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Last active June 12, 2024 21:16
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do AD Sync /w Feedback
function doADSync() {
if (-Not (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name AdSync)) {
Write-Host "AdSync Module not Available!" -ForegroundColor "Magenta"
return $false
Import-Module AdSync
$sync = Get-AdSyncScheduler
if ($sync.SyncCycleInProgress -eq $False) {
Write-Host -NoNewline "Triggering Delta Sync Cycle..." -ForegroundColor "Cyan"
$status = Start-AdSyncSyncCycle -Policytype "Delta" -ErrorVariable "MyError" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (($status.Result -eq "Success") -and (-not $MyError)) {
Write-Host "Done" -ForegroundColor "Green"
} Else {
Write-Host "Fail" -ForegroundColor "Red"
return $MyError
} else {
Write-Host "Warning, Sync Cycle already running!" -ForegroundColor "Yellow"
Write-Host -NoNewline ("Waiting for Sync Cycle to finish {0} " -f $aProg[0]) -ForegroundColor "Cyan"
do {
$sync = Get-AdSyncScheduler
Write-Host -NoNewline ("`b`b{0} " -f $aProg[$iProg++]) -ForegroundColor "Cyan"
if ($iProg -gt $aProg.length-1) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250
} until ($sync.SyncCycleInProgress -eq $False)
Write-Host -NoNewline "`b`b`b..." -ForegroundColor "Cyan"
Write-Host "Sync Cycle Finished" -ForegroundColor "Green"
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