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Created April 30, 2020 03:47
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Amazon SIP, Run length encoding - Brute force approach with Python.
# Function that gets a string as an parameter
def stringComprress(givenStr):
# Initializing an empty string, it hold the compressed string output from the loop
encoded = ''
# Assuming there is at least one character in the given string
charCount = 1
# Looping through all the characters in the given string
# String with index 1 through the length of the given string
for char in range(1, len(givenStr)):
# Condition to check if the current string is same as previous string
if givenStr[char-1] == givenStr[char]:
# If the current character is same as the previous character?, variable charCount will increment by 1
charCount += 1
# Else condition. If the given character is not same as the previous character
# Variable afterCompression is concatenated with the variable charCount and the previous character
encoded = encoded + str(charCount) + givenStr[char-1]
# Resetting the variable charCount as we have reached the end of similar characters
charCount = 1
# Within the above for loop, the last set of similar characters are skipped because the else condition is not satisfied
# Try block will make sure to add charCount and the current character to the string variable afterCompression
encoded = encoded + str(charCount) + givenStr[char]
# Except block will handle Border case inputs; If there is only one character in the given string
encoded = encoded + str(charCount) + givenStr
# Return afterCompression to the calling function
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Prompts for input. The input is converted to a string
rawString = str(input('Enter the string: '))
if rawString != '':
# rawString is passed as an argument to the function stringComprress()
compressed = stringComprress(rawString)
compressed = 'The string is empty!'
# Prints the returned compressed string
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