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Created October 7, 2017 21:00
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Calling OpenCV from Nim
import os
{.link: "/usr/local/lib/".} #pass arguments to the linker
{.link: "/usr/local/lib/".}
{.link: "/usr/local/lib/".}
const # headers to include
std_vector = "<vector>"
cv_core = "<opencv2/core/core.hpp>"
cv_highgui = "<opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>"
cv_imgproc = "<opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>"
# declare required classes, no need to declare every thing like in rust or D
Mat {.final, header: cv_core, importc: "cv::Mat" .} = object
rows: cint # No need to import property and method, import only what you use
cols: cint
Size {.final, header: cv_core, importc: "cv::Size" .} = object
InputArray {.final, header: cv_core, importc: "cv::InputArray" .} = object
OutputArray {.final, header: cv_core, importc: "cv::OutputArray" .} = object
Vector {.final, header: std_vector, importcpp: "std::vector".} [T] = object
proc constructInputArray(m: var Mat): InputArray {. header:cv_core, importcpp: "cv::InputArray(@)", constructor.}
proc constructOutputArray(m: var Mat): OutputArray {. header:cv_core, importcpp: "cv::OutputArray(@)", constructor.}
proc constructvector*[T](): Vector[T] {.importcpp: "std::vector<'*0>(@)", header: std_vector.}
#implicit conversion between types
converter toInputArray(m: var Mat) : InputArray {. noinit.} = result=constructInputArray(m)
converter toOutputArray(m: var Mat) : OutputArray {. noinit.} = result=constructOutputArray(m)
# used methods and functions
proc empty(this: Mat): bool {. header:cv_core, importcpp: "empty" .}
proc imread(filename: cstring, flag:int): Mat {. header:cv_highgui, importc: "cv::imread" .}
proc imwrite(filename: cstring, img: InputArray, params: Vector[cint] = constructvector[cint]()): bool {. header:cv_highgui, importc: "cv::imwrite" .}
proc resize(src: InputArray, dst: OutputArray, dsize: Size, fx:cdouble = 0.0, fy: cdouble = 0.0, interpolation: cint = 1) {. header:cv_imgproc, importc: "resize" .}
proc `$`(dim: (cint, cint)): string = "(" & $dim[0] & ", " & $dim[1] & ")" #meta-programming capabilities
proc main() =
for f in walkFiles("myDir/*.png"):
var src = imread(f, 1)
if not src.empty():
var dst: Mat
resize(src, dst, Size(), 0.5, 0.5)
discard imwrite(f & ".resized.png", dst) # returns bool, you have to explicitly discard the result
echo( f, ": ", (src.rows, src.cols), " -> ", (dst.rows, dst.cols))
when isMainModule:
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