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Last active June 27, 2016 15:50
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Customize the DMS
// From
//Disable Fixed, Header, and Footer on all these Page IDs
add_filter( 'pl_setting-region_disable_fixed', 'customize_templates_by_page' );
add_filter( 'pl_setting-region_disable_header', 'customize_templates_by_page' );
add_filter( 'pl_setting-region_disable_footer', 'customize_templates_by_page' );
function customize_templates_by_page() {
//could choose to still show for Admins (e.g. copy content from footer to template)
//if( current_user_can('edit_theme_options') ) { return false; }
global $post;
$pageids = array(
182, //
Plugin Name: PageLines DMS Toolbar Customizer
Author: TourKick (Clifford P)
Author URI:
Plugin URI:
Description: Removes 'Get More Sections' link from Add To Page panel, removes Theme panel, and removes DMS panel from the DMS editor for non-Administrators (e.g. Editors). <strong>Edit the plugin's file to customize other options.</strong> May also choose to copy code directly into your DMS child theme's functions.php file instead of activating this plugin. <a href="" target="_blank"></a> may also be helpful.
License: GPLv2
Version: 1.1.20131105
add_filter('pl_toolbar_config','pagelines_dms_toolbar_customizer',11, 2);
function pagelines_dms_toolbar_customizer( $toolbar ){
!current_user_can('manage_options') // the uncommented items below only get removed for non-Administrators who also have access to the PageLines DMS Editor
//&& get_current_user_id() !== '1' // could also choose to limit to certain Administrators via user ID
//unset($toolbar['add-new']); //Add To Page (Sections)
unset( $toolbar['add-new']['panel']['more_sections']); // Add To Page -- Get More Sections
//unset($toolbar['page-setup']); //Templates
//unset($toolbar['settings']); //Settings (Global Options)
//unset( $toolbar['settings']['panel']['importexport']); // Settings -- Import + Export
//unset( $toolbar['settings']['panel']['advanced']); // Settings -- Advanced
unset($toolbar['theme']); //Theme
//unset( $toolbar['theme']['panel']['avail_themes']); // Theme -- Your Themes
//unset( $toolbar['theme']['panel']['more_themes']); // Theme -- Get More Themes
// do not use, makes DMS not load -- unset($toolbar['pl-design']); //Custom Code
//unset( $toolbar['pl-design']['panel']['user_less']); // Custom -- Custom LESS/CSS
//unset( $toolbar['pl-design']['panel']['user_scripts']); // Custom -- Custom Scripts
unset($toolbar['account']); //DMS
//unset( $toolbar['account']['panel']['pl_account']); // DMS -- Your Account (like defining DMS_DISABLE_ACCOUNT_PANEL constant in wp-config.php)
//unset( $toolbar['account']['panel']['getting_started']); // DMS -- Getting Started
//unset( $toolbar['account']['panel']['support']); // DMS -- Getting Started
//unset($toolbar['toggle-grid']); //Preview
return $toolbar;
219, //
if(is_page($pageids)) {
return true; // true is checkbox ticked
//replace 'PageLines-' prefix for DMS Editor media uploads (from editor/editor.actions.php)
add_filter( 'pl_up_image_prefix', 'my_pl_upload_prefix');
function my_pl_upload_prefix(){
return ''; //example result: 'filename.png'
//return 'My Keyword - '; //example result: 'My Keyword - filename.jpg'
//return get_bloginfo('name','raw') . ' - '; //example result: 'Site Name - filename.gif'
//remove display of Karma Counter in DMS 2
remove_shortcode( 'pl_karma' );
add_shortcode( 'pl_karma', '__return_false' );
// from
// related to
function pl_dms_override_thumbs(){
//add_image_size( 'aspect-thumb', 900, 600, false );
add_image_size( 'basic-thumb', 400, 400, false );
add_image_size( 'landscape-thumb', 900, 450, false );
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'pl_dms_override_thumbs', 11);
if( function_exists('pl_has_editor') ){
//PageLines v3 (DMS) is the current theme
if( !function_exists('pl_has_editor') ){
//PageLines v3 (DMS) is NOT the current theme
// check-for-pagelines-framework
if( function_exists('ploption') && !function_exists('pl_has_editor') ){
//PageLines v2 (Framework) is the current theme
// used in Action Map plugin ( )
$dir = basename( get_template_directory() );
if ( 'pagelines' != $dir && 'dms' != $dir ){
//neither PageLines v2 (Framework) nor v3 (DMS) is the current theme
// check-for-pagelines-ploption
if( function_exists('ploption') ){
//PageLines v2 (Framework) or v3 (DMS) is the current theme
if( !function_exists('ploption') ){
//neither PageLines v2 (Framework) nor v3 (DMS) is the current theme
// globally displays page titles in PageLines DMS
add_action( 'loop_start', 'pldmspagetitles');
function pldmspagetitles() {
if( is_page() /* && !is_front_page() && !is_page(54) */ ) {
printf( '<h1>%s</h1>', get_the_title() );
Plugin Name: PageLines DMS Tell Me Type and Template
Author: TourKick (Clifford P)
Author URI:
Plugin URI:
Description: Shows logged in editors which PageLines DMS "page type" and "applied template" is detected by the DMS Editor. May also choose to copy code directly into your DMS child theme's functions.php file instead of activating this plugin. <a href="" target="_blank"></a> may also be helpful.
License: GPLv2
Version: 1.0.20131002
add_action('pagelines_page', 'tellmepldmstypetemplate'); // many other hooks, like wp_header, conflict with PL Action Map
function tellmepldmstypetemplate(){
if( function_exists('pl_has_editor') && current_user_can('edit_theme_options') ){
global $plpg;
echo '<span class="tellmepldmstypetemplate alert-info">PageLines Page Type: <strong>' . $plpg->type_name . '</strong>. Applied Template: <strong>' . $plpg->template . '</strong>.</span>';
//Remove display of Karma Counter in DMS 2
//remove display of Karma Counter in DMS 2
remove_shortcode( 'pl_karma' );
add_shortcode( 'pl_karma', '__return_false' );
// Replace 'PageLines-' prefix for DMS Editor media uploads (from editor/editor.actions.php)
//replace 'PageLines-' prefix for DMS Editor media uploads (from editor/editor.actions.php)
add_filter( 'pl_up_image_prefix', 'my_pl_upload_prefix');
function my_pl_upload_prefix(){
return ''; //example result: 'filename.png'
//return 'My Keyword - '; //example result: 'My Keyword - filename.jpg'
//return get_bloginfo('name','raw') . ' - '; //example result: 'Site Name - filename.gif'
// Change content-width sections inside a DMS Canvas Area to full-width
// from
// overriding dms/dms/less/pl-structure.less
body.display-boxed #site .boxed-wrap .pl-area.makestuffinsidefullwidth .pl-area-wrap > .pl-content {
padding-left: 0px;
padding-right: 0px;
body.display-full #site .pl-area.makestuffinsidefullwidth .pl-content {
max-width: none;
// optional to remove section padding from the sections you put inside
body #site .pl-area.makestuffinsidefullwidth .pl-section .pl-section > .pl-section-pad {
padding: 0px;
// From
//Disable Fixed, Header, and Footer on all these Page IDs
add_filter( 'pl_setting-region_disable_fixed', 'customize_templates_by_page' );
add_filter( 'pl_setting-region_disable_header', 'customize_templates_by_page' );
add_filter( 'pl_setting-region_disable_footer', 'customize_templates_by_page' );
function customize_templates_by_page() {
//could choose to still show for Admins (e.g. copy content from footer to template)
//if( current_user_can('edit_theme_options') ) { return false; }
global $post;
$pageids = array(
182, //
219, //
if(is_page($pageids)) {
return true; // true is checkbox ticked
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