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Last active October 14, 2018 22:37
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Credenziali voip TIM + Proxy IP
import sys
import random
import json
import requests
except ImportError:
print("ERRORE: Il modulo \"requests\" deve essere installato. Eseguire -> pip install requests")
raise SystemExit(0)
import dns
import dns.resolver
except ImportError:
print("ERRORE: Il modulo \"dnspython\" deve essere installato. Eseguire -> pip install dnspython")
def getTargetFromSRV(name):
srv_ans = dns.resolver.query(name,'SRV')
except (dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN,dns.resolver.NoAnswer) as err:
raise SystemExit('Errore risoluzione record SRV per {0}'.format(name))
for a in srv_ans:
#print ("SRV record: {0} priotita' {1}".format(,a.priority))
a_ans = dns.resolver.query(,'A')
except (dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN,dns.resolver.NoAnswer) as err:
raise SystemExit('Errore risoluzione record A per {0}'.format(
for a1 in a_ans:
print("Indirizzo proxy priorita' {1} : {0}".format(a1.to_text(),a.priority))
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
raise SystemExit('Uso: {0} lineavoip celulare nomedispositivo'.format(sys.argv[0]))
tel = sys.argv[1]
cell = sys.argv[2]
devicename = sys.argv[3]
uid = random.getrandbits(16)
regmanurl1 = "{0}&DeviceId={1}&Mobile=%2B39{2}".format(tel,uid,cell)
regmanurl2 = ""
dns.resolver.default_resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver(configure=False)
dns.resolver.default_resolver.nameservers = ['', '']
headers = {'Content-Type':'application/json', 'Accept':'application/json','charset':'utf-8','Authorization':'Basic aDloa003NXltWTVGamtRWjpCczd5RC1tdS1ObmR3QyErNU0zOWRZIW5IUmJFS2pocw==',\
'User-Agent':'Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.0.2; P10 Build/LRX22G)',\
r = requests.get(regmanurl1, headers=headers)
resp = r.json()
otp = input("Inserisci OTP ricevuta via sms: ")
payload = \
"CLI": "{0}".format(resp['CLI']),\
"DeviceId": "{0}".format(uid),\
"DeviceName": "{0}".format(devicename),\
"Mobile": "+39{0}".format(cell),\
"NotificationId": "android:ctHDua{0}:BPA91bEvIgToivB52yRJ8_ati5sP5DSE4j2SnjUYG1dHRSetM0G6jqd{0}FmhlP3zq7QlVAnYluf2yqbh-6lHPFWuzzq4BoqjgE4A-VnRo3xWmmFIrJYal5Hd3jyLRWCpTwh7TzW1_".format(uid),\
"OTP": "{0}".format(otp),\
"SessionOTP": "{0}".format(resp['SessionOTP']),\
"TGU": "{0}".format(resp['TGU'])\
r =, headers=headers, json=payload)
resp = r.json()
if resp['ResultCode'] == '100':
print("\n ====== CREDENZIALI VOIP ========== \n")
for k, v in voipcreds.items():
print(k, v)
print("\n ====== INDIRIZZI DEI PROXY ========== \n")
print("Numero utenti totali raggiunti!")
print("Accedi con l'app TIM Telefono all'area Amministrazione Linea e rimuovi almeno un account.")
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