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Threat Dispatch
"_meta": {
"sources": [
"json": "KCThreatDispatch",
"abbreviation": "KCTD",
"full": "Korranberg Chronicle's Threat Dispatch",
"url": "",
"authors": [
"Anthony Turco",
"Korranberg Chronicle"
"convertedBy": [
"dateAdded": 1588464630,
"dateLastModified": 1588464630
"variantrule": [
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"name": "Living Spells",
"page": 52,
"entries": [
"One of the devastating developments of the Last War, living spells are the effects of a spell that refuse to dissipate once cast, the magic taking on a life of its own. Often thought of as harbingers of the Day of Mourning, living spells now haunt the Mournland and other smaller areas devastated by the magical mayhem of the Last War.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"name" : "Unnatural Instinct",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"These ambulatory forces of magic rove the Mournland in seemingly random patterns. Little is understood about the instinct that drives these entities, as they have no apparent need to feed on anything but ambient magical energy. However, they aggressively approach creatures once they sense them, as if the sole purpose of their existence is to affect as many creatures with their magic as possible."
"name" : "Spell Nature",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Living spells do not require air, drink, food, or sleep. A {@spell detect magic} spell can detect a living spell and identify the school of magic of the spell or spells that make it up."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Creating a Living Spell",
"This template is unusual in that it applies to one or more spells, instead of a creature, necessitating the creation of the final creature nearly from scratch.",
"Any spell, or combination of spells, that create an area of effect can be made into a living spell. (Such as {@spell fireball} or {@spell cloudkill}, but not targeted spells like {@spell scorching ray} or {@spell charm person}). The spells that make it up can be cast at higher than their minimum spell level.",
"A cantrip has an effective level for the below calculations depending on the level of its original caster: 1-10, 1st level, 11-20, 2nd level.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size and Type",
"entries": [
"A living spell's size is dependent on the spell level of its highest-level spell effect: 1–3, Medium; 4–6, Large; 7–9, Huge.",
"A living spell's creature type is \"spell\". This is a creature type unique to living spells, meaning they cannot be affected or detected by spells and effects that specifically affect any other type of creature. A detect magic spell can detect a living spell and identify the school of magic of the spell or spells that make it up."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Armor Class",
"entries": [
"A living spell has an Armor Class value equal to 10 + the spell level of its highest-level spell effect, due to natural armor."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Hit Points",
"entries": [
"A living spell has a number of hit dice equal to twice the spell level of its highest-level spell effect, and its size determines its die type, as normal for creatures (Medium, d8; Large, d10; Huge, d12). It adds its Constitution modifier to its hit dice to determine its average hit point total, as normal."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Speed",
"entries": [
"A living spell's speed is dependent on the range of the longest range spell effect that is part of it. Its speed is equal to the spell's range, with a minimum of 20 ft, to a maximum of 60 ft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Ability Scores",
"entries": [
"A living spell's Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores are equal to 10 + the spell level of its highest-level spell effect. Its Intelligence score is 1. Its Wisdom and Charisma scores are equal to 7 + the spell level of its highest spell effect."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Saving Throws",
"entries": [
"A living spell is not proficient in any saving throws."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Skills",
"entries": [
"A living spell is not proficient in any skills."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Damage Immunities",
"entries": [
"A living spell is immune to any of the following damage types if it is capable of dealing that type of damage with any of its spell effects: acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, thunder. (A living fireball is immune to fire, a living thunderwave is immune to thunder, etc.)",
"Furthermore, all living spells are immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Condition Immunities",
"entries": [
"A living spell is immune to the following conditions: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, stunned."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Senses",
"entries": [
"A living spell has blindsight out to 60 feet It is not blind beyond this radius, despite lacking any visible sensory organs. Its passive Perception is calculated as normal (10 + its Wisdom modifier)."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"entries": [
"A living spell does not speak or understand any language."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Traits",
"entries": [
"All living spells have the following traits."
"type": "entries",
"name": "{@i Dispel Vulnerability}",
"entries": [
"If it is the target of a dispel magic spell, a living spell does not end if successfully affected (DC 10 + the spell level of its highest-level spell effect); instead, its current and maximum Hit Points are reduced by 1d6 per level of the dispel magic. Its current and maximum Hit Points are reduced by 10d6 damage every round it starts its turn in the area of an antimagic field. It cannot regain these lost Hit Points or restore its hit point maximum. If reduced to 0 Hit Points, it dissipates."
"type": "entries",
"name": "{@i Envelop}",
"entries": [
"The living spell can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and it can move through any opening that isn't airtight.",
"A creature that enters a living spell's space for the first time on a turn, or starts its turn there, is automatically grappled (escape DC equal to 10 + the spell level of its highest-level spell effect) and is affected by every spell that the living spell is comprised of. The save DC to resist each spell is equal to 12 + the spell level of its highest-level spell effect."
"type": "entries",
"name": "{@i Magic Resistance}",
"entries": [
"The living spell has advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Attacks",
"entries": [
"A living spell has the following attack."
"type": "entries",
"name": "{@i Spell Burst}",
"entries": [
"The living spell affects all creatures in its space and within 5 feet of it with its spell effect(s). Creatures inside the living spell's space have disadvantage on their saving throws to resist the spell(s). A living spell of Huge size affects creatures within 10 feet of it with this attack."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Challenge Rating",
"entries": [
"Every living spell is unique; its Challenge rating is calculated as per Step 4. Final Challenge Rating, on page 274 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.",
"Use the following guidelines to help you determine its final Challenge rating."
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Expect a Challenge rating of twice the spell level of its highest-level spell effect, though this may change.",
"Its effective Hit Points are higher than its actual Hit Points due to its multiple Damage Immunities. (See the chart on page 277 of the Dungeon Master's Guide).",
"Its effective AC is two points higher than its actual AC due to its Magic Resistance trait.",
"Assume a living spell of Medium or Large size affects one creature per turn with its Envelop trait, and a living spell of Huge size affects two creatures per turn.",
"Assume a living spell of Medium or Large size affects two creatures per turn with its Spell Burst attack, and a living spell of Huge size affects four creatures per turn."
"legendaryGroup": [
"name": "Daelkyr",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"lairActions": [
"When fighting inside its lair, the Daelkyr can invoke the ambient magic to take lair actions. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the Daelkyr takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the Daelkyr can't use the same effect two rounds in a row:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"The daelkyr briefly pierces the veil between dimensions and opens a window to Xoriat, allowing a glimpse into the most alien depths of the Realm of Madness. Each creature within the lair that isn't blind or currently has its eyes closed must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom Saving Throw or take 33 (6d10) psychic damage.",
"Until the next initiative count 20, all aberrations and humanoids within the lair are enraged, causing them to have advantage on melee weapon attack rolls and for attack rolls to have advantage against them.",
"The daelkyr casts {@spell mirage arcane}, affecting an area within the lair that is no longer in any dimension than 100 feet. The effect ends on the next initiative count 20. "
"regionalEffects": [
"The proximity of a daelkyr can over time cause a manifest zone tied to Xoriat to form. Such a manifest zone may begin as small as 1 mile in diameter, and slowly grows over time. The daelkyr can impose any of the following affects in the region it envelopes:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Wild beasts within the manifest zone become violent and crazed—even creatures that are normally docile. Alternatively, beasts evacuate the manifest zone entirely, leaving it eerily silent.",
"Minor warps in reality occur within the manifest zone and vanish 24 hours later. Marks on cave walls might change subtly, an eerie trinket might appear where none existed before, harmless slime might coat a statue, and so on. These effects apply only to natural surfaces and to nonmagical objects that aren't on anyone's person.",
"As an action, a daelkyr in the manifest zone can create an illusory image of itself within 1 mile of its current location. The copy can appear anywhere the daelkyr has seen before or anywhere an aberrant creature can currently see. Once created, the image lasts for as long as the daelkyr maintains concentration, as if concentrating on a spell. Although the image is intangible, it looks, sounds, and can move like the daelkyr. The daelkyr can sense and speak from the image's position as if present at that position. If the image takes any damage, it disappears."
"If the Daelkyr is destroyed, these regional effects end immediately."
"name": "Orlassk",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"lairActions": [
"Orlassk can create any of the effects that a lesser daelkyr's lair is capable of. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Orlassk takes a lair action to cause one of the of the following effects; Orlassk can't use the same effect two rounds in a row:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"The daelkyr briefly pierces the veil between dimensions and opens a window to Xoriat, allowing a glimpse into the most alien depths of the Realm of Madness. Each creature within the lair that isn't blind or currently has its eyes closed must succeed on a DC 25 Wisdom Saving Throw or take 33 (6d10) psychic damage.",
"Until the next initiative count 20, all aberrations and humanoids within the lair are enraged, causing them to have advantage on melee weapon attack rolls and for attack rolls to have advantage against them.",
"The daelkyr casts {@spell mirage arcane}, affecting an area within the lair that is no longer in any dimension than 100 feet. The effect ends on the next initiative count 20.",
"Orlassk casts {@spell stone shape} on any part of his lair that he can see.",
"Orlassk chooses one humanoid within the lair and instantly creates a simulacrum of that creature (as if created with the {@spell simulacrum} spell, except it is visibly made of living stone). The simulacrum obeys Orlassk's commands and is destroyed on the next initiative count 20."
"regionalEffects": [
"Orlassk is so powerful that the Xoriat manifest zone linked to his influence moves along with his colossal living citadel, radiating out from it to a distance of 24 miles. Though he still cannot break the seals imprisoning him in Khyber, Orlassk's wanderings can at times bring the envelope of his influence to the surface. The manifest zone linked to Orlassk has all of the following effects:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Stone sculptures spontaneously weep tears of blood.",
"Stone sculptures appear to slightly move position when unobserved, but no investigation can prove it.",
"As an action, Orlassk can animate any stone sculpture of a humanoid. Once animated, the statue has the statistics of a gargoyle except it has Orlassk’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores and can't fly. The statue remains animated for as long as Orlassk maintains concentration, as if concentrating on a spell. Orlassk can sense and speak from the statue's position as if present at that position. If the statue is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it crumbles to rubble.",
"If a humanoid finishes a long rest in the manifest zone, it must succeed on a DC 25 Wisdom Saving Throw or descend into a madness determined by the Madness of Stone table. A creature that succeeds on this Saving Throws can't be affected by this regional effect again for 1 week."
"If Orlassk dies, his living citadel ceases to move, stopping the manifest zone's mobility. The zone and all of its effects, however, permanently remain where he fell."
"name": "Daughters of Sora Kell",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"lairActions": [
"On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), one Daughter of Sora Kell takes a lair action to cause the effect that corresponds to her; the same Daughter can't use their lair action two rounds in a row:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Sora Katra sings, targeting one Medium or smaller living humanoid she can see. If the target fails a DC 21 Charisma saving throw, their soul is pulled from their body and is corrupted by her song, becoming a will-o-wisp (Monster Manual, pg. 301) that obeys Sora Katra, acting on initiative count 20. The targeted humanoid still lives and acts normally, but they cannot be brought back to life should they die unless the will-o-wisp is destroyed and a remove curse spell is cast upon them or their corpse.",
"Sora Maenya strikes the ground with both fists, sending shockwaves throughout the lair. Each creature standing on the floor must succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity Saving Throw or be knocked prone.",
"Sora Teraza grants her and her sisters precognitive vision. Until the next initiative count 20, all attacks against the Daughters have disadvantage and the Daughters have advantage on all ability checks, attack rolls, and Saving Throws."
"regionalEffects": [
"The combined weight of the legends of the Daughters presses down upon their lair like a great oppressive weight, straining against the world. This weight imposes the following effects within the city of Great Crag and for 23 miles of the surrounding region:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Due to Sora Teraza's oracular powers, the Daughters of Sora Kell are aware of every creature who seeks to confront them or desires an audience well ahead of their arrival. As an action, Sora Teraza can locate any one creature within the region. Such creatures feel vaguely as though they are being watched, but no source of this feeling can be found, even with magic.",
"A creeping fog clings to the ground in the region, occasionally swirling into alluring or eerie forms. The fog seems to avoid creatures native to Droaam.",
"Dark and stormy nights are frequent, and the driving rain and winds seem to blow out open fires, such as torches and campfires, at the most inopportune moments.",
"Whenever a humanoid attempts to cast a remove curse or greater restoration spell within the region, they must make a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure their spell is lost as though counterspelled and they are subject to a bestow curse spell cast from a 9thlevel spell slot that curses them to have disadvantage on ability checks and Saving Throws with the ability score they use for spellcasting."
"name": "Sul-Khatesh",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"lairActions": [
"On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Sul-Khatesh takes an aura action to cause one of the following effects; Sul-Khatesh can choose to use the same effect two rounds in a row.",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Sul-Khatesh instills all creatures within 700 feet of her with dread, imposing upon them the frightened condition until the next initiative count 20.",
"All allies of Sul-Khatesh within 700 feet of her have advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and Saving Throws, and all enemies of Sul-Khatesh within 700 feet of her have disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and Saving Throws. Creatures immune to the charmed condition are immune to this effect. This effect lasts until the next initiative count 20.",
"One spellcasting creature within 700 feet of Sul-Khatesh must succeed on a DC 27 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the spellcasting creature loses one of its highest-level spell slots, and Sul-Khatesh immediately casts a spell of the same level without using one of her own spell slots."
"regionalEffects": [
"While Sul-Khatesh's manifestations are most powerful within her immediate vicinity, her reality-warping evil extends in a great domain around her for a far distance. Immediately upon her release, her domain of influence may extend for only a dozen miles away from her form, but if she is left free for long, her influence could spread to encompass an area half the size of Khorvaire.",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Within her domain, Sul-Khatesh becomes aware of any secrets as they are spoken aloud, even if only in a hushed whisper.",
"Sul-Khatesh can sense and telepathically communicate as if present at any location within her domain where her name or title is spoken aloud, for up to an hour after it is spoken.",
"While sleeping in Sul-Khatesh's domain, spellcasters have dreams of gaining immense power. The longer they remain in Sul-Khatesh's domain, the more they abuse this power in their dreams. After a month spent in her domain, a spellcaster must succeed on a DC 27 Wisdom Saving Throw or have its alignment magically shifted to evil. Once a spellcaster's alignment is changed this way, its original alignment can only be restored while it is unconscious, and only with a greater restoration spell cast from a 9th level spell slot. Once a spellcaster's original alignment is restored, they are immune to this domain effect for 24 hours, after which they must succeed on the Saving Throws again if they are still within Sul-Khatesh's domain.",
"As an action, Sul-Khatesh can choose to sacrifice one of her spell slots to bestow the ability to cast a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell of the same level to any evil spellcaster within her domain."
"name": "Ascendant Councilor",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"lairActions": [
"An ascendant councilor rests eternally in an ancient temple or personal sanctum within Shae Mordai, and is usually protected by younger deathless. Such resting grounds are usually adorned with generation upon generation of priceless gifts and treasures offered to the ascendant councilor by its descendants as thanks for its benevolent guidance. An ascendant councilor encountered in its lair has a Challenge of 19 (22,000 XP)",
"On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the ascendant councilor takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the ascendant councilor can't use the same effect two rounds in a row.",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Each non-evil creature in the lair can pinpoint the location of each non-good creature within 120 feet of it until initiative count 20 on the next round.",
"Each non-deathless undead creature and fiend in the lair has disadvantage on Saving Throws against effects that turn undead or fiends until initiative count 20 on the next round.",
"Until initiative count 20 on the next round, any non-good creature that tries to cast a spell of 4th level or lower in the ascendant councilor's lair is wracked with pain. The creature can choose another action, but if it tries to cast the spell, it must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d6 radiant damage per level of the spell, and the spell has no effect and is wasted."
"regionalEffects": [
"Shae Mordai, the City of the Dead, is located in a permanent manifest zone tied to Irian, the Eternal Day. The saturation of positive energy in the city and surrounding lands has the following impacts on the region:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Food and water never spoil within the manifest zone.",
"Creatures regain twice the amount of Hit Points from rolling Hit Dice during a short rest than normal.",
"Creatures who finish a long rest have all levels of exhaustion removed, instead of one."
"monster": [
"name": "Leaellynasaura (Fastieth)",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 13,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 16,
"formula": "3d8 + 3"
"speed": {
"walk": 55
"str": 12,
"dex": 13,
"con": 13,
"int": 4,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 6,
"skill": {
"perception": "+3"
"passive": 13,
"cr": "1/8",
"action": [
"name": "Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft",
"entries": [
", one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d6 - 1}) piercing damage."
"damageTags": [
"uniqueId": "4406f55af99ae6a4050417bc39c88709",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This reptilian, bipedal creature is about the size of a large dog. The fastieth is the most common halfling mount of the Talenta Plains, chosen and bred for Speed. They are not aggressive animals and will typically choose flight over fight. When pressed, they will use their sharp teeth to defend themselves, but they are not considered proficient with their bite attack.",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Small Mount",
"entries": [
"Small creatures can use a fastieth as a mount. It has a carrying capacity of 180 pounds. Barding for medium-sized mounts costs only twice as much as regular armor, instead of four times as much.",
"When casting the {@spell find greater steed} spell (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, pg. 156), a fastieth may be summoned in addition to the options listed in the spell."
"name": "Utah Raptor (Carver)",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 13,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 32,
"formula": "5d8 + 10"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 19,
"dex": 15,
"con": 14,
"int": 4,
"wis": 13,
"cha": 6,
"skill": {
"athletics": "+6",
"perception": "+3",
"stealth": "+3"
"passive": 13,
"cr": "2",
"trait": [
"name": "Pounce",
"entries": [
"If the carver moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a {@dc 14} Strength saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone}. If the target is {@condition prone}, the carver can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The carver makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claw."
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d8 + 4}) piercing damage."
"name": "Claw",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 1d10 + 4}) piercing damage."
"traitTags": [
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "b8a1e061bc8f2adc39efa5d3f05292a2",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Carvers are reptilian bipedal creatures about the size of a bugbear or goliath, with a wicked, scythe-like claw on one toe of each foot. They are extremely dangerous predators, capable of taking down prey much larger than themselves. It is a larger relative of the clawfoot and daggerfoot. Halflings of the Talenta Plains typically use trained carvers as war mounts.",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Small Mount",
"entries": [
"Small creatures can use a carver as a mount. It has a carrying capacity of 270 pounds. Barding for medium-sized mounts costs only twice as much as regular armor, instead of four times as much.",
"When casting the {@spell find greater steed} spell (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, pg. 156), a carver may be summoned in addition to the options listed in the spell."
"name": "Dragonhawk",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "H",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 84,
"formula": "8d12 + 24"
"speed": {
"walk": 10,
"fly": 120
"str": 26,
"dex": 12,
"con": 18,
"int": 2,
"wis": 14,
"cha": 6,
"save": {
"dex": "+4"
"skill": {
"perception": "+5",
"stealth": "+5"
"senses": [
"blindsight 60 ft."
"passive": 15,
"cr": "5",
"trait": [
"name": "Flyby",
"entries": [
"The dragonhawk doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach."
"name": "Keen Sight",
"entries": [
"The dragonhawk has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The dragonhawk makes two attacks: one with its beak and one with its talons."
"name": "Beak",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}21 ({@damage 3d8 + 8}) piercing damage."
"name": "Talons",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 11} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}18 ({@damage 3d6 + 8}) slashing damage and the target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 18}). Until this grapple ends, the target is {@condition restrained}, and the dragonhawk can't use its talons on another target."
"traitTags": [
"Keen Senses"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "7bae22dee2e528ae83e81aaaf6a871ed",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Appearing on the royal crest of Aundair, the dragonhawk is a symbol of pride for that northern nation. An enormous avian breed, dragonhawks roost in the highest mountains of the Starpeak and Icehorn Mountain ranges. Their feathers are brown with a stripe of white on their undersides. A single long, thin feather sprouts from the base of its sharp beak, above its nostrils.",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Sky Terrors",
"entries": [
"Dragonhawks prey on large mammals like cows and horses, and citizens of Aundair and the Eldeen Reaches often fear for their livelihoods—not to mention their lives—if a dragonhawk roost is discovered nearby. Despite the danger they present to the common folk, Aundarians see dragonhawks as the embodiment of freedom and wild majesty, symbols of Aundair's power and ideals."
"name": "Majestic Mounts",
"entries": [
"Dragonhawks of the Icehorn Mountains are sometimes approached by powerful champions of the Eldeen druidic sects. These immense avian creatures are easily large and strong enough to serve as mounts for such stalwart heroes of nature.",
"Druids of the Circle of the Moon who have seen a dragonhawk can transform into one once they reach 15th level."
"name": "Nature's Bounty",
"entries": [
"House Vadalis, the Dragonmarked House that corners the market on animal husbandry and domestication, has a keen interest in rearing dragonhawks, but they are notoriously difficult to tame if hatched in the wild. House Vadalis is said to offer a sizable bounty on dragonhawk eggs, but the prospect of deliberately seeking out a dragonhawk nest is too daunting for all but the most daring of heroes."
"name": "Horrid Ape",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "H",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 187,
"formula": "15d12 + 90"
"speed": {
"walk": 40,
"climb": 40
"str": 23,
"dex": 14,
"con": 22,
"int": 7,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 7,
"skill": {
"athletics": "+10",
"perception": "+5"
"passive": 15,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"cr": "11",
"trait": [
"name": "Ill-Tempered",
"entries": [
"Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks involving a horrid ape are always made with disadvantage."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The horrid ape makes two fist attacks."
"name": "Fist",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}39 ({@damage 6d10 + 6}) piercing damage and 10 ({@damage 3d6}) acid damage."
"name": "Rock",
"entries": [
"{@atk rw} {@hit 10} to hit, range 50/100 ft., one target. {@h}30 ({@damage 7d6 + 6}) bludgeoning damage."
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "2e11039b10daddff385a019ff0d5df43",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Bred from truly exceptional stock, the gigantic horrid ape is covered in thick red scales. Caustic blood seeps from between the hard scales covering its knuckles when it tightens its fists in preparation for battle, which is usually whenever it encounters any other living creature."
"name": "Horrid Badger",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 13,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 17,
"formula": "2d8 + 8"
"speed": {
"walk": 50
"str": 13,
"dex": 10,
"con": 19,
"int": 2,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 5,
"passive": 11,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"cr": "2",
"trait": [
"name": "Ill-Tempered",
"entries": [
"Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks involving a horrid badger are always made with disadvantage."
"name": "Keen Smell",
"entries": [
"The badger has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The horrid badger makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws."
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 2d6 + 1}) piercing damage and 3 ({@damage 1d6}) acid damage."
"name": "Claw",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 4d4 + 1}) slashing damage."
"traitTags": [
"Keen Senses"
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "f348cabb522f58219de385224faeb836",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"A horrid badger is the size of a large dog and viciously hunts prey even when not hungry, as if it savors the feel of rending flesh beneath its claw . Its saliva is unusually caustic and foams at its mouth when it is angry, which is always."
"name": "Horrid Bat",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "L",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 16,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 30,
"formula": "4d10 + 8"
"speed": {
"walk": 10,
"fly": 60
"str": 15,
"dex": 16,
"con": 15,
"int": 2,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 6,
"senses": [
"blindsight 60 ft."
"passive": 11,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"cr": "2",
"trait": [
"name": "Echolocation",
"entries": [
"The bat can't use its blindsight while {@condition deafened}."
"name": "Ill-Tempered",
"entries": [
"Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks involving a horrid bat are always made with disadvantage."
"name": "Keen Hearing",
"entries": [
"The bat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The horrid bat makes two attacks."
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 2d6 + 2}) piercing damage and 3 ({@damage 1d6}) acid damage."
"traitTags": [
"Keen Senses"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "0eb7a3f07174634b321242cdae983a66",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Horrid bats are descended from a blood-drinking species, but are immense in size, often confused for fiends with their red-scaled wings and dripping fangs. They lair in caves and mountains, and frequently harry potential threats even as they try to flee."
"name": "Horrid Boar",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "L",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 52,
"formula": "5d10 + 25"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 17,
"dex": 10,
"con": 20,
"int": 2,
"wis": 7,
"cha": 5,
"passive": 8,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"cr": "4",
"trait": [
"name": "Charge",
"entries": [
"If the boar moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits with a tusk attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 ({@damage 2d6}) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 13} Strength saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone}."
"name": "Ill-Tempered",
"entries": [
"Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks involving a horrid boar are always made with disadvantage."
"name": "Relentless (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)",
"entries": [
"If the boar takes 10 damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1 hit point instead."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The horrid boar makes two attacks."
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}17 ({@damage 4d6 + 3}) piercing damage and 7 ({@damage 2d6}) acid damage."
"traitTags": [
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "adc920b4830f7bcc41202e25e2a170cf",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"A horrid boar is a horrific sight to behold when traveling through forested areas. A juggernaut of thick bristling hide and tusks the size of a giant's blade, these terrors fight to the death when confronted, usually not their own."
"name": "Horrid Hyena",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "L",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 57,
"formula": "6d10 + 24"
"speed": {
"walk": 50
"str": 16,
"dex": 14,
"con": 18,
"int": 2,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 7,
"skill": {
"perception": "+3"
"passive": 13,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"cr": "4",
"trait": [
"name": "Ill-Tempered",
"entries": [
"Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks involving a horrid hyena are always made with disadvantage."
"name": "Rampage",
"entries": [
"When the hyena reduces a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack on its turn, the hyena can take a bonus action to move up to half its speed and make a bite attack."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The horrid hyena makes two attacks. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}17 ({@damage 4d6 + 3}) piercing damage and 7 ({@damage 2d6}) acid damage."
"traitTags": [
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"uniqueId": "df56d8ef89ba82fa723169ef8d245d4d",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"While normal hyenas are usually scavengers, a horrid hyena delights in hunting packs of weaker animals. They frequently kill more than they can possibly eat in one attack, leaving the carcasses as a lure for more prey."
"name": "Horrid Lion",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "L",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 34,
"formula": "4d10 + 12"
"speed": {
"walk": 50
"str": 17,
"dex": 15,
"con": 17,
"int": 3,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 8,
"skill": {
"perception": "+3",
"stealth": "+3"
"passive": 13,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"cr": "4",
"trait": [
"name": "Ill-Tempered",
"entries": [
"Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks involving a horrid lion are always made with disadvantage."
"name": "Keen Smell",
"entries": [
"The lion has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell."
"name": "Pack Tactics",
"entries": [
"The lion has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the lion's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't {@condition incapacitated}."
"name": "Pounce",
"entries": [
"If the lion moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a {@dc 13} Strength saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone}. If the target is {@condition prone}, the lion can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action."
"name": "Running Leap",
"entries": [
"With a 10-foot running start, the lion can jump up to 25 feet."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The horrid lion makes two attacks."
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}12 ({@damage 2d8 + 3}) piercing damage and 7 ({@damage 2d6}) acid damage."
"name": "Claw",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}10 ({@damage 2d6 + 3}) slashing damage."
"traitTags": [
"Keen Senses",
"Pack Tactics",
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "07595a4ec785b4efd489d598df6e4a2a",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"A horrid lion lacks the majestic mane of its ancestors, instead sporting a ring of layered scales that make a rattle when it is about to pounce. Unlike a rattlesnake, this threatening noise does not seem to function as a warning. The horrid lion never fails to attack once it makes this sound, even if a creature retreats."
"name": "Daelkyr",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "fiend",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 19,
"from": [
"{@item living breastplate|ERLW}"
"hp": {
"average": 212,
"formula": "25d8 + 100"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 24,
"dex": 23,
"con": 19,
"int": 25,
"wis": 22,
"cha": 25,
"save": {
"dex": "+12",
"con": "+10",
"wis": "+12",
"cha": "+13"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+13",
"deception": "+13",
"insight": "+12",
"medicine": "+12",
"perception": "+12",
"perform": "+13"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 22,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from all attacks that aren't byeshk"
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "20",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting (Psionics)",
"headerEntries": [
"The daelkyr's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 21}). The daelkyr can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:"
"will": [
"{@spell confusion}",
"{@spell dimension door}",
"{@spell haste}",
"{@spell modify memory}",
"{@spell slow}",
"{@spell true polymorph} (creature into creature only)"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell feeblemind}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Alien Body",
"entries": [
"The daelkyr is immune to disease and any spell or effect that would alter its form, unless it wishes to be affected."
"name": "Alien Mind",
"entries": [
"Any creature who attempts to read the thoughts of the daelkyr, study its mind, or attempt a Wisdom (Insight) check to determine any information about it, must make a {@dc 21} Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 21 ({@damage 6d6}) psychic damage and goes insane. While insane, creatures can't take actions, can't understand what creatures other than daelkyr say, can't read, and can speak only gibberish. Insanity is permanent until removed by a greater restoration spell or other magic."
"name": "Aura of Madness",
"entries": [
"At the start of each of the daelkyr's turns, creatures within 20 feet of it must succeed on a {@dc 21} Wisdom saving throw or be affected as though by a confusion spell for 1 minute. A creature that successfully saves is immune to the same daelkyr's Aura of Madness for 24 hours."
"name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)",
"entries": [
"If the daelkyr fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead."
"name": "Living Breastplate",
"entries": [
"While this symbiont is attached, the daelkyr has advantage on Constitution checks and Constitution saving throws, turns all critical hits against it into normal hits, and automatically stabilizes at 0 hit points. When the daelkyr is at 0 hit points, the living breastplate can be damaged. It has AC 9, 85 hit points, and is immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from all attacks that aren't byeshk."
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The daelkyr has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects."
"name": "Magic Weapons",
"entries": [
"The daelkyr's weapon attacks are magical."
"name": "Regeneration",
"entries": [
"The daelkyr regains 30 hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point, or if it has 0 hit points and its living breastplate is still attached."
"name": "Symbiont Lord",
"entries": [
"The daelkyr takes no penalty for having symbionts attached to it, and symbionts use the daelkyr's ability scores and proficiencies to determine their abilities. The daelkyr has a living breastplate and tentacle whip attached. Attached symbionts cannot be attacked while the daelkyr has at least 1 hit point."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The daelkyr makes three attacks."
"name": "Corrupting Slam",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 1d8 + 7}) bludgeoning damage and 9 ({@damage 2d8}) acid, necrotic, or psychic damage (the daelkyr's choice)."
"name": "Tentacle Sting",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 1d4 + 7}) piercing damage and the target must make a {@dc 18} Constitution saving throw, taking 10 ({@damage 4d4}) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but {@condition poisoned} for 1 hour and is {@condition paralyzed} while {@condition poisoned} this way. The poison does not end early if the target regains hit points."
"legendary": [
"name": "Attack",
"entries": [
"The daelkyr makes one corrupting slam or tentacle sting attack."
"name": "Tentacle Slash",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 1d4 + 7}) slashing damage and the target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 20}). The daelkyr has advantage on any tentacle attack against a target {@condition grappled} by the tentacle, and may have only one target {@condition grappled} by it."
"name": "Tentacle Thrash",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 1d4 + 7}) slashing damage and the target must make a {@dc 20} Strength saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone}."
"name": "Transposition (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"The daelkyr casts {@spell dimension door}."
"name": "Dumbfound (Costs 3 Actions)",
"entries": [
"The daelkyr casts {@spell feeblemind} or {@spell modify memory}."
"name": "Fleshcraft (Costs 3 Actions)",
"entries": [
"The daelkyr casts {@spell true polymorph} (creature into creature only)."
"traitTags": [
"Legendary Resistances",
"Magic Resistance",
"Magic Weapons",
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "53d7afa034dfbfdfaff4054ac36a422a",
"legendaryGroup": {
"name": "Daelkyr",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Madness stalks beneath the realms of men and beast. Banished to the winding, subterranean realm of Khyber long ago, the daelkyr delight in the warping of minds and crafting of flesh. Though they are barred from returning to the surface of Eberron, their influence has begun to seep beyond broken seals.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Ancient Invasion",
"entries": [
"Though the daelkyr currently make Khyber their home, they are not creatures of the material plane; their origins lie in Xoriat, the Realm of Madness. Nine thousand years ago, Xoriat became coterminous with the material realm and disgorged an army of horrors. Leading the aberrant horde were the daelkyr, beings of unsurpassed beauty and terrible vision.",
"They saw Eberron as a blank canvas, yearning, screaming, begging for their perfecting touch. Though the mortals of the time rose against them, ultimately harnessing the binding power of Eberron itself to cast them into Khyber, empires collapsed in the wake of their invasion.",
"In the current day, few know of this ancient cataclysm. The works of the daelkyr have become boogeymen in the tales of children, haunting the darkness in the back of mortal minds."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Horror of Horrors",
"entries": [
"Every daelkyr is madness itself given physical form. The most powerful ones among them, such as Dyrrn the Corruptor or Belashyrra, the Lord of Eyes, manifest their distinctive insanity as unique traits and abilities. The statistics for the unnamed daelkyr below represent a common baseline for these legendary horrors.",
"During the Xoriat invasion of ancient Khorvaire, untold numbers of daelkyr swarmed out of planar rifts, each one more than a match for dozens of mortal soldiers and spellcasters. Worse, each one of them carried the madness of Xoriat with them like a mantle that seeped into the strata of reality wherever they settled. Even in the current day, the areas of Khyber claimed by these daelkyr bend and twist under the weight of their presence."
"type": "entries",
"name": "A Dalkyr's Lair",
"entries": [
"A daelkyr presides over a cavern or network of tunnels in Khyber that is infested with aberrations and other foul creatures. A daelkyr encountered in its lair has a Challenge rating of 21 (33,000 XP)"
"name": "Orlassk, Master of Stone",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 17,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 23,
"from": [
"{@item living breastplate|ERLW}"
"hp": {
"average": 262,
"formula": "25d8 + 150"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 24,
"dex": 23,
"con": 23,
"int": 25,
"wis": 22,
"cha": 30,
"save": {
"dex": "+13",
"con": "+15",
"wis": "+13",
"cha": "+17"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+14",
"deception": "+17",
"insight": "+13",
"perception": "+13",
"sculptor'stools": "+17"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft.",
"tremorsense 120 ft. (stone surfaces only)"
"passive": 23,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from all attacks that aren't byeshk"
"immune": [
"immune": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine"
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "24",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting (Psionics)",
"headerEntries": [
"Orlassk's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 25}). He can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:"
"will": [
"{@spell bones of the earth|XGE}",
"{@spell confusion}",
"{@spell greater restoration} (ends petrification only)",
"{@spell meld into stone}",
"{@spell feeblemind}",
"{@spell flesh to stone}",
"{@spell haste}",
"{@spell slow}",
"{@spell stone shape}",
"{@spell stoneskin}",
"{@spell wall of stone}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Alien Body",
"entries": [
"Orlassk is immune to disease and any spell or effect that would alter his form, unless he wishes otherwise."
"name": "Alien Mind",
"entries": [
"Any creature who attempts to read the Orlassk's thoughts, study his mind, or attempt a Wisdom (Insight) check to determine any information about him, must make a {@dc 25} Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 35 ({@damage 10d6}) psychic damage and goes insane. While insane, creatures can't take actions, can't understand what creatures other than daelkyr say, can't read, and can speak only gibberish. Insanity is permanent until removed by a greater restoration spell or other magic."
"name": "Aura of Madness",
"entries": [
"At the start of each of Orlassk's turns, creatures within 20 feet of it must succeed on a {@dc 21} Wisdom saving throw or be affected as though by a confusion spell for 1 minute. A creature that successfully saves is immune to Orlassk's Aura of Madness for 24 hours."
"name": "Petrifying Aura",
"entries": [
"At the start of each of Orlassk's turns, any number of creatures he chooses within 20 feet of him must succeed on a {@dc 25} Constitution saving throw or be affected as though by a flesh to stone spell. A creature that successfully saves is immune to this trait for 24 hours."
"name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)",
"entries": [
"If the daelkyr fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead."
"name": "Living Stone Plate",
"entries": [
"While this symbiont is attached, Orlassk's Constitution score increases to 23, he has advantage on Constitution checks and Constitution saving throws, he turns all critical hits against him into normal hits, he automatically stabilizes at 0 hit points, and he is immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine. When Orlassk is at 0 hit points, the living stone plate can be damaged. It has AC 20, 100 hit points, and is immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine."
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"Orlassk has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects."
"name": "Marble Claws",
"entries": [
"Orlassk's attacks with these symbionts are considered magical attacks that are considered to be every kind of special material except byeshk (adamantine, silver, etc.)."
"name": "Master of Stone",
"entries": [
"Orlassk can concentrate on any number of spells that involve stone at the same time, and automatically succeeds on Constitution saving throws he makes to maintain concentration on such spells when he takes damage. When he casts meld into stone, his tremorsense continues to function while merged, and he can move his walking speed through stone. When he casts stone shape, he can affect a stone object of Gargantuan size or smaller or a section of stone no more than 20 feet in any dimension."
"name": "Regeneration",
"entries": [
"Orlassk regains 30 hit points at the start of his turn if he has at least 1 hit point, or if he is in contact with stone. Orlassk is only destroyed if he begins his turn at 0 hit points and is not touching any stone surface or object."
"name": "Symbiont Lord",
"entries": [
"Orlassk takes no penalty for having symbionts attached to him, and symbionts use his ability scores and proficiencies to determine their abilities. Orlassk has a living stone plate and marble claws attached. These are unique symbionts Orlassk has personally crafted for his own use, and they refuse to attach to anyone but him."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"Orlassk makes three attacks."
"name": "Marble Claws",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 14} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}16 ({@damage 2d8 + 7}) bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (Orlassk's choice) and 9 ({@damage 2d8}) acid, necrotic, or psychic damage (Orlassk's choice). If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 22}). Orlassk can grapple up to two targets, one with each claw."
"legendary": [
"name": "Crushing Grasp",
"entries": [
"Orlassk automatically deals 25 ({@damage 4d8 + 7}) bludgeoning damage to a creature {@condition grappled} by him."
"name": "Stone Stride (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"Orlassk casts {@spell meld into stone} on himself and moves up to his speed."
"name": "Stone Thoughts (Costs 3 Actions)",
"entries": [
"Orlassk casts {@spell feeblemind}."
"name": "Stonecraft (Costs 3 Actions)",
"entries": [
"Orlassk casts {@spell bones of the earth}, {@spell flesh to stone}, or {@spell stone shape}."
"traitTags": [
"Legendary Resistances",
"Magic Resistance",
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "e77d8281fe44e5c3e7807e4f11495322",
"legendaryGroup": {
"name": "Orlassk",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Orlassk is whispered of in legend to be the father of all creatures capable of turning the living to stone. He cares little for the adoration or worship of his creations, and many creatures with petrifying attacks deny any connection to this insane entity.",
"In all of Orlassk's time trapped in Khyber, he has made no concerted effort to break free. He seems content to wander the endless stone corridors and caverns in his walking fortress, encountering new creatures, turning them to stone, and then using stone shape to improve them.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Madness of Stone",
"entries": [
"If a creature goes mad or insane in the Xoriat manifest zone linked to Orlassk's influence, roll on the Madness of Stone table to determine the nature of the madness, which is a character flaw that lasts until cured. See the Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 285, for more on madness.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Madness of Stone",
"colLabels": [
"Flaw (lasts until cured)"
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center",
"rows": [
"\"I have fallen in love with a beautiful, life-sized sculpture. I couldn't bear to part from it.\""
"\"My fingernails are turning grey! My joints are getting stiff! I'm slowly turning to stone! Why won't you believe me!?\""
"\"I don't see the point in emotion. It's best to remain stone cold in all situations.\""
"\"Did that statue just talk to me? You hear it too, right?\""
"\"I can't go underground or enter stone structures. The stone weighs too much. I will be crushed!\""
"\"I desire to gaze long and deep into the eyes of a medusa. I will last forever as an edifice of stone!\""
"type": "entries",
"name": "Orlassk's Lair",
"entries": [
"Orlassk is still imprisoned in Khyber like his lesser kin, but he is free to roam the length and breadth of the Dragon Below. His lair travels with him, an enormous creature of living stone, a gargoyle of colossal size. Those wishing to confront Orlassk will have to do so in the bowels of his lair, literally."
"name": "Horrid Rat",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "S",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 11,
"formula": "2d6 + 4"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 7,
"dex": 15,
"con": 15,
"int": 2,
"wis": 10,
"cha": 4,
"passive": 11,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"cr": "2",
"trait": [
"name": "Ill-Tempered",
"entries": [
"Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks involving a horrid rat are always made with disadvantage."
"name": "Keen Hearing and Smell",
"entries": [
"The rat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell."
"name": "Pack Tactics",
"entries": [
"The rat has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the rat's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't {@condition incapacitated}."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The horrid rat makes two attacks."
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 2d4 + 2}) piercing damage and 3 ({@damage 1d6}) acid damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 12} Constitution saving throw or contract a disease. Until the disease is cured, the target can't regain hit points except by magical means, and the target's hit point maximum decreases by 3 ({@dice 1d6}) every 24 hours. If the target's hit point maximum drops to 0 as a result of this disease, the target dies."
"traitTags": [
"Keen Senses",
"Pack Tactics"
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "4ea2922a111292a9b818d690c090ea09",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"A horrid rat is covered in thick, shiny hide, almost appearing like chitin. Their serrated teeth drip with caustic saliva and their mouths are cesspools of bacteria and disease."
"name": "Horrid Wolf",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "L",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 17,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 47,
"formula": "5d10 + 20"
"speed": {
"walk": 50
"str": 17,
"dex": 15,
"con": 19,
"int": 3,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 7,
"skill": {
"perception": "+3",
"stealth": "+4"
"passive": 13,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"cr": "4",
"trait": [
"name": "Ill-Tempered",
"entries": [
"Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks involving a horrid wolf are always made with disadvantage."
"name": "Keen Hearing and Smell",
"entries": [
"The wolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell."
"name": "Pack Tactics",
"entries": [
"The wolf has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the rat's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't {@condition incapacitated}."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The horrid wolf makes two attacks."
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}17 ({@damage 4d6 + 3}) piercing damage and 7 ({@damage 2d6}) acid damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 13} Strength saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone}."
"traitTags": [
"Keen Senses",
"Pack Tactics"
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "c426ebb382922fa6f9a466a1372eddc4",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"A horrid wolf is the size of a rhinoceros, and even more ferocious with six clawed limbs. They seem to have an uncanny knack for picking out the weakest target in a group of prey."
"name": "Horrid Weasel",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 16,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 13,
"formula": "2d8 + 4"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 11,
"dex": 16,
"con": 14,
"int": 4,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 5,
"skill": {
"perception": "+3",
"stealth": "+5"
"passive": 13,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"cr": "2",
"trait": [
"name": "Ill-Tempered",
"entries": [
"Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks involving a horrid weasel are always made with disadvantage."
"name": "Keen Hearing and Smell",
"entries": [
"The weasel has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The horrid weasel makes two attacks."
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 2d4 + 3}) piercing damage and 3 ({@damage 1d6}) acid damage."
"traitTags": [
"Keen Senses"
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "d237ae7a5a291d60ea464cd8276a3e01",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Horrid weasels are the size of large dogs, and must consume almost their weight in meat every day to match their hyper-fast metabolism. Their jaws are powerful enough to crush a man's skull."
"name": "Horrid Tiger",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "L",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 66,
"formula": "7d10 + 28"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 18,
"dex": 14,
"con": 19,
"int": 3,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 8,
"skill": {
"perception": "+3",
"stealth": "+6"
"passive": 13,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"cr": "4",
"trait": [
"name": "Ill-Tempered",
"entries": [
"Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks involving a horrid tiger are always made with disadvantage."
"name": "Keen Smell",
"entries": [
"The tiger has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell."
"name": "Pounce",
"entries": [
"If the tiger moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a {@dc 14} Strength saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone}. If the target is {@condition prone}, the tiger can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The horrid tiger makes two attacks."
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}16 ({@damage 2d10 + 3}) piercing damage and 7 ({@damage 2d6}) acid damage."
"name": "Claw",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}19 ({@damage 4d6 + 3}) slashing damage."
"traitTags": [
"Keen Senses",
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "1e77d221786dfc5ac10fe3a9f7bb7237",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"A horrid tiger is a vicious and cruel hunter. It will often stalk and harry prey for hours, bounding in to make quick attacks and vanishing into the brush, weakening its prey for far longer than necessary to make a kill. Its teeth extend from its mouth and their serrated edges rend flesh with ease."
"name": "Horrid Shark",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "H",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 16,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 148,
"formula": "11d12 + 77"
"speed": {
"walk": 0,
"swim": 50
"str": 23,
"dex": 11,
"con": 25,
"int": 1,
"wis": 10,
"cha": 5,
"skill": {
"perception": "+8"
"passive": 18,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"cr": "12",
"trait": [
"name": "Blood Frenzy",
"entries": [
"The shark has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have all its hit points."
"name": "Ill-Tempered",
"entries": [
"Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks involving a horrid shark are always made with disadvantage."
"name": "Water Breathing",
"entries": [
"The shark can breathe only water."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The horrid shark makes two bite attacks."
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}39 ({@damage 6d10 + 6}) piercing damage and 10 ({@damage 3d6}) acid damage."
"traitTags": [
"Water Breathing"
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "2ba0c32b70084988cc50f06d0fa6db5c",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Terrifying nightmares of the deep, horrid sharks are said to have been created to fight krakens, aboleths, and other aquatic fiends and horrors. Their bodies are covered in black scales that shimmer with a violet iridescence. Sailors who see this strange radiance know that their best chance for survival is to seek land, as horrid sharks are known to batter boats to splinters."
"name": "Dolgaunt",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "aberration",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 16,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 22,
"formula": "4d8 + 4"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 14,
"dex": 19,
"con": 12,
"int": 13,
"wis": 15,
"cha": 11,
"save": {
"dex": "+6",
"stealth": "+6"
"senses": [
"blindsight 360 ft. (blind beyond this radius)"
"passive": 12,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks that aren't byeshk"
"languages": [
"Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue)",
"tentacle sign language 30 ft."
"cr": "1",
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The dolgaunt makes two tentacle attacks. In place of any attack, it can attempt to grapple an opponent up to 10 feet away."
"name": "Tentacle",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}3 (1 + 2) bludgeoning damage."
"name": "Vitality Drain",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target that is {@condition incapacitated}, {@condition restrained}, or {@condition grappled} by the dolgaunt. {@h}3 (1 + 2) piercing damage and 7 ({@damage 2d6}) necrotic damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and the dolgaunt regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0."
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "0c8c98c23d095186a8198e962bbf6025",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"When the armies of the ancient Dhakaani Empire clashed with the forces of madness, hobgoblins that fell in battle were not always lucky enough to die. Those who were captured were experimented upon by Dyrrn the Corruptor to create dolgaunts. The emaciated forms of the dolgaunt host writhe with sensitive cilia and tentacles that allow them to \"see\" despite their lack of eyes."
"name": "Dolgrim",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "S",
"type": "aberration",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 16,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 22,
"formula": "4d8 + 4"
"speed": {
"walk": 20
"str": 14,
"dex": 13,
"con": 12,
"int": 8,
"wis": 9,
"cha": 6,
"save": {
"wis": "+1"
"skill": {
"athletics": "+4",
"stealth": "+5"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 9,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks that aren't byeshk"
"vulnerable": [
"languages": [
"Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue)"
"cr": "1/2",
"trait": [
"name": "Double Actions",
"entries": [
"At the start of combat, a dolgrim rolls initiative twice, gaining a full turn (action, bonus action, and movement) on each resulting initiative count. It regains its reaction at the start of both turns in a round."
"name": "Dual Consciousness",
"entries": [
"A dolgrim has two brains, giving it advantage on saving throws to avoid being {@condition charmed} or {@condition stunned}. Extra Arms. A dolgrim has four arms, giving it advantage on grapple checks against Small or smaller creatures."
"action": [
"name": "Morningstar",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) piercing damage."
"name": "Spear",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) piercing damage."
"name": "Light Crossbow",
"entries": [
"{@atk rw} {@hit 3} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d8 + 1}) piercing damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "07a8d460c2fc4dd27d538b3ece5cb423",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Dyrrn the Corruptor also turned his baleful attention upon the goblins of the Dhakaani Empire. The dolgrims that infest Khyber are the result of his endeavors; hideous amalgamations of two goblins crushed together and molded into one creature. Though the original dolgrims were once in fact multiple individuals, dolgrims of later generations were never anything other than what they are. What foul reproductive process produces such pitiable creatures is best left undiscovered and not dwelled upon."
"name": "Dolgaunt Ascetic",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "aberration",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 18,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 78,
"formula": "12d8 + 24"
"speed": {
"walk": 50
"str": 16,
"dex": 19,
"con": 15,
"int": 13,
"wis": 16,
"cha": 11,
"save": {
"dex": "+6",
"wis": "+6"
"skill": {
"acrobatics": "+6",
"perception": "+6",
"stealth": "+6"
"senses": [
"blindsight 360 ft. (blind beyond this radius)"
"passive": 16,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks that aren't byeshk"
"languages": [
"Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue)",
"tentacle sign language 30 ft."
"cr": "6",
"trait": [
"name": "Mental Focus",
"entries": [
"If the dolgaunt ascetic is {@condition charmed}, {@condition frightened}, or {@condition stunned} at the start of its turn, the condition ends but it cannot make a multiattack for that turn."
"name": "Unfettered Stride",
"entries": [
"The dolgaunt ascetic can move along vertical surfaces and across liquids on its turn without falling during its movement. It is immune to fall damage."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The dolgaunt ascetic makes four attacks: two unarmed strikes and two tentacle attacks. In place of up to two attacks, it can attempt to grapple an opponent up to 10 feet away."
"name": "Tentacle",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d8 + 4}) bludgeoning damage."
"name": "Unarmed Strike",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d8 + 4}) bludgeoning damage."
"name": "Vitality Drain",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target that is {@condition incapacitated}, {@condition restrained}, or {@condition grappled} by the dolgaunt. {@h}3 (1 + 2) piercing damage and 7 ({@damage 2d6}) necrotic damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and the dolgaunt regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0."
"name": "Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)",
"entries": [
"For 1 minute, the dolgaunt ascetic can issue a special command or warning whenever a non-hostile creature that it can see within 30 feet of it makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can add a {@dice d4} to its roll provided it can hear (or perceive, in the case of tentacle sign language) and understand the dolgaunt. A creature can benefit from only one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if the dolgaunt ascetic is {@condition incapacitated}."
"reaction": [
"name": "Parry Missiles",
"entries": [
"The dolgaunt ascetic reduces the damage taken from a ranged attack by 21 ({@dice 1d10 + 16})."
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "0d92ab8d50a04ba232c1a7af28fe0fdf",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Over the centuries since their initial creation, some dolgaunts have become feared assassins and warriors among the cults of the Dragon Below. The most skilled among them discipline their aberrant bodies with monastic rigor, perfecting their aberrant forms. These harsh masters command groups of other aberrations (such as chokers and dolgrims)."
"name": "Valenar Warhorse",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "L",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 15,
"formula": "2d10 + 4"
"speed": {
"walk": 90
"str": 14,
"dex": 15,
"con": 15,
"int": 6,
"wis": 14,
"cha": 10,
"save": {
"dex": "+4"
"passive": 12,
"languages": [
"understands Elvish",
"but can't speak"
"cr": "1/4",
"trait": [
"name": "Bonded Mount",
"entries": [
"A Valenar elf rider has advantage on any ability check related to riding a Valenar warhorse."
"name": "Trampling Charge",
"entries": [
"If the Valenar warhorse moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature then hits it with an attack made with its hooves on the same turn, that target must succeed on a {@dc 15} Strength saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone}. If the target is {@condition prone}, the horse can make another attack with its hooves against it as a bonus action."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The Valenar warhorse makes two attacks with its hooves."
"name": "Hooves",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}10 ({@damage 2d4 + 5}) bludgeoning damage."
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "3fe429d7cf0f11ad84552ad4c17d54a8",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The Tairnadal elves of Valenar share a strong cultural bond with their mounts. The Siyal Marrain (or \"Horse Watchers\" in Common), are a sect of Valenar elf druids who dedicate themselves to the raising of Valenar steeds. They mystically select which horses to breed from every generation to ensure the ancient bloodlines remain pure.",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Blood Brothers",
"entries": [
"Beyond being exceptional mounts, Valenar horses are far more intelligent than normal beasts, and they live roughly ten times longer than normal or magebred horses. The Tairnadal do not share the reason behind this remarkable intelligence and longevity but speak of their mounts as if they are elven kin."
"name": "Equine Espionage",
"entries": [
"Once reports of the majestic steeds from Valenar reached House Vadalis, the dragonmarked house began a focused attempt to buy, coerce, or steal specimens from the Valenar elves. So far, they have been rebuffed at every turn, and even when they have successfully stolen specimens, the Valenar horses only produce normal offspring in captivity. House Vadalis has yet to find out what is preventing them from breeding true Valenar horses of their own, and solving this mystery remains a major priority for the house."
"name": "Valenar Warhorses",
"entries": [
"A Valenar warhorse is an immense beast of majestic power. It fights with a ferocity bordering on the supernatural, and it refuses to leave its rider's side if separated in battle.",
"name": "Sacred Mount",
"entries": [
"When casting the {@spell find greater steed} spell, a Valenar warhorse may be summoned in addition to the options listed in the spell, but only if the spell is cast by a Valenar elf. It remains a beast even when summoned."
"name": "Valenar Riding Horse",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "L",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 15,
"formula": "2d10 + 4"
"speed": {
"walk": 90
"str": 14,
"dex": 15,
"con": 15,
"int": 6,
"wis": 14,
"cha": 10,
"save": {
"dex": "+4"
"passive": 12,
"languages": [
"understands Elvish",
"but can't speak"
"cr": "1/4",
"trait": [
"name": "Bonded Mount",
"entries": [
"A Valenar elf rider has advantage on any ability check related to riding a Valenar riding horse."
"action": [
"name": "Hooves",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 2d4 + 2}) bludgeoning damage."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "ef7081135eb8ea35eb962f5a853f5540",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The Tairnadal elves of Valenar share a strong cultural bond with their mounts. The Siyal Marrain (or \"Horse Watchers\" in Common), are a sect of Valenar elf druids who dedicate themselves to the raising of Valenar steeds. They mystically select which horses to breed from every generation to ensure the ancient bloodlines remain pure.",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Blood Brothers",
"entries": [
"Beyond being exceptional mounts, Valenar horses are far more intelligent than normal beasts, and they live roughly ten times longer than normal or magebred horses. The Tairnadal do not share the reason behind this remarkable intelligence and longevity but speak of their mounts as if they are elven kin."
"name": "Equine Espionage",
"entries": [
"Once reports of the majestic steeds from Valenar reached House Vadalis, the dragonmarked house began a focused attempt to buy, coerce, or steal specimens from the Valenar elves. So far, they have been rebuffed at every turn, and even when they have successfully stolen specimens, the Valenar horses only produce normal offspring in captivity. House Vadalis has yet to find out what is preventing them from breeding true Valenar horses of their own, and solving this mystery remains a major priority for the house."
"name": "Valenar Riding Horses",
"entries": [
"Valenar riding horses are the fastest known mounts in Khorvaire. They are typically bonded to Valenar archers and spellcasters, to allow a Tairnadal warband's ranged support to remain at a distance from enemy lines.",
"name": "Sacred Mount",
"entries": [
"When casting the {@spell find steed} spell, a Valenar riding horse may be summoned in addition to the options listed in the spell, but only if the spell is cast by a Valenar elf. It remains a beast even when summoned."
"name": "Magebred Mastiff",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 14,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 5,
"formula": "1d8 + 1"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 13,
"dex": 14,
"con": 12,
"int": 6,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 7,
"save": {
"wis": "+3"
"skill": {
"perception": "+5"
"passive": 15,
"languages": [
"understands Common",
"but can't speak"
"cr": "1/4",
"trait": [
"name": "Keen Hearing and Smell",
"entries": [
"The mastiff has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell."
"action": [
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 2d6 + 1}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 11} Strength saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone}."
"traitTags": [
"Keen Senses"
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "13eb038825bd6427d4733fc70a53ed36",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This loyal hound was bred for guard duty, and will viciously attack intruders it doesn't recognize."
"name": "Magebred Warhorse",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "L",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 16,
"from": [
"{@item scale mail|PHB}"
"hp": {
"average": 19,
"formula": "3d10 + 3"
"speed": {
"walk": 70
"str": 18,
"dex": 12,
"con": 13,
"int": 6,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 7,
"save": {
"con": "+3"
"skill": {
"athletics": "+6"
"passive": 11,
"languages": [
"understands Common",
"but can't speak"
"cr": "1/2",
"trait": [
"name": "Trampling Charge",
"entries": [
"If the horse moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with an attack made with its hooves on the same turn, that target must succeed on a {@dc 14} Strength saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone}. If the target is {@condition prone}, the horse can make another attack with its hooves against it as a bonus action."
"action": [
"name": "Hooves",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}14 ({@damage 3d6 + 4}) bludgeoning damage."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "c61053bbc242c16950791cb2767c3b43",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This mount was bred for endurance and speed, and wears scale mail barding."
"name": "Winter Cyst",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 14,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 7,
"formula": "3d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 10
"str": 6,
"dex": 17,
"con": 10,
"int": 5,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 11,
"passive": 9,
"languages": [
"understands Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue) but can't speak",
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "1",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"Attaching a winter cyst reduces your hit point maximum by 6."
"name": "Winter Ray",
"entries": [
"While a winter cyst is attached to a creature, the host can fire a ray of frost from the winter cyst's eye as an action. A frigid beam of blue-white light streaks toward a creature within 60 feet. This is a ranged spell attack that uses the host's Dexterity for its attack roll. On a hit, the target takes {@damage 1d8} cold damage, and has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws until the start of your next turn.",
"The ray's damage increases by {@dice 1d8} when the host reaches 5th level ({@dice 2d8}), 11th level ({@dice 3d8}), and 17th level ({@dice 4d8})."
"action": [
"name": "Eye Ray",
"entries": [
"{@atk rs} {@hit 3} to hit, range 60 ft., one creature. {@h}9 ({@damage 2d8}) cold damage, and the target has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws until the start of the winter cyst's next turn."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"uniqueId": "b394b6d5b60c6305198c152a03be055d",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Another bizarre creation of the daelkyr, symbionts are living creatures that seek out a host to merge with. The daelkyr are fond of gifting symbionts as rewards to their favored servants and cultists, and daelkyr typically use them as living arms and armor. All symbionts share the following game mechanics:",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Attachment",
"entries": [
"Symbionts are creatures that can join with a host. Attaching a symbiont requires attunement, and every attached symbiont counts toward the host creature's limit of attuned magic items.",
"Most symbionts cannot attach to an unwilling host. When attaching a symbiont, the host creature suffers a reduction of its maximum Hit Points. Reductions to the host's hit point maximum caused by symbionts cannot be mitigated by any means while the symbiont remains attached. If this reduction reduces the host to a maximum of 0 Hit Points, the host dies.",
"Removing symbionts requires a short rest. If the symbiont is unwilling to be removed, the host and symbiont make a contested Charisma check at the end of the short rest. If the host succeeds, the symbiont is removed. If the host fails, the symbiont remains attached and the host's maximum Hit Points are reduced again as if attaching the symbiont anew."
"name": "Symbiosis",
"entries": [
"When joined with a host, a symbiont gains a number of benefits. While its host has at least 1 hit point, the symbiont is immune to all damage. It cannot take any Actions on its own while attached, but it is aware of any danger its host is aware of.",
"If the host desires to conceal the presence of the attached symbiont, it can use either its own Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, or the symbiont can use its own Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide. The pair must decide which has the best chance of success, but either can use the Help action on the other's check.",
"Any spell the host creature casts on itself automatically also affects the symbiont. Additionally, the host can cast a spell with a range of “Self” on its symbiont instead of on itself. The host and symbiont can share spells even if the spells nor mally do not affect creatures of the host’s or symbiont’s type. Spells cast by another caster that target the host do not affect the symbiont, and vice versa, unless they both wish to share the spell."
"name": "Telepathy",
"entries": [
"Symbionts can communicate telepathically with their hosts, if its host has a language."
"name": "Living Treasure",
"entries": [
"Symbionts enhance a character's abilities in much the same way as magic items, even requiring attunement. While they are never for sale, symbionts can be discovered as treasure or encountered as creatures (some may even be a significant Challenge).",
"Finding a symbiont is a significantly rarer event than coming across a magic item. Specifically seeking out a symbiont takes enough investment and effort to qualify for a short adventure or side quest. See the chart below for the appropriate character level at which players may find a given symbiont as treasure, though certain symbionts can be encountered as legitimate Challenges much earlier (namely the shadow sibling and tentacle whip).",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Level Appropriate Symbionts",
"colLabels": [
"Character Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center",
"rows": [
"1st or higher",
"{@creature breed leech|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature crawling gauntlet|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature throwing scarab|KCThreatDispatch}"
"5th or higher",
"{@creature stormstalk|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature winter cyst|KCThreatDispatch}"
"11th or higher",
"{@creature shadow sibling|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature spellwurm|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tentacle whip|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tongue worm|KCThreatDispatch}"
"17th or higher",
"{@creature living breastplate|KCThreatDispatch}"
"name" : "Winter Cyst",
"entries": [
"This bulbous, slimy polyp looks like a slug with a glassy, inhuman eye at one end. The eye's iris is ice-blue and glows with a baleful, pale light just before it projects a freezing beam from it."
"name": "Tongueworm",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 18,
"formula": "4d4 + 8"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 19,
"dex": 19,
"con": 15,
"int": 5,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 10,
"skill": {
"stealth": "+6"
"senses": [
"blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)"
"passive": 9,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue) but can't speak",
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "1/2",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"Attaching a tongueworm reduces your hit point maximum by 12."
"name": "Tongue Barb",
"entries": [
"While a tongueworm is attached to a creature, the host can make a barb attack as a bonus action against a target within 5 feet. The host uses Strength or Dexterity for its attack rolls with the barb and deals piercing damage with it equal to {@dice 1d4} + their Strength or Dexterity modifier.",
"On a hit, the target must make a Constitution saving throw ({@dc 8} + the host's proficiency bonus + the host's Constitution modifier) or be {@condition poisoned} for 1 minute. The target is {@condition paralyzed} while {@condition poisoned} in this way. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the effect on a success."
"name": "Bestowed Immunity",
"entries": [
"While a tongueworm is attached, the host is immune to poison damage and the {@condition poisoned} condition."
"action": [
"name": "Sting",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d4 + 4}) piercing damage, and the target must make a {@dc 12} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition poisoned} for 1 minute. The target is {@condition paralyzed} while {@condition poisoned} in this way. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "7c16e6e473c25f9ca877e58456480780",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Another bizarre creation of the daelkyr, symbionts are living creatures that seek out a host to merge with. The daelkyr are fond of gifting symbionts as rewards to their favored servants and cultists, and daelkyr typically use them as living arms and armor. All symbionts share the following game mechanics:",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Attachment",
"entries": [
"Symbionts are creatures that can join with a host. Attaching a symbiont requires attunement, and every attached symbiont counts toward the host creature's limit of attuned magic items.",
"Most symbionts cannot attach to an unwilling host. When attaching a symbiont, the host creature suffers a reduction of its maximum Hit Points. Reductions to the host's hit point maximum caused by symbionts cannot be mitigated by any means while the symbiont remains attached. If this reduction reduces the host to a maximum of 0 Hit Points, the host dies.",
"Removing symbionts requires a short rest. If the symbiont is unwilling to be removed, the host and symbiont make a contested Charisma check at the end of the short rest. If the host succeeds, the symbiont is removed. If the host fails, the symbiont remains attached and the host's maximum Hit Points are reduced again as if attaching the symbiont anew."
"name": "Symbiosis",
"entries": [
"When joined with a host, a symbiont gains a number of benefits. While its host has at least 1 hit point, the symbiont is immune to all damage. It cannot take any Actions on its own while attached, but it is aware of any danger its host is aware of.",
"If the host desires to conceal the presence of the attached symbiont, it can use either its own Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, or the symbiont can use its own Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide. The pair must decide which has the best chance of success, but either can use the Help action on the other's check.",
"Any spell the host creature casts on itself automatically also affects the symbiont. Additionally, the host can cast a spell with a range of “Self” on its symbiont instead of on itself. The host and symbiont can share spells even if the spells nor mally do not affect creatures of the host’s or symbiont’s type. Spells cast by another caster that target the host do not affect the symbiont, and vice versa, unless they both wish to share the spell."
"name": "Telepathy",
"entries": [
"Symbionts can communicate telepathically with their hosts, if its host has a language."
"name": "Living Treasure",
"entries": [
"Symbionts enhance a character's abilities in much the same way as magic items, even requiring attunement. While they are never for sale, symbionts can be discovered as treasure or encountered as creatures (some may even be a significant Challenge).",
"Finding a symbiont is a significantly rarer event than coming across a magic item. Specifically seeking out a symbiont takes enough investment and effort to qualify for a short adventure or side quest. See the chart below for the appropriate character level at which players may find a given symbiont as treasure, though certain symbionts can be encountered as legitimate Challenges much earlier (namely the shadow sibling and tentacle whip).",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Level Appropriate Symbionts",
"colLabels": [
"Character Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center",
"rows": [
"1st or higher",
"{@creature breed leech|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature crawling gauntlet|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature throwing scarab|KCThreatDispatch}"
"5th or higher",
"{@creature stormstalk|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature winter cyst|KCThreatDispatch}"
"11th or higher",
"{@creature shadow sibling|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature spellwurm|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tentacle whip|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tongue worm|KCThreatDispatch}"
"17th or higher",
"{@creature living breastplate|KCThreatDispatch}"
"name" : "Tongue Worm",
"entries": [
"Similar in appearance to the tentacle whip, this symbiont attaches to a host by enveloping the host's tongue and compressing itself into the creature's mouth. The host can then launch the symbiont's stinger outward, delivering a potent poison."
"name": "Throwing Scarab",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 13,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 5,
"formula": "2d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 5,
"fly": {
"number": 60,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 2,
"dex": 13,
"con": 11,
"int": 5,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 6,
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 11,
"languages": [
"understands Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue) but can't speak",
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "0",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"Attaching a throwing scarab reduces a host's hit point maximum by 3."
"name": "Carapace Shard",
"entries": [
"While a throwing scarab is attached to a creature, it generates small shards of hard crystalline carapace. The host can make attacks with these shards as if they were weapons with which they were proficient.",
"A shard has the Finesse and Thrown (range 20/60) properties, and the shard is treated as a magical weapon. If the host hits with an attack made with a shard, the attack deals slashing damage equal to {@dice 1d4} + the host's Strength or Dexterity modifier, then the shard dissolves in the target, dealing an additional {@damage 1d4} acid damage.",
"Every round, the throwing scarab secretes one shard per four levels the host possesses (round up). If the host has the capacity to make more than one attack in a round, it can make as many shard attacks as there are shards available. Shards do not last for more than 1 round once detached from the symbiont. If a shard is not used as a weapon within 1 round after being pulled from the symbiont, it dissolves harmlessly."
"action": [
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"Melee Weapon Attack:{@hit -2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}1 piercing damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"uniqueId": "cccdf2103b1648a692ff76d9d44518fc",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Another bizarre creation of the daelkyr, symbionts are living creatures that seek out a host to merge with. The daelkyr are fond of gifting symbionts as rewards to their favored servants and cultists, and daelkyr typically use them as living arms and armor. All symbionts share the following game mechanics:",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Attachment",
"entries": [
"Symbionts are creatures that can join with a host. Attaching a symbiont requires attunement, and every attached symbiont counts toward the host creature's limit of attuned magic items.",
"Most symbionts cannot attach to an unwilling host. When attaching a symbiont, the host creature suffers a reduction of its maximum Hit Points. Reductions to the host's hit point maximum caused by symbionts cannot be mitigated by any means while the symbiont remains attached. If this reduction reduces the host to a maximum of 0 Hit Points, the host dies.",
"Removing symbionts requires a short rest. If the symbiont is unwilling to be removed, the host and symbiont make a contested Charisma check at the end of the short rest. If the host succeeds, the symbiont is removed. If the host fails, the symbiont remains attached and the host's maximum Hit Points are reduced again as if attaching the symbiont anew."
"name": "Symbiosis",
"entries": [
"When joined with a host, a symbiont gains a number of benefits. While its host has at least 1 hit point, the symbiont is immune to all damage. It cannot take any Actions on its own while attached, but it is aware of any danger its host is aware of.",
"If the host desires to conceal the presence of the attached symbiont, it can use either its own Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, or the symbiont can use its own Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide. The pair must decide which has the best chance of success, but either can use the Help action on the other's check.",
"Any spell the host creature casts on itself automatically also affects the symbiont. Additionally, the host can cast a spell with a range of “Self” on its symbiont instead of on itself. The host and symbiont can share spells even if the spells nor mally do not affect creatures of the host’s or symbiont’s type. Spells cast by another caster that target the host do not affect the symbiont, and vice versa, unless they both wish to share the spell."
"name": "Telepathy",
"entries": [
"Symbionts can communicate telepathically with their hosts, if its host has a language."
"name": "Living Treasure",
"entries": [
"Symbionts enhance a character's abilities in much the same way as magic items, even requiring attunement. While they are never for sale, symbionts can be discovered as treasure or encountered as creatures (some may even be a significant Challenge).",
"Finding a symbiont is a significantly rarer event than coming across a magic item. Specifically seeking out a symbiont takes enough investment and effort to qualify for a short adventure or side quest. See the chart below for the appropriate character level at which players may find a given symbiont as treasure, though certain symbionts can be encountered as legitimate Challenges much earlier (namely the shadow sibling and tentacle whip).",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Level Appropriate Symbionts",
"colLabels": [
"Character Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center",
"rows": [
"1st or higher",
"{@creature breed leech|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature crawling gauntlet|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature throwing scarab|KCThreatDispatch}"
"5th or higher",
"{@creature stormstalk|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature winter cyst|KCThreatDispatch}"
"11th or higher",
"{@creature shadow sibling|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature spellwurm|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tentacle whip|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tongue worm|KCThreatDispatch}"
"17th or higher",
"{@creature living breastplate|KCThreatDispatch}"
"name" : "Throwing Scarab",
"entries": [
"At first glance, a throwing scarab appears to be a gem cut in the shape of a small beetle, until it moves. Mostly harmless on its own, while attached to a host, it generates small shards of hard crystal that can be used as deadly throwing weapons that dissolve into acid."
"name": "Tentacle Whip",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 17,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 14,
"formula": "4d4 + 4"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 9,
"dex": 18,
"con": 13,
"int": 7,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 10,
"skill": {
"stealth": "+6"
"senses": [
"blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)"
"passive": 9,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue) but can't speak",
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "2",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"Attaching a tentacle whip reduces a host's hit point maximum by 9."
"name": "Living Lash",
"entries": [
"While a tentacle whip is attached to a creature, the host can use it just as if it was an actual whip, except that it deals piercing damage instead of slashing damage. The host has proficiency with it. On every successful hit, the target of the attack must make a {@dc 11} Constitution saving throw, taking 5 ({@damage 2d4}) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.",
"If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but {@condition poisoned} for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is {@condition paralyzed} while {@condition poisoned} in this way.",
"The host can also make one attack with the whip as a bonus action every round. In addition, while the tentacle whip is attached, a host has a reach of 10 feet with melee spell attacks."
"action": [
"name": "Sting",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d4 + 4}) piercing damage, and the target must make a {@dc 11} Constitution saving throw, taking 5 ({@damage 2d4}) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but {@condition poisoned} for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is {@condition paralyzed} while {@condition poisoned} in this way."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "76d99b8522ec2c55fcd997609b6f6384",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Another bizarre creation of the daelkyr, symbionts are living creatures that seek out a host to merge with. The daelkyr are fond of gifting symbionts as rewards to their favored servants and cultists, and daelkyr typically use them as living arms and armor. All symbionts share the following game mechanics:",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Attachment",
"entries": [
"Symbionts are creatures that can join with a host. Attaching a symbiont requires attunement, and every attached symbiont counts toward the host creature's limit of attuned magic items.",
"Most symbionts cannot attach to an unwilling host. When attaching a symbiont, the host creature suffers a reduction of its maximum Hit Points. Reductions to the host's hit point maximum caused by symbionts cannot be mitigated by any means while the symbiont remains attached. If this reduction reduces the host to a maximum of 0 Hit Points, the host dies.",
"Removing symbionts requires a short rest. If the symbiont is unwilling to be removed, the host and symbiont make a contested Charisma check at the end of the short rest. If the host succeeds, the symbiont is removed. If the host fails, the symbiont remains attached and the host's maximum Hit Points are reduced again as if attaching the symbiont anew."
"name": "Symbiosis",
"entries": [
"When joined with a host, a symbiont gains a number of benefits. While its host has at least 1 hit point, the symbiont is immune to all damage. It cannot take any Actions on its own while attached, but it is aware of any danger its host is aware of.",
"If the host desires to conceal the presence of the attached symbiont, it can use either its own Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, or the symbiont can use its own Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide. The pair must decide which has the best chance of success, but either can use the Help action on the other's check.",
"Any spell the host creature casts on itself automatically also affects the symbiont. Additionally, the host can cast a spell with a range of “Self” on its symbiont instead of on itself. The host and symbiont can share spells even if the spells nor mally do not affect creatures of the host’s or symbiont’s type. Spells cast by another caster that target the host do not affect the symbiont, and vice versa, unless they both wish to share the spell."
"name": "Telepathy",
"entries": [
"Symbionts can communicate telepathically with their hosts, if its host has a language."
"name": "Living Treasure",
"entries": [
"Symbionts enhance a character's abilities in much the same way as magic items, even requiring attunement. While they are never for sale, symbionts can be discovered as treasure or encountered as creatures (some may even be a significant Challenge).",
"Finding a symbiont is a significantly rarer event than coming across a magic item. Specifically seeking out a symbiont takes enough investment and effort to qualify for a short adventure or side quest. See the chart below for the appropriate character level at which players may find a given symbiont as treasure, though certain symbionts can be encountered as legitimate Challenges much earlier (namely the shadow sibling and tentacle whip).",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Level Appropriate Symbionts",
"colLabels": [
"Character Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center",
"rows": [
"1st or higher",
"{@creature breed leech|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature crawling gauntlet|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature throwing scarab|KCThreatDispatch}"
"5th or higher",
"{@creature stormstalk|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature winter cyst|KCThreatDispatch}"
"11th or higher",
"{@creature shadow sibling|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature spellwurm|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tentacle whip|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tongue worm|KCThreatDispatch}"
"17th or higher",
"{@creature living breastplate|KCThreatDispatch}"
"name" : "Tentacle Whip",
"entries": [
"This creature appears to be a long, thin snake with its skin and scales flayed, leaving wet, slimy muscle. Its poison is capable of paralyzing prey, and a host can use the creature as a deadly whip."
"name": "Stormstalk",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 14,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 7,
"formula": "3d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 10
"str": 6,
"dex": 17,
"con": 10,
"int": 5,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 11,
"passive": 9,
"languages": [
"understands Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue) but can't speak",
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "1",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"Attaching a stormstalk reduces a host's hit point maximum by 6."
"name": "Second Skin",
"entries": [
"While a stormstalk is attached to a creature, the host can fire a ray of lightning from the stormstalk's eye as an action. A white-hot bluish line of crackling light streaks toward a creature within 60 feet. This is a ranged spell attack that uses the host's Dexterity for its attack roll. On a hit, the target takes {@damage 1d8} lightning damage, and has disadvantage on Dexterity checks and Dexterity saving throws until the start of the host's next turn.",
"The ray's damage increases by {@dice 1d8} when the host reaches 5th level ({@dice 2d8}), 11th level ({@dice 3d8}), and 17th level ({@dice 4d8})."
"action": [
"name": "Eye Ray",
"entries": [
"{@atk rs} {@hit 3} to hit, range 60 ft., one creature. {@h}9 ({@damage 2d8}) lightning damage, and the target has disadvantage on Dexterity checks and Dexterity saving throws until the start of the stormstalk's next turn."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"uniqueId": "dc4cb60a064022849a6580a96b20e00b",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Another bizarre creation of the daelkyr, symbionts are living creatures that seek out a host to merge with. The daelkyr are fond of gifting symbionts as rewards to their favored servants and cultists, and daelkyr typically use them as living arms and armor. All symbionts share the following game mechanics:",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Attachment",
"entries": [
"Symbionts are creatures that can join with a host. Attaching a symbiont requires attunement, and every attached symbiont counts toward the host creature's limit of attuned magic items.",
"Most symbionts cannot attach to an unwilling host. When attaching a symbiont, the host creature suffers a reduction of its maximum Hit Points. Reductions to the host's hit point maximum caused by symbionts cannot be mitigated by any means while the symbiont remains attached. If this reduction reduces the host to a maximum of 0 Hit Points, the host dies.",
"Removing symbionts requires a short rest. If the symbiont is unwilling to be removed, the host and symbiont make a contested Charisma check at the end of the short rest. If the host succeeds, the symbiont is removed. If the host fails, the symbiont remains attached and the host's maximum Hit Points are reduced again as if attaching the symbiont anew."
"name": "Symbiosis",
"entries": [
"When joined with a host, a symbiont gains a number of benefits. While its host has at least 1 hit point, the symbiont is immune to all damage. It cannot take any Actions on its own while attached, but it is aware of any danger its host is aware of.",
"If the host desires to conceal the presence of the attached symbiont, it can use either its own Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, or the symbiont can use its own Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide. The pair must decide which has the best chance of success, but either can use the Help action on the other's check.",
"Any spell the host creature casts on itself automatically also affects the symbiont. Additionally, the host can cast a spell with a range of “Self” on its symbiont instead of on itself. The host and symbiont can share spells even if the spells nor mally do not affect creatures of the host’s or symbiont’s type. Spells cast by another caster that target the host do not affect the symbiont, and vice versa, unless they both wish to share the spell."
"name": "Telepathy",
"entries": [
"Symbionts can communicate telepathically with their hosts, if its host has a language."
"name": "Living Treasure",
"entries": [
"Symbionts enhance a character's abilities in much the same way as magic items, even requiring attunement. While they are never for sale, symbionts can be discovered as treasure or encountered as creatures (some may even be a significant Challenge).",
"Finding a symbiont is a significantly rarer event than coming across a magic item. Specifically seeking out a symbiont takes enough investment and effort to qualify for a short adventure or side quest. See the chart below for the appropriate character level at which players may find a given symbiont as treasure, though certain symbionts can be encountered as legitimate Challenges much earlier (namely the shadow sibling and tentacle whip).",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Level Appropriate Symbionts",
"colLabels": [
"Character Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center",
"rows": [
"1st or higher",
"{@creature breed leech|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature crawling gauntlet|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature throwing scarab|KCThreatDispatch}"
"5th or higher",
"{@creature stormstalk|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature winter cyst|KCThreatDispatch}"
"11th or higher",
"{@creature shadow sibling|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature spellwurm|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tentacle whip|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tongue worm|KCThreatDispatch}"
"17th or higher",
"{@creature living breastplate|KCThreatDispatch}"
"name" : "Stormstalk",
"entries": [
"Similar in appearance to an eel, except for the large humanoid eye replacing its head, a stormstalk's sleek body crackles with electricity. It can discharge this lighting through its eye, and allows a host to use this attack as well."
"name": "Spellwurm",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 10,
"formula": "4d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 20
"str": 6,
"dex": 15,
"con": 11,
"int": 5,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 16,
"passive": 9,
"languages": [
"understands Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue) but can't speak",
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "1",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Bestowed Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"While a spellwurm is attached to a creature, the host gains greater spellcasting ability. If the host prepares spells or has spells known, it adds blur, detect thoughts, mage armor, and scorching ray to its prepared or known spells, beyond what they can normally prepare or know. If the host does not already know spells or does not prepare spells, it can cast each of the above spells once at their lowest possible spell level, and regains the ability to cast each spell after a long rest. If the host has a spellcasting ability, it uses that as the spellcasting ability for these spells. Otherwise Charisma is the spellcasting ability for them."
"ability": "cha"
"name": "Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"The spellwurm is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 13}, {@hit 5} to hit with spell attacks). It knows the following sorcerer spells:"
"spells": {
"0": {
"spells": [
"{@spell blade ward}",
"{@spell chill touch}",
"{@spell mage hand}",
"{@spell minor illusion}",
"{@spell ray of frost}"
"1": {
"slots": 4,
"spells": [
"{@spell mage armor}",
"{@spell magic missile}",
"{@spell ray of sickness}",
"{@spell sleep}"
"2": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell blur}",
"{@spell detect thoughts}",
"{@spell scorching ray}"
"3": {
"slots": 2,
"spells": [
"{@spell fear}",
"{@spell hypnotic pattern}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"Attaching a spellwurm reduces a host's hit point maximum by 9."
"action": [
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 0} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}1 piercing damage."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "d2e5364bf4bd403bad23bd3bf96918e6",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Another bizarre creation of the daelkyr, symbionts are living creatures that seek out a host to merge with. The daelkyr are fond of gifting symbionts as rewards to their favored servants and cultists, and daelkyr typically use them as living arms and armor. All symbionts share the following game mechanics:",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Attachment",
"entries": [
"Symbionts are creatures that can join with a host. Attaching a symbiont requires attunement, and every attached symbiont counts toward the host creature's limit of attuned magic items.",
"Most symbionts cannot attach to an unwilling host. When attaching a symbiont, the host creature suffers a reduction of its maximum Hit Points. Reductions to the host's hit point maximum caused by symbionts cannot be mitigated by any means while the symbiont remains attached. If this reduction reduces the host to a maximum of 0 Hit Points, the host dies.",
"Removing symbionts requires a short rest. If the symbiont is unwilling to be removed, the host and symbiont make a contested Charisma check at the end of the short rest. If the host succeeds, the symbiont is removed. If the host fails, the symbiont remains attached and the host's maximum Hit Points are reduced again as if attaching the symbiont anew."
"name": "Symbiosis",
"entries": [
"When joined with a host, a symbiont gains a number of benefits. While its host has at least 1 hit point, the symbiont is immune to all damage. It cannot take any Actions on its own while attached, but it is aware of any danger its host is aware of.",
"If the host desires to conceal the presence of the attached symbiont, it can use either its own Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, or the symbiont can use its own Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide. The pair must decide which has the best chance of success, but either can use the Help action on the other's check.",
"Any spell the host creature casts on itself automatically also affects the symbiont. Additionally, the host can cast a spell with a range of “Self” on its symbiont instead of on itself. The host and symbiont can share spells even if the spells nor mally do not affect creatures of the host’s or symbiont’s type. Spells cast by another caster that target the host do not affect the symbiont, and vice versa, unless they both wish to share the spell."
"name": "Telepathy",
"entries": [
"Symbionts can communicate telepathically with their hosts, if its host has a language."
"name": "Living Treasure",
"entries": [
"Symbionts enhance a character's abilities in much the same way as magic items, even requiring attunement. While they are never for sale, symbionts can be discovered as treasure or encountered as creatures (some may even be a significant Challenge).",
"Finding a symbiont is a significantly rarer event than coming across a magic item. Specifically seeking out a symbiont takes enough investment and effort to qualify for a short adventure or side quest. See the chart below for the appropriate character level at which players may find a given symbiont as treasure, though certain symbionts can be encountered as legitimate Challenges much earlier (namely the shadow sibling and tentacle whip).",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Level Appropriate Symbionts",
"colLabels": [
"Character Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center",
"rows": [
"1st or higher",
"{@creature breed leech|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature crawling gauntlet|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature throwing scarab|KCThreatDispatch}"
"5th or higher",
"{@creature stormstalk|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature winter cyst|KCThreatDispatch}"
"11th or higher",
"{@creature shadow sibling|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature spellwurm|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tentacle whip|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tongue worm|KCThreatDispatch}"
"17th or higher",
"{@creature living breastplate|KCThreatDispatch}"
"name" : "Spellwurm",
"entries": [
"This long, slug-like creature has a mouth ringed in five lithe tentacles, reminiscent of a humanoid's fingers. It uses these digit-tentacles to supply the somatic components for the spells it casts, and grants its spellcasting knowledge to a host."
"name": "Shadow Sibling",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 14,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 45,
"formula": "6d8 + 18"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 1,
"dex": 19,
"con": 16,
"int": 5,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 10,
"skill": {
"stealth": "+8"
"passive": 11,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from non-magical attacks that aren't byeshk"
"languages": [
"understands Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue) but can't speak",
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "2",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"Attaching a shadow sibling reduces a host's hit point maximum by 16."
"name": "Second Skin",
"entries": [
"While a shadow sibling is attached to a creature, it covers the host in a thin, vaguely slimy film. A shadow sibling partly blocks ambient light, giving the host creature and its equipment a shadowy appearance even in full daylight. This effect grants the host advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.",
"While it is attached, as a reaction in response to taking damage, the host can gain damage resistance to the following types of damage for one round: acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder, or bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical attacks that aren't byeshk. Once a host uses this reaction, they cannot do so again until they take a short rest."
"action": [
"name": "Corrupting Touch",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d6 + 4}) acid or necrotic damage (the shadow sibling's choice)."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "7182e70617ccceb800cfb4ea291d2155",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Another bizarre creation of the daelkyr, symbionts are living creatures that seek out a host to merge with. The daelkyr are fond of gifting symbionts as rewards to their favored servants and cultists, and daelkyr typically use them as living arms and armor. All symbionts share the following game mechanics:",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Attachment",
"entries": [
"Symbionts are creatures that can join with a host. Attaching a symbiont requires attunement, and every attached symbiont counts toward the host creature's limit of attuned magic items.",
"Most symbionts cannot attach to an unwilling host. When attaching a symbiont, the host creature suffers a reduction of its maximum Hit Points. Reductions to the host's hit point maximum caused by symbionts cannot be mitigated by any means while the symbiont remains attached. If this reduction reduces the host to a maximum of 0 Hit Points, the host dies.",
"Removing symbionts requires a short rest. If the symbiont is unwilling to be removed, the host and symbiont make a contested Charisma check at the end of the short rest. If the host succeeds, the symbiont is removed. If the host fails, the symbiont remains attached and the host's maximum Hit Points are reduced again as if attaching the symbiont anew."
"name": "Symbiosis",
"entries": [
"When joined with a host, a symbiont gains a number of benefits. While its host has at least 1 hit point, the symbiont is immune to all damage. It cannot take any Actions on its own while attached, but it is aware of any danger its host is aware of.",
"If the host desires to conceal the presence of the attached symbiont, it can use either its own Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, or the symbiont can use its own Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide. The pair must decide which has the best chance of success, but either can use the Help action on the other's check.",
"Any spell the host creature casts on itself automatically also affects the symbiont. Additionally, the host can cast a spell with a range of “Self” on its symbiont instead of on itself. The host and symbiont can share spells even if the spells nor mally do not affect creatures of the host’s or symbiont’s type. Spells cast by another caster that target the host do not affect the symbiont, and vice versa, unless they both wish to share the spell."
"name": "Telepathy",
"entries": [
"Symbionts can communicate telepathically with their hosts, if its host has a language."
"name": "Living Treasure",
"entries": [
"Symbionts enhance a character's abilities in much the same way as magic items, even requiring attunement. While they are never for sale, symbionts can be discovered as treasure or encountered as creatures (some may even be a significant Challenge).",
"Finding a symbiont is a significantly rarer event than coming across a magic item. Specifically seeking out a symbiont takes enough investment and effort to qualify for a short adventure or side quest. See the chart below for the appropriate character level at which players may find a given symbiont as treasure, though certain symbionts can be encountered as legitimate Challenges much earlier (namely the shadow sibling and tentacle whip).",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Level Appropriate Symbionts",
"colLabels": [
"Character Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center",
"rows": [
"1st or higher",
"{@creature breed leech|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature crawling gauntlet|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature throwing scarab|KCThreatDispatch}"
"5th or higher",
"{@creature stormstalk|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature winter cyst|KCThreatDispatch}"
"11th or higher",
"{@creature shadow sibling|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature spellwurm|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tentacle whip|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tongue worm|KCThreatDispatch}"
"17th or higher",
"{@creature living breastplate|KCThreatDispatch}"
"name" : "Shadow Sibling",
"entries": [
"A shadow sibling is often confused for an undead shadow creature, as it appears to be a vaguely dark, intangible humanoid. In reality it is a hollow, thin sheath of tissue that can attach to a host like a second skin, granting it a shadowy appearance."
"name": "Living Breastplate",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "S",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 9,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 85,
"formula": "10d6 + 50"
"speed": {
"walk": 1,
"str": 4,
"dex": 1,
"con": 21,
"int": 10,
"wis": 15,
"cha": 14,
"save": {
"con": "+7"
"senses": [
"blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius)"
"passive": 9,
"immune": [
"immune": [
"note": "from all attacks that aren't byeshk"
"languages": [
"understands Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue) but can't speak",
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "0",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"Attaching a living breastplate reduces a host's hit point maximum by 55 ({@dice 10d10}).",
"Removing a living breastplate is particularly traumatic, and deals 110 ({@damage 20d10}) slashing damage to the host. This damage cannot be resisted or reduced by any means. If this damage reduces the host to 0 hit points, it dies."
"name": "Aberrant Fortification",
"entries": [
"While attached to a living breastplate, a host creature cannot wear armor, but has an AC of 14 + the host's Dexterity modifier (no maximum).",
"While the living breastplate is attached, the host's Constitution score becomes 19, if the host's Constitution is not already higher, and the host gains advantage on Constitution checks and saving throws. The host gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from all attacks that aren't byeshk. Any critical hit against the host becomes a normal hit.",
"A host that has fallen to 0 hit points and fails two death saving throws automatically stabilizes, but the living breastplate reduces the host's hit point maximum by 5 ({@dice 1d10}) every time this happens. This reduction cannot be restored while the living breastplate is attached, and if this reduction reduces the host to a maximum of 0 hit points, the host dies."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"uniqueId": "9537b19b67b9fddab769cda4ce4f7f76",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Another bizarre creation of the daelkyr, symbionts are living creatures that seek out a host to merge with. The daelkyr are fond of gifting symbionts as rewards to their favored servants and cultists, and daelkyr typically use them as living arms and armor. All symbionts share the following game mechanics:",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Attachment",
"entries": [
"Symbionts are creatures that can join with a host. Attaching a symbiont requires attunement, and every attached symbiont counts toward the host creature's limit of attuned magic items.",
"Most symbionts cannot attach to an unwilling host. When attaching a symbiont, the host creature suffers a reduction of its maximum Hit Points. Reductions to the host's hit point maximum caused by symbionts cannot be mitigated by any means while the symbiont remains attached. If this reduction reduces the host to a maximum of 0 Hit Points, the host dies.",
"Removing symbionts requires a short rest. If the symbiont is unwilling to be removed, the host and symbiont make a contested Charisma check at the end of the short rest. If the host succeeds, the symbiont is removed. If the host fails, the symbiont remains attached and the host's maximum Hit Points are reduced again as if attaching the symbiont anew."
"name": "Symbiosis",
"entries": [
"When joined with a host, a symbiont gains a number of benefits. While its host has at least 1 hit point, the symbiont is immune to all damage. It cannot take any Actions on its own while attached, but it is aware of any danger its host is aware of.",
"If the host desires to conceal the presence of the attached symbiont, it can use either its own Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, or the symbiont can use its own Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide. The pair must decide which has the best chance of success, but either can use the Help action on the other's check.",
"Any spell the host creature casts on itself automatically also affects the symbiont. Additionally, the host can cast a spell with a range of “Self” on its symbiont instead of on itself. The host and symbiont can share spells even if the spells nor mally do not affect creatures of the host’s or symbiont’s type. Spells cast by another caster that target the host do not affect the symbiont, and vice versa, unless they both wish to share the spell."
"name": "Telepathy",
"entries": [
"Symbionts can communicate telepathically with their hosts, if its host has a language."
"name": "Living Treasure",
"entries": [
"Symbionts enhance a character's abilities in much the same way as magic items, even requiring attunement. While they are never for sale, symbionts can be discovered as treasure or encountered as creatures (some may even be a significant Challenge).",
"Finding a symbiont is a significantly rarer event than coming across a magic item. Specifically seeking out a symbiont takes enough investment and effort to qualify for a short adventure or side quest. See the chart below for the appropriate character level at which players may find a given symbiont as treasure, though certain symbionts can be encountered as legitimate Challenges much earlier (namely the shadow sibling and tentacle whip).",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Level Appropriate Symbionts",
"colLabels": [
"Character Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center",
"rows": [
"1st or higher",
"{@creature breed leech|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature crawling gauntlet|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature throwing scarab|KCThreatDispatch}"
"5th or higher",
"{@creature stormstalk|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature winter cyst|KCThreatDispatch}"
"11th or higher",
"{@creature shadow sibling|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature spellwurm|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tentacle whip|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tongue worm|KCThreatDispatch}"
"17th or higher",
"{@creature living breastplate|KCThreatDispatch}"
"name" : "Living Breastplate",
"entries": [
"On its own, a living breastplate looks like a round mass of muscle and chitin, and is defenseless except for its extreme durability. When attached to a creature, the symbiont extends tendrils deep into the host's body, entwining around organs and injecting alien fluids into the host's circulatory system. Though disturbing and torturously painful, a host gains several defensive benefits if it survives the process."
"name": "Crawling Gauntlet",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 13,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 4,
"formula": "2d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 20
"str": 18,
"dex": 13,
"con": 11,
"int": 5,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 10,
"passive": 9,
"languages": [
"understands Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue) but can't speak",
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "1/4",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"Attaching a crawling gauntlet reduces a host's hit point maximum by 3."
"name": "Living Claw",
"entries": [
"While a crawling gauntlet is attached to a creature, the host can make a claw attack as a bonus action. This is a melee weapon attack that uses Strength or Dexterity for the attack roll and deals slashing damage equal to {@dice 1d6} + the host's Strength or Dexterity modifier."
"action": [
"name": "Strangling Claw",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d4 + 4}) slashing damage. On a critical hit, the crawling gauntlet automatically grapples the target. It latches onto the target's throat and begins to strangle them. The target begins to suffocate as if it just ran out of breath, and cannot breathe again until it escapes the grapple or the crawling gauntlet dies."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "e1f8ddeac91cce5c3202ce2a003891fe",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Another bizarre creation of the daelkyr, symbionts are living creatures that seek out a host to merge with. The daelkyr are fond of gifting symbionts as rewards to their favored servants and cultists, and daelkyr typically use them as living arms and armor. All symbionts share the following game mechanics:",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Attachment",
"entries": [
"Symbionts are creatures that can join with a host. Attaching a symbiont requires attunement, and every attached symbiont counts toward the host creature's limit of attuned magic items.",
"Most symbionts cannot attach to an unwilling host. When attaching a symbiont, the host creature suffers a reduction of its maximum Hit Points. Reductions to the host's hit point maximum caused by symbionts cannot be mitigated by any means while the symbiont remains attached. If this reduction reduces the host to a maximum of 0 Hit Points, the host dies.",
"Removing symbionts requires a short rest. If the symbiont is unwilling to be removed, the host and symbiont make a contested Charisma check at the end of the short rest. If the host succeeds, the symbiont is removed. If the host fails, the symbiont remains attached and the host's maximum Hit Points are reduced again as if attaching the symbiont anew."
"name": "Symbiosis",
"entries": [
"When joined with a host, a symbiont gains a number of benefits. While its host has at least 1 hit point, the symbiont is immune to all damage. It cannot take any Actions on its own while attached, but it is aware of any danger its host is aware of.",
"If the host desires to conceal the presence of the attached symbiont, it can use either its own Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, or the symbiont can use its own Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide. The pair must decide which has the best chance of success, but either can use the Help action on the other's check.",
"Any spell the host creature casts on itself automatically also affects the symbiont. Additionally, the host can cast a spell with a range of “Self” on its symbiont instead of on itself. The host and symbiont can share spells even if the spells nor mally do not affect creatures of the host’s or symbiont’s type. Spells cast by another caster that target the host do not affect the symbiont, and vice versa, unless they both wish to share the spell."
"name": "Telepathy",
"entries": [
"Symbionts can communicate telepathically with their hosts, if its host has a language."
"name": "Living Treasure",
"entries": [
"Symbionts enhance a character's abilities in much the same way as magic items, even requiring attunement. While they are never for sale, symbionts can be discovered as treasure or encountered as creatures (some may even be a significant Challenge).",
"Finding a symbiont is a significantly rarer event than coming across a magic item. Specifically seeking out a symbiont takes enough investment and effort to qualify for a short adventure or side quest. See the chart below for the appropriate character level at which players may find a given symbiont as treasure, though certain symbionts can be encountered as legitimate Challenges much earlier (namely the shadow sibling and tentacle whip).",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Level Appropriate Symbionts",
"colLabels": [
"Character Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center",
"rows": [
"1st or higher",
"{@creature breed leech|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature crawling gauntlet|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature throwing scarab|KCThreatDispatch}"
"5th or higher",
"{@creature stormstalk|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature winter cyst|KCThreatDispatch}"
"11th or higher",
"{@creature shadow sibling|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature spellwurm|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tentacle whip|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tongue worm|KCThreatDispatch}"
"17th or higher",
"{@creature living breastplate|KCThreatDispatch}"
"name" : "Crawling Gauntlet",
"entries": [
"This disturbing creature resembles a monstrous, severed hand. It skitters about in disturbing motions akin to a scorpion. A host creature can wear this symbiont like a glove, giving it a claw attack."
"name": "Breed Leech",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 2,
"formula": "1d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 20
"str": 6,
"dex": 11,
"con": 11,
"int": 5,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 10,
"skill": {
"stealth": "+2"
"senses": [
"blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius)"
"passive": 9,
"languages": [
"understands Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue) but can't speak",
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "0",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"Attaching a breed leech reduces a host's hit point maximum by 1."
"name": "Bolster Host",
"entries": [
"While a breed leech is attached to a creature, the host regains all expended Hit Dice when they finish a long rest, ignores the first level of {@condition exhaustion} they would gain in any given 24-hour period, and has proficiency with Constitution saving throws. If the breed leech is removed or dies, its former host immediately loses these benefits.",
"If the breed leech is attached to a pregnant humanoid host, the child will be born as a daelkyr half-blood."
"action": [
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 0} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}1 piercing damage and the breed leech automatically attaches itself. Attunement occurs instantly. If the target is already attuned to three items, one random attunement is overridden."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "e3f51fd1b51ff2606377f1265f32f0c0",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Another bizarre creation of the daelkyr, symbionts are living creatures that seek out a host to merge with. The daelkyr are fond of gifting symbionts as rewards to their favored servants and cultists, and daelkyr typically use them as living arms and armor. All symbionts share the following game mechanics:",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Attachment",
"entries": [
"Symbionts are creatures that can join with a host. Attaching a symbiont requires attunement, and every attached symbiont counts toward the host creature's limit of attuned magic items.",
"Most symbionts cannot attach to an unwilling host. When attaching a symbiont, the host creature suffers a reduction of its maximum Hit Points. Reductions to the host's hit point maximum caused by symbionts cannot be mitigated by any means while the symbiont remains attached. If this reduction reduces the host to a maximum of 0 Hit Points, the host dies.",
"Removing symbionts requires a short rest. If the symbiont is unwilling to be removed, the host and symbiont make a contested Charisma check at the end of the short rest. If the host succeeds, the symbiont is removed. If the host fails, the symbiont remains attached and the host's maximum Hit Points are reduced again as if attaching the symbiont anew."
"name": "Symbiosis",
"entries": [
"When joined with a host, a symbiont gains a number of benefits. While its host has at least 1 hit point, the symbiont is immune to all damage. It cannot take any Actions on its own while attached, but it is aware of any danger its host is aware of.",
"If the host desires to conceal the presence of the attached symbiont, it can use either its own Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, or the symbiont can use its own Dexterity (Stealth) check to hide. The pair must decide which has the best chance of success, but either can use the Help action on the other's check.",
"Any spell the host creature casts on itself automatically also affects the symbiont. Additionally, the host can cast a spell with a range of “Self” on its symbiont instead of on itself. The host and symbiont can share spells even if the spells nor mally do not affect creatures of the host’s or symbiont’s type. Spells cast by another caster that target the host do not affect the symbiont, and vice versa, unless they both wish to share the spell."
"name": "Telepathy",
"entries": [
"Symbionts can communicate telepathically with their hosts, if its host has a language."
"name": "Living Treasure",
"entries": [
"Symbionts enhance a character's abilities in much the same way as magic items, even requiring attunement. While they are never for sale, symbionts can be discovered as treasure or encountered as creatures (some may even be a significant Challenge).",
"Finding a symbiont is a significantly rarer event than coming across a magic item. Specifically seeking out a symbiont takes enough investment and effort to qualify for a short adventure or side quest. See the chart below for the appropriate character level at which players may find a given symbiont as treasure, though certain symbionts can be encountered as legitimate Challenges much earlier (namely the shadow sibling and tentacle whip).",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Level Appropriate Symbionts",
"colLabels": [
"Character Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center",
"rows": [
"1st or higher",
"{@creature breed leech|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature crawling gauntlet|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature throwing scarab|KCThreatDispatch}"
"5th or higher",
"{@creature stormstalk|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature winter cyst|KCThreatDispatch}"
"11th or higher",
"{@creature shadow sibling|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature spellwurm|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tentacle whip|KCThreatDispatch}, {@creature tongue worm|KCThreatDispatch}"
"17th or higher",
"{@creature living breastplate|KCThreatDispatch}"
"name" : "Breed Leech",
"entries": [
"This tiny creature appears to be a thick, swollen slug with a lamprey-like mouth. Though it feeds on its host's vitality like any other symbiont, a breed leech also introduces alien chemicals into the host's body that bolsters the host's fortitude.",
"Despite this benefit, the true purpose of the breed leech is to spread the \"progeny\" of the daelkyr. The alien fluids it injects into a host will mutate any developing embryo, if present. Should a pregnancy come to term after this mutation takes place, the child will be born as a daelkyr half-blood."
"name": "Tribex",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "L",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 13,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 57,
"formula": "6d10 + 24"
"speed": {
"walk": 50
"str": 20,
"dex": 10,
"con": 19,
"int": 2,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 5,
"passive": 11,
"cr": "2",
"trait": [
"name": "Charge",
"entries": [
"If the tribex moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, that target takes an extra 13 ({@damage 3d8}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 15} Strength saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone}."
"action": [
"name": "Gore",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}18 ({@damage 3d8 + 5}) piercing damage."
"traitTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "902dc46797affe0d45f89c3e6ad34c11",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Tribex are large, cloven-hooved beasts similar to bison or buffalo, but with a thick, bony plate on their forehead that sweeps up into three massive horns.",
"Tribex are found roaming the Talenta Plains in large herds, and their meat features prominently in traditional Talenta cuisine. However, tribex are indigenous to many regions of Khorvaire, with minor variations (such as a wooly hide, or darker coloration of the horn-plate) in each region."
"name": "Sora Katra",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 32,
"size": "M",
"type": "fiend",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 24,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 225,
"formula": "30d8 + 90"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 18,
"dex": 12,
"con": 16,
"int": 23,
"wis": 14,
"cha": 24,
"save": {
"int": "+12",
"cha": "+13"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+12",
"deception": "+19",
"perception": "+8",
"perform": "+19"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 18,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from all attacks that aren't silvered"
"languages": [
"cr": "18",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"Sora Katra's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 21}). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:"
"will": [
"{@spell dancing lights}",
"{@spell minor illusion}",
"{@spell vicious mockery}"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell glibness}",
"{@spell mirage arcane}",
"{@spell mislead}",
"{@spell modify memory}"
"ability": "cha"
"name": "Shared Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"While all three Daughters of Sora Kell are within 60 feet of one another, they can each cast the following spells from the wizard spell list but must share the spell slots among themselves. For coven spells, Sora Katra's spell save DC is 20, and her spell attack bonus is 12. :"
"spells": {
"0": {
"spells": [
"{@spell mage hand}",
"{@spell ray of frost}"
"1": {
"spells": [
"{@spell identify}",
"{@spell ray of sickness}"
"2": {
"spells": [
"{@spell hold person}",
"{@spell invisibility}",
"{@spell knock}"
"3": {
"spells": [
"{@spell bestow curse}",
"{@spell counterspell}"
"4": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell blight}",
"{@spell phantasmal killer}"
"5": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell cloudkill}",
"{@spell scrying}"
"6": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell circle of death}",
"{@spell disintegrate}",
"{@spell eyebite}"
"7": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell finger of death}",
"{@spell plane shift}",
"{@spell teleport}"
"8": {
"slots": 2,
"spells": [
"{@spell maze}",
"{@spell mind blank}"
"9": {
"slots": 2,
"spells": [
"{@spell imprisonment}",
"{@spell power word kill}"
"trait": [
"name": "Amphibious",
"entries": [
"Sora Katra can breathe air and water. Fiendish Inspiration (Recharge 4-6). As a bonus action, Sora Katra can grant an ally within 30 feet a Bardic Inspiration die as the Bard feature, except the die is a {@dice d12}. Alternatively, she can use this ability as a reaction to roll a {@dice d12} and subtract the number rolled from an attack roll or saving throw of a creature she can see within 30 feet."
"name": "Legendary Resistance (2/Day)",
"entries": [
"If Sora Katra fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead."
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"Sora Katra has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects."
"name": "Mimicry",
"entries": [
"Sora Katra can mimic animal sounds and humanoid voices. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful {@dc 21} Wisdom (Insight) check."
"name": "Sora Kell's Blessing",
"entries": [
"Sora Katra's AC includes her Charisma bonus."
"action": [
"name": "Claws",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}13 ({@damage 2d8 + 4}) slashing damage and 10 ({@damage 3d6}) psychic damage."
"name": "Fiendish Charm",
"entries": [
"One humanoid Sora Katra can see within 30 feet of her must succeed on a {@dc 21} Wisdom saving throw or be magically {@condition charmed} for 1 day. The {@condition charmed} target obeys Sora Katra's spoken commands. If the target suffers any harm or receives a suicidal command from Sora Katra, the target can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. If the target's saving throw is successful, or if the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to Sora Katra's Fiendish Charm for the next 24 hours."
"name": "Illusory Appearance",
"entries": [
"Sora Katra covers herself and anything she is wearing or carrying with a magical illusion that makes her look like another creature of her general size and humanoid shape. The illusion ends if Sora Katra takes a bonus action to end it or if she dies. The changes wrought by this effect fail to hold up to physical inspection. For example, the hag could appear to have smooth skin, but someone touching her would feel her rough flesh. Otherwise, a creature must take an action to visually inspect the illusion and succeed on a {@dc 20} Intelligence (Investigation) check to discern that the hag is disguised."
"name": "Invisible Passage",
"entries": [
"Sora Katra magically turns {@condition invisible} until she attacks or casts a spell, or until her concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). While {@condition invisible}, she leaves no physical evidence of her passage, so she can be tracked only by magic. Any equipment she wears or carries is {@condition invisible} with her."
"legendary": [
"name": "Claws",
"entries": [
"Sora Katra makes one attack with her"
"name": "Claws",
"entries": []
"name": "Beguile (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"Sora Katra uses Fiendish Charm."
"name": "Misdirect (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"Sora Katra uses Illusory Appearance, Invisible Passage, or casts {@spell mislead}."
"name": "Will of the Coven (Costs 3 Actions)",
"entries": [
"Sora Katra casts one of the shared spells from the Coven of Sora Kell if she is within 60 feet of both of her sisters."
"traitTags": [
"Legendary Resistances",
"Magic Resistance"
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "4ba75764830d9e330a5e838a80941c05",
"legendaryGroup": {
"name": "Daughters of Sora Kell",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Every child across Eberron was raised on the bedtime stories of the Daughters of Sora Kell, monstrous hags out of fairy tales meant to illustrate morality lessons. \"Listen to your parents, or Sora Maenya will pluck the teeth from your skull!\" or \"If you lie too often and too well, Sora Katra will grow jealous and snatch your soul from behind your eyes!\"",
"Then the Daughters of Sora Kell walked out of children’s’ stories and into stark reality, wresting control of the western frontier of Breland away from its humanoid population during the Last War, creating their unrecognized monster nation of Droaam. The terrifying truth of their existence now weighs on the minds of every citizen of the Five Nations."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Savage Nation",
"entries": [
"Droaam is a nation of monsters, but surprisingly civilized. Though the Daughters of Sora Kell haunted the nightmares of children for centuries, it appears they are a force for order and stability within this western frontier of Khorvaire.",
"The Daughters command the loyalty of powerful warlords, each a chief of a species of intelligent monsters, such as trolls, minotaurs, medusas, harpies, and tieflings. They have even earned the respect of the Znir Pact gnolls, who act as their neutral policing force.",
"No one knows why the Daughters, terrifying horrors out of folk legend, formed this monster nation, or why they seem content to make a home for themselves within it. The Thronehold Accords that ended the Last War refused to acknowledge Droaam as a sovereign nation, partly due to prejudice against its monstrous citizens, but also due to fear. Who can trust these terrors made manifest as heads of state?"
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Three Daughters",
"entries": [
"Each of the Daughters of Sora Kell is a legend in their own right and haunted the folk tales of Eberron on their own for centuries. No one is quite sure what prompted them to unite. Many suspect the guiding oracular vision of Sora Teraza drew them together for some prophetic purpose. Some suspect Sora Katra of some diabolical machination that will bring great ruin. Still others fear that Sora Maenya’s only purpose to join with her sisters is to raise the largest horde of monsters and beasts Khorvaire has ever known and sweep civilization away in a wave of bloodlust and carnage.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Sora Katra",
"entries": [
"Known as a devious and deadly trickster, Sora Katra has plagued the Brelish countryside for generations with her words of power and guile. Folktales of Breland are thick with would-be heroes that quest to find Sora Katra and best her with silvered tongue or silvered sword. These tales almost always end badly for their protagonist.",
"While the threat of Sora Maenya’s lust for violence may have been the foundation that brought the warlords of Droaam together, the passionate words of Sora Katra have stoked the fires of devotion, inspiring a fanatic following among Droaam’s monstrous inhabitants."
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Lair of the Daughters",
"entries": [
"Despite being legends in their own right for centuries, the Daughters currently share a single lair, the Court of the Hags in the city of Great Crag, from where they rule Droaam."
"name": "Sora Maenya",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 33,
"size": "L",
"type": "fiend",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 19,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 136,
"formula": "16d10 + 48"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 26,
"dex": 12,
"con": 16,
"int": 18,
"wis": 22,
"cha": 20,
"save": {
"str": "+14",
"cha": "+11"
"skill": {
"athletics": "+14",
"deception": "+11",
"perception": "+12"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 22,
"resist": [
"immune": [
"immune": [
"note": "from all attacks that aren't silvered"
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "18",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"Sora Maenya's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 19}). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:"
"daily": {
"1": [
"{@spell dimension door}"
"3e": [
"{@spell disguise self} (including the form of a Medium humanoid)",
"{@spell fog cloud}",
"{@spell sleep}"
"ability": "cha"
"name": "Shared Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"While all three Daughters of Sora Kell are within 60 feet of one another, they can each cast the following spells from the wizard spell list but must share the spell slots among themselves. For coven spells, Sora Maenya's spell save DC is 15, and her spell attack bonus is +7:"
"spells": {
"0": {
"spells": [
"{@spell mage hand}",
"{@spell ray of frost}"
"1": {
"spells": [
"{@spell identify}",
"{@spell ray of sickness}"
"2": {
"spells": [
"{@spell hold person}",
"{@spell invisibility}",
"{@spell knock}"
"3": {
"spells": [
"{@spell bestow curse}",
"{@spell counterspell}"
"4": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell blight}",
"{@spell phantasmal killer}"
"5": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell cloudkill}",
"{@spell scrying}"
"6": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell circle of death}",
"{@spell disintegrate}",
"{@spell eyebite}"
"7": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell finger of death}",
"{@spell plane shift}",
"{@spell teleport}"
"8": {
"slots": 2,
"spells": [
"{@spell maze}",
"{@spell mind blank}"
"9": {
"slots": 2,
"spells": [
"{@spell imprisonment}",
"{@spell power word kill}"
"trait": [
"name": "Fiendish Rage",
"entries": [
"Sora Maenya has advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws, has a +8 bonus to damage rolls with melee weapon attacks (already included), and resists all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. She is immune to charm, {@condition exhaustion}, and fear."
"name": "Legendary Resistance (2/Day)",
"entries": [
"If Sora Maenya fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead."
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"Sora Maenya has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects."
"name": "Sora Kell's Blessing",
"entries": [
"Sora Maenya's AC includes her Charisma bonus.",
"Stolen Teeth and Iron"
"name": "Claws",
"entries": [
"Sora Maenya's melee weapon attacks ignore all damage resistances and immunities targets might possess."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"Sora Maenya makes three attacks: one with her bite and two with her"
"name": "Claws",
"entries": []
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 14} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}22 ({@damage 3d6 + 12}) piercing damage. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, Sora Maenya immediately devours part of the target, killing it instantly."
"name": "Claw",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 14} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}25 ({@damage 3d8 + 12}) slashing damage and the target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 15})."
"reaction": [
"name": "Devour Soul",
"entries": [
"When Sora Maenya kills a creature with her bite attack, she may cast soul cage (Xanathar's Guide to Everything, pg. 165). When cast this way, Sora Maenya uses the target's skull in place of a cage, and the spell has an unlimited duration. Additionally, once Sora Maenya uses soul cage to exploit a soul six times, it is completely devoured and ceases to exist. No mortal magic, not even true resurrection or wish can recover a soul from such a fate."
"legendary": [
"name": "Attack",
"entries": [
"Sora Maenya makes one bite or claw attack."
"name": "Smell Prey",
"entries": [
"Sora Maenya makes a Wisdom (Perception) check with advantage."
"name": "Rending Embrace (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 14} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target {@condition grappled} by Sora Maenya. {@h}30 ({@damage 4d8 + 12}) slashing damage and 30 ({@damage 4d8 + 12}) piercing damage."
"name": "Mind Games (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"Sora Maenya casts one of her innate spells."
"name": "Will of the Coven (Costs 3 Actions)",
"entries": [
"Sora Maenya casts one of the shared spells from the Coven of Sora Kell if she is within 60 feet of both of her sisters."
"traitTags": [
"Legendary Resistances",
"Magic Resistance"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "39f82ac32ceb113634a99b0446d26767",
"legendaryGroup": {
"name": "Daughters of Sora Kell",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Every child across Eberron was raised on the bedtime stories of the Daughters of Sora Kell, monstrous hags out of fairy tales meant to illustrate morality lessons. \"Listen to your parents, or Sora Maenya will pluck the teeth from your skull!\" or \"If you lie too often and too well, Sora Katra will grow jealous and snatch your soul from behind your eyes!\"",
"Then the Daughters of Sora Kell walked out of children’s’ stories and into stark reality, wresting control of the western frontier of Breland away from its humanoid population during the Last War, creating their unrecognized monster nation of Droaam. The terrifying truth of their existence now weighs on the minds of every citizen of the Five Nations."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Savage Nation",
"entries": [
"Droaam is a nation of monsters, but surprisingly civilized. Though the Daughters of Sora Kell haunted the nightmares of children for centuries, it appears they are a force for order and stability within this western frontier of Khorvaire.",
"The Daughters command the loyalty of powerful warlords, each a chief of a species of intelligent monsters, such as trolls, minotaurs, medusas, harpies, and tieflings. They have even earned the respect of the Znir Pact gnolls, who act as their neutral policing force.",
"No one knows why the Daughters, terrifying horrors out of folk legend, formed this monster nation, or why they seem content to make a home for themselves within it. The Thronehold Accords that ended the Last War refused to acknowledge Droaam as a sovereign nation, partly due to prejudice against its monstrous citizens, but also due to fear. Who can trust these terrors made manifest as heads of state?"
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Three Daughters",
"entries": [
"Each of the Daughters of Sora Kell is a legend in their own right and haunted the folk tales of Eberron on their own for centuries. No one is quite sure what prompted them to unite. Many suspect the guiding oracular vision of Sora Teraza drew them together for some prophetic purpose. Some suspect Sora Katra of some diabolical machination that will bring great ruin. Still others fear that Sora Maenya’s only purpose to join with her sisters is to raise the largest horde of monsters and beasts Khorvaire has ever known and sweep civilization away in a wave of bloodlust and carnage.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Sora Maenya",
"entries": [
"Sora Maenya has been the terror of the Eldeen Reaches and western Aundair for centuries. She is known for stealing teeth and adding her favorites to her own mouth, to better devour her foes. Terrible tales, once thought pure myth and now a frighteningly possible history, tell of her consuming entire villages and shifter tribes in the Towering Wood.",
"While Sora Maenya is most known for her strength and appetite, she is no dumb brute. She plays mind games with her prey, savoring their dread and fading hope, before ripping them asunder with her iron claw . Of all the Sisters, Sora Maenya is the most likely to be encountered alone, as she stalks the wilderness and frontier looking for the next exciting kill to indulge in."
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Lair of the Daughters",
"entries": [
"Despite being legends in their own right for centuries, the Daughters currently share a single lair, the Court of the Hags in the city of Great Crag, from where they rule Droaam."
"name": "Sora Teraza",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 34,
"size": "M",
"type": "fiend",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 27,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 105,
"formula": "14d8 + 42"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 17,
"dex": 12,
"con": 16,
"int": 30,
"wis": 16,
"cha": 25,
"save": {
"dex": "+7",
"wis": "+9"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+16",
"history": "+16",
"insight": "+9",
"perception": "+9"
"senses": [
"blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius)"
"passive": 19,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from all attacks that aren't silvered"
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "18",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"Sora Teraza's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 21}). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:"
"will": [
"{@spell detect magic}",
"{@spell legend lore}"
"daily": {
"1": [
"{@spell astral projection}",
"{@spell foresight}",
"{@spell time stop}",
"{@spell weird}"
"3e": [
"{@spell augury}",
"{@spell disguise self} (including the form of a Medium humanoid)",
"{@spell dream}",
"{@spell fog cloud}",
"{@spell tongues}",
"{@spell zone of truth}"
"ability": "cha"
"name": "Shared Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"While all three Daughters of Sora Kell are within 60 feet of one another, they can each cast the following spells from the wizard spell list but must share the spell slots among themselves. For coven spells, Sora Teraza's spell save DC is 24, and her spell attack bonus is +16.:"
"spells": {
"0": {
"spells": [
"{@spell mage hand}",
"{@spell ray of frost}"
"1": {
"spells": [
"{@spell identify}",
"{@spell ray of sickness}"
"2": {
"spells": [
"{@spell hold person}",
"{@spell invisibility}",
"{@spell knock}"
"3": {
"spells": [
"{@spell bestow curse}",
"{@spell counterspell}"
"4": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell blight}",
"{@spell phantasmal killer}"
"5": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell cloudkill}",
"{@spell scrying}"
"6": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell circle of death}",
"{@spell disintegrate}",
"{@spell eyebite}"
"7": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell finger of death}",
"{@spell plane shift}",
"{@spell teleport}"
"8": {
"slots": 2,
"spells": [
"{@spell maze}",
"{@spell mind blank}"
"9": {
"slots": 2,
"spells": [
"{@spell imprisonment}",
"{@spell power word kill}"
"trait": [
"name": "Legendary Resistance (4/Day)",
"entries": [
"If Sora Teraza fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead."
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"Sora Teraza has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects."
"name": "Dream Vision",
"entries": [
"Though Sora Teraza is blind, her oracular vision grants her blindsight. She can't be magically put to sleep, nor can she be surprised. Additionally, she always acts first in the initiative order (she acts on an initiative count equal to the highest initiative rolled among a combat's participants + 1). Finally, she uses her Intelligence modifier instead of her Dexterity modifier to calculate her AC."
"name": "Sora Kell's Blessing",
"entries": [
"Sora Teraza's AC includes her Charisma bonus."
"action": [
"name": "Claws",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}12 ({@damage 2d8 + 3}) slashing damage and 20 ({@damage 6d6}) psychic damage."
"name": "Nightmare Gaze",
"entries": [
"Sora Teraza fixes her blind gaze on one creature she can sense within 10 feet of her. The target must succeed on a {@dc 21} Charisma saving throw against this magic or be cursed. The magical curse takes effect whenever the creature takes a short or long rest, filling the creature's thoughts with horrible images and dreams. The cursed creature gains no benefit from finishing a short or long rest. The curse lasts until it is lifted by a remove curse spell or similar magic."
"legendary": [
"name": "Claws",
"entries": [
"Sora Teraza makes one attack with her Claws."
"name": "Nightmare Gaze (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"Sora Teraza uses Nightmare Gaze."
"name": "Dream Caller (Costs 3 Actions)",
"entries": [
"Sora Teraza casts one of her innate spells."
"name": "Will of the Coven (Costs 3 Actions)",
"entries": [
"Sora Katra casts one of the shared spells from the Coven of Sora Kell if she is within 60 feet of both of her sisters."
"traitTags": [
"Legendary Resistances",
"Magic Resistance"
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "8fc2d4bd1cb0feb20464df67928c5a2a",
"legendaryGroup": {
"name": "Daughters of Sora Kell",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Every child across Eberron was raised on the bedtime stories of the Daughters of Sora Kell, monstrous hags out of fairy tales meant to illustrate morality lessons. \"Listen to your parents, or Sora Maenya will pluck the teeth from your skull!\" or \"If you lie too often and too well, Sora Katra will grow jealous and snatch your soul from behind your eyes!\"",
"Then the Daughters of Sora Kell walked out of children’s’ stories and into stark reality, wresting control of the western frontier of Breland away from its humanoid population during the Last War, creating their unrecognized monster nation of Droaam. The terrifying truth of their existence now weighs on the minds of every citizen of the Five Nations."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Savage Nation",
"entries": [
"Droaam is a nation of monsters, but surprisingly civilized. Though the Daughters of Sora Kell haunted the nightmares of children for centuries, it appears they are a force for order and stability within this western frontier of Khorvaire.",
"The Daughters command the loyalty of powerful warlords, each a chief of a species of intelligent monsters, such as trolls, minotaurs, medusas, harpies, and tieflings. They have even earned the respect of the Znir Pact gnolls, who act as their neutral policing force.",
"No one knows why the Daughters, terrifying horrors out of folk legend, formed this monster nation, or why they seem content to make a home for themselves within it. The Thronehold Accords that ended the Last War refused to acknowledge Droaam as a sovereign nation, partly due to prejudice against its monstrous citizens, but also due to fear. Who can trust these terrors made manifest as heads of state?"
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Three Daughters",
"entries": [
"Each of the Daughters of Sora Kell is a legend in their own right and haunted the folk tales of Eberron on their own for centuries. No one is quite sure what prompted them to unite. Many suspect the guiding oracular vision of Sora Teraza drew them together for some prophetic purpose. Some suspect Sora Katra of some diabolical machination that will bring great ruin. Still others fear that Sora Maenya’s only purpose to join with her sisters is to raise the largest horde of monsters and beasts Khorvaire has ever known and sweep civilization away in a wave of bloodlust and carnage.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Sora Tereza",
"entries": [
"Sora Teraza may be the least well known of the Daughters of Sora Kell, but esoteric legends have passed among the erudite for nearly a thousand years, whispering of the blind oracle who wandered the Demon Wastes.",
"Sora Teraza is said to be able to see the future but is also rumored to be bound by her visions, compelled to bring about the fates she glimpses, whether for good or ill. She is likely to be well aware of player characters who seek to confront her and her sisters, and the Dungeon Master should take full advantage of her foreknowledge."
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Lair of the Daughters",
"entries": [
"Despite being legends in their own right for centuries, the Daughters currently share a single lair, the Court of the Hags in the city of Great Crag, from where they rule Droaam."
"name": "Dusk Hag",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "fey",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 52,
"formula": "8d8 + 16"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 17,
"dex": 12,
"con": 15,
"int": 14,
"wis": 16,
"cha": 15,
"save": {
"wis": "+5",
"history": "+4",
"insight": "+5",
"perception": "+7"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 17,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "3",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"The dusk hag's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 12}). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:"
"will": [
"{@spell detect magic}"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell augury}",
"{@spell disguise self} (including the form of a Medium humanoid)",
"{@spell dream}",
"{@spell fog cloud}",
"{@spell tongues}",
"{@spell zone of truth}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Prophetic Insight",
"entries": [
"When the dusk hag dreams, it may receive a flash of insight about the past, present, and future. There is a 33% chance the dusk hag has foreknowledge about any combat she is involved in. If she does, she isn't surprised and rolls initiative with advantage for that combat. This ability may have even more far-reaching implications for a campaign."
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The dusk hag has advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects."
"name": "Walker in Dreams",
"entries": [
"The dusk hag cannot be magically put to sleep."
"action": [
"name": "Claws",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 2d4 + 3}) slashing damage."
"name": "Nightmare Touch",
"entries": [
"The dusk hag touches a creature and they must succeed on a {@dc 12} Charisma saving throw or be magically cursed. The magical curse takes effect whenever the creature takes a short or long rest, filling the creature's thoughts with horrible images and dreams. The cursed creature gains no benefit from finishing a short or long rest. The curse lasts until it is lifted by a remove curse spell or similar magic."
"traitTags": [
"Magic Resistance"
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "e9cbc59280c4fc5382ff86115303aabb",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Sora Teraza is a unique dusk hag with fiendish heritage, granting her immortality and resilience. Sora Teraza's oracular powers are legendary, but all dusk hags possess this ability to a lesser degree, glimpsing their future in dreams. Dusk hags are roughly close in appearance to an aged human woman, except with mottled orange and gray skin the texture of weathered parchment.",
"Folk tales featuring dusk hags are rife with heroes seeking them out for their foresight, winning the right to have their futures unveiled to them after performing tasks for the dusk hag. Usually, the dusk hag makes good on her end of the bargain, but the heroes are doomed by the glimpse into their futures anyway, typically by misinterpreting the meaning of the vision.",
"Dusk hags shun combat, and will typically try to curse an enemy spellcaster with their Nightmare Touch ability and then leave their minions or coven-sisters to finish their foes for them.",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Covens",
"entries": [
"A dusk hag that is part of a coven (see page 176 of the Monster Manual) has a Challenge rating of 5 (1,800 XP)."
"name": "Ancient Night Hag",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "fiend",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 17,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 187,
"formula": "25d8 + 75"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 18,
"dex": 15,
"con": 16,
"int": 22,
"wis": 18,
"cha": 22,
"skill": {
"arcana": "+10",
"deception": "+10",
"insight": "+9",
"perception": "+9",
"persuasion": "+10",
"stealth": "+7"
"senses": [
"darkvision 120 ft."
"passive": 19,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks made with weapons that aren't silvered"
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "12",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"The ancient night hag's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 18}, {@hit 10} to hit with spell attacks). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:"
"will": [
"{@spell detect magic}",
"{@spell magic missile}"
"daily": {
"2e": [
"{@spell plane shift} (self only)",
"{@spell ray of enfeeblement}",
"{@spell sleep}"
"ability": "cha"
"name": "Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"The ancient night hag is an 18th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 18}, {@hit 10} to hit with spell attacks). The hag has the following wizard spells prepared:"
"will": [
"{@spell invisibility}"
"spells": {
"0": {
"spells": [
"{@spell fire bolt}",
"{@spell light}",
"{@spell mage hand}",
"{@spell prestidigitation}",
"{@spell shocking grasp}"
"1": {
"slots": 4,
"spells": [
"{@spell detect magic}",
"{@spell fog cloud}",
"{@spell identify}",
"{@spell protection from evil and good}"
"2": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell detect thoughts}",
"{@spell mirror image}",
"{@spell misty step}"
"3": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell counterspell}",
"{@spell fly}",
"{@spell magic circle}"
"4": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell banishment}",
"{@spell blight}",
"{@spell phantasmal killer}"
"5": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell cloudkill}",
"{@spell contact other plane}",
"{@spell hold monster}"
"6": {
"slots": 1,
"spells": [
"{@spell globe of invulnerability}"
"7": {
"slots": 1,
"spells": [
"{@spell forcecage}"
"8": {
"slots": 1,
"spells": [
"{@spell mind blank}"
"9": {
"slots": 1,
"spells": [
"{@spell weird}"
"ability": "int"
"trait": [
"name": "Ancient Secrets",
"entries": [
"The ancient night hag can maintain concentration on three spells at once, and automatically succeeds on Constitution Saving Throws to maintain concentration due to taking damage."
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The hag has advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects."
"action": [
"name": "Claws",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}13 ({@damage 2d8 + 4}) slashing damage."
"name": "Change Shape",
"entries": [
"The hag magically polymorphs into a Small or Medium female humanoid, or back into her true form. Her statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment she is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. She reverts to her true form if she dies."
"name": "Etherealness",
"entries": [
"The hag magically enters the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa. To do so, the hag must have a heartstone in her possession."
"name": "Nightmare Haunting (1/Day)",
"entries": [
"While on the Ethereal Plane, the hag magically touches a sleeping humanoid on the Material Plane. A protection from evil and good spell cast on the target prevents this contact, as does a magic circle. As long as the contact persists, the target has dreadful visions. If these visions last for at least 1 hour, the target gains no benefit from its rest, and its hit point maximum is reduced by 5 ({@dice 1d10}). If this effect reduces the target's hit point maximum to 0, the target dies, and if the target was evil, its soul is trapped in the hag's soul bag. The reduction to the target's hit point maximum lasts until removed by the greater restoration spell or similar magic."
"traitTags": [
"Magic Resistance"
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "9f3ab3b7da85eed3f2778ae64c41fc1b",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Night hags in Eberron differ in a few distinct ways from those in other settings. Firstly, night hags of Eberron were never fey. Each has always been the fiend they are. Night Hags are native to the material plane and their kind have been in existence since the Age of Demons, often acting as impartial mediators between the demons and dragons. They are typically neutral in alignment.",
"Night hags in Eberron have proficiency with Charisma (Persuasion) checks (+7 modifier on such checks) and can speak Draconic. A night hag with a heartstone can innately cast plane shift three times per day, instead of 2, and are not limited to themselves only.",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Ancient Night Hags",
"entries": [
"Ancient night hags are individuals who have existed since the Age of Demons, gaining power and knowledge for ages upon ages. They have gained powerful spellcasting ability, outgrowing the need of joining a coven. Below is one example of an ancient night hag; there may be even more powerful ones."
"name": "Ak'chazzar Rakshasa",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "fiend",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 16,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 175,
"formula": "27d8 + 54"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 14,
"dex": 17,
"con": 14,
"int": 13,
"wis": 18,
"cha": 24,
"skill": {
"arcana": "+10",
"deception": "+5",
"insight": "+5"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 13,
"immune": [
"immune": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"vulnerable": [
"vulnerable": [
"note": "from magic attacks made by good creatures"
"languages": [
"Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue)"
"cr": "17",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"The ak'chazzar rakshasa's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 20}). The rakshasa can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:"
"will": [
"{@spell detect magic}",
"{@spell detect thoughts}",
"{@spell disguise self}"
"daily": {
"2e": [
"{@spell fly}",
"{@spell plane shift}",
"{@spell true seeing}"
"ability": "cha"
"name": "Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"The ak'chazzar rakshasa is a 12th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 20}, {@hit 12} to hit with spell attacks). The rakshasa knows the following sorcerer spells:"
"spells": {
"0": {
"spells": [
"{@spell chill touch}",
"{@spell mage hand}",
"{@spell poison spray}",
"{@spell prestidigitation}",
"{@spell ray of frost}",
"{@spell shocking grasp}"
"1": {
"slots": 4,
"spells": [
"{@spell charm person}",
"{@spell magic missile}",
"{@spell ray of sickness}"
"2": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell blindness/deafness}",
"{@spell mirror image}",
"{@spell ray of enfeeblement}"
"3": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell animate dead}",
"{@spell lightning bolt}",
"{@spell stinking cloud}"
"4": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell confusion}"
"5": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell dominate person}"
"6": {
"slots": 2,
"spells": [
"{@spell disintegrate}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Limited Magic Immunity",
"entries": [
"The ak'chazzar rakshasa can't be affected or detected by spells of 6th level or lower unless it wishes to be. It has advantage on Saving Throws against all other spells and magical effects."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The ak'chazzar rakshasa uses Pain Wave and then makes two Claw.attacks."
"name": "Claw",
"entries": [
"Melee weapon attack: {@hit 13} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 2d6 + 2}) slashing damage."
"name": "Pain Wave",
"entries": [
"The ak'chazzar rakshasa sacrifices a 4th level or higher spell slot to project a wave of agony-inducing necromantic energy. Every creature within 20 feet of the rakshasa must make a {@dc 20} Constitution saving throw, taking 44 ({@damage 8d10}) necrotic damage plus an additional 11 ({@damage 2d10}) necrotic damage for each level of the sacrificed spell slot higher than 4th on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Whether they succeed or fail on the saving throw, any creature that takes damage from this effect is cursed. The magical curse takes effect whenever the creature takes a short or long rest, filling the creature's thoughts with horrible images and dreams. The cursed creature gains no benefit from finishing a short or long rest. The curse lasts until it is lifted by a remove curse spell or similar magic."
"name": "Command Undead (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)",
"entries": [
"The ak'chazzar rakshasa targets one undead creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must make a {@dc 20} Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target must obey the rakshasa's commands until it or the rakshasa is slain. An undead creature with a greater Challenge rating than the rakshasa is unaffected by this ability. The rakshasa can control a total number of undead this way equal to its Charisma modifier (7 undead). If it successfully gains control of more undead than it can control, the earliest affected undead creature is no longer under the rakshasa's control."
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "f1fe7ba218cea0260e36d19ac6366394",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"In Eberron, rakshasa are not the spirits of devils in mortal flesh. Rather, they are the incarnate evil of Khyber on the material plane.",
"During the Age of Demons, the rakshasa dominated the continents of Khorvaire and Sarlona. They loyally served the Overlords, entities of nearly god-like power and evil who they named their Rajahs. When the demonic Overlords were defeated by the combined forces of the dragons of Argonnessen and the sacrifice of nearly the entire couatl race, the rakshasa retreated to the shadows of Khorvaire. There, they started referring to themselves as the Lords of Dust, and began their scheming and plotting. Some plan to free their Overlord; others seek to usurp the power of one of these bound entities and take it for their own.",
"In Eberron, several types of rakshasa exist beyond the one presented on page 257 of the Monster Manual. The one detailed there is referred to as a hakima rakshasa. Below are three additional types.",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Ak'chazzar Rakshasa",
"entries": [
"Ak'chazzar rakshasa are among the most powerful of their kind, and several of them are counted among the Lords of Dust. Quite a few are actually \"prakhutu\", a kind of high priest or proxy for one of the Overlords. These fiends are highly skilled in arcane magic, especially necromancy. Almost all ak'chazzar retain their memories if destroyed and reborn, and the tales of vengeance they wreak on those that once felled them are too terrible to contemplate."
"name": "Naztharune Rakshasa",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "fiend",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 17,
"from": [
"{@item studded leather armor|PHB|studded leather}"
"hp": {
"average": 75,
"formula": "10d8 + 30"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 13,
"dex": 20,
"con": 16,
"int": 14,
"wis": 17,
"cha": 16,
"skill": {
"arcana": "+9",
"deception": "+11",
"perception": "+8",
"stealth": "+15"
"senses": [
"darkvision 120 ft."
"passive": 18,
"immune": [
"immune": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"vulnerable": [
"vulnerable": [
"note": "from magic attacks made by good creatures"
"languages": [
"Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue)"
"cr": "11",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"The naztharune rakshasa's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 15}, {@hit 7} to hit with spell attacks). The rakshasa can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:"
"will": [
"{@spell darkness}",
"{@spell detect thoughts}",
"{@spell disguise self}"
"daily": {
"2e": [
"{@spell misty step}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Cunning Action",
"entries": [
"On each of its turns, the naztharune rakshasa can use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action."
"name": "Hide in Darkness",
"entries": [
"The naztharune rakshasa can attempt to hide even when only lightly obscured by dim light."
"name": "Limited Magic Immunity",
"entries": [
"The naztharune rakshasa can't be affected or detected by spells of 4th level or lower unless it wishes to be. It has advantage on Saving Throws against all other spells and magical effects."
"name": "Shadow Sight",
"entries": [
"Magical darkness doesn't impede the naztharune rakshasa's darkvision."
"name": "Shadow Evasion",
"entries": [
"If the naztharune rakshasa is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, the rakshasa instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails. Immediately after making such a save, the rakshasa casts darkness centered on itself, without using an action, even if it is not its turn."
"name": "Shadow Jump",
"entries": [
"While in dim light or darkness, the naztharune rakshasa may innately cast misty step without using a daily use if the destination of the spell is in an area of dim light or darkness. It may even cast misty step in this way if out of daily uses."
"name": "Vicious Assassin (2/Turn)",
"entries": [
"The naztharune rakshasa deals an extra 21 ({@damage 6d6}) damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack, and the target of the attack is cursed. The magical curse takes effect whenever the target takes a short or long rest, filling the target's thoughts with horrible images and dreams. The cursed target gains no benefit from finishing a short or long rest. The curse lasts until it is lifted by a remove curse spell or similar magic. The rakshasa cannot use this ability twice on the same attack."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The naztharune rakshasa makes two weapon attacks. If it has both of its shortswords drawn, it may make four shortsword attacks."
"name": "Shortsword",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d6 + 5}) piercing damage."
"name": "Claw",
"entries": [
"Melee weapon attack: {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d6 + 5}) slashing damage."
"reaction": [
"name": "Shadow Dodge",
"entries": [
"The naztharune rakshasa halves the damage that it takes from an attack that hits it, and all attack rolls made against it until the start of its next turn have disadvantage. The rakshasa must be able to see the attacker."
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "1edc9ad696dbca43227752192a413a67",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"In Eberron, rakshasa are not the spirits of devils in mortal flesh. Rather, they are the incarnate evil of Khyber on the material plane.",
"During the Age of Demons, the rakshasa dominated the continents of Khorvaire and Sarlona. They loyally served the Overlords, entities of nearly god-like power and evil who they named their Rajahs. When the demonic Overlords were defeated by the combined forces of the dragons of Argonnessen and the sacrifice of nearly the entire couatl race, the rakshasa retreated to the shadows of Khorvaire. There, they started referring to themselves as the Lords of Dust, and began their scheming and plotting. Some plan to free their Overlord; others seek to usurp the power of one of these bound entities and take it for their own.",
"In Eberron, several types of rakshasa exist beyond the one presented on page 257 of the Monster Manual. The one detailed there is referred to as a hakima rakshasa. Below are three additional types.",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Naztharune Rakshasa",
"entries": [
"While all rakshasa have an innate talent for deception and disguise, the naztharune are known to embody these aspects of their kind like none other. Shadowy, silent, and remorseless killers, naztharune serve as the assassins and spies of the Lords of Dust. They can cloak themselves in supernatural darkness, shielding themselves from harm and obscuring their true location."
"name": "Zakya Rakshasa",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "fiend",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 18,
"from": [
"{@item scale mail|PHB|scale}",
"{@item shield|PHB}"
"hp": {
"average": 85,
"formula": "10d8 + 40"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 20,
"dex": 17,
"con": 18,
"int": 14,
"wis": 13,
"cha": 16,
"skill": {
"athletics": "+9",
"deception": "+7",
"intimidation": "+7",
"insight": "+5"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 13,
"immune": [
"immune": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"vulnerable": [
"vulnerable": [
"note": "from magic attacks made by good creatures"
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"Undercommon (Khyber's Tongue)"
"cr": "10",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"The zakya rakshasa's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 15}, {@hit 7} to hit with spell attacks). The rakshasa can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:"
"will": [
"{@spell chill touch}",
"{@spell detect thoughts}",
"{@spell disguise self}",
"{@spell true strike}"
"daily": {
"2e": [
"{@spell vampiric touch} (6th level; 21 ({@damage 6d6}) necrotic damage)"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Immortal Warrior",
"entries": [
"A zakya rakshasa adds twice its proficiency modifier to weapon attack rolls and weapons deal one extra dice of their damage when the rakshasa hits with them (both included in the attack)."
"name": "Limited Magic Immunity",
"entries": [
"The zakya rakshasa can't be affected or detected by spells of 4th level or lower unless it wishes to be. It has advantage on Saving Throws against all other spells and magical effects."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The zakya rakshasa makes two melee weapon attacks of its choice."
"name": "Longsword",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}14 ({@damage 2d8 + 5}) slashing damage."
"name": "Shield Bash",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}15 ({@damage 4d4 + 5}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 17} Strength saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone}."
"name": "Claw",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}19 ({@damage 4d6 + 5}) slashing damage."
"reaction": [
"name": "Vengeful Riposte",
"entries": [
"When a creature misses the zakya rakshasa with a melee attack, the rakshasa can make a melee weapon attack against the creature. If it hits, the attack deals 7 ({@damage 2d6}) extra damage and the target is cursed. The magical curse takes effect whenever the target takes a short or long rest, filling the target's thoughts with horrible images and dreams. The cursed target gains no benefit from finishing a short or long rest. The curse lasts until it is lifted by a remove curse spell or similar magic."
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "a0021c6b71f8df374a4c7976a80683ac",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"In Eberron, rakshasa are not the spirits of devils in mortal flesh. Rather, they are the incarnate evil of Khyber on the material plane.",
"During the Age of Demons, the rakshasa dominated the continents of Khorvaire and Sarlona. They loyally served the Overlords, entities of nearly god-like power and evil who they named their Rajahs. When the demonic Overlords were defeated by the combined forces of the dragons of Argonnessen and the sacrifice of nearly the entire couatl race, the rakshasa retreated to the shadows of Khorvaire. There, they started referring to themselves as the Lords of Dust, and began their scheming and plotting. Some plan to free their Overlord; others seek to usurp the power of one of these bound entities and take it for their own.",
"In Eberron, several types of rakshasa exist beyond the one presented on page 257 of the Monster Manual. The one detailed there is referred to as a hakima rakshasa. Below are three additional types.",
"entries": [
"entries": [
"name": "Zakya Rakshasa",
"entries": [
"The warrior-like zakya have served the rajahs and their prakhutu for age upon age, since the birth of Eberron. These fiends are incredibly skilled in martial combat, surviving myriad wars and conflicts. In the unlikely event that one is felled in battle, their essence will be reborn in Khyber's depths like all rakshasa. However, even if the departed zakya's personality and memories do not survive reincarnation, the newborn zakya will retain the skill and prowess learned through countless millennia of its past lives. This makes every zakya, no matter how recently formed, a terror to behold in personal combat."
"name": "Sul-Khatesh",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"infernal aura",
"hp": {
"average": 330,
"formula": "20d20 + 100"
"speed": {
"walk": 80
"str": 25,
"dex": 22,
"con": 20,
"int": 30,
"wis": 25,
"cha": 23,
"save": {
"int": "+19",
"wis": "+16",
"cha": "+15"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+28",
"deception": "+15",
"history": "+19",
"insight": "+25",
"perception": "+16",
"persuasion": "+15",
"religion": "+19"
"senses": [
"truesight 7 miles"
"passive": 26,
"resist": [
"immune": [
"immune": [
"slashing from all attacks except piercing"
"note": "from all attacks except piercing from magical attacks made by good creatures"
"vulnerable": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"telepathy 7 miles (up to 5 conversations)"
"cr": "30",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"Sul-Khatesh is an 30th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 27}, {@hit 19} to hit with spell attacks). She regains her expended spell slots after a short or long rest. She has all sorcerer, warlock, and wizard spells prepared and knows all Cantrips from these class lists. Additionally, Sul-Khatesh may know spells that no mortal spellcaster has knowledge of.",
"1st level (at will):",
"2nd level (at will):",
"3rd level (at will):",
"4th level (at will):",
"5th level (at will):",
"6th level (4 slots):",
"7th level (4 slots):",
"8th level (3 slots):",
"9th level (3 slots):"
"ability": "int"
"trait": [
"name": "Fiendish Secrets",
"entries": [
"Sul-Khatesh can maintain concentration on 5 spells at once, and automatically succeeds on all Constitution Saving Throws to maintain concentration."
"name": "Detect Thoughts",
"entries": [
"Sul-Khatesh can continually hear the thoughts of every creature within 60 feet of her. This functions as the detect thoughts spell, except she does not need to concentration on it, she automatically gains information as if the creatures around her automatically failed a Wisdom save against a deeper probe (without Sul-Khatesh having to spend an action), and the effect never ends."
"name": "Know Secrets",
"entries": [
"Sul-Khatesh can glean a creature or object's entire history (including all secrets it has ever kept or divulged) just by looking at it. This acts as if Sul-Khatesh casts legend lore on the target, except it does not require any action on her part, and she gains the information instantly. A creature can resist this effect by succeeding on a {@dc 27} Wisdom saving throw, and on a success is immune to this ability for 24 hours."
"name": "Discorporation",
"entries": [
"When Sul-Khatesh drops to 0 Hit Points or dies, her body is destroyed but her essence travels back to the depths of Khyber, and she is able to take physical form again after 26 ({@dice 4d12}) hours."
"name": "Immortal Body",
"entries": [
"Sul-Khatesh cannot have her maximum hit point total reduced, and she is immune to disease and any spell or effect that would alter her form, unless she wishes to be affected."
"name": "Legendary Resistance (5/Day)",
"entries": [
"If Sul-Khatesh fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead."
"name": "Limited Magic Immunity",
"entries": [
"Sul-Khatesh can't be affected or detected by spells of 6th level or lower unless she wishes to be. She has advantage on Saving Throws against all other spells and magical effects. Magic Weapons. Sul-Khatesh's weapon attacks are magical. Regeneration. Sul-Khatesh regains 30 Hit Points at the start of each of her turns."
"name": "Instant Counterspells",
"entries": [
"Sul-Khatesh can cast counterspell at-will without using her reaction but must succeed on an Intelligence check to successfully counter a spell of any level (even 3rd or below)."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"Sul-Khatesh makes three weapon attacks."
"name": "Staff of Forgotten Secrets",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 16} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 1d8 + 7}) bludgeoning damage plus 10 ({@damage 3d6}) force damage, and the target is automatically affected as though targeted by a dispel magic spell."
"name": "Change Form",
"entries": [
"Sul-Khatesh can assume the form of any creature, being, or unique shape. The form can be of any size. Except as noted below, her statistics do not change, regardless of form, and she maintains the form indefinitely until a new form is chosen. Truesight reveals that Sul-Khatesh's form is an assumed one, but does not reveal her true form, because she doesn't have one. If she chooses to change her size, Sul-Khatesh's Staff of Forgotten Secrets deals an extra 4 ({@damage 1d8}) bludgeoning damage for each size she is above Medium and has a reach of 10 ft. if she is Huge or larger."
"legendaryActions": 5,
"legendary": [
"name": "Staff Strike",
"entries": [
"Sul-Khatesh makes a melee weapon attack."
"name": "Shatter Antimagic (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"If within the area of effect of an antimagic field spell, Sul-Khatesh causes the spell to instantly end in an explosion of arcane force, dealing 55 ({@damage 10d10}) force damage to all other creatures that were in the area of the antimagic field spell, or half as much damage if they succeed on a {@dc 27} Constitution saving throw."
"name": "Dark Whisper (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"Sul-Khatesh casts a spell of 5th level or lower."
"name": "Revelation (Costs 3 Actions)",
"entries": [
"Sul-Khatesh casts a spell of 6th level or higher."
"traitTags": [
"Legendary Resistances"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "9216f4abfc5c783a44e306bf10138335",
"legendaryGroup": {
"name": "Sul-Khatesh",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"When the Progenitor Wyrm Khyber was entombed within Eberron, she created fiends of incredible might and power directly from her own body. Sometimes referred to as Khyber's Children, or the Rajahs of rakshasa, these demonic Overlords numbered roughly thirty in number, each embodying a universal evil that can never be destroyed.",
"At the end of the Age of Demons, the entire celestial race of couatls sacrificed themselves to ignite the Silver Flame, an immortal source of light and goodness to contain the immortal evil of the Overlords. To this very day, the Overlords remain bound by the Silver Flame. But the Lords of Dust, the rakshasa and other fiends who once served the Overlords, study the Draconic Prophecy for ways to free their masters.",
"Should an Overlord actually gain its freedom, the threat to mortal civilizations cannot be understated. A newly freed Overlord is at its weakest, but still the most powerful of foes a group of adventurers can ever face (represented by a Challenge Rating of 30). Should the Overlord remain unchecked, it will only grow even more powerful, stronger than any team of mortals could ever hope to defeat. More insidiously, the manifest evil of the Overlord's being will continue to spread while it is free, eventually covering nations and possibly the entire world, bringing ruin or destruction according to the Overlord's individual nature.",
"Even if slain by the most epic of heroes, a freed Overlord will reincarnate fully formed, with all memories and might intact, in a matter of hours. Once freed, Eberron's only hope would be to rebind the Overlord.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Sul-Khatesh",
"entries": [
"One of the most subtle and insidious of Overlords is bound beneath Aundair, directly under the floating towers of Arcanix. Her ancient name is Sul-Khatesh, but she is only referred to in modern times as the Keeper of Secrets, and almost always in a hushed whisper. Within her ancient mind, she knows all secrets dark and arcane. Even though she is fully bound by the Silver Flame, her influence can reach into the minds of sleeping mortals, whispering dark secrets to the Arcane Congress of Arcanix in their dreams.",
"Unlike most Overlords, Sul-Khatesh is a cautious mastermind, and will work to ensure her immediate release goes unnoticed so that she may gain power. She considers the dragons to be the greatest threat to her after her emergence from the Silver Flame. She might extend her subtle influence to turn powerful forces of world, such as the Undying Court of Aerenal or even the Church of the Silver Flame, against the wyrms of Argonnessen."
"name": "Arbalester",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "T",
"type": "construct",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 14,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 12,
"formula": "5d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 10
"str": 8,
"dex": 15,
"con": 10,
"int": 10,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 7,
"save": {
"dex": "+4"
"skill": {
"perception": "+3"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 13,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Common",
"but can't speak (see Homunculus)"
"cr": "1/4",
"trait": [
"name": "Homunculus",
"entries": [
"An arbalester is a model of construct particularly well-suited to house a portion of its creator's soul.",
"An arbalester homunculus cannot speak, but understands any language its creator knows, and answers to verbal commands. An arbalester homunculus's creator can perform a special ritual for 1 hour to attune a magical ranged weapon to the arbalester. The magical ranged weapon's properties must be applicable to light crossbows. At the end of this special attunement, the arbalester's light crossbow attack gains the attuned ranged weapon's magical properties. Until reversed with another hour-long ritual, the magical properties of the ranged weapon are suppressed. This attunement does not count toward the arbalester's creator's limit of attuned magic items. It lasts until the magical ranged weapon is ever more than 100 ft. from the arbalester, or if it is destroyed."
"action": [
"name": "Stab",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 1} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}1 piercing damage."
"name": "Light Crossbow",
"entries": [
"{@atk rw} {@hit 4} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) piercing damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "efe744f7d6723fa5f44590b3cda74bfa",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Homunculi are constructs that have been invested with a portion of their creator's life essence or soul. They come in many shapes and sizes in the world of Eberron, each kind specifically created to aid its master in different ways.",
"Any Medium size or smaller construct with a Challenge rating of 1/4 or less can be crafted as a homunculus. While the base homunculus presented on page 188 of the Monster Manual is certainly a commonly created one, the others presented below are seen across Khorvaire.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"name" : "Methods of Construction",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Should one desire to create a homunculus of their own, they have a few options available to them.",
"First, an Artificer who has a mastery in automation can craft a personal homunculus of exceptional durability and customization.",
"Lastly, the {@spell create homunculus} spell (Xanathar's Guide to Everything, pg. 152) allows you to transmute raw materials into the form of a homunculus much quicker than building one from scratch, though the creature does not gain in power as you do. In an Eberron campaign, you may create any kind of homunculus you wish when casting create homunculus, not just the base homunculus found in the Monster Manual.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Arbalester",
"entries": [
"An arbalester is, essentially, an ambulatory crossbow. It is carved from greenwood with golden plating and silver thread. It can fire and reload on its own, and magically creates its own bolts, making it a cheap, ideal construct for home defense. An arbalester crafted as a homunculus has its green wood stock soaked in at least 1 pint of its creator's blood."
"name": "Dedicated Wright",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "T",
"type": "construct",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 14,
"formula": "4d4 + 4"
"speed": {
"walk": 10
"str": 12,
"dex": 11,
"con": 12,
"int": 10,
"wis": 11,
"cha": 7,
"skill": {
"anyonekindofartisan'stoolsorherbalism": "kit"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 10,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Common",
"but can't speak (see Homunculus)"
"cr": "0",
"trait": [
"name": "Diligent Crafting",
"entries": [
"A dedicated wright is constructed to be proficient with one kind of Artisan's tools or an Herbalism kit. It can combine efforts with another creature that is proficient with that kind of tool toward the crafting of a mundane item. The total crafting cost of the item (half market value) must still be provided in materials by another creature.",
"The dedicated wright contributes 50 gp worth of effort for every workweek spent to help craft an item. A dedicated wright cannot start a project on its own, but it can finish an item once another creature has spent one workday of downtime crafting alongside it.",
"A dedicated wright works non-stop, but only contributes the same amount of effort in a 24-hour period as a humanoid working for 8 hours, due its tiny stature."
"name": "Homunculus",
"entries": [
"A dedicated wright is a model of construct particularly well-suited to house a portion of its creator's soul. A dedicated wright homunculus cannot speak, but understands any language it's creator knows, and answers to verbal commands.",
"A dedicated wright homunculus is proficient with all tools its creator is and applies its creator's proficiency bonus instead of its own on ability checks made with them. Unlike most homunculi, a dedicated wright can remain active at any distance from its creator, instead of being limited to a range of 100 feet.",
"A dedicated wright homunculus can use its Diligent Crafting ability to assist in the creation of magic items, as if it was a spellcaster that fulfills all the requirements of a given schema that its creator does, including the ability to cast any spell its creator can, and with the same available spell slots to expend (though it does not actually gain the ability to cast such spells for any purpose other than crafting).",
"It takes just as many workweeks of effort for a dedicated wright to craft a magic item as would its creator (see Xanathar's Guide to Everything, pg. 129 for crafting times). As with a mundane item, it cannot begin a project on its own, but it can complete a magic item by itself once its creator has spent a workday of downtime crafting alongside it. If both it and its creator craft the item together, the number of workweeks to create the magic item is halved."
"action": [
"name": "Tiny Hammer",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}2 (1 + 1) bludgeoning damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "f21a2f43ff59ee3972d11ee8f6e58d90",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Homunculi are constructs that have been invested with a portion of their creator's life essence or soul. They come in many shapes and sizes in the world of Eberron, each kind specifically created to aid its master in different ways.",
"Any Medium size or smaller construct with a Challenge rating of 1/4 or less can be crafted as a homunculus. While the base homunculus presented on page 188 of the Monster Manual is certainly a commonly created one, the others presented below are seen across Khorvaire.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"name" : "Methods of Construction",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Should one desire to create a homunculus of their own, they have a few options available to them.",
"First, an Artificer who has a mastery in automation can craft a personal homunculus of exceptional durability and customization.",
"Lastly, the {@spell create homunculus} spell (Xanathar's Guide to Everything, pg. 152) allows you to transmute raw materials into the form of a homunculus much quicker than building one from scratch, though the creature does not gain in power as you do. In an Eberron campaign, you may create any kind of homunculus you wish when casting create homunculus, not just the base homunculus found in the Monster Manual.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Dedicated Wright",
"entries": [
"A dedicated wright appears as a malformed, stubby-limbed humanoid. They are created to aid craftsmen in their work. A dedicated wright homunculus is prized even more highly for its essential aid in speeding up magic item creation. When left alone, they shy away from combat. They are intelligent enough to hide someplace too small for larger creatures to follow them.",
"A dedicated wright is molded from clay, glazed with magically active oils and unguents, then fired in a kiln. Dedicated wrights crafted as homunculi also include a pint of their creator's blood mixed into the oils and unguents they are glazed with, to bind a portion of the creator's soul to it."
"name": "Expeditious Messenger",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "T",
"type": "construct",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 1,
"formula": "1d4 - 1"
"speed": {
"walk": 20,
"fly": {
"number": 100,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 1,
"dex": 17,
"con": 8,
"int": 12,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 7,
"save": {
"dex": "+5"
"skill": {
"acrobatics": "+5"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 9,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"telepathy 1 mile (see Homunculus)"
"cr": "0",
"trait": [
"name": "Homunculus",
"entries": [
"An expeditious messenger is a model of construct particularly well-suited to house a portion of its creator's soul. An expeditious messenger homunculus can speak and understand any language its creator knows, and answers to verbal and telepathic command up to a range of 1 mile.",
"An expeditious messenger applies its creator's proficiency bonus instead of its own to Dexterity saves and Acrobatics checks. Unlike most homunculi, an expeditious messenger can remain active while up to 1 mile away from its creator, instead of 100 feet, and has the Message ability."
"name": "Message",
"entries": [
"The creator of an expeditious messenger homunculus can converse with a creature up to 1 mile away through the homunculus. While doing so, the homunculus speaks with its creator's voice."
"action": [
"name": "Sting",
"entries": [
"Melee Weapon Attack:{@hit -3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}1 piercing damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"uniqueId": "52110b641375c35160385bd895dada87",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Homunculi are constructs that have been invested with a portion of their creator's life essence or soul. They come in many shapes and sizes in the world of Eberron, each kind specifically created to aid its master in different ways.",
"Any Medium size or smaller construct with a Challenge rating of 1/4 or less can be crafted as a homunculus. While the base homunculus presented on page 188 of the Monster Manual is certainly a commonly created one, the others presented below are seen across Khorvaire.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"name" : "Methods of Construction",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Should one desire to create a homunculus of their own, they have a few options available to them.",
"First, an Artificer who has a mastery in automation can craft a personal homunculus of exceptional durability and customization.",
"Lastly, the {@spell create homunculus} spell (Xanathar's Guide to Everything, pg. 152) allows you to transmute raw materials into the form of a homunculus much quicker than building one from scratch, though the creature does not gain in power as you do. In an Eberron campaign, you may create any kind of homunculus you wish when casting create homunculus, not just the base homunculus found in the Monster Manual.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Expeditious Messenger",
"entries": [
"An expeditious messenger looks a minuscule lemur or meerkat with draconic wings and a tiny barbed tail. As its name suggests, it is designed to quickly carry messages from its creator, as evidenced by its unusual capability to speak. Expeditious messengers created as homunculi can serve this purpose even more effectively, speaking their master's voice and words directly.",
"An expeditious messenger is crafted from soft clay and bits of hair, scales, and feathers from tiny flying beasts. Expeditious messengers crafted as homunculi also include a pint of their creator's blood in their construction."
"name": "Furtive Filcher",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "T",
"type": "construct",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 2,
"formula": "1d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 50
"str": 9,
"dex": 19,
"con": 10,
"int": 12,
"wis": 10,
"cha": 7,
"skill": {
"sleight of hand": "+8",
"stealth": "+6"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 10,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Common",
"but can't speak (see Homunculus)"
"cr": "0",
"trait": [
"name": "Homunculus",
"entries": [
"A furtive filcher is a model of construct particularly well-suited to house a portion of its creator's soul. A furtive filcher homunculus cannot speak, but understands any language its creator knows, and answers to verbal commands.",
"A furtive filcher applies its creator's proficiency bonus instead of its own to Stealth checks, and twice its creator's proficiency bonus instead of its own to Sleight of Hand checks. Additionally, it has the Harry ability."
"name": "Harry",
"entries": [
"When the furtive filcher homunculus hits a target that is within 5 feet of its creator with a Claw.attack, the attack deals extra slashing damage equal to {@dice 1d6} for every six levels the homunculus's creator possesses, to a maximum of {@dice 3d6}."
"action": [
"name": "Claw",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 1} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}1 slashing damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "0dd4f9fb9bb97486974645984435941c",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Homunculi are constructs that have been invested with a portion of their creator's life essence or soul. They come in many shapes and sizes in the world of Eberron, each kind specifically created to aid its master in different ways.",
"Any Medium size or smaller construct with a Challenge rating of 1/4 or less can be crafted as a homunculus. While the base homunculus presented on page 188 of the Monster Manual is certainly a commonly created one, the others presented below are seen across Khorvaire.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"name" : "Methods of Construction",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Should one desire to create a homunculus of their own, they have a few options available to them.",
"First, an Artificer who has a mastery in automation can craft a personal homunculus of exceptional durability and customization.",
"Lastly, the {@spell create homunculus} spell (Xanathar's Guide to Everything, pg. 152) allows you to transmute raw materials into the form of a homunculus much quicker than building one from scratch, though the creature does not gain in power as you do. In an Eberron campaign, you may create any kind of homunculus you wish when casting create homunculus, not just the base homunculus found in the Monster Manual.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Furtive Filcher",
"entries": [
"A furtive filcher is a tiny creature that looks like nothing so much as a vaguely humanoid wisp of shadow. Furtive filchers are constructed by unscrupulous creators to, as the name implies, steal small items. Its size and shadowy nature make it well suited for even the deftest acts of thievery.",
"A furtive filcher is shaped from clay, ashes, and raw shadowstuff from the Plane of Shadow. Furtive filchers crafted as homunculi also have a pint of their creator's blood kneaded into the clay that they are shaped from."
"name": "Iron Defender",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "construct",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 16,
"formula": "3d8 + 3"
"speed": {
"walk": 50
"str": 14,
"dex": 15,
"con": 12,
"int": 8,
"wis": 11,
"cha": 7,
"save": {
"con": "+5"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 10,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands C ommon",
"but can't speak (see Homunculus)"
"cr": "1/4",
"trait": [
"name": "Homunculus",
"entries": [
"An iron defender is a model of construct particularly well-suited to house a portion of its creator's soul. An iron defender homunculus cannot speak, but understands any language its creator knows, and answers to verbal commands.",
"An iron defender homunculus has no immediate special abilities beyond its combat prowess. However, unlike most homunculi, whenever an iron defender homunculus would gain an ability score improvement, it can gain a feat instead.",
"The save DC for a creature to resist being knocked {@condition prone} by an iron defender homunculus's bite attack is equal to 8 + its creator's proficiency bonus + its own Strength modifier."
"action": [
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 12} Strength Saving Throw or be knocked {@condition prone}."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "c2518072626ab260cae0ef1e6ffb4198",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Homunculi are constructs that have been invested with a portion of their creator's life essence or soul. They come in many shapes and sizes in the world of Eberron, each kind specifically created to aid its master in different ways.",
"Any Medium size or smaller construct with a Challenge rating of 1/4 or less can be crafted as a homunculus. While the base homunculus presented on page 188 of the Monster Manual is certainly a commonly created one, the others presented below are seen across Khorvaire.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"name" : "Methods of Construction",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Should one desire to create a homunculus of their own, they have a few options available to them.",
"First, an Artificer who has a mastery in automation can craft a personal homunculus of exceptional durability and customization.",
"Lastly, the {@spell create homunculus} spell (Xanathar's Guide to Everything, pg. 152) allows you to transmute raw materials into the form of a homunculus much quicker than building one from scratch, though the creature does not gain in power as you do. In an Eberron campaign, you may create any kind of homunculus you wish when casting create homunculus, not just the base homunculus found in the Monster Manual.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Iron Defender",
"entries": [
"An iron defender resembles a Great Dane, or other large breed of dog, formed from iron plates and bars, with serrated iron teeth. They are constructed for one purpose: to fight for and safeguard their creator.",
"Iron defenders are forged from iron. An iron defender constructed as a homunculus must have its skull quenched in mixture of water and at least a pint of its creator's blood."
"name": "Packmate",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "S",
"type": "construct",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 2,
"formula": "1d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 50
"str": 14,
"dex": 11,
"con": 15,
"int": 8,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 7,
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 11,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Common",
"but can't speak (see Homunculus)"
"cr": "1/8",
"trait": [
"name": "Homunculus",
"entries": [
"A packmate is a model of construct particularly well-suited to house a portion of its creator's soul. A dedicated wright homunculus cannot speak, but understands any language it's creator knows, and answers to verbal commands.",
"A packmate homunculus is a versatile battlefield assistant and gains the following abilities:"
"name": "Throw Flask",
"entries": [
"When directed by its creator, the packmate can throw a vial of acid, holy water, alchemist's fire, or similar item that was stored within itself as an action."
"name": "Feed Potion",
"entries": [
"The packmate can, as a reaction, feed its creator a healing potion that was stored within itself, should its creator fall to 0 Hit Points while within 5 feet of the packmate."
"name": "Ready Item",
"entries": [
"The packmate takes a readied action to hand over any item within itself its creator directs it to, to any creature its creator wishes. The creature who is handed the item can take and use it as part of the same action, or if it is a potion, the creature can use it as a bonus action."
"name": "Secure Chest",
"entries": [
"A packmate is designed to securely transport items. Its compartment is protected as if by an arcane lock spell. If dispelled, the packmate reactivates this magical protection after 1 minute. The packmate can open and close its compartment at will.",
"A packmate can carry a load as if it was a Medium creature."
"action": [
"name": "Claw",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}3 (1 + 2) slashing damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "99ee0d08dfb91871a5b93f5cf809b078",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Homunculi are constructs that have been invested with a portion of their creator's life essence or soul. They come in many shapes and sizes in the world of Eberron, each kind specifically created to aid its master in different ways.",
"Any Medium size or smaller construct with a Challenge rating of 1/4 or less can be crafted as a homunculus. While the base homunculus presented on page 188 of the Monster Manual is certainly a commonly created one, the others presented below are seen across Khorvaire.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"name" : "Methods of Construction",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Should one desire to create a homunculus of their own, they have a few options available to them.",
"First, an Artificer who has a mastery in automation can craft a personal homunculus of exceptional durability and customization.",
"Lastly, the {@spell create homunculus} spell (Xanathar's Guide to Everything, pg. 152) allows you to transmute raw materials into the form of a homunculus much quicker than building one from scratch, though the creature does not gain in power as you do. In an Eberron campaign, you may create any kind of homunculus you wish when casting create homunculus, not just the base homunculus found in the Monster Manual.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Packmate",
"entries": [
"A packmate is a small, sturdy wooden chest bound in burnished bronze that walks on four legs, with two claw tipped arms protruding from its sides. When opened, the chest is divided into several compartments, for ease of sorting and access.",
"When constructed as a homunculus, at least 1 pint of its creator's blood is mixed into the varnish used to seal the wood it is carved from."
"name": "Karrnathi Bulette",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "L",
"type": "monstrosity",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 103,
"formula": "9d10 + 54"
"speed": {
"walk": 35,
"burrow": 20
"str": 17,
"dex": 9,
"con": 23,
"int": 6,
"wis": 10,
"cha": 5,
"skill": {
"athletics": "+6",
"perception": "+6"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft.",
"tremorsense 60 ft."
"passive": 16,
"immune": [
"cr": "6",
"trait": [
"name": "Plague Beast",
"entries": [
"If a creature takes any damage from a Karrnathi bulette' s spiked hide or overrun traits, or its bite attack, it must succeed on a {@dc 16} Constitution Saving Throw or contract a disease. Until the disease is cured, the target can't regain Hit Points except by magical means, and the target's hit point maximum decreases by 3 ({@dice 1d6}) every 24 hours. If the target's hit point maximum drops to 0 as a result of this disease, the target dies."
"name": "Spiked Hide",
"entries": [
"A creature that touches the Karrnathi bulette or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 5 ({@damage 1d10}) piercing damage."
"name": "Overrun",
"entries": [
"If the Karrnathi bulette moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then uses an Attack action to shove it, the creature automatically takes damage as per the bulette's Spiked Hide trait plus an additional 3 ({@damage 1d6}) piercing damage, whether the shove attempt succeeds or fails. If the target is shoved {@condition prone}, the bulette can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action."
"action": [
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}29 ({@damage 4d12 + 3}) piercing damage."
"senseTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "8cd4b4d04f6b702114f69c4fc7d2851d",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The bulettes native to Karrnath have mutated over recent decades due to the effects of the Last War, feasting on the leftover carrion of Karrnathi battlefields littered with the still-twitching cadavers of destroyed undead. Some of the most aggressive specimens of these adapted landsharks even attack regiments of Karrnathi undead specifically to satisfy their taste for necromantic flesh.",
"Because of this disquieting diet, Karrnathi landsharks are slower and physically weaker than their normal kin. However, they are no less dangerous, the necromantic energies of their preferred prey permeating into their bodies through digestion. These warping energies make Karrnathi bulettes implacable foes, their hides toughening into bony spiked plates, and they become perfect asymptomatic carriers of virulent diseases. Curiously, these mutated bulettes are possessed of a malicious cunning unseen in other landsharks."
"name": "Carcass Crab",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "H",
"type": "monstrosity",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"adhesive carapace",
"hp": {
"average": 126,
"formula": "11d12 + 55"
"speed": {
"walk": 15
"str": 23,
"dex": 13,
"con": 20,
"int": 5,
"wis": 10,
"cha": 9,
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 16,
"cr": "10",
"trait": [
"name": "Adhesive Carapace",
"entries": [
"A carcass crab uses a natural adhesive to attach pieces of armor, weapons, and whole corpses to its shell. Typically, this grants a carcass crab an Armor Class of 21, but it is possible to find crabs with better or worse protection."
"name": "False Appearance",
"entries": [
"While the carcass crab remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a mound of corpses and discarded arms and armor."
"name": "Spiny Defense",
"entries": [
"A carcass crab's shell is covered with sharp spines and attached metal and bodies. Combined with spears and swords affixed to its shell, these spines make attacking the creature a hazardous proposition. A creature that touches the carcass crab or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 5 ({@damage 1d10}) piercing damage."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The crab makes two Claw attacks and one bite attack against each creature it has {@condition grappled}."
"name": "Claw",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}20 ({@damage 3d8 + 7}) bludgeoning damage, and the target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 20}). Until the grapple ends, the creature is {@condition restrained}. The crab can grapple two targets, one in each Claw."
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target currently {@condition grappled} by the carcass crab. {@h}14 ({@dice 2d6 + 7}) and the target must succeed on a {@dc 18} Constitution Saving Throw or take 10 ({@damage 3d6}) poison damage and become {@condition poisoned} for 1 hour. The target can repeat the Saving Throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"traitTags": [
"False Appearance"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "54fa480049027c59292510687fa68719",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The Day of Mourning was the most devastating event to occur in living memory. Having only happened 4 years ago, it is still fresh in the minds of every citizen of the Five Nations and beyond. Though some might argue it was the harbinger of peace that ended the Last War, none would claim the destruction of an entire nation was justified by the current political climate.",
"But the Mourning did not merely destroy the nation of Cyre, it also warped it into the Mournland, a corrupted realm of monsters and wild magic. A stain upon the world, the dead-gray mists hang over the former nation like a death shroud, hiding the horrors within.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"name" : "Mutated Monstrosities",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"On the Day of Mourning, many of the living people and creatures of Cyre were destroyed by the catastrophe. However, not all were so lucky. As the dead-gray mists scoured their way out to the limits of the nation, many creatures were left warped in their wake.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Carcass Crab",
"entries": [
"The corrupting force of the Mourning enlarged a normal species of crab to terrifying size, and induced in it disturbing behaviors. These monstrous crabs stalk the battlefields of the borders of the Mournland, and affix the detritus of war to their adhesive shells, including the armored bodies of fallen soldiers. Once sufficiently covered, they hunker down and lie perfectly still, appearing to be another mound of war-torn debris, then ambush prey that stumbles too close."
"name": "Living Thunderwave",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "spell",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 9,
"formula": "2d8"
"speed": {
"walk": 20
"str": 11,
"dex": 11,
"con": 11,
"int": 1,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 8,
"senses": [
"blindsight 60 ft."
"passive": 10,
"immune": [
"immune": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"conditionImmune": [
"cr": "2",
"trait": [
"name": "Dispel Vulnerability",
"entries": [
"If it is the target of a dispel magic spell, a living thunderwave does not end if successfully affected ({@dc 11}); instead, its current and maximum Hit Points are reduced by {@dice 1d6} per level of the dispel magic. Its current and maximum Hit Points are reduced by {@damage 10d6} damage every round it starts its turn in the area of an antimagic field. It cannot regain these lost Hit Points or restore its hit point maximum. If reduced to 0 Hit Points, it dissipates into nothingness."
"name": "Envelop",
"entries": [
"The living thunderwave can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and it can move through any opening that isn't airtight.",
"A creature that enters a living thunderwave's space for the first time on a turn, or starts its turn there, is automatically {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 11}) and is affected by a thunderwave spell ({@dc 13} Constitution Saving Throw to resist)."
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The living thunderwave has advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects."
"action": [
"name": "Thunderwave Burst",
"entries": [
"The living thunderwave affects all creatures in its space and within 5 feet of it with a thunderwave spell ({@dc 13} Constitution Saving Throw to resist). Creatures inside the living thunderwave's space have disadvantage on this saving throw."
"traitTags": [
"Magic Resistance"
"senseTags": [
"uniqueId": "98a6b4f6e4764994617c1914a9a00476",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"One of the devastating developments of the Last War, living spells are the effects of a spell that refuse to dissipate once cast, the magic taking on a life of its own. Often thought of as harbingers of the Day of Mourning, living spells now haunt the Mournland and other smaller areas devastated by the magical mayhem of the Last War.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"name" : "Unnatural Instinct",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"These ambulatory forces of magic rove the Mournland in seemingly random patterns. Little is understood about the instinct that drives these entities, as they have no apparent need to feed on anything but ambient magical energy. However, they aggressively approach creatures once they sense them, as if the sole purpose of their existence is to affect as many creatures with their magic as possible."
"name" : "Spell Nature",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Living spells do not require air, drink, food, or sleep. A detect magic spell can detect a living spell and identify the school of magic of the spell or spells that make it up.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Living Thunderwave",
"entries": [
"The presence of a living thunderwave is presaged by a ceaseless ongoing crack of thunder audible up to 300 feet away. It appears as a roiling shimmer of pure sound in the air, constantly blasting dust and loose objects away from it. This living {@spell thunderwave} was cast at its minimum level."
"name": "Living Cloudkill",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "L",
"type": "spell",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 102,
"formula": "12d10 + 36"
"speed": {
"walk": 60
"str": 17,
"dex": 17,
"con": 17,
"int": 1,
"wis": 14,
"cha": 14,
"senses": [
"blindsight 60 ft."
"passive": 12,
"immune": [
"immune": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"conditionImmune": [
"cr": "12",
"trait": [
"name": "Dispel Vulnerability",
"entries": [
"If it is the target of a dispel magic spell, a living cloudkill does not end if successfully affected ({@dc 16}); instead, its current and maximum",
"Hit Points are reduced by {@dice 1d6} per level of the dispel magic. Its current and maximum Hit Points are reduced by {@damage 10d6} damage every round it starts its turn in the area of an antimagic field. It cannot regain these lost Hit Points or restore its hit point maximum. If reduced to 0 Hit Points, it dissipates into nothingness."
"name": "Envelop",
"entries": [
"The living cloudkill can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and it can move through any opening that isn't airtight.",
"A creature that enters a living cloudkill's space for the first time on a turn, or starts its turn there, is automatically {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 16}) and is affected by a cloudkill spell cast at 4th level ({@damage 9d8} poison damage, {@dc 18} Constitution Saving Throw to resist)."
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The living cloudkill has advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects."
"action": [
"name": "Cloudkill Burst",
"entries": [
"The living cloudkill affects all creatures in its space and within 5 feet of it with a cloudkill spell cast at 7th level ({@damage 9d8} poison damage, {@dc 18} Constitution Saving Throw to resist). Creatures inside the living cloudkill's space have disadvantage on this saving throw."
"traitTags": [
"Magic Resistance"
"senseTags": [
"uniqueId": "1e13238636b372d7b998098a0b81daab",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"One of the devastating developments of the Last War, living spells are the effects of a spell that refuse to dissipate once cast, the magic taking on a life of its own. Often thought of as harbingers of the Day of Mourning, living spells now haunt the Mournland and other smaller areas devastated by the magical mayhem of the Last War.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"name" : "Unnatural Instinct",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"These ambulatory forces of magic rove the Mournland in seemingly random patterns. Little is understood about the instinct that drives these entities, as they have no apparent need to feed on anything but ambient magical energy. However, they aggressively approach creatures once they sense them, as if the sole purpose of their existence is to affect as many creatures with their magic as possible."
"name" : "Spell Nature",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Living spells do not require air, drink, food, or sleep. A detect magic spell can detect a living spell and identify the school of magic of the spell or spells that make it up.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Living Cloudkill",
"entries": [
"This deadly living spell appears as a churning green fog that creeps along the ground. Often times, vague glimpses of skulls or other imagery of death can be seen within the swirling of its mist. This living {@spell cloudkill} was cast at 6th-level."
"name": "Living Apocalypse",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "H",
"type": "spell",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 189,
"formula": "18d12 + 72"
"speed": {
"walk": 60
"str": 19,
"dex": 19,
"con": 19,
"int": 1,
"wis": 16,
"cha": 16,
"senses": [
"blindsight 60 ft."
"passive": 13,
"immune": [
"immune": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"conditionImmune": [
"cr": "26",
"trait": [
"name": "Dispel Vulnerability",
"entries": [
"If it is the target of a dispel magic spell, a living apocalypse does not end if successfully affected ({@dc 19}); instead, its current and maximum Hit Points are reduced by {@dice 1d6} per level of the dispel magic. Its current and maximum Hit Points are reduced by {@damage 10d6} damage every round it starts its turn in the area of an antimagic field. It cannot regain these lost Hit Points or restore its hit point maximum. If reduced to 0 Hit Points, it dissipates into nothingness.",
"Envelop The living apocalypse can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and it can move through any opening that isn't airtight.",
"A creature that enters a living apocalypse's space for the first time on a turn, or starts its turn there, is automatically {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 19}) and is affected by an earthquake spell and a meteor swarm spell ({@dc 21} Dexterity Saving Throw to resist each spell)."
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The living apocalypse has advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects."
"action": [
"name": "Apocalyptic Burst",
"entries": [
"The living apocalypse affects all creatures in its space and within 10 feet of it with an earthquake spell and a meteor swarm spell ({@dc 21} Dexterity Saving Throw to resist each spell). Creatures inside the living apocalypse's space have disadvantage on these Saving Throws."
"traitTags": [
"Magic Resistance"
"senseTags": [
"uniqueId": "b056d80905e0fb8978172646f290f75e",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"One of the devastating developments of the Last War, living spells are the effects of a spell that refuse to dissipate once cast, the magic taking on a life of its own. Often thought of as harbingers of the Day of Mourning, living spells now haunt the Mournland and other smaller areas devastated by the magical mayhem of the Last War.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"name" : "Unnatural Instinct",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"These ambulatory forces of magic rove the Mournland in seemingly random patterns. Little is understood about the instinct that drives these entities, as they have no apparent need to feed on anything but ambient magical energy. However, they aggressively approach creatures once they sense them, as if the sole purpose of their existence is to affect as many creatures with their magic as possible."
"name" : "Spell Nature",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Living spells do not require air, drink, food, or sleep. A detect magic spell can detect a living spell and identify the school of magic of the spell or spells that make it up.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Living Cloudkill",
"entries": [
"A terrifying amalgamation of awesome war magic, this roving aura of devastation trails meteor strikes that continually split and crack the earth underneath it. This living spell is comprised of an {@spell earthquake} spell cast at 8th level and a {@spell meteor swarm} spell cast at 9th level."
"name": "Mourner",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 55,
"size": "M",
"type": "undead",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 58,
"formula": "13d8"
"speed": {
"walk": 0,
"fly": {
"number": 40,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 1,
"dex": 14,
"con": 10,
"int": 12,
"wis": 11,
"cha": 17,
"save": {
"wis": "+2",
"cha": "+4"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 10,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"Common and two others"
"cr": "2",
"trait": [
"name": "Aura of Doom",
"entries": [
"A mourner radiates feelings of misery and betrayal. The first time a creature enters a space within 10 feet of a mourner on a turn, or starts its turn there, it must make a {@dc 13} Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, it is affected as though by the bane spell for 1 minute. If a creature succeeds on the saving throw, it is immune to the mourner's Aura of Doom for the next 24 hours."
"action": [
"name": "Wisdom Drain",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 2d6 + 2}) necrotic damage, and the target's Wisdom score is reduced by {@dice 1d4}. The target is knocked {@condition unconscious} if this reduces its Wisdom to 0. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest."
"name": "Wail of Anguish",
"entries": [
"The mourner lets loose a tormented howl of pain and despair. All creatures within 60 feet of it must succeed on a {@dc 13} Wisdom Saving Throw against this magic or become {@condition frightened} for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the Saving Throws at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "cbbc7f73e5607043a87ed3f1ba3e825a",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"One of the stranger effects of the Mourning was the preservation of the dead. Explorers report that the fallen do not decay or rot beyond the deadgray mist. Bodies appear to have died just moments ago, leading to a disturbing sense that the dead may rise at any moment. Some do.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Mourners",
"entries": [
"These undead spirits appear to be made of the same dead-gray mists that conceal the Mournland, vaguely humanoid from the waist up, with sharp claw and a visage of crushing despair and anguish. Divination spells have verified that every mourner was a former soldier of a specific battalion of Thrane soldiers that were fighting on the northern Cyran border on the Day of Mourning. It is believed that they were betrayed by their commander, and the energies of the Day of Mourning gave their feelings of grief and betrayal permanence beyond their mortal lives."
"name": "Emerald Claw Soldier",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 56,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "humanoid",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"{@item chain shirt|phb}",
"{@item shield|PHB}"
"hp": {
"average": 16,
"formula": "3d8 + 3"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 16,
"dex": 10,
"con": 13,
"int": 11,
"wis": 9,
"cha": 12,
"save": {
"wis": "+1"
"passive": 9,
"languages": [
"cr": "1",
"trait": [
"name": "Seeker Fanatic",
"entries": [
"The Emerald Claw soldier has advantage on Saving Throws against being {@condition charmed} or {@condition frightened}. While the soldier can see a member of the Emerald Claw or Blood of Vol priest that is of higher CR, and is friendly to it, the soldier ignores the effects of being {@condition charmed} or {@condition frightened}."
"name": "Dirty Fighting (1/Turn)",
"entries": [
"If the Emerald Claw soldier makes a weapon attack with advantage on the attack roll and hits, the target takes an extra 7 ({@damage 2d6}) damage. Pack Tactics. The Emerald Claw soldier has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the soldier's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't {@condition incapacitated}."
"action": [
"name": "Flail",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) bludgeoning damage."
"name": "Light Crossbow",
"entries": [
"{@atk rw} {@hit 2} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d8}) piercing damage."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "46fc5ca30ab76321e9322d3fbb4af738",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The Order of the Emerald Claw once a celebrated knightly order of Karrnath, is now an outcast terrorist organization. Though the Order was found guilty of war crimes, many Karrns are still sympathetic to them, believing the Emerald Claw soldiers and leadership to be loyal patriots who fight for a stronger Karrnath.",
"Though outlawed, the Emerald Claw is still structured as a military organization with successive ranks and privileges.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Soldiers",
"entries": [
"Soldiers make up the lowest rank of full-fledged Emerald Claw members. They are usually recruited from the young, patriotic, and passionate. They may not see themselves as cruel or evil, but they will fight for a dominant Karrnath, no matter the cost."
"name": "Emerald Claw Sergeant",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "humanoid",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"{@item chain shirt|phb}",
"{@item shield|PHB}"
"hp": {
"average": 33,
"formula": "6d8 + 6"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 16,
"dex": 11,
"con": 13,
"int": 11,
"wis": 11,
"cha": 13,
"save": {
"wis": "+2"
"passive": 10,
"languages": [
"cr": "2",
"trait": [
"name": "Seeker Fanatic",
"entries": [
"The Emerald Claw sergeant has advantage on Saving Throws against being {@condition charmed} or {@condition frightened}. While the sergeant can see a member of the Emerald Claw or Blood of Vol priest that is of higher CR, and is friendly to it, the sergeant ignores the effects of being {@condition charmed} or {@condition frightened}."
"name": "Dirty Fighting (1/Turn)",
"entries": [
"If the Emerald Claw sergeant makes a weapon attack with advantage on the attack roll and hits, the target takes an extra 10 ({@damage 3d6}) damage."
"name": "Pack Tactics",
"entries": [
"The Emerald Claw sergeant has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the sergeant's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't {@condition incapacitated}."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The Emerald Claw sergeant attacks twice with its flail."
"name": "Flail",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) bludgeoning damage."
"name": "Light Crossbow",
"entries": [
"{@atk rw} {@hit 2} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d8}) piercing damage."
"reaction": [
"name": "For Karrnath",
"entries": [
"When reduced to 0 Hit Points, the Emerald Claw sergeant immediately moves up to twice its Speed and makes a single attack with its flail with advantage, then dies."
"traitTags": [
"Pack Tactics"
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "d59425b16d72f78d18f3a1a9ed2f03d8",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The Order of the Emerald Claw once a celebrated knightly order of Karrnath, is now an outcast terrorist organization. Though the Order was found guilty of war crimes, many Karrns are still sympathetic to them, believing the Emerald Claw soldiers and leadership to be loyal patriots who fight for a stronger Karrnath.",
"Though outlawed, the Emerald Claw is still structured as a military organization with successive ranks and privileges.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Sergeants",
"entries": [
"Sergeant is the first rank of non-commissioned officer within the Emerald Claw Sergeants are usually given command of a unit of soldiers. Their time in service to the Order has only deepened their conviction."
"name": "Emerald Claw Knight",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "humanoid",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 18,
"from": [
"{@item plate armor|PHB}"
"hp": {
"average": 78,
"formula": "12d8 + 24"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 18,
"dex": 11,
"con": 14,
"int": 12,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 14,
"save": {
"wis": "+4",
"cha": "+5"
"skill": {
"athletics": "+7",
"intimidation": "+5",
"perception": "+4"
"passive": 14,
"languages": [
"cr": "5",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"The Emerald Claw knight is a 2nd-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 13}). The knight has the following paladin spells prepared:"
"spells": {
"1": {
"slots": 2,
"spells": [
"{@spell command}",
"{@spell compelled duel}",
"{@spell cure wounds}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Seeker Fanatic",
"entries": [
"The Emerald Claw knight has advantage on Saving Throws against being {@condition charmed} or {@condition frightened}. While the knight can see a member of the Emerald Claw or Blood of Vol priest that is of higher CR, and is friendly to it, the knight ignores the effects of being {@condition charmed} or {@condition frightened}."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The Emerald Claw knight attacks twice with its greatsword."
"name": "Greatsword",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d6 + 4}) slashing damage plus 13 ({@damage 3d8}) necrotic damage."
"name": "Heavy Crossbow",
"entries": [
"{@atk rw} {@hit 3} to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d10}) piercing damage plus 13 ({@damage 3d8}) necrotic damage."
"reaction": [
"name": "For Karrnath",
"entries": [
"When reduced to 0 Hit Points, the Emerald Claw knight immediately moves up to twice its Speed and makes a single attack with its greatsword with advantage, then dies."
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "a0e02bdef7b625e36bfbad508fc10490",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The Order of the Emerald Claw once a celebrated knightly order of Karrnath, is now an outcast terrorist organization. Though the Order was found guilty of war crimes, many Karrns are still sympathetic to them, believing the Emerald Claw soldiers and leadership to be loyal patriots who fight for a stronger Karrnath.",
"Though outlawed, the Emerald Claw is still structured as a military organization with successive ranks and privileges.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Knights",
"entries": [
"Full-fledged knights of the Order of the Emerald Claw are often incredibly devout, if misled, Seekers of the Blood of Vol. Their blind conviction allows them to cast spells as a paladin, and empowers their martial abilities to bring wasting death upon their enemies.",
"Knights are usually counted among the nobility and are technically not under the command of peasant-born superiors, but the knights of the Emerald Claw pride themselves on faithfully carrying out their missions to the best of their ability. They are often given command over a few squads of sergeants and soldiers."
"name": "Emerald Claw Marshal",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "humanoid",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 19,
"from": [
"{@item splint armor|PHB}",
"{@item shield|PHB}"
"hp": {
"average": 97,
"formula": "15d8 + 30"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 18,
"dex": 11,
"con": 14,
"int": 13,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 16,
"save": {
"wis": "+4"
"skill": {
"intimidation": "+6",
"perception": "+4"
"passive": 14,
"languages": [
"cr": "7",
"trait": [
"name": "Seeker Fanatic",
"entries": [
"The Emerald Claw marshal has advantage on Saving Throws against being {@condition charmed} or {@condition frightened}. While the marshal can see a member of the Emerald Claw or Blood of Vol priest that is of higher CR, and is friendly to it, the marshal ignores the effects of being {@condition charmed} or {@condition frightened}."
"name": "Dirty Fighting (1/Turn)",
"entries": [
"If the Emerald Claw marshal makes a weapon attack with advantage on the attack roll and hits, the target takes an extra 10 ({@damage 3d6}) damage."
"name": "Pack Tactics",
"entries": [
"The Emerald Claw marshal has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the marshal's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't {@condition incapacitated}."
"name": "Commander",
"entries": [
"As a bonus action, the Emerald Claw marshal can command a member of the Emerald Claw that is of lower CR than it and that is within 30 feet to immediately make an attack, using their reaction. If the attack hits, it deals an extra 10 ({@damage 3d6}) damage."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The Emerald Claw marshal makes two attacks twice with its flail."
"name": "Flail",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d8 + 4}) bludgeoning damage."
"name": "Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)",
"entries": [
"For 1 minute, the Emerald Claw marshal can utter a special command or warning whenever a member of the Emerald Claw that it can see within 30 feet of it makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The Emerald Claw member can add a {@dice d4} to its roll provided it can hear and understand the marshal. An Emerald Claw member can benefit from only one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if the marshal is {@condition incapacitated}."
"reaction": [
"name": "For Karrnath",
"entries": [
"When reduced to 0 Hit Points, the Emerald Claw marshal immediately moves up to twice its Speed and makes two attacks with its flail, both with advantage, then dies."
"traitTags": [
"Pack Tactics"
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "453a41a34c8264c3245a18db8681f99c",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The Order of the Emerald Claw once a celebrated knightly order of Karrnath, is now an outcast terrorist organization. Though the Order was found guilty of war crimes, many Karrns are still sympathetic to them, believing the Emerald Claw soldiers and leadership to be loyal patriots who fight for a stronger Karrnath.",
"Though outlawed, the Emerald Claw is still structured as a military organization with successive ranks and privileges.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Knights",
"entries": [
"Marshals are highly skilled officers, often in command of one or two platoons of sergeants and soldiers, and may have a cadre of knights as their elite guards or executors."
"name": "Karrnathi Skeleton",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "undead",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 16,
"from": [
"{@item breastplate|PHB}"
"hp": {
"average": 39,
"formula": "6d8 + 12"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 13,
"dex": 19,
"con": 15,
"int": 10,
"wis": 10,
"cha": 1,
"save": {
"con": "+4",
"wis": "+2"
"skill": {
"athletics": "+3",
"perception": "+2"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 12,
"resist": [
"piercing slashing"
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "4",
"trait": [
"name": "Brute",
"entries": [
"A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when the Karrnathi skeleton hits with it (included in the attack)."
"name": "Pack Tactics",
"entries": [
"The Karrnathi skeleton has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the Karrnathi skeleton's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't {@condition incapacitated}."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The Karrnathi skeleton makes two weapon attacks. If it has both of its scimitars drawn, it may make four scimitars attacks."
"name": "Scimitar",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d6 + 4}) slashing damage."
"name": "Longbow",
"entries": [
"{@atk rw} {@hit 6} to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d8 + 4}) piercing damage."
"reaction": [
"name": "Parry",
"entries": [
"The Karrnathi skeleton adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the Karrnathi skeleton must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon."
"traitTags": [
"Pack Tactics"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "a78a212ff261e33841c2930daa6fd67b",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"During the early days of the Last War, Karrnath suffered a blight that devastated its food supply and war effort. Desperate, the crown turned to the Blood of Vol, who raised the dead soldiers of Karrnath into an undead army. After proving themselves, the patriotic Seeker priests developed the Odakyr Rites with the support and funding of the crown, creating elite undead to fight for Karrnath. These new types of skeletons and zombies were hardier and more intelligent than undead created with the animate dead spell, allowing them to intuit their commander's orders on the battlefield and figure out how best to carry them out without constant monitoring.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name" : "New Sentience",
"entries": [
"While the Karrnathi undead were created from elite soldiers that died defending Karrnath, and retained the martial skill they had in life, they did not retain their memories and personalities. The Karrnathi undead possess a cold, malevolent intelligence that is tempered only by an apparently spiritual patriotism. Some believe that the force that animates them is the martial spirit of Karrnath itself."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Rogue Nation",
"entries": [
"While most Karrnathi undead are held in reserve by King Kaius III and are under the control of the Karrnathi military, several platoons of Karrnathi undead were co-opted by the Emerald Claw when they went rogue. Maintained by their fanatic priests of the Blood of Vol, these intelligent undead serve the Emerald Claw unquestioningly."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Undead Nature",
"entries": [
"Karrnathi undead don't require air, food, drink, or sleep."
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Karrnathi Skeletons",
"entries": [
"Karrnathi skeletons excel at fighting in strike teams, employing tactics and attacks that belie their intelligence."
"name": "Karrnathi Zombie",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": "undead",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 19,
"from": [
"{@item half plate armor|PHB|half plate}",
"{@item shield|PHB}"
"hp": {
"average": 45,
"formula": "6d8 + 18"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 16,
"dex": 14,
"con": 16,
"int": 10,
"wis": 11,
"cha": 1,
"save": {
"con": "+5",
"wis": "+2"
"skill": {
"athletics": "+5",
"perception": "+2"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 12,
"resist": [
"bludgeoning piercing"
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "4",
"trait": [
"name": "Brute",
"entries": [
"A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when the Karrnathi zombie hits with it (included in the attack)."
"name": "Undead Fortitude",
"entries": [
"If damage reduces the Karrnathi zombie to 0 Hit Points, it must make a Constitution Saving Throw with a DC of 5 +the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the Karrnathi zombie drops to 1 hit point instead."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The Karrnathi zombie makes one longsword attack and one shield bash attack."
"name": "Longsword",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}12 ({@damage 2d8 + 3}) slashing damage."
"name": "Shield Bash",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}8 ({@damage 2d4 + 3}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 13} Strength Saving Throw or be knocked {@condition prone}."
"traitTags": [
"Undead Fortitude"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "de8d0b6be541e0ddd866ccaa4812c76a",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"During the early days of the Last War, Karrnath suffered a blight that devastated its food supply and war effort. Desperate, the crown turned to the Blood of Vol, who raised the dead soldiers of Karrnath into an undead army. After proving themselves, the patriotic Seeker priests developed the Odakyr Rites with the support and funding of the crown, creating elite undead to fight for Karrnath. These new types of skeletons and zombies were hardier and more intelligent than undead created with the animate dead spell, allowing them to intuit their commander's orders on the battlefield and figure out how best to carry them out without constant monitoring.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name" : "New Sentience",
"entries": [
"While the Karrnathi undead were created from elite soldiers that died defending Karrnath, and retained the martial skill they had in life, they did not retain their memories and personalities. The Karrnathi undead possess a cold, malevolent intelligence that is tempered only by an apparently spiritual patriotism. Some believe that the force that animates them is the martial spirit of Karrnath itself."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Rogue Nation",
"entries": [
"While most Karrnathi undead are held in reserve by King Kaius III and are under the control of the Karrnathi military, several platoons of Karrnathi undead were co-opted by the Emerald Claw when they went rogue. Maintained by their fanatic priests of the Blood of Vol, these intelligent undead serve the Emerald Claw unquestioningly."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Undead Nature",
"entries": [
"Karrnathi undead don't require air, food, drink, or sleep."
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Karrnathi Zombies",
"entries": [
"Karrnathi zombies are even harder to permanently put down than normal zombies, imbued with enhanced resilience."
"name": "Du'ulora",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 63,
"size": "L",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 14,
"condition": "with {@spell mage armor}",
"braces": true
"hp": {
"average": 157,
"formula": "15d10 + 75"
"speed": {
"walk": 0,
"fly": {
"number": 60,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 24,
"dex": 13,
"con": 20,
"int": 15,
"wis": 18,
"cha": 19,
"save": {
"con": "+9",
"wis": "+8",
"cha": "+8"
"skill": {
"insight": "+8",
"intimidate": "+12",
"perception": "+12",
"persuasion": "+8"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 22,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "10",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting (Psionics)",
"headerEntries": [
"The du'ulora's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 16}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:"
"will": [
"{@spell crown of madness} (the crown is invisible)",
"{@spell mage armor} (self only; the armor is invisible)",
"{@spell mage hand} (the hand is invisible)",
"{@spell teleport} (on Dal Quor only)"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell confusion}",
"{@spell enhance ability} (self only; Owl's Wisdom only)",
"{@spell true seeing} (self only)"
"1e": [
"{@spell cure wounds} (self only; 4th level; 26 ({@dice 5d8 + 4}) healing)",
"{@spell inflict wounds} (7th level; 38 ({@damage 7d10}) psychic damage)"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The du'ulora has advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects."
"name": "Nightmare Awareness",
"entries": [
"Magical darkness doesn't impede the quori's darkvision, and magic can't put it to sleep."
"name": "Fury Aura",
"entries": [
"At the end of the du'ulora's turn, all creatures it wishes within 30 feet of it must succeed on a {@dc 16} Charisma Saving Throw or fall into a state of mindless fury. Targets with the barbarian rage feature or similar ability (DM's discretion) have disadvantage on this saving throw.",
"While in this state, targets cannot move away from creatures they are hostile to and the only Actions they can take are Dash Actions toward creatures they are hostile to and Attack Actions to make melee weapon attacks. Until this fury ends, targets have advantage on all attack rolls, and all attack rolls against them have advantage.",
"An affected creature can repeat the Saving Throws at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target succeeds on a Saving Throws to resist this ability, it is immune to this du'ulora's Fury Aura for 24 hours."
"name": "Magic Weapons",
"entries": [
"The du'ulora's weapon attacks are magical."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The du'ulora makes three fiery grasp attacks."
"name": "Fiery Grasp",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}10 ({@damage 1d6 + 7}) bludgeoning damage and 5 ({@damage 2d10}) fire damage, and if the target is Large or smaller it is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 17}).",
"Until this grapple ends, the creature is {@condition restrained}. The du'ulora has three tendrils, each of which can seize one target in a fiery grasp. Until this grapple ends, the target's inner rage burns and it must make a {@dc 16} Charisma Saving Throw at the start of each of its turns, taking 10 ({@damage 3d6}) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Targets currently affected by the du'ulora's fury aura or under the effect of the barbarian rage feature or similar abilities (DM's discretion) automatically fail this save."
"name": "Trace Teleport (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)",
"entries": [
"The du'ulora inspects the space that a creature teleported away from within the last minute. It learns the destination of the teleportation effect if it is on the same plane of existence."
"traitTags": [
"Magic Resistance",
"Magic Weapons"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "904f488e0c35a4934ddd15e4093d16fc",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The quori are the undisputed rulers of Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. Nightmare and emotions given flesh, the quori follow the law of il-Lashtavar, a godlike entity of utter darkness at the center of the plane.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"In the world of Eberron, mortal minds psychically project into another realm of existence when they sleep. This realm of dreams is Dal Quor, home of the quori.",
"The dreamscapes of mortals swirl around the borderlands of the plane, each a bubble of light in a never-ending expanse of darkness. These dreamscapes wink in and out of existence as their mortal dreamers wake and slumber, forever revolving around the center of the plane.",
"Between these dreamscapes and the center of the plane lie the borderlands, shifting regions of shadow and nightmares. Native creatures of Dal Quor called eidolons make their home here, preying upon mortal dreamers that stray from their dreamscapes. Unlike the quori, these eidolons are typically feral, near-mindless beings.",
"At the center of the plane are the great cities and strongholds of the quori, a massive civilization of pure nightmare and malice given form. Every quori knows its place in the overall hierarchy of quori society, each serving the desires and executing the orders of the quori above it. At the top of this hierarchy is the Devourer of Dreams, a quori that serves as the mouthpiece of il-Lashtavar, otherwise known as the \"Darkness That Dreams\".",
"The Darkness That Dreams is the all-powerful being that exists at the very center of Dal Quor, upon which the entire realm of existence revolves. Its ultimate goals are inscrutable, and it speaks only to its chosen servant. Its desires are absolute, followed as law and scripture by the legions of quori that serve it."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Quori Castes",
"entries": [
"Quori society is split into a tiered hierarchy of castes, each caste populated by a specific type of quori. Each type of quori is unique in form and embodies a kind of emotion or nightmare mortal dreams are made of."
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Du'ulora",
"entries": [
"Du'ulora quori lead the armies of lesser quori for il-Lashtavar. While possessing mortals on the material plane, du'ulora use their profound understanding of anger and hatred to foment intolerance and national rivalries among the Five Nations. Though they wield fiery emotions as a weapon, they always remain calm themselves, dispassionately manipulating mortals to act recklessly on their darker impulses and prejudices."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Powers on Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"Quori are immortal beings born of the very essence of Dal Quor. When physically on that plane of existence, they have the following additional abilities:",
"type": "inset",
"entries": [
"name": "Invade Dreams (1/Day)",
"entries": [
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can cast the {@spell dream} spell on a creature known to it currently on another plane. It can send only itself as the messenger, but it can change appearance, as if it was a Medium humanoid casting alter self. The Wisdom Saving Throw for a nightmarish message is equal to the save DC for the quori's innate spells, or 8 + is proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier."
"name": "Quori Possession (1/Day)." ,
"entries": [
"A quori can automatically possess a Chosen assigned to it, as well as a willing human of non-good alignment. The target vessel must be dreaming, and therefore psychically projecting into Dal Quor, and the quori must be adjacent to the target's psychic projection. The quori's spirit merges with the target's psychic projection, gaining access to all of the vessel's knowledge and memories. The quori can immediately wake the target's body. When it does so, the quori's own body remains behind in Dal Quor in a state of suspended animation and is paralyzed. Damage to the quori's body does not end the possession.",
"Upon waking, and until the possession ends, the target is conscious but unable to act. The host is aware of its surroundings but unable to control its body. The quori controls the body, retaining its alignment; its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores; its saving throw, skill, and tool proficiencies; and its condition immunities, languages, and Innate Spellcasting. It otherwise uses the target's statistics, including the target's knowledge, class features, feats, traits, languages, and proficiencies (using the quori's proficiency bonus if higher). If the quori and the vessel share the same skill or tool proficiencies, it applies twice its proficiency bonus to ability checks made with them. While the target remains possessed, its body can't be magically put to sleep.",
"A possessing quori can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn fiends. Physical harm to the target vessel does not harm the quori. The possession lasts until the vessel is killed, the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, the vessel regains control of its body (if it is still alive); the quori immediately returns to its own body on Dal Quor, ending its paralyzed condition there."
"name": "Hashalaq (Dreamstealer)",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 16,
"condition": "with {@spell mage armor}",
"braces": true
"hp": {
"average": 75,
"formula": "10d8 + 30"
"speed": {
"walk": 40,
"fly": {
"number": 40,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 14,
"dex": 16,
"con": 17,
"int": 20,
"wis": 18,
"cha": 23,
"save": {
"wis": "+8",
"cha": "+10"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+9",
"deception": "+10",
"history": "+9",
"insight": "+8",
"perception": "+8",
"persuasion": "+10"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 18,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "9",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting (Psionics)",
"headerEntries": [
"The hashalaq's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 18}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:"
"will": [
"{@spell charm person}",
"{@spell mage armor} (self only; the armor is invisible)",
"{@spell mage hand} (the hand is invisible)",
"{@spell teleport} (self only; on Dal Quor only)"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell bestow curse}",
"{@spell cure wounds} (self only; 3rd level; 19 ({@dice 3d8 + 6}) healing)"
"1e": [
"{@spell inflict wounds} (6th level; 44 ({@damage 8d10}) psychic damage)",
"{@spell magic missile} (one target; 3rd level; 6 invisible missiles)"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The hashalaq has advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects."
"name": "Nightmare Awareness",
"entries": [
"Magical darkness doesn't impede the quori's darkvision, and magic can't put it to sleep."
"name": "Intimate Knowledge Aura",
"entries": [
"The hashalaq has intuitive awareness of the emotions and thoughts of creatures within 60 feet of it. The hashalaq learns the surface thoughts of all creatures in range—what is most on each creature's mind in any given moment—as well as their emotional states and basic needs (thirst, hunger, fear, joy, hostility, etc.). A hashalaq has advantage on all Charisma skill checks and Wisdom (Insight) checks against any creature within this area.",
"As a bonus action, the hashalaq can narrow this awareness down to a single target creature within 60 feet of it. If it does so the target must make a {@dc 18} Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the affect above ends and the target has disadvantage on attack rolls against the hashalaq, and the hashalaq has advantage on attack rolls against it. This narrowed awareness lasts until the target is {@condition incapacitated}, it is ever further than 60 feet from the hashalaq, or the hashalaq takes another bonus action to end it."
"name": "Shapechanger",
"entries": [
"The hashalaq can use its action to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid it has seen, or back into its true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies."
"action": [
"name": "Idyllic Touch",
"entries": [
"{@atk ms} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}17 ({@damage 2d10 + 6}) psychic damage and the target must succeed on a {@dc 18} Wisdom save or be flooded by feelings of blissful ecstasy for 1 minute. While affected, the target can take no"
"name": "Wisdom Drain",
"entries": [
"{@atk ms} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}The target's Wisdom score is reduced by {@dice 1d4}. If this reduces its Wisdom to 0, the target dies and the hashalaq immediately heals HP equal to the target's normal full Wisdom score. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest."
"name": "Empathic Duplicate",
"entries": [
"The hashalaq targets one creature within 60 feet of it. The target must succeed on a {@dc 18} Wisdom save. If it fails, the hashalaq polymorphs into a Small or Medium humanoid that the target empathizes with—a loved one, a close friend, or even an injured child. The hashalaq's statistics, other than its size, are the same in this form. It reverts to its true form if it dies.",
"At the start of each of the target's turns, it must succeed on a {@dc 18} Wisdom save in order to attack the hashalaq during its turn, even if it is apparent the hashalaq isn't what it appears to be. Once a target succeeds on any save to resist this ability, it is immune to this hashalaq's Empathic Duplicate ability for 24 hours. If the hashalaq takes any violent action against the target or the target's allies that it can see, the effect ends immediately and it polymorphs into its true form."
"reaction": [
"name": "Traumatic Feedback",
"entries": [
"When the hashalaq is damaged, the opponent that damaged it takes 12 ({@damage 5d4}) psychic damage and the hashalaq reduces the damage it took by the same amount."
"traitTags": [
"Magic Resistance",
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "661b6bd2bd043018b39504a11d4c1cb5",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The quori are the undisputed rulers of Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. Nightmare and emotions given flesh, the quori follow the law of il-Lashtavar, a godlike entity of utter darkness at the center of the plane.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"In the world of Eberron, mortal minds psychically project into another realm of existence when they sleep. This realm of dreams is Dal Quor, home of the quori.",
"The dreamscapes of mortals swirl around the borderlands of the plane, each a bubble of light in a never-ending expanse of darkness. These dreamscapes wink in and out of existence as their mortal dreamers wake and slumber, forever revolving around the center of the plane.",
"Between these dreamscapes and the center of the plane lie the borderlands, shifting regions of shadow and nightmares. Native creatures of Dal Quor called eidolons make their home here, preying upon mortal dreamers that stray from their dreamscapes. Unlike the quori, these eidolons are typically feral, near-mindless beings.",
"At the center of the plane are the great cities and strongholds of the quori, a massive civilization of pure nightmare and malice given form. Every quori knows its place in the overall hierarchy of quori society, each serving the desires and executing the orders of the quori above it. At the top of this hierarchy is the Devourer of Dreams, a quori that serves as the mouthpiece of il-Lashtavar, otherwise known as the \"Darkness That Dreams\".",
"The Darkness That Dreams is the all-powerful being that exists at the very center of Dal Quor, upon which the entire realm of existence revolves. Its ultimate goals are inscrutable, and it speaks only to its chosen servant. Its desires are absolute, followed as law and scripture by the legions of quori that serve it."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Quori Castes",
"entries": [
"Quori society is split into a tiered hierarchy of castes, each caste populated by a specific type of quori. Each type of quori is unique in form and embodies a kind of emotion or nightmare mortal dreams are made of."
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Hashalaq",
"entries": [
"Hashalaq quori are the scribes, lore keepers, and magistrates of quori society. They are also known as dreamstealers. Hashalaqs are supreme empaths and their talents have led to many mortals succumbing to temptation and willingly accepting possession by quori. Hashalaq quori make up the bulk of the Inspired bureaucracy on Dal Quor, but many other hashalaq function as spymasters and handlers for the Dreaming Dark."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Powers on Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"Quori are immortal beings born of the very essence of Dal Quor. When physically on that plane of existence, they have the following additional abilities:",
"type": "inset",
"entries": [
"name": "Invade Dreams (1/Day)",
"entries": [
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can cast the {@spell dream} spell on a creature known to it currently on another plane. It can send only itself as the messenger, but it can change appearance, as if it was a Medium humanoid casting alter self. The Wisdom Saving Throw for a nightmarish message is equal to the save DC for the quori's innate spells, or 8 + is proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier."
"name": "Quori Possession (1/Day)." ,
"entries": [
"A quori can automatically possess a Chosen assigned to it, as well as a willing human of non-good alignment. The target vessel must be dreaming, and therefore psychically projecting into Dal Quor, and the quori must be adjacent to the target's psychic projection. The quori's spirit merges with the target's psychic projection, gaining access to all of the vessel's knowledge and memories. The quori can immediately wake the target's body. When it does so, the quori's own body remains behind in Dal Quor in a state of suspended animation and is paralyzed. Damage to the quori's body does not end the possession.",
"Upon waking, and until the possession ends, the target is conscious but unable to act. The host is aware of its surroundings but unable to control its body. The quori controls the body, retaining its alignment; its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores; its saving throw, skill, and tool proficiencies; and its condition immunities, languages, and Innate Spellcasting. It otherwise uses the target's statistics, including the target's knowledge, class features, feats, traits, languages, and proficiencies (using the quori's proficiency bonus if higher). If the quori and the vessel share the same skill or tool proficiencies, it applies twice its proficiency bonus to ability checks made with them. While the target remains possessed, its body can't be magically put to sleep.",
"A possessing quori can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn fiends. Physical harm to the target vessel does not harm the quori. The possession lasts until the vessel is killed, the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, the vessel regains control of its body (if it is still alive); the quori immediately returns to its own body on Dal Quor, ending its paralyzed condition there."
"name": "Kalaraq",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 18,
"condition": "with {@spell mage armor}",
"braces": true
"hp": {
"average": 218,
"formula": "23d8 + 115"
"speed": {
"walk": 0,
"fly": {
"number": 60,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 1,
"dex": 21,
"con": 20,
"int": 23,
"wis": 25,
"cha": 24,
"save": {
"con": "+11",
"wis": "+13",
"cha": "+13"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+12",
"deception": "+19",
"history": "+12",
"insight": "+19",
"intimidate": "+19",
"perception": "+19",
"persuasion": "+19",
"stealth": "+11"
"senses": [
"truesight 120 ft."
"passive": 29,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"in swarm form: paralyzed",
"languages": [
"telepathy 500 ft."
"cr": "20",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting (Psionics)",
"headerEntries": [
"The kalaraq's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 21}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:"
"will": [
"{@spell bestow curse}",
"{@spell calm emotions}",
"{@spell charm person}",
"{@spell dispel magic}",
"{@spell divine word} (the word is spoken telepathically)",
"{@spell mage armor} (self only; the armor is invisible)",
"{@spell magic missile} (one target; 9th level, 11 invisible missiles)",
"{@spell teleport}"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell cone of cold} (9th level; 54 ({@damage 12d8}) cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage)",
"{@spell confusion}",
"{@spell feeblemind}",
"{@spell power word kill} (the word is spoken telepathically)"
"1e": [
"{@spell mind blank} (self only)"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The kalaraq has advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects."
"name": "Nightmare Awareness",
"entries": [
"Magic can't put the quori to sleep."
"name": "Incorporeal Movement",
"entries": [
"The kalaraq can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 ({@damage 1d10}) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object."
"name": "Regeneration",
"entries": [
"The kalaraq regains 30 Hit Points at the start of its turn if it isn't in sunlight. If the kalaraq takes radiant damage this trait doesn't function at the start of the kalaraq's next turn. The kalaraq is only destroyed if it starts its turn with 0 Hit Points and can't regenerate."
"name": "Spying Eyes",
"entries": [
"A kalaraq can send its many eyes to scout and spy at a distance. This effect is similar to the arcane eye spell except the range is 1 mile, the duration is unlimited, and the eyes can see with the kalaraq's truesight. A kalaraq can send out up to 20 spying eyes at a time, and it can recall an eye as an action."
"name": "Night Terrors",
"entries": [
"When the kalaraq is on Dal Quor and uses Invade Dreams (see page 61) to send a monstrous messenger, it deals 45 ({@damage 13d6}) psychic damage if the target fails the Wisdom saving throw."
"action": [
"name": "Soul Bind",
"entries": [
"{@atk ms} {@hit 14} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}21 ({@damage 4d6 + 7}) necrotic damage, the target's Wisdom score is reduced by 3 ({@dice 1d4 + 1}), and the target must succeed on a {@dc 21} Charisma Saving Throw or be affected as if by the confusion spell.",
"If this reduces the target's Wisdom to 0, the target dies and its soul is bound to one of the kalaraq's many eyes. Even if the target is projecting to Dal Quor in a dream, its soul is torn from its body and it dies. Until the kalaraq is destroyed, a target that died due to this ability cannot be returned to life through any means. In addition, the kalaraq gains access to all of the memories of the target (though its statistics do not change). It also gains advantage on any ability checks to disguise or pass itself off as the target."
"name": "Mind Seed (1/Day)",
"entries": [
"The kalaraq touches one creature and implants it with a magical curse known as a mind seed, unless the target succeeds on a {@dc 21} Charisma saving throw. A cursed target slowly acts more like the kalaraq over the course of a week. The",
"Saving Throws can be repeated at the end of the week, ending the curse on a success. If the target fails on the second save, the target's original personality is permanently lost; its mind becomes a complete mirror of the kalaraq's psyche. The target's alignment becomes lawful evil and it gains access to all the memories the kalaraq had when the mind seed was first implanted. The target retains its own statistics, including level and class, but now acts according to its new personality. A greater restoration spell or similar magic can remove a mind seed before it becomes permanent, but a permanently altered target can only be returned to its normal self if it is first {@condition incapacitated} and a wish spell is cast to return its original personality.",
"The kalaraq can use this action even while possessing a host."
"name": "Swarm of Eyes",
"entries": [
"The kalaraq transforms into a Large swarm of eyes. In this form, it can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and it can move through any opening large enough for an eyeball to fit through. In this form, the kalaraq deals 10 ({@damage 1d6 + 7}) necrotic damage to each creature in its space at the end of its turn, but cannot make Soul Bind attacks. It loses its Regeneration trait and can't regain Hit Points or gain temporary Hit Points, but it gains damage resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage and gains immunity to the following conditions: {@condition paralyzed}, {@condition petrified}, {@condition prone}, {@condition restrained}, {@condition stunned}."
"name": "Malleable Form",
"entries": [
"The kalaraq can change its shape into any Small or Medium creature, including weapons, armor, clothing, or other details appropriate to its new form. Most kalaraqs prefer a humanoid form. A kalaraq does not have a true shape. This change is a physical rearrangement of its body. Truesight reveals that its current form is made of a mass of hundreds of shadowy eyes. Each form lasts until the kalaraq takes an action to change it. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any actual equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. If the kalaraq dies its form disperses into a pile of dead eyes."
"traitTags": [
"Incorporeal Movement",
"Magic Resistance",
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "a8c896c0405bbcaa0c28f0533e750e09",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The quori are the undisputed rulers of Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. Nightmare and emotions given flesh, the quori follow the law of il-Lashtavar, a godlike entity of utter darkness at the center of the plane.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"In the world of Eberron, mortal minds psychically project into another realm of existence when they sleep. This realm of dreams is Dal Quor, home of the quori.",
"The dreamscapes of mortals swirl around the borderlands of the plane, each a bubble of light in a never-ending expanse of darkness. These dreamscapes wink in and out of existence as their mortal dreamers wake and slumber, forever revolving around the center of the plane.",
"Between these dreamscapes and the center of the plane lie the borderlands, shifting regions of shadow and nightmares. Native creatures of Dal Quor called eidolons make their home here, preying upon mortal dreamers that stray from their dreamscapes. Unlike the quori, these eidolons are typically feral, near-mindless beings.",
"At the center of the plane are the great cities and strongholds of the quori, a massive civilization of pure nightmare and malice given form. Every quori knows its place in the overall hierarchy of quori society, each serving the desires and executing the orders of the quori above it. At the top of this hierarchy is the Devourer of Dreams, a quori that serves as the mouthpiece of il-Lashtavar, otherwise known as the \"Darkness That Dreams\".",
"The Darkness That Dreams is the all-powerful being that exists at the very center of Dal Quor, upon which the entire realm of existence revolves. Its ultimate goals are inscrutable, and it speaks only to its chosen servant. Its desires are absolute, followed as law and scripture by the legions of quori that serve it."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Quori Castes",
"entries": [
"Quori society is split into a tiered hierarchy of castes, each caste populated by a specific type of quori. Each type of quori is unique in form and embodies a kind of emotion or nightmare mortal dreams are made of."
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Kalaraq",
"entries": [
"Kalaraq quori are the most powerful of the quori. They form the Circle of Night, a council the directs the course of the quori's destiny. Leading the Circle of Night is the Devourer of Dreams, the only quori capable of communing with il-Lashtavar at the center of Dal Quor without being consumed by it. The plots and plans of the Circle of Night are kept secret to all but their most trusted minions."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Powers on Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"Quori are immortal beings born of the very essence of Dal Quor. When physically on that plane of existence, they have the following additional abilities:",
"type": "inset",
"entries": [
"name": "Invade Dreams (1/Day)",
"entries": [
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can cast the {@spell dream} spell on a creature known to it currently on another plane. It can send only itself as the messenger, but it can change appearance, as if it was a Medium humanoid casting alter self. The Wisdom Saving Throw for a nightmarish message is equal to the save DC for the quori's innate spells, or 8 + is proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier."
"name": "Quori Possession (1/Day)." ,
"entries": [
"A quori can automatically possess a Chosen assigned to it, as well as a willing human of non-good alignment. The target vessel must be dreaming, and therefore psychically projecting into Dal Quor, and the quori must be adjacent to the target's psychic projection. The quori's spirit merges with the target's psychic projection, gaining access to all of the vessel's knowledge and memories. The quori can immediately wake the target's body. When it does so, the quori's own body remains behind in Dal Quor in a state of suspended animation and is paralyzed. Damage to the quori's body does not end the possession.",
"Upon waking, and until the possession ends, the target is conscious but unable to act. The host is aware of its surroundings but unable to control its body. The quori controls the body, retaining its alignment; its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores; its saving throw, skill, and tool proficiencies; and its condition immunities, languages, and Innate Spellcasting. It otherwise uses the target's statistics, including the target's knowledge, class features, feats, traits, languages, and proficiencies (using the quori's proficiency bonus if higher). If the quori and the vessel share the same skill or tool proficiencies, it applies twice its proficiency bonus to ability checks made with them. While the target remains possessed, its body can't be magically put to sleep.",
"A possessing quori can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn fiends. Physical harm to the target vessel does not harm the quori. The possession lasts until the vessel is killed, the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, the vessel regains control of its body (if it is still alive); the quori immediately returns to its own body on Dal Quor, ending its paralyzed condition there."
"name": "Tsoreva",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 17,
"condition": "with {@spell mage armor}",
"braces": true
"hp": {
"average": 42,
"formula": "5d8 + 20"
"speed": {
"walk": 40,
"climb": 20
"str": 12,
"dex": 16,
"con": 18,
"int": 11,
"wis": 17,
"cha": 15,
"save": {
"dex": "+5",
"con": "+6"
"skill": {
"intimidate": "+6",
"perception": "+5",
"stealth": "+5"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 15,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "4",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting (Psionics)",
"headerEntries": [
"The tsoreva's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:"
"will": [
"{@spell mage armor} (self only; AC equals 14 + Dex bonus; the armor is invisible)",
"{@spell teleport} (self only; on Dal Quor only)"
"daily": {
"1": [
"{@spell elemental weapon} (casting time of 1 bonus action; can target two weapons at once; but only weapons held by the caster; 5th level; +2 attack bonus and 9 ({@dice 2d8}) extra psychic damage)"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The tsoreva has advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects."
"name": "Nightmare Awareness",
"entries": [
"Magical darkness doesn't impede the quori's darkvision, and magic can't put it to sleep."
"name": "Create Mindblades",
"entries": [
"The tsoreva creates two visible, rapierlike blades of psionic energy, requiring no action to do so. It can create these weapons even while possessing a host. The weapons appear at the end of the tsoreva's arms, or from the closed fists of its host. When created in a host's body, the weapons are treated like rapiers, except with the light weapon property, and all damage they deal is force damage. A tsoreva possessing a host has a Multiattack.action, allowing it to make two mind blade attacks as an action. Frightful Strike (1/Turn). When the tsoreva hits with a mindblade attack, the target must make a {@dc 12} Wisdom Saving Throw or become {@condition frightened} of the tsoreva for 1 minute. The target can repeat the Saving Throws at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The tsoreva makes two mindblade attacks."
"name": "Mindblade",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit or +7 with elemental weapon, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) force damage. If the tsoreva has cast elemental weapon, the mindblade deals 9 ({@dice 2d8}) extra psychic damage."
"traitTags": [
"Magic Resistance"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "e1733bae01f39ce3bb676a9f9b6a6ad9",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The quori are the undisputed rulers of Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. Nightmare and emotions given flesh, the quori follow the law of il-Lashtavar, a godlike entity of utter darkness at the center of the plane.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"In the world of Eberron, mortal minds psychically project into another realm of existence when they sleep. This realm of dreams is Dal Quor, home of the quori.",
"The dreamscapes of mortals swirl around the borderlands of the plane, each a bubble of light in a never-ending expanse of darkness. These dreamscapes wink in and out of existence as their mortal dreamers wake and slumber, forever revolving around the center of the plane.",
"Between these dreamscapes and the center of the plane lie the borderlands, shifting regions of shadow and nightmares. Native creatures of Dal Quor called eidolons make their home here, preying upon mortal dreamers that stray from their dreamscapes. Unlike the quori, these eidolons are typically feral, near-mindless beings.",
"At the center of the plane are the great cities and strongholds of the quori, a massive civilization of pure nightmare and malice given form. Every quori knows its place in the overall hierarchy of quori society, each serving the desires and executing the orders of the quori above it. At the top of this hierarchy is the Devourer of Dreams, a quori that serves as the mouthpiece of il-Lashtavar, otherwise known as the \"Darkness That Dreams\".",
"The Darkness That Dreams is the all-powerful being that exists at the very center of Dal Quor, upon which the entire realm of existence revolves. Its ultimate goals are inscrutable, and it speaks only to its chosen servant. Its desires are absolute, followed as law and scripture by the legions of quori that serve it."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Quori Castes",
"entries": [
"Quori society is split into a tiered hierarchy of castes, each caste populated by a specific type of quori. Each type of quori is unique in form and embodies a kind of emotion or nightmare mortal dreams are made of."
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Tsoreva",
"entries": [
"The weakest of the quori, tsoreva make up a legion of expendable troops for the Darkness That Dreams. Where the more cunning tsucora employs sophisticated fears and horrors as its weapons, the brutish tsoreva wields instinctual, primal terror like a knife—literally.",
"While they form fear itself into blades of psionic energy, tsoreva have no understanding of what it is to feel fear themselves, to the point of having no survival instincts. Each tsoreva wishes only to distinguish itself in battle and die, hoping its energies reform into a tsucora quori.",
"Tsoreva spend their time patrolling the border around the core of Dal Quori. They keep the quori's territory free from eidolons and other natives of the Region of Dreams and slaughter errant thought-forms of dreaming mortals that stray too close."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Powers on Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"Quori are immortal beings born of the very essence of Dal Quor. When physically on that plane of existence, they have the following additional abilities:",
"type": "inset",
"entries": [
"name": "Invade Dreams (1/Day)",
"entries": [
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can cast the {@spell dream} spell on a creature known to it currently on another plane. It can send only itself as the messenger, but it can change appearance, as if it was a Medium humanoid casting alter self. The Wisdom Saving Throw for a nightmarish message is equal to the save DC for the quori's innate spells, or 8 + is proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier."
"name": "Quori Possession (1/Day)." ,
"entries": [
"A quori can automatically possess a Chosen assigned to it, as well as a willing human of non-good alignment. The target vessel must be dreaming, and therefore psychically projecting into Dal Quor, and the quori must be adjacent to the target's psychic projection. The quori's spirit merges with the target's psychic projection, gaining access to all of the vessel's knowledge and memories. The quori can immediately wake the target's body. When it does so, the quori's own body remains behind in Dal Quor in a state of suspended animation and is paralyzed. Damage to the quori's body does not end the possession.",
"Upon waking, and until the possession ends, the target is conscious but unable to act. The host is aware of its surroundings but unable to control its body. The quori controls the body, retaining its alignment; its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores; its saving throw, skill, and tool proficiencies; and its condition immunities, languages, and Innate Spellcasting. It otherwise uses the target's statistics, including the target's knowledge, class features, feats, traits, languages, and proficiencies (using the quori's proficiency bonus if higher). If the quori and the vessel share the same skill or tool proficiencies, it applies twice its proficiency bonus to ability checks made with them. While the target remains possessed, its body can't be magically put to sleep.",
"A possessing quori can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn fiends. Physical harm to the target vessel does not harm the quori. The possession lasts until the vessel is killed, the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, the vessel regains control of its body (if it is still alive); the quori immediately returns to its own body on Dal Quor, ending its paralyzed condition there."
"name": "Tsucora",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "L",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"condition": "with {@spell mage armor}",
"braces": true
"hp": {
"average": 95,
"formula": "10d10 + 40"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 17,
"dex": 15,
"con": 18,
"int": 17,
"wis": 18,
"cha": 17,
"save": {
"dex": "+5",
"con": "+6"
"skill": {
"intimidate": "+6",
"perception": "+10",
"stealth": "+5"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 20,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "7",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting (Psionics)",
"headerEntries": [
"The tsucora's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 14}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:"
"will": [
"{@spell mage armor} (self only; the armor is invisible)",
"{@spell mage hand} (the hand is invisible)",
"{@spell teleport} (self only; on Dal Quor only)"
"daily": {
"1e": [
"{@spell charm person}",
"{@spell cure wounds} (self only)",
"{@spell inflict wounds} (3rd level; 27 ({@damage 5d10}) psychic damage)"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The tsucora has advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects."
"name": "Nightmare Awareness",
"entries": [
"Magical darkness doesn't impede the quori's darkvision, and magic can't put it to sleep."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The tsucora makes three attacks: two with its pincers and one with its sting."
"name": "Pincer",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}14 ({@damage 2d10 + 3}) bludgeoning damage and the target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 13}). The tsucora has two pincers, each of which can grapple only one target."
"name": "Terrifying Sting",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}12 ({@damage 2d8 + 3}) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a {@dc 14} Wisdom Saving Throw or become {@condition frightened} for 1 minute. While {@condition frightened} by this effect, at the start of each of its turns, the target must succeed on another Wisdom Saving Throw or take 22 ({@damage 4d10}) psychic damage. On a successful save, the target is no longer {@condition frightened}."
"traitTags": [
"Magic Resistance"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "ac74f1bcef27ac8a57774085de2afc7d",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The quori are the undisputed rulers of Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. Nightmare and emotions given flesh, the quori follow the law of il-Lashtavar, a godlike entity of utter darkness at the center of the plane.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"In the world of Eberron, mortal minds psychically project into another realm of existence when they sleep. This realm of dreams is Dal Quor, home of the quori.",
"The dreamscapes of mortals swirl around the borderlands of the plane, each a bubble of light in a never-ending expanse of darkness. These dreamscapes wink in and out of existence as their mortal dreamers wake and slumber, forever revolving around the center of the plane.",
"Between these dreamscapes and the center of the plane lie the borderlands, shifting regions of shadow and nightmares. Native creatures of Dal Quor called eidolons make their home here, preying upon mortal dreamers that stray from their dreamscapes. Unlike the quori, these eidolons are typically feral, near-mindless beings.",
"At the center of the plane are the great cities and strongholds of the quori, a massive civilization of pure nightmare and malice given form. Every quori knows its place in the overall hierarchy of quori society, each serving the desires and executing the orders of the quori above it. At the top of this hierarchy is the Devourer of Dreams, a quori that serves as the mouthpiece of il-Lashtavar, otherwise known as the \"Darkness That Dreams\".",
"The Darkness That Dreams is the all-powerful being that exists at the very center of Dal Quor, upon which the entire realm of existence revolves. Its ultimate goals are inscrutable, and it speaks only to its chosen servant. Its desires are absolute, followed as law and scripture by the legions of quori that serve it."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Quori Castes",
"entries": [
"Quori society is split into a tiered hierarchy of castes, each caste populated by a specific type of quori. Each type of quori is unique in form and embodies a kind of emotion or nightmare mortal dreams are made of."
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Tsucora",
"entries": [
"The tsucora quori are the foot soldiers of the Devourer of Dreams's forces on Dal Quor. Beings of pure horror and fear incarnate, they form the majority of the Dreaming Dark forces that infiltrate the material plane, as well as many Inspired soldiers and guards in the Empire of Riedra."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Powers on Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"Quori are immortal beings born of the very essence of Dal Quor. When physically on that plane of existence, they have the following additional abilities:",
"type": "inset",
"entries": [
"name": "Invade Dreams (1/Day)",
"entries": [
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can cast the {@spell dream} spell on a creature known to it currently on another plane. It can send only itself as the messenger, but it can change appearance, as if it was a Medium humanoid casting alter self. The Wisdom Saving Throw for a nightmarish message is equal to the save DC for the quori's innate spells, or 8 + is proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier."
"name": "Quori Possession (1/Day)." ,
"entries": [
"A quori can automatically possess a Chosen assigned to it, as well as a willing human of non-good alignment. The target vessel must be dreaming, and therefore psychically projecting into Dal Quor, and the quori must be adjacent to the target's psychic projection. The quori's spirit merges with the target's psychic projection, gaining access to all of the vessel's knowledge and memories. The quori can immediately wake the target's body. When it does so, the quori's own body remains behind in Dal Quor in a state of suspended animation and is paralyzed. Damage to the quori's body does not end the possession.",
"Upon waking, and until the possession ends, the target is conscious but unable to act. The host is aware of its surroundings but unable to control its body. The quori controls the body, retaining its alignment; its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores; its saving throw, skill, and tool proficiencies; and its condition immunities, languages, and Innate Spellcasting. It otherwise uses the target's statistics, including the target's knowledge, class features, feats, traits, languages, and proficiencies (using the quori's proficiency bonus if higher). If the quori and the vessel share the same skill or tool proficiencies, it applies twice its proficiency bonus to ability checks made with them. While the target remains possessed, its body can't be magically put to sleep.",
"A possessing quori can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn fiends. Physical harm to the target vessel does not harm the quori. The possession lasts until the vessel is killed, the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, the vessel regains control of its body (if it is still alive); the quori immediately returns to its own body on Dal Quor, ending its paralyzed condition there."
"name": "Usvapna (Dream Master)",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "L",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 17,
"condition": "with {@spell mage armor}",
"braces": true
"hp": {
"average": 144,
"formula": "12d10 + 48"
"speed": {
"walk": 0,
"fly": {
"number": 40,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 18,
"dex": 18,
"con": 18,
"int": 17,
"wis": 19,
"cha": 19,
"save": {
"wis": "+8",
"cha": "+8"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+7",
"insight": "+8",
"intimidate": "+8",
"perception": "+8",
"persuasion": "+8",
"stealth": "+8"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 18,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "10",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting (Psionics)",
"headerEntries": [
"The usvapna's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 16}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:"
"will": [
"{@spell enthrall} (the distracting words are spoken telepathically)",
"{@spell detect thoughts}",
"{@spell mage armor} (self only; the armor is invisible)",
"{@spell magic missile} (one target, 3 invisible missiles)",
"{@spell teleport} (on Dal Quor only)"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell confusion}",
"{@spell enhance ability} (self only; Owl's Wisdom only)",
"{@spell true seeing} (self only)"
"1e": [
"{@spell cure wounds} (self only; 6th level; 35 ({@dice 7d8 + 4}) healing)",
"{@spell inflict wounds} (6th level; 33 ({@damage 6d10}) psychic damage)",
"{@spell modify memory}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The usvapna has advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects."
"name": "Nightmare Awareness",
"entries": [
"Magical darkness doesn't impede the quori's darkvision, and magic can't put it to sleep."
"name": "Mind Schism",
"entries": [
"The usvapna quori may cast any spell it knows as a bonus action if the spell normally has a casting time of 1 action. It is not limited to casting a cantrip if it casts a second spell in the same turn."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The usvapna makes four pincer attacks."
"name": "Pincer",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}15 ({@damage 2d10 + 4}) bludgeoning damage and the target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 15}). The usvapna has four pincers, each of which can grapple only one target.",
"If a creature is hit by two pincer attacks in one turn, the creature must succeed on a {@dc 16} Charisma save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition incapacitated} for 1 round while its mind is filled with doubt and it hears thoughts of selfloathing. A creature with Intelligence 2 or less is unaffected."
"traitTags": [
"Magic Resistance"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "1e4b9941683904f68bff31f5ae1edd0b",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The quori are the undisputed rulers of Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. Nightmare and emotions given flesh, the quori follow the law of il-Lashtavar, a godlike entity of utter darkness at the center of the plane.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"In the world of Eberron, mortal minds psychically project into another realm of existence when they sleep. This realm of dreams is Dal Quor, home of the quori.",
"The dreamscapes of mortals swirl around the borderlands of the plane, each a bubble of light in a never-ending expanse of darkness. These dreamscapes wink in and out of existence as their mortal dreamers wake and slumber, forever revolving around the center of the plane.",
"Between these dreamscapes and the center of the plane lie the borderlands, shifting regions of shadow and nightmares. Native creatures of Dal Quor called eidolons make their home here, preying upon mortal dreamers that stray from their dreamscapes. Unlike the quori, these eidolons are typically feral, near-mindless beings.",
"At the center of the plane are the great cities and strongholds of the quori, a massive civilization of pure nightmare and malice given form. Every quori knows its place in the overall hierarchy of quori society, each serving the desires and executing the orders of the quori above it. At the top of this hierarchy is the Devourer of Dreams, a quori that serves as the mouthpiece of il-Lashtavar, otherwise known as the \"Darkness That Dreams\".",
"The Darkness That Dreams is the all-powerful being that exists at the very center of Dal Quor, upon which the entire realm of existence revolves. Its ultimate goals are inscrutable, and it speaks only to its chosen servant. Its desires are absolute, followed as law and scripture by the legions of quori that serve it."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Quori Castes",
"entries": [
"Quori society is split into a tiered hierarchy of castes, each caste populated by a specific type of quori. Each type of quori is unique in form and embodies a kind of emotion or nightmare mortal dreams are made of."
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Usavpna",
"entries": [
"Usvapna quori serve the hashalaqs as their spies and assassins. Also known as \"dream masters\", the usvapna revel in twisting the dreams of mortals against themselves, turning hope to despair and triumph into anguish. They can hear the secret doubts of mortals, the voices in their minds that foment hesitation and insecurity. Usvapna quori hear this voice in their own minds, but unlike mortals their inner voices are in complete accord with themselves, allowing the dream masters to split their mental attention in two with ease."
"type": "entries",
"name" : "Powers on Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"Quori are immortal beings born of the very essence of Dal Quor. When physically on that plane of existence, they have the following additional abilities:",
"type": "inset",
"entries": [
"name": "Invade Dreams (1/Day)",
"entries": [
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can cast the {@spell dream} spell on a creature known to it currently on another plane. It can send only itself as the messenger, but it can change appearance, as if it was a Medium humanoid casting alter self. The Wisdom Saving Throw for a nightmarish message is equal to the save DC for the quori's innate spells, or 8 + is proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier."
"name": "Quori Possession (1/Day)." ,
"entries": [
"A quori can automatically possess a Chosen assigned to it, as well as a willing human of non-good alignment. The target vessel must be dreaming, and therefore psychically projecting into Dal Quor, and the quori must be adjacent to the target's psychic projection. The quori's spirit merges with the target's psychic projection, gaining access to all of the vessel's knowledge and memories. The quori can immediately wake the target's body. When it does so, the quori's own body remains behind in Dal Quor in a state of suspended animation and is paralyzed. Damage to the quori's body does not end the possession.",
"Upon waking, and until the possession ends, the target is conscious but unable to act. The host is aware of its surroundings but unable to control its body. The quori controls the body, retaining its alignment; its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores; its saving throw, skill, and tool proficiencies; and its condition immunities, languages, and Innate Spellcasting. It otherwise uses the target's statistics, including the target's knowledge, class features, feats, traits, languages, and proficiencies (using the quori's proficiency bonus if higher). If the quori and the vessel share the same skill or tool proficiencies, it applies twice its proficiency bonus to ability checks made with them. While the target remains possessed, its body can't be magically put to sleep.",
"A possessing quori can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn fiends. Physical harm to the target vessel does not harm the quori. The possession lasts until the vessel is killed, the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, the vessel regains control of its body (if it is still alive); the quori immediately returns to its own body on Dal Quor, ending its paralyzed condition there."
"name": "Tsucora Inspired Spy",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "humanoid",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"condition": "with {@spell mage armor}",
"braces": true
"hp": {
"average": 27,
"formula": "6d8"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 10,
"dex": 15,
"con": 10,
"int": 17,
"wis": 18,
"cha": 17,
"save": {
"dex": "+5",
"con": "+3"
"skill": {
"deception": "+6",
"insight": "+7",
"intimidate": "+9",
"investigation": "+6",
"perception": "+10",
"persuasion": "+6",
"sleight of hand": "+5",
"stealth": "+8"
"passive": 20,
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "2",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting (Psionics)",
"headerEntries": [
"The tsucora's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 14}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:"
"will": [
"{@spell mage armor} (self only; the armor is invisible)",
"{@spell mage hand} (the hand is invisible)"
"daily": {
"1e": [
"{@spell charm person}",
"{@spell cure wounds} (self only)",
"{@spell inflict wounds} (3rd level; 27 ({@damage 5d10}) psychic damage)"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Cunning Action",
"entries": [
"On each of its turns, the spy can use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action."
"name": "Inspired",
"entries": [
"While possessed, the spy has advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Saving Throw. It applies twice its proficiency bonus on any Saving Throws to resist an effect that would prematurely end its possession. If possession ends, the quori may possess the spy again after the quori finishes a short rest, even if the spy is still awake."
"name": "Quori Possessed",
"entries": [
"The spy is possessed by a tsucora quori spirit, granting it a proficiency bonus of +3. While possessed, the spy can't be magically put to sleep. The possession lasts until the spy is killed, the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. If possession ends before the spy is killed, it uses the normal statistics for a spy (Monster Manual, pg. 349)."
"name": "Sneak Attack (1/Turn)",
"entries": [
"The spy deals an extra 7 ({@damage 2d6}) damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the spy that isn't {@condition incapacitated} and the spy doesn't have disadvantage on the attack roll."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The spy makes two melee attacks."
"name": "Shortsword",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) piercing damage."
"name": "Hand Crossbow",
"entries": [
"{@atk rw} {@hit 5} to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) piercing damage."
"traitTags": [
"Sneak Attack"
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "b076769d2e35e50ef4c6f59eab116114",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Over centuries of manipulation, the Quori have directed the course of several human bloodlines to intermingle just the right traces of fiendish and elven blood to create mortals with no mental defense against possession by quori spirits.",
"These eugenically created humans, called \"empty vessels\" by the Quori and \"the Chosen\" by those they rule, are the highest caste of society in the Riedran Empire, except of course the Chosen currently inhabited by il-altas or \"great spirits\". These are called the Inspired, and the spirits that inhabit them are not divine beings, but the Quori.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Tsucora Inspired Spy",
"entries": [
"This Dreaming Dark agent is an Inspired vessel inhabited by a tsucora quori. It is in Khorvaire under cover as an aid to the Riedran ambassador, but its actions are independent of the quori that run the empire of Riedra. The Riedran ambassador it serves can truthfully deny any connection to the spy's espionage, even under magical inspection."
"name": "Du'ulora Inspired Knight",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "humanoid",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 52,
"formula": "8d8 + 16"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 16,
"dex": 11,
"con": 14,
"int": 15,
"wis": 18,
"cha": 19,
"save": {
"con": "+6",
"wis": "+8",
"cha": "+8"
"skill": {
"insight": "+8",
"intimidate": "+8",
"perception": "+8",
"persuasion": "+6",
"conditionimmunities": "charmed"
"passive": 18,
"languages": [
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "4",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting (Psionics)",
"headerEntries": [
"The du'ulora's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 16}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:"
"will": [
"{@spell crown of madness} (the crown is invisible)",
"{@spell mage armor} (self only; the armor is invisible)",
"{@spell mage hand} (the hand is invisible)"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell confusion}",
"{@spell enhance ability} (self only; Owl's Wisdom only)",
"{@spell true seeing} (self only)"
"1e": [
"{@spell cure wounds} (self only; 4th level; 26 ({@dice 5d8 + 4}) healing)",
"{@spell inflict wounds} (7th level; 38 ({@damage 7d10}) psychic damage)"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Inspired",
"entries": [
"While possessed, the knight has advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Saving Throw. It applies twice its proficiency bonus on any Saving Throws to resist an effect that would prematurely end its possession. If possession ends, the quori may possess the knight again after the quori finishes a short rest, even if the knight is still awake."
"name": "Quori Possessed",
"entries": [
"The knight is possessed by a du'ulora quori spirit, granting it a proficiency bonus of +4. While possessed, the knight can't be magically put to sleep. The possession lasts until the knight is killed, the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. If possession ends before the knight is killed, it uses the normal statistics for a knight (Monster Manual, pg. 347)."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The knight makes two melee attacks."
"name": "Greatsword",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}10 ({@damage 2d6 + 3}) slashing damage."
"name": "Hand Crossbow",
"entries": [
"{@atk rw} {@hit 4} to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d10}) piercing damage."
"name": "Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)",
"entries": [
"For 1 minute, the knight can utter a special command or warning whenever a non-hostile creature that it can see within 30 feet of it makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can add a {@dice d4} to its roll provided it can hear and understand the knight. A creature can benefit from only one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if the knight is {@condition incapacitated}."
"reaction": [
"name": "Parry",
"entries": [
"The knight adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the knight must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon."
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "9f461f37ce4833990abd33891e4ce013",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Over centuries of manipulation, the Quori have directed the course of several human bloodlines to intermingle just the right traces of fiendish and elven blood to create mortals with no mental defense against possession by quori spirits.",
"These eugenically created humans, called \"empty vessels\" by the Quori and \"the Chosen\" by those they rule, are the highest caste of society in the Riedran Empire, except of course the Chosen currently inhabited by il-altas or \"great spirits\". These are called the Inspired, and the spirits that inhabit them are not divine beings, but the Quori.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Du'ulora Inspired Knight",
"entries": [
"This knight is actually a general of the Harmonious Shield, the army of Riedra, and is Inspired by a du'ulora quori. As a front-line commander, this body is just the latest in a long line to house this particular du'ulora spirit, as it lays a millennia-long siege to the mountainous refuge of Adar."
"name": "Ascendant Councilor",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 74,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "undead",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 162,
"formula": "25d8 + 50"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 16,
"dex": 16,
"con": 14,
"int": 23,
"wis": 27,
"cha": 25,
"save": {
"dex": "+9",
"con": "+8",
"wis": "+14",
"cha": "+13"
"skill": {
"history": "+12",
"insight": "+14",
"perception": "+14",
"persuasion": "+13",
"religion": "+12"
"senses": [
"truesight 120 ft."
"passive": 24,
"immune": [
"immune": [
"note": "from all attacks that aren't targath"
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "18",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"The ascendant councilor's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 21}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:"
"will": [
"{@spell astral projection} (self only)",
"{@spell bless}",
"{@spell command}",
"{@spell dispel evil and good}",
"{@spell geas}",
"{@spell guardian of faith}",
"{@spell scrying}"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell counterspell}",
"{@spell dispel magic}",
"{@spell divine word}",
"{@spell heal} (9th level)",
"{@spell holy aura}"
"weekly": {
"1": [
"{@spell storm of vengeance}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Consecrated Aura",
"entries": [
"The ascendant councilor is constantly surrounded by an aura that mimics the effects of the magic circle spell, except out to a radius of 60 feet and it only affects fiends and non-deathless undead. Deathless. The ascendant councilor is treated as a living humanoid for spells and effects that heal hit point damage and is immune to effects that turn undead. It also adds its Charisma modifier as a bonus to its AC."
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The ascendant councilor has advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects."
"name": "Rejuvenation",
"entries": [
"A destroyed ascendant councilor forms a new body in 24 hours if it was destroyed in an Irian manifest zone, regaining all its Hit Points and becoming active again. The new body appears anywhere of the ascendant councilor's choosing within the city of Shae Mordai."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The ascendant councilor casts command and makes one Purification attack"
"name": "Purification",
"entries": [
"{@atk ms} {@hit 14} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}44 ({@damage 8d10}) radiant damage. If the target is evil, it must succeed on a {@dc 21} Charisma Saving Throw or be cursed to fade from existence. The cursed target can't regain Hit Points, and its hit point maximum decreases by 10 ({@dice 3d6}) for every 24 hours that elapse. If the curse reduces the target's hit point maximum to 0, the target dies, and its body fades into nothingness. The curse lasts until removed by the remove curse spell or other magic, or if the target changes to a non-evil alignment."
"legendary": [
"name": "Purify",
"entries": [
"The ascendant councilor makes one Purification attack."
"name": "Radiance",
"entries": [
"The ascendant councilor's form flashes with blinding light. Each creature within 5 feet of the ascendant councilor must succeed on a {@dc 21} Constitution Saving Throw or be {@condition blinded} until the end of the creature's next turn."
"name": "Astral Step (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"The ascendant councilor quickly steps into the astral and back to the material plane, teleporting to a space up to 60 feet from its original position."
"name": "Channel Positive Energy (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"The ascendant councilor magically emanates positive energy. Living creatures within 60 feet of the ascendant councilor, including ones behind barriers and around corners, regain 22 ({@dice 4d10}) Hit Points and can't have their hit point maximum reduced until the end of the ascendant councilor's next turn. Non-deathless undead creatures in this area take the same amount in radiant damage."
"name": "Holy Word (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"The ascendant councilor proclaims a holy word. Each non-good creature within 10 feet of the ascendant councilor that can hear the magical proclamation must succeed on a {@dc 21} Constitution Saving Throw or be {@condition stunned} until the end of the ascendant councilor's next turn."
"name": "Quickened Spell (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"The ascendant councilor casts one of its at-will or 3/day spells that has a casting time of 1 action."
"traitTags": [
"Magic Resistance",
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "42426ef2597dbe4acb5a4233574dcc83",
"legendaryGroup": {
"name": "Ascendant Councilor",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The elves of Aerenal revere their ancestors above all else. So dedicated are the Aereni, they refuse to part with their elders when death comes for them. Instead, they perform rituals to preserve them as the deathless, benevolent undead beings sustained through genuine reverence and worship. These deathless elves rest within Shae Mordai, the elven City of the Dead, where they serve as guides and mentors to their living descendants.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Irian Necromancy",
"entries" : [
"Most undead are predatory, sustaining themselves with the blood or flesh of the living, animated with negative energy from Mabar, the Endless Night. Mabar is a plane of existence that represents entropy and despair. The Aerenal elves believe necromancy using this dark energy will lead to the destruction of Eberron.",
"The deathless of the Undying Court, however, are animated with the energies of Irian, the Eternal Day, a plane embodying eternal hope and renewal. The positive energy of Irian manifest zones is crucial to the creation of the Undying, as it bolsters the hope and adoration of living elves for their elders, sustaining their mentors beyond death without predating on the living.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Deathless Nature",
"entries": [
"The deathless of Undying Court don't require air, food, drink, or sleep."
"type": "inset",
"name": "Gestalt Divinity",
"entries" : [
"When congregating as a whole, all deathless of the Undying Court wield divine power as though they were a god. When at least 100 deathless of the Undying Court are within 1 mile of each other, they may perform a ritual to shed a holy radiance that protects them. This radiance must be defeated first before any individual member of the Undying Court can be damaged. Any attack or effect that targets a deathless of the Undying Court instead targets this radiance. The radiance of the Undying Court is a celestial with a Challenge of 30 (155,000 XP) and the following statistics.",
"The radiance sheds sunlight in a 120-foot radius, and dim light 120 feet beyond that, around each individual deathless of the Undying Court.",
"The radiance shares all perception and knowledge between all members of the Undying Court.",
"The radiance has an AC of 25 and a hit point maximum of 700. It has a +18 bonus to all Saving Throws.",
"The radiance can automatically choose to succeed on up to 5 failed Saving Throws every day.",
"The radiance bars any spell of 6th level or lower from affecting it or an Undying Court member, unless the Undying Court wishes to be affected by the spell.",
"While the radiance lasts, up to five members of the Undying Court in any given round of combat may cast a cleric spell as though they were a 20th level spellcaster (spell save DC 27, +19 to hit with spell attacks). The radiance has all cleric and paladin spells prepared and grants a combined total number of spell slots per day as follows:",
"1st – 5th level (at-will)",
"6th and 7th level (4 slots each)",
"8th and 9th level (3 slots each)",
"The radiance ends after 24 hours. It ends prematurely if its hit point total is reduced to 0, if less than 100 deathless of the Undying Court remain within 1 mile of each other, they leave the Irian manifest zone of Shae Mordai, or if they collectively will the radiance to cease (requiring all participating deathless of the Undying Court to spend an action in the same turn to do so).",
"Whether the radiance ended prematurely, or its full 24-hour duration elapsed, the Undying Court cannot manifest it again for a time. Due to this gap in time, the Undying Court do not lightly call forth their combined might, even if one of their own is individually threatened within the walls of Shae Mordai, as doing so may leave the entire island of Aerenal vulnerable to attack by greater forces."
"type": "entries",
"entries" : [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Ascendant Councilors",
"entries": [
"Ascendant councilors are the most ancient and revered of the Undying Court, many of whom were the first elves to ever transform into the deathless. They rarely remain in their physical forms, spending most of their existence letting their minds and spirits wander the universe in astral form. Only when the living require guidance, or if the eternal rest of their physical bodies is disturbed, do they return to the material plane."
"name": "Undying Councilor",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 0,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "undead",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 78,
"formula": "12d8 + 24"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 16,
"dex": 16,
"con": 14,
"int": 19,
"wis": 21,
"cha": 21,
"save": {
"wis": "+8",
"cha": "+8"
"skill": {
"history": "+7",
"insight": "+8",
"religion": "+7"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 15,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from all attacks that aren't targath"
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "8",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"The undying councilor's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 16}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:"
"will": [
"{@spell astral projection} (self only)",
"{@spell bless}",
"{@spell command}",
"{@spell dispel evil and good}",
"{@spell geas}",
"{@spell scrying}"
"daily": {
"1": [
"{@spell spirit guardians}"
"3e": [
"{@spell counterspell}",
"{@spell dispel magic}",
"{@spell divine word}",
"{@spell mass cure wounds}",
"{@spell staggering smite}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Deathless",
"entries": [
"The undying councilor is treated as a living humanoid for spells and effects that heal hit point damage and is immune to effects that turn undead. It also adds its Charisma modifier as a bonus to its AC."
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The undying councilor has advantage on Saving Throws against spells and other magical effects."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The undying councilor can use its Radiant Gaze and makes two attacks with its cleansing scepter."
"name": "Cleansing Scepter",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) bludgeoning damage and 13 ({@damage 3d8}) radiant damage. If the target is evil, it must succeed on a {@dc 16} Wisdom Saving Throw or gain a level of {@condition exhaustion} and be magically cursed with torpor. While cursed, target cannot remove levels of {@condition exhaustion} by any means and it gains one level of {@condition exhaustion} every 24 hours that elapse. When the target reaches 6 levels of {@condition exhaustion} while cursed, it does not die but instead enters an eternal sleep, requiring no food or water but aging as normal. The curse lasts until removed by the remove curse spell or other magic, or if the target changes to a non-evil alignment."
"name": "Radiant Gaze",
"entries": [
"The undying councilor's eyes flash with blinding light. It targets one creature it can see within 60 feet of it. If the target can see the undying councilor, it must succeed on a {@dc 16} Constitution Saving Throw against this magic or be {@condition blinded} until the end of the undying councilor's next turn. If the target fails the Saving Throws by 5 or more, it is also {@condition stunned} for the same duration. A target that succeeds on the Saving Throws is immune to the Radiant Gaze of all undying councilors for the next 24 hours."
"traitTags": [
"Magic Resistance"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "bddcb448b865e2170ce92080923054c3",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The elves of Aerenal revere their ancestors above all else. So dedicated are the Aereni, they refuse to part with their elders when death comes for them. Instead, they perform rituals to preserve them as the deathless, benevolent undead beings sustained through genuine reverence and worship. These deathless elves rest within Shae Mordai, the elven City of the Dead, where they serve as guides and mentors to their living descendants.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Irian Necromancy",
"entries" : [
"Most undead are predatory, sustaining themselves with the blood or flesh of the living, animated with negative energy from Mabar, the Endless Night. Mabar is a plane of existence that represents entropy and despair. The Aerenal elves believe necromancy using this dark energy will lead to the destruction of Eberron.",
"The deathless of the Undying Court, however, are animated with the energies of Irian, the Eternal Day, a plane embodying eternal hope and renewal. The positive energy of Irian manifest zones is crucial to the creation of the Undying, as it bolsters the hope and adoration of living elves for their elders, sustaining their mentors beyond death without predating on the living.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Deathless Nature",
"entries": [
"The deathless of Undying Court don't require air, food, drink, or sleep."
"type": "inset",
"name": "Gestalt Divinity",
"entries" : [
"When congregating as a whole, all deathless of the Undying Court wield divine power as though they were a god. When at least 100 deathless of the Undying Court are within 1 mile of each other, they may perform a ritual to shed a holy radiance that protects them. This radiance must be defeated first before any individual member of the Undying Court can be damaged. Any attack or effect that targets a deathless of the Undying Court instead targets this radiance. The radiance of the Undying Court is a celestial with a Challenge of 30 (155,000 XP) and the following statistics.",
"The radiance sheds sunlight in a 120-foot radius, and dim light 120 feet beyond that, around each individual deathless of the Undying Court.",
"The radiance shares all perception and knowledge between all members of the Undying Court.",
"The radiance has an AC of 25 and a hit point maximum of 700. It has a +18 bonus to all Saving Throws.",
"The radiance can automatically choose to succeed on up to 5 failed Saving Throws every day.",
"The radiance bars any spell of 6th level or lower from affecting it or an Undying Court member, unless the Undying Court wishes to be affected by the spell.",
"While the radiance lasts, up to five members of the Undying Court in any given round of combat may cast a cleric spell as though they were a 20th level spellcaster (spell save DC 27, +19 to hit with spell attacks). The radiance has all cleric and paladin spells prepared and grants a combined total number of spell slots per day as follows:",
"1st – 5th level (at-will)",
"6th and 7th level (4 slots each)",
"8th and 9th level (3 slots each)",
"The radiance ends after 24 hours. It ends prematurely if its hit point total is reduced to 0, if less than 100 deathless of the Undying Court remain within 1 mile of each other, they leave the Irian manifest zone of Shae Mordai, or if they collectively will the radiance to cease (requiring all participating deathless of the Undying Court to spend an action in the same turn to do so).",
"Whether the radiance ended prematurely, or its full 24-hour duration elapsed, the Undying Court cannot manifest it again for a time. Due to this gap in time, the Undying Court do not lightly call forth their combined might, even if one of their own is individually threatened within the walls of Shae Mordai, as doing so may leave the entire island of Aerenal vulnerable to attack by greater forces."
"type": "entries",
"entries" : [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Undying Councilors",
"entries": [
"Most of the Undying Court is comprised of Undying councilors, longdead elves sustained in a form not unlike a well-preserved mummy, but dedicated to the guidance and spiritual well-being of the elf nation of Aerenal. They also spend much of their time in astral form, but return when their advice or aid is petitioned for by their living descendants."
"name": "Undying Soldier",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 76,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "undead",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 19,
"from": [
"{@item breastplate|PHB}",
"{@item shield|PHB}"
"hp": {
"average": 26,
"formula": "4d8 + 8"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 17,
"dex": 14,
"con": 14,
"int": 11,
"wis": 13,
"cha": 13,
"save": {
"wis": "+3",
"cha": "+3"
"skill": {
"perception": "+3"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 13,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks that aren't targath"
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "3",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"The undying soldier is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 11}). It has the following paladin spells prepared:"
"spells": {
"1": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell searing smite}",
"{@spell thunderous smite}",
"{@spell wrathful smite}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Deathless",
"entries": [
"The undying soldier is treated as a living humanoid for spells and effects that heal hit point damage and is immune to effects that turn undead. It also adds its Charisma modifier as a bonus to its AC."
"name": "Divine Smite",
"entries": [
"When the undying soldier hits with a melee weapon attack, it may expend a spell slot to deal an additional 9 ({@damage 2d8}) radiant damage with its weapon. If the target of the attack is a non-deathless undead or a fiend, the additional damage increases by 4 ({@dice 1d8})."
"action": [
"name": "Spear",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft, one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) piercing damage or 7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "3fe8007ca3cafd555eb324325ba298f9",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The elves of Aerenal revere their ancestors above all else. So dedicated are the Aereni, they refuse to part with their elders when death comes for them. Instead, they perform rituals to preserve them as the deathless, benevolent undead beings sustained through genuine reverence and worship. These deathless elves rest within Shae Mordai, the elven City of the Dead, where they serve as guides and mentors to their living descendants.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Irian Necromancy",
"entries" : [
"Most undead are predatory, sustaining themselves with the blood or flesh of the living, animated with negative energy from Mabar, the Endless Night. Mabar is a plane of existence that represents entropy and despair. The Aerenal elves believe necromancy using this dark energy will lead to the destruction of Eberron.",
"The deathless of the Undying Court, however, are animated with the energies of Irian, the Eternal Day, a plane embodying eternal hope and renewal. The positive energy of Irian manifest zones is crucial to the creation of the Undying, as it bolsters the hope and adoration of living elves for their elders, sustaining their mentors beyond death without predating on the living.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Deathless Nature",
"entries": [
"The deathless don't require air, food, drink, or sleep."
"type": "entries",
"entries" : [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Undying Soldiers",
"entries": [
"Undying soldiers are the deathless army and guard of Shae Mordai, the holy City of the Dead. On the surface they appear similar to zombies, but they move with the grace and speed of living elves. Elven reverence for their ancestors is evident in the arms and armor of the Undying soldiers, each piece of equipment a masterwork of craftsmanship personally outfitted to each indiviudal deathless guardian."
"name": "Warforged Soldier",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 77,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "construct",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 18,
"from": [
"natural armor",
"{@item shield|phb}"
"hp": {
"average": 37,
"formula": "5d8 + 15"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 16,
"dex": 13,
"con": 17,
"int": 10,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 6,
"skill": {
"athletics": "+5"
"passive": 9,
"resist": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "1",
"trait": [
"name": "Living Construct",
"entries": [
"The warforged is immune to disease, and is both a construct and a humanoid. It regains half Hit Points from a magical effect that would not benefit a construct. If reduced to 0 or fewer Hit Points and not outright destroyed, it becomes stable but inert until repaired. Any further damage while inert destroys it."
"action": [
"name": "Longsword",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) slashing damage."
"name": "Spear",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) piercing damage."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"uniqueId": "c6af0d4648f66052ba970eaa041fe545",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Built by House Cannith to be the perfect soldiers, warforged changed the face of war for the Five Nations. Tireless soldiers whose very bodies were suits of armor, the warforged were sold at a premium to all sides of the Last War. The creation forges of House Cannith mass-produced entire battalions, creating as many soldiers as demand called for.",
"More than mere automatons, however, the warforged have thoughts and emotions, though their passionless face plates make it hard to express them. When the Last War was ended by the Thronehold Accords, the warforged were granted their freedom as sentient beings under the Code of Galifar. The same treaty, however, outlawed the creation of any further warforged. Now freed, and with neither a future for their race nor the original purpose for which they were built, many warforged continue to follow orders of their former comrades or commanders, as they are unsure what to do with their freedom.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries" : [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Living Construct Nature",
"entries": [
"Warforged do not breathe or sleep, and they do not need to eat or drink, though they may do so if they wish (to benefit from potions or magical foods). They do not suffer exhaustion from a forced march."
"type": "entries",
"entries" : [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Warforged Soldier",
"entries": [
"These warforged soldiers are of the mass-produced composite-body model."
"name": "Warforged Assassin",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 78,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "construct",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 17,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 112,
"formula": "15d8 + 45"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 8,
"dex": 19,
"con": 16,
"int": 11,
"wis": 15,
"cha": 6,
"save": {
"dex": "+7",
"wis": "+5"
"skill": {
"athletics": "+2",
"acrobatics": "+7",
"stealth": "+10"
"passive": 12,
"resist": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "7",
"trait": [
"name": "Cunning Action",
"entries": [
"Once on each of its turns, the warforged assassin can use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action. Living Construct. The warforged is immune to disease, and is both a construct and a humanoid. It regains half Hit Points from a magical effect that would not benefit a construct. If reduced to 0 or fewer Hit Points and not outright destroyed, it becomes stable but inert until repaired. Any further damage while inert destroys it."
"name": "Sneak Attack (1/Turn)",
"entries": [
"The warforged assassin deals an extra 17 ({@damage 5d6}) damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the assassin that isn't {@condition incapacitated} and the assassin doesn't have disadvantage on the attack roll."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The warforged assassin makes either three melee weapon attacks or four ranged weapon attacks."
"name": "Rapier",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d8 + 4}) piercing damage."
"name": "Dagger",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d4 + 4}) piercing damage."
"reaction": [
"name": "Uncanny Dodge",
"entries": [
"The warforged assassin takes half damage from an attack that hits it."
"traitTags": [
"Sneak Attack"
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "44703a32854be05426a6228fd511d243",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Built by House Cannith to be the perfect soldiers, warforged changed the face of war for the Five Nations. Tireless soldiers whose very bodies were suits of armor, the warforged were sold at a premium to all sides of the Last War. The creation forges of House Cannith mass-produced entire battalions, creating as many soldiers as demand called for.",
"More than mere automatons, however, the warforged have thoughts and emotions, though their passionless face plates make it hard to express them. When the Last War was ended by the Thronehold Accords, the warforged were granted their freedom as sentient beings under the Code of Galifar. The same treaty, however, outlawed the creation of any further warforged. Now freed, and with neither a future for their race nor the original purpose for which they were built, many warforged continue to follow orders of their former comrades or commanders, as they are unsure what to do with their freedom.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries" : [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Living Construct Nature",
"entries": [
"Warforged do not breathe or sleep, and they do not need to eat or drink, though they may do so if they wish (to benefit from potions or magical foods). They do not suffer exhaustion from a forced march."
"type": "entries",
"entries" : [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Warforged Assassin",
"entries": [
"Mithral body warforged are often trained in reconnaissance and scouting, but some are selected for more rigorous espionage training. Their gleaning metal plates are alchemically treated to a matte finish, aiding in their stealth. Medium construct (humanoid), lawful neutral"
"name": "Warforged Commander",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 79,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "construct",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 18,
"from": [
"natural armor",
"{@item shield|phb}"
"hp": {
"average": 75,
"formula": "10d8 + 30"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 16,
"dex": 13,
"con": 16,
"int": 14,
"wis": 11,
"cha": 15,
"save": {
"con": "+6",
"wis": "+5"
"skill": {
"athletics": "+5"
"passive": 10,
"resist": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "4",
"trait": [
"name": "Brave",
"entries": [
"The warforged commander has advantage on Saving Throws against being {@condition frightened}."
"name": "Living Construct",
"entries": [
"The warforged is immune to disease, and is both a construct and a humanoid. It regains half Hit Points from a magical effect that would not benefit a construct. If reduced to 0 or fewer Hit Points and not outright destroyed, it becomes stable but inert until repaired. Any further damage while inert destroys it."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The warforged commander makes two melee attacks."
"name": "Armblade",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d10 + 3}) slashing damage."
"name": "Shield Bash",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d4 + 3}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 13} Strength Saving Throw or be knocked {@condition prone}."
"name": "Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)",
"entries": [
"For 1 minute, the warforged commander can utter a special command or warning whenever a non-hostile creature that it can see within 30 feet of it makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can add a {@dice d4} to its roll provided it can hear and understand the warforged. A creature can benefit from only one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if the warforged is {@condition incapacitated}."
"reaction": [
"name": "Parry",
"entries": [
"The warforged commander adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the warforged must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon."
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "1382d410abd769ee00296bdd39a93737",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Built by House Cannith to be the perfect soldiers, warforged changed the face of war for the Five Nations. Tireless soldiers whose very bodies were suits of armor, the warforged were sold at a premium to all sides of the Last War. The creation forges of House Cannith mass-produced entire battalions, creating as many soldiers as demand called for.",
"More than mere automatons, however, the warforged have thoughts and emotions, though their passionless face plates make it hard to express them. When the Last War was ended by the Thronehold Accords, the warforged were granted their freedom as sentient beings under the Code of Galifar. The same treaty, however, outlawed the creation of any further warforged. Now freed, and with neither a future for their race nor the original purpose for which they were built, many warforged continue to follow orders of their former comrades or commanders, as they are unsure what to do with their freedom.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries" : [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Living Construct Nature",
"entries": [
"Warforged do not breathe or sleep, and they do not need to eat or drink, though they may do so if they wish (to benefit from potions or magical foods). They do not suffer exhaustion from a forced march."
"type": "entries",
"entries" : [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Warforged Commander",
"entries": [
"During the Last War, it became apparent that some warforged developed a talent for tactics and command. However, many common soldiers found it distasteful to take commands from warforged, and the rulers of the Five Nations worried about giving warforged too much power. In the end, it was decided that the armies of the Five Nations would promote talented warforged to officer ranks, but only put them in command of other warforged."
"name": "Warforged Juggernaut",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 80,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "construct",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 19,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 144,
"formula": "17d8 + 68"
"speed": {
"walk": 25
"str": 21,
"dex": 11,
"con": 19,
"int": 10,
"wis": 6,
"cha": 8,
"save": {
"str": "+9",
"con": "+5"
"skill": {
"athletics": "+9"
"passive": 10,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine"
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "11",
"trait": [
"name": "Armor Spikes",
"entries": [
"A creature that touches the warforged juggernaut or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 9 ({@damage 2d8}) slashing damage."
"name": "Construct Perfection",
"entries": [
"The warforged juggernaut is immune to disease, and is both a construct and a humanoid. It cannot be magically healed except by effects that specifically restore Hit Points to constructs. If reduced to 0 or fewer Hit Points and not outright destroyed, it becomes stable but inert until repaired. Any further damage while inert destroys it."
"name": "Juggernaut",
"entries": [
"A melee weapon deals two extra dice of its damage when the warforged juggernaut hits with it (included in the attack). It also has advantage on Strength and Constitution saves to avoid being knocked {@condition prone} or moved distance against its will."
"name": "Reckless",
"entries": [
"At the start of its turn, the warforged juggernaut can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls during that turn, but attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn."
"name": "Charge",
"entries": [
"If the warforged juggernaut moves at least 10 feet straight toward a target and then hits with a greataxe attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 32 ({@damage 5d12}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 17} Strength Saving Throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away and knocked {@condition prone}."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The warforged juggernaut makes two attacks: one with its greataxe attack and one with its spiked pauldron."
"name": "Greataxe",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}24 ({@damage 3d12 + 5}) slashing damage."
"name": "Spiked Pauldron",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}12 ({@damage 3d4 + 5}) piercing damage."
"traitTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "b51d20a7d72cebe25ebc4df58884951b",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Built by House Cannith to be the perfect soldiers, warforged changed the face of war for the Five Nations. Tireless soldiers whose very bodies were suits of armor, the warforged were sold at a premium to all sides of the Last War. The creation forges of House Cannith mass-produced entire battalions, creating as many soldiers as demand called for.",
"More than mere automatons, however, the warforged have thoughts and emotions, though their passionless face plates make it hard to express them. When the Last War was ended by the Thronehold Accords, the warforged were granted their freedom as sentient beings under the Code of Galifar. The same treaty, however, outlawed the creation of any further warforged. Now freed, and with neither a future for their race nor the original purpose for which they were built, many warforged continue to follow orders of their former comrades or commanders, as they are unsure what to do with their freedom.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries" : [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Living Construct Nature",
"entries": [
"Warforged do not breathe or sleep, and they do not need to eat or drink, though they may do so if they wish (to benefit from potions or magical foods). They do not suffer exhaustion from a forced march."
"type": "entries",
"entries" : [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Warforged Juggernaut",
"entries": [
"Warforged Juggernauts are adamantine-body warforged that have survived countless battles. Their battle lust and thrill for the fight triggers a metamorphosis that causes them to grow spikes from their bodies, which they use with relish.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Living Weapons.",
"entries" : [
"Warforged juggernauts see themselves as weapons, embracing the original purpose for their creation—waging war. This belief, this absolute conviction that they are mere weapons, causes a physical change in the warforged's body, causing them to be unresponsive to magical healing that would normally benefit warforged as humanoids. Cannith artificers are still perplexed as to how or why this change occurs."
"name": "Warforged Titan",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 81,
"size": "H",
"type": "construct",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 20,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 115,
"formula": "10d12 + 50"
"speed": {
"walk": 50
"str": 24,
"dex": 10,
"con": 21,
"int": 3,
"wis": 11,
"cha": 1,
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 10,
"resist": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "14",
"trait": [
"name": "Unstoppable Charge",
"entries": [
"If the warforged titan moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with an attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 13 ({@damage 3d8}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 19} Strength Saving Throw or be knocked {@condition prone}. The warforged titan may move through the space of {@condition prone} creatures. A creature whose space the warforged titan enters for the first time on a turn must make a {@dc 19} Dexterity saving throw, taking 55 ({@damage 10d10}) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one."
"name": "Siege Monster",
"entries": [
"The warforged titan deals double damage to objects and structures."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The warforged titan makes two attacks: one with it axe arm and one with its hammer hand."
"name": "Axe Arm",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 12} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. {@h}26 ({@damage 3d12 + 7}) slashing damage."
"name": "Hammer Hand",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 12} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. {@h}28 ({@damage 6d6 + 7}) bludgeoning damage."
"traitTags": [
"Siege Monster"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "3801ffc2f8e940bb4cd0ce7340cd144d",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Built by House Cannith to be the perfect soldiers, warforged changed the face of war for the Five Nations. Tireless soldiers whose very bodies were suits of armor, the warforged were sold at a premium to all sides of the Last War. The creation forges of House Cannith mass-produced entire battalions, creating as many soldiers as demand called for.",
"More than mere automatons, however, the warforged have thoughts and emotions, though their passionless face plates make it hard to express them. When the Last War was ended by the Thronehold Accords, the warforged were granted their freedom as sentient beings under the Code of Galifar. The same treaty, however, outlawed the creation of any further warforged. Now freed, and with neither a future for their race nor the original purpose for which they were built, many warforged continue to follow orders of their former comrades or commanders, as they are unsure what to do with their freedom.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries" : [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Living Construct Nature",
"entries": [
"Warforged do not breathe or sleep, and they do not need to eat or drink, though they may do so if they wish (to benefit from potions or magical foods). They do not suffer exhaustion from a forced march."
"type": "entries",
"entries" : [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Warforged Titans",
"entries": [
"These hulking constructs stand almost 20 feet tall at the shoulder, and are shaped like a giant humanoid with weapons built into its arms instead of hands. The warforged titans were the first constructs to come from House Cannith's creation forges, in their first attempt to build constructs that could follow orders and show initiative. In this, the warforged titans were only a partial success. They can understand and speak Common, but were otherwise little better than animals: unable to understand the implication of orders and executing them somewhat over-literally.",
"At the end of the Last War, fewer than three dozen warforged titans were still in service, overwhelmingly replaced with legions of smaller, more refined models of warforged better able to follow and interpret orders. Still, military commanders who knew when to employ raw, brute strength always found a place to apply the warforged titan's innate talents and sheer bulk.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Construct Nature",
"entries" : [
"Unlike later models of warforged, the titans are true constructs. They do not require air, food, drink, or sleep."
"name": "The Lord of Blades",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 82,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "construct",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 19,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 105,
"formula": "14d8 + 42"
"speed": {
"walk": 25
"str": 18,
"dex": 15,
"con": 16,
"int": 19,
"wis": 11,
"cha": 16,
"save": {
"con": "+7",
"wis": "+4"
"skill": {
"athletics": "+9",
"intimidation": "+8",
"thieves'tools": "+7"
"passive": 10,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from all attacks that aren't adamantine"
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "13",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"The Lord of Blades is a 12th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 16}, {@hit 8} to hit with spell attacks). He has the following artificer spells prepared:"
"spells": {
"0": {
"spells": [
"{@spell blade ward}",
"{@spell shocking grasp}",
"{@spell guidance}",
"{@spell mending}",
"{@spell resistance}"
"1": {
"slots": 4,
"spells": [
"{@spell detect magic}",
"{@spell cure wounds}",
"{@spell absorb elements|XGE}"
"2": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell heat metal}",
"{@spell shatter}",
"{@spell silence}"
"3": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell counterspell}",
"{@spell elemental weapon}",
"{@spell protection from energy}"
"4": {
"slots": 3,
"spells": [
"{@spell death ward}",
"{@spell fire shield}",
"{@spell freedom of movement}"
"5": {
"slots": 2,
"spells": [
"{@spell animate objects}",
"{@spell wall of stone}"
"6": {
"slots": 1,
"spells": [
"{@spell blade barrier}",
"{@spell true seeing}"
"ability": "int"
"trait": [
"name": "Adamantine Fortification",
"entries": [
"The Lord of Blades turns any critical hit against him into a normal hit. He also has advantage on Strength and Constitution saves to avoid being knocked {@condition prone} or moved distance against his will."
"name": "Blade Wings",
"entries": [
"A creature that touches the Lord of Blades or hits him with a melee attack while within 5 feet of him takes 10 ({@dice 2d8 + 1}) magical slashing damage. If the creature is a humanoid, they take an additional 5 ({@dice 1d8 + 1}) magical slashing damage."
"name": "Construct Perfection",
"entries": [
"The Lord of Blades is immune to disease, and is both a construct and a humanoid. He cannot be magically healed except by effects that specifically restore Hit Points to constructs. If reduced to 0 or fewer",
"Hit Points and not outright destroyed, he becomes stable but inert until repaired. Any further damage while inert destroys him."
"name": "Legendary Resistance (2/Day)",
"entries": [
"If the Lord of Blades fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead."
"name": "Special Equipment",
"entries": [
"The Lord of Blades wields an +1 adamantine sixblade, a unique magical weapon with three slicing blades fanning out from each end of a long haft. He also has the following warforged components: a +1 shoulderbow attached to his left shoulder, and a wand sheath with an imbedded wand of repair damage (7 charges) in his right arm."
"name": "Warcaster",
"entries": [
"The Lord of Blades has advantage on Constitution saves to maintain concentration on spells."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The Lord of Blades makes three attacks."
"name": "Adamantine Sixblade",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}15 ({@damage 3d6 + 5}) slashing damage. If the target is humanoid, it takes an additional 3 ({@damage 1d6}) slashing damage."
"name": "Shoulderbow",
"entries": [
"{@atk rw} {@hit 8} to hit, ranged 80/320 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d8 + 3}) piercing damage. The Lord of Blades does not have disadvantage on ranged attacks with his shoulderbow when within melee reach of an enemy."
"legendaryActions": 2,
"legendary": [
"name": "Attack",
"entries": [
"The Lord of Blades makes one adamantine sixblade or shoulderbow attack."
"name": "Grab",
"entries": [
"The Lord of Blades attempts to grapple one creature within 5 feet."
"name": "Infuse (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"The Lord of Blades casts one of his prepared artificer spells, expending a spell slot as normal."
"traitTags": [
"Legendary Resistances"
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflictSpell": [
"uniqueId": "20b70f730addf8fa85fe33b3092b5d8f",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Built by House Cannith to be the perfect soldiers, warforged changed the face of war for the Five Nations. Tireless soldiers whose very bodies were suits of armor, the warforged were sold at a premium to all sides of the Last War. The creation forges of House Cannith mass-produced entire battalions, creating as many soldiers as demand called for.",
"More than mere automatons, however, the warforged have thoughts and emotions, though their passionless face plates make it hard to express them. When the Last War was ended by the Thronehold Accords, the warforged were granted their freedom as sentient beings under the Code of Galifar. The same treaty, however, outlawed the creation of any further warforged. Now freed, and with neither a future for their race nor the original purpose for which they were built, many warforged continue to follow orders of their former comrades or commanders, as they are unsure what to do with their freedom.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries" : [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Living Construct Nature",
"entries": [
"Warforged do not breathe or sleep, and they do not need to eat or drink, though they may do so if they wish (to benefit from potions or magical foods). They do not suffer exhaustion from a forced march."
"type": "entries",
"entries" : [
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Lord of Blades",
"entries": [
"The Lord of Blades is a warforged extremist who leads an army of warforged based in the Mournland. He preaches the supremacy of constructs and the coming age of iron and steel, when the weaker \"fleshy races\" will bow to warforged might. Warforged who follow him call themselves \"Blades\", and are usually lawful evil in alignment.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Magic of Artifice.",
"entries" : [
"The Lord of Blades is a terrifying opponent in personal combat, and is also an extremely talented artificer. The art of artifice is the practice of weaving the fundamental strands of magic together to enhance items and constructs. The Lord of Blades knows several spells unique to artificers, and he has used his skills to created two signature homunculi, Hilt and Pommel, who always remain at his side."
"name": "Hilt/Pommel",
"source": "KCThreatDispatch",
"page": 83,
"size": "M",
"type": "construct",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 20,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 78,
"formula": "12d8 + 24"
"speed": {
"walk": 50
"str": 18,
"dex": 15,
"con": 14,
"int": 8,
"wis": 11,
"cha": 7,
"save": {
"con": "+7"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 10,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Common",
"and Giant but can't speak"
"cr": "6",
"trait": [
"name": "Homunculus",
"entries": [
"Hilt and Pommel add the Lord of Blades' proficiency modifier (+5) to their AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls, as well as Saving Throws and Skills that they are proficient in. This has already been included."
"name": "Synchronized Defense",
"entries": [
"While Hilt or Pommel can see the Lord of Blades, they have advantage on all Saving Throws."
"action": [
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 11} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}12 ({@damage 1d6 + 9}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 17} Strength Saving Throw or be knocked {@condition prone}."
"reaction": [
"name": "Synchronized Attack",
"entries": [
"If Hilt or Pommel can see the Lord of Blades make an attack, the homunculus can use its reaction to make an attack."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"uniqueId": "40c96e04dd250f8c470bf27bd5e7c09c",
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Unlike most artificers, {@creature the Lord of Blades|KCThreatDispatch} has two signature homunculi, Hilt and Pommel. Both are identical iron defenders (see page 49) that he has customized with his mastery of the automation field of artifice."
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