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Created May 5, 2016 10:43
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amazing: heavily optimized by m barry
'amazing: heavily optimized by m barry 4-30-98
DEFINT A-Z: hmax = 25: vmax = 100: RANDOMIZE TIMER
DIM w(hmax + 1, vmax + 1): DEF fnr (t) = INT(RND * t) + 1
PRINT "This program prints out a maze of dimensions up to"; hmax; "x"; vmax
PRINT "To get a copy of the maze be sure that you have the printer"
INPUT "activated before continuing. To start hit RETURN"; h
DO 'forever
DO 'get a legal set of dimensions
INPUT "width, length"; h, v
gd = h > 0 AND h <= hmax AND v > 0 AND v <= vmax
IF gd THEN PRINT "One moment please..." ELSE PRINT "Illegal dimensions."
FOR y = 0 TO v + 1: FOR x = 0 TO h + 1 'initialize blank maze
w(x, y) = NOT ((x < 1 OR x > h) AND -2 OR (y < 1 OR y > v) AND -3)
NEXT x, y
x = 1: y = 1: c = h * v: w(x, y) = 3
DO WHILE c > 1 'fill the entire maze with paths
lt = w(x - 1, y): up = w(x, y - 1): rt = w(x + 1, y): dn = w(x, y + 1)
IF (lt OR up OR rt OR dn) < 0 THEN
z = 2 * 2 ^ fnr(4): c = c - 1: dx = 0: dy = 0
DO 'knock down a wall in a random but legal direction
IF lt AND z AND 4 THEN m = 3: dx = -1: n = lt AND 2: EXIT DO
IF up AND z AND 8 THEN m = 3: dy = -1: n = up AND 1: EXIT DO
IF rt AND z AND 16 THEN m = 2: dx = 1: n = rt AND 3: EXIT DO
IF dn AND z AND 32 THEN m = 1: dy = 1: n = dn AND 3: EXIT DO
z = 60 'if random direction was illegal, go back and try all
w(x, y) = w(x, y) AND m: x = x + dx: y = y + dy: w(x, y) = n
DO 'search for another path to branch from
y = y + 1: IF y > v THEN y = 1: x = x + 1: IF x > h THEN x = 1
LOOP UNTIL w(x, y) >= 0
w(fnr(h), 0) = 0: x = fnr(h): w(x, v) = w(x, v) AND 1 'knock out entrance and exit
FOR y = 0 TO v 'print out the completed maze
FOR x = 0 TO h: PRINT " "; MID$(" |", 1 + (w(x, y) AND 1), 1); : NEXT: PRINT
FOR x = 0 TO h: PRINT MID$(" --", 1 + (w(x, y) AND 2), 2); "+"; : NEXT: PRINT
P.S. Don't be misled by the two-digit year in the comment line. I have tested it in QBASIC, and it does NOT have a Y2K bug.
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