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Created January 19, 2018 21:12
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Solve and create 3x3 "scramble squares" puzzles using java.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
// create and solve 3x3 scramble square puzzles.
// tiles are squares, are arranged in 3x3 grid.
// each tile has 4 pictures, one per side.
// Each picture is either a "head" or "tail" (bottom or top half of picture)
// There are typically 4 pictures, represented by AaBbCcDd
// Each picture is represented by an upper and lower case letter.
// Goal is to match all pictures in all tiles that adjoin other tiles.
// Author Brad Lowe
public class ScrambleSqures {
final static int DIM = 3; // N by N puzzle. Only 3x3 supported.
final static int MAX_TILES = DIM * DIM;
enum Position {
top, right, bottom, left
class Solver {
boolean unsolved = true;
Solver(Board input) {
this.input = input;
final Board input;
private final ArrayList<Board> solutions = new ArrayList<>();
void addSolution(Board b) {
solutions.add(new Board(b));
List<Board> getSolutions() {
return solutions;
public String toString() {
String out = input.fullString();
if (!unsolved) {
out += "\ncontains " + getSolutions().size() + " solutions.";
if (getSolutions().size() > 0) {
out += "\nSolution 1:\n" + getSolutions().get(0).fullString();
return out;
public void solve() {
solveRecursively(new Board());
unsolved = false;
int firstFreeSpace(Board b) {
for (int x = 0; x < b.tiles.length; x++)
if (b.tiles[x] == null)
return x;
return -1;
protected void solveRecursively(Board b) {
final int pos = firstFreeSpace(b);
assert (pos != -1);
for (final Tile t : input.tiles) {
if (b.contains(t))
for (int r = 0; r < 4; r++) {
Tile rt = t.rotate(r);
if (checkPiece(b, rt, pos)) {
b.put(rt, pos);
int size = b.getSize();
if (size == MAX_TILES) {
} else {
assert (b.contains(rt));
Tile removed = b.clear(pos);
assert (removed.exactMatch(rt));
class Tile {
final String pieces;
public final int index;
Tile(String s, int index) {
pieces = s;
this.index = index;
assert (s.length() == 4);
assert (this.index >= 0 && this.index < MAX_TILES);
public Tile(Tile tile) {
this(tile.pieces, tile.index);
public String toString() {
return pieces;
Character get(Position p) {
return pieces.charAt(p.ordinal());
Tile rotate(int i) {
assert (i >= 0 && i <= 4);
String s = "";
for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
s += pieces.charAt((x + i) % 4);
Tile t = new Tile(s, index);
return t;
Character top() {
return get(;
Character bottom() {
return get(Position.bottom);
Character left() {
return get(Position.left);
Character right() {
return get(Position.right);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
assert (false);
return ((Tile) o).index == this.index;
public boolean indexEquals(Object o) {
return ((Tile) o).index == this.index;
public boolean exactMatch(Object o) {
return ((Tile) o).pieces.equals(this.pieces);
// return a puzzle to solve.
// these are created by entering the squares, 4 pictures at a time in top,right,bottom,left order.
// Assign each picture a letter (A-Z) and each picture a "top" or "bottom" (alternately left/right)
// Top halves are Captial, Bottom halves are lower case, although it doesn't matter as long as you
// are consistent.
private Board init() {
String puzzle[] = {"dwGf", "fdgW", "dwgW", "FfDW", "gwFD", "FgGd", "fWgd", "GDFw", "FdgW"};
Board b = new Board(puzzle);
// Board b = new Board("BacdbDCDCdBbbAcacdBaCbADAabdcDBabAcD");
// Board b = new Board("bAcDcDBaAabdCdBbbDCDBacdbAcacdBaCbaD");
return b;
public boolean isSolved(final Board b) {
return isSolved(b, false).isEmpty();
public String isSolved(final Board b, boolean partial) {
if (b == null)
return "null board";
for (int x = 0; x < MAX_TILES; x++) {
Tile t = b.tiles[x];
if (t == null) {
if (!partial)
return "tile " + x + " null";
} else {
if (!checkPiece(b, t, x))
return "tile " + x + " failed";
return "";
private Solver solve(final Board input) throws Exception {
Solver s = new Solver(input);
return s;
class Board {
private Tile tiles[] = new Tile[MAX_TILES];
private boolean inUse[] = new boolean[MAX_TILES];
private int size = 0; // number of tiles placed
public Board() {
public Board(String[] tiles) {
for (String s : tiles)
put(new Tile(s, size), size);
public Board(String s) {
String t = "";
for (char c : s.toCharArray()) {
if (!Character.isAlphabetic(c)) continue;
t += c;
if (t.length() == 4) {
put(new Tile(t, size), size);
t = "";
public Board(Board b) {
for (int x = 0; x < tiles.length; x++) {
this.tiles[x] = b.tiles[x] != null ? new Tile(b.tiles[x]) : null;
this.inUse[x] = b.inUse[x];
this.size = b.size;
public Tile rotate(int pos, int amt) {
this.tiles[pos] = this.tiles[pos].rotate(amt);
return this.tiles[pos];
public String toString() {
String out = "";
for (int x = 0; x < tiles.length; x++) {
Tile t = tiles[x];
if (t == null)
out += "---";
out += t.toString();
if (x == 2 || x == 5)
out += "\n";
return out;
public String indexes() {
String out = "";
for (int x = 0; x < tiles.length; x++) {
Tile t = tiles[x];
if (t == null)
out += "-";
out += t.index;
return out;
public String compact() {
String out = "";
for (Tile s : tiles)
out += (s != null ? s.toString() : "----") + " ";
return out.trim();
public String idxr() {
String out = "";
for (Tile s : tiles)
out += (s != null ? ("" + s.index + "" + s.pieces.charAt(0)) : "--") + " ";
return out.trim();
public String fullString() {
String out = "";
for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
Tile t = get(x, y);
String p = ".-.";
if (t != null) {
String indx = "" + t.index;
switch (z) {
case 0:
p = " " + + " ";
case 1:
p = (t.left() + indx + t.right());
case 2:
p = " " + t.bottom() + " ";
assert (false);
out += p;
out += "\n";
out += indexes();
return out;
public Tile get(int x, int y) {
if (x < 0 || x >= DIM)
return null;
if (y < 0 || y >= DIM)
return null;
return tiles[y * 3 + x];
boolean put(Tile t, int index) {
assert (tiles[index] == null);
assert (!contains(t));
inUse[t.index] = true;
tiles[index] = t;
assert (size <= MAX_TILES);
return true;
public boolean contains(Tile t) {
assert (t != null);
if (t == null)
return false;
boolean result = inUse[t.index];
return result;
public void clear() {
for (int x = 0; x < tiles.length; x++)
public Tile clear(int pos) {
Tile t = tiles[pos];
if (t != null) {
assert (contains(t));
assert (inUse[t.index]);
inUse[t.index] = false;
assert (size >= 0);
tiles[pos] = null;
assert (!inUse[t.index]);
return t;
public Tile get(int pos) {
if (pos < 0 || pos >= tiles.length)
return null;
return tiles[pos];
public int getSize() {
return size;
// see if two pieces match.
// they match if they are the same letter but different case.
// eg. a matches A and A matches a.
public static boolean match(Character p1, Character p2) {
if (p1 == null || p2 == null)
return true;
int delta = p1.charValue() - p2.charValue();
if (delta == 32 || delta == -32)
return true;
return false;
static boolean validPos(int i) {
return i >= 0 && i < MAX_TILES;
static int getX(int pos) {
assert (validPos(pos));
return pos % DIM;
static int getY(int pos) {
assert (validPos(pos));
return pos / DIM;
// return true if tile can p can go on board a position pos.
static boolean checkPiece(Board board, Tile tile, int pos) {
int x = getX(pos);
int y = getY(pos);
Tile toLeft = board.get(x - 1, y);
Tile toRight = board.get(x + 1, y);
Tile onTop = board.get(x, y - 1);
Tile below = board.get(x, y + 1);
if (toLeft != null && !match(toLeft.right(), tile.left()))
return false;
if (toRight != null && !match(toRight.left(), tile.right()))
return false;
if (onTop != null && !match(onTop.bottom(),
return false;
if (below != null && !match(, tile.bottom()))
return false;
return true;
// some unit tests.
public void tests() {
assert (match('p', 'P'));
assert (match('P', 'p'));
assert (!match('P', 'P'));
assert (!match('x', 'P'));
assert (match(null, 'p'));
assert (match('x', null));
assert (inverse('x') == 'X');
assert (inverse('Y') == 'y');
Tile t = new Tile("ABCD", 0);
assert ( == 'A');
assert (t.right() == 'B');
assert (t.bottom() == 'C');
assert (t.left() == 'D');
Tile r[] = new Tile[4];
for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) r[x] = t.rotate(x);
assert (r[0].pieces.equals("ABCD"));
assert (r[1].pieces.equals("BCDA"));
assert (r[2].pieces.equals("CDAB"));
assert (r[3].pieces.equals("DABC"));
assert (r[1].top() == 'B');
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
ScrambleSqures z = new ScrambleSqures();
if (true) {
Board test = z.init();
Solver result = z.solve(test);
if (true) return;
System.out.println("test:\n" + test.fullString());
for (; ; ) {
z.shuffle(test, true);
Solver s = z.solve(test);
if (s != null) {
System.out.println("solu:\n" + s);
} catch (Throwable th) {
private static char inverse(char c) {
if (Character.isLowerCase(c)) return Character.toUpperCase(c);
if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) return Character.toLowerCase(c);
assert (false);
return c;
private char random() {
int p = (int) (Math.random() * 4);
p += 'a';
Character c = new Character((char) p);
p = (int) (Math.random() * 2);
if (p == 1)
c = Character.toUpperCase(c);
return c;
// create a random puzzle.
public Board create() {
Board board = new Board();
for (int pos = 0; pos < MAX_TILES; pos++) {
int x = getX(pos);
int y = getY(pos);
Tile onTop = board.get(x, y - 1);
Tile toRight = board.get(x + 1, y);
Tile below = board.get(x, y + 1);
Tile toLeft = board.get(x - 1, y);
String tile = "";
tile += (onTop != null ? inverse(onTop.bottom()) : random());
tile += (toRight != null ? inverse(toRight.left()) : random());
tile += (below != null ? inverse( : random());
tile += (toLeft != null ? inverse(toLeft.right()) : random());
board.put(new Tile(tile, pos), pos);
int solved = checkBoard(board);
if (solved != MAX_TILES)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("fuck");
return board;
public Board shuffle(Board board, boolean rotate) {
Board out = new Board();
List<Tile> list = Arrays.asList(board.tiles);
for (Tile t : list) {
int amt = rotate ? ((int) (Math.random() * 4)) : 0;
Tile r = t.rotate(amt);
out.put(r, out.size);
return out;
static int checkBoard(Board board) {
for (int pos = 0; pos < MAX_TILES; pos++) {
if (!checkPiece(board, board.get(pos), pos))
return pos;
return MAX_TILES;
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