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Created February 8, 2013 05:32
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Save Beyamor/4736860 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A thought experiment involving an associative array-oriented language.
// Lisp, for reference
(if something?
(if something-else?
"double true"
"true and false")
"just false")
// Let's try something javascript-y
{tag: if,
what: something,
true: {tag: if,
what: something-else,
true: "double true",
false: "true and false"},
false: "just false}
// Okay. Clearly commas should be optional.
{tag: if
what: something
true: {tag: if
what: something-else
true: "double true"
false: "true and false"}
false: "just false}
// "tag" is too verbose. Maybe just assume the first token is the tag?
what: something
true: {if
what: something-else
true: "double true"
false: "true and false"}
false: "just false}
// We're getting somewhere, but the special casing is too much syntax
// Maybe something shorter.
{. if
what: something
true: {. if
what: something-else
true: "double true"
false: "true and false"}
false: "just false"}
// Ehh. Not great. Not bad, but not great.
// Actually, the colons are redunant if every form must be a map.
{tag if
what something
true {tag if
what something-else
true "double true"
false "true and false"}
false "just false}
// "tag" still sticks out like a sore thumb.
// The thing is, it needs to be painfully succinct *and* easy to type
// However, it should, ideally, still fit in the everything-is-a-map syntax
{- if
what something
true {- if
what something-else
true "double true"
false "true and false"}
false "just false"}
// Having the tag as a key is reading too badly.
// Maybe we can go back to the special syntax.
what something
true {:if
what something-else
true "double true"
false "true and false"}
false "just false"}
// Naw dude. I think it's gotta be key and value all the way down.
// Let's keep it briefer than "tag" though.
{. if
what something
true {. if
what something-else
true "double true"
false "true and false"}
false "just false"}
// Now we're getting somewhere. But let's keep it succinct.
{. if
? something
t {. if
? something-else
t "double true"
f "true and false"}
f "just false}
// Too succinct? It's too brief to be readable and *still* a lot of typing
// Whatever. As a proof of mental concept, we can muck about with the order
{false "just false"
true {true "double true"
false "true and false"
. if}
. if}
// Ha. That's terrible.
// Speaking of which, how does math look?
{. +
x 1
y 2}
// Jeez. That's gunna be awful for lots of math.
// Okay. Let's try function definition real quick.
{. defn
name fizzbuzz
args {max 100}
{. for
bind {i {. range from 1 to max}}
body {. println
what {. cond
{. and
x {. zero? x {. mod x i y 3}}
y {. zero? x {. mod x i y 5}}} "FizzBuzz"
{. zero? x {. mod x i y 3}} "Fizz"
{. zero? x {. mod x i y 5}} "Buzz
else i}}}}
// Okay. Some good stuff, some bad stuff, some interesting stuff.
// The big one is the args list. Notice how it's just {max 100}?
// So, an argument named "upto" defaulting to 100.
// Well, I kind of intended that to be a plain old data instead of a function.
// So, leaving out the "." key might be a good indicator for things which shouldn't be called.
// The alternative is something like lisp's (list ...) - {. map ...}
// Anyway, sometimes the arg keylist works great - {. range from 1 to max}
// Other times, it's a struggle to name the argument - {. zero? x {. mod x i y 3}}
// I see a lot of xs and ys as throwaway variable names. That's a bummer.
// It's really awkard how "bind" is unordered. That sucks, man.
// Like, what do you do with {y x x {. range from 1 to 100}}?
// I dunno. Some of this is interesting, but I don't see a way out of position-oriented code right now.
// Still, gunna keep thinking about this. Maybe implement it some time.
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