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Created June 30, 2013 19:30
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Verb the Noun generator in Haskell
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Control.Monad (liftM, mapM_)
import System.Random
readLines :: String -> IO [String]
readLines = liftM lines . readFile
boundaries :: [a] -> (Int, Int)
boundaries xs = (0, length xs - 1)
randomElement :: StdGen -> [a] -> (StdGen, a)
randomElement generator xs = let (index, generator') = randomR (boundaries xs) generator
x = xs !! index
in (generator', x)
randomPair :: StdGen -> [a] -> [b] -> (StdGen, (a, b))
randomPair generator xs ys = let (generator', x) = randomElement generator xs
(generator'', y) = randomElement generator' ys
in (generator'', (x, y))
randomPairs :: StdGen -> [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
randomPairs generator xs ys = (x, y) : morePairs
where (generator', (x, y)) = randomPair generator xs ys
morePairs = randomPairs generator' xs ys
title :: String -> String
title (x:xs) = (toUpper x):xs
main = do
verbs <- readLines "verbs.txt"
nouns <- readLines "nouns.txt"
generator <- newStdGen
let pairs = take 100 $ randomPairs generator verbs nouns
mapM_ (\(verb, noun) -> putStrLn $ (title verb) ++ " the " ++ (title noun)) pairs
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