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Created March 16, 2023 15:58
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import math
Use of New_Math class
Use of round() function
It round off value to its nearest integer in a limited range
>>> from Lib.main import *
>>> new_math.round(8.9)
>>> new_math.round(1.2)
>>> new_math.round(5.6)
Use of cbrt() functions
Use to get cube root
>>> new_math.cbrt(1728)
Use of logadd() function
Use for log addition
>>> new_math.logadd(2,3)
Use of logsub(10,5) function
Use for log subtraction
>>> 0.3010
class new_math:
def round(num: float):
f= math.floor(num)
r1= num-f
if r1> 0.85:
return math.ceil(num) # rounds off to the greater integer
elif r1< 0.25:
return math.floor(num) # rounds off to the lewer integer
return (num) # present in the middle range thus it will not be changed
def cbrt(num):
return round(num**(1/3))
""" because math module uses log base e also called natural log or ln,
to convert it to log base 10, we divide it with math.log(10) or ln(10)"""
def logadd(a, b):
lga=(math.log(a)/math.log(10)) or 1 # gets log base 10 value of a
lgb=(math.log(b)/math.log(10)) or 1 # gets log base 10 value of b
return lgb+lga
def logsub(a: , b):
if (b> a):
a, b = b, a
print("Numbers are swapped")
div=round((a or 2)/(b or 1)) # as log(a) - log(b)= log(a/b)
lgsb=math.log(div)/math.log(10) #lgsb is log(div) where div= a/b
return lgsb
def __init__():
return "This class is for attribute which you want in math module but don't have "
Use of matrix class
Use of matrix() function
Used to print a matrix form list into matrix
>>> mat=[[2,5,7],[3,2,6],[4,7,2]]
>>> from Lib.main import *
>>> matrix.matrix(mat)
2 5 7
3 2 6
4 7 2
Use of mat_trans() function
Used of print a matrix formed list into transpose of its matrix
>>> matrix.mat_trans(mat)
2 3 4
5 2 7
7 6 2
Use of determin() function
>>> matrix.determin(mat)
class matrix:
def matrix(mtx_list: list):
for row in mtx_list:
for elem in row:
print (elem,end=" ") # print elements of matrix list
print ()
def mat_trans(mtx_list: list):
def transpose(mtx_list):
for n in range(len(mtx_list)):
mtx_list[n][i], mtx_list[i][n]=mtx_list[i][n], mtx_list[n][i] # swapping elements position aij=aji, where i,j= (1,3),(3,1),(2,3),(3,2)
if n!=0:
mtx_list[n][i], mtx_list[i][n]=mtx_list[i][n], mtx_list[n][i] # swapping elements position aij=aji, where i,j= (2,1),(1,2)
for row in mtx_list:
for elem in row:
print (elem,end=" ")
print ()
transpose(mtx_list: list)
def determin(mtx_list):
co11= mtx_list[1][1]*mtx_list[2][2]- mtx_list[1][2]*mtx_list[2][1] # cofactor of a11
co12= mtx_list[1][0]*mtx_list[2][2]- mtx_list[1][2]*mtx_list[2][0] # cofactor of a12
co13= mtx_list[1][0]*mtx_list[2][1]- mtx_list[1][1]*mtx_list[2][0] # cofactor of a13
if len(mtx_list) ==2:
print (co11- co12)
print (co11*mtx_list[0][0]- co12*mtx_list[0][1]+ co13*mtx_list[0][2])
def __init__():
return "This class is for making matrix in python "
Use of notation class
Use of prefix() function
Used to calculate a prefix equation for 2 integers
>>> from Lib.main import *
>>> notation.prefix("*23")
>>> notation.prefix("/+235")
>>> notation.prefix("/9*52")
>>> notation.prefix("/*26*34")
Use of postfix() function
Used to calculate postfix equation
>>> notation.postfix("94%")
>>> notation.postfix("23*5%")
>>> notation.postfix("952*/")
>>> notation.postfix("26*34*/")
class notation:
def postfix(nota1: str):
if len(notalist) == 3:
if notalist[2] == "+":
sum= int(notalist[0])+ int(notalist[1]) # ab+ = a+b
print (sum)
elif notalist[2] == "-":
sub= int(notalist[0])- int(notalist[1]) # ab- = a-b
elif notalist[2] == "*":
mul= int(notalist[0])* int(notalist[1]) # ab* = a*b
print (mul)
elif notalist[2] == "%":
Mod= int(notalist[0])% int(notalist[1]) # ab% = a%b
div= int(notalist[0])/ int(notalist[1]) # ab/ = a/b
print (div)
if len(notalist) == 5:
if notalist[2] in list("+-*%/"):
equation for this is ab*c/ = (a*b)/c, you can use +-*/% operators
# solving 1st postfix
if notalist[2] == "+":
solv= int(notalist[0]) + int(notalist[1])
elif notalist[2] == "-":
solv= int(notalist[0]) - int(notalist[1])
elif notalist[2] == "*":
solv= int(notalist[0]) * int(notalist[1])
elif notalist[2] == "%":
solv= int(notalist[0]) % int(notalist[1])
solv= int(notalist[0]) / int(notalist[1])
# solving main postfix
if notalist[4] == "+":
solution= solv + int(notalist[3])
elif notalist[4] == "-":
solution= solv - int(notalist[3])
elif notalist[4] == "*":
solution= solv * int(notalist[3])
elif notalist[4] == "/":
solution= solv / int(notalist[3])
solution= solv % int(notalist[3])
elif notalist[3] in list("+-*%/"):
equation for this is abc*/ = a/(b*c), you can use +-*/% operators
# solving 1st postfix
if notalist[3] == "+":
solv= int(notalist[1]) + int(notalist[2])
elif notalist[3] == "-":
solv= int(notalist[1]) - int(notalist[2])
elif notalist[3] == "*":
solv= int(notalist[1]) * int(notalist[2])
elif notalist[3] == "/":
solv= int(notalist[1]) / int(notalist[2])
solv= int(notalist[1]) % int(notalist[2])
# solving main postfix
if notalist[4] == "+":
solution = int(notalist[0]) + solv
elif notalist[4] == "-":
solution = int(notalist[0]) - solv
elif notalist[4] == "*":
solution = int(notalist[0]) * solv
elif notalist[4] == "/":
solution = int(notalist[0]) / solv
solution = int(notalist[0]) % solv
print (solution)
return "Please enter correct equation in abc*/ format or ab*c/, you can use */+-%"
if len(notalist) == 7:
equation for this is ab*cd*/ = (a*b)/(c*d), you can use +-*/% operators
if notalist[2]=="+":
calc1= int(notalist[0]) + int(notalist[1])
elif notalist[2]=="-":
calc1= int(notalist[0]) - int(notalist[1])
elif notalist[2]=="*":
calc1= int(notalist[0]) * int(notalist[1])
elif notalist[2]=="/":
calc1= int(notalist[0]) / int(notalist[1])
calc1= int(notalist[0]) % int(notalist[1])
# 1st postfix is done
# now, for second postfix
if notalist[5]== "+":
calc2= int(notalist[3]) + int(notalist[4])
elif notalist[5]== "-":
calc2= int(notalist[3]) - int(notalist[4])
elif notalist[5]== "*":
calc2= int(notalist[3]) * int(notalist[4])
elif notalist[5]=="/":
calc2= int(notalist[3]) / int(notalist[4])
calc2= int(notalist[3]) % int(notalist[4])
# 2nd postfix is also done
# now for main prefix
if notalist[6]== "+":
result= calc1 + calc2
elif notalist[6]== "-":
result= calc1 - calc2
elif notalist[6]== "*":
result= calc1 * calc2
elif notalist[6]== "/":
result= calc1 / calc2
result= calc1 % calc2
def prefix(nota1: str):
notalist =list(nota1)
if len(notalist)==3:
if notalist[0] == "+":
sum= int(notalist[1])+ int(notalist[2]) # +ab = a+b
print (sum)
elif notalist[0] == "-":
sub= int(notalist[1])- int(notalist[2]) # -ab = a-b
elif notalist[0] == "*":
mul= int(notalist[1])* int(notalist[2]) # *ab = a*b
elif notalist[0] == "%":
Mod= int(notalist[1])% int(notalist[2]) # %ab = a%b
div= int(notalist[1])/ int(notalist[2]) # /ab = a/b
if len(notalist) == 5:
if notalist[1] in list("+-*%/"):
equation for this is /*abc, you can use +-*/% operators
# solving 1st postfix
if notalist[1] == "+":
solv= int(notalist[2]) + int(notalist[3])
elif notalist[1] == "-":
solv= int(notalist[2]) - int(notalist[3])
elif notalist[1] == "*":
solv= int(notalist[2]) * int(notalist[3])
elif notalist[1] == "%":
solv= int(notalist[2]) % int(notalist[3])
solv= int(notalist[2]) / int(notalist[3])
# solving main postfix
if notalist[0] == "+":
solution= solv + int(notalist[4])
elif notalist[0] == "-":
solution= solv - int(notalist[4])
elif notalist[0] == "*":
solution= solv * int(notalist[4])
elif notalist[0] == "/":
solution= solv / int(notalist[4])
solution= solv % int(notalist[4])
elif notalist[2] in list("+-*%/"):
equation for this is /a*bc, you can use +-*/% operators
if notalist[2] == "+":
solv= int(notalist[3]) + int(notalist[4])
elif notalist[2] == "-":
solv= int(notalist[3]) - int(notalist[4])
elif notalist[2] == "*":
solv= int(notalist[3]) * int(notalist[4])
elif notalist[2] == "/":
solv= int(notalist[3]) / int(notalist[4])
solv= int(notalist[3]) % int(notalist[4])
# solving main postfix
if notalist[0] == "+":
solution = int(notalist[1]) + solv
elif notalist[0] == "-":
solution = int(notalist[1]) - solv
elif notalist[0] == "*":
solution = int(notalist[1]) * solv
elif notalist[0] == "/":
solution = int(notalist[1]) / solv
solution = int(notalist[1]) % solv
return "Please enter correct equation in abc*/ format or ab*c/, you can use */+-%"
if len(notalist)==7:
# for 1st prefix
equation for this is /*ab*cd, you can use +-*/% operators
if notalist[1]=="+":
calc1= int(notalist[2]) + int(notalist[3])
elif notalist[1]=="-":
calc1= int(notalist[2]) - int(notalist[3])
elif notalist[1]=="*":
calc1= int(notalist[2]) * int(notalist[3])
elif notalist[1]=="/":
calc1= int(notalist[2]) / int(notalist[3])
calc1= int(notalist[2]) % int(notalist[3])
# 1st prefix is done
# now, for second prefix
if notalist[4]== "+":
calc2= int(notalist[5]) + int(notalist[6])
elif notalist[4]== "-":
calc2= int(notalist[5]) - int(notalist[6])
elif notalist[4]== "*":
calc2= int(notalist[5]) * int(notalist[6])
elif notalist[4]=="/":
calc2= int(notalist[5]) / int(notalist[6])
calc2= int(notalist[5]) % int(notalist[6])
# 2nd prefix is also done
# now for main prefix
if notalist[0]=="+":
result= calc1 + calc2
elif notalist[0]=="-":
result= calc1 - calc2
elif notalist[0]=="*":
result= calc1 * calc2
elif notalist[0]=="/":
result= calc1 / calc2
result= calc1 % calc2
import math
class Cuboid:
def __init__(self, leng, brea, hei):
self.leng = leng;
self.brea= brea;
self.hei = hei;
def TotalSurfaceArea(self):
return 2*(self.leng*self.brea + self.brea*self.hei + self.leng*self.hei);
def LateralSurfaceArea(self):
return 2*(self.leng +self.brea) *self.hei;
def Volume(self):
return self.leng * self.brea * self.hei;
def lengthofDiagonal(self):
return math.sqrt(self.leng**2 + self.brea**2 + self.hei**2);
def execution(self):
print(f"Total Surface Area: {self.TotalSurfaceArea()}");
print(f"Lateral Surface Area: {self.LateralSurfaceArea()}")
print(f"Volume: {self.Volume()}");
print(f"length of Diagonal: {self.lengthofDiagonal()}");
class Cube():
def __init__(self, side):
self.side= side;
def TotalSurfaceArea(self):
return 6*(self.side ** 2);
def LateralSurfaceArea(self):
return 4*(self.side ** 2);
def Volume(self):
return self.side **3;
def lengthofDiagonal(self):
return self.side* 1.73;
def execution(self):
print(f"Lateral Surface Area: {self.LateralSurfaceArea()}");
print(f"Total Surface Area: {self.TotalSurfaceArea()}");
print(f"Volume: {self.Volume()}");
print(f"length of Diagonal: {self.lengthofDiagonal()}");
class Sphere:
def __init__(self, radius):
self.radius = radius;
def SurfaceArea (self):
return 4 * 3.14 * (self.radius**2);
def Volume(self):
return 1.67 * 3.14 * (self.radius**3);
def execution(self):
print(f"Surface Area: {self.SurfaceArea()}");
print(f"Volume: {self.Volume()}");
class Cylinder:
def __init__(self, radius, height):
self.radius = radius;
self.height = height;
def TotalSurfaceArea(self):
return 2* 3.14 * self.radius * (self.height + self.radius);
def CurvedSurfaceArea(self):
return 2* 3.14 * self.radius * self.height;
def Volume(self):
return 3.14 * (self.radius**2) * self.height;
def execution(self):
print(f"Total Surface Area: {self.TotalSurfaceArea()}");
print(f"Curved Surface Area: {self.CurvedSurfaceArea()}");
print(f"Volume: {self.Volume()}");
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