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Created November 23, 2022 03:37
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  • Save BexTuychiev/65dc419af0efa723fc78e269a286ec52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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PS1='\[\033]0;WSL2 Bash\W\007\]' # set window title
PS1="$PS1"'\n' # new line
PS1="$PS1"'\[\033[36m\]' # change to green
PS1="$PS1"'bash@bexgboost ' # user@host<space>
PS1="$PS1"'\[\033[31m\]' # change to brownish yellow
PS1="$PS1"'\W' # current working directory
source /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-prompt
export PS1="${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;36m\]\u:\[\033[01;31m\]\w\[\033[33m\]\$(__git_ps1)\[\033[33m\]"
PS1="$PS1"'\[\033[0m\]' # change color
PS1="$PS1"'\n' # new line
PS1="$PS1"'$ ' # prompt: always $
alias g='git'
alias gst='git status'
alias gd='git diff'
alias gp='git push'
alias glo='git log --oneline'
alias ga='git add .'
alias gcam='git commit -a -m'
alias jl='jupyter lab --no-browser'
alias cls='clear'
alias gcb='git checkout -b'
alias gc='git checkout'
alias exp="explorer.exe ."
alias ghpi="ghp-import -n -p -f _build/html"
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