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Last active January 6, 2022 12:34
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Uniformly sample within N-dimensional sphere, ellipsoid.
Sample utils
Uniform Sampling within N-dimensional hypersphere, hyperellipsoid.
InformedSampler for RRT*, BIT* to get random node given goal, start and current minimum cost
author: Bharath Chandra
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
def SampleUnitDisc():
'''uniformly sample a 2D unit Disc'''
r = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
phi = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi)
x = r * np.cos(phi)
y = r * np.sin(phi)
return np.array([x,y])
def SampleUnitNBall(dim = 3,num = 1):
uniformly sample a N-dimensional unit UnitBall
Efficiently sampling vectors and coordinates from the n-sphere and n-ball
num - no. of samples
dim - dimensions
uniformly sampled points within N-dimensional unit ball
#Sample on a unit N+1 sphere
u = np.random.normal(0, 1, (num, dim + 2))
norm = LA.norm(u, axis = -1,keepdims = True)
u = u/norm
#The first N coordinates are uniform in a unit N ball
if num == 1: return u[0,:dim]
return u[:,:dim]
def SphereSampler(center, radius, num = 1):
uniformly sample inside N-dimensional hypersphere
center - Center of sphere
radius - Radius of Sphere
num - no. of samples
uniformly sampled points inside the hypersphere
dim = center.shape[0]
xball = SampleUnitNBall(dim,num)
return radius*xball + center
class EllipsoidSampler:
uniformly sample within a N-dimensional Ellipsoid
Informed RRT*: Optimal Sampling-based Path Planning Focused via Direct Sampling
of an Admissible Ellipsoidal Heuristic
def __init__(self,center,axes = [],rot = []):
center - centre of the N-dimensional ellipsoid in the N-dimensional
axes - axes length across each dimension in ellipsoid frame
rot - rotation matrix from ellipsoid frame to world frame
uniformly sampled points within the hyperellipsoid
self.dim = center.shape[0] = center
self.rot = rot
if len(rot) == 0: self.rot = np.eye(self.dim)
if len(axes) == 0: axes = [1]*self.dim
self.L = np.diag(axes)
def sample(self,num = 1):
xball = SampleUnitNBall(self.dim,num)
#Transform points in UnitBall to ellipsoid
xellip = (self.rot@self.L@xball.T).T +
return xellip
class InformedSampler:
uniformly sample within a N-dimensional Prolate-Hyperspheroid for informed RRT*
with goal and start as focal points
Informed RRT*: Optimal Sampling-based Path Planning Focused via Direct Sampling
of an Admissible Ellipsoidal Heuristic
def __init__(self, goal, start):
self.dim = goal.shape[0]
self.cmin = LA.norm(goal - start)
center = (goal + start)/2
#rotation matrix from ellipsoid frame to world frame
C = self.RotationToWorldFrame(goal, start)
#initialise EllipsoidSampler
self.ellipsampler = EllipsoidSampler(center,rot = C)
def sample(self, cmax, num = 1):
cmax - current best cost
num - no. of samples
uniformly sampled point within informed region
#Hyperspheroid axes lengths
r1 = cmax/2
ri = np.sqrt(cmax**2 - self.cmin**2)/2
axes = [r1]+ [ri]*(self.dim - 1)
self.ellipsampler.L = np.diag(axes)
#return sampled point
return self.ellipsampler.sample(num)
def RotationToWorldFrame(self, goal, start):
Given two focal points goal and start in N-Dimensions
Returns rotation matrix from the ellipsoid frame to the world frame
#Transverse axis of the ellipsoid in the world frame
E1 = (goal - start) / self.cmin
#first basis vector of the world frame [1,0,0,...]
W1 = [1]+[0]*(self.dim - 1)
#outer product of E1 and W1
M = np.outer(E1,W1)
#SVD decomposition od outer product
U, S, V = LA.svd(M)
#Calculate the middle diagonal matrix
middleM = np.eye(self.dim)
middleM[-1,-1] = LA.det(U)*LA.det(V)
#calculate the rotation matrix
C = U@middleM@V.T
return C
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