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Last active February 14, 2023 17:11
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Save Biazus/eabc282c9ae647a63ed8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Desafios: The Monocycle
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct pos{
int d; //0:North, 1:East, 2:South, 3:West
int z; //0:green, 1:white, 2:blue, 3:red, 4:black
int i;
int j;
pos(int _d, int _z, int _i, int _j){
d = _d;
z = _z;
i = _i;
j = _j;
bool find(char** m, bool**** memory, int w, int h, vector<pos*> &p, int& c);
int main(){
int w,h, cases=1;
cin >> h >> w;
while(!(w==0 || h==0)){
bool**** memory = new bool***[4];
for(int d=0; d<4; ++d){
memory[d] = new bool**[5];
for(int z=0; z<5; ++z){
memory[d][z] = new bool*[h];
for(int i=0; i<h; ++i){
memory[d][z][i] = new bool[w];
for(int j=0; j<w; ++j) memory[d][z][i][j] = false;
vector<pos*> p;
char** m = new char*[h];
for(int i=0; i<h; ++i){
m[i] = new char[w];
for(int j=0; j<w; ++j){
cin >> m[i][j];
if(m[i][j] == 'S') p.push_back(new pos(0,0,i,j));
if(cases>1) cout << endl;
cout << "Case #" << cases++ << endl;
int c = 0;
if(find(m, memory, w, h, p, c)){
cout << "minimum time = " << c << " sec" << endl;
cout << "destination not reachable" << endl;
cin >> h >> w;
int d[][2] = {{-1, 0},{0,1},{1,0},{0,-1}};
bool find(char** m, bool**** memory, int w, int h, vector<pos*> &p, int& c){
if(p.empty()) return false;
vector<pos*> np;
for(vector<pos*>::iterator it=p.begin(); it!=p.end(); ++it){
if(m[(*it)->i][(*it)->j] == 'T' && (*it)->z == 0) return true;
//Giros, misma posicion y color, diferente direccion
pos* g1 = new pos((((*it)->d-1<0)?3:(*it)->d-1), (*it)->z, (*it)->i, (*it)->j);
memory[g1->d][g1->z][g1->i][g1->j] = true;
pos* g2 = new pos((((*it)->d+1>3)?0:(*it)->d+1), (*it)->z, (*it)->i, (*it)->j);
memory[g2->d][g2->z][g2->i][g2->j] = true;
//Adelante, cambia posicion y color, tener cuidado de un muro y de salir de la matriz
int ni = (*it)->i + d[(*it)->d][0];
int nj = (*it)->j + d[(*it)->d][1];
if(ni>=0 && nj>=0 && ni<h && nj<w && m[ni][nj] != '#'){
pos* mov = new pos((*it)->d, ((*it)->z+1)%5, ni, nj);
memory[mov->d][mov->z][mov->i][mov->j] = true;
return find(m,memory,w,h,np,c);;
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