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Created November 21, 2015 11:45
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MLPCCG rules diff
--- rules3.0.txt 2015-11-21 03:40:40.250947700 -0800
+++ rules3.1.txt 2015-11-21 03:40:43.409056500 -0800
@@ -60,0 +61 @@
+521. Tokens
@@ -147 +148 @@
- (104.2a) If an occurrence can’t happen, any cost involving that
+ (104.2a) If an occurrence can’t happen, any cost requiring that
@@ -150 +150,0 @@
- (104.2b) Players can’t choose to do something that can’t be done.
@@ -158,2 +158,2 @@
-character’s power or a cost. When comparing numeric values, undefined
-values are treated as zero.
+character’s power or a cost. When comparing numeric values between two or
+more cards, undefined values are treated as zero.
@@ -354,0 +355,3 @@
+o (409.7) To cancel a card is to put it from the queue zone into its owner’s
+discard pile. A card that is canceled before resolving does not resolve, and has
+no effect.
@@ -418,2 +421,3 @@
-o (506.2) Characters can’t be moved or sent to their current area. Characters
-can’t be moved or sent to the home of a player other than their controller.
+o (506.2) Cards can’t be moved or sent to their current area. Cards can’t be
+moved or sent to the home of a player other than their controller.
+ (506.2a)Troublemakers can’t be moved to the home of any player.
@@ -423,4 +427,4 @@
-o (506.4) Characters can also be moved by modifiers from cards or effects,
-which will meet conditions that check for a card to be moved.
-o (506.5) Some text can state that characters are “sent” to an area. Sending a
-character to an area is not the same as moving it.
+o (506.4) Cards can also be moved by modifiers from cards or effects, which will
+meet conditions that check for a card to be moved.
+o (506.5) Some text can state that cards are “sent” to an area. Sending a card to
+an area is not the same as moving it.
@@ -441 +445 @@
- (508.1c) If an action can’t be taken, costs involving that action can’t be
+ (508.1c) If an action can’t be taken, costs requiring that action can’t be
@@ -683,0 +688,19 @@
+o (520.2) Some modifiers allow a player to put a token copy of a card into play.
+That copy is a token, and its printed information is the same as the printed
+information of the card it is copying, with the exception of its cost, which is
+zero for all tokens. Only the card’s printed information is copied; modifiers
+affecting the card are not copied.
+• (521) Tokens
+o (521.1) A token is an object representing a card created by a modifier. The
+modifier which creates a token will specify the token’s power, type, and traits.
+It may also specify a token’s colors, powers, and/or name. A token’s cost is
+always zero. All of the specified information is considered to be printed
+ (521.1a) If no name is specified, a token’s name is its traits.
+o (521.2) A token entering, leaving, or in play behaves like any other card of its
+type, with the exception that it can be distinguished by text which references
+‘token’ or ‘non-token’ cards.
+o (521.3) A token may not exist in a non-play zone. A token which enters any
+non-play zone immediately ceases to exist.
+o (521.4) A token which becomes frightened or is otherwise turned face-down
+immediately ceases to exist.
@@ -807 +829,0 @@
- (616.1a) Triggers that occur during this step are resolved during PrePriority Processing at the start of the next turn
@@ -816,0 +839,4 @@
+ (616.4a) If any triggers have occurred during this step, a priority
+window opens before the turn ends, and those triggers are processed.
+As that priority window closes, another Wrap Up Step begins. This is
+an exception to (616.1).
@@ -898 +924,5 @@
- (706.1a) Any modifiers that affect the state in which the card enters
+ (706.1a) Any abilities that occur ‘as [something] enters play’ are
+applied. This is a one-time check; if one such ability causes a card to
+gain another ability with the same timing, the gained ability will not be
+ (706.1b) Any modifiers that affect the state in which the card enters
@@ -900 +930 @@
- (706.1b) The card’s continuous powers begin generating continuous
+ (706.1c) The card’s continuous powers begin generating continuous
@@ -903 +933 @@
- (705.1c) Abilities that trigger “when [something] enters play” trigger.
+ (705.1d) Abilities that trigger “when [something] enters play” trigger.
@@ -1053,0 +1084,2 @@
+Hasty: A keyword ability cards can have. It means “You may play this card as an Immediate
@@ -1065,0 +1098,4 @@
+Persistent: A keyword ability cards can have. It means “If this card would leave play, you may
+frighten it instead.”
+Prepared: A keyword ability cards can have. It means “When an opponent starts a faceoff
+here, gain [1]”
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