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Last active January 1, 2021 15:15
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Prepare PTB pickle files for v13.1
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This script prepares the file(s) saved by PicklePersistence for v13.1. How you do it:
1. Edit the PicklePersistence according to your settings below.
2. Run this script *before* upgrading from 12.x to v13.1
3. Upgrade to v13.1 and run your bot to make sure everything is working
WARNING: Save a backup of your pickle file(s) before running this!
import warnings
from copy import copy
from typing import cast, Dict, Any
from telegram import Bot
from telegram.ext import PicklePersistence
Instantiate your persistence with the same parameters as in your bot script!
persistence = PicklePersistence('persistence.pickle')
# Don't touch anything below this line!
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def replace_bot(obj: object, memo: Dict[int, Any]) -> object: # pylint: disable=R0911
obj_id = id(obj)
if obj_id in memo:
return memo[obj_id]
if isinstance(obj, Bot):
memo[obj_id] = 'bot_instance_replaced_by_ptb_persistence'
return 'bot_instance_replaced_by_ptb_persistence'
if isinstance(obj, (list, set)):
# We copy the iterable here for thread safety, i.e. make sure the object we iterate
# over doesn't change its length during the iteration
temp_iterable = obj.copy()
new_iterable = obj.__class__(replace_bot(item, memo) for item in temp_iterable)
memo[obj_id] = new_iterable
return new_iterable
if isinstance(obj, (tuple, frozenset)):
# tuples and frozensets are immutable so we don't need to worry about thread safety
new_immutable = obj.__class__(replace_bot(item, memo) for item in obj)
memo[obj_id] = new_immutable
return new_immutable
new_obj = copy(obj)
memo[obj_id] = new_obj
except Exception:
'BasePersistence.replace_bot does not handle objects that can not be copied. See '
'the docs of BasePersistence.replace_bot for more information.',
memo[obj_id] = obj
return obj
if isinstance(obj, dict):
# We handle dicts via copy(obj) so we don't have to make a
# difference between dict and defaultdict
new_obj = cast(dict, new_obj)
# We can't iterate over obj.items() due to thread safety, i.e. the dicts length may
# change during the iteration
temp_dict = new_obj.copy()
for k, val in temp_dict.items():
new_obj[replace_bot(k, memo)] = replace_bot(val, memo)
memo[obj_id] = new_obj
return new_obj
if hasattr(obj, '__dict__'):
for attr_name, attr in new_obj.__dict__.items():
setattr(new_obj, attr_name, replace_bot(attr, memo))
memo[obj_id] = new_obj
return new_obj
if hasattr(obj, '__slots__'):
for attr_name in new_obj.__slots__:
replace_bot(replace_bot(getattr(new_obj, attr_name), memo), memo),
memo[obj_id] = new_obj
return new_obj
return obj
print('Loading data.')
print('Converting data.')
persistence.bot_data = replace_bot(persistence.bot_data, {})
persistence.chat_data = replace_bot(persistence.chat_data, {})
persistence.user_data = replace_bot(persistence.user_data, {})
print('Writing to file.')
print('Done. Upgrade to v13.1 now and run your bot to make sure everything works.')
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