df.columns)))
def leave(df=None):
print('Bye !')
# ------------------------
ACTIONS = OrderedDict([
('1', add_column),
('2', remove_column),
('3', rename_column),
('4', show_columns),
('5', leave)
ACTIONS_STR = '\n'.join([' {}. {}'.format(shortcut, action.__name__) for shortcut, action in ACTIONS.items()])
MAIN_MENU_PROMPT = 'What do you want to do ?\n{}\n> '.format(ACTIONS_STR)
def _input_column_name(df, prompt):
col_name = None
while not col_name or col_name not in df.columns:
col_name = raw_input(prompt).strip()
if col_name not in df.columns:
print('Invalid column name : {}. Columns are : {}'.format(col_name, ', '.join(df.columns)))
return col_name
def main():
# Commands params
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get benchmark request RPD status from API and generate a HTML page as result')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dataframe_path', dest='df_file', help="Path to the dataframe dump", required=True)
cmd_options = parser.parse_args()
df = pd.read_pickle(cmd_options.df_file)
print('Dataframe loaded with {} columns : {}\n'.format(len(df.columns), ', '.join(df.columns)))
user_input = ''
while user_input != '5':
user_input = raw_input(MAIN_MENU_PROMPT).strip()
if user_input in ACTIONS:
print('Unknown command: {}'.format(user_input))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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