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Created April 10, 2021 19:17
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Korranberg Chronicle Adventurers Almanac 1.5
"_meta": {
"sources": [
"json": "KCAA",
"abbreviation": "KCAA",
"full": "Korranberg Chronicle Adventurers Almanac",
"authors": [
"Anthony J. Turco"
"convertedBy": [
"SasquatchBrah, Eberron94"
"version": "1.5",
"url": ""
"dateAdded": 1547956312,
"dateLastModified": 1618082046
"subrace": [
"race": {
"name": "Elf",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Khorvaire",
"source": "KCAA",
"skillProficiencies": [
"persuasion": true
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"languageProficiencies": [
"anyStandard": 1
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"Like the humans they live among, elven citizens of Khorvaire tend toward no particular alignment."
"name": "Social",
"entries": [
"Elven citizens of Khorvaire have acclimated to the diversity of the Five Nations and take pride in integrating themselves with others. You have proficiency in the {@skill Persuasion} skill."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Elf Weapon Training",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Extra Language",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write one extra language of your choice."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The elves of Aerenal have not always lived in harmony with each other. Early in the settlement of Aerenal, there was an upheaval that saw an entire bloodline wiped out. Allies of this family, as well as neutral parties disturbed by the unilateral action taken against an entire lineage, decided it was best to move on, abandoning Aeren's promised land. These elves sailed north to Khorvaire and found themselves integrating into the burgeoning human nations there."
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 54,
"heightMod": "2d10",
"baseWeight": 90,
"weightMod": "1d4"
"race": {
"name": "Elf",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Valenar",
"source": "KCAA",
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"traitTags": [
"Weapon Proficiency"
"speed": 35,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"Though their honor-bound warrior culture tends toward neutrality, many of the less scrupulous, evil Valenar do not care who their opponents are, so long as they die hard and the fight is glorious."
"name": "Fleet of Foot",
"entries": [
"Your base walking speed is 35 feet."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Tairnadal Weapon Training",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency with the double scimitar, scimitar, longbow, and shortbow."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Born in the Saddle",
"entries": [
"Valenar revere their mounts as much as their ancestors, even tracing horse lineages back to the mounts their ancient heroes rode into battle against the giants. Few on Eberron could claim to be their equal in mounted combat.","Mounting or dismounting a horse costs you only 10 feet of movement, instead of half your walking speed. You never fall off your mount if it is moved against its will, and you cannot be knocked prone while mounted. If your mount is knocked prone, you can dismount it and land on your feet without using your reaction."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Tairnadal elves escaped Xen'drik to Aerenal along with those who founded the Undying Court, but they practice a different form of ancestor worship. Descended from the brave warrior elves who fought the giants with spell and blade, the Tairnadal believe the only way to honor them is to emulate their battles in the present day. The Valaes Tairn, the largest Tairnadal tribe, has even gone so far as to invade Khorvaire and establish the nation of Valenar, seeking every possible battle to bring glory to the Spirits of the Past."
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 54,
"heightMod": "2d10",
"baseWeight": 90,
"weightMod": "1d4"
"race": {
"name": "Elf",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Vulkoori Drow",
"source": "KCAA",
"ability": [
"wis": 2
"speed": 35,
"darkvision": 60,
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"elvish": true,
"giant": true
"overwrite": {
"languageProficiencies": true
"skillProficiencies": [
"perception": true
"traitTags": [
"Improved Resting",
"Skill Proficiency",
"Weapon Proficiency"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"The scorpion tribes live in ruthless, deadly jungles and have a temperament to match. Most tend toward evil alignments, and while the Qaltiar are less likely to be so, it is difficult for foreigners to discern which tribe a drow belongs to at first glance. In either case, their unstructured and savage way of life highlights their chaotic nature."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Age",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Age"
"entries": [
"Though the savage drow of the scorpion tribes can ostensibly live just as long as other elves and drow, it is far more likely for them to meet a swift and grisly end in the wild jungles of Xen’drik. Therefore, scorpion tribe drow are considered adults as soon as they become physically capable of raising the next generation of their tribe."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Size"
"entries": [
"Drow have the same slender build as elves, ranging from under 5 to over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Darkvision",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Darkvision"
"entries": [
"You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Sunlight Sensitivity",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Keen Senses"
"entries": [
"You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Trance",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Trance"
"entries": [
"Drow don't need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is 'trance.') After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep."
"name": "Fleet of Foot",
"entries": [
"Your base walking speed is 35 feet."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Keen Senses",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency in the {@skill Perception} skill."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Mask of the Wild",
"entries": [
"You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Tribal Weapon Training",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency with the shortsword, plus the Xen'drik boomerang and spiked chain (which you refer to as a 'scorpion chain')."
"type": "entries"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Languages"
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common, Elvish, and Giant. Common is not a native language of the scorpion tribes, but the Qaltiar learn it in order to facilitate commerce with residents of Stormreach. Depending on how long your tribe has lived near and interacted with Stormreach, you may or may not speak Common with a noticeable accent."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Unlike in other campaign settings, the drow of Eberron are considered a separate race from elves entirely, and are not a monolithic culture. Likewise, their origins do not begin with a tale of betrayal between elven gods (Lolth and Corellon are not included in the Eberron campaign setting by default). Instead, drow are an engineered race, created from the arcane manipulation of elves by the ancient giants of Xen’drik.","The most frequently encountered drow in Eberron are the Vulkoori tribal drow living in the jungles of Xen'drik. Most of these tribes worship the scorpion god known as Vulkoor. Khorvairian sages consider Vulkoor an animal-totem form of The Mockery, a god of the Dark Six. While many scorpion tribes worship Vulkoor exclusively and are viciously xenophobic, other tribes, known as the Qaltiar, worship analogues of the rest of the Sovereign Host and Dark Six and are willing to deal peacefully with outsiders in a limited fashion."
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 53,
"heightMod": "2d6",
"baseWeight": 75,
"weightMod": "1d6"
"race": {
"name": "Elf",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Sulatar Drow",
"source": "KCAA",
"ability": [
"int": 1
"speed": 30,
"darkvision": 60,
"languageProficiencies": [
"Primordial": true,
"elvish": true,
"giant": true
"overwrite": {
"languageProficiencies": true
"skillProficiencies": [
"arcana": true
"additionalSpells": [
"innate": {
"1": [
"produce flame"
"3": {
"rest": {
"1": [
"searing smite"
"5": {
"rest": {
"1": [
"flaming sphere"
"ability": "cha"
"traitTags": [
"Improved Resting",
"Skill Proficiency",
"Weapon Proficiency",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"The fire giants were harsh, cruel taskmasters to the Sulatar, and they were apt pupils in this regard. Sulatar tend toward law and evil."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Age",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Age"
"entries": [
"Living in the ruins of their masters’ fortresses, the Sulatar are more defended against the wild predations of Xen’drik than their estranged tribal brethren. As such, their society can dictate that one is not truly an adult until they have learned the art of elemental binding, something they consider impossible to truly understand without at least a century of practice and mastery."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Size"
"entries": [
"Drow have the same slender build as elves, ranging from under 5 to over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Darkvision",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Darkvision"
"entries": [
"You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Sunlight Sensitivity",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Keen Senses"
"entries": [
"You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Trance",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Trance"
"entries": [
"Drow don't need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is 'trance.') After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep."
"name": "Arcane Education",
"entries": [
"Sulatar are well versed in the effect other planes have on the material plane and their interaction with arcane forces. You have proficiency in the {@skill Arcana} skill."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Flame Binding",
"entries": [
"All adult Sulatar know the basics of binding the essence of Fernia, the Sea of Fire, to their will. You know the {@spell produce flame} cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the {@spell searing smite} spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast the {@spell flaming sphere} spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Sulatar Weapon Training",
"entries": [
"have proficiency with the scimitar, shortsword, and whip, plus the two-bladed sword. A Sulatar-made shortsword, and both ends of their two-bladed swords, appear much like a Roman gladius."
"type": "entries"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Languages"
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Elvish, Giant, and the Ignan dialect of Primordial."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Unlike in other campaign settings, the drow of Eberron are considered a separate race from elves entirely, and are not a monolithic culture. Likewise, their origins do not begin with a tale of betrayal between elven gods (Lolth and Corellon are not included in the Eberron campaign setting by default). Instead, drow are an engineered race, created from the arcane manipulation of elves by the ancient giants of Xen’drik.","The Sulatar clans (or 'firebinders' in the Giant language) remained loyal to their fire giant masters during the elven rebellions. They retain the secrets of elemental binding their masters taught them, making frequent use of flaming weapons and fire elementals. The firebinders consider the drow of the scorpion tribes to be savages and traitors, and the tribal drow hate the Sulatar for their continuing loyalty to their cruel slavemasters."
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 53,
"heightMod": "2d6",
"baseWeight": 75,
"weightMod": "1d6"
"race": {
"name": "Elf",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Umbragen Drow",
"source": "KCAA",
"ability": [
"cha": 1
"speed": 30,
"darkvision": 120,
"languageProficiencies": [
"daelkyr": true,
"elvish": true,
"undercommon": true
"overwrite": {
"languageProficiencies": true
"skillProficiencies": [
"stealth": true
"additionalSpells": [
"innate": {
"1": {
"rest": {
"1": [
"ability": "cha"
"traitTags": [
"Improved Resting",
"Skill Proficiency",
"Superior Darkvision",
"Weapon Proficiency",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"The Umbragen worship a dispassionate force of darkness. While it is not evil, they have stoically forfeited their souls to dark oblivion in its depths. Many centuries of fighting against their unfathomable enemy have forced them to maintain a lawful, disciplined society."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Age",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Age"
"entries": [
"At one time, the Umbragen may have had the luxury of waiting for their young to live a century before considering them adults, just as elves do now. However, their current desperate struggle has forced them to consider as an adult any able-bodied drow that can fight and defend their underground cities from annihilation, usually before they have reached twenty years of age."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Size"
"entries": [
"Drow have the same slender build as elves, ranging from under 5 to over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Superior Darkvision",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Darkvision"
"entries": [
"Unlike other drow, Umbragen eyes are completely black, a visible sign of this enhanced vision and their link to the Umbra. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Sunlight Sensitivity",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Keen Senses"
"entries": [
"You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Trance",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Trance"
"entries": [
"Drow don't need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is 'trance.') After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep."
"name": "Shadow Steps",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency in the {@skill Stealth} skill."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Soul of Darkness",
"entries": [
"By virtue of your birth into the Umbragen, your soul has been pledged to oblivion within the Umbra.","Any spell that brings its target back to life (such as {@spell revivify} or {@spell raise dead}) must be cast from a spell slot one level higher than normal in order to function on you. Otherwise, the spell fails.","In addition, you can cast the {@spell darkness} spell once using this trait. You can see through any magical darkness you or another Umbragen creates by using this trait. You regain the ability to cast {@spell darkness} this way when you finish a short or long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Umbragen Weapon Training",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency with the rapier, shortsword, and hand crossbow."
"type": "entries"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Languages"
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Daelkyr, Elvish, and Undercommon."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Unlike in other campaign settings, the drow of Eberron are considered a separate race from elves entirely, and are not a monolithic culture. Likewise, their origins do not begin with a tale of betrayal between elven gods (Lolth and Corellon are not included in the Eberron campaign setting by default). Instead, drow are an engineered race, created from the arcane manipulation of elves by the ancient giants of Xen’drik.","When dragonfire rained down on all the giants held dear, the progenitors of the Umbragen fled into the depths of Khyber. In their wanderings, the Umbragen uncovered ancient lore that led them to a mystical force of darkness called the Umbra. They bound this shadowy essence to their flesh and survived by calling upon it for generation after generation. Thousands of years later, the Umbragen have begun to surface. Some say they are seeking refuge from an unfathomable threat rising from the twisting depths of Khyber."
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 53,
"heightMod": "2d6",
"baseWeight": 75,
"weightMod": "1d6"
"race": {
"name": "Gnome",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Zil",
"source": "KCAA",
"ability": [
"con": 1
"skillProficiencies": [
"deception": true,
"insight": true
"additionalSpells": [
"innate": {
"1": [
"minor illusion"
"ability": "int"
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"Zilargo is a very peaceful nation, leading the gnomes to have a strongly lawful bent. While a society bent toward subterfuge and espionage may lead some to believe there is a strong evil streak in Zil gnomes, there is no actual tendency toward it."
"name": "Zil Guile",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency in the {@skill Deception} and {@skill Insight} skills."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Zil Intrigue",
"entries": [
"You know the {@spell minor illusion} cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The gnomes of Zilargo have a long and ancient tradition of guile and subterfuge. Though one would not guess to look at it, the peaceful surface of Zilargo is a status quo that runs on intrigue and scheming. While a human might find such conditions intolerable, the psychology of the gnomes is such that they seem most comfortable in this type of society."
"race": {
"name": "Gnome",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Feyspire",
"source": "KCAA",
"ability": [
"dex": 1
"additionalSpells": [
"innate": {
"1": [
"ability": "int"
"traitTags": [
"entries": [
"name": "Fey-Touched",
"entries": [
"Feyspire gnomes are functionally immortal. You will never die of old age, but you may still perish due to harm or illness."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Fey Whimsy",
"entries": [
"You know the {@spell prestidigitation} cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Speak with Small Beasts",
"entries": [
"Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts. Feyspire gnomes love animals and often keep squirrels, badgers, rabbits, moles, woodpeckers, and other creatures as beloved pets."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The Feyspire of Pylas Pyrial was once a legend out of Zilargo's fairy tales. The gnomes of this fabled city featured in the oldest of Zil bedtime stories and morality tales—stories of mischievous heroes outwitting ugly, dumb brutes. But now, Pylas Pyrial has manifested in the middle of the gnome homeland, bringing the whimsical gnomish figures of folk tales with it into the real world."
"race": {
"name": "Half-Elf (Variant)",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Khoravar",
"source": "KCAA",
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency"
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"elvish": true
"skillProficiencies": [
"persuasion": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"Half-elves, regardless of origin, live in a predominately human society. They tend toward no particular alignment."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Languages"
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common and Elvish."
"name": "Social",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency in the {@skill Persuasion} skill."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Charming",
"entries": [
"You may add double your proficiency bonus on Charisma checks to find the best person to talk to for reliable hirelings, news, rumors, or gossip."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The khoravar see themselves as true natives of Khorvaire. Humans and elves both migrated to this land but came together to birth children never before seen in history. They have a strong cultural identity of socialization and hospitality, and no khoravar feels like an outcast just because of the blood that flows through their veins."
"race": {
"name": "Half-Elf (Variant)",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Ill-Born Aereni",
"source": "KCAA",
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Tool Proficiency"
"ability": [
"dex": 2,
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"overwrite": {
"ability": true
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"elvish": true,
"anyStandard": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"Half-elves, regardless of origin, live in a predominately human society. They tend toward no particular alignment."
"name": "Aereni Expertise",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Skill Versatility"
"entries": [
"Choose one skill or tool proficiency granted by your race, class, or background. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make using this chosen proficiency."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The rare first-generation half-elves described above assume that the human and elven parents were both citizens of the Five Nations—a cosmopolitan society to be sure. However, even more rare than these half-elves are those born to the elves or drow of foreign cultures. Often these half-elves are called 'illborn' by their non-human parents and are considered to have been cursed by their human blood. They are typically given a minimum of care and seen as second-class beings in the culture where they are raised."
"race": {
"name": "Half-Elf (Variant)",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Ill-Born Valenar",
"source": "KCAA",
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Weapon Proficiency"
"speed": 35,
"ability": [
"dex": 2,
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"overwrite": {
"ability": true
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"elvish": true,
"anyStandard": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"Half-elves, regardless of origin, live in a predominately human society. They tend toward no particular alignment."
"name": "Tairnadal Weapon Training",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Skill Versatility"
"entries": [
"You have proficiency with the double scimitar, scimitar, longbow, and shortbow."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Fleet of Foot",
"entries": [
"Your base walking speed is 35 feet."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The rare first-generation half-elves described above assume that the human and elven parents were both citizens of the Five Nations—a cosmopolitan society to be sure. However, even more rare than these half-elves are those born to the elves or drow of foreign cultures. Often these half-elves are called 'illborn' by their non-human parents and are considered to have been cursed by their human blood. They are typically given a minimum of care and seen as second-class beings in the culture where they are raised."
"race": {
"name": "Half-Elf (Variant)",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Ill-Born Vulkoori Drow",
"source": "KCAA",
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Weapon Proficiency"
"speed": 30,
"ability": [
"dex": 2,
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"skillProficiencies": [
"perception": true
"overwrite": {
"ability": true
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"elvish": true,
"anyStandard": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"Half-elves, regardless of origin, live in a predominately human society. They tend toward no particular alignment."
"name": "Keen Senses",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Skill Versatility"
"entries": [
"You have proficiency in the {@skill Perception} skill."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Tribal Weapon Training",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency with the shortsword, plus the Xen'drik boomerang and spiked chain (which you refer to as a 'scorpion chain')."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The rare first-generation half-elves described above assume that the human and elven parents were both citizens of the Five Nations—a cosmopolitan society to be sure. However, even more rare than these half-elves are those born to the elves or drow of foreign cultures. Often these half-elves are called 'illborn' by their non-human parents and are considered to have been cursed by their human blood. They are typically given a minimum of care and seen as second-class beings in the culture where they are raised."
"race": {
"name": "Half-Elf (Variant)",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Ill-Born Sulatar Drow",
"source": "KCAA",
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Weapon Proficiency"
"speed": 30,
"ability": [
"dex": 2,
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"overwrite": {
"ability": true
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"elvish": true,
"anyStandard": 1
"skillProficiencies": [
"arcana": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"Half-elves, regardless of origin, live in a predominately human society. They tend toward no particular alignment."
"name": "Arcane Education",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Skill Versatility"
"entries": [
"Sulatar are well versed in the effect other planes have on the material plane and their interaction with arcane forces. You have proficiency in the {@skill Arcana} skill."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Sulatar Weapon Training",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency with the scimitar, shortsword, and whip, plus the two-bladed sword. A Sulatar-made shortsword, and both ends of their two-bladed swords, appear much like a Roman gladius."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The rare first-generation half-elves described above assume that the human and elven parents were both citizens of the Five Nations—a cosmopolitan society to be sure. However, even more rare than these half-elves are those born to the elves or drow of foreign cultures. Often these half-elves are called 'illborn' by their non-human parents and are considered to have been cursed by their human blood. They are typically given a minimum of care and seen as second-class beings in the culture where they are raised."
"race": {
"name": "Half-Elf (Variant)",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Ill-Born Umbragen Drow",
"source": "KCAA",
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Weapon Proficiency"
"speed": 30,
"ability": [
"dex": 2,
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"overwrite": {
"ability": true
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"elvish": true,
"anyStandard": 1
"skillProficiencies": [
"stealth": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"Half-elves, regardless of origin, live in a predominately human society. They tend toward no particular alignment."
"name": "Shadow Steps",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Skill Versatility"
"entries": [
"You have proficiency in the {@skill Stealth} skill."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Umbragen Weapon Training",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency with the rapier, shortsword, and hand crossbow."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The rare first-generation half-elves described above assume that the human and elven parents were both citizens of the Five Nations—a cosmopolitan society to be sure. However, even more rare than these half-elves are those born to the elves or drow of foreign cultures. Often these half-elves are called 'illborn' by their non-human parents and are considered to have been cursed by their human blood. They are typically given a minimum of care and seen as second-class beings in the culture where they are raised."
"race": {
"name": "Halfling",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Talenta",
"source": "KCAA",
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Weapon Proficiency"
"ability": [
"wis": 1
"skillProficiencies": [
"animal handling": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"Halflings of the Talenta Plains tend toward lawful good. They are typically good-hearted and kind, hate to see others in pain, and have no tolerance for oppression. They are also very traditional, leaning heavily on the support of their community and the comfort of their old ways."
"name": "Beast Empathy",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency in the {@skill Animal Handling} skill. In addition, whenever you make a Wisdom or Charisma check involving a dinosaur, you add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Talenta Weapon Training",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency with the boomerang, sharrash, and tangat."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The Talenta Plains have been the homeland of the halflings for as far back as anyone can record. These small, hardy folk have stood up to ancient empires and yet continue to live humble lives as nomads."
"race": {
"name": "Shifter",
"source": "ERLW"
"name": "Cliffwalk",
"source": "KCAA",
"speed": {
"walk": 30,
"climb": 20
"ability": [
"dex": 2,
"str": 1
"overwrite": {
"ability": true
"entries": [
"name": "Natural Climber",
"entries": [
"Cliffwalk shifters have small claws on their hands and feet that are unsuitable for making attacks but perfect for climbing. You have a base climbing speed of 20 feet."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Shifting Feature",
"entries": [
"Your shift lasts for 5 minutes instead of 1 minute. While shifted, your climbing speed increases by 20 feet. Additionally, while shifting you are considered to have a running start when making a jump, even if you have not moved any distance prior to the jump on your turn."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Your cliffwalk aspect grants you the ability to ascend steep surfaces with agility. Common bestial traits for shifters with this aspect include small-but-sharp claws on the hands, and the morphing of feet into canine or feline paws. Many cliffwalk shifters may display rat-like qualities when shifting instead, including long furless tails.","Cliffwalk shifters often prefer not to wear shoes, boots, or other apparel on their feet, as their rapidly changing bone structure when shifting often cannot accommodate footwear made for humanoids."
"race": {
"name": "Shifter",
"source": "ERLW"
"name": "Dreamsight",
"source": "KCAA",
"ability": [
"wis": 2,
"cha": 1
"overwrite": {
"ability": true
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency"
"skillProficiencies": [
"insight": true
"entries": [
"name": "Insightful",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency in the {@skill Insight} skill."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Shifting Feature",
"entries": [
"While shifted, you have advantage on Wisdom checks and you can comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts and plants as if you shared a language."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Your dreamsight aspect grants you a deeper connection to the natural world around you. Dreamsight shifters do not seem to trend toward any specific bestial appearances but are often born as albinos and have pale coloration even when not shifted. When they do shift, in addition to a more bestial appearance, their eyes take on an eerie glow."
"race": {
"name": "Shifter",
"source": "ERLW"
"name": "Fleetwing",
"source": "KCAA",
"ability": [
"dex": 2,
"wis": 1
"overwrite": {
"ability": true
"entries": [
"name": "Flighty",
"entries": [
"When you use your bonus action to shift you also gain the benefit of the Disengage action."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Shifting Feature",
"entries": [
"Your shift lasts for 5 minutes instead of 1 minute. While shifted, your arms become wings and you gain a flying speed of 50 feet. While flying this way, you cannot use your arms or hands for any other purpose, such as making attacks, effectively wielding a shield, or casting spells. You may still grasp objects or weapons in your hands but may not use them while you use your shifted arms to fly."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Fleetwing shifters often come across impatient and distracted, always eager to be somewhere else while their feet are on the ground. When shifting, the arms of a fleetwing shifter significantly change to allow them the power of flight, usually displaying the ebony plumage of ravens, or the leathery membranes of bat wings."
"race": {
"name": "Shifter",
"source": "ERLW"
"name": "Razorclaw",
"source": "KCAA",
"ability": [
"dex": 2,
"con": 1
"overwrite": {
"ability": true
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency"
"skillProficiencies": [
"Stealth": true
"entries": [
"name": "Prowler",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency in the {@skill Stealth} skill."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Shifting Feature",
"entries": [
"While shifted, your hands become claws that you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you make an unarmed strike using a claw, you may choose to use Dexterity for the attack roll instead of Strength, and if you hit you deal slashing damage equal to {@dice 1d4} + your Strength or Dexterity modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.","For the duration of your shift, you may make one unarmed strike using a claw as a bonus action."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"As a razorclaw shifter, you make swift, slashing strikes in battle. The most common bestial trait for these shifters is, of course, razor-sharp claws, but they will often display secondary characteristics of their bestial appearance as well, such as slit pupils or patterned fur."
"race": {
"name": "Shifter",
"source": "ERLW"
"name": "Truedive",
"source": "KCAA",
"ability": [
"dex": 2,
"wis": 1
"speed": {
"walk": 30,
"swim": 20
"overwrite": {
"ability": true
"entries": [
"name": "Born Swimmer",
"entries": [
"You have a base swimming speed of 20 feet and you can breathe both air and water."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Shifting Feature",
"entries": [
"Your shift lasts for 5 minutes instead of 1 minute. While shifted, your swimming speed increases by 20 feet. Additionally, while shifting you can detect and pinpoint the origin of vibrations in the water, out to a radius of 120 feet, provided both you and the source of the vibrations are touching the same body of water. Most creatures swimming or wading through water cause these vibrations, and you are not considered {@condition blinded} against them while shifted, even if they are {@condition invisible} to you."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Truedive shifters are patient and quiet, though not necessarily antisocial. Traits prominent to crocodiles and sharks are most commonly seen on truedive shifters while they are shifting. Unlike most aspects, truedive shifters are recognizably different from other shifters even when not shifting, displaying little in the way of body hair and having pale skin with a faint aquatic hue to it, such as pale blue or green. Some even have unnervingly cold, black eyes."
"race": {
"name": "Shifter",
"source": "ERLW"
"name": "Winterhide",
"source": "KCAA",
"ability": [
"con": 2,
"dex": 1
"resist": {
"cold": true
"overwrite": {
"ability": true
"traitTags": [
"Damage Resistance"
"entries": [
"name": "Tundra Acclimation",
"entries": [
"You ignore difficult terrain due to natural snow or icy conditions and are naturally adapted to cold climates, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.","Additionally, you may shift as a reaction to taking cold damage, gaining the benefits of your shifting feature against the effect that dealt cold damage to you."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Shifting Feature",
"entries": [
"While shifted, you gain resistance to cold damage."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Winterhide shifters are acclimated to harsh, cold environments. Bestial traits common to arctic predators are common among winterhide shifters, such as thick white fur and hair, but sometimes they can display the same aquatic traits as a truedive shifter, with bodies adapted to the dark chill of the depths."
"race": {
"name": "Aasimar",
"source": "VGM"
"name": "Idolatrous",
"source": "KCAA",
"ability": [
"wis": 1
"skillProficiencies": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"count": 1
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency"
"languageProficiencies": [
"elvish": true
"entries": [
"name": "Beguiling Tongue",
"entries": [
"Your ancestor was a being with unparalleled ability to manipulate and deceive. A part of this power lingers within you. Choose either {@skill Persuasion} or {@skill Deception}. You have proficiency in the chosen skill."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Idolatrous Legacy",
"entries": [
"When you reach 3rd level, choose any divine domain cleric subclass. You gain the ability to use the Channel Divinity feature that domain grants to 2nd level clerics. Your effective cleric level for this ability is equal to your character level, and if the ability can be resisted with a saving throw, the DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.","You can use this ability once, regaining the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest.","If you are a cleric, the divine domain you choose for this trait need not be the same as the divine domain you selected for your actual cleric subclass."
"type": "entries"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Earthbound",
"entries": [
"As part of your ancestor's divine punishment, they were barred from ever knowing the joy of flight. While you are not so irrevocably chastised, the power of this sanction still flows through your tainted blood. Any spell that grants flight or otherwise defies gravity ({@spell fly}, {@spell levitate}, {@spell feather fall}, etc.) must be cast from a spell slot one level higher than usual to affect you, otherwise it fails.","In addition, any magical item that grants the ability to fly counts as two items for the purposes of your magic item attunement limit."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Once-celestial beings known as 'radiant idols' are cast out of Syrania, the Azure Sky, as punishment for claiming to be the sole divinity of a divine domain and demanding the adoration and worship of mortals. While radiant idols could twist worship of even benevolent forces like Life into something foul and malign, many of these fallen idols embodied the darkest of powers, such as Death and Corruption. As an idolatrous aasimar, you are imbued with the tainted blessing of one of these beings, and the power of their domain flows strongly through your corrupted celestial blood."
"race": {
"name": "Tiefling (Base)",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Manifest",
"source": "KCAA",
"ability": [
"cha": 1,
"dex": 2
"overwrite": {
"ability": true,
"languageProficiencies": true,
"resist": true
"resist": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"traitTags": [
"Damage Resistance",
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"choose": {
"from": [
"count": 1
"entries": [
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"Manifest tieflings have varying backgrounds, but almost all have felt the temptation of evil in their lives. Often outcast from society and self-reliant, they tend toward chaotic alignments as well."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Manifest Origin",
"entries": [
"Your fiendish blood has a specific malign plane of origin. Pick one of the planes listed on the Manifest Origin table below. This affects other traits you gain from your subrace.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Manifest Origin",
"colLabels": [
"Plane of Origin",
"Spell at 3rd Level",
"Spell at 5th Level"
"colStyles": [
"rows": [
["Daanvi, the Perfect Order","force","{@spell resistance}","{@spell command}","{@spell zone of truth}"],
["Dolurrh, the Realm of the Dead","necrotic","{@spell toll the dead|XGE}","{@spell ray of sickness}","{@spell calm emotions}"],
["Fernia, the Sea of Fire","fire","{@spell control flames|XGE}","{@spell burning hands}","{@spell flame blade}"],
["Kythri, the Churning Chaos","lightning","{@spell mage hand}","{@spell chaos bolt|XGE}","{@spell misty step}"],
["Lamannia, the Twilight Forest","thunder","{@spell primal savagery|XGE}","{@spell hunter's mark}","{@spell spike growth}"],
["Mabar, the Endless Night","necrotic","{@spell chill touch}","{@spell arms of Hadar}","{@spell shadow blade|XGE}"],
["Risia, the Plain of Ice","cold","{@spell ray of frost}","{@spell armor of Agathys}","{@spell Snilloc's snowball swarm|XGE}"],
["Shavarath, the Battleground","acid or fire","{@spell true strike}","{@spell bane}","{@spell cloud of daggers}"],
["Xoriat, the Realm of Madness","acid or necrotic","{@spell minor illusion}","{@spell dissonant whispers}","{@spell crown of madness}"]
"type": "entries"
"name": "Manifest Resistance",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Hellish Resistance"
"entries": [
"You have resistance to one type of damage, depending on your manifest origin. If the corresponding plane lists a choice of two damage types, you select one and cannot change your choice."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Manifest Legacy",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Infernal Legacy"
"entries": [
"You know one cantrip, depending on your choice of origin.","Once you reach 3rd level and 5th level, you can cast additional spells as indicated on the Manifest Origin table. When you gain these spells at the indicated levels, you can cast each spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.","Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Languages",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Languages"
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common and one of the following languages: Infernal, Primordial (any one dialect), or Undercommon."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The progeny of mortal bloodlines tainted with fiendish heritage or malign planar influence, tieflings are a rare sight in the more civilized nations of Khorvaire.","Tieflings born through random chance vary wildly in appearance—some have sweeping horns, goat-pupiled yellow eyes, or forked tongues. They may or may not have tails of all shapes and sizes, and cloven feet may be present or not. Myriad signs of their defiled blood manifest themselves in all manner of ways.","Although such tieflings owe their existence to the influence of another plane, they can vary wildly in origin. They might have an otherwise normal heritage, but the influence of a plane altered them at birth. Others might count themselves as descendants of both a mortal and a fiend from one of these planes. Regardless of how they came to be, manifest tieflings draw their powers from the infusion of fell planar energies in their blood."
"race": {
"name": "Tiefling (Base)",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Sakah",
"source": "KCAA",
"ability": [
"cha": 1,
"str": 2
"additionalSpells": [
"innate": {
"1": [
"3": {
"rest": {
"1": [
"false life"
"5": {
"rest": {
"1": [
"ability": "cha"
"overwrite": {
"ability": true,
"languageProficiencies": true,
"resist": true
"resist": [
"traitTags": [
"Damage Resistance",
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"infernal": true
"entries": [
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"Life among the carrion tribes is brutal, hard, and often short. Even sakah that escape most likely only do so only for darker motives like vengeance or a drive to conquer. A nonevil sakah is as likely to exist as a charitable dragon."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Demonic Resistance",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Hellish Resistance"
"entries": [
"You have advantage on saving throws against disease and poison, and you have resistance against necrotic and poison damage."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Demonic Legacy",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Infernal Legacy"
"entries": [
"You know the {@spell thunderclap|XGE} cantrip. When you cast {@spell thunderclap|XGE}, it has a Verbal component (a roar) instead of a Somatic component. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the {@spell false life} spell once with this trait as a 2nd-level spell, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast the {@spell enlarge/reduce} spell on yourself once with this trait, using only the spell's enlarge option. You regain the ability to cast this spell when you finish a long rest.","Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Languages",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Languages"
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common and Infernal."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The progeny of mortal bloodlines tainted with fiendish heritage or malign planar influence, tieflings are a rare sight in the more civilized nations of Khorvaire.","The Sakah are the most rarely encountered tieflings outside of the Demon Wastes. In their wasteland of a home, they are known as 'Touched Ones,' since their demonic taint is believed to be due to the touch of a Demonic Overlord. Few sakah desire to leave their savage, brutal lives. Sakah typically rise to the position of leadership among the hordes of barbaric carrion tribes due to their physical prowess and mental cunning.","Those who do decide to leave must somehow make it past the Ghaash’kala orc clans that guard the Labyrinth. These orcs believe all who exist within the Demon Wastes are tainted by evil beyond redemption and cannot be allowed to escape. In the case of the sakah, they might be correct..."
"race": {
"name": "Tiefling (Base)",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Demesne",
"source": "KCAA",
"ability": [
"cha": 2,
"int": 1
"additionalSpells": [
"innate": {
"1": [
"3": {
"rest": {
"1": [
"hellish rebuke"
"5": {
"rest": {
"1": [
"ability": "cha"
"overwrite": {
"ability": true,
"languageProficiencies": true,
"resist": true
"resist": [
"traitTags": [
"Damage Resistance",
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"infernal": true
"entries": [
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"The Venomous Demesne is possessed of a strongly insular society. Outsiders would consider most traditions needlessly cruel. As a whole, the Venomous Demesne is a lawful evil society, but individual tieflings can be of any alignment."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Infernal Resistance",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Hellish Resistance"
"entries": [
"You have resistance to fire damage."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Infernal Legacy",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Infernal Legacy"
"entries": [
"You know the {@spell thaumaturgy}. When you cast {@spell thaumaturgy}, it has a Verbal component (a roar) instead of a Somatic component. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the {@spell hellish rebuke} spell once with this trait as a 2nd-level spell, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast the {@spell darkness} spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.","Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Languages",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Languages"
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common and Infernal."
"type": "entries"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The progeny of mortal bloodlines tainted with fiendish heritage or malign planar influence, tieflings are a rare sight in the more civilized nations of Khorvaire.","The vast majority of tieflings that walk the face of Eberron are the descendants of the nobility of Ohr Kaluun, a nation that once thrived in ancient Sarlona. The mage-lords of Ohr Kaluun forged dark pacts with infernal spirits beyond the material plane, empowering themselves and their progeny. Over generations, this taint accumulated until the first Kaluunite tieflings were born. When Ohr Kaluun was wiped out in the Sundering of Sarlona, a small number of tiefling nobles managed to flee with their retainers. They fled across the sea to western Khorvaire and established a hidden enclave that would become known as the Venomous Demesne.","Until recently the Venomous Demesne was thought meremyth by the rest of Khorvaire. That changed when the Court of Four, the heads of the four noble houses of tieflings that ruled the Venomous Demesne, entered into a formal pact with the Daughters of Sora Kell and joined the nation of Droaam under their rule.","Tieflings of the Venomous Demesne have a unified appearance, clearly displaying horns and other diabolic features, though they are possessed of a kind of dark beauty. Their domain is referred to as 'Venomous' not due to any predilection for or supernatural affinity with poisons, but rather due to their viper's-nest-like society and culture."
"race": [
"name": "Goblin (City)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 8,
"skillProficiencies": [
"insight": true
"ability": [
"con": 1,
"dex": 2
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency"
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"goblin": true,
"anyStandard": 1
"size": ["S"],
"speed": 30,
"darkvision": 60,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Age",
"entries": [
"Goblins reach adulthood shortly before a decade and live a little over half a century."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size",
"entries": [
"Goblins are roughly the same size as gnomes, though much more bestial in appearance. Your size is Small."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Darkvision",
"entries": [
"You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Naturally Stealthy",
"entries": [
"You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Nimble Escape",
"entries": [
"You can take the Disengage action as a bonus action on each of your turns."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Street Cunning",
"entries": [
"City goblins develop a strong fluency in body language to know when threats from larger folk are coming. You have proficiency in the {@skill Insight} skill, and your proficiency bonus is doubled on all Wisdom ({@skill Insight}) checks you make to determine if a creature is hostile towards you or allies you can see."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common, Goblin, and one extra language of your choice."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Goblins have an ancient and storied history acting as the craftsmen, scouts, and assassins of the Dhakaani Empire. But since the fall of ancient Dhakaan, goblins have spent long millennia suffering oppression and ill fortune.","The most common goblinoid people the citizens of Khorvaire are familiar with, goblins are often downtrodden and pushed into poverty by a cycle of bigotry and criminal retaliation. These 'city goblins' learn to anticipate danger and escape swiftly from it. It's a lucky goblin that finds the opportunity to become an adventurer and gain respect.","Though the ancient clans still exist in secret, hiding until the true heirs of Dhakaan return once again to claim their services, most goblins live under the shadow of larger nations. Whether oppressed by the brutal cultures of Droaam and Darguun, or suffering the more civil ostracization of Thronehold nations, goblins are usually relegated to city slums and stick to their own."
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 37,
"heightMod": "2d4",
"baseWeight": 35,
"weightMod": "1"
"name": "Human (Paragon)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 12,
"skillProficiencies": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"sleight of hand",
"animal handling",
"count": 1
"ability": [
"choose": {
"weighted": {
"from": [
"weights": [
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"anyStandard": 2
"size": ["M"],
"speed": 30,
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Tool Proficiency"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Age",
"entries": [
"Paragons mature at the same rate as other humans, though some have jump-started their adventures a year or two earlier than normal. Though their natural lifespans are similar to the rest of their kind, paragons tend to either die young in a blaze of glory or remain hearty and hale well after other humans of similar age would have grown infirm."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"entries": [
"Paragons tend to hold extreme beliefs and are rarely neutral, unless they hold 'balance' as a strong philosophical ideal."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size",
"entries": [
"Paragons typically range toward the high end of potential human height, some even reaching over 7 feet in height (though the stature of legendary figures is often exaggerated after their deaths). Your size is Medium."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Capable",
"entries": [
"You gain proficiency in one tool of your choice."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Skilled",
"entries": [
"You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Driven",
"entries": [
"When you fail an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, you may reroll it with advantage. You must abide by the result of the reroll, even if it is worse. Once you use this ability, you must finish a short or long rest before you may do so again."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common and two extra languages of your choice."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"While humans as a whole cannot claim to be the strongest, or toughest, or the most magically adept race in Eberron, some few among them possess an ephemeral quality that sets them apart: paragons of humanity that rise to prominence and lead the way for their fellows.","Though most non-dragonmarked humans are hard to define as a whole, you are set apart from your fellows by an inexorable determination and will to etch your name in the history books."
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 68,
"heightMod": "2d10",
"baseWeight": 160,
"weightMod": "2d4"
"name": "Dragonborn (Variant)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 15,
"size": ["M"],
"speed": 30,
"darkvision": 60,
"ability": [
"str": 2,
"cha": 1
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 66,
"heightMod": "2d8",
"baseWeight": 175,
"weightMod": "2d6"
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"draconic": true
"resist": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"soundClip": {
"type": "internal",
"path": "races/dragonborn.mp3"
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Uncommon Race"
"entries": [
"name": "Age",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Young dragonborn grow quickly. They walk hours after hatching, attain the size and development of a 10-year-old human child by the age of 3, and reach adulthood by 15. They live to be around 80."
"name": "Alignment",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Dragonborn society revolves around honor, duty, and loyalty to the clan. Dragonborn are likely to either embrace or reject this completely and are rarely neutral on the law/chaos axis of their alignments. The method by which you carry out your duty matters less than the fact that you do it, so the good/evil alignment is less extreme."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size",
"entries": [
"Dragonborn are taller and heavier than humans, standing well over 6 feet tall and averaging almost 250 pounds. Your size is Medium."
"name": "Draconic Ancestry",
"entries": [
"You have draconic ancestry. Choose one type of dragon from the Draconic Ancestry table. Your breath weapon and damage resistance are determined by the dragon type, as shown in the table.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Draconic Ancestry",
"colLabels": [
"Damage Type",
"Breath Weapon"
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
"5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)"
"5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)"
"5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)"
"5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)"
"5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. save)"
"15 ft. cone (Dex. save)"
"15 ft. cone (Con. save)"
"15 ft. cone (Dex. save)"
"15 ft. cone (Con. save)"
"15 ft. cone (Con. save)"
"type": "entries"
"name": "Breath Weapon",
"entries": [
"You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. Your draconic ancestry determines the size, shape, and damage type of the exhalation.",
"When you use your breath weapon, each creature in the area of the exhalation must make a saving throw, the type of which is determined by your draconic ancestry. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes {@dice 2d6} damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases to {@dice 3d6} at 6th level, {@dice 4d6} at 11th level, and {@dice 5d6} at 16th level.",
"After you use your breath weapon, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Darkvision",
"entries": [
"You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Draconic Endurance",
"entries": [
"Whenever you would take damage of the same type your breath weapon deals, you reduce that damage by an amount equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum reduction of 1). If you have resistance to the same type of damage, apply the reduction before your resistance."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Dragonborn Weapon Training",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency with the greatsword and longsword, and the tratnyr. A tratnyr is a metal-tipped spear weight a broad, heavy, serrated head. While still weighted for throwing, it’s large bladed head shortens its effective distance in comparison to a regular spear."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Languages",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic. Draconic is thought to be one of the oldest languages and is often used in the study of magic. The language sounds harsh to most other creatures and includes numerous hard consonants and sibilants."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Orc (Variant)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 24,
"skillProficiencies": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"animal handling",
"count": 1
"ability": [
"str": 2,
"con": 1
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"goblin": true,
"orc": true
"size": ["M"],
"speed": 30,
"darkvision": 60,
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Powerful Build"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Age",
"entries": [
"Orcs mature faster than humans, standing fully grown and developed at around age 12. Their lives are significantly shorter than a human’s, however, with those living past 50 years being a rarity."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"entries": [
"Orcs tend to be passionate, with little regard for extensive rules and obligations, and tend toward chaotic alignments. Contrary to some vile prejudices, orcs do not tend toward evil alignments."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size",
"entries": [
"Orcs usually stand over 6 feet tall and are typically much more muscular and burly than a human of the same height, weighing between 230 and 280 pounds. Your size is Medium."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Darkvision",
"entries": [
"You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Passionate",
"entries": [
"Orcs are defined by their strong emotions, often heedless of danger while trusting their convictions. You may roll a {@dice d8} and add it to the result of any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check. You can wait until after you roll the d20 before deciding to roll this {@dice d8}, but you must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.","When you reach 3rd level, you may choose to add the result of this {@dice d8} to a weapon damage roll.","You can use this feature once and regain the ability to do so after finishing a short or long rest."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Savage Attacks",
"entries": [
"When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll the weapon's damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Primal Intuition",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: {@skill Animal Handling}, {@skill Insight}, {@skill Medicine}, {@skill Nature}, {@skill Perception}, or {@skill Survival}."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Powerful Build",
"entries": [
"You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common, Goblin, and Orc."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Orcs are one of the indigenous races of Khorvaire, having spread across the continent since well before the formation of the goblinoid Dhakaani Empire in the Age of Monsters. They are a fiercely passionate people and oft-disposed to throwing themselves blindly into a cause without overthinking it. Because of this tendency to act on impulse and 'gut feeling' over logic and reason, orcs have never formed a large civilization over the countless millennia they have existed, and the Dhakaani goblinoids exploited this to push them to the frontiers of the continent.","When human settlers from Sarlona landed in western Khorvaire in the Demon Wastes and the Shadow Marches, the native orc tribes at first warred with them. But over time, these people mingled, and many orcs eagerly embraced the new gods the humans brought with them, the Sovereign Host. Many orcs even counted their legendary racial folk hero, the one-eyed Garu-Umesh, as an aspect of Dol Dorn, Sovereign of Strength. But older, more primal faiths still hold sway, especially in the Shadow Marches, where descendants of the original orc druid Gatekeepers and the Cults of the Dragon Below continue to clash."
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 64,
"heightMod": "2d8",
"baseWeight": 175,
"weightMod": "2d6"
"name": "Eneko",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 19,
"skillProficiencies": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"animal handling",
"count": 1
"ability": [
"con": 2,
"str": 1
"additionalSpells": [
"innate": {
"3": {
"rest": {
"1": [
"pass without trace"
"ability": "cha"
"resist": {
"poison": true
"traitTags": [
"Damage Resistance",
"Weapon Proficiency",
"Powerful Build"
"languageProficiencies": [
"Riedran": true,
"giant": true
"size": ["M"],
"speed": 30,
"darkvision": 60,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Age",
"entries": [
"Eneko mature to adulthood at around age 30, though many might strike out on their own before that. They can live for about a century and a half."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size",
"entries": [
"Eneko are shorter than other kinds of half-ogres, roughly 6 and a half to 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Darkvision",
"entries": [
"You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Eneko Resilience",
"entries": [
"You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Eneko Weapon Training",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency with the longbow."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Giant Endurance",
"entries": [
"Whenever you make a saving throw to resist environmental effects due to weather or climate, you are considered proficient in the saving throw and add double your proficiency bonus to the saving throw, instead of your normal proficiency bonus."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Oni Magic",
"entries": [
"When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the {@spell pass without trace} spell once with this trait. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Powerful Build",
"entries": [
"You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Riedran and Giant."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"In ancient times, after the fall of giant civilization, a small population of debased giantkind fled Xen'drik, fleeing from an existential threat. During their flight across the Thunder Sea, an enormous tempest rose up and smashed into their fleet. When the skies cleared, they found themselves stranded in the open waters with half their fleet missing and no idea of their heading or course. They sailed aimlessly for months, supplies nearly running out before finally landing on the continent of Sarlona. There, they continued their ancient ways of wandering and became nomads in a new, less hostile land.","Centuries later, the ogre kingdom of Borunan was eradicated during the last days of the Sundering, when the Inspired lords forged the Riedran Empire and united the humans of Sarlona against them. The surviving ogres fled into the wild region of Syrkarn, where they were taken in by the nomadic giant folk that now called that untamed wilderness of Sarlona their home. The eneko are the true-breeding half-bloods of these two peoples.","While a fairly regular sight on the continent of Sarlona, the eneko are nearly completely unknown to the peoples of Khorvaire and would be confused for normal ogres on sight. Racial Traits. Eneko have a slight green tint to their skin that engenders the belief that they descended not only from Borunan's ogres, but the near-mythical oni as well. Their innate magical talents lend credence to this belief.","Eneko see themselves as the hearty intermixing of the best traits of all their ancestors, a 'mongrel' folk made stronger for the amalgamation of many peoples."
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 72,
"heightMod": "2d8",
"baseWeight": 190,
"weightMod": "2d6"
"name": "Kobold",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 21,
"traitTags": [
"Natural Armor",
"Skill Proficiency",
"Uncommon Race"
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 25,
"heightMod": "2d4",
"baseWeight": 25,
"weightMod": "1"
"languageProficiencies": [
"draconic": true,
"anyStandard": 1
"ability": [
"dex": 2
"skillProficiencies": [
"perception": true,
"investigation": true
"size": ["S"],
"speed": 30,
"darkvision": 60,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Age",
"entries": [
"Kobolds age quickly and live short lives, about the same as goblins or gnolls."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"entries": [
"Kobolds have a love of tradition, tending toward lawful alignments."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size",
"entries": [
"Kobolds rarely exceed 3 feet in height and have spindly bodies. Your size is Small."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Speed",
"entries": [
"Your base walking speed is 30 feet."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Darkvision",
"entries": [
"You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Keen Observation",
"entries": [
"Kobolds have keen eyesight and cunning attention to detail. You gain proficiency in the {@skill Perception} and {@skill Investigation} skills"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Natural Armor",
"entries": [
"You have a scaly hide. You have an Armor Class of 11 + your Dexterity modifier when not wearing any armor. You may use a shield and still gain the benefit of this Armor Class."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Slight Build",
"entries": [
"You are thin and spry, able to move through surprisingly small spaces with ease. You may treat your size as Tiny whenever that would benefit you, such as squeezing into tight spaces or moving through another creature’s space."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Draconic and one additional language of your choice."
"subraces": [
"name": "Subterranean",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 22,
"traitTags": [
"Tool Proficiency"
"ability": [
"int": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Tinker Craft",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency with artificer’s tools, tinker’s tools or mason’s tools."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Trapsmith",
"entries": [
"If you have artificer’s tools, tinker’s tools, or mason’s tools, and an assortment of materials (such as those found in a burglar’s pack or inventor’s pack), you may craft and set a simple trap as an action. You can lay the trap within any 5-foot space within your reach that does not already have a trap. The trap functions for 1 hour, or until triggered by a creature entering the trap’s space for the first time on its turn, or starting its turn there.","When a creature triggers the trap, it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier, taking bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (your choice) equal to {@damage 1d8} + your Intelligence modifier on a failed save.","Your traps deal additional damage dice as you level up, increasing to {@damage 2d8} when you reach 5th level, {@damage 3d8} when you reach 11th level, and {@damage 4d8} when you reach 17th level."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"{@i Iredar} and {@i irvhir} kobolds, as well as the kobolds of Droaam who largely ignore such divisions, make up the vast majority of all kobolds. They are subterranean, living in the upper caves and tunnels of Khyber or within mountains. These kobolds are crafty and love to tinker with mechanisms and traps."
"name": "Winged",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 22,
"traitTags": [
"ability": [
"cha": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Dragon Wings",
"entries": [
"You have draconic wings appropriate for your size. You have a flying speed of 30 feet.","However, at 1st level you may only fly for up to 1 minute, dividing rounds as you choose. Once you have flown for a total of 10 rounds, you must finish a short or long rest before you can fly again.","When you reach 5th level, the duration of your flight is no longer limited this way."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Dragon Magic",
"entries": [
"You learn one sorcerer cantrip of your choice. When you finish a long rest, you may swap this chosen cantrip for another sorcerer cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for any cantrip you know from this trait."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"All winged kobolds are {@i irsvern}, believed to be the first children of Siberys. They have an innate gift for sorcery, which they attribute to this lineage. Winged kobolds are extremely rare, and are viewed with near awe by the {@i iredar} and {@i irvhir}. The {@i irsvern} roost in high mountain peaks, and only rarely venture forth from their territories."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"At the dawn of time, the progenitor dragons fought, creating the world. In the age that followed, fiends rose from Khyber and dragons were birthed from the union of Siberys and Eberron’s magic. But the kobolds, they say, were already there.","Kobolds believe themselves spawned directly from the blood of the progenitors, shed during their conflict. According to this myth, every kobold belongs to one of three races, one born of each progenitor’s lifeblood: from Eberron, the {@i iredar} (draconic for the “ones of the land”); from Khyber, the {@i irvhir} (the “ones below”); and from Siberys, the {@i irsvern} (the “ones above”).","Whether the lore accounting for this divide is true or not, it is very real. {@i Iredar} and {@i irvhir} kobolds are not physically differentiated, but can identify each other from up to 15 feet away by the scent of pheromones they give off. The {@i irsvern} have their own pheromone scent as well, but are hardly ever seen and easily differentiated by their wings.","Kobolds are an unusual sight in modern day Khorvaire. In Droaam, kobolds and goblins have banded together in solidarity. In the Seawall Mountains on the border of Zilargo, kobolds tribes clash with each other and Zil gnomes. And on the highest mountain peaks of Khorvaire, winged kobolds live in hidden communities. Though kobolds are sophisticated, they abide by their traditions and live in small tribes."
"name": "Minotaur",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 23,
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Uncommon Race"
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 64,
"heightMod": "2d8",
"baseWeight": 175,
"weightMod": "2d6"
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"goblin": true
"ability": [
"str": 2,
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"skillProficiencies": [
"intimidation": true
"size": ["M"],
"speed": 30,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Age",
"entries": [
"Minotaurs enter adulthood at around the age of 17 and can live up to 150 years."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"entries": [
"Minotaurs vary widely in their beliefs, just like any intelligent humanoid, but have had a narrow cultural experience for centuries under the rule of demon-worshipping leaders like Rhesh Turakbar. This has caused them to lean toward evil alignments, but exposure to other cultures can downplay this influence."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size",
"entries": [
"Minotaurs typically stand well over 7 feet tall and weigh a hulking average of 450 pounds. Your size is Medium."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Speed",
"entries": [
"Your base walking speed is 30 feet."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Goring Rush",
"entries": [
"Immediately after you use the Dash action on your turn and move at least as far as your speed, you can make one melee attack with your horns as a bonus action."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Horns",
"entries": [
"Your horns are a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with an unarmed strike using your horns, you deal piercing damage equal to {@damage 1d6} + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Hammering Horns",
"entries": [
"Immediately after you hit a creature with a melee attack as part of the Attack action on your turn, you can attempt to shove that creature with your horns using your reaction. The creature must be no more than one size larger than you and within 5 feet of you. It must make a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. If it fails, you push it up to 5 feet away from you."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Menacing",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency in the {@skill Intimidation} skill."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Powerful Build",
"entries": [
"You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Draconic and one additional language of your choice."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Minotaurs are a common sight in the nation of Droaam, where the Daughters of Sora Kell have granted them a territory to claim as their own. Lead by their warlord Rhesh Turakbar in the worship of the Horned Prince, minotaurs are mainly viewed as bloodthirsty savages. Minotaurs view the Horned Prince as their overlord, but each minotaur has their own view on who the Horned Prince is, finding other opinions inherently flawed.","During the Last War, House Tharashk negotiated to contract the monstrous inhabitants of Droaam as mercenaries. Today, minotaurs can be seen accompanying Tharashk heirs as intimidating bodyguards. Exposure to more civilized views have influenced these minotaurs. These days, it is not uncommon to find minotaurs outside Droaam that identify the Horned Prince with Dol Dorn or Balinor of the Sovereign Host."
"name": "Sahuagin",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 25,
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Uncommon Race",
"Natural Armor",
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 62,
"heightMod": "2d10",
"baseWeight": 110,
"weightMod": "2d4"
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"sahuagin": true
"ability": [
"str": 2,
"wis": 1
"skillProficiencies": [
"intimidation": true
"additionalSpells": [
"innate": {
"1": [
"animal friendship"
"3": {
"rest": {
"1": [
"beast bond"
"ability": "cha"
"size": ["M"],
"speed": {
"walk": 30,
"swim": 40
"darkvision": 60,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Age",
"entries": [
"Sahuaginare birthed live, like sharks are, and reach full maturity in under a decade. They typically live for about a century."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"entries": [
"As intelligent humanoids, sahuagin alignments run the gamut. Though the Eternal Dominion is often brutal and its people embrace their predatory instincts, sahuagin are not inherently evil."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size",
"entries": [
"Sahuagin are scaled, fishy humanoids. When on land they stand with a hunched posture that makes them seem slightly smaller than the average human. Your size is Medium."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Speed",
"entries": [
"Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have aswimming speed of 40 feet."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Darkvision",
"entries": [
"You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"Your razor-toothed maw is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to {@damage 1d6} + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Natural Armor",
"entries": [
"You have tough, scaly skin. When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC is 12 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Keen Senses",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency in the {@skill Perception} skill."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Shark Telepathy",
"entries": [
"You can telepathically communicate with any beast that is a shark (giant sharks, hunter sharks, reef sharks, etc.) within 120 feet of you. When communicating with a shark this way, you can innately cast {@spell animal friendship} on it at will. Starting at 3rd level, you can also cast {@spell beast bond} with this trait, but only on beasts that are sharks. Once you cast it, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Casting these spells in this way requires no components and Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for them."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Limited Amphibiousness",
"entries": [
"You can breathe air and water, but you need to be submerged at least once every 4 hours to avoid suffocating."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common and Sahuagin. Sahuagin is your native language, and it is most suited to speaking underwater. On the surface, it has a gasping, raw-throated quality that many land dwellers find off-putting."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The sahuagin of the Thunder Sea are aquatic humanoids with strong piscine features, including large mouths filled with sharp, shark-like teeth. Their underwater nation is called the Eternal Dominion, and life in the Dominion centers around mindbogglingly gigantic leviathans that sleep on the ocean floor, known as the kar’lassa. These antediluvian beasts have never stirred in their slumber, and the sahuagin build their cities on—and in—their bodies, harvesting their blood and biomatter for food, industry, and magic. Kar’lassa blood has powerful transmutation properties, and careful, ritual consumption of this primal substance, as well as other beings, is what causes sahuagin to mutate, gaining different forms and abilities. For example, the Blood Frenzy trait that sahuagin of the Monster Manual possess is a common mutation for sahuagin in the military, but not every sahuagin is bestowed this power.","The Eternal Dominion interacts peacefully with coastal settlements along the southern shores of Khorvaire and the port city of Stormreach on Xen'drik's coast, so long as their borders are respected. The sahuagin are currently at war with the elves of Aerenal, especially the underwater territories of the Valraean Protectorate that the elves seized from the Dominion. For more information about the Eternal Dominion, the Valraean Protectorate, and the eldritch kar’lassa, look no further than Keith Baker’s Exploring Eberron.","Though sahuagin are said to worship the Devourer of the Dark Six, known to them as Sha’argon, they have several peaceful treaties with nations and even House Lyrandar. Sahuagin often act as guides for sailing vessels and House Lyrandar wind galleons as they make their way across the surface of the Thunder Sea, typically sailing to and from the city of Stormreach.","Although sahuagin can breathe air for a short time, they are ultimately dependent on salt water to live. Due to this, most sahuagin adventurers limit themselves to underwater questing, or stick close to coastal lands. Sahuagin adventurers that find themselves needing to walk dry land for longer periods seek out magical oceanic wrap clothing that will sustain them indefinitely."
"name": "Daelkyr Half-Blood",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 30,
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Uncommon Race",
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"anyStandard": 1
"ability": [
"cha": 2,
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"skillProficiencies": [
"intimidation": true
"size": ["V"],
"speed": 30,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Age",
"entries": [
"Daelkyr half-bloods mature at the same rate as their humanoid parents but do not generally live as long, since they are more likely to suffer from degenerative health conditions in the twilight of their lives."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"entries": [
"Daelkyr half-bloods must always fight vile thoughts that may or may not be their own. They tend toward evil, and are usually neutral at best, but it is not impossible for an exceptional individual to find comfort in altruism, aligning themselves with good. In any case, their roiling madness almost always tends toward chaotic alignments."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size",
"entries": [
"Daelkyr half-bloods are built much like their humanoid parents but appear a little sickly. Your size is either Medium or Small, depending on your humanoid parentage."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Speed",
"entries": [
"Your base walking speed is 30 feet."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Aberrant",
"entries": [
"Your body might appear to be humanoid, but something about your presence is anathema to natural creatures. You have proficiency in the {@skill Intimidation| skill, and your proficiency bonus is doubled on all Charisma ({@skill Intimidation}) checks you make to influence humanoids.","However, you also have disadvantage on Charisma ({@skill Persuasion}) checks made to influence humanoids if you do not have proficiency in the {@skill Persuasion} skill, and on Wisdom ({@skill Animal Handling}) checks if you do not have proficiency in the {@skill Animal Handling} skill."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Personal Symbiont",
"entries": [
"You are bound to an alien entity. It’s part of your body and can’t be removed. Your symbiont possesses a minor supernatural ability, which it can use on your behalf.","Choose a cantrip from the following list: {@spell acid splash}, {@spell guidance} (self only), {@spell infestation|XGE} (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything), {@spell light}, {@spell mage hand}, {@spell poison spray}, {@spell ray of frost}. As long as your personal symbiont is fully exposed, you can cast that cantrip. You can choose to conceal the symbiont, but you can only cast the cantrip you gain with this trait while it’s exposed. Work with your DM to determine the appearance of your symbiont.","When you finish a long rest, you can mutate the symbiont, gaining different benefits; when you do so, you can select a different cantrip from this list. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.","At higher character levels, you can instead mutate your personal symbiont into a form that mimics other kinds of symbiont creatures or items, instead of a form that casts one of the above cantrips. When mutating your personal symbiont into a form that mimics a symbiont creature or item, it is still your personal symbiont, bound to your body. It cannot be detached and you do not need to attune to it.","At 5th level, you can choose to mutate your personal symbiont into a common or uncommon symbiont creature or item.","At 11th level, you can choose to mutate your personal symbiont into a rare symbiont creature or item.","At 17th level, you can choose to mutate your personal symbiont into a very rare symbiont creature or item."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiont Mastery",
"entries": [
"You can attune to one magic item that has the Symbiotic Nature property or one symbiont creature without using an attunement slot. In addition, after you finish a long rest, you can end your attunement to a magic item that has the Symbiotic Nature property. If you detach a symbiont this way, you do not suffer any detrimental effects."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Unbalanced Mind",
"entries": [
"Your mind is in constant self-revolt and contact with it can be debilitating. Any creature that attempts to read your thoughts, study your mind, or make a Wisdom ({@skill Insight}) check to determine information about you suffers disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saves until the start of their next turn."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Though not truly descended from the abominable daelkyr, the so-called 'half-blood' progeny of those horrific and alien fiends could not exist without them. The daelkyr are bound to Khyber, unable to reach the surface of Eberron, but the malignant influence of their power can still seep into the world above, where the ancient seals keeping them in place begin to fail. Unfortunately, the unborn are most vulnerable to this seepage. These innocents, growing in their mothers’ wombs, become tainted, and are born as daelkyr half-bloods.","Most daelkyr half-bloods become adventurers to flee sentiments of distrust and disgust, even from their own parents. Shunned because of their bond with their hideous siblings, they take to the roads to search for adventure and discovery and to forget their troubles."
"name": "Dhampyr",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 31,
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Uncommon Race",
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"anyStandard": 1
"ability": [
"cha": 2,
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 2
"skillProficiencies": [
"persuasion": true
"resist": [
"size": ["V"],
"speed": 30,
"darkvision": 60,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Age",
"entries": [
"Dhampyr age at the same rate as humans until they reach adulthood, then live indefinitely unless they die to accident, disease, or violence."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"entries": [
"The individual personality and alignment of a dhampyr depends on how he or she reacts to the attitudes of others toward the undead. A dhampyr might loathe the undead and take up arms against their cursed heritage, or they might embrace their vampiric origins and enjoy lording over others."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size",
"entries": [
"Dhampyr can be either Medium or Small, depending on which race their mortal parent was."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Speed",
"entries": [
"Regardless of your size, your base walking speed is 30 feet."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Darkvision",
"entries": [
"You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Vampiric Progeny",
"entries": [
"Although you are a living creature, the energy of Mabar suffuses your body. You have resistance to necrotic damage."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Captivating",
"entries": [
"You inherit some of the dark charm of your vampiric parent. You have proficiency in the {@skill Persuasion} skill."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Blood Thirst",
"entries": [
"You can drain blood and life energy from a willing creature, or one that is incapacitated, {@condition restrained}, or {@condition grappled} by you.","As an action, make a melee attack against the target with proficiency. If you hit, you deal 1 piercing damage and {@damage 1d6} necrotic damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and you regain hit points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.","The necrotic damage increases by {@damage 1d6} when you reach 5th level ({@damage 2d6}), 11th level ({@damage 3d6}), and 17th level ({@damage 4d6}).","For every three days that you do not successfully deal 1 or more points of necrotic damage with this attack, you suffer one level of exhaustion, to a maximum of 4 levels from this effect. Levels of exhaustion gained this way cannot be removed by rest or magic; they can only be removed by dealing necrotic damage with this attack. Doing so instantly removes one level of exhaustion gained from this trait for every point of necrotic damage it deals (but not levels of exhaustion gained from other effects)."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Sunlight Sensitivity",
"entries": [
"You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom ({@slo;; Perception}) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common and one additional language of your choice."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Born from both the living and the undead, dhampyr in Eberron can be seen as either abominations or blessings. The first dhampyr in existence were created purposely by the Qabalrin elves ages ago, as part of experiments with infusing negative energy into mortal flesh. The practice of copulating with vampires continued with the traditions of the line of Vol, until the purging of the bloodline and the exiling of their allies from Aerenal.","In modern times, most dhampyr are the progeny of a human and a vampire, rather than elven and vampiric parents, but dhampyr created from any common race and a vampire are possible. The faith of the Blood of Vol looks upon the undead as martyrs of their faith, making the rare dhampyr birth a holy occurrence to the Seekers of Divinity Within.","However, the faithful of other religions still hold to the belief that vampires are evil, unnatural, and predatory creatures, causing most common folk to look upon dhampyr with distrust and suspicion. Even in Karrnath, where belief in the Blood of Vol is more common, dhampyr can often make people uneasy, with either awe or fear."
"name": "Eladrin",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 32,
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Uncommon Race",
"Improved Resting"
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"sylvan": true
"ability": [
"dex": 1
"size": ["M"],
"speed": 30,
"darkvision": 60,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Age",
"entries": [
"Eladrin have the same rate of maturity and concept of adulthood as elves, but they are fey creatures who do not die of old age."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"entries": [
"As fey beings of Thelanis, the eladrin are living stories. They each tell a tale with every breath they take and step they make. Depending on where an eladrin exists within the larger narrative of Thelanis, their alignments can vary dramatically."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size",
"entries": [
"Eladrin have statuesque, svelte builds, and stand over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Speed",
"entries": [
"Your base walking speed is 30 feet."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Darkvision",
"entries": [
"Your fey eyes see more than mere mortal vision can. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Fey Blood",
"entries": [
"You have advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed}, and magic can't put you to sleep. Additionally, your creature type is fey, rather than humanoid."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Fey Step",
"entries": [
"As a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Trance",
"entries": [
"Eladrin don't need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is 'trance.') After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan. To the untrained ear, Sylvan sounds nearly identical to Elvish. However, the two languages are separated by tens of thousands of years of development, and Sylvan sounds incredibly archaic to the point of gibberish to elves who do not speak Sylvan."
"subraces": [
"name": "Feyspire",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 32,
"traitTags": [
"ability": [
"int": 2
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"The story of eladrin born in a feyspire can be somewhat rigid, as they follow the story of their Lord or Lady. Most feyspire eladrin match the alignment of their ruler, typically lawful, as they play supporting roles in the tale of their patron, but some may play the part of antagonist or rebel, and thus seek to forge their own legend."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Feyspire Magic",
"entries": [
"Eladrin born of the Feyspires possess the magic of the feyspire of their birth itself. Choose one of the feyspires listed below. You gain the ability to cast the cantrip associated with your feyspire. Your initial choice of feyspire is usually permanent; it is the Feyspire you were born in and the story of it and its Lord or Lady is a driving force for your own story. However, it is possible to forsake the story of your birth spire and swear allegiance to a new one. Typically, the Lord or Lady of your new spire will demand a service or quest, usually demanding you accept a geas spell cast upon you, and when you complete this quest, you lose the cantrip associated with your former feyspire and gain the cantrip granted by your new one.","Your spellcasting ability for your feyspire cantrip is Intelligence or Charisma, whichever is higher.",
"type": "table",
"colLabels": [
"colStyles": [
"rows": [
["{@i Pylas Pyrial}, the Gate of Joy","{@spell friends}"],
["{@i Shae Joridal}, the City of Emerald Lights","{@spell dancing lights}"],
["{@i Shae Lora Lyndar}, the City of Rose and Thorn","{@spell thorn whip}"],
["{@i Shaelas Tiraleth}, the Court of the Silver Tree","{@spell guidance}"],
["{@i Taer Lian Doresh}, the Fortress of Fading Dreams","{@spell minor illusion}"],
["{@i Taer Syraen}, the Winter Citadel","{@spell ray of frost}"]
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The Feyspires, six glorious citadels of culture, magic, and civilization once stood amongst the beautiful wilderness of Thelanis. Civilization and nature stood in harmony, each made more beautiful by the contrast. Now, the Feyspires have become stuck in the mire of the material plane, and the courtly eladrin within them must deal with the mundane world beyond."
"name": "Wild",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 32,
"ability": [
"cha": 2
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alignment",
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"entries": [
"Eladrin of the wilds often follow carefree storylines, unlike their cousins in the Feyspires, tending toward chaotic alignments. Those few who take it upon themselves to travel to the material plane tend toward good alignments as they are likely following heroic tales."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Feyspire Magic",
"entries": [
"Wild eladrin's stories are associated with the changing seasons. Unlike the material plane, the seasons on Thelanis seem to change with the mood of the plane's occupants. When you finish a long rest, you may choose a season of your liking and adopt it, changing your physical form to match. Regardless of your form, you remain recognizable as your previous self. Your chosen season represents a mood or narrative tone that you take on:","{@i Autumn} is the season of peace and goodwill, when summer's harvest is shared with all. When you assume this season, your skin, hair, and eyes take on autumnal colors of reds and yellows.","{@i Winter} is the season of contemplation and dolor, when the vibrant energy of the world slumbers. When you assume this season, your features show a palette of muted purples, pale blues, and snow white.","{@i Spring} is the season of cheerfulness and celebration, marked by merriment as winter's sorrow passes. In this season, the hues of your body become vibrant and pastels, the color of wild spring flowers.","{@i Summer} is the season of boldness and aggression, a time of unfettered energy. While in this season, golden yellows and vivid blues mark your appearance."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Wild Step",
"entries": [
"When you reach 3rd level, your Fey Step trait gains an additional effect based on the season your story currently follows; if the effect requires a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Autumn",
"entries": [
"Immediately after you use your Fey Step, up to two creatures of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be {@condition charmed} by you for 1 minute, or until you or your companions deal any damage to it."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Winter",
"entries": [
"When you use your Fey Step, one creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of you before you teleport must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be {@condition frightened} of you until the end of your next turn."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Spring",
"entries": [
"When you use your Fey Step, you can touch one willing creature within 5 feet of you. That creature then teleports instead of you, appearing in an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Summer",
"entries": [
"Immediately after you use your Fey Step, each creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of you takes fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 damage)."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Though called 'wild' by their courtly kin within the Feyspires, eladrin whose stories eb and flow with the seasons are no less magically adept. Though they used to run free and cavort in the wilds with other fey, the sudden absence of the Feyspires has caused these wild eladrin to feel an ache in their souls; a complement to themselves has been lost. Some few have traveled to the material plane, a place of quickening, withering, and pointless sorrow, to help their wayward cousins home."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Eladrin are almost unheard of in modern-day Khorvaire. Their society has hidden behind powerful illusory veils and the shifting of realities for millennia. In ancient history, however, one of their veiled cities was discovered, ransacked, and destroyed by the ancient giants of Xen'drik. The fallen feyspire’s people were taken and experimented on to create elves and drow, who lost most of their cultural heritage under giant enslavement. However, since the Day of Mourning, the eladrin’s veils have failed. The Feyspires have now become stuck in the fabric of the cosmos, them and their people anchored to the material plane.","Eladrin might become adventurers to solve the mystery of the cosmically-stuck Feyspires, or to explore the current society they are now stranded in. They often attempt to pass themselves off as elves, as they bear a striking resemblance to them, with the exception of their solid-color eyes."
"name": "Killoren",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 34,
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Uncommon Race",
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"orc": true
"ability": [
"con": 1,
"wis": 1
"skillProficiencies": [
"nature": true
"size": ["V"],
"speed": 30,
"darkvision": 60,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Age",
"entries": [
"Killoren mature to adulthood within a decade, and do not die from old age, nor do they grow infirm with time."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Size",
"entries": [
"Killoren are roughly the same size as elves, though otherwise drastically different in appearance. Your size is Medium."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Speed",
"entries": [
"Your base walking speed is 30 feet."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Darkvision",
"entries": [
"You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Fey Blood",
"entries": [
"You have advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed}, and magic can't put you to sleep. Additionally, your creature type is fey, rather than humanoid."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Natural Heart",
"entries": [
"Killoren have strong intuition about the natural world. You have proficiency in the {@skill Nature} skill."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Languages",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common and Orc."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Manifest Nature's Might",
"entries": [
"Killoren are forever bound to the raw forces of nature itself, manifesting this bond even in their physical form. A killoren can only manifest one aspect of nature’s might at a time. After taking a long rest, you can spend 10 minutes in quiet meditation as the sun rises, filling your spirit with an aspect of nature.","Once you have chosen an aspect to manifest, you gain the traits of that aspect until you choose a new one. Although killoren can change their aspect from day to day, many killoren favor one aspect over the others and rarely choose to manifest one of the other two aspects. The three aspects are Ancient, Destroyer, and Hunter.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Aspect of the Ancient",
"entries": [
"While manifesting the aspect of the ancient, you embody the deep and ancient secrets of nature itself. Your hair turns white and your eyes turn to the color of a blue summer sky.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Ancient Knowledge",
"entries": [
"You may cast your mind into the deep well of history as an action. At the end of one minute of concentration (as though concentrating on a spell), you may make an Intelligence check to recall any sort of lore (such as that covered by the {@skill Arcana}, {@skill History}, {@skill Nature}, and {@skill Religion} skills). You are considered proficient with this check and add double your proficiency bonus on the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.","Once you use this ability, you must finish a long rest before you may do so again."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Naturespeak",
"entries": [
"You know the {@spell druidcraft} cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the {@spell speak with animals} spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast the {@spell speak with plants} spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.","Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Aspect of the Destroyer",
"entries": [
"Many revere nature for its raw power and devastation, but none more so than you while manifesting the aspect of the destroyer. Your eyes turn a deep lusterless black and your gaze becomes highly disturbing.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Frightening Avatar",
"entries": [
"You gain proficiency in the {@skill Intimidation} skill, but you have disadvantage on Charisma ({@skill Persuasion}) checks."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Devastation",
"entries": [
"You harbor an unyielding hatred of the unnatural. As a bonus action, you can designate one target you can see that is not a beast, elemental, fey, humanoid, or plant. For 1 minute, whenever you make a melee weapon attack against the target, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll. At 9th level this increases to a +3 bonus on damage rolls, and at 16th level this increases to a +4 bonus on damage rolls.","Once you use this trait, you may not do so again until you have finished a short or long rest."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Aspect of the Hunter",
"entries": [
"The hunt affects nearly every aspect of nature and claims a place of great prominence and importance in the cycle of life. While you manifest the aspect of the hunter, you are bound to the essence of the hunt, and your senses sharpen to an amazing degree. Your hair and eyes turn a deep forest green, and your skin tone becomes a deeper brown than when manifesting one of the other aspects.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Mask of the Wild",
"entries": [
"You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena."
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Hunt",
"entries": [
"As a bonus action, you can mark one creature you can see within 10 feet of you. Until the end of your next long rest, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make to find the marked creature, and you always know the location of that creature if it is within 60 feet of you. You can’t use this trait again until you finish a short or long rest."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Wildsense",
"entries": [
"If you are surprised at the start of combat, you can still move and take your action on your first turn of combat, and you can take a reaction as soon as you finish your turn."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"First appearing in the Towering Wood of the Eldeen Reaches millennia ago, the killoren population has since dwindled to a mere fraction of what it once was. The ancient among them tell of a time when insanity incarnate threatened the natural world, the druidic orcs and militaristic Dhakaani Empire fighting to stem the tide. But in the end, they say, it was the appearance of the killoren that allowed victory, bolstering the orc and goblinoid armies with their numbers, and adding the very might of nature to their cause.","Though immortal, killoren can die from violence or accident as readily as any human, and the race seems almost driven to prove this point. Throwing themselves into the most dangerous frontiers of Khorvaire to do battle with the demonic, the aberrant, and the monstrous, killoren adventurers are more common amongst their number than civilians.","Many killoren now look toward the Mournland, itching for vengeance against what caused such a malignant blight upon the natural world. In fact, since the Day of Mourning four years ago, the number of killoren births seems to be on the rise..."
"background": [
"name": "Citizen",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 101,
"entries": [
"type": "list",
"style": "list-hang-notitle",
"items": [
"type": "item",
"name": "Equipment",
"entry": "Identification papers marking you as a citizen of your nation, one set of tools you are proficient with, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp."
"name": "Background Feature",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Although all citizens of a nation might share the same culture, they are individuals. Select the background feature of any other background listed in the Player’s Handbook. You gain that background feature."
"data": {
"isFeature": true
"type": "table",
"caption": "Citizen Proficiencies",
"colLabels": [
"You are...",
"colStyles": [
"col-1 text-center ",
"rows": [
["Aundair","an Aundairian","{@skill Arcana}, {@skill History}","{@item alchemist's supplies|phb} plus one of the following: winemaker's supplies, {@item cook's utensils|phb}, {@item calligrapher's supplies|phb}","-"],
["Breland","a Brel","{@skill History}, {@skill Insight}","one type of {@item gaming set|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Cyre","a Cyran","{@skill History}, plus {@skill Performance} or {@skill Survival}","one type of {@item musical instrument|phb}, or one of the following: {@item calligrapher's suppplies|phb}, {@item jeweler's tools|phb}, {@item painter's supplies|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Karrnath","a Karrn","{@skill Athletics}, {@skill History}","{@item brewer's supplies|phb}, Conqueror {@item gaming set|phb}","-"],
["Thrane","a Thrane","{@skill History}, {@skill Religion}","one of the following: {@item carpenter's tools|phb}, {@item cobbler's tools|phb}, {@item leatherworker's tools|phb}","Celestial"]
"startingEquipment": [
"_": [
{"special": "identification papers marking you as a citizen of your nation"},
{"special": "one set of tools you are proficient with"},
{"special": "common clothes"},
{"special": "pouch","containsValue": 1000}
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"First and foremost, you consider yourself a true scion of your homeland. The Five Nations are the oldest standing bastions of civilization in Khorvaire and possessed distinct cultural identities before, during, and now after the united Kingdom of Galifar.","Even if you were not born in your country proper, but rather were raised in an expatriate community like those in Stormreach, your community continues the strong traditions of its motherland. After the Last War, the Five Nations were further divided by the Treaty of Thronehold into many different sovereign nations. Though these countries have begun to have solidified their own national identities, most of them are too new or lawless to develop the kind of shared cultural experience that the Five Nations attained over a thousand years. Many citizens of these new nations still cling to the identity of their former parent nation, even if they don't realize it.","Your background grants you equipment, plus skill, tool, and language proficiencies specific to the nation you consider your homeland."
"name": "Eldeen Aspirant",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 102,
"skillProficiencies": [
"nature": true,
"choose": {
"from": [
"entries": [
"type": "list",
"style": "list-hang-notitle",
"items": [
"type": "item",
"name": "Skill Proficiencies",
"entry": "{@skill Nature} and one skill appropriate to your druidic sect noted below."
"type": "item",
"name": "Tool Proficiencies",
"entry": "Herbalism kit"
"type": "item",
"name": "Languages",
"entry": "Druidic (As the druid class feature in the Player's Handbook)"
"type": "item",
"name": "Equipment",
"entry": "A skinning knife, an {@item herbalism kit|phb}, a trophy from an animal you killed, and a set of traveler's clothes."
"name": "Feature: Live Off the Land",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth. In addition, as long as you can see the sun or stars, you are always able to discern which direction is true north."
"data": {
"isFeature": true
"name": "Suggested Characteristics",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Aspirants to druidic traditions are shaped by their bond with nature, and how their sect focuses this bond. Important sites or relics to the Gatekeepers would be very different from those sacred to the Children of Winter. Those following the Ashbound would probably lean closer to evil ideals and fanatical flaws.",
"type": "table",
"colLabels": [
"Personality Trait"
"colStyles": [
"col-1 text-center",
"rows": [
"I idolize a particular hero of my druidic sect, and constantly refer to that person's deeds and example."
"I once sprinted twenty-five miles without stopping to warn my druid circle of an approaching horde of aberrant beasts. I'd do it again if I had to."
"I see omens in every event and action. Nature speaks to us always, we just need to listen."
"I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk. Money and manners won't save you from a hungry owlbear."
"I quote (or misquote) proverbs and druidic aphorisms in almost every situation."
"I am tolerant (or intolerant) of the worship of gods of nature."
"I was, in fact, raised by wolves."
"I've spent so long in the wilderness that I have little practical experience dealing with people who live in cities and towns."
"type": "table",
"colLabels": [
"colStyles": [
"col-1 text-center",
"rows": [
"Tradition. The ancient traditions of druidism and nature must be preserved and upheld. (Lawful)"
"Change. We must help bring about the change that nature demands in the world. (Chaotic)"
["3","Conviction. I will do whatever it takes to purify this world, no matter the cost. (Evil)"],
["4","Compassion. I will always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost. (Good)"],
["5","Ambition. I hope to one day rise up and become a renowned member of my druidic sect. (Any)"],["6","Determination. Nothing and no one can steer me away from my higher calling. (Any)"]
"type": "table",
"colLabels": [
"colStyles": [
"col-1 text-center",
"rows": [
["1","The fellow aspirants I began my studies with are the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me."],
["2","A blight upon the unspoiled reaches of the wild is a blight upon my soul."],
["3","I suffer awful visions of a coming disaster and will do anything to prevent it."],
["4","I would die to recover an ancient relic of my druidic sect that was lost long ago."],
["5","I owe my life to the druid who took me in when my parents died."],
["6","I wish my childhood sweetheart had come with me to pursue my destiny."
"type": "table",
"colLabels": [
"colStyles": [
"col-1 text-center",
"rows": [
["1","I put too much trust in those who wield power within my druidic sect."],
["2","I am inflexible in my thinking."],
["3","I am suspicious of those who live life disconnected from the wilderness and expect the worst of them."],
["4","I secretly long for the vices and comfort of the city, especially hard drink."],
["5","Violence is my answer to almost any challenge. Survival of the fittest is nature's decree."],
["6","My hatred of nature's enemies is blind and unreasoning."
"toolProficiencies": [
"herbalism kit": true
"startingEquipment": [
"_": [
{"special": "identification papers marking you as a citizen of your nation"},
{"special": "one set of tools you are proficient with"},
{"special": "common clothes"},
{"special": "pouch","containsValue": 1000}
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"You adhere to the teachings of a druidic tradition. While all druidic sects of the Eldeen Reaches revere the power of nature above all else, they each come to this belief from different roots.","Though the leaders and teachers of these traditions are usually druids, their way of life is taught to any willing to learn. Rangers are common amongst the Eldeen sects, as well as fighters who develop their skills as scouts. Barbarians who follow the path of the totem warrior are also highly respected, for they are seen to channel the wrath of nature itself through their rages. With one exception, these druidic sects will even welcome arcane spellcasters amongst their number, for the aid and knowledge they bring to a community cannot be discounted.","Though living one's life according to druidic tradition does not preclude worship of a deity, those with profound faith in a religion often come to understand nature through Arawai, Balinor, or the Devourer rather than the teachings of a sect. That said, it is not unheard of to find paladins who've taken the oath of the ancients or clerics who venerate the abstract force of nature itself to be found in an Eldeen sect.","No matter the path by which an aspirant came to their chosen sect, they must be taught the secret druidic language. Only through this ancient tongue can the secrets of nature be revealed.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Druidic Sects of the Eldeen Reaches",
"entries": [
"Though all druids in the Eldeen Reaches can trace their traditions back to the Scaled Apostate, their philosophies have diverged in the roll of years since that ancient history. Here are some of the major druidic sects that can be found today.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Ashbound",
"entries": [
"The Ashbound believe that civilization is harmful, and that it has produced the worst abomination to the natural order possible: arcane magic. They do not allow arcane spellcasters to become aspirants, and in fact are fanatical in their goal to see such people punished and their magical works destroyed. The Ashbound believe that the Day of Mourning was caused by arcane magic run amok, and blame wizards, artificers, and the like for the disgusting blight on the world that is the Mournland. Ashbound initiates are trained in {@skill Arcana}, to better recognize and target arcanists, artifacts, and magic items."
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Children of Winter",
"entries": [
"Winter is the time of year when death covers the land. This sect, while not wholly evil, rarely has good-aligned aspirants, as they view the death of the weak and pitiful to be nature's due course. Mercy is a crime to the Children of Winter, and the brutal cycle of predator and prey their ideal. Aspirants to the Children of Winter must be proficient in {@skill Survival}, for they must provide for themselves. Those who can't will simply starve."
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Gatekeepers",
"entries": [
"The oldest sect of druidism in Khorvaire, the Gatekeepers have grown fewer and fewer in number as their teachings lose relevance. Still, they insist on the absolute necessity of maintaining their ancient seals, warding the natural world from extraplanar threats and imprisoning the horrors of a long-forgotten war within Khyber. While Gatekeeper aspirants are fewer and farther between than they once were, they are all trained in {@skill Arcana} to better identify and maintain the Gatekeeper's protective barriers and track planar movements."
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Greensingers",
"entries": [
"The Greensingers are an intensely capricious druidic sect, embodying the unfathomable whims of nature. A pleasant summer day can quickly devolve into a cacophonous downpour beneath a roaring sky of thunder clouds, only for golden rays of sunlight to pierce the darkness of the storm and herald a rainbow on the horizon. So, too, do the Greensingers live. With a strong tie to fey and the plane of Thelanis, the Greensingers do not accept any 'lay' members among their number, only teaching their ways to those capable of spellcasting, especially arcane spellcasters like fey-pact warlocks and wild-magic sorcerers. The Greensingers’ philosophy is too wild and unpredictable to truly 'train' any initiates, but all who manage to follow their path eventually become proficient with {@skill Deception}, to match the beguiling and fickle nature of their peers."
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Wardens of the Wood",
"entries": [
"The single largest druidic sect in Khorvaire, the Wardens of the Wood believe in the sincere stewardship of the land. They see the stone structures and wooden homes of cities to be the natural habitat of the common races and embrace the progress and technology of civilized culture. Their efforts to protect nature revolve around the hunting of unnatural creatures, such as monstrosities and fiends, and educating others on responsible cultivation and harvesting of nature's bounty. Warden aspirants are trained in {@skill Athletics} to ensure their physical prowess, as the Wardens are capable of fielding an army to rival one of the Five Nations, and all aspirants must be able to serve as soldiers if need be."
"name": "House Guild Member",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 104,
"entries": [
"type": "list",
"style": "list-hang-notitle",
"items": [
"type": "item",
"name": "Skill Proficiencies",
"entry": "Dependent on the House Guild you have membership in."
"type": "item",
"name": "Tool Proficiencies",
"entry": "Dependent on the House Guild you have membership in."
"type": "item",
"name": "Languages",
"entry": "Dependent on the House Guild you have membership in."
"type": "item",
"name": "Equipment",
"entry": "A set of {@item calligrapher's supplies|phb} or one tool your guild grants proficiency in, Identification papers marking you as a member of the guild (or Dragonmarked House if you are a blood relative), a set of {@item common clothes|phb} or {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp."
"name": "Feature: Guild Membership",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"As an established member of a House guild, you can rely on certain benefits that membership provides. Your fellow guild members will provide you with lodging and food if necessary and pay for your funeral if needed. In most major cities and towns in Thronehold Nations, a House Enclave offers a central place to meet other members of your profession, which can be a good place to meet potential patrons, allies, or hirelings.","The Dragonmarked Houses, and to a lesser extent their guilds, wield tremendous political power. If you are accused of a crime, your guild will support you if a good case can be made for your innocence or the crime is justifiable. You can also gain access to influential political figures through the guild, if you are a member in good standing. Such connections might require the donation of money or magic items to the guild's coffers.","If you are not a blood relative of the House a guild is owned by, you must pay dues of 5 gp per month to the guild. If you miss payments, you must make up back dues to remain in the guild's good graces."
"data": {
"isFeature": true
"name": "Suggested Characteristics",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"The {@background Guild Artisan|phb}'s suggested characteristics in the Player’s Handbook are particularly fitting for House Guild members."
"type": "table",
"caption": "House Guild Member Proficiencies",
"colLabels": [
"Mark Requirement",
"colStyles": [
"col-0-5 text-center ",
"rows": [
["Medani","None","Warning Guild","{@skill Perception}, {@skill Investigation}","{@item Inquisitive's Kit|KCAA}, {@item Herbalism kit|phb}","-"],
["Tharashk","None","Finder's Guild","{@skill Perception}, {@skill Survival}","{@item Cartographer's tools|phb}, {@item Navigator's tools|phb}","-"],
["Vadalis","None","Handler's Guild","{@skill Animal Handling}, {@skill Nature}","{@item Cobbler's tools|phb}, {@item Herbalism kit|phb}","-"],
["Jorasco","None","Healer's Guild","{@skill Insight}, {@skill Medicine}","{@item Alchemist's supplies|phb}, {@item Herbalism kit|phb}","-"],
["Ghallanda","None","Hosteler's Guild","{@skill Persuasion}","{@item Cook's utensils|phb}","Two of your choice"],
["Cannith","None","Tinker's Guild","{@skill Persuasion}","{@item Artificer's tools|KCAA}, {@item Tinker's tools|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Cannith","None","Fabricator's Guild","{@skill History}, {@skill Persuasion}","Two of any kind of {@item Artisan's tools|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Orien","Passage","Courier's Guild","{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Acrobatics}","{@item Cartographer's tools|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Orien","None","Transportation Guild","{@skill Athletics}","{@item Cartographer's tools|phb}, vehicles (land)","One of your choice"],
["Sivis","Scribing","Notaries Guild","{@skill Insight}","{@item Glyphbook set|KCAA}","Two of your choice"],
["Sivis","Scribing","Speaker's Guild","{@skill Insight}, {@skill Persuasion}","-","Two of your choice"],
["Deneith","None","Blademark's Guild","{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Intimidation}","One kind of {@item gaming set|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Deneith","Sentinel","Defender's Guild","{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Perception}","One kind of {@item gaming set|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Phiarlan","None","Entertainer's Guild","{@skill Acrobatics}, {@skill Performance}","-","Two of your choice"],
["Phiarlan","None","Artisan's Guild","{@skill History}, {@skill Arcana}","Two types of {@item artisan's tools|phb}","-"],
["Thuranni","Shadow","Shadow Network","{@skill Deception}, {@skill Stealth}","{@item Disguise kit|phb}, {@item Poisoner's kit|phb}","-"],
["Lyrandar","None","Windwright's Guild","{@skill Acrobatics}, {@skill Athletics}","{@item Navigator's tools|phb}, vehicles (water) or vehicles (air)","-"],
["Lyrandar","Storm","Raincaller's Guild","{@skill Nature}, {@skill Survival}","{@item Cartographer's tools|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Kundarak","Warding","Banking Guild","{@skill Insight}, {@skill Persuasion}","{@item Calligrapher's supplies|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Kundarak","Warding","Warding Guild","{@skill Investigation}, {@skill Perception}","{@item Thieve's tools|phb}","One of your choice"]
"startingEquipment": [
"a": [
"special": "calligrapher's supplies"
"b": [
"special": "one tool your guild grants proficiency in"
"a": [
"special": "common clothes"
"b": [
"special": "traveler's clothes"
"_": [
{"special": "papers marking you as a member of the guild (or Dragonmarked House if you are a blood relative)"},
{"special": "pouch","containsValue": 1500}
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The Dragonmarked families control much of industry and commerce among the Thronehold Nations of Khorvaire. However, they would not be the economic powerhouses that they are if they only allowed blood relations to work for them.","Each house has one or two major guilds that control much of a certain trade. Some of these guilds rely on the power of dragonmarks and only those with the appropriate Mark can join the guild—and may in fact be expected to by their family. However, several more employ and train all those interested in learning the trade and working diligently.","Below is a list of Houses, their guilds, and what languages and proficiencies they grant their members."
"name": "House Guild Member (Scion)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 105,
"entries": [
"type": "list",
"style": "list-hang-notitle",
"items": [
"type": "item",
"name": "Skill Proficiencies",
"entry": "Dependent on the House Guild you have membership in, or substituting one or more of your guild's skill proficiencies for proficiency in up to two of the following skills: {@skill Deception}, {@skill Insight}, {@skill Intimidate}, or {@skill Persuasion}"
"type": "item",
"name": "Tool Proficiencies",
"entry": "Dependent on the House Guild you have membership in."
"type": "item",
"name": "Languages",
"entry": "Dependent on the House Guild you have membership in."
"type": "item",
"name": "Equipment",
"entry": "A set of {@item calligrapher's supplies|phb} or one tool your guild grants proficiency in, Identification papers marking you as a member of the guild (or Dragonmarked House if you are a blood relative), a set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp. You may substitute the set of tools for 50 additional gp."
"name": "Feature: Favored in the House",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"As long as you remain in contact with your House's upper echelons, you have access to influential political figures directly through the House and need not donate money or magic items to gain an audience with them. Furthermore, the House supports you with a wealthy lifestyle at no cost to yourself.","These perks come with a cost, however. As your influence grows, the requests for favors start to go both ways. If you decline a request or fail to keep a promise, you may find yourself quickly ostracized. Too many shirked responsibilities may find you excoriated."
"data": {
"isFeature": true
"name": "Suggested Characteristics",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"While you may still find the {@background Guild Artisan|phb}'s characteristics fitting, the {@backgrounds Noble|phb}'s suggested characteristics on pages 135 and 136 of the Player’s Handbook work particularly well for a House Scion, with the understanding that the power and influence you have over the common people is a privilege of economic standing, rather than noble blood."
"type": "table",
"caption": "House Guild Member Proficiencies",
"colLabels": [
"Mark Requirement",
"colStyles": [
"col-0-5 text-center ",
"rows": [
["Medani","None","Warning Guild","{@skill Perception}, {@skill Investigation}","{@item Inquisitive's Kit|KCAA}, {@item Herbalism kit|phb}","-"],
["Tharashk","None","Finder's Guild","{@skill Perception}, {@skill Survival}","{@item Cartographer's tools|phb}, {@item Navigator's tools|phb}","-"],
["Vadalis","None","Handler's Guild","{@skill Animal Handling}, {@skill Nature}","{@item Cobbler's tools|phb}, {@item Herbalism kit|phb}","-"],
["Jorasco","None","Healer's Guild","{@skill Insight}, {@skill Medicine}","{@item Alchemist's supplies|phb}, {@item Herbalism kit|phb}","-"],
["Ghallanda","None","Hosteler's Guild","{@skill Persuasion}","{@item Cook's utensils|phb}","Two of your choice"],
["Cannith","None","Tinker's Guild","{@skill Persuasion}","{@item Artificer's tools|KCAA}, {@item Tinker's tools|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Cannith","None","Fabricator's Guild","{@skill History}, {@skill Persuasion}","Two of any kind of {@item Artisan's tools|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Orien","Passage","Courier's Guild","{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Acrobatics}","{@item Cartographer's tools|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Orien","None","Transportation Guild","{@skill Athletics}","{@item Cartographer's tools|phb}, vehicles (land)","One of your choice"],
["Sivis","Scribing","Notaries Guild","{@skill Insight}","{@item Glyphbook set|KCAA}","Two of your choice"],
["Sivis","Scribing","Speaker's Guild","{@skill Insight}, {@skill Persuasion}","-","Two of your choice"],
["Deneith","None","Blademark's Guild","{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Intimidation}","One kind of {@item gaming set|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Deneith","Sentinel","Defender's Guild","{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Perception}","One kind of {@item gaming set|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Phiarlan","None","Entertainer's Guild","{@skill Acrobatics}, {@skill Performance}","-","Two of your choice"],
["Phiarlan","None","Artisan's Guild","{@skill History}, {@skill Arcana}","Two types of {@item artisan's tools|phb}","-"],
["Thuranni","Shadow","Shadow Network","{@skill Deception}, {@skill Stealth}","{@item Disguise kit|phb}, {@item Poisoner's kit|phb}","-"],
["Lyrandar","None","Windwright's Guild","{@skill Acrobatics}, {@skill Athletics}","{@item Navigator's tools|phb}, vehicles (water) or vehicles (air)","-"],
["Lyrandar","Storm","Raincaller's Guild","{@skill Nature}, {@skill Survival}","{@item Cartographer's tools|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Kundarak","Warding","Banking Guild","{@skill Insight}, {@skill Persuasion}","{@item Calligrapher's supplies|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Kundarak","Warding","Warding Guild","{@skill Investigation}, {@skill Perception}","{@item Thieve's tools|phb}","One of your choice"]
"startingEquipment": [
"a": [
"special": "calligrapher's supplies"
"b": [
"special": "one tool your guild grants proficiency in"
"c": [
{"special": "pouch","containsValue": 5000}
"_": [
{"special": "papers marking you as a member of the guild (or Dragonmarked House if you are a blood relative)"},
{"special": "fine clothes"},
{"special": "pouch","containsValue": 1500}
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The Dragonmarked families control much of industry and commerce among the Thronehold Nations of Khorvaire. However, they would not be the economic powerhouses that they are if they only allowed blood relations to work for them.","Each house has one or two major guilds that control much of a certain trade. Some of these guilds rely on the power of dragonmarks and only those with the appropriate Mark can join the guild—and may in fact be expected to by their family. However, several more employ and train all those interested in learning the trade and working diligently.","If you are related to the House by blood or marriage, you may have graduated from your House's guilds to join the core organization of the House itself."
"name": "House Guild Member (Excoriate)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 105,
"entries": [
"type": "list",
"style": "list-hang-notitle",
"items": [
"type": "item",
"name": "Skill Proficiencies",
"entry": "Dependent on the House Guild you have membership in."
"type": "item",
"name": "Tool Proficiencies",
"entry": "Dependent on the House Guild you have membership in."
"type": "item",
"name": "Languages",
"entry": "Dependent on the House Guild you have membership in."
"type": "item",
"name": "Equipment",
"entry": "A set of {@item calligrapher's supplies|phb} or one tool your guild grants proficiency in, Identification papers marking you as a member of the guild (or Dragonmarked House if you are a blood relative), a set of {@item common clothes|phb} or {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp."
"name": "Background Feature",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Select the background feature of any other background listed in the Player’s Handbook. You gain that background feature."
"data": {
"isFeature": true
"name": "Suggested Characteristics",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"The {@background Guild Artisan|phb}'s suggested characteristics in the Player’s Handbook are particularly fitting for House Guild members."
"type": "table",
"caption": "House Guild Member Proficiencies",
"colLabels": [
"Mark Requirement",
"colStyles": [
"col-0-5 text-center ",
"rows": [
["Medani","None","Warning Guild","{@skill Perception}, {@skill Investigation}","{@item Inquisitive's Kit|KCAA}, {@item Herbalism kit|phb}","-"],
["Tharashk","None","Finder's Guild","{@skill Perception}, {@skill Survival}","{@item Cartographer's tools|phb}, {@item Navigator's tools|phb}","-"],
["Vadalis","None","Handler's Guild","{@skill Animal Handling}, {@skill Nature}","{@item Cobbler's tools|phb}, {@item Herbalism kit|phb}","-"],
["Jorasco","None","Healer's Guild","{@skill Insight}, {@skill Medicine}","{@item Alchemist's supplies|phb}, {@item Herbalism kit|phb}","-"],
["Ghallanda","None","Hosteler's Guild","{@skill Persuasion}","{@item Cook's utensils|phb}","Two of your choice"],
["Cannith","None","Tinker's Guild","{@skill Persuasion}","{@item Artificer's tools|KCAA}, {@item Tinker's tools|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Cannith","None","Fabricator's Guild","{@skill History}, {@skill Persuasion}","Two of any kind of {@item Artisan's tools|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Orien","Passage","Courier's Guild","{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Acrobatics}","{@item Cartographer's tools|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Orien","None","Transportation Guild","{@skill Athletics}","{@item Cartographer's tools|phb}, vehicles (land)","One of your choice"],
["Sivis","Scribing","Notaries Guild","{@skill Insight}","{@item Glyphbook set|KCAA}","Two of your choice"],
["Sivis","Scribing","Speaker's Guild","{@skill Insight}, {@skill Persuasion}","-","Two of your choice"],
["Deneith","None","Blademark's Guild","{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Intimidation}","One kind of {@item gaming set|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Deneith","Sentinel","Defender's Guild","{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Perception}","One kind of {@item gaming set|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Phiarlan","None","Entertainer's Guild","{@skill Acrobatics}, {@skill Performance}","-","Two of your choice"],
["Phiarlan","None","Artisan's Guild","{@skill History}, {@skill Arcana}","Two types of {@item artisan's tools|phb}","-"],
["Thuranni","Shadow","Shadow Network","{@skill Deception}, {@skill Stealth}","{@item Disguise kit|phb}, {@item Poisoner's kit|phb}","-"],
["Lyrandar","None","Windwright's Guild","{@skill Acrobatics}, {@skill Athletics}","{@item Navigator's tools|phb}, vehicles (water) or vehicles (air)","-"],
["Lyrandar","Storm","Raincaller's Guild","{@skill Nature}, {@skill Survival}","{@item Cartographer's tools|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Kundarak","Warding","Banking Guild","{@skill Insight}, {@skill Persuasion}","{@item Calligrapher's supplies|phb}","One of your choice"],
["Kundarak","Warding","Warding Guild","{@skill Investigation}, {@skill Perception}","{@item Thieve's tools|phb}","One of your choice"]
"startingEquipment": [
"a": [
"special": "calligrapher's supplies"
"b": [
"special": "one tool your guild grants proficiency in"
"a": [
"special": "common clothes"
"b": [
"special": "traveler's clothes"
"_": [
{"special": "papers marking you as a member of the guild (or Dragonmarked House if you are a blood relative)"},
{"special": "pouch","containsValue": 1500}
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The Dragonmarked families control much of industry and commerce among the Thronehold Nations of Khorvaire. However, they would not be the economic powerhouses that they are if they only allowed blood relations to work for them.","Each house has one or two major guilds that control much of a certain trade. Some of these guilds rely on the power of dragonmarks and only those with the appropriate Mark can join the guild—and may in fact be expected to by their family. However, several more employ and train all those interested in learning the trade and working diligently.","Excoriates are members of a Dragonmarked family that have been cast out of the House. Whether through some transgression or crime, you are persona non grata to all Dragonmarked family members and are barred from their estates and doing business with them. However, you still know the lessons your family taught you. You can pick your proficiencies from either your guild's skill proficiencies or those available to House Scions.","However, you must select a background benefit from another background, as you can no longer rely on political or economic support from your former family. For example, down-on-their luck excoriates may fall in with the wrong crowd and gain the Criminal Contact background benefit, or another might turn their back on civilization entirely, gaining the background benefit from {@background Hermit|phb} or {@background Outlander|phb}."
"name": "Vassal",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 105,
"entries": [
"type": "list",
"style": "list-hang-notitle",
"items": [
"type": "item",
"name": "Skill Proficiencies",
"entry": "Dependent on the Sovereign you venerate most."
"type": "item",
"name": "Tool Proficiencies",
"entry": "Dependent on the Sovereign you venerate most."
"type": "item",
"name": "Equipment",
"entry": "A {@item holy symbol|phb} (either to the Host as a whole, or one customized to a particularly favorite Sovereign who influences you most), one set of tools this background gives you proficiency with, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp."
"name": "Background Features",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Vassals come from a great many varied backgrounds. As your background feature, you select the background benefit that corresponds to a particular Sovereign. These background benefits belong to the backgrounds detailed in the Player’s Handbook. Your choice of Sovereign does not necessarily need to be the same one that granted you your background proficiencies, because as a vassal you feel that all the Sovereigns influence your life greatly at some point or another.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Vassal Background Features",
"colLabels": [
"Feature (Background)"
"colStyles": [
"rows": [
["Arawai","Wanderer ({@background Outlander|phb}*), or Discovery ({@background Hermit}*)"],
["Aureon","Researcher ({@background Sage|phb}*), or Discovery ({@background Hermit})"],
["Balinor","Wanderer ({@background Outlander|phb}*)"],
["Boldrei","Rustic Hospitality ({@background Folk Hero|phb})"],
["Dol Arrah","Military Rank ({@background Soldier|phb}*)"],
["Dol Dorn","Military Rank ({@background Soldier|phb}*), or Gladiator ({@background Variant Entertainer (gladiator)})"],
["Kol Korran","City Secrets ({@background Urchin|phb}), or Ship's Passage ({@background Sailor})"],
["Olladra","By Popular Demand ({@background Entertainer|phb}*)"],
["Onatar","Guild Membership ({@background Guild Artisan|phb}*)"]
"data": {
"isFeature": true
"name": "Suggested Characteristics",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"If a background noted in parentheses in the Vassal Background Feature table has an asterisk next to it, it is particularly fitting to use the noted background as the basis for your personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws. Otherwise, the feature is the most relevant part of the background, and the background's traits, ideals, bonds and flaws are not common among Vassals of that god. Feel free to use another background to determine those qualities in such a case."
"type": "table",
"caption": "Vassal Proficiencies",
"colLabels": [
"colStyles": [
"rows": [
["Arawai","{@skill Nature}, {@skill Medicine}","{@item Herbalism kit|phb}, {@item Weaver's tools|phb}"],
["Aureon","{@skill Arcana}, {@skill Religion}","{@item Calligrapher's supplies|phb}, {@item Alchemist's supplies|phb}"],
["Balinor","{@skill Animal Handling}, {@skill Survival}","{@item Herbalism kit|phb}, {@item Leatherworker's tools|phb}"],
["Boldrei","{@skill Insight}, {@skill Investigation}","{@item Carpenter's tools|phb}, {@item Mason's tools|phb}"],
["Dol Arrah","{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Insight}","{@item Cartographer's tools|phb}, one type of {@item gaming set|phb}"],
["Dol Dorn","{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Intimidation}","Vehicles (land), one type of {@item gaming set|phb}"],
["Kol Korran","{@skill Insight}, {@skill Persuasion}","{@item Jeweler's tools|phb}, {@item Navigator's tools|phb}"],
["Olladra","{@skill Medicine}, plus {@skill Performance} or {@skill Sleight of Hand}","Two of the following: {@item Cook's utensils|phb}, one kind of {@item gaming set|phb}, one kind of {@item musical instrument|phb}"],
["Onatar","{@skill Arcana}, {@skill History}","Two of the following: {@item Carpenter's tools|phb}, {@item Mason's tools|phb}, {@item Potter's tools|phb}, {@item Smith's tools|phb}, {@item Woodcarver's tools|phb}"]
"startingEquipment": [
"_": [
{"special": "A holy symbol (either to the Host as a whole, or one customized to a particularly favorite Sovereign who influences you most)"},
{"special": "one set of tools this background gives you proficiency with"},
{"special": "common clothes"},
{"special": "pouch","containsValue": 1500}
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"The country you grew up in, the lifestyle you led, the job you had before setting out to become an adventurer—none were quite so important to you as your faith in the Sovereign Host.","As a vassal, you may not be rigorously religious, like adherents of the Church of the Silver Flame are, and may not be classically trained in religious studies, but you still believe that all life flows from the Sovereigns. In every swing of a master smith's hammer, there is Onatar. In every sunrise, there is Dol Arrah. In every city wall, standing strong, there is Boldrei. The Sovereigns are all around you and you draw comfort in them.","Vassals may venerate the Host as a whole, but usually find themselves gravitating to one or two Sovereigns in particular. Your background grants you equipment, plus skill and tool proficiencies specific to a Sovereign that speaks to you particularly clearly."
"name": "Vassal (Dark Six Cultist)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 106,
"entries": [
"type": "list",
"style": "list-hang-notitle",
"items": [
"type": "item",
"name": "Skill Proficiencies",
"entry": "Dependent on the Sovereign you venerate most."
"type": "item",
"name": "Tool Proficiencies",
"entry": "Dependent on the Sovereign you venerate most."
"type": "item",
"name": "Equipment",
"entry": "A {@item holy symbol|phb} (either to the Host as a whole, or one customized to a particularly favorite Sovereign who influences you most), one set of tools this background gives you proficiency with, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp."
"name": "Background Features",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Vassals come from a great many varied backgrounds. As your background feature, you select the background benefit that corresponds to a particular Sovereign. These background benefits belong to the backgrounds detailed in the Player’s Handbook. Your choice of Sovereign does not necessarily need to be the same one that granted you your background proficiencies, because as a vassal you feel that all the Sovereigns influence your life greatly at some point or another.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Cultist Background Features",
"colLabels": [
"Dark God",
"Feature (Background)"
"colStyles": [
"rows": [
["The Devourer","Wanderer ({@background Outlander|phb}*) or Ship's Passage ({@background Sailor} or ({@background Variant Sailor (Pirate)}*)"],
["The Fury","By Popular Demand ({@background Entertainer|phb}*)"],
["The Keeper","Researcher ({@background Sage|phb})"],
["The Mockery","Criminal Contact ({@background Criminal|phb} or {@background Variant Criminal (Spy)|phb}*) or Military Rank ({@background Soldier|phb}*)"],
["The Shadow","Discovery ({@background Hermit}), or Researcher ({@background Sage})"],
["The Traveler","Discovery ({@background Hermit}), or False Identity ({@background Charlatan}*)"]
"data": {
"isFeature": true
"name": "Suggested Characteristics",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"If a background noted in parentheses in the Vassal Background Feature table has an asterisk next to it, it is particularly fitting to use the noted background as the basis for your personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws. Otherwise, the feature is the most relevant part of the background, and the background's traits, ideals, bonds and flaws are not common among Vassals of that god. Feel free to use another background to determine those qualities in such a case."
"type": "table",
"caption": "Cultist Proficiencies",
"colLabels": [
"Dark God",
"colStyles": [
"rows": [
["The Devourer","{@skill Nature}, {@skill Intimidate}","{@item Navigator's tools|phb}, {@item Carpenter's tools|phb}"],
["The Fury","{@skill Persuasion}, {@skill Intimidate}","{@item Painter's supplies|phb}, one kind of {@item musical instrument|phb}"],
["The Keeper","{@skill History}, {@skill Religion}","{@item Forgery kit|phb}, one type of {@item gaming set|phb}"],
["The Mockery","{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Deception}","{@item Disguise kit|phb}, {@item Poisoner's kit|phb}"],
["The Shadow","{@skill Arcana}, {@skill Intimidation}","{@item Alchemist's supplies|phb}, {@item Calligrapher's supplies|phb}"],
["The Traveler","{@skill Deception}, {@skill Persuasion}","Two of the following: {@item Disguise kit|phb}, {@item Forgery kit|phb}, {@item Thieves' tools|phb}, or one kind of {@item artisan's tools|phb}"]
"startingEquipment": [
"_": [
{"special": "A holy symbol (either to the Host as a whole, or one customized to a particularly favorite Sovereign who influences you most)"},
{"special": "one set of tools this background gives you proficiency with"},
{"special": "common clothes"},
{"special": "pouch","containsValue": 1500}
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"You might profess to be a Vassal in public, but secretly you venerate the darker side of the pantheon. While the Dark Six themselves are almost all evil, not everyone who seeks their favor is. Many sailors openly call to Arawai for a safe journey, but secretly pray to The Devourer to forestall his wrath. Likewise, a smith tired of mastering the same old pattern of armor may seek a gift of inspiration from the Traveler in order to create something innovative (though one should always, always beware the gifts of the Traveler)."
"class": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 42,
"hd": {
"number": 1,
"faces": 8
"proficiency": [
"classTableGroups": [
"colLabels": [
"{@filter Cantrips Known|spells|level=0|class=Arcanist}"
"rows": [
"title": "Spell Slots per Spell Level",
"colLabels": [
"{@filter 1st|spells|level=1|class=Arcanist}",
"{@filter 2nd|spells|level=2|class=Arcanist}",
"{@filter 3rd|spells|level=3|class=Arcanist}",
"{@filter 4th|spells|level=4|class=Arcanist}",
"{@filter 5th|spells|level=5|class=Arcanist}",
"{@filter 6th|spells|level=6|class=Arcanist}",
"{@filter 7th|spells|level=7|class=Arcanist}",
"{@filter 8th|spells|level=8|class=Arcanist}",
"{@filter 9th|spells|level=9|class=Arcanist}"
"rows": [
"startingProficiencies": {
"armor": [
"{@item shield|phb|shields}"
"weapons": [
"{@item hand crossbow|phb|hand crossbows}"
"tools": [
"{@item Artificer's tools|KCAA}"
"skills": [
"arcana": true,
"choose": {
"from": [
"count": 2
"startingEquipment": {
"additionalFromBackground": true,
"default": [
"a simple melee weapon",
"(a) leather armor or (b) chain mail",
"(a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) a shield",
"Artificer's tools",
"An Inventor's pack",
"Raw materials required to make custom spellcasting foci that do not have a cost"
"defaultData": [
"_": [
"equipmentType": "weaponSimpleMelee"
"a": ["leather armor|phb"],
"b": ["chain mail|phb"]
"a": ["light crossbow|phb","crossbow bolts (20)|phb"],
"b": ["shield|phb"]
"_": ["Artificer's tools|KCAA"]
"_": ["Inventor's pack|KCAA"]
"_": ["Raw materials required to make custom spellcasting foci that do not have a cost"]
"multiclassing": {
"requirements": {
"int": 13
"proficienciesGained": {
"armor": [
"weapons": [
"classFeatures": [
"classFeature": "Master of Arcana|Arcanist|KCAA|1",
"gainSubclassFeature": true
"Infusions (1/rest)|Arcanist|KCAA|2",
"classFeature": "Mastery feature|Arcanist|KCAA|2",
"gainSubclassFeature": true
"Ability Score Improvement|Arcanist|KCAA|4",
"Infusion: Instant Armor Augmentation|Arcanist|KCAA|5",
"Infusions (2/rest)|Arcanist|KCAA|6",
"classFeature": "Mastery feature|Arcanist|KCAA|6",
"gainSubclassFeature": true
"Ability Score Improvement|Arcanist|KCAA|8",
"classFeature": "Mastery feature|Arcanist|KCAA|8",
"gainSubclassFeature": true
"Salvage Schema|Arcanist|KCAA|10",
"Ability Score Improvement|Arcanist|KCAA|12",
"Infusions (3/rest)|Arcanist|KCAA|14",
"Ability Score Improvement|Arcanist|KCAA|16",
"classFeature": "Mastery feature|Arcanist|KCAA|17",
"gainSubclassFeature": true
"Infusions (4/rest)|Arcanist|KCAA|18",
"Ability Score Improvement|Arcanist|KCAA|19"
"subclassTitle": "Mastery",
"subclasses": [
"name": "Elemental Mastery",
"shortName": "Elemental",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 42,
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"1": [{"name": "absorb elements","source": "xge"},{"name": "conjure elemental mote","source": "KCAA"}],
"3": ["arcane lock","locate object"],
"5": ["elemental weapon","magic circle"],
"7": ["conjure minor elementals",{"name": "charm monster","source": "xge"}],
"9": ["conjure elemental","planar binding"]
"subclassFeatures": [
"Elemental Mastery|Arcanist|KCAA|Elemental|KCAA|1",
"Infusion: Elemental Reconstitution|Arcanist|KCAA|Elemental|KCAA|2",
"Defensive Elemental Binding|Arcanist|KCAA|Elemental|KCAA|6",
"Offensive Elemental Binding|Arcanist|KCAA|Elemental|KCAA|8",
"Elemental Binding Master|Arcanist|KCAA|Elemental|KCAA|17"
"name": "Innovation Mastery",
"shortName": "Innovation",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 43,
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"1": ["identify",{"name": "spell-storing item","source": "KCAA"}],
"3": ["enhance ability","spiritual weapon"],
"5": ["bestow curse","remove curse"],
"7": ["fabricate","stone shape"],
"9": ["Bigby's hand","creation"]
"subclassFeatures": [
"Innovation Mastery|Arcanist|KCAA|Innovation|KCAA|1",
"Infusion: Perfect Tool|Arcanist|KCAA|Innovation|KCAA|2",
"Infusion: Rapid Invention|Arcanist|KCAA|Innovation|KCAA|6",
"Intuitive Design|Arcanist|KCAA|Innovation|KCAA|8",
"Magnum Opus|Arcanist|KCAA|Innovation|KCAA|17"
"name": "Spellcraft Mastery",
"shortName": "Spellcraft",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 44,
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"1": ["detect magic","command"],
"3": ["scorching ray","shatter"],
"5": ["fireball","lightning bolt"],
"7": ["fire shield","phantasmal killer"],
"9": ["telekinesis","cone of cold"]
"subclassFeatures": [
"Spellcraft Mastery|Arcanist|KCAA|Spellcraft|KCAA|1",
"Infusion: Energy Modulation|Arcanist|KCAA|Spellcraft|KCAA|2",
"Infusion: Arcane Alteration|Arcanist|KCAA|Spellcraft|KCAA|6",
"Potent Spellcasting|Arcanist|KCAA|Spellcraft|KCAA|8",
"cantripProgression": [
"classSpells": [
{"name": "Aundair's Silent Sanctum","source": "exe"},
"Blade Ward",
{"name": "Booming Blade","source": "tce"},
{"name": "Create Bonfire","source": "xge"},
{"name": "Green-Flame Blade","source": "tce"},
{"name": "Force Blast","source": "exe"},
{"name": "Improvised Wand","source": "KCAA"},
{"name": "Induce Stasis","source": "KCAA"},
{"name": "Lightning Lure","source": "tce"},
{"name": "Magecraft","source": "exe"},
{"name": "Magic Stone","source": "xge"},
{"name": "Mold Earth","source": "xge"},
{"name": "Sword Burst","source": "tce"},
{"name": "Thunderclap","source": "xge"},
{"name": "Absorb Elements","source": "XGE"},
{"name": "Catapult","source": "XGE"},
{"name": "Cause Damage","source": "KCAA"},
{"name": "Concussive Burst","source": "exe"},
{"name": "Conjure Elemental Mote","source": "KCAA"},
"Detect Magic",
{"name": "Emergency Repair","source": "KCAA"},
{"name": "Ice Knife","source": "xge"},
{"name": "Magewright's Incantation","source": "KCAA"},
{"name": "Repair Damage","source": "KCAA"},
"Shield of Faith",
{"name": "Snare","source": "xge"},
{"name": "Spell-Storing Item","source": "KCAA"},
"Arcane Lock",
"Continual Flame",
"Enhance Ability",
"Find Traps",
"Heat Metal",
"Locate Object",
"Magic Weapon",
{"name": "Maximillian's Earthen Grasp","source": "xge"},
{"name": "Methods of Repair","source": "KCAA"},
{"name": "Shadow Blade","source": "xge"},
"Warding Bond",
"Crusader's Mantle",
"Dispel Magic",
"Elemental Weapon",
{"name": "Erupting Earth","source": "xge"},
{"name": "Flame Arrows","source": "xge"},
"Glyph of Warding",
{"name": "Mass Emergency Repairs","source": "KCAA"},
{"name": "Melf's Minute Meteors","source": "xge"},
"Protection from Energy",
{"name": "Reactivate","source": "KCAA"},
"Remove Curse",
{"name": "Tiny Servant","source": "xge"},
{"name": "Transmute Weapon","source": "KCAA"},
{"name": "Wall of Sand","source": "xge"},
"Death Ward",
"Fire Shield",
"Leomund's Secret Chest",
"Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum",
"Freedom of Movement",
"Stone Shape",
"Animate Objects",
{"name": "Holy Weapon","source": "xge"},
"Legend Lore",
{"name": "Mass Repair Damage","source": "KCAA"},
"Planar Binding",
{"name": "Reconstruct","source": "KCAA"},
{"name": "Skill Empowerment","source": "xge"},
{"name": "Steel Wind Strike","source": "xge"},
{"name": "Transmute Rock","source": "xge"},
"Wall of Stone",
{"name": "Bones of the Earth","source": "xge"},
"Blade Barrier",
{"name": "Create Homunculus","source": "xge"},
{"name": "Fix","source": "KCAA"},
"Guards and Wards",
"Magic Jar",
{"name": "Tenser's Transformation","source": "xge"},
"True Seeing",
"Wall of Ice",
{"name": "Wreck","source": "KCAA"},
"Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion",
"Mordenkainen's Sword",
"Antimagic Field",
{"name": "Mighty Fortress","source": "xge"},
{"name": "Invulnerability","source": "xge"},
{"name": "Mass Fix","source": "KCAA"},
"Time Stop"
"fluff": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"type": "section",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 38,
"entries": [
"A human holds off assailants by firing a bolt of energy from her whirling, improvised wand down the hallway. She tosses her latest invention, an automated lockpicker, to her allies, to help them get out of this sticky situation.","A gnome carefully sets the glowing dragonshard into the pommel of a dagger, sweat on his furrowed brow. After hours of painstaking work… success! With a click, the shard is secured in place, and a frosty patina of ice encrusts the edge of the weapon. Perfect.","The elf turns the corner and comes up short. They certainly did not expect to be chased by fire-wielding drow in these jungle ruins when they woke up this morning. No matter, with a twist of a finger and an improvised incantation, the fireball launched from the elf’s finger turns into a tiny screaming ball that erupts into thunder.","Arcanists study the fundamental essence of magic and artifice and weave it into the fabric of their spells and creations. The study of magic items and artifacts drives them to explore outside of their labs as they delve into ancient ruins to uncover the secrets of arcanists and artificers of old.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Arcane Scientists",
"entries": [
"The arcanist is a prodigy in the practical application of arcane theory. While the wizard studies how to shape magic into spells, the arcanist sees magic on a fundamental level and advances the boundaries of arcane science. They are experts at channeling arcane energies into objects, crafting potent temporary magic items to wield that magical force.","In many ways, arcanists and artificers work side by side to be the backbone of Eberron’s advanced magical technology. The greatest modern marvels of magic—the lightning rail, elemental airships, even the warforged—were all products of arcanist development and artificer engineering."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Magic Support",
"entries": [
"Adventuring arcanists lend support to their allies with their arcane magic. The main strength of arcanists is their versatility—an arcanist almost always has an answer to a given problem, so long as they have the time and resources to devote to building a solution to it. In a party with warforged, the arcanist can function as a secondary or primary healer, as they can repair warforged and constructs as easily as a cleric heals wounds."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Creating an Arcanist",
"entries": [
"When you begin creating your arcanist, you must first decide what field of arcane science you strove to master. Much like choosing an academic field to study, your field of mastery evokes what you find most interesting about magic. Do you love to design conveniences for your allies? Do you seek to experiment with the nature of spells?","However, you must also decide what has caused you to seek a life of adventure. Opening a shop and creating trinkets is for mere magewrights, but as an arcanist, you are a genius in your field. Do you seek valuable data by testing your creations in real-world applications? Perhaps you seek to uncover the artifice techniques of civilizations long past and need to leave the laboratory behind to seek out the ruins that might be full of ancient secrets. Or is arcane science just a means to an end for you, a skill you’ve developed to empower yourself to achieve unrelated goals?",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Quick Build",
"entries": [
"A quick way to make an arcanist is to follow these guidelines. Make Intelligence your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity or Constitution. Second, choose the {@background House Guild Member|KCAA} (Tinker’s Guild) background."
"classFeature": [
"name": "Spellcasting",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 42,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"entries": [
"You approach the study of arcane arts differently from a wizard. While they research to control the essence of magic with speech and gesture, you experiment with ways to infuse magic's arcane threads through the physical world around you. You cast spells a bit differently from other spellcasters, (see Custom Spellcasting Focus and Jury-Rigged Rituals below), but you follow the general rules of spellcasting as detailed in {@book chapter 10 of the Player's Handbook|PHB|10}.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Cantrips",
"entries": [
"At 1st level, you know three cantrips of your choice from the arcanist spell list. You learn additional arcanist cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Arcanist table."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Preparing and Casting Spells",
"entries": [
"The Arcanist table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your {@filter arcanist spells|spells|class=Arcanist} of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.",
"You prepare the list of arcanist spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the arcanist spell list. When you do so, choose a number of arcanist spells equal to your Intelligence modifier + your arcanist level (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.",
"For example, if you are a 3rd-level arcanist, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With a Intelligence of 16, your list of prepared spells can include six spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you prepare the 1st-level spell {@spell repair damage|KCAA}, you can cast it using a 1st-level or 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn't remove it from your list of prepared spells.",
"You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of arcanist spells requires time spent in contemplation and brainstorming: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Spellcasting Ability",
"entries": [
"Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your arcanist spells. The power of your spells comes from your devotion to your deity. You use your Intelligence whenever an arcanist spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an arcanist spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.",
"type": "abilityDc",
"name": "Spell",
"attributes": [
"type": "abilityAttackMod",
"name": "Spell",
"attributes": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Jury-rigged Rituals",
"entries": [
"You can cast an arcanist spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.",
"When you cast a ritual, it is less of a ceremonious affair and more a scramble to create a temporary magic item to activate the spell's effect. When you cast a spell as a ritual, there is a special requirement cost to cast it; objects, supplies, and raw materials worth at least 10 gold per spell level. These supplies are not expended in casting the ritual and can be salvaged and reused for later rituals."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Custom Spellcasting Focus",
"entries": [
"You cannot fulfill the material component of arcanist spells you cast, unless they have a notable cost. Instead, you use any type of Artisan's tools (usually {@item Artificer's tools|KCAA}) to construct an improvised device that produces the spell's effect, functioning as a spellcasting focus. Constructing this device is part of the casting time of the spell and counts as the spell's somatic component. An arcanist must have both hands free to construct a custom spellcasting focus.",
"Your custom device can be reused the next time you cast the same spell it was constructed for, unless the spell specifies that its material component is consumed. If consumed, the custom spellcasting focus falls apart after the spell's duration is over. Reusing a custom spellcasting focus requires only one hand for casting a spell. Drawing a previously-made custom spellcasting focus and stowing it are part of the casting time of the spell."
"name": "Master of Arcana",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 40,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"entries": [
"Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability checks you make using the {@skill Arcana} skill or {@item Artificer's tools|KCAA}.",
"In addition, choose one field of arcane science that you have focused in above all others. Each field of mastery is detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you additional arcanist spells and other features when you choose it at 1st level. It also grants you additional ways to use your Infusions when you gain that feature at 2nd level, and additional benefits at 6th, 8th, and 17th levels.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Mastery Spells",
"entries": [
"Each field of mastery has a list of spells\u2014its mastery spells\u2014that you gain at the arcanist levels noted in the mastery description. Once you gain a mastery spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.",
"If you have a mastery spell that doesn't appear on the arcanist spell list, the spell is nonetheless an arcanist spell for you."
"name": "Infusions (1/rest)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 41,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"entries": [
"At 2nd level, you gain the ability to shape magic energy directly from the world around you to create magical effects. You start with one such effect: Personal Weapon Augmentation. When you reach 2nd level, you also gain an effect determined by your field of mastery. At 5th level, you gain the Instant Armor Augmentation effect. Some fields of mastery also grant additional Infusions as you advance in levels, as noted in the mastery description.",
"When you use your Infusions, you choose which effect to create. You must then finish a short or long rest to use your Infusions again.",
"Some Infusion effects require saving throws. When you use such an effect from this class, the DC equals your arcanist spell save DC.",
"At 6th, 14th, and 18th level, you can use your Infusions an additional time between rests. When you finish a short or long rest, you regain your expended uses.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Infusion: Personal Weapon Augmentation",
"entries": [
"As either an action or a bonus action, you may enhance a weapon you are holding. If you enhance a weapon with the ammunition property, it confers any augmentation to ammunition loaded and fired from it. For the 10 minutes or until you let go of the weapon, you gain one of the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"name": "Disrupting Weapon",
"entries": [
"+{@dice 1d6} radiant damage, sheds bright light in 20-foot radius and dim light in an additional 20 feet."
"name": "Flame Tongue",
"entries": [
"+{@dice 1d6} fire damage, and you gain fire resistance."
"name": "Frost Brand",
"entries": [
"+{@dice 1d6} cold damage, and you gain cold resistance."
"name": "Mastery feature",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 41,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"entries": [
"At 2nd level, you gain a feature from your Mastery."
"name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 41,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 4,
"entries": [
"When you reach 4th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.",
"If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a {@5etools feat|feats.html}."
"name": "Infusion: Instant Armor Augmentation",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 41,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 5,
"entries": [
"Starting at 5th level, you can use an Infusion to enhance an outfit or suit of armor that you touch, just in the nick of time. As either an action or reaction, you can select one of the following benefits. The Infusion lasts for 10 minutes. If you are using the Infusion as a reaction, you may only do so when you or an ally you can see within 5 feet of you are hit by an attack or are affected by a spell, and the wearer of the outfit or suit of armor gains its benefit against the triggering attack or spell.",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"name": "Resonant Harmonics",
"entries": [
"The wearer gains thunder resistance and an area with a radius of 5 feet around them ignores the effects of magical silence."
"name": "Force Ward",
"entries": [
"The wearer gains force resistance and if an effect moves the wearer against their will (including the triggering effect), the distance they are moved is reduced by up to 10 feet."
"name": "Vitality Seal",
"entries": [
"The wearer gains necrotic resistance and their hit point maximum cannot be reduced by an attack that deals necrotic damage."
"name": "Infusions (2/rest)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 40,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"entries": [
"Beginning at 6th level, you can use your Infusion twice between rests."
"name": "Mastery feature",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 40,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"entries": [
"At 6th level, you gain a feature from your Mastery."
"name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 41,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 8,
"entries": [
"When you reach 8th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.",
"If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a {@5etools feat|feats.html}."
"name": "Mastery feature",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 40,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 8,
"entries": [
"At 8th level, you gain a feature from your Mastery."
"name": "Salvage Schema",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 41,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 10,
"entries": [
"Beginning at 10th level, you may spend one workday of downtime to dismantle a magic item and reverse engineer the schema necessary to create it (for more about schema, see the rules for creating magic items in the Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron).",
"You record the schema in a series of symbolic notations that only make sense to yourself and other arcanists and artificers. (Many accomplished arcanists maintain a book of schema that they safeguard against theft or duplication from rivals.)","The item you dismantle is destroyed, and the physical components used to make it cannot be reused. Artifacts, cursed items, sentient items, and constructs cannot be dismantled.","At 20th level, you can dismantle a magic item in such a way that you can reassemble it within the same workday you spent dismantling it, reverse engineering its formula without destroying the original item."
"name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 41,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 12,
"entries": [
"When you reach 12th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.",
"If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a {@5etools feat|feats.html}."
"name": "Infusions (3/rest)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 41,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 14,
"entries": [
"Beginning at 14th level, you can use your Infusion three times between rests."
"name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 41,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 16,
"entries": [
"When you reach 16th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.",
"If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a {@5etools feat|feats.html}."
"name": "Mastery feature",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 41,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 17,
"entries": [
"At 17th level, you gain a feature from your Mastery."
"name": "Infusions (4/rest)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 41,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 18,
"entries": [
"Beginning at 18th level, you can use your Infusion four times between rests."
"name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 41,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"level": 19,
"entries": [
"When you reach 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.",
"If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a {@5etools feat|feats.html}."
"feat": [
"name": "Adamant Bastion",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 125,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "warforged"
"entries": [
"Your adamantine plates thicken and cover even more of your body, overlapping in interlocking sections to cover all your structural weak points. Though this gives you increased protection, the plating becomes impossible to remove. You gain the following traits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Your model type becomes Adamantine Construction if it was not already, and you then lose the Remodeling racial trait, making your model type permanent.",
"Any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.",
"You reduce all damage you take from attacks by 1."
"ability": [
"con": 1
"name": "Chain Specialist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 125,
"entries": [
"You have studied extensively with the spiked chain and are able to fight with it and display more skill and finesse than most would believe. You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier for attack and damage rolls you make with a spiked chain.",
"You do not have disadvantage when you use a spiked chain to attack a target within 5 feet of you.",
"When you take the Attack action and attack with a only a spiked chain, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with it against an opponent within 5 feet of you. This attack deals normal damage, including your ability modifier.",
"When you draw a spiked chain, you can do so in such a way that the weapon's reach property is negated, wrapping the chain around your arms and shoulders so you can only strike targets up to 5 feet away from you. If you do, you gain a +1 bonus to AC while wielding a spiked chain in this way. Switching a spiked chain to or from this position while it is already drawn requires a bonus action."
"name": "Composite Resilency",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 125,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "warforged"
"entries": [
"You have honed your stone, metal, and wood construction into efficient harmony, improving your overall resilience. You gain the following benefits while your model type is Composite Plating:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You gain a +1 bonus to AC.",
"Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to your level.",
"Whenever you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, you may reroll any results of 1, taking the new roll.",
"You automatically stabilize when brought to 0 hit points. You do not need to make death saving throws on your turn when at 0 hit points, but you may still be killed if damage forces you to automatically fail three death saving throws."
"name": "Craft Homunculus",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 126,
"prerequisite": [
"spellcasting": true
"other": "Must be able to use an arcane spellcasting focus and cast 2nd level spells."
"entries": [
"You gain the ability to invest a construct with a portion of your soul, binding it to you as a homunculus. You must spend 4 workweeks of downtime and 500 gold to construct one. Choose a construct creature no larger than Medium and that has a challenge rating of 1/4 or lower (see the Homunculus section of The Korranberg Chronicle: Threat Dispatch starting on page 45 for constructs particularly suitable for this purpose). After it is complete, you imbue it with a portion of your soul. Your homunculus shares your alignment.",
"It accompanies you on your adventures and faithfully fights alongside you. Add your proficiency bonus to the homunculus's AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls, as well as to any saving throws and skills it is proficient in. The creature has a total number of hit dice equal to your level minus 3, or it's normal total, whichever is higher. For every hit die it has, its hit point maximum increases accordingly. Each level you gain after taking this feat, your homunculi gains an additional hit die and increases its hit points accordingly.",
"For every 4 hit die the homunculus has, its ability scores improve. Your homunculus can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or it can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, your homunculus can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature unless its description specifies otherwise. Your homunculus can't gain feats unless otherwise noted.",
"Your homunculus obeys your commands as best it can. It rolls for initiative like any other creature, but you determine its actions, decisions, attitudes, and so on. If you are incapacitated, your companion acts on its own.",
"Your homunculus remains active as long as it is within 100 feet of you. It becomes unconscious and inert if you ever move further away. If your homunculus is destroyed, a piece of your soul is lost and you suffer a\u20134 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks. Every time you complete a long rest, this penalty lessens by 1. Once you no longer have this penalty, you can craft a new homunculus by spending another 4 workweeks of downtime and 500 gold.",
"You cannot have more than one homunculus active at a time. Should you begin crafting a new homunculus, the old one collapses into wasted raw materials after you finish one day of progress toward crafting the new one (and you suffer the penalty above, since the old homunculus is destroyed)."
"name": "Dhakaani Flail Master",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 126,
"entries": [
"The ancient goblins of the Dhakaani Empire invented all manner of chain weapons, including the flail, dire flail, and mighty flail. You have spent countless hours studying their techniques with these weapons. You gain the following benefits when wielding any type of flail:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls you make with the weapon.",
"As a bonus action on your turn, you can prepare yourself to extend your weapon to sweep over targets' shields. Until the end of this turn, your attack rolls with the weapon gain a +2 bonus against any target using a shield.",
"When you hit with an opportunity attack using the weapon, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier) or be knocked prone."
"name": "Doppelganger Telepathy",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 126,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"Whatever the truth of the connection between your race and the monstrous doppelgangers, you have honed a similar talent as them for invading the minds of others. You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn the {@spell detect thoughts} spell and can innately cast it once without expending a spell slot. When cast as an innate spell, it requires no components for you to cast. You regain the ability to innately cast {@spell detect thoughts} when you finish a short or long rest. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Charisma."
"ability": [
"cha": 1
"name": "Dragonmark Adept",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 127,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "must possess a non-aberrant dragonmark"
"entries": [
"Though your dragonmark does not increase in size, you have unlocked deeper power inherent in it.",
"You learn the spells associated with your dragonmark, depending on its nature (base or Greater). If you take the Greater Dragonmark feat after this one, you gain the spell granted by this feat associated with Greater marks.",
"All spells you learn from this feat can be cast from your dragonmark as innate spells without expending a spell slot and requiring no components unless they have a listed cost. You can cast these spells once each, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. See the Dragonmark Adept Spells table for which spells you learn for each category of true dragonmark, as well as the spellcasting ability modifier for them when you cast the from your dragonmark.",
"Some spells function a bit differently when cast from a dragonmark, as noted below:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"When you cast commune with nature from your Mark of Finding using this feat, you may only gain knowledge of three facts about the following: terrain and bodies of water; prevalent plants or minerals (including dragonshards); or the presence and nature of manifest zones.",
"To cast suggestion using this feat and the Mark of Scribing, you must have Calligrapher's supplies, ink and quill, or some other writing implement. As part of the action to cast the spell, you write the suggestion down (any available surface will do, such as a page in a chapbook, your palm, or even the floor). The written suggestion retains its enchantment as long as you concentrate on the spell, until the first creature who can understand it reads it. Thereafter the reader becomes the target of the spell as normal, and your concentration maintains the enchantment on it. The maximum amount of time you can concentrate on the entire spell does not change.",
"When you cast spirit guardians from your Mark of Sentinel using this feat, the spirits appear as ephemeral duplicates of yourself, made out of shimmering ribbons akin to a three-dimensional, living dragonmark. The damage the spell deals is force damage, regardless of your alignment."
"type": "table",
"colLabels": [
"Mark of...",
"Spellcasting Ability",
"Base Mark Spells",
"Greater Mark Spell"
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center ",
"intro": [
"Dragonmark Adept Spells"
"rows": [
"{@spell detect magic}, {@spell detect thoughts}",
"{@spell arcane eye}"
"{@spell hunter's mark}, {@spell locate object}",
"{@spell commune with nature}*"
"{@spell animal messenger}, {@spell speak with animals}",
"{@spell awaken}"
"{@spell cure wounds}, {@spell lesser restoration}",
"{@spell death ward}"
"{@spell purify food and drink}, {@spell Leomund's tiny hut}",
"{@spell calm emotions}"
"{@spell identify}, {@spell repair damage|KCAA}",
"{@spell stone shape}"
"{@spell expeditious retreat}, {@spell phantom steed}",
"{@spell dimension door}"
"{@spell magic mouth}, {@spell suggestion}*",
"{@spell hypnotic pattern}"
"{@spell shield of faith}, {@spell blur}",
"{@spell spirit guardians}*"
"{@spell disguise self}, {@spell invisibility}",
"{@spell clairvoyance}"
"{@spell fog cloud}, {@spell warding wind}",
"{@spell call lightning}"
"{@spell Nystul's magic aura}, {@spell magic circle}",
"{@spell nondetection}"
"footnotes": [
"* These spells function diffrently when cast from your dragonmark, as described above."
"name": "Dragonmark Adept (Detection)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 127,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "must possess a non-aberrant dragonmark"
"entries": [
"Though your dragonmark does not increase in size, you have unlocked deeper power inherent in it.",
"You learn the spells {@spell detect magic}, {@spell detect thoughts}, each of which you can cast once without expending a spell slot or using a material component. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Once you cast a spell using this feature, and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.",
"If you take the Greater Dragonmark feat after this one, you gain the spell {@spell arcane eye}."
"name": "Dragonmark Adept (Finding)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 127,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "must possess a non-aberrant dragonmark"
"entries": [
"Though your dragonmark does not increase in size, you have unlocked deeper power inherent in it.",
"You learn the spells {@spell hunter's mark} and {@spell locate object}, each of which you can cast once without expending a spell slot or using a material component. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Once you cast a spell using this feature, and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.",
"If you take the Greater Dragonmark feat after this one, you gain the spell {@spell commune with nature}*.",
"When you cast commune with nature from your Mark of Finding using this feat, you may only gain knowledge of three facts about the following: terrain and bodies of water; prevalent plants or minerals (including dragonshards); or the presence and nature of manifest zones."
"name": "Dragonmark Adept (Handling)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 127,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "must possess a non-aberrant dragonmark"
"entries": [
"Though your dragonmark does not increase in size, you have unlocked deeper power inherent in it.",
"You learn the spells {@spell animal messenger} and {@spell speak with animals}, each of which you can cast once without expending a spell slot or using a material component. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Once you cast a spell using this feature, and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.",
"If you take the Greater Dragonmark feat after this one, you gain the spell {@spell awaken}."
"name": "Dragonmark Adept (Healing)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 127,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "must possess a non-aberrant dragonmark"
"entries": [
"Though your dragonmark does not increase in size, you have unlocked deeper power inherent in it.",
"You learn the spells {@spell cure wounds} and {@spell lesser restoration}, each of which you can cast once without expending a spell slot or using a material component. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Once you cast a spell using this feature, and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.",
"If you take the Greater Dragonmark feat after this one, you gain the spell {@spell death ward}."
"name": "Dragonmark Adept (Hospitality)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 127,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "must possess a non-aberrant dragonmark"
"entries": [
"Though your dragonmark does not increase in size, you have unlocked deeper power inherent in it.",
"You learn the spells {@spell purify food and drink} and {@spell Leomund's tiny hut}, each of which you can cast once without expending a spell slot or using a material component. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Once you cast a spell using this feature, and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.",
"If you take the Greater Dragonmark feat after this one, you gain the spell {@spell calm emotions}."
"name": "Dragonmark Adept (Making)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 127,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "must possess a non-aberrant dragonmark"
"entries": [
"Though your dragonmark does not increase in size, you have unlocked deeper power inherent in it.",
"You learn the spells {@spell identify} and {@spell repair damage|KCAA}, each of which you can cast once without expending a spell slot or using a material component. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Once you cast a spell using this feature, and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.",
"If you take the Greater Dragonmark feat after this one, you gain the spell {@spell stone shape}."
"name": "Dragonmark Adept (Passage)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 127,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "must possess a non-aberrant dragonmark"
"entries": [
"Though your dragonmark does not increase in size, you have unlocked deeper power inherent in it.",
"You learn the spells {@spell expeditious retreat} and {@spell phantom steed}, each of which you can cast once without expending a spell slot or using a material component. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Once you cast a spell using this feature, and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.",
"If you take the Greater Dragonmark feat after this one, you gain the spell {@spell dimension door}."
"name": "Dragonmark Adept (Scribing)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 127,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "must possess a non-aberrant dragonmark"
"entries": [
"Though your dragonmark does not increase in size, you have unlocked deeper power inherent in it.",
"You learn the spells {@spell magic mouth} and {@spell suggestion}*, each of which you can cast once without expending a spell slot or using a material component. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Once you cast a spell using this feature, and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.",
"If you take the Greater Dragonmark feat after this one, you gain the spell {@spell hypnotic pattern}.",
"To cast suggestion using this feat and the Mark of Scribing, you must have Calligrapher's supplies, ink and quill, or some other writing implement. As part of the action to cast the spell, you write the suggestion down (any available surface will do, such as a page in a chapbook, your palm, or even the floor). The written suggestion retains its enchantment as long as you concentrate on the spell, until the first creature who can understand it reads it. Thereafter the reader becomes the target of the spell as normal, and your concentration maintains the enchantment on it. The maximum amount of time you can concentrate on the entire spell does not change."
"name": "Dragonmark Adept (Sentinel)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 127,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "must possess a non-aberrant dragonmark"
"entries": [
"Though your dragonmark does not increase in size, you have unlocked deeper power inherent in it.",
"You learn the spells {@spell shield of faith} and {@spell blur}, each of which you can cast once without expending a spell slot or using a material component. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Once you cast a spell using this feature, and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.",
"If you take the Greater Dragonmark feat after this one, you gain the spell {@spell spirit guardians}*.",
"When you cast spirit guardians from your Mark of Sentinel using this feat, the spirits appear as ephemeral duplicates of yourself, made out of shimmering ribbons akin to a three-dimensional, living dragonmark. The damage the spell deals is force damage, regardless of your alignment."
"name": "Dragonmark Adept (Shadow)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 127,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "must possess a non-aberrant dragonmark"
"entries": [
"Though your dragonmark does not increase in size, you have unlocked deeper power inherent in it.",
"You learn the spells {@spell disguise self} and {@spell invisibility}, each of which you can cast once without expending a spell slot or using a material component. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Once you cast a spell using this feature, and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.",
"If you take the Greater Dragonmark feat after this one, you gain the spell {@spell clairvoyance}."
"name": "Dragonmark Adept (Storm)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 127,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "must possess a non-aberrant dragonmark"
"entries": [
"Though your dragonmark does not increase in size, you have unlocked deeper power inherent in it.",
"You learn the spells {@spell fog cloud} and {@spell warding wind}, each of which you can cast once without expending a spell slot or using a material component. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Once you cast a spell using this feature, and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.",
"If you take the Greater Dragonmark feat after this one, you gain the spell {@spell call lightning}."
"name": "Dragonmark Adept (Warding)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 127,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "must possess a non-aberrant dragonmark"
"entries": [
"Though your dragonmark does not increase in size, you have unlocked deeper power inherent in it.",
"You learn the spells {@spell Nystul's magic aura} and {@spell magic circle}, each of which you can cast once without expending a spell slot or using a material component. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Once you cast a spell using this feature, and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.",
"If you take the Greater Dragonmark feat after this one, you gain the spell {@spell nondetection}."
"name": "Dul'ulora Atavist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 126,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "Kalashtar"
"other": "have taken no other atavist feat."
"entries": [
"Du'ulora are the dispassionate generals of nightmare armies and know the value of the application of force. Even your spirit, capable of feeling compassion and restraint, favors a direct response to legitimate threats. Kalashtar of du'ulora lineages are among the most frequent to become shadow watchers, and you were likely no exception. Representative lineages include Harath, Kashtai, and Vakri. You can nearly hear one of these spirits whispering to you, increasing your psionic might. You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Incite Fury",
"entries": [
"Your du'ulora instinctively understands anger and rage and allows you to ignite the wild emotion in your foes. You may cast the {@spell compelled duel} spell, using no components. The target is instilled with a furious desire to single you out for retribution. Strength or Intelligence (your choice) is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Once you cast the spell using this feat, you must finish a long rest before you may do so again."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Far Hand",
"entries": [
"You know the {@spell mage hand} cantrip. When you cast mage hand, the hand you create is invisible. Strength or Intelligence (your choice) is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"name": "Dual Wandslinger",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 128,
"entries": [
"You master the art of using two wands to perform somatic components for two spells simultaneously, gaining the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"As an action, you can expend a spell slot of at least 2nd-level to simultaneously cast two cantrips when wielding a wand in each hand. You supply the somatic component for each cantrip with each wand.",
"You can draw or stow two wands when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.",
"Every two magic wands that you are attuned to count as only one magic item for the purposes of your magic item attunement limit.",
"When you expend charges to activate a magic item you are attuned to, you may reduce the cost of expended charges by 1, to a minimum of 0. You may use this feature twice, but only once on any given magic item. When you finish a short or long rest, you may use this ability again."
"ability": [
"dex": 1
"name": "Enhanced Shifting",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 128,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "shifter"
"level": {
"level": 8
"entries": [
"You strengthen your racial shifting ability after much experience, granting you several benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You may shift one additional time before resting. You regain all expended uses of your shifting trait when you finish a short or long rest.",
"As long as you are not surprised, you may shift as a reaction when you roll initiative.",
"While shifting, you ignore up to 2 levels of exhaustion. If you have more than 2 levels of exhaustion, your exhaustion level is treated as 2 lower for the duration of your shift.",
"If you are reduced to 0 hit points while shifting, you may stay conscious and continue fighting until you fail two death saving throws. (You make death saving throws at the end of your turn when at 0 hit points as normal, and every time you take damage while at 0 hit points it is considered an automatic failed death saving throw.)",
"When your shift ends, if you are at 0 hit points, you fall unconscious (if you are not already) and become stable.",
"When your shift ends, if you have 1 or more hit points, you heal a number of hit points equal to the amount of temporary hit points you gained at the start of your shift."
"name": "Extra Shifter Aspect",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 128,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "shifter"
"entries": [
"You are a rare shifter that manifests two shifting aspects. Choose a second shifter subrace (you can't choose your existing subrace twice). You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"One ability score of your choice that is normally increased by the chosen shifter subrace increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.",
"You gain the Shifting Feature of the chosen subrace. When you shift, you gain the benefits of both subrace's Shifting Features simultaneously.",
"You gain any other trait the subrace provides."
"name": "Extreme Explorer",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 128,
"entries": [
"You are extremely talented at setting out into the unknown\u2014and more importantly, coming back alive. Your reflexes are honed to avoid unexpected danger, and you are light on your feet when unencumbered by bulky armor, and you also have a knack for surviving certain doom with sheer luck.",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"While you are wearing light armor or are unarmored, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.",
"You have advantage on saving throws made to avoid or resist traps, and you gain an additional +1 bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.",
"Your walking speed increases by 5 feet when you are wearing light armor or are unarmored.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You gain 1 luck point. Whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can spend a luck point to roll an additional {@dice d20}. You can choose to spend your luck point after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the {@dice d20}s is used for the attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.",
"You can also spend a luck point when an attack roll is made against you. Roll a {@dice d20}, and then choose whether the attack uses the attacker's roll or yours. If more than one creature spends a luck point to influence the outcome of a roll, the points cancel each other out; no additional dice are rolled.",
"You regain your expended luck points when you finish a long rest. If you have another source of luck points, such as the Lucky feat, your total number of luck points is equal to as many as each source provides added together, and you regain them all when you finish a long rest."
"name": "Hashalaq Atavist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 129,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "kalastar"
"other": "have taken no other atavist feat."
"entries": [
"Hashalaq quori loyal to the Darkness that Dreams wield empathy and desire like a poisoned dagger. Morally repulsed by this behavior, your spirit was instrumental in finding other quori dissatisfied with the Dreaming Dark and masking the flight of the kalashtar spirits from Dal Quor. Representative lineages include Khad, Tash, and Shana. You can nearly hear one of these spirits whispering to you, increasing your empathic talents. You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Instill Confidence",
"entries": [
"Your hashalaq has granted you the ability to empathically connect with your allies and fill them with confidence and security. You may cast the {@spell bless} spell, using no components. Wisdom or Intelligence (your choice) is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Once you cast the spell using this feat, you must finish a long rest before you may do so again."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Empathic Projection",
"entries": [
"As an action, you project calming emotions and friendship toward one humanoid you can see within 120 feet of you. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be charmed by you until the end of your next turn. The DC to resist this is equal to 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier (your choice). You may use this ability at will."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"name": "Heightened Aspect (Beasthide)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 129,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "shifter"
"entries": [
"Your shifter aspect has grown more pronounced than others of your kind, granting you increased benefits when you shift. You gain the benefits below associated with your shifter subrace.",
"If you have the Extra Shifter Aspect feat, you gain the benefits associated with only one of your subraces. However, when eligible you may take this feat a second time to gain the below benefits associated with your other shifter subrace:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"While shifting, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that you take from weapons that aren't silvered is reduced by 3."
"ability": [
"con": 1
"name": "Heightened Aspect (Cliffwalk)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 129,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "shifter"
"entries": [
"Your shifter aspect has grown more pronounced than others of your kind, granting you increased benefits when you shift. You gain the benefits below associated with your shifter subrace.",
"If you have the Extra Shifter Aspect feat, you gain the benefits associated with only one of your subraces. However, when eligible you may take this feat a second time to gain the below benefits associated with your other shifter subrace:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Your climb speed during your shift increases by an additional 20 feet.",
"While shifting, if you are barefooted, you can climb even on upside down surfaces, and may hang securely from any surface you are climbing so your hands are free."
"ability": [
"dex": 1
"name": "Heightened Aspect (Dreamsight)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 129,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "shifter"
"entries": [
"Your shifter aspect has grown more pronounced than others of your kind, granting you increased benefits when you shift. You gain the benefits below associated with your shifter subrace.",
"If you have the Extra Shifter Aspect feat, you gain the benefits associated with only one of your subraces. However, when eligible you may take this feat a second time to gain the below benefits associated with your other shifter subrace:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Once during your shift, you may innately cast either {@spell see invisibility} or {@spell misty step}, using no components. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for either spell. Once you cast one of these spells in this way, you many not cast either with this ability until your shift ends and you shift again."
"ability": [
"wis": 1
"name": "Heightened Aspect (Longtooth)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 129,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "shifter"
"entries": [
"Your shifter aspect has grown more pronounced than others of your kind, granting you increased benefits when you shift. You gain the benefits below associated with your shifter subrace.",
"If you have the Extra Shifter Aspect feat, you gain the benefits associated with only one of your subraces. However, when eligible you may take this feat a second time to gain the below benefits associated with your other shifter subrace:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"The piercing damage you deal with unarmed strikes made with your fangs increases to {@dice 1d8} + your Strength modifier.",
"If you hit with your fangs, you may attempt to grab the target of the attack as a bonus action. While maintaining a grapple with your fangs, unarmed strikes with your fangs automatically hit the grappled opponent. Make an attack roll to determine if your hit is a critical hit, but on any result lower than a natural 20 (including a natural 1) you still hit."
"ability": [
"str": 1
"name": "Heightened Aspect (Razorclaw)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 129,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "shifter"
"entries": [
"Your shifter aspect has grown more pronounced than others of your kind, granting you increased benefits when you shift. You gain the benefits below associated with your shifter subrace.",
"If you have the Extra Shifter Aspect feat, you gain the benefits associated with only one of your subraces. However, when eligible you may take this feat a second time to gain the below benefits associated with your other shifter subrace:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"During your shift, if you hit a target with an unarmed strike using a claw with your Attack action and also hit the same target with an unarmed strike using a claw with your bonus action, you may make one additional unarmed strike using a claw against the same target as part of the same bonus action."
"ability": [
"dex": 1
"name": "Heightened Aspect (Swiftstride)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 129,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "shifter"
"entries": [
"Your shifter aspect has grown more pronounced than others of your kind, granting you increased benefits when you shift. You gain the benefits below associated with your shifter subrace.",
"If you have the Extra Shifter Aspect feat, you gain the benefits associated with only one of your subraces. However, when eligible you may take this feat a second time to gain the below benefits associated with your other shifter subrace:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"While shifting, when you take the Dash action, after moving at least 30 feet in a straight line you may make one melee weapon attack as part of the same action or bonus action used to Dash.",
"While shifting, you when you use the Dash action, all opportunity attacks against you are made with disadvantage until the start of your next turn."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"name": "Heightened Aspect (Swiftwing)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 129,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "shifter"
"entries": [
"Your shifter aspect has grown more pronounced than others of your kind, granting you increased benefits when you shift. You gain the benefits below associated with your shifter subrace.",
"If you have the Extra Shifter Aspect feat, you gain the benefits associated with only one of your subraces. However, when eligible you may take this feat a second time to gain the below benefits associated with your other shifter subrace:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"While shifting, at the start of your turn, you may choose to forfeit your movement to freefall 60 feet straight downward. If you do and you do not collide with a surface during the first 30 feet of your freefall at the start of your turn, you may use your arms and hands for any purpose during any action and/or bonus action you take after you have fallen 30 feet, and then your turn ends. At the end of your turn you fall the remaining 30 feet.",
"If you are still in midair at the end of this freefall and have not collided with a surface, you are no longer falling and may resume flying on your next turn. Otherwise you take falling damage as normal."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"name": "Heightened Aspect (Truedive)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 129,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "shifter"
"entries": [
"Your shifter aspect has grown more pronounced than others of your kind, granting you increased benefits when you shift. You gain the benefits below associated with your shifter subrace.",
"If you have the Extra Shifter Aspect feat, you gain the benefits associated with only one of your subraces. However, when eligible you may take this feat a second time to gain the below benefits associated with your other shifter subrace:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Your swim speed during your shift increases by an additional 20 feet.",
"While shifting, you have advantage on the first attack roll you make in a turn against a target that does not have a swim speed."
"ability": [
"con": 1
"name": "Heightened Aspect (Wildhunt)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 129,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "shifter"
"entries": [
"Your shifter aspect has grown more pronounced than others of your kind, granting you increased benefits when you shift. You gain the benefits below associated with your shifter subrace.",
"If you have the Extra Shifter Aspect feat, you gain the benefits associated with only one of your subraces. However, when eligible you may take this feat a second time to gain the below benefits associated with your other shifter subrace:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Once during your shift, you may innately cast either {@spell locate animals or plants} or {@spell pass without trace}, using no components. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for either spell. Once you cast one of these spells in this way, you many not cast either with this ability until your shift ends and you shift again."
"ability": [
"wis": 1
"name": "Heightened Aspect (Winterhide)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 129,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "shifter"
"entries": [
"Your shifter aspect has grown more pronounced than others of your kind, granting you increased benefits when you shift. You gain the benefits below associated with your shifter subrace.",
"If you have the Extra Shifter Aspect feat, you gain the benefits associated with only one of your subraces. However, when eligible you may take this feat a second time to gain the below benefits associated with your other shifter subrace:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"While shifting, you are immune to cold damage and you gain a +1 bonus to AC. If you shift as a reaction to taking cold damage and this bonus would increase your AC above the result of the attack roll, the attack misses you."
"ability": [
"con": 1
"name": "Quicksilver Excellence",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 130,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "warforged"
"entries": [
"Your tracery dramatically expands, transforming you so that all of your metal and stone parts are made from the extremely light mithral. Though this makes you quick and deadly, the transformation is irreversible. You gain the following traits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Your model type becomes Mitral Tracery if it was not already, and you then lose the Remodeling racial trait, making your model type permanent.",
"Your weight decreases by 50 pounds.",
"Your walking speed increases by 5 feet.",
"You either gain proficiency with Initiative checks, or one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth.",
"Your unarmed strikes are considered to be made from silver weapons.",
"As a bonus action, you can morph one or both of your hands into blades, allowing you to make deadly unarmed strikes. If you hit with an unarmed strike while your hand is in blade form, you deal slashing or piercing damage (your choice) equal to {@dice 1d6} + your Dexterity modifier + one half your proficiency bonus, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. You cannot hold objects or perform somatic components for spells with a hand while it is in blade form. You can morph your hands back to normal as a bonus action."
"name": "Racial Emulation (Dwarf)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak Dwarvish. If you already know this language, you can learn another one of your choice.",
"When you use your Change Appearance trait to transform into a dwarf, you have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage."
"ability": [
"con": 1
"name": "Racial Emulation (Elf)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak Elvish. If you already know this language, you can learn another one of your choice.",
"When you use your Change Appearance trait to transform into an elf, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep."
"ability": [
"dex": 1
"name": "Racial Emulation (Gnome, Hafling, or Goblin)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak one of the following languages: Gnomish, Halfling, or Goblin. If you already know all of these languages, you can learn another language of your choice.",
"You may use your Change Appearance trait to transform into a Small sized humanoid."
"ability": [
"dex": 1
"name": "Racial Emulation (Half-elf)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You may either gain the Khoravar Cant feature of the Khoravar Half-Elf, learn how to speak, read, and write Elvish, or you may learn any one language of your choice.",
"When you use your Change Appearance trait to transform into a half-elf, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"name": "Racial Emulation (Half-orc)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak Orc. If you already know this language, you can learn another one of your choice.",
"While you are transformed into a half-orc by your Change Appearance trait and you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can't use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest in the form of a half-orc."
"ability": [
"str": 1
"name": "Racial Emulation (Human)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak a language of your choice.",
"When you use your Change Appearance trait to transform into a human, you can automatically gain advantage on any {@dice d20} roll once. You regain the use of this ability after you finish a long rest in the form of a human."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"name": "Racial Emulation (Shifter)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak one language of your choice from the following list: Dwarvish, Elvish, Halfling, Goblin, Orc. If you already know all of these languages, you can learn another language of your choice.",
"When you use your Change Appearance trait to transform into a shifter that isn't currently shifting, you gain the ability to mimic the shifting trait of shifters. As a bonus action, you may use your Change Appearance trait to transform from the shape of a shifter who is not shifting into the shape of the same shifter who is shifting. When you do so, you gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your Constitution bonus (minimum 1). You do not gain any other ability associated with the shifter aspect you are mimicking, such as enhanced unarmed strikes or alternate modes of movement. Once you use your Change Appearance trait as a bonus action in this special way, you may not do so again until you finish a short or long rest in the form of a shifter that isn't shifting."
"ability": [
"dex": 1
"name": "Racial Emulation (Bugbear)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak Goblin. If you already know this language, you can learn another one of your choice.",
"You gain proficiency with one of the following weapons: flail, mighty flail, dire flail, or spiked chain.",
"When you use your Change Appearance trait to transform into a bugbear, you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift."
"ability": [
"str": 1
"name": "Racial Emulation (Dragonborn)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak Draconic. If you already know this language, you can learn another one of your choice.",
"When you use your Change Appearance trait to transform into a dragonborn, you gain resistance to one of the following types of damage: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"name": "Racial Emulation (Drow)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak one language of your choice from the following list: Daelkyr, Elvish, Giant, Ignan, Undercommon. If you already know all of these languages, you can learn another language of your choice.",
"When you use your Change Appearance trait to transform into a drow, you can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray."
"ability": [
"dex": 1
"name": "Racial Emulation (Eneko)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak Giant. If you already know this language, you can learn another one of your choice.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"When you use your Change Appearance trait to transform into an eneko and you make saving throws to resist environmental effects due to weather or climate, you are considered proficient in the saving throw and add double your proficiency bonus to the saving throw, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.",
"Additionally, while in the form of an eneko, you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift."
"ability": [
"con": 1
"name": "Racial Emulation (Gnoll)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak Gnoll. If you already know this language, you can learn another one of your choice.",
"When you use your Change Appearance trait to transform into a gnoll, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks that rely on smell."
"ability": [
"dex": 1
"name": "Racial Emulation (Goliath)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak Giant or Goblin. If you already know both of these languages, you can learn another one of your choice.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"When you use your Change Appearance trait to transform into a goliath, you are acclimated to high altitude, including elevations above 20,000 feet. You're also naturally adapted to cold climates, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.",
"Additionally, while in the form of a goliath, you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Finally you are always considered to have a running start when jumping while in the form of a goliath."
"ability": [
"str": 1
"name": "Racial Emulation (Hobgoblin)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak Goblin. If you already know this language, you can learn another one of your choice.",
"You gain proficiency with one of the following weapons: flail, mighty flail, dire flail, or spiked chain.",
"When you use your Change Appearance trait to transform into a hobgoblin and you make a Charisma check to interact with a goblinoid, you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply."
"ability": [
"con": 1
"name": "Racial Emulation (Minotaur)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak Orc. If you already know this language, you can learn another one of your choice.",
"You gain proficiency in Intimidation.",
"When you use your Change Appearance trait to transform into a minotaur, you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"name": "Racial Emulation (Orc)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak Orc. If you already know this language, you can learn another one of your choice.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"When you use your Change Appearance trait to transform into an orc, you may roll a {@dice d4} and add it to the result of any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check that hasn't already benefited from a Bardic Inspiration die. You can wait until after you roll the {@dice d20} before deciding to roll this {@dice d4}, but you must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. You may roll this {@dice d4} once, and you regain the ability to do so after you finish a short or long rest in the form of an orc.",
"Additionally, while in the form of an orc, you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"name": "Racial Emulation (Sahuagin)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 131,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "changeling"
"entries": [
"You have spent an extensive amount of time assuming the form of one particular race of people. You may even, deep down, consider yourself one of them. Pick one common or uncommon race native to Eberron, other than warforged, and gain the following benefits associated with it:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn to read, write, and speak Sahuagin. If you already know this language, you can learn another one of your choice.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"When you use your Change Appearance trait to transform into a sahuagin, you gain a swimming speed of 40 feet and you can breathe both air and water. However, while you are in sahuagin form, you need to be submerged in saltwater at least once every 4 hours for no less than 1 minute. For every four hours in sahuagin form you go without submerging yourself, you must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer a level of exhaustion.",
"Levels of exhaustion gained this way cannot be removed by any spell or effect. They can only be removed by submerging yourself in saltwater. For every minute submerged, one level of exhaustion gained this way is removed. While you have at least one level of exhaustion gained this way, your skin is too dry and brittle to easily transform and you cannot use your Change Appearance trait."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"name": "Reforged",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 133,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "warforged"
"ability": [
"wis": 13,
"cha": 13
"entries": [
"You have meditated and philosophized extensively on what it means to be a living creature. You were forged, not born, it is true, but you have a living soul. By taking this feat you have come to an epiphany that radically alters your body to reflect the change to your identity. You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Your body sheds any armor it once had, leaving you a humanoid comprised solely of livewood musculature. You no longer benefit from the Integrated Armor, Model Type, or Remodeling racial traits. Because of this, you may now wear armor.",
"You lose any feat that requires a specific warforged model type to function or had them listed as a prerequisite. In their place you gain an Ability Score Improvement, as the class feature, for each feat lost this way.",
"You retain the ability to use warforged components, except those that require attunement by warforged with specific model types.",
"If your game uses the Construct Nature variant rules, you gain the normal effect of healing magic from all sources.",
"You gain proficiency in two of the following skills: Deception, Insight, Persuasion."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"name": "Silver Pyromancer",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 133,
"prerequisite": [
"spellcasting": true
"other": "must be able to use an arcane spellcasting focus and worship the Silver Flame."
"entries": [
"Your faith in the Silver Flame empowers and augments your arcane spellcasting. You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn the {@spell sacred flame} or {@spell light} cantrip. Once you make this choice it cannot be changed. You cast this cantrip using the same spellcasting ability that you use for other spells you cast using an arcane spellcasting focus.",
"You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell when you take damage.",
"Whenever you use an arcane spellcasting focus to cast a spell that deals fire damage, you can choose for the spell's damage to be radiant damage instead."
"name": "Sledgehammer Fists",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 134,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "warforged",
"subrace": "juggernaut"
"entries": [
"Your hands and forearms increase in size, your metal and stone construction forming them into heavier, bulkier gauntlet-like forms. You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Your Iron Fists racial trait now allows you to deal bludgeoning damage equal to {@dice 1d8} + your Strength modifier when you hit with an unarmed strike.",
"If both of your hands are free and you hit with an unarmed strike on your turn, as bonus action you may clasp your hands together and deliver a hammer blow as an unarmed strike. If the hammer blow hits, it deals bludgeoning damage equal to {@dice 1d12} + your Strength modifier."
"ability": [
"str": 1
"name": "Spiked Plating",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 134,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "warforged",
"subrace": "juggernaut"
"entries": [
"Your aggression is manifested in sharp metal blades and spikes that grow from your plating, granting you the following benefits.",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Whenever you deal damage with an unarmed strike, you may deal slashing or piercing damage (your choice) instead of bludgeoning damage.",
"Whenever you succeed on a grab or shove attempt, you deal your unarmed strike damage to the target.",
"Creatures grappled by you and creatures you are grappled by take your unarmed strike damage automatically at the start of their turn."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"name": "Talentan Warrior",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 135,
"prerequisite": [
"level": {
"level": 8
"entries": [
"You have trained extensively with the traditional halfling weapons of the Talenta Plains. You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier for attack and damage rolls you make with a sharrash or tangat.",
"When you use a sharrash or tangat, its damage die changes from a {@dice d8} to {@dice 1d10}.",
"When you throw a Talenta boomerang, its range becomes 60/100 ft. and it always returns to you at the end of your turn, whether you hit or miss. Furthermore, you automatically succeed on catching a Talenta boomerang that returns to you."
"ability": [
"dex": 1
"name": "Thunder Guide",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 135,
"prerequisite": [
"level": {
"level": 8
"entries": [
"You have traveled the length and breadth of the Thunder Sea, learning from cultures indigenous to disparate regions, from the jungles of Xen'drik to the Seren Isles. Pick three of any of the following abilities, to represent the tricks and knacks you've picked up from your travels. You must have adventured in the region under which the ability is listed in order to select it.",
"type": "options",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Any Region",
"entries": [
"type": "list",
"items": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Rescue Artist",
"entries": [
"You are skilled at saving others from harrowing situations. If a creature begins to fall within your line of sight, you may use your reaction to move up to your speed and automatically catch them. Additionally, when you take the Help action to aid another creature in escaping from a grapple, they automatically succeed on their escape attempt. Finally, you may carry a Medium or smaller creature in addition to your normal carrying capacity without becoming encumbered for up to 1 minute. After a minute of doing so, you must finish a short or long rest before you can carry a creature this way again."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Lionized in the Press",
"entries": [
"The Korranberg Chronicle, the Breland Ledger, the Aundarian Scroll, and other chronicle sheets recount your adventures across the Thunder Sea in thrilling detail. You have advantage on Charisma checks when interacting with members of the press, nobility, and Dragonmarked Houses. Once per month, you may give a lecture at a notable institution, such as Morgrave University or the Library of Korranberg, and earn gold pieces equal to 10 times the result of a Charisma (Performance) check."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Eye of the Chamber",
"entries": [
"Learning patience and planning from draconic agents of the Chamber, you apply those traits in combat. As an Action during combat, you may study a creature hostile to you and begin concentrating (as though concentrating on a spell). For up to 1 minute, or until your concentration ends, you have advantage on all attacks against the opponent. Once you have observed an opponent this way, you may not do so again until you finish a short or long rest."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Aerenal",
"entries": [
"type": "list",
"items": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Aereni Crystallomancy",
"entries": [
"You may cast the {@spell false life} spell. When you do, it requires an additional material component of an Irian-infused Eberron dragonshard found only on the Isle of Aerenal worth at least 200 gp, and it is cast as though from a 3rd level spell slot. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Once you cast this spell, you must finish a long rest to do so again."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Friend of Aereni",
"entries": [
"Your presence is always welcome in the Aereni port of Pylas Talaear. You always have free accommodations in the city, and the governor, Syraen Melidith, will subsidize half the cost of any House Lyrandar airship or galleon trip you make to or from Pylas Talaear. Additionally, you may purchase mundane goods at half-cost while in the city."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Honorary Tairnadal",
"entries": [
"The Valenar elves welcome you as one of their own, and one of their majestic mounts has even formed an unbreakable bond with you. You learn the {@spell find steed} spell, but you may only summon a Valenar Riding Horse with it (even if you are not a Valenar elf). Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Once you cast this spell, you must finish a long rest to do so again. (See page 14 of The Korranberg Chronicle: Threat Dispatch for the Valenar Riding Horse's statistics.)"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Seren Isles",
"entries": [
"type": "list",
"items": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Dragonsong",
"entries": [
"Once, distantly, you heard the rocky barrier coast of Argonnessen come alive with the song of dragons. You may call on the memory of the tragic glory of dragonsong as a Reaction to gain advantage on all saving throws against becoming charmed for as long as you concentrate (as though concentrating on a spell) for up to 1 minute. Once you call upon this memory, you may not do so again until you finish a short or long rest."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Seren Hide",
"entries": [
"Conditioning yourself with techniques learned alongside Seren barbarians, you have inured yourself to physical harm. Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage you take from non-magical weapons is reduced by 1, and when not wearing armor you have an AC of 12 + your Dexterity modifier."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Vicious Barbarism",
"entries": [
"You've learned to fight like the vicious barbarians of the Seren Isles. As a bonus action, you may enter a reckless frenzy for 1 minute. During this frenzy, you deal 2 additional damage with all melee weapon attacks, but all attack rolls against you are made with advantage. You may end your reckless frenzy early by taking another bonus action to do so. It also ends early if you are knocked unconscious. When your reckless frenzy ends, you may not enter another reckless frenzy until you finish a long rest."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Shargon's Teeth",
"entries": [
"type": "list",
"items": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Blessed of Shargon",
"entries": [
"You have earned the blessing of Shargon, preventing the need for you and any crew or passengers of the ship you are traveling on from making sacrifices or offerings to the sahuagin of the Thunder Sea. Because of this boon, any captain will welcome you and your party aboard their vessels at no cost, including Lyrandar wind galleons. Furthermore, the sahuagin escort you and your vessel on journeys across Shargon's Teeth, eliminating the possibility of being attacked by creatures of challenge rating 9 or less."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Breath of Shargon",
"entries": [
"You can hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution score."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Malenti Pearl Trick",
"entries": [
"You may cast the {@spell charm person} spell. When you do, it requires an additional material component of a pearl worth at least 100 gp. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Once you cast this spell, you must finish a long rest to do so again."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Xen'drik",
"entries": [
"type": "list",
"items": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Ally of Rushemé",
"entries": [
"You have communed with the Guardians of Rushemé and have been granted the mystical ability to call on the strength of giantkind. You gain the ability to cast {@spell enlarge/reduce}, but only on yourself and only using the enlarge option. Strength is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Once you cast this spell, you may not do so again until you finish a long rest."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Ghost in Xen'drik",
"entries": [
"In any jungle environment, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) and Wisdom (Survival) checks. Additionally, you are considered a native to Xen'drik for the purposes of navigation and the Traveler's Curse."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Pandin Temn",
"entries": [
"You have trained at the side of Vulkoori drow to be a scourge of giants. Against the attacks of giants, you have a +1 bonus to AC if you are wearing no or light armor, and all of your attacks deal 2 additional damage against giants."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Xen'drik Boomerang Expert",
"entries": [
"You are proficient with Xen'drik boomerangs and you double their short and long ranges when throwing them. Additionally, Xen'drik boomerangs always return to you at the end of your turn when you throw them, whether they hit or miss, and you automatically succeed on catching them."
"name": "Tsoreva Atavist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 137,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "kalashtar"
"other": "have taken no other atavist feat."
"entries": [
"Tsoreva are the weakest and most vicious of quori, but the tsoreva of your lineage never had the desire to slaughter foes mindlessly. Rather, it vowed to wield its mind blades in the defense of the innocent. Representative lineages include Atah, Mira, and Zari. You can nearly hear one of these spirits whispering to you, increasing your psychic might. You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Terror Strike",
"entries": [
"Your tsoreva wielded fear as literal weapons, and your strengthened bond with it allows you to do the same. You may cast the {@spell wrathful smite} spell, using no components. Dexterity or Intelligence (your choice) is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Once you cast the spell using this feat, you must finish a long rest before you may do so again."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Terror Strike",
"entries": [
"As an action, you can momentarily manifest a magical blade of pure psionic energy and make a melee weapon attack with it. It counts as a simple melee weapon with which you are proficient. The weapon deals {@dice 1d8} psychic damage on hit and has the finesse property. After you make the attack, the blade disappears.",
"This ability's damage increases by {@dice 1d8} when you reach 5th level ({@dice 2d8}), 11th level ({@dice 3d8}), and 17th level ({@dice 4d8})."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"name": "Tsucora Atavist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 137,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "kalashtar"
"other": "have taken no other atavist feat."
"entries": [
"Tsucora are creatures of nightmare and fear. Although your spirit turned away from darkness and evil, it cannot help but to have an instinctive ability to inflict terror. Representative lineages include Azerai, Melk, and Tari. You can nearly hear one of these spirits whispering to you, increasing your telepathic abilities. You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Instill Terror",
"entries": [
"Your tsucora is a nightmare incarnate and allows you to channel its ability to incite pure, instinctual terror in a foe. You may cast the {@spell dissonant whispers} spell, using no components. Charisma or Intelligence (your choice) is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Once you cast the spell using this feat, you must finish a long rest before you may do so again."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Terrifying Visage",
"entries": [
"You know the {@spell thaumaturgy} cantrip, and you can cast it using no components. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"name": "Usvapna Atavist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 138,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "kalashtar"
"other": "have taken no other atavist feat."
"entries": [
"Usvapna quori, otherwise known as the \"dream masters\" are creatures that manipulate and corrupt minds, convincing dreaming mortals of their own lack of worth. Your usvapna quori found these practices revolting and vowed only to bring crushing despair on those responsible for tyranny. Representative lineages include Belv, Kustai, and Talem. You can nearly hear one of these spirits whispering to you, increasing your telepathic abilities. You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Inflict Terror",
"entries": [
"Your usvapna has given you the ability to cause such utter self-loathing in a foe that they become incapacitated. You may cast the {@spell Tasha's hideous laughter} spell, using no components. The spell functions as normal, except the target does not laugh and perceive everything as funny, but rather perceives everything as meaningless, most of all themselves, and weeps uncontrollably for the duration of the spell. Charisma or Intelligence (your choice) is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Once you cast the spell using this feat, you must finish a long rest before you may do so again."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Mind Crush",
"entries": [
"As an action, you target one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or take {@dice 1d6} psychic damage. If it takes any of this damage and is Large or smaller, it is knocked prone.",
"This ability's damage increases by {@dice 1d6} when you reach 5th level ({@dice 2d6}), 11th level ({@dice 3d6}), and 17th level ({@dice 4d6})."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"name": "Valenar Blade Master",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 125,
"entries": [
"The Valenar elves have spent millennia perfecting their technique with scimitars and double scimitars, in emulation of their heroic ancestors. You have spent countless hours studying with these weapons. You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier for attack and damage rolls you make with a double scimitar.",
"When you use a scimitar or double scimitar, its damage die changes from a {@dice d6} to {@dice d8}.",
"If you do not already add your ability modifier to the damage of the attack you make as a bonus action when engaging in two-weapon fighting, you may now do so when wielding a double scimitar or engaging in two-weapon fighting with a scimitar."
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"item": [
"name": "Artificer's Tools",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 134,
"type": "AT",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 3,
"value": 5000,
"entries": [
"Artificer’s tools are one kind of artisan’s tools designed to enable you to repair and craft complex mechanical objects."
"additionalEntries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Components",
"entries": [
"Artificer's tools include a small saw, hammer, files, pliers, narrow-bladed scissors, tweezers, and a small crucible and molds for casting gears and other clockwork components. They also include an array of crystal and specialized equipment for channeling magical forces."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Arcana",
"entries": [
"Proficiency with artificer's tools provides you with more information on Arcana checks involving constructs and magic items with complex mechanisms."
"type": "entries",
"name": "History",
"entries": [
"Your knowledge of mechanical engineering grants you additional insight when answering questions about the origins of such devices."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Investigation and Perception",
"entries": [
"This tool proficiency can aid in identifying a mechanical trap and determining how it functions."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Craft Clockwork Item",
"entries": [
"With two days of downtime, a set of artificer's tools, and 10 gp worth of materials, you can work for 8 hours each day to craft a complex clockwork mechanism or device. Some examples of what you can make are: an alarm, a calculator, a clockwork toy, an igniter, a pocket watch, or a music box (though you must also be proficient with {@skill Performance} checks or a {@item musical instrument|phb} to craft this item)."
"type": "table",
"caption": "Artificer's Tools",
"colLabels": [
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center"
"rows": [
"Pick a lock",
"Disable a trap",
"name": "Glyphbook Set",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 135,
"type": "T",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 2,
"value": 2000,
"entries": [
"Despite the name, glyphbooks offer no help in dealing with a magical {@spell glyph of warding}. Rather, they are guides to deciphering ancient languages or coded messages; translation of ancient languages is a popular pastime among Khorvaire’s educated elite and growing educated middle class, and codebreakers abounded during the Last War.","Failures with a glyphbook may not always imply that you cannot decrypt or translate the text; sometimes you glean inaccurate messages at the DM’s discretion."
"additionalEntries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alternate Proficiency",
"entries": [
"If your background or class would grant you proficiency in a {@item Musical Instrument|phb} or a kind of {@item Gaming set|phb}, you may instead gain proficiency with all kinds of Glyphbook sets instead. Likewise, if your class or background grants you a {@item Musical Instrument|phb} or a {@item Gaming set|phb} as starting equipment, you may start with one kind of Glyphbook set instead."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Components",
"entries": [
"A Glyphbook set contains one of the following: a volume of cryptographic cyphers, a textbook on Primordial languages, a compilation of Sarlonan languages, or a guide to languages of Xen’drik. The set also contains a collection of scratch paper and charcoal for taking rubbings or working out cryptological problems.","Proficiency with Glyphbook sets applies to all types of glyphbooks, but each type of set (each language text or the cryptography cyphers) must be purchased individually."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Arcana",
"entries": [
"A glyphbook can be used in conjunction with the {@skill Arcana} skill to help you determine whether a magical text hails from a certain tradition or location associated with the language family or families it details."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Deception",
"entries": [
"A glyphbook can assist you in the creation of ciphers, codes, and other secret messages."
"type": "entries",
"name": "History",
"entries": [
"Glyphbook proficiency assists you in deciphering ancient writings, frescoes, carvings, and other forms of visual communication associated with the ancient cultures who spoke the language family or families it treats with."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Recorded Messages",
"entries": [
"With the cryptographic glyphbook, you can accurately record coded messages you intercept; with any other kind of glyphbook, you can take accurate rubbings of important inscriptions while traveling."
"type": "table",
"caption": "Glyphbook Set",
"colLabels": [
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center"
"rows": [
"Decipher a simple cipher",
"Decrypt a competent code",
"Decrypt a complex code",
"Translate a simple message in a foreign language",
"Decrypt a military code",
"Translate a long passage in a foreign language",
"Decrypt a magic code",
"10 + caster's spell save DC"
"Translate a passage in a dead language",
"name": "Inquisitive's Kit",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 135,
"type": "T",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 5,
"value": 3000,
"entries": [
"A crime scene is a delicate environment to investigate, as the most minor misstep can obfuscate an important clue. Serious inquisitives make use of this kit to ensure the most success in recovering evidence from sensitive surroundings."
"additionalEntries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Alternate Proficiency",
"entries": [
"your background or class would grant you proficiency in {@item Thieves' tools|phb}, you may instead gain proficiency with Inquisitive's kits instead. Likewise, if your class or background grants you a set of {@item Thieves' tools|phb} as starting equipment, you may start with an Inquisitive's kit instead."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Components",
"entries": [
"An Inquisitive's kit contains a pair of fine silk gloves, a magnifying glass, dusting powder and brush, chalk and charcoal, cotton swabs, tweezers, and an assortment of glass, metal, and wooden containers for storing samples. It also includes a small journal and quill for recording notes."
"type": "entries",
"name": "History",
"entries": [
"Your familiarity with crime scene investigations aids you in remembering past cases where important evidence was found by a skilled inquisitive at a crime scene."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Perception",
"entries": [
"Your training makes it easier for you to identify an area as the scene of a crime or altercation, prompting further investigation."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Investigation",
"entries": [
"An Inquisitive's kit is considered essential equipment for finding clues in area that is the scene of a crime."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Medicine and Nature",
"entries": [
"An Inquisitive’s kit is also useful for collecting specimens and can assist you in identifying rare or unusual substances (such as poisons), organisms, or diseases."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Sealed Sampling",
"entries": [
"You can preserve small amounts of a substance in containers treated—through alchemical and mundane means—to keep them from suffering the passage of time. While this cannot preserve anything larger than an ounce or longer an inch, you can still scrape or clip off a trace amount large enough to be identified by a more trained researcher."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Profile Suspect",
"entries": [
"After finding clues with an {@skill Investigation} check, with 1 hour of work you can analyze found evidence with an Inquisitive's kit to intuit an aspect of the identity of the creature the evidence points to by making a check and referring to the below DCs."
"type": "table",
"caption": "Inquisitive's Kit",
"colLabels": [
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center"
"rows": [
"Determine race and build of suspect",
"Determine age of suspect",
"Determine social status of suspect",
"name": "Absentia",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 136,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 2000,
"entries": [
"When you drink absentia, you fall into a comatose state and are unconscious for one hour. During this time, you perceive the world through the senses of another. This is similar to the {@spell scrying} spell, but it is concentrated on an individual, and you perceive sensations through all five senses. The target of this scrying effect is selected randomly and could be any creature with an Intelligence score of 5 or higher within a radius of one mile from you, though the elixir cannot target anyone affected by {@spell protection from evil and good}, {@spell mind blank}, or a similar effect.","Absentia is mildly mentally addictive, and repeated use can cause the imbiber to develop shaky hands and nervous disorders. When you wake up from your unconscious state, you must succeed on a DC 5 Charisma saving throw or become cursed with nonmagical addiction. If you are immune to disease, you cannot become cursed this way. While cursed by this nonmagical addiction, you have disadvantage on all Dexterity checks. A {@spell remove curse} or {@spell greater restoration} spell can remove this curse.","Some users of absentia report that it sometimes causes bouts of sleepwalking during the comatose state induced by the substance."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This strange elixir first became available after the Last War. It is currently sold illegally in Sharn by the Boromar clan—usually to the jaded rich. It is considered a mostly harmless indulgence."
"name": "Alarm",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 136,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 2000,
"weight": 2,
"entries": [
"This device can be triggered by stepping on a pressure plate, fowling a tripwire, or some other mechanical trigger. Once triggered, it chimes lightly for 6 seconds. If it is not located and disabled using a pre-designated sequence of switches (requiring an action) before the 6 seconds expire, it begins making a shrill ringing that lasts for 1 hour and can be heard from up to 300 feet away."
"name": "Alchemical Acid",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 137,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 4500,
"weight": 1,
"entries": [
"This vial of caustic liquid can be hurled at a creature or object within 30 feet of you as an action. The vial shatters on impact. A creature must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take {@damage 1d6} acid damage. An object automatically takes that damage, and the damage is maximized."
"name": "Alchemical Frost",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 137,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 4000,
"weight": 1,
"entries": [
"This vial is filled with a thin liquid that grows extremely cold when exposed to air. It can be hurled at a creature or object within 30 feet of you as an action. The vial shatters on impact. A creature must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take {@damage 1d6} cold damage. An object automatically takes that damage."
"name": "Alchemical Lightning",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 137,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 4000,
"weight": 1,
"entries": [
"This flask has two compartments, each filled with a separate substance. When combined, the two substances react violently. As an action, you can hurl the flask at a creature or object within 30 feet of you. If the target fails a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, the flask shatters and allows the substances to mix, releasing a powerful electrical discharge, dealing {@damage 1d6} lightning damage to the target. An object automatically takes that damage."
"name": "Armored Hem",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 137,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 15000,
"weight": 10,
"entries": [
"Perfect for those looking for just a bit of protection, these interlocking plates of metal and chain can be sewn into the hem of any coat or cloak, even magical ones. An armored hem grants you a +1 bonus to AC when worn with no armor or light armor but it limits your maximum Dexterity bonus to AC to +3. Wearing an armored hem with medium or heavy armor grants no additional benefit. While wearing an armored hem, you have disadvantage on Dexterity ({@skill Stealth}) checks, and you cannot cast spells unless you are proficient in light armor."
"name": "Armored Hem, Mithral",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 137,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 50000,
"weight": 5,
"entries": [
"An armored hem constructed of mithral has reduced weight and provides increased mobility. A mithral armored hem functions as a regular one but allows you to apply a maximum Dexterity bonus of +4 to your Armor Class. In addition, you do not have disadvantage on Dexterity ({@skill Stealth}) checks from wearing a mithral armored hem, and it does not interfere with casting spells."
"name": "Bauble, targath",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 137,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 5000,
"entries": [
"Targath is a rare metal from Argonnessen with mysterious health-promoting properties. Wearing a bauble—a small decorative item such as an amulet or bracelet—made from targath grants you advantage on saving throws to resist disease."
"name": "Calculator",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 137,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 2000,
"weight": 1,
"entries": [
"This device makes doing long sums easy."
"name": "Clockwork Toy",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 137,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 2000,
"weight": 1,
"entries": [
"This toy is a clockwork animal, monster, or person, such as a frog, mouse, bird, dragon, or soldier. The children of nobles and prominent dragonmarked heirs often have entire themed collections of clockwork toys, while a merchant or magewright’s children might eagerly await the rare one they receive only on special occasions.","When fully wound and placed on the ground, the toy moves 5 feet across the ground every six seconds, in a random direction. It makes noises as appropriate to the creature it represents. It operates for 1 minute, then must be rewound."
"name": "Dragon's Blood, Black",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 137,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 6000,
"entries": [
"Dragon's blood is extremely dangerous and its effects can only be experienced by creatures with the Spells of the Mark racial feature. In addition, creatures immune to poison gain no benefit from drinking dragon’s blood.","For an hour after you drink a dose of black dragon’s blood, whenever a racial feature allows you to roll a {@dice d4} and add it to the result of certain kinds of ability checks, you may roll a {@dice 1d12} instead.","All forms of dragon’s blood are severely physically addictive, and a single usage is often enough to cause an overdose reaction. When you imbibe a dose of any kind of dragon’s blood, you make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. If you fail this saving throw, you become cursed with nonmagical addiction one hour after you imbibe the dragon’s blood. If you fail this saving throw by 5 or more, you immediately suffer {@damage 4d6} poison damage when you imbibe the substance. If you are immune to disease, you cannot become cursed by drinking dragon’s blood.","While cursed by this nonmagical addiction, you have a 2 permanent levels of exhaustion. While cursed, resting and magic cannot restore these levels of exhaustion, but imbibing a dose of dragon’s blood with a higher DC than the one that caused you to become cursed (or red dragon’s blood, if you are cursed by the red variety) allows you to ignore all levels of exhaustion you have due to this nonmagical addiction until you finish a long rest (you must still make a Constitution saving throw to avoid becoming addicted to this more potent variety of dragon’s blood). A {@spell remove curse} or {@spell greater restoration} spell can remove this curse."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This dark fluid is distributed exclusively by the Daask criminal organization within the city of Sharn. While its alchemical makeup is still a mystery, it is known that it is not actually the blood of a dragon. It comes in three varieties—tar black, midnight blue, and blood red."
"name": "Dragon's Blood, Blue",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 137,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 50000,
"entries": [
"Dragon's blood is extremely dangerous and its effects can only be experienced by creatures with the Spells of the Mark racial feature. In addition, creatures immune to poison gain no benefit from drinking dragon’s blood.","When you drink a dose of blue dragon’s blood, you may cast any spell you can normally cast from a racial feature, or a spell from your Spells of the Mark table with a spell level up to half of your character level (round down) without expending its use or using a spell slot. You have one hour to cast a spell this way, and once you do the effect of blue dragon’s blood wears off. Your spellcasting ability for spells cast with blue dragon’s blood is the same as the spellcasting ability for the spells you can cast as a racial feature.","All forms of dragon’s blood are severely physically addictive, and a single usage is often enough to cause an overdose reaction. When you imbibe a dose of any kind of dragon’s blood, you make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. If you fail this saving throw, you become cursed with nonmagical addiction one hour after you imbibe the dragon’s blood. If you fail this saving throw by 5 or more, you immediately suffer {@damage 2d6} poison damage when you imbibe the substance. If you are immune to disease, you cannot become cursed by drinking dragon’s blood.","While cursed by this nonmagical addiction, you have a 1 permanent levels of exhaustion. While cursed, resting and magic cannot restore these levels of exhaustion, but imbibing a dose of dragon’s blood with a higher DC than the one that caused you to become cursed (or red dragon’s blood, if you are cursed by the red variety) allows you to ignore all levels of exhaustion you have due to this nonmagical addiction until you finish a long rest (you must still make a Constitution saving throw to avoid becoming addicted to this more potent variety of dragon’s blood). A {@spell remove curse} or {@spell greater restoration} spell can remove this curse."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This dark fluid is distributed exclusively by the Daask criminal organization within the city of Sharn. While its alchemical makeup is still a mystery, it is known that it is not actually the blood of a dragon. It comes in three varieties—tar black, midnight blue, and blood red."
"name": "Dragon's Blood, Red",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 137,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 200000,
"entries": [
"Dragon's blood is extremely dangerous and its effects can only be experienced by creatures with the Spells of the Mark racial feature. In addition, creatures immune to poison gain no benefit from drinking dragon’s blood.","When you drink a dose of red dragon’s blood, you gain the ability to cast a spell of the Siberys version of your dragonmark, as detailed in the Siberys Dragonmark feat in Exploring Eberron. You must cast this spell within the next hour, and you may only do so once. When you do, it requires no components.","All forms of dragon’s blood are severely physically addictive, and a single usage is often enough to cause an overdose reaction. When you imbibe a dose of red dragon’s blood, you make a DC 25 Constitution saving throw. If you fail this saving throw, you become cursed with nonmagical addiction one hour after you imbibe the dragon’s blood. If you fail this saving throw by 5 or more, you immediately suffer {@damage 8d6} poison damage when you imbibe the substance. If you are immune to disease, you cannot become cursed by drinking dragon’s blood.","While cursed by this nonmagical addiction, you have a 4 permanent levels of exhaustion. While cursed, resting and magic cannot restore these levels of exhaustion, but imbibing a dose of dragon’s blood with a higher DC than the one that caused you to become cursed (or red dragon’s blood, if you are cursed by the red variety) allows you to ignore all levels of exhaustion you have due to this nonmagical addiction until you finish a long rest (you must still make a Constitution saving throw to avoid becoming addicted to this more potent variety of dragon’s blood). A {@spell remove curse} or {@spell greater restoration} spell can remove this curse."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This dark fluid is distributed exclusively by the Daask criminal organization within the city of Sharn. While its alchemical makeup is still a mystery, it is known that it is not actually the blood of a dragon. It comes in three varieties—tar black, midnight blue, and blood red."
"name": "Explosive Oil",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 138,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 4000,
"weight": 1,
"entries": [
"This is a vial of volatile liquid that explodes in a conflagration when exposed to air. As an action, you can hurl the vial at a creature, object, or surface within 30 feet of you. On impact, the vial detonates in a 5-foot radius. Any creature in that area must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take {@damage 1d6} fire damage."
"name": "Holy Symbol, Flametouched",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 138,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 10000,
"weight": 1,
"entries": [
"Holy symbols dedicated to the Silver Flame may be crafted from flametouched iron, a rare variety of ore that is only mined in Thrane. If you present a flametouched iron holy symbol while attempting to turn undead or fiends, the saving throw DC to resist the effect increases by 1."
"name": "Igniter",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 138,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 2000,
"entries": [
"The device produces a miniature flame, which you can use to light a candle, torch, campfire, or other flammable object within 5 feet of you. Using the device requires an action."
"name": "Library, Basic",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 138,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 5000,
"weight": 100,
"entries": [
"This 20-to-30 volume encyclopedia set covers a single topic represented by a type of Intelligence skill check used to recall lore (such as {@skill Arcana}, {@skill History}, or {@skill Nature}). The DM might also allow a simple library to cover lore about another skill (for example, researching medical lore with the {@skill Medicine} skill), but using a library is an Intelligence check, regardless of which skill is used.","Perusal of a basic library takes 1d4-1 hours (minimum 1) and provides advantage on the skill check."
"name": "Library, Simple",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 138,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 10000,
"weight": 1000,
"entries": [
"This bookshelf is stacked with several tomes of lore from many different sources and covers a single topic represented by a type of Intelligence skill check used to recall lore (such as {@skill Arcana}, {@skill History}, or {@skill Nature}). The DM might also allow a simple library to cover lore about another skill (for example, researching animal husbandry methods with the {@skill Animal Handling} skill), but using a library is an Intelligence check, regardless of which skill is used.","Perusal of a simple library takes 1d4+1 hours and provides advantage on the skill check. In addition, you may peruse a simple library to reroll failed Intelligence checks to recall lore on the topic it covers, with each attempt taking 1d4+1 hours."
"name": "Library, Complex",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 138,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"entries": [
"More complex libraries are exponentially larger than basic or simple libraries, and often require a staff of full-time curators to keep up to date and relevant. They cannot be purchased, but access to them can be granted by membership in specific organizations, or by request, as appropriate for each institution. They cover multiple topics represented by Intelligence skill checks used to recall lore (such as {@skill Arcana}, {@skill History}, or {@skill Nature}). The DM might also allow a complex library to include lore about other skills (for example, finding a transcription of an ancient play with the {@skill Performance} skill), but using a library is an Intelligence check, regardless of which skill is used.","Perusal of a complex library takes 1d4+4 hours, grants advantage on the skill check, and allows you to reroll failed Intelligence checks on skills and topics they cover, with each attempt taking 1d4+4 hours. In addition, complex libraries also allow you to double your proficiency bonus with the relevant skill check, if you already have proficiency in it."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Morgrave University Library",
"entries": [
"The Morgrave University Library in Upper Menthis, Sharn covers all Intelligence ({@skill History}) checks, and also Intelligence ({@skill Arcana} and {@skill Nature}) checks that relate to Xen'drik. Access to Morgrave University's library is only granted to enrolled students and individuals under the patronage of the university's faculty."
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Arcanix's Athenaeum",
"entries": [
"The Arcanix's Athenaeum covers all Intelligence ({@skill Arcana}) checks, Intelligence ({@skill Religion}) checks relating to the practices of secret cults, and Intelligence ({@skill History}) checks that relate to legendary mages, historical magical events, and the magical practices of ancient kingdoms. Access to The Arcanix's Athenaeum is only granted to citizens of Aundair with spellcasting ability, but special exceptions might be made for visiting mages of sufficient skill or individuals proven to be working for the good of Aundair."
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Argentum Archive",
"entries": [
"The Argentum Archive is an exclusive catalogue of ancient artifacts and religious lore, focusing on items of clearly demonic origins or magic that can easily be abused for great ill. It is maintained in secret by the Church of the Silver Flame and access is only granted to members of the Argentum, so they can research and compile a list of target artifacts for retrieval. It covers all Intelligence ({@skill Religion}) checks, and Intelligence ({@skill Arcana}) and Intelligence ({@skill History}) checks related to topics of fiendish magic and artifacts."
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Library of Korranberg",
"entries": [
"The Library of Korranberg in Zilargo is the most famous library in Khorvaire. It covers all types of skill checks to recall any sort of lore. Citizens of Korranberg are required to devote four years of service to the Library but have free access to its use for life. Many choose to extend the term of their service as a full career, accepting posts as lecturers, researchers, administrators, and other important positions. For noncitizens, temporary access can be purchased at the rate of 100 gp per day. This includes a private study room and accommodations for the night."
"name": "Magebinders",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 138,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 500,
"weight": 12,
"entries": [
"These mundane manacles include unarticulated, immobile gauntlets. When a Small or Medium creature is locked into them, that creature cannot move their fingers at all. This makes it impossible to supply the somatic components for any spell, limiting a spellcaster bound with them significantly. The bound creature cannot attempt to escape the magebinders except by brute force, requiring a successful DC 20 Strength check to break them. Each set of magebinders comes with one key. Without the key, a creature that is not currently bound by the magebinders and that is proficient with thieves' tools can pick the lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. Magebinders have 20 hit points."
"name": "Music Box",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 138,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 2000,
"weight": 2,
"entries": [
"When opened, this music box plays a single song at a moderate volume. The box stops playing when it reaches the song’s end or when it is closed."
"name": "Pocket Watch",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 138,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 2000,
"entries": [
"This device keeps accurate time down to the minute but must be wound every day. The listed price is for the most basic of time pieces, but more fashionable and decorated pieces can be purchased at a commensurately increased price point."
"name": "Potion Bracer",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 138,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 3000,
"weight": 2,
"entries": [
"In the midst of battle, you may not have much time to imbibe a potion, let alone have a hand free to hold a vial. A potion bracer is a leather band reinforced with strips of steel, with slots for three potion vials. Worn on the forearm, it allows instant hands-free access to these three potions. You may drink (but not administer) a potion from a worn potion bracer as a bonus action.","However, unlike a potion safely stowed in a pack, potions slotted into a bracer are very obvious to observers—and can be directly attacked. As an action, an opponent can attempt to smash a potion you have stored in a bracer by making an attack roll contested by your Dexterity save. If your opponent wins the contest, the attack deals no damage to you, but one of the potion vials stored in the bracer (chosen randomly) shatters."
"name": "Potion Bracer, Adamantine",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 139,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 7000,
"weight": 4,
"entries": [
"In the midst of battle, you may not have much time to imbibe a potion, let alone have a hand free to hold a vial. A potion bracer is a leather band reinforced with strips of steel, with slots for three potion vials. Worn on the forearm, it allows instant hands-free access to these three potions. You may drink (but not administer) a potion from a worn potion bracer as a bonus action.","However, unlike a potion safely stowed in a pack, potions slotted into a bracer are very obvious to observers—and can be directly attacked. As an action, an opponent can attempt to smash a potion you have stored in a bracer by making an attack roll contested by your Dexterity save. If your opponent wins the contest, the attack deals no damage to you, but one of the potion vials stored in the bracer (chosen randomly) shatters.","An adamantine potion bracer is constructed with additional reinforcement, making it harder for an enemy to shatter potions stored in it. You have advantage on your contested Dexterity saving throw to resist having one of your potions destroyed while wearing an adamantine potion bracer.","Due to the increased weight and fortification, an adamantine potion bracer interferes with spellcasting. If you are not normally proficient with Dexterity saves, you cannot cast spells while wearing one."
"name": "Smoke Lenses",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 139,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 1000,
"entries": [
"Invented by House Tharashk to aid them in Eberron dragonshard prospecting, these lenses make vision through them dusky. You may ignore the Sunlight Sensitivity trait while wearing smoke lenses. The lenses have no effect against magically produced light. You may put on or remove smoke lenses as an object interaction without detriment, but if the lenses are abruptly removed (such as by being struck with a critical hit) while you are in bright light or sunlight, you are {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. You may attempt a DC 15 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of your turns, ending the blindness on a success.","You may wear smoke lenses even if you do not have Sunlight Sensitivity. If you do not have darkvision, you see everything not in direct sunlight as if it was in dim light, but you are not {@condition blinded} if the lenses are abruptly removed."
"name": "Smoke Stick",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 139,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 3000,
"entries": [
"A smoke stick is a small ashwood stick that can produce a thick plume of smoke when it is struck against a hard surface as an action. You can hold on to the stick or throw it to a point up to 30 feet away as part of the action used to strike it. The area in a 10-foot radius around the stick is filled with thick smoke that blocks vision, including darkvision. The smoke persists for 1 minute and then dissipates. At the end of this minute, the wooden stick has completely sublimated into smoke and is gone."
"name": "Tanglefoot Bag",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 139,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 3000,
"weight": 2,
"entries": [
"This bag is filled with a writhing, sticky, black tar-like substance. You can hurl a tanglefoot bag at a point on the ground within 30 feet of you as an action. The bag bursts on impact and covers the ground in a 5-foot radius with sticky goo. That area becomes difficult terrain for 1 minute, and any creature that starts its turn on the ground in that area has its speed halved for that turn."
"name": "Thunderstone",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 139,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 5000,
"entries": [
"A thunderstone is a crystalline shard about the size of a human's thumb. As an action, you can hurl it at a creature, object, or surface within 30 feet of you. The shard shatters on impact with a blast of concussive energy. Each creature within 10 feet of the point of impact must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone} and pushed 10 feet away from that point."
"name": "Inventor's Pack",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 139,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 4000,
"entries": [
"type": "list",
"items": [
"a {@item backpack|phb}",
"a {@item blanket|phb}",
"an {@item abacus|phb}",
"a {@item Ball Bearings (Bag of 1,000)|phb|bag of 1,000 ball bearings}",
"a {@item Caltrops (Bag of 20)|phb|bag of 20 caltrops}",
"a {@item bell|phb}",
"a {@item block and tackle|phb}",
"5 {@item candle|phb|candles}",
"5 {@item Chalk (1 piece)|phb|pieces of chalk}",
"a {@item crowbar|phb}",
"10 feet of string",
"a {@item glass bottle|phb}",
"2 {@item vial|phb|glass vials}",
"a {@item hammer|phb}",
"an {@item Ink (1-ounce bottle)|phb|ink bottle}",
"an {@item ink pen|phb}",
"5 {@item Parchment (one sheet)|phb|sheets of parchment}",
"5 {@item pouch|phb|empty belt pouches}",
"a {@item tinderbox|phb}",
"a {@item whetstone|phb}",
"a nonmagical wand",
"{@item Hempen Rope (50 feet)|phb|50 feet of hempen rope}"
"packContents": [
"ball bearings (bag of 1,000)|phb",
"Caltrops (Bag of 20)|phb",
"block and tackle|phb",
{"item": "candle|phb","quantity": 5},
{"item": "Chalk (1 piece)|phb","quantity": 5},
{"special": "10 feet of string"},
"glass bottle|phb",
{"item": "vial|phb","quantity": 2},
"Ink (1-ounce bottle)|phb",
"Ink pen|phb",
{"item": "Parchment (one sheet)|phb","quantity": 5},
{"item": "pouch|phb","quantity": 5},
{"special": "nonmagical wand"},
"hempen rope (50 feet)|phb"
"name": "Trinket",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 139,
"type": "G",
"rarity": "none",
"entries": [
"When you make your character, you can roll once on the Trinkets table to gain a trinket, a simple item lightly touched by mystery. The DM might also use this table. It can help stock a room in a dungeon or fill a creatures pockets.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Trinkets",
"colLabels": [
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
"A small glass marble, inside of which perpetually burns a small blue flame. The marble is icy to the touch and provides no useful light."
"A commemorative coin struck over a century ago, celebrating the wedding of King Jarot"
"A bronzewood cutlery steak knife"
"A bottle with a floating model elemental airship inside"
"A raptor's talon"
"The mask of a dead Talenta warrior"
"A piece of soarwood bound with small iron rings that floats perfectly in place"
"A rock with an ancient faded glyph of warding on it"
"A 12-sided gaming die, but the sides numbered 2 to 13"
"An invitation to a masquerade that you didn't attend"
"A blank journal resistant both to damage and any attempt to write on it"
"A vial of lavender perfume"
"Half of a floor plan for a Kundarak vault"
"The iron holy symbol of a pre-Sovereign god, which never rusts"
"A helmet that saved your life on the battlefield"
"A recurring dream of a small area of calm amidst great danger"
"The icon of an obscure but dear saint"
"A scar from a vampire bite"
"A recipe that requires prestidigitation to prepare accurately"
"A tiny pewter figurine of a sleeping dragon"
"A scrap of cloth from an old banner"
"A fragment of a beautiful song, written as musical notes on two pieces of parchment"
"A hilt from a broken sword"
"A read and reread issue of an adventure magazine"
"An old Conqueror piece made of black marble"
"A silver skull the size of a coin"
"One-fifth of a schema from Xen'drik"
"A bejeweled orc tusk clasp"
"The lower half of an Aereni death mask"
"An old elven shadow puppet"
"The shell of an egg painted with scenes of misery in disturbing detail"
"Lucky dice"
"Support for a crackpot conspiracy theory"
"A message in a top-security military code you can't crack"
"A white tattoo in the Vulkoori drow style"
"Half a wheel of Karrnathi bitter cheese"
"An issue of the Korranberg Chronicle covering an event that never happened"
"A blueprint for an impossibly complex eldritch machine"
"An intricately detailed map of one tower in Sharn, down to the sewers"
"Two tickets to a popular play"
"A shard of a conductor stone from the White Arch Bridge"
"A miniscule planar orrery"
"A tooth with a tiny secret compartment inside it"
"A deed to a house in Cyre"
"A rank insignia from a lost military unit"
"An unusually-shaped dragonshard"
"The thumb of a warforged"
"A belt buckle with an embarrassing slogan"
"An invitation to a party where a murder happened"
"The knowledge that your name appears in one translation/interpretation of the Draconic Prophecy"
"name": "Alchemical Wrath",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 140,
"type": "P",
"rarity": "none",
"value": 20000,
"entries": [
"Developed during the Last War, alchemical wrath is an elixir that causes its imbiber to enter a state of pure berserk fury. Mass production was quickly abandoned when it became readily apparent that many soldiers who partook of the experimental concoction and died in battle actually suffered no grievous injuries and in fact dropped dead after the fighting was over. Nowadays, this extremely potent draught can only be found on the black market.","When you drink alchemical wrath, for 1 minute afterward you may make an extra attack when you take the Attack action on your turn. While many warriors find alchemical wrath to be exhilarating, it is not actually addictive, though it takes a serious toll on the those who drink it. Every time you imbibe a dose of alchemical wrath, at the end of its duration, your current and maximum hit points are reduced by 5 points for every dose you took since your last long rest (5 after the first dose, 10 after the second, etc.). If this reduces your current or maximum hit points to 0, you immediately die.","Every time you finish a long rest, the reduction of your maximum hit points from the oldest dose is restored."
"name": "Bolt Launcher",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 140,
"type": "R",
"baseItem": "hand crossbow|PHB",
"rarity": "varies",
"weight": 3,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": [
"range": "30/120",
"dmg1": "1d6",
"dmgType": "P",
"crossbow": true,
"weapon": true,
"items": [
"+1 Bolt Launcher|KCAA",
"+2 Bolt Launcher|KCAA",
"+3 Bolt Launcher|KCAA"
"entries": [
"Multiple variations of this item exist, as listed below:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"{@item +1 Bolt Launcher|KCAA}",
"{@item +2 Bolt Launcher|KCAA}",
"{@item +3 Bolt Launcher|KCAA}"
"name": "+1 Bolt Launcher",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 140,
"type": "R",
"baseItem": "hand crossbow|PHB",
"rarity": "uncommon",
"weight": 3,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": [
"range": "30/120",
"dmg1": "1d6",
"dmgType": "P",
"tier": "major",
"bonusWeapon": "+1",
"crossbow": true,
"weapon": true,
"entries": [
"This weapon appears to be a hand crossbow, except that it lacks a crossbar and has a covered flight groove.","Additionally, a bolt launcher creates its own ammunition every time you attack with it, allowing you to ignore both the loading and ammunition properties of the hand crossbow. If you desire, you can load the bolt launcher with pre-existing ammunition (for instance, if you wish to fire a dragon-slaying bolt from it). If you do, the bolt launcher does not create ammunition for the next attack you make with it, firing the loaded bolt instead.","Bolts fired from a bolt launcher disappear after they hit or miss their target. The magical propulsion of a bolt fired from a bolt launcher is roughly as loud as its mundane counterpart."
"name": "+2 Bolt Launcher",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 140,
"type": "R",
"baseItem": "hand crossbow|PHB",
"rarity": "rare",
"weight": 3,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": [
"range": "30/120",
"dmg1": "1d6",
"dmgType": "P",
"tier": "major",
"bonusWeapon": "+2",
"crossbow": true,
"weapon": true,
"entries": [
"This weapon appears to be a hand crossbow, except that it lacks a crossbar and has a covered flight groove.","Additionally, a bolt launcher creates its own ammunition every time you attack with it, allowing you to ignore both the loading and ammunition properties of the hand crossbow. If you desire, you can load the bolt launcher with pre-existing ammunition (for instance, if you wish to fire a dragon-slaying bolt from it). If you do, the bolt launcher does not create ammunition for the next attack you make with it, firing the loaded bolt instead.","Bolts fired from a bolt launcher disappear after they hit or miss their target. The magical propulsion of a bolt fired from a bolt launcher is roughly as loud as its mundane counterpart."
"name": "+3 Bolt Launcher",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 140,
"type": "R",
"baseItem": "hand crossbow|PHB",
"rarity": "legendary",
"weight": 3,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": [
"range": "30/120",
"dmg1": "1d6",
"dmgType": "P",
"tier": "major",
"bonusWeapon": "+3",
"crossbow": true,
"weapon": true,
"entries": [
"This weapon appears to be a hand crossbow, except that it lacks a crossbar and has a covered flight groove.","Additionally, a bolt launcher creates its own ammunition every time you attack with it, allowing you to ignore both the loading and ammunition properties of the hand crossbow. If you desire, you can load the bolt launcher with pre-existing ammunition (for instance, if you wish to fire a dragon-slaying bolt from it). If you do, the bolt launcher does not create ammunition for the next attack you make with it, firing the loaded bolt instead.","When you make an attack with a legendary bolt launcher, you can choose for the created ammunition to be a normal bolt, or a bolt made from a special material, such as adamantine, byeshk, or mithral. If you do, the bolt has all the properties of that special material.","Bolts fired from a bolt launcher disappear after they hit or miss their target. The magical propulsion of a bolt fired from a bolt launcher is roughly as loud as its mundane counterpart."
"name": "Cantrip Caster",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 140,
"type": "WD",
"rarity": "common",
"reqAttune": true,
"entries": [
"A cantrip caster wand (often referred to colloquially as a 'tripcaster'), is imbued with the magic necessary to cast a single cantrip spell, chosen at the time of its creation. While attuned to the cantrip caster you know its cantrip, but may only cast it by using the cantrip caster as a spellcasting focus for the spell (you may use the wand as a spellcasting focus for the cantrip imbued in it, even if you normally cannot use a wand as a spellcasting focus). If you are a spellcaster, you may use your Spellcasting ability for the cantrip caster’s cantrip. If you are not already a spellcaster, the cantrip is always cast as if by a 1st-level character and Intelligence is the spellcasting ability for the cantrip imbued in the wand.","Nine out of ten of all cantrip casters are created to cast a damage-dealing cantrip, such as {@spell fire bolt} or {@spell ray of frost}. Cantrip casters are sold on the open market (where legal) for anywhere between 80 to 120 gp."
"name": "Darkweave Clothing",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 141,
"rarity": "common",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"Darkweave clothing is always custom-made. Outfits incorporating darkweave clothing typically cost 100 to 200 gp, depending on the tailor and the desired complexity of the outfit.","Raw shadow is woven into the material of darkweave clothing, lending a shadowy appearance to you while you wear it. While in areas of dim light or darkness, you may roll 1d4 and add the result to Dexterity ({@skill Stealth}) checks to avoid being seen."
"name": "Dictograph",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 141,
"rarity": "common",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"This exceptionally crafted quill has a crystal nib cut from a single Siberys dragonshard. The quill can be activated as an action, and it can be used in two ways. By twisting the nib clockwise until it clicks once, the quill's first mode is activated. In this mode, the holder of the quill can dictate up to 10 minutes of speech, which the quill will remember. By turning the nib until it clicks once more, the quill becomes inactive.","From its inactive state, twisting the nib clockwise until it clicks twice, the quill's second mode activates. While the second mode is active, the quill can be placed upon any blank page, either loose-leaf or bound. Once placed, the quill will remain upright and will produce its own ink with which to write. It will transcribe the last speech recorded in its first mode. The quill will automatically turn to a blank page if it requires more room when transcribing to a bound page. If transcribing onto loose-leaf, or if it runs out of blank pages in a bound tome, it will pause until a new blank page is placed beneath it. The quill will continue filling up pages, roughly one page per two minutes of speech, until it has finished transcribing the remembered speech.","Once the quill has finished transcribing, it will automatically twist the nib clockwise until it clicks once, deactivating itself. A remembered speech remains remembered until it is replaced with a new speech, allowing multiple copies of the same speech to be transcribed. From an inactive state, twisting the nib counter-clockwise until it clicks once will erase any remembered speech."
"name": "Excoriate's Band",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 141,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"This wide, black leather band is adjustable so that it can be wrapped and secured around any part of the body. In the center of one side of the belt is a flat-cut khybershard. If the excoriate's band is secured to a dragonmarked creature such that the khybershard is in physical contact with the creature's dragonmark, the creature instantly loses all remaining uses of the ability to cast a spell or spells granted by their dragonmark and cannot regain these uses if the excoriate’s band is still secured to them at the end of any rest. The excoriat's band cannot be removed once secured, unless it is unlocked with a special key."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"These items were originally commissioned from the Twelve by the King of Galifar in 428 YK, when an infamous excoriate of House Orien used the teleportation powers of their mark to burgle priceless works of art from the Vermishard Palaces of Metrol, also using their powers to elude capture. Not even the Sentinel Marshals were able to bring in the excoriate, until the first excoriate's bands were created and distributed. Today, most city guards in capitals and large metropolises have at least a couple of excoriate's bands in prominent precincts."
"name": "Goodberry Wine",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 141,
"type": "P",
"rarity": "rare",
"entries": [
"Each bottle of goodberry wine contains enough wine for 5 glasses. Once consumed, each glass restores 20 hit points (even if the imbiber is inside the Mournland) and provides enough nourishment to sustain a Small or Medium sized humanoid for 24 hours.","More importantly for those exploring the Mournland, if the imbiber finishes a long rest within 12 hours of consuming a glass of goodberry wine, they recover hit points and hit dice as normal for finishing a long rest (hit points and hit dice are typically not recovered after long rests within the Mournland). A single creature cannot benefit from more than one glass of goodberry wine in a given 24-hour period."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This bottle of magical wine is made from berries created with the {@spell goodberry} spell through a process that preserves their healing properties. This magical fermenting technique is known only to one circle of druids that make their home in the Greenhaunt forest of northern Breland. Until the Day of Mourning, the wine was merely a curiosity and a local delicacy of the hamlet of Hatheril just outside the forest. Now, the yearly vintage of goodberry wine is a hot commodity with scavengers, the Wayfinder Foundation, and other parties interested in exploring the Mournland, as goodberries and goodberry wine are among the few magical healing effects that still function beyond the dead-gray mists of the Mournland. Because of this high demand among interested parties, a single bottle of goodberry wine can go for as much as 8,000 gp."
"name": "Insignia of the Infiltrator",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 142,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"wondrous": true,
"reqAttune": true,
"entries": [
"This item is a small disc of metal that can take on the form and decoration of the insignia of an organization. While wearing this insignia, you gain the ability to speak, read, and write one language associated with that organization. A user attuned to this item can change its appearance and associated language over the course of a long rest."
"name": "Lifering",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 142,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"The finest in House Lyrandar elemental airship passenger safety solutions, a lifering is crafted from soarwood. This ring is about 3 feet in diameter and 4 inches thick, with four fine leather grips evenly spaced around its circumference. Each lifering also has an easily cut cord of twine extended across its hollow center.","When the cord is cut as an action (AC 0, 1 hit point, immune to bludgeoning damage), the lifering is activated for 1 minute. For this duration, the lifering is affected as though by the {@spell feather fall} spell, and bestows this effect on up to four creatures, each grasping one of its four grips. Any creature gains this benefit if they begin holding the lifering at any point while it is active, so they need not be holding the lifering when its twine is cut to gain its benefits.","Once a lifering's active duration is expired, it loses all magical properties. This means that the lifering will only protect creatures holding it from a fall of 600 feet or less. A creature falling from a higher distance may attempt to judge the right time to cut a lifering's cord. To do so successfully, they must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) check. If the check is a failure, the creature cut the cord too soon. In such a case, the lifering's magic properties run out 1 minute later when the lifering is still a number of feet above the ground equal to 10 x the amount by which the creature failed the ability check. (For example, 40 feet if the result of the creature's Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) check was 6)."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"House Lyrandar offers a voucher credit for four free airship tickets for every expended lifering that is returned to a House Lyrandar enclave and is confirmed to be from a ship that reportedly suffered a catastrophe necessitating the lifering's use, as a way of compensation for the inconvenience. Thank you for flying the Lyrandar skies!"
"name": "Oceanic Wrap",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 142,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"wondrous": true,
"reqAttune": true,
"entries": [
"The sahuagin of the Eternal Dominion cultivate certain kinds of seaweed that, when woven into clothing and infused with kar'lassa blood, generates moisture endlessly. While wearing an outfit made from oceanic wrap, you are considered to be submerged in water, no matter how dry the environment actually is.","Oceanic wrap clothing can be made in any style of clothing, and it costs as much as a normal outfit of the same style, plus an additional 200 gp."
"name": "Oil of Repair",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 142,
"rarity": "common",
"type": "P",
"entries": [
"This viscous oil resembles molten gold, though it is cool to the touch. When applied to a construct or warforged, the creature regains {@dice 1d8+3} hit points. The oil's metallic liquid glimmers when agitated."
"name": "Oil of Greater Repair",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 142,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"type": "P",
"entries": [
"This viscous oil resembles molten gold, though it is cool to the touch. When applied to a construct or warforged, the creature regains {@dice 2d8+5} hit points. The oil's metallic liquid glimmers when agitated."
"name": "Oil of Superior Repair",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 142,
"rarity": "rare",
"type": "P",
"entries": [
"This viscous oil resembles molten gold, though it is cool to the touch. When applied to a construct or warforged, the creature regains {@dice 4d8+9} hit points. The oil's metallic liquid glimmers when agitated."
"name": "Oil of Supreme Repair",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 142,
"rarity": "very rare",
"type": "P",
"entries": [
"This viscous oil resembles molten gold, though it is cool to the touch. When applied to a construct or warforged, the creature regains {@dice 5d8+21} hit points. The oil's metallic liquid glimmers when agitated."
"name": "Quiver of Balinor",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 142,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": true,
"entries": [
"Quivers of Balinor can appear in a multitude of styles. Some are ornate and studded with Eberron dragonshards to denote their magical appearance, and others are unadorned leather.","Whatever its appearance, a quiver of Balinor is always fully stocked with magical arrows. Most of these magical arrows provide no bonus to attack or damage rolls, but once between short rests, you can draw a +3 arrow from the quiver.","Any arrow drawn from a quiver of Balinor vanishes 1 round after it is drawn."
"name": "Astral Beacon",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 143,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a creature with the Mark of Passage that is at least 9th level",
"entries": [
"An astral beacon is a sphere of silver about twice the size of a human fist, with a Siberys dragonshard embedded in the center. They are often encased in lead and embedded in walls or floors of House Orien enclaves to escape detection and prevent theft or destruction.","House Orien maintains an enclave with an astral beacon in every major city in the Five Nations. By attuning to one astral beacon, you become attuned to all astral beacons (though this counts as only one magic item attunement slot). In doing so, you gain an awareness of all other astral beacons that exist in a linked network. As an action, you can sense the general direction and distance all astral beacons in the network are from you.","While attuned to the astral beacons, you may cast {@spell teleportation circle}, requiring no components. When you cast it this way, you must target a destination that is within 10 feet of an astral beacon, as though it was a permanent circle you know the sigil sequence for. You must finish a short or long rest before you may cast {@spell teleportation circle} again this way. Dexterity is your spellcasting ability for this spell.","Additionally, if you can cast {@spell teleportation circle} by other means, you may choose to target an astral beacon as above, rather than use a sigil sequence.","Attunement to House Orien's astral beacons is reserved for members of House Orien in good standing, and usually includes a contractual term of dedicated 'teleport ferry' service from the individual. Unlike most magic items, any number of qualified individuals can be attuned to the astral beacons at the same time. A collective of five attuned individuals can perform a special ritual that lasts 1 hour to break the attunement of any other individual. (This is usually a punishment reserved only for dragonmarked heirs who are excoriated from the house.)","As the fastest method of travel known to Khorvaire, the services of the astral beacon network are in extremely high demand by nobles and other houses, commanding a commensurate price. Despite the instantaneous transportation, the high demand and rarity of heirs with more powerful than normal dragonmarks makes it unlikely that an appropriately-marked heir of House Orien will be present in any given city at any time. The wait list for such transportation services varies but waiting one's turn in a teleport queue is almost always faster than travel by other means."
"name": "Bracelet of Comfort",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 143,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a creature with the Mark of Hospitality",
"entries": [
"When attuned to this fine bracelet, you can cast {@spell Leomund's Tiny Hut|phb} from it, requiring no components. You must finish a long rest before you may cast this spell again this way. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Additionally, you gain several enhancements whenever you cast {@spell Leomund's Tiny Hut|phb}:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"The duration of the spell increases to 12 hours.","Instead of creating a dome of force, the spell conjures a small cottage of wood or stone around you that has an area of 20 ft. by 20 ft. The structure has a single story with a ceiling 12 feet high. The walls of the structure are immune to damage.","The cottage has up to 2 entrances and as many windows as you wish, all of which are filled with planes of force, instead of glass, that behave exactly as the dome of force in a normal casting of Leomund's tiny hut (allowing only creatures that were in the area of the cottage when it appeared to enter and exit, are opaque from the outside but transparent from inside, do not allow spells and magical effects to be extended through them, etc.).","The shelter is conjured with furnishings: up to eight comfortable beds (which may be stacked two high if desired), up to eight plush armchairs, a dining table, a writing desk, a bookshelf, a mirror, and a private washroom with a covered latrine. There is a basin for bathing, but water is not provided. This furniture disappears if it is removed from the structure.","You can set the tone of the décor, including items such as carpets, wall hangings, and other decorations. Like the furniture, these items disappear if removed from the structure.","You can leave the structure without the spell ending, however one creature originally in the area of the spell when it was cast must remain in the structure. If the structure is ever unoccupied, it disappears and the spell ends."
"name": "Charm of the Long Step",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 143,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a creature with the Mark of Passage",
"entries": [
"This silver bracelet sports a tiny, dangling Siberys dragonshard. While attuned to the charm of the long step and wearing it, the range of any teleport effect you create is doubled."
"name": "Chirurgeon's Table",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 143,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a creature with the Mark of Healing that is at least 9th level",
"entries": [
"This low marble slab is inlaid with targath and mithral. Its top holds a shallow impression roughly of humanoid shape. The entire slab weighs 400 pounds and is difficult to move. By expending a use of {@spell cure wounds} from your Healing Touch racial trait or {@spell mass cure wounds} from a Siberys Mark of Healing, you may instead cast the {@spell regenerate} spell upon a creature on the slab. When you do, {@spell regenerate} functions as normal, except the target must remain on the slab for the entire duration of the spell (1 hour) to regenerate a lost body part, even if the severed member is held against the stump. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell."
"name": "Collar of the Wild Bond",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 144,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a creature with the Mark of Handling that is at least 9th level",
"entries": [
"This leather collar is studded with several Siberys dragonshards synced to the Mark of Handling. Each collar is linked to an associated magical key, a small dragonshardembedded metal disk. By attuning to the collar of the wild bond, you also attune to its paired key, though both items only count as one toward your magic item attunement limit.","If you have the paired key on your person while attuned to the collar of the wild bond, you can cast the {@spell dominate beast} spell at will, requiring no components—on a creature wearing the collar you can see within 60 feet. When you cast {@spell dominate beast} in this way, it has a permanent duration that doesn't require concentration, and you can target a beast or monstrosity, provided the monstrosity’s Intelligence score is 3 or lower. The dominated creature remains under the effects of the spell until the collar is removed, or if the collar and key are ever more than 60 feet away from each other. Additionally, the target of the spell does not gain a new saving throw to resist the spell when it takes damage. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell."
"name": "Crown of High Dominion",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 144,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a creature with the Mark of Storm that is at least 9th level",
"entries": [
"This thin circlet of mithral is covered in blue and white enamel in a pattern suggesting a cloudy sky, with points of Siberys dragonshards rising up like a crown.","While attuned to the crown of high dominion and wearing it, you may cast {@spell control weather}, requiring no components. When you cast {@spell control weather} this way, the radius of the spell is 6 miles, the spell does not require concentration, and it has a duration of 48 hours. You must finish a long rest before you may cast {@spell control weather} again this way. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell."
"name": "Crystal Theater",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 144,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a creature with the Mark of Shadow",
"entries": [
"Each crystal theater is a massive silver-backed pane of glass, some 20 feet wide by 10 feet tall, magically linked to a crystal ball about 2 feet in diameter. The glass pane and the crystal ball have their magic suppressed whenever they are more than 100 feet away from each other.","House Phiarlan is world-renowned for putting on amazing performances and employing some of the most talented playwrights over the centuries. However, even with the convenience of modern travel, it is sometimes impossible to leave one's home city to view a Phiarlan play performed with its original cast (as the director intended). Thus, the crystal theater was developed to allow the house's most talented performers to reach more people.","Unlike most magic items, up to five qualified individuals may attune to a crystal theater, and attuning to one attunes you to a network of five crystal theaters. Attunement to a network of crystal theaters is usually reserved for members of House Phiarlan of high standing and influence. Three attuned individuals can perform a special ritual that lasts 1 hour to break the attunement of one of the remaining two individuals. (This is usually a punishment reserved only for dragonmarked heirs who are excoriated from the house. When House Thuranni split from House Phiarlan, House Phiarlan maintained control of all crystal theater networks and any Thuranni scions that were attuned to them had their attunement broken.)","While attuned to a crystal theater and touching its crystal ball, you may cast {@spell scrying}, requiring no components. When you do, you may only target the location of another crystal theater in the same network. The {@spell scrying} spell lasts indefinitely, as long as you maintain concentration on it and remain within 100 feet of the crystal ball. The invisible sensor created by your spell may be up to 100 feet away from the crystal ball of the targeted crystal theater, and its position may be fine-tuned by you (usually to attain the maximum view of the stage at the targeted location). The massive glass pane of the crystal theater at your location displays the view from your sensor, allowing an audience seated at your location to watch a live performance put on at the target location through the surface of the glass. Additionally, all sound within 100 feet of the crystal ball of the targeted crystal theater is also projected from the glass pane of your crystal theater, allowing members of your audience up to 100 feet away to hear the remote performance as well. You must finish a short or long rest before you can cast {@spell scrying} again this way. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.","Phiarlan playhouses that are home to a crystal theater are constructed in such a way that the massive glass pane may be removed to leave the stage unobscured for live performances, and for the projecting of their performances remotely via crystal theaters at other locations."
"name": "Diadem of Sharpened Senses",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 144,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a creature with the Mark of Detection",
"entries": [
"This fine brass circlet is trimmed in mithral and has a large marquise-cut Siberys dragonshard that rests in the center of your forehead when worn.","While attuned to the diadem of sharpened senses and wearing it, you gain several enhancements:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You may cast {@spell detect magic} and {@spell detect poison and disease} at will, requiring no components. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for them.","You may cast {@spell detect thoughts}, requiring no components. You must finish a short or long rest before you may cast this spell again this way. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.","You gain proficiency in the {@skill Investigation} and {@skill Perception} skills. If you are already proficient in either of these skills, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with them.","You receive a +5 bonus to your passive {@skill Perception} score.","Any time you cast {@spell detect magic}, {@spell true seeing}, or a spell from your Spells of the Mark list with a casting time of 1 action, it can be cast as a bonus action instead."
"name": "Dragonmark Focus",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 145,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "common",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a creature with a specific dragonmark",
"entries": [
"This amulet, set with a small Siberys dragonshard, is the most common and simplest kind of dragonshard focus item. Each dragonmark focus is tied to a specific dragonmark, such as the Mark of Healing or the Mark of Making, and you can only attune to it if you possess that dragonmark.","While you wear a dragonmark focus you are attuned to, whenever a racial feature allows you to roll a {@dice d4} and add it to the result of certain kinds of ability checks, you may roll a {@dice d8} instead.","Alternatively, if you do not have such a racial feature (for instance, if you have a Siberys Dragonmark that did not grow from a previously existing dragonmark), you gain the racial feature of your associated dragonmark, but you may only roll a {@dice d4} for its associated ability checks."
"name": "Image Projector",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 145,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a creature with the Mark of Shadow",
"entries": [
"An image projector is a 1-foot diameter hoop of silver with a large flat-cut Siberys dragonshard suspended in its center by copper and gold wires. These items were created, ostensibly, to record visual effects to add spectacle and wonder to House Phiarlan stage performances, but they can be used to record any scene.","As an action, you can activate an image projector to visually record a scene, either an illusion you create, or all activity within 10 feet of the image projector. The image projector can record up to 1 minute of either scene.","After the scene is recorded, you can activate the playback function of the image recorder as an action. The recorded scene replays as a visual illusion above the image projector, with itself as the center of the illusion. No sound is recorded when the image projector is used this way.","If you are capable of casting 5th-level spells from your Spells of the Mark list, or have a Siberys Mark of Shadow, you may use an image projector to record up to 10 minutes of actual activity or illusion, and the playback includes all sounds recorded during the original scene."
"name": "Keoghtom's Hand",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 145,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "other",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a creature with the Mark of Healing",
"entries": [
"This device was named after the famed alchemist and artificer, Keoghtom d'Jorasco. It is a loose apparatus of gold bracelets and rings held together with a web of fine mithral links. Suspended in this web are one or more Siberys dragonshards, depending on the hand's rarity. Keoghtom's hands of greater rarities have all the properties of less-rare versions.","An uncommon Keoghtom's hand has one large, flat, emeraldcut Siberys dragonshard suspended against your palm when you wear it. While wearing it, whenever you cast {@spell cure wounds} from your Healing Touch racial trait, instead of rolling dice to restore hit points to the target of the spell, you use the highest number possible for each die.","A rare Keoghtom's hand has two additional Siberys dragonshards suspended against the back of your hand when you wear it. While wearing it, you cast {@spell cure wounds} from your Healing Touch racial trait as a 2nd-level spell. Additionally, you may cast spells from your Healing Touch racial trait one additional time between rests. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses of your Healing Touch racial trait.","A very rare Keoghtom's hand has a total of six Siberys dragonshards, the main one held against your palm, and an array of five held against the back of your hand when you wear it. While wearing it, you cast {@spell cure wounds} from your Healing Touch racial trait as a bonus action, and as 3rd-level spell."
"name": "Lightning Reins",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 145,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a creature with the Mark of Passage",
"entries": [
"These long cords of fine leather are studded with alternating Siberys and Khyber dragonshards. They are attached to the helm of a House Orien lightning rail coach, reminiscent of the reins of a mundane coach, and are integral to the operation of the lightning rail. While attuned to the lightning reins, you may telepathically command the air elemental bound to the coach, forcing it to move the coach as you desire.","Since the lightning rail follows a line of conductor stones, this is usually limited to deciding the speed of the coach, but an uncontrolled lightning rail coach is bound to 'jump the stones' and crash if speed is not carefully modulated along its route."
"name": "Reparation Apparatus",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 145,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "other",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a creature with the Mark of Making",
"entries": [
"Crafted for practicality during the Last War, a reparation apparatus is a strange glove-like device that fits over your hand like a fingerless gauntlet, with numerous tools and implements sprouting from it. A large Siberys dragonshard is mounted on a thick band of adamantine at the wrist, with a variable number of smaller Siberys dragonshards studding the circumference of the band depending on the rarity of the reparation apparatus. Rarer varieties of the reparation apparatus have all the properties of less-rare versions.","While wearing an uncommon reparation apparatus, you may cast {@spell repair damage|KCAA} from it, requiring no components. When you do, instead of rolling dice to restore hit points to the target of the spell, you use the highest number possible for each die. Once you cast the spell this way, you must finish a long rest before you may do so again. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.","While wearing a rare reparation apparatus, you cast {@spell repair damage|KCAA} from it as a 2nd-level spell. Additionally, you may cast {@spell repair damage|KCAA} from it one additional time between rests. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses.","While wearing a very rare reparation apparatus, you cast {@spell repair damage|KCAA} from it as a bonus action, and as 3rd-level spell."
"name": "Shadow Eye",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 146,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "common",
"reqAttuneAlt": "usable only by a creature with the Mark of Shadow",
"entries": [
"These tiny baubles are about the size of real eyes. They are made from two Siberys dragonshards each, bound together with copper bands, and upon closer inspection a hair can be seen pressed between both shards of each shadow eye. Shadow eyes are created in pairs, and each is inexorably linked to the other.","Unlike most dragonshard focus items, a shadow eye does not require attunement, but it does only respond to divination spells cast by those who possess the Mark of Shadow.","When casting {@spell clairvoyance} and holding a shadow eye, you may target the linked shadow eye with your spell, instead of a person or place. If you do, there is no saving throw necessary and no chance for failure, and the range of {@spell clairvoyance} may be any distance as long as both shadow eyes are on the same plane of existence.","Unlike most magic items, shadow eyes are created with magic but are not innately magical themselves, merely serving as a focus for the divination magic cast by a bearer of the Mark of Shadow. As such, they cannot be detected with a {@spell detect magic} spell, and cannot be identified as what they are with an {@spell identify} spell."
"name": "Sky Forge",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 146,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a creature with the Mark of Making",
"entries": [
"This anvil is wrought from cold iron, with a complex circular inlay of silver surrounding an array of small Siberys dragonshards encircling one larger Siberys shard. Unlike most magic items, any number of qualified individuals can attune to a sky forge and can remain attuned to it so long as they stay within 1 mile of the sky forge.","Whenever you cast {@spell fabricate}, if you are attuned to the anvil and standing within 1 mile of it, you can {@spell fabricate} an object of any size, provided that it can be contained within a 100-foot cube, or eighty connected 5-foot cubes."
"name": "Storm Gloves",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 146,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a creature with the Mark of Storm",
"entries": [
"These fine, fingerless leather gloves are decorated with crossed lightning bolts on the palms.","While attuned to storm gloves, you may cast {@spell shocking grasp} from them at will, requiring no components. Additionally, you can cast {@spell thunderwave} from the storm gloves once, and must finish a short or long rest before you can do so again.","Charisma is your spellcasting ability for spells you cast using a storm glove."
"name": "Adamantine Fortification Disc",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 146,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"entries": [
"This deep blue metal disc is banded in copper and studded with iron. When attached to your chest, over the course of attunement, adamantine reinforcement spreads through your body. While it is attached, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit."
"name": "Armor Enhancement Disc",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 146,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "varies",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"items": [
"+1 Armor Enhancement Disc|KCAA",
"+2 Armor Enhancement Disc|KCAA",
"+3 Armor Enhancement Disc|KCAA"
"entries": [
"Multiple variations of this item exist, as listed below:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"{@item +1 Armor Enhancement Disc|KCAA}",
"{@item +2 Armor Enhancement Disc|KCAA}",
"{@item +3 Armor Enhancement Disc|KCAA}"
"name": "+1 Armor Enhancement Disc",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 146,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"bonusAc": "+1",
"entries": [
"This gleaming steel disc is banded in gold and has several red dragonshards studded in a ring, the number and size of which increase with the rarity of the disc. When attached to your chest, over the course of attunement you feel a field of magical force strengthen your armor plates. While it is attached, you have a +1 bonus to AC. The bonus is determined by its rarity."
"name": "+2 Armor Enhancement Disc",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 146,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"bonusAc": "+2",
"entries": [
"This gleaming steel disc is banded in gold and has several red dragonshards studded in a ring, the number and size of which increase with the rarity of the disc. When attached to your chest, over the course of attunement you feel a field of magical force strengthen your armor plates. While it is attached, you have a +2 bonus to AC. The bonus is determined by its rarity."
"name": "+3 Armor Enhancement Disc",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 146,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "legendary",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"bonusAc": "+3",
"entries": [
"This gleaming steel disc is banded in gold and has several red dragonshards studded in a ring, the number and size of which increase with the rarity of the disc. When attached to your chest, over the course of attunement you feel a field of magical force strengthen your armor plates. While it is attached, you have a +3 bonus to AC. The bonus is determined by its rarity."
"name": "Battlefist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 146,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "varies",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"items": [
"+1 Battlefist|KCAA",
"+2 Battlefist|KCAA",
"+3 Battlefist|KCAA"
"entries": [
"Multiple variations of this item exist, as listed below:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"{@item +1 Battlefist|KCAA}",
"{@item +2 Battlefist|KCAA}",
"{@item +3 Battlefist|KCAA}"
"name": "+1 Battlefist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 146,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"bonusWeapon": "+1",
"entries": [
"This ogre-sized metal gauntlet fits over a warforged's hand and forearm. Over the course of attunement, you feel the battlefist physically lock and integrate into your arm, and your sense of touch extends into the component as if they were your actual arm and hand. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls on unarmed strikes made with a battlefist.","Unarmed strikes with a battlefist deal damage as if you had 5 monk levels more than you currently do (minimum 5th level). If this would increase your effective monk level past 20, your unarmed strikes with a battlefist deal {@damage 1d12} damage instead of {@damage 1d10}.","While attached, you can use your battlefist as a regular hand, but its large size is a bit clumsier than normal. You have disadvantage when using tools and on Dexterity ability checks while this component is attached.","If you attune to a second battlefist, whenever you use the Attack action to make unarmed strikes with a battlefist, you may make an unarmed strike with the other one as a bonus action (using the improved damage as noted above, including your ability modifier)."
"name": "+2 Battlefist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 146,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "legendary",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"bonusWeapon": "+2",
"entries": [
"This ogre-sized metal gauntlet fits over a warforged's hand and forearm. Over the course of attunement, you feel the battlefist physically lock and integrate into your arm, and your sense of touch extends into the component as if they were your actual arm and hand. You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls on unarmed strikes made with a battlefist.","Unarmed strikes with a battlefist deal damage as if you had 5 monk levels more than you currently do (minimum 5th level). If this would increase your effective monk level past 20, your unarmed strikes with a battlefist deal {@damage 1d12} damage instead of {@damage 1d10}.","While attached, you can use your battlefist as a regular hand, but its large size is a bit clumsier than normal. You have disadvantage when using tools and on Dexterity ability checks while this component is attached.","If you attune to a second battlefist, whenever you use the Attack action to make unarmed strikes with a battlefist, you may make an unarmed strike with the other one as a bonus action (using the improved damage as noted above, including your ability modifier)."
"name": "+3 Battlefist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 146,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "legendary",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"bonusWeapon": "+3",
"entries": [
"This ogre-sized metal gauntlet fits over a warforged's hand and forearm. Over the course of attunement, you feel the battlefist physically lock and integrate into your arm, and your sense of touch extends into the component as if they were your actual arm and hand. You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls on unarmed strikes made with a battlefist.","Unarmed strikes with a battlefist deal damage as if you had 5 monk levels more than you currently do (minimum 5th level). If this would increase your effective monk level past 20, your unarmed strikes with a battlefist deal {@damage 1d12} damage instead of {@damage 1d10}.","While attached, you can use your battlefist as a regular hand, but its large size is a bit clumsier than normal. You have disadvantage when using tools and on Dexterity ability checks while this component is attached.","If you attune to a second battlefist, whenever you use the Attack action to make unarmed strikes with a battlefist, you may make an unarmed strike with the other one as a bonus action (using the improved damage as noted above, including your ability modifier)."
"name": "Command Circlet",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 147,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"entries": [
"This gold band fits easily over your brow. When it is attached, it fuses with your head, and over the course of attunement you feel your awareness of other warforged around you sharpen. While attached, you gain telepathy with a range of 100 feet, but you can only communicate this way with other warforged. Unlike normal telepathy, you may address any number of warforged within this range at the same time, but they can still only communicate back to you, not with each other.","In addition, when you make a saving throw against being {@condition frightened}, as a reaction you may grant up to ten warforged within 30 feet of you (including yourself) advantage on saving throws against the same effect. Once you use this ability, the circlet cannot produce this effect until {@dice 1d12} hours have passed."
"name": "Delver's Eyes",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 147,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "common",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"entries": [
"These copper-rimmed crystal lenses come in a paired set. When placed over your eyes and attuned to, over the course of attunement the lenses lock into place in your eye sockets and form a second layer over your regular crystalline eyes.","While delver's eyes are attached, you can activate or deactivate them on your turn, requiring no action (but you may only either activate or deactivate once per turn). When you activate your delver's eyes, they emit a cone of bright light out to 30 feet, and dim light in an additional 30 feet beyond that. The cone is always emitted in the direction you are looking."
"name": "Equilibrium Band",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 147,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"entries": [
"This band of copper is decorated with lacquered soarwood discs. When attached, the copper band melds into your waist until only the soarwood discs are visible. Over the course of attunement, you feel your sense of balance significantly improve. You have advantage on Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) checks to maintain your balance and on all saving throws against any effect that would knock you {@condition prone}."
"name": "Essence of the Guard",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 147,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"entries": [
"This dull coppery torc bears symbols representing watchfulness. When attached, it hinges open and locks around your neck, and over the course of attunement it melds into your body and you feel your eyesight and hearing sharpen. While attached, you gain proficiency in the {@skill Perception} skill, and you have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom ({@skill Perception})."
"name": "Essence of the Scout",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 147,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"entries": [
"This dark metal torc is engraved with symbols representing silence and shadow. When attached, it hinges open and locks around your neck, and over the course of attunement it melds into your body. Your metal parts gleam less, and the wood and stone of your body hush quietly when you move. While attached, you gain proficiency in the {@skill Stealth} skill, and you do not have disadvantage on Dexterity ({@skill Stealth}) checks from a racial trait if you normally do."
"name": "Gem of Preservation",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 147,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "legendary",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"entries": [
"This large emerald-cut sapphire is fitted in a mithral setting, and is the only one of its kind. When attached, the gem obscures the ghulra on your forehead, and over the course of attunement your ghulra appears within the depths of the sapphire, emitting a dull glow. While attached, you repair {@dice 1d6} hit points every 10 minutes, even if you are reduced to 0 hit points or are dead. If you lose a body part, the gem causes the missing part to regrow and return to full functionality after {@dice 1d6 + 1} days. If you are decapitated, you die but the gem remains attached unless deliberately removed, and you grow a new fully functional body after {@dice 1d6 + 1} weeks.","The gem can be removed while you are at 0 hit points or dead, preventing it from repairing you. Your soul enters the gem immediately if your body dies, or if it is removed while you are at 0 hit points, unless it already houses a soul. You are trapped in the gem so long as it is attached to your dead body or unattached.","If a warforged attunes to the gem while it already contains a soul, the two warforged must immediately make contested Charisma saving throws. The victor gains control of the body; the loser is trapped in the gem. This test can be repeated once every 24 hours. As long as a soul is within the gem, it can telepathically communicate with any creature wearing it and can perceive the world through the body's senses. A wearer can't prevent this telepathic communication and perception. A wearer can willingly allow the soul within the gem to take over its body. However, willingly or not, the switch can only occur once every 24 hours.","If your soul is within the gem and it is attached to a dead warforged body for 10 minutes, your soul enters the body as soon as it is repaired {@dice 1d6} hit points by the gem, even if the body was not your original one.","The Gem of Preservation is supernaturally durable. It is immune to nonmagical damage, resistant to all other damage, and has 50 hit points. In addition, it repairs damage to itself at a rate of 1 hit point every round."
"name": "Shoulderbow",
"source": "KCAA",
"type": "R",
"page": 148,
"rarity": "varies",
"baseItem": "light crossbow|PHB",
"crossbow": true,
"weight": 5,
"weaponCategory": "simple",
"range": "80/320",
"dmg1": "1d8",
"dmgType": "P",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"items": [
"+1 Shoulderbow|KCAA",
"+2 Shoulderbow|KCAA"
"entries": [
"Multiple variations of this item exist, as listed below:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"{@item +1 Shoulderbow|KCAA}",
"{@item +2 Shoulderbow|KCAA}"
"name": "+1 Shoulderbow",
"source": "KCAA",
"type": "R",
"page": 148,
"rarity": "very rare",
"crossbow": true,
"weight": 5,
"weaponCategory": "simple",
"range": "80/320",
"dmg1": "1d8",
"dmgType": "P",
"bonusWeapon": "+1",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"entries": [
"This light crossbow has a swivel mount instead of a grip and stock, like a miniature deck-mounted ballista. When the base of the mount is attached to your shoulder, it integrates into your body. When fully attached, the light crossbow can fold up and retract into your shoulder seamlessly. You can retract and deploy the shoulderbow as a bonus action.","While attached and deployed, the shoulderbow can be fired even if your hands aren't free. You do not have disadvantage on ranged attacks with the shoulderbow even if you are in melee range of an enemy. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the shoulderbow.","A shoulderbow magically loads and fires with a thought, ignoring the Loading property of the light crossbow. Moreover, the shoulderbow magically creates bolts to keep the ammunition case located in its mount filled. The case holds 5 bolts at a time: whenever one bolt is fired, another one is magically created. Bolts vanish if they are removed from the shoulderbow without being shot. The shoulderbow can create 20 bolts per day. You can use your own life energy to create additional bolts, at the cost of 1 hit point per bolt. At any time, you can expend {@damage 3d4} hit points to cast {@spell conjure barrage} as an action. The spellcasting ability for this spell is Constitution. Hit points used to create a bolt or cast {@spell conjure barrage} are treated just as if you took damage; they can be healed or repaired normally.","A shoulderbow cannot use normal bolts (either magical or mundane); it is designed to create and fire its own magical bolts."
"name": "+2 Shoulderbow",
"source": "KCAA",
"type": "R",
"page": 148,
"rarity": "legendary",
"crossbow": true,
"weight": 5,
"weaponCategory": "simple",
"range": "80/320",
"dmg1": "1d8",
"dmgType": "P",
"bonusWeapon": "+2",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"entries": [
"This light crossbow has a swivel mount instead of a grip and stock, like a miniature deck-mounted ballista. When the base of the mount is attached to your shoulder, it integrates into your body. When fully attached, the light crossbow can fold up and retract into your shoulder seamlessly. You can retract and deploy the shoulderbow as a bonus action.","While attached and deployed, the shoulderbow can be fired even if your hands aren't free. You do not have disadvantage on ranged attacks with the shoulderbow even if you are in melee range of an enemy. You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the shoulderbow.","A shoulderbow magically loads and fires with a thought, ignoring the Loading property of the light crossbow. Moreover, the shoulderbow magically creates bolts to keep the ammunition case located in its mount filled. The case holds 5 bolts at a time: whenever one bolt is fired, another one is magically created. Bolts vanish if they are removed from the shoulderbow without being shot. The shoulderbow can create 20 bolts per day. You can use your own life energy to create additional bolts, at the cost of 1 hit point per bolt. At any time, you can expend {@damage 3d4} hit points to cast {@spell conjure barrage} as an action. The spellcasting ability for this spell is Constitution. Hit points used to create a bolt or cast {@spell conjure barrage} are treated just as if you took damage; they can be healed or repaired normally.","A shoulderbow cannot use normal bolts (either magical or mundane); it is designed to create and fire its own magical bolts."
"name": "Springheels",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 148,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"entries": [
"This component is a set of mithral plate greaves with soarwood soles. When attached, they lock into place around your lower legs and the bottoms of your feet. Over the course of attunement, you can feel the greaves meld into your legs and make them feel oddly lighter. While attached, your base walking speed increases by 5 feet, and you are always considered to have a running start when jumping."
"name": "Tauric Belt",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 148,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "legendary",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"entries": [
"This belt of woven mithral threads is etched with designs of fabulous beasts and studded with pulsing dragonshards, and is the only one of its kind. When attached, the mithral threads sprout tendrils into your body and integrate with your form. Over the course of attunement, your body rapidly and drastically changes. Your lower body takes on the form of a fantastic leonine beast, a beautiful construct of mithral, steel, and darkwood. While the belt is attached, you can shift between this tauric form and your true form as an action.","Your tauric form provides you with a number of advantages. Your size increases to Large for the purposes of most effects (such as grappling, carrying capacity, and your space if your game uses a combat grid). However, your upper body remains the same size, so you continue to use weapons appropriate for Medium creatures.","Your base walking speed increases by 10 feet, and you gain a climbing speed equal to your new walking speed.","Your Strength score becomes 27 and your Constitution score becomes 23, if they are not already higher.","You may make unarmed strikes with your lower forelimb’s claws. When you hit with an unarmed strike using your claws, you deal {@damage 1d6} + your Strength modifier slashing damage.","You may make two unarmed strikes using your claws as a bonus action."
"name": "Torc of Energy Resistance",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 148,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"entries": [
"This metal torc is engraved with runes of warding, a colored gemstone set at its front. When attached, it hinges open and locks around your neck. Over the course of attunement, it melds into your body and you feel a thrum of protective energy spread over you. While attached, you have resistance to one type of energy: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or thunder. Each torc of energy resistance grants resistance to one type of energy, chosen when it was created."
"name": "Traction Claws",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 149,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"entries": [
"This component is a set of large metal crampons. When attached, they lock into place around your feet. Over the course of attunement, you can feel the crampons' claws slowly retract into the soles of your feet. While attached, you can extend or retract these claws as a bonus action. When you make a Strength ({@skill Athletics}) check to climb a surface (but not a rope) or a Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) check to maintain your balance while these claws are extended, you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply."
"name": "Wand Sheath",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 149,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"entries": [
"This brass and mithral tube resemble a scroll case, but is made to fit all varieties of wands. When placed against your forearm and attuned to, the cylinder sinks into your arm and becomes almost seamless with your limb, except for an irising mithral hatch just below your wrist.","While you are attuned to a wand sheath, as an action you may insert any kind of wand inside it. If an inserted wand is a magical wand, you may activate and spend charges from it as if you were holding it in your hand. If the magical wand allows you to cast spells, you ignore any somatic and inexpensive material component when casting its spells. If you have the ability to use wands as a spellcasting focus, you may use the inserted wand as a focus without having it in hand, and you ignore the somatic components for spells you cast with it.","You may eject a wand from a wand sheath as a bonus action."
"name": "Weapon Mount",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 149,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "common",
"reqAttune": "requires attunement by a warforged",
"entries": [
"A weapon mount is a hollow elongated canister of interlocking metal plates studded with Eberron dragonshards. It attaches to your arm, becoming inseparable from you as long as you're attuned to it. To attune to this item, you must hold it against your forearm for the entire attunement period.","As part of a short rest, you may attach any melee weapon that does not have the two-handed property to an attuned weapon mount. Once attached, you can retract the weapon into your forearm or extend it from there as a bonus action. While the weapon is extended, you can use it as if you were holding it, and you can't use that hand for other purposes.","The weapon you attach retains its former nature. A nonmagical weapon does not become magical, and a magical weapon retains all of its magical properties. If you attach a magical weapon that requires attunement, it shares the same attunement slot as the weapon mount itself while attached. You may detach a weapon from the weapon mount at the end of a short rest."
"name": "Breed Leech",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 158,
"wondrous": true,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": true,
"entries": [
"This tiny symbiont appears to be a thick, swollen slug with a lamprey-like mouth that attaches to your skin. While a breed leech is attached to you, you regain all expended Hit Dice when you finish a long rest, ignore the first level of {@condition exhaustion} you would gain in any given 24-hour period, and have advantage on Constitution saving throws to resist disease and being {@condition poisoned}.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Curse",
"entries": [
"If you are a pregnant humanoid and the the breed leech is attached to you for at least 24 hours, the child you are carrying will be born as a {@race daelkyr half-blood|KCAA}. This property of the breed leech is undetectable by divination and it can't be reversed by magic."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The breed leech can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the breed leech ends, and you can remove it.",",When the breed leech is detached, it leaves you {@condition poisoned} for 24 hours."
"name": "Coat of Many Eyes",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 159,
"baseItem": "studded leather armor|PHB",
"type": "LA",
"rarity": "varies",
"reqAttune": true,
"weight": 13,
"ac": 12,
"items": [
"Coat of Many Eyes (Uncommon)|KCAA",
"Coat of Many Eyes (Rare)|KCAA",
"Coat of Many Eyes (Very Rare)|KCAA"
"entries": [
"Multiple variations of this item exist, as listed below:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"{@item Coat of Many Eyes (Uncommon)|KCAA}",
"{@item Coat of Many Eyes (Rare)|KCAA}",
"{@item Coat of Many Eyes (Very Rare)|KCAA}"
"name": "Coat of Many Eyes (Uncommon)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 159,
"baseItem": "studded leather armor|PHB",
"type": "LA",
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": true,
"weight": 13,
"ac": 12,
"bonusAc": "+1",
"entries": [
"This armor is a creation of the daelkyr Belashyrra, the Lord of Eyes. Made from a tough, leathery material, a coat of many eyes is warm to the touch. It is covered with eyes—eyes of many different types of creatures, constantly glancing around as it studies your surroundings. When you attune to the armor, it binds itself to your flesh and shares its insight, granting the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"The armor lets you see in all directions, and you have advantage on Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) checks that rely on sight.",
"You have {@sense darkvision} with a range of 120 feet."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Gifts of the All-Seer",
"entries": [
"All coats of many eyes are linked to Belashyrra, and while wearing one you may receive visions—flashes of things the Lord of Eyes wishes to see through you. If you follow through with these tasks, your armor can evolve, gaining additional powers and increasing its effective rarity."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The armor can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the armor ends, and you can remove it.",",When the armor is detached, it assimilates your eyes into its mass before it goes, leaving you {@condition blinded} with empty eye sockets. A {@spell lesser restoration} spell or similar magic can restore your eyes and vision."
"name": "Coat of Many Eyes (Rare)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 159,
"baseItem": "studded leather armor|PHB",
"type": "LA",
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"weight": 13,
"ac": 12,
"bonusAc": "+1",
"entries": [
"This armor is a creation of the daelkyr Belashyrra, the Lord of Eyes. Made from a tough, leathery material, a coat of many eyes is warm to the touch. It is covered with eyes—eyes of many different types of creatures, constantly glancing around as it studies your surroundings. When you attune to the armor, it binds itself to your flesh and shares its insight, granting the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"The armor lets you see in all directions, and you have advantage on Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) checks that rely on sight.",
"You have {@sense darkvision} with a range of 120 feet."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Gifts of the All-Seer",
"entries": [
"All coats of many eyes are linked to Belashyrra, and while wearing one you may receive visions—flashes of things the Lord of Eyes wishes to see through you. If you follow through with these tasks, your armor can evolve, gaining additional powers and increasing its effective rarity.",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"A rare coat allows you to see {@condition invisible} creatures and objects within 120 feet."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The armor can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the armor ends, and you can remove it.",",When the armor is detached, it assimilates your eyes into its mass before it goes, leaving you {@condition blinded} with empty eye sockets. A {@spell lesser restoration} spell or similar magic can restore your eyes and vision."
"name": "Coat of Many Eyes (Very Rare)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 159,
"baseItem": "studded leather armor|PHB",
"type": "LA",
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"weight": 13,
"ac": 12,
"bonusAc": "+1",
"entries": [
"This armor is a creation of the daelkyr Belashyrra, the Lord of Eyes. Made from a tough, leathery material, a coat of many eyes is warm to the touch. It is covered with eyes—eyes of many different types of creatures, constantly glancing around as it studies your surroundings. When you attune to the armor, it binds itself to your flesh and shares its insight, granting the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"The armor lets you see in all directions, and you have advantage on Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) checks that rely on sight.",
"You have {@sense darkvision} with a range of 120 feet."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Gifts of the All-Seer",
"entries": [
"All coats of many eyes are linked to Belashyrra, and while wearing one you may receive visions—flashes of things the Lord of Eyes wishes to see through you. If you follow through with these tasks, your armor can evolve, gaining additional powers and increasing its effective rarity.",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"A rare coat allows you to see {@condition invisible} creatures and objects within 120 feet.",
"A very rare coat allows you to use an action to cast {@spell arcane eye} with it. Once you cast the spell in this manner, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The armor can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the armor ends, and you can remove it.",",When the armor is detached, it assimilates your eyes into its mass before it goes, leaving you {@condition blinded} with empty eye sockets. A {@spell lesser restoration} spell or similar magic can restore your eyes and vision."
"name": "Crawling Gauntlet",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 159,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"Crafted by the daelkyr, the crawling gauntlet appears to be the forearm of a monstrous humanoid. When you attune to it, it surrounds your hand and forearm, fusing to your flesh.",
"When you make an unarmed strike, you can slash with the talons on the gauntlet. On a hit, you deal slashing damage equal to {@dice 1d6} + your Strength modifier, in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike.",
"Additionally, you can project an ectoplasmic duplicate of the gauntlet, allowing you to manipulate objects at a distance. While wearing this gauntlet, you can use an action to cast {@spell mage hand}.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The gauntlet can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the gauntletends, and you can remove it.","When a crawling gauntlet is detached, it takes your hand and forearm with it. Your hit point maximum is reduced by 5. This reduction cannot be reversed by any means until the limb is restored, such as from receiving a {@spell regeneration} spell to regrow the limb or otherwise attaching a prosthetic replacement. If this reduces your maximum hit points to 0, they die."
"name": "Earworm",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 160,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"recharge": "dawn",
"charges": 4,
"entries": [
"To attune to this symbiont, you must hold it against the skin behind your ear for the entire attunement period, whereupon it burrows into your head and bonds to your skull. While the earworm is inside you, you can speak, read, and write Daelkyr.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Spells",
"entries": [
"The earworm has 4 charges. You can cast the following spells from it, expending the necessary number of charges (spell save DC 15): {@spell detect thoughts} (2 charges) or {@spell dissonant whispers} (1 charge). Each time you use the earworm to cast the {@spell detect thoughts} spell, it sends the information gleaned to the nearest daelkyr, or to the next nearest earworm until it reaches a daelkyr.",
"The earworm regains {@dice 1d4} expended charges daily at dawn."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The earworm can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the earworm ends, and it exits your body.","When an earworm is detached, it leaves behind a hole in the auditory center of your brain where it once resided. You are {@condition deafened} and can’t communicate telepathically by any means. A {@condition lesser restoration} spell or similar magic can restore your hearing and potential to communicate telepathically."
"attachedSpells": [
"dissonant whispers",
"detect thoughts"
"name": "Living Glove",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 161,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"grantsProficiency": true,
"entries": [
"These symbiotic gloves—made of thin chitin and sinew—pulse with a life of their own. To attune to them, you must wear them for the entire attunement period, during which the gloves bond with your skin.",
"While attuned to these gloves, you gain one of the following proficiencies (your choice when you attune to the gloves):",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"{@skill Sleight of Hand}",
"{@item Thieves' tools|PHB}",
"One kind of artisan's tools of your choice",
"One kind of musical instrument of your choice"
"When you make an ability check using the chosen proficiency, you add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The gloves can't be removed from you while you're attuned to them, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to them. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the gloves ends, and they can be removed.","When a living glove is detached, it flays your hand of all its skin as it goes, dealing {@damage 1d10} slashing damage. Furthermore, you have disadvantage on all ability checks and attack rolls made using the flayed hand, until a {@spell lesser restoration} spell or similar magic is used to regrow your appendage’s lost skin."
"name": "Morphing Ooze",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 161,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"grantsProficiency": true,
"resist": [
"entries": [
"To attune to morphing ooze, a host must first ingest it, unlocking the following properties.",
"While attuned to these gloves, you gain one of the following proficiencies (your choice when you attune to the gloves):",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Resistant",
"entries": [
"While attuned to morphing ooze, a host has resistance to poison and acid damage, and they’re immune to the poisoned condition."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Amorphous",
"entries": [
"As an action, the host can speak a command word and cause their body to assume the amorphous qualities of an ooze. For the next minute, the host (along with any equipment they're wearing or carrying) can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. Once a host uses this property, it can't be used again until the next dawn."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Acid Breath",
"entries": [
"As an action, the host can exhale acid in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 36 {@damage 8d8} acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Once the host uses this property, it can't be used again until the next dawn."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Black Eruption",
"entries": [
"If the host dies while the morphing ooze is inside them, it bursts out and engulfs the host, turning their corpse into a black pudding allied with the daelkyr."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The ooze can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the ooze ends, and the ooze detaches from you.","When a morphing ooze is detached, it seeps out of your digestive tract, leaving behind a foul substance that afflicts you with a debilitating disease. Until cured, you have disadvantage on all ability checks and saving throws."
"name": "Shadow Sibling",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 161,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"Crafted by Dyrrn the Corruptor, this black jewel-like object fuses to the center of your forehead when you attune to it.",
"As a bonus action, you can cause the shadow sibling to exude or retract an ectoplasmic shadow that surrounds your body and conceals you from prying eyes. While the shadow is active, Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) checks made to see you have disadvantage, and you have advantage on Dexterity ({@skill Stealth}) checks made to hide.",
"In addition, when you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to spend one Hit Die to shield yourself. Roll the die and add the result as a bonus to your AC, including against the triggering attack. This bonus lasts until the end of your next turn.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The shadow sibling can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the shadow sibling ends, and you can remove it.",
"When a shadow sibling is detached, you no longer cast a shadow and are vulnerable to cold, necrotic, and psychic damage. This effect remains until a {@spell greater restoration} spell or similar magic is used to restore your shadow."
"name": "Spellburrow",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 162,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These scarab-like symbionts, bred by the daelkyr Valaara, have brilliant, iridescent shells. To attune to a spellburrow, you must place it on your head; in the process of attunement, it digs in and burrows through your skull, establishing a psychic connection with you. While it lacks any sort of human consciousness, it possesses a strange alien sentience that responds to your desires. There are tales of rarer spellburrows that possess greater knowledge and sentience; such stories sometimes end with the spellburrow consuming the brain of the wizard who pushed it too far—but these are surely just fanciful stories!",
"A spellburrow knows one cantrip of the DM's choice drawn from the {@filter sorcerer|spells|level=0|class=sorcerer} or {@filter warlock spell list|spells|level=0|class=warlock}, and you can cast this cantrip as if you know it. In addition, a spellburrow knows one 1st-level spell and one 2nd-level spell from the same spell list its cantrip is from. If you have the Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature, you can cast these spells as if you had prepared or learned them, and they don't count against the number of spells you can prepare or know. You can choose to use either your Intelligence modifier, or a spellcasting ability modifier you have gained from another source, for these spells.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"A spellburrow can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the spellburrow ends, and you can remove it.","When a spellburrow is detached, it begins to claw its way out from your skull, reducing your Intelligence score by {@dice 2d4} every round. At the end of each of your turns, it may make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, expelling the spellburrow on a success. If the spellburrow reduces your Intelligence score to 0, you die. This reduction lasts until the you finish a long rest."
"name": "Stormstalk",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 163,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"Similar in appearance to an eel, except for the large humanoid eye replacing its head, this symbiont's sleek body crackles with electricity. To attune to a stormstalk, you must place it on your nape; in the process of attunement, it digs in and burrows through the skin of your neck before intertwining with your spinal cord.",
"While you are attuned to the stormstalk, you can magically fire a ray of lightning from the stormstalk's eye as an action. When you do, a white-hot bluish line of crackling light streaks toward a creature of your choice within 60 feet of them. This is a ranged spell attack that uses your Dexterity as its spellcasting ability. On a hit, the target takes {@damage 1d8} lightning damage, and has disadvantage on Dexterity checks and Dexterity saving throws until the start of the host's next turn.",
"The ray's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level {@damage 2d8}, 11th level {@damage 3d8}, and 17th level {@damage 4d8}.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"A stormstalk can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the stormstalk ends, and you can remove it.","When a stormstalk is detached, it leaves its your nervous system a shambling wreck. You have disadvantage on Dexterity checks and Dexterity saving throws until you receive a {@spell lesser restoration} spell or similar magic."
"name": "Tentacle Whip",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 163,
"baseItem": "whip|phb",
"type": "M",
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"weight": 3,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": [
"dmg1": "1d4",
"dmgType": "S",
"bonusWeapon": "+2",
"weapon": true,
"entries": [
"This long, whip-like strand of tough muscle bears a sharp stinger at one end. To attune to this symbiotic weapon, you wrap the whip around your wrist for the entire attunement period, during which time the whip painfully embeds its tendrils into your arm.",
"You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic whip, but attack rolls made against aberrations with this weapon have disadvantage. A creature hit by this weapon takes an extra {@dice 1d6} psychic damage. When you roll a 20 on the {@dice d20} for an attack roll with this weapon, the target is {@condition stunned} until the end of its next turn.",
"As a bonus action, you can sheathe the whip by causing it to retract into your arm, or draw the whip out of your arm again.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The whip can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the whip ends, and it detaches from you.","When the whip is detached, it delivers a potentially lethal dose of its psychic venom to you. You must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you take 35 ({@damage 10d6}) psychic damage and are {@condition paralyzed} indefinitely. On a success, you take half damage and are not {@condition paralyzed}."
"name": "Throwing Scarab",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 164,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"Bred by the daelkyr Valaara, this bizarre symbiont burrows into the palm of its host, secreting razor-sharp chitin blades that can also be used as throwing weapons. When you attune to the scarab, it fuses with one of your hands, visible only as an iridescent, chitinous growth on your palm.",
"For every attack you make as part of the {@action Attack} action on your turn, you can extrude a shard of razor-sharp chitin from the symbiont into your empty hand, using it for the attack. The shard counts as a magical simple melee weapon with which you are proficient. It has the finesse, light, and thrown properties (range 20/60), and deals {@dice 1d4} points of piercing damage and {@dice 1d4} points of acid damage on a hit. The shard dissolves as soon as it hits or misses its target.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The scarab can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the scarabends, and you can remove it.","When the throwing scarab is detached, it violently thrashes as it burrows its way out the back of your hand, dealing 5 ({@damage 2d4}) piercing damage and 5 ({@damage 2d4}) acid damage. You have disadvantage on attack rolls made with the damaged hand until this damage is healed or you finish a long rest."
"name": "Tongueworm",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 164,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"This coil of muscle terminates in a sharp barb. When you attune to it, this daelkyr-bred tongueworm attaches to your throat and nestles under your tongue.",
"You can use a bonus action to make an unarmed strike using the tongueworm, using your choice of Strength or Dexterity for the attack. On a hit, you deal piercing damage equal to {@dice 1d4} + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice), instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. In addition, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be {@condition poisoned} until the start of your next turn.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The tongueworm can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the tongueworm ends, and you can remove it.","When the tongueworm is detached, it takes your tongue with it. You cannot speak while missing your tongue. A {@spell lesser restoration} spell or similar magic can restore your tongue and ability to speak."
"name": "Wandering Eye",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 165,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"This disturbing daelkyr-made symbiont is a leathery tentacle with one end terminating in a single bulbous eye, and the other sporting a barb designed to burrow into flesh. When you attune to the wandering eye, it burrows into one of your shoulders, then rises up from it, studying the world and projecting insights into your mind. The wandering eye may occasionally take an interest in some random element of your current environment; in this case, the DM may draw your attention to this object or person.",
"While the eye is uncovered, you gain the following benefits.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Third Eye",
"entries": [
"When you make a Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) or Intelligence ({@skill Investigation}) check involving sight, you can roll a {@dice d4} and add the number rolled to the ability check."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Periscopic Vision",
"entries": [
"The eye can stretch up to 18 inches and can be used to peer around corners or over cover. When extended and used in this way, the eye has an AC of 20 and 6 hit points. If it is forced to make an ability check or a saving throw, it uses your statistics. If it is reduced to 0 hit points, you cannot benefit from any of the eye's properties until you finish a short or long rest, after which it regains all lost hit points."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Always Vigilant",
"entries": [
"The eyeremains watchful while you sleep. When you take a long rest, the wandering eye remains active, allowing you to use your passive Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) score to notice threats even while asleep. If the eye spots danger, it sends you a mental alarm in the form of a nightmare that immediately wakes you up."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The eye can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the eye ends, and you can remove it.",
"When the wandering eye is detached, the loss of extra perception is disorienting to you. You are {@condition blinded} for 24 hours as your brain reacclimates to only seeing with two eyes."
"name": "Winter Cyst",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 165,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"This bulbous, slimy polyp looks like a slug with a glassy, inhuman eye at one end. When you attune to the winter cyst, it burrows into the bones of one of your appendages, revealing only the inhuman eye at its end. The winter cyst may occasionally take an interest in some random element of your current environment; in this case, the DM may draw your attention to this object or person.",
"While the cyst is uncovered, you gain the following benefits.",
"You can cause the winter cyst to magically fire a ray of frost from the winter cyst's eye as an action. When you do, a frigid beam of blue-white light streaks toward a creature of your choice within 60 feet of you. This is a ranged spell attack that uses your Dexterity as its spellcasting ability. On a hit, the target takes {@damage 1d8} cold damage, and has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws until the start of the host's next turn.",
"The ray's damage increases by {@dice 1d8} when the host reaches 5th level ({@dice 2d8}), 11th level ({@dice 3d8}), and 17th level ({@dice 4d8}).",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The cyst can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the eye ends, and you can remove it.",
"When the winter cyst is detached, it leaves you with a bone-draining weakness. You have disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws until you receive a {@spell lesser restoration} spell or similar magic."
"itemProperty": [
"abbreviation": "Double",
"source": "KCAA",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Double",
"entries": [
"A double weapon has two striking ends on either side of an elongated grip. It is too unwieldy for Small creatures to handle properly; they have disadvantage on attacks rolls with doubleended weapons. When you use your Attack action to make an attack with a double-ended weapon, you can also use a bonus action to make an additional attack with it. You don't add your ability modifier to the damage of the bonus action attack, unless that modifier is negative.","If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting fighting style or Dual Wielder feat, you gain all of their benefits while wielding a double weapon, as if it were two different weapons."
"baseitem": [
"name": "Kesh'dar Club (Nunchaku)",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 132,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 1,
"value": 100,
"weaponCategory": "simple",
"property": ["F","L"],
"dmg1": "1d4",
"dmgType": "B",
"weapon": true,
"entries": []
"name": "Sword Cane",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 132,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 2,
"value": 3000,
"weaponCategory": "simple",
"property": ["F","L","S"],
"dmg1": "1d6",
"dmgType": "B",
"weapon": true,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Special",
"entries": [
"This weapon is actually a hollow sheath for a rapier or specially-made shortsword. The rapier or special shortsword is not included in the price of the sword cane; rapiers have their listed cost in the Player’s Handbook and a specially fitted shortsword costs 20 gp instead of 10 gp but otherwise uses the normal statistics for a shortsword. Each sword cane can only accommodate the weapon it was created for. While sheathed in a sword cane, the weapon is completely hidden and only a DC 20 Intelligence ({@skill Investigation}) check made while holding and inspecting the cane reveals its nature as a sheath. The cane is made of strong hardwood and can be used as a weapon itself, using the listed statistics."
"name": "Dire Flail",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 132,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 16,
"value": 9500,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": ["Double","2H"],
"dmg1": "1d6",
"dmgType": "B",
"weapon": true,
"entries": [
"name": "Double Scimitar",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 132,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 8,
"value": 10000,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": ["Double","2H"],
"dmg1": "1d6",
"dmgType": "S",
"weapon": true,
"entries": [
"name": "Mighty Flail",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 132,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 12,
"value": 3500,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": ["H","2H"],
"dmg1": "3d4",
"dmgType": "B",
"weapon": true,
"entries": [
"name": "Myrnaxe",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 132,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 8,
"value": 12000,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": ["Double","S","2H"],
"dmg1": "1d6",
"dmgType": "Slashing or Bludgeoning",
"weapon": true,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Special",
"entries": [
"The myrnaxe is the signature weapon of the gnolls of the Znir Pact. It is a large hatchet-like axe mounted on the end of a long, curved handle, with a metal spike designed for thrusting mounted on the other end. The Znir gnolls do not sell myrnaxes, so they are exceptionally rare to see on the market.","Whenever you make an attack roll with a myrnaxe, you may choose which end to strike with, dealing either slashing or piercing damage with the attack if you hit. If you have multiple attacks in a turn, at least one attack must be made with each end."
"name": "Sharrash",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 132,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 5,
"value": 4000,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": ["R","2H"],
"dmg1": "1d8",
"dmgType": "S",
"weapon": true,
"entries": []
"name": "Orc Double Axe",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 132,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 10,
"value": 15000,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": ["Double","H","S","2H"],
"dmg1": "1d6",
"dmg2": "1d10",
"dmgType": "S",
"weapon": true,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Special",
"entries": [
"The orc double axe was created by the Ghaash’kala orcs of the Demon Wastes. It is such a rarity to see them in the markets of Khorvaire that even a mundane double axe made from steel will fetch a higher price than some magic items. An orc double axe may be wielded as either a double weapon that deals {@damage 1d6} slashing damage, or a heavy weapon that deals {@damage d10} slashing damage. A wielder may switch from one way to the other as an object interaction on their turn, before any attack rolls are made."
"name": "Spiked Chain",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 132,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 10,
"value": 3000,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": ["R","S","2H"],
"dmg1": "2d4",
"dmgType": "P",
"weapon": true,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Special",
"entries": [
"You have disadvantage when you use a spiked chain to attack a target within 5 feet of you. Spiked chains are notoriously difficult to control, so even proficient wielders must exercise extreme caution when employing spiked chains in close quarters."
"name": "Tangat",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 132,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 4,
"value": 1500,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": ["2H"],
"dmg1": "1d8",
"dmgType": "S",
"weapon": true,
"entries": []
"name": "Tratnyr",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 132,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 4,
"value": 1500,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": ["H","2H","T"],
"range": "20/60",
"dmg1": "1d10",
"dmgType": "P",
"weapon": true,
"entries": []
"name": "Two-Bladed Sword",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 132,
"type": "M",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 8,
"value": 12500,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": ["Double","2H"],
"dmg1": "1d6",
"dmgType": "P",
"weapon": true,
"entries": []
"name": "Bola",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 132,
"type": "R",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 2,
"value": 200,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": ["F","S","T"],
"range": "30/90",
"weapon": true,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Special",
"entries": [
"A Large or smaller creature hit by a bola is knocked prone and has its speed reduced to 0 until it is freed. A bola has no effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to make a Strength ({@skill Athletics}) or Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) check to free itself. The DC for this check is equal to 8 + the proficiency modifier of the bola's thrower + the thrower's Strength or Dexterity modifier (thrower's choice). Another creature can attempt a Strength ({@skill Athletics}) check against the same DC to free a target hit with a bola within 5 feet of it. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the bola's cords (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it. If a creature is freed by a Strength ({@skill Athletics}) check or by dealing slashing damage to the bola, the bola is destroyed.","When you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to attack with a bola, you can make only one attack regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make."
"name": "Boomerang",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 132,
"type": "R",
"rarity": "none",
"weight": 2,
"value": 1500,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": ["F","S","T"],
"dmg1": "1d6",
"dmgType": "Special",
"range": "20/60",
"weapon": true,
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Special",
"entries": [
"Three main types of boomerangs exist in Eberron: the Adar boomerang, which does slashing damage, the Talenta boomerang, which does bludgeoning damage, and Xen'drik boomerang, which does piercing damage.","When you miss a ranged attack roll with a non-magical boomerang, it returns to you at the end of your turn. A nonmagical boomerang can be caught with a DC 10 Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) check. Magical boomerangs return to you at the end of your turn, regardless of whether you hit or miss, and they can be caught automatically.","If you fail the {@skill Acrobatics} check or you do not have a hand free to catch the returning boomerang, it falls to the ground 10 feet away from you in a random direction."
"variant": [
"name": "Bronzewood Weapon",
"type": "GV",
"requires": [
"weapon": true
"excludes": {
"name": "Net"
"inherits": {
"rarity": "rare",
"source": "KCAA",
"namePrefix": "Bronzewood ",
"valueExpression": "[[baseItem.value]] + 20000",
"weightExpression": "[[baseItem.weight]] * 0.9",
"entries": [
"Bronzewood weapons cannot be corroded by rust or acid (making them immune to deleterious effects caused by rust monsters and black puddings, for example), but have no other unique properties besides their slightly reduced weight."
"name": "Flametouched Iron Weapon",
"type": "GV",
"requires": [
"weapon": true
"excludes": {
"name": "Net"
"inherits": {
"rarity": "rare",
"source": "KCAA",
"namePrefix": "Flametouched Iron ",
"valueExpression": "[[baseItem.value]] + 40000",
"entries": [
"Attacks made with weapons and ammunition forged of flametouched iron ignore any resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage a fiend or non-deathless undead creature has, and deal half damage to such creatures who have immunity to bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage."
"name": "Mithral Weapon",
"type": "GV",
"requires": [
"weapon": true
"excludes": {
"name": "Net"
"inherits": {
"rarity": "rare",
"source": "KCAA",
"namePrefix": "Mithral ",
"valueExpression": "[[baseItem.value]] + 50000",
"weightExpression": "[[baseItem.weight]] * 0.5",
"entries": [
"Weapons with the thrown property and ammunition have their normal and long ranges doubled when made from mithral. Melee weapons that do not normally have the heavy property gain the finesse property when made from mithral. Melee weapons that do normally have the heavy property do not have it when made from mithral. Finally, mithral weapons count as silver for the purposes of some creatures' resistances or immunities to weapons not made from silver."
"name": "Orichalcum Weapon",
"type": "GV",
"requires": [
"weapon": true
"excludes": {
"name": "Net"
"inherits": {
"rarity": "rare",
"source": "KCAA",
"namePrefix": "Orichalcum ",
"valueExpression": "[[baseItem.value]] + 40000",
"weightExpression": "[[baseItem.weight]] * 0.5",
"entries": [
"Weapons with the thrown property and ammunition have their normal and long ranges doubled when made from orichalcum. Melee weapons that do not normally have the heavy property gain the finesse property when made from orichalcum. Finally, melee weapons that do normally have the heavy property do not have it when made from orichalcum."
"name": "Silver Weapon",
"type": "GV",
"requires": [
"weapon": true
"excludes": {
"name": "Net"
"inherits": {
"rarity": "rare",
"source": "KCAA",
"namePrefix": "Silver ",
"valueExpression": "[[baseItem.value]] + 10000",
"entries": [
"Some monsters that have immunity or resistance to non-magical weapons are susceptible to silver weapons."
"name": "Targath Weapon",
"type": "GV",
"requires": [
"weapon": true
"excludes": {
"name": "Net"
"inherits": {
"rarity": "rare",
"source": "KCAA",
"namePrefix": "Targath ",
"valueExpression": "[[baseItem.value]] + 30000",
"entries": [
"Carrying a significant amount of targath on your person, such as a weapon or at least ten pieces of ammunition coated in it, grants you advantage on saving throws to resist disease.","Whenever you hit an Undying with a targath weapon, it can’t regain hit points until the start of your next turn."
"name": "Living Armor",
"type": "GV",
"requires": [
"armor": true
"excludes": {
"name": "Net"
"inherits": {
"rarity": "very rare",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 160,
"namePrefix": "Living ",
"resist": [
"reqAttune": true,
"bonusAc": "+1",
"entries": [
"This hideous armor is formed from black chitin, beneath which veins pulse and red sinews glisten. To attune to this item, you must wear it for the entire attunement period, during which tendrils on the inside burrow into you.",
"While wearing this armor, you have a {=bonusAc} bonus to Armor Class, and you have resistance to the following damage types: necrotic, poison, and psychic.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The armor requires fresh blood be fed to it. Immediately after you finish any long rest, you must either feed half of your remaining Hit Dice to the armor (round up) or take 1 level of {@condition exhaustion}.",
"The armor can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the armor ends, and it detaches from you.","When living armor is detached, its tendrils wildly thrash on the way out of the former host’s body. The former host must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to the Armor Class the living armor granted them while it was attached, reducing their maximum hit point total by {@dice 10d10} on a failure, or half as much on a success. If this reduces the former host’s maximum hit points to 0, they die."
"variantrule": [
"name": "Bronzewood Weapons",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 133,
"type": "section",
"entries": [
"Bronzewood is an especially dense and sturdy wood found only on the Isle of Aerenal that can hold an edge when crafted into one. It is used in place of metal in many applications, including the crafting of weapons.","Bronzewood weapons cannot be corroded by rust or acid (making them immune to deleterious effects caused by rust monsters and black puddings, for example), but have no other unique properties besides their slightly reduced weight.","The bronzewood version of a melee weapon or ten pieces of ammunition costs 200 gp more than normal versions, mainly due to the rarity of bronzewood trees."
"name": "Flametouched Iron Weapons",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 133,
"type": "section",
"entries": [
"Flametouched iron is only found in Thrane and is considered sacred by the Church of the Silver Flame. When freshly mined, the raw iron ore appears to be corroded with rust, but when refined it glimmers with a bluish, silvery sheen.","Fiends and undead abhor the touch of flametouched iron. Attacks made with weapons and ammunition forged of flametouched iron ignore any resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage a fiend or non-deathless undead creature has, and deal half damage to such creatures who have immunity to bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage.","The flametouched iron version of a melee weapon or ten pieces of ammunition costs 400 gp more than the normal versions."
"name": "Mithral Weapons",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 134,
"type": "section",
"entries": [
"Mithral is a gleaming, rare form of silver, lighter and stronger than steel. In addition to being used to craft mithral armor, it can also be used to create light, elegant weapons.","Weapons with the thrown property and ammunition have their normal and long ranges doubled when made from mithral. Melee weapons that do not normally have the heavy property gain the finesse property when made from mithral. Melee weapons that do normally have the heavy property do not have it when made from mithral. Finally, mithral weapons count as silver for the purposes of some creatures' resistances or immunities to weapons not made from silver.","The mithral version of a melee weapon or ten pieces of ammunition costs 500 gp more than the normal versions."
"name": "Orichalcum Weapons",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 134,
"type": "section",
"entries": [
"Orichalcum is a material used by the Sulatar drow for their weapons and armor. It has the appearance of polished, golden bronze. It has all the same properties of mithral, except it does not count as silver for the purposes of creatures' resistance or immunity to weapons not made from silver.","Due to the rarity of orichalcum falling out of the hands of Sulatar drow, a melee weapon or ten pieces of ammunition made from it costs 400 gp more than the normal versions."
"name": "Silver Weapons",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 134,
"type": "section",
"entries": [
"Silver is a precious metal usually too soft to be used in the forging of weapons.","However, some monsters that have immunity or resistance to non-magical weapons are susceptible to silver weapons, so cautious adventurers invest extra coin to plate their weapons with silver.","A silvered weapon or ten pieces of ammunition cost 100 gp more than the normal versions. This cost represents not only the price of the silver, but the time and expertise needed to add silver to the weapon without making it less effective."
"name": "Targath Weapons",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 134,
"type": "section",
"entries": [
"Targath is a soft metal ore mined on the northern coast of Argonnessen and the Seren Isles. It is jealously guarded by the Seren barbarian tribes because it has supernatural healthpromoting properties.","Carrying a significant amount of targath on your person, such as a weapon or at least ten pieces of ammunition coated in it, grants you advantage on saving throws to resist disease.","Mysteriously, targath is also anathema to the deathless elves of the Undying Court, and they are susceptible to weapons coated in it. Whenever you hit an Undying with a targath weapon, it can’t regain hit points until the start of your next turn.","A weapon or ten pieces of ammunition coated in targath costs 300 gp more than the normal versions. This cost represents not only the price of the targath, but the time and expertise needed to add it to the weapon without making it less effective."
"name": "Grafts",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 134,
"type": "section",
"entries": [
"Grafts are items that can be attached to a creature that is missing a limb or organ. Some mad individuals might seek out grafts to replace perfectly functioning body parts, in order to improve themselves beyond their normal limits.","Grafts, no matter how they are made or what body part they are replacing, share some basic game rules.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Not Magic Items",
"entries": [
"Although grafts are organized into rarity categories like magic items, and some provide supernatural abilities, they are not considered magic items. They do not take up an attunement slot, and they keep functioning in an {@spell antimagic field} or similar effect. The rarity of the graft indicates the complexity of the procedure required to attach it; the more complex a graft, the rarer it is to find someone capable of attaching the item."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Requires Trauma",
"entries": [
"Whether voluntarily or not, a creature must have suffered some grievous bodily harm to require a graft to replace a piece of themselves. Each graft indicates the minimum amount by which a creature's hit point maximum must be reduced to allow the graft to be attached. This reduction could happen at any point prior to the grafting, and may be purposely self-inflicted, but must still be affecting the creature at the time they receive their graft. Once a graft is attached, this hit point maximum reduction becomes permanent and cannot be reversed by any means, magical or mundane, while the graft remains in place."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Difficult to Attach",
"entries": [
"Grafting an item to a creature requires 8 hours of uninterrupted concentration and a Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check. The DC of the check varies from graft to graft, and can only be performed by someone who is proficient in both {@skill Medicine} and another skill (typically {@skill Arcana}, but in some cases {@skill Nature} or {@skill Religion}). This procedure can only be performed on someone who is either willing or unconscious throughout the procedure. Additional prerequisites for the creature performing the procedure may apply, depending on the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Compatibility",
"entries": [
"A creature can only support so many grafts, based on their overall endurance and health. A creature can only have a number of grafts equal to or less than their Constitution modifier (minimum one). Temporary reductions or boosts to their Constitution score do not affect the number of grafts a creature may have. Additionally, each graft has a type (construct, elemental, etc.), and a creature can only have grafts of any one type attached to them at a time."
"type": "entries",
"name": "A Part of You",
"entries": [
"Grafts function and are powered by the life force of the creature they are grafted to, and cannot be salvaged in a usable state from a dead creature. If a creature with a graft is raised from the dead, they retain any attached grafts. If the spell that brought the dead creature back to life is powerful enough to reconstruct its body, it is reconstructed with the grafts it had when it died."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Difficult to Remove",
"entries": [
"Grafts have no combat statistics of their own, and cannot be targeted or affected separately from the creature to which they are grafted. They can only be removed if the creature to which they are grafted is unconscious or desires its removal. If a graft is removed, a {@spell regenerate} or {@spell wish} spell can either restore the graft, or restore the creature's original limb or organ (and reverse the reduction of the creature's maximum hit points), depending on whether the graft’s removal was desired."
"reward": [
"name": "Adamantine Skin",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 150,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Construct {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft}, legendary}","Adamantine skin grafts are made from the same living adamantine plating as some warforged, and replace the recipient's skin, which must be flayed prior to grafting.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft adamantine skin, the recipient creature must suffer from a 30-point reduction in their maximum hit points. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Arcana}, and succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure to successfully complete the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"The adamantine skin grants the recipient an Armor Class of 15 + their Dexterity modifier (max +4). Additionally, the recipient gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons that aren't made from adamantine.","Finally, the recipient of an adamantine skin graft can attune to and attach warforged components to their chest, head, neck, and waist as if they were a warforged."
"name": "Heart of Steel",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 150,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Construct {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft}, rare}","Grafting a heart of steel involves implanting a reinforced living construct heart in the recipient's chest. This heart can be created whole cloth from a working creation forge, or salvaged from a living warforged (who dies shortly thereafter).",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft a heart of steel, the recipient creature must suffer from a 12-point reduction in their maximum hit points. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Arcana}, and succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure to successfully complete the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"The recipient of a heart of steel is immune to disease. Also, if the recipient is dying, they stabilize at the start of their turn.","Additionally, the recipient can no longer sleep. When they take a long rest, they must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, they appear inert, but are not unconscious, and they can see and hear as normal."
"name": "Composite Arms",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 151,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Construct {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft}, common}","Composite arm grafts are made from a combination of living wood, stone and metal, similar to that of most warforged, and replace one or both of the recipient's arms, which must be missing prior to grafting.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft a composite arm, the recipient creature must suffer from a 4-point reduction in their maximum hit points. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Arcana}, and succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure to successfully complete the graft.","To graft a second composite arm, the recipient must suffer an additional 5-point reduction in their maximum hit points, and the creature performing the grafting must succeed on a second procedure with the same requirements as the first arm's."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"The recipient of a composite arm graft can make unarmed strikes with it, dealing bludgeoning damage equal to {@damage 1d4} + their Strength modifier on a hit. When the recipient takes the Attack action and attacks with a light melee weapon that they are holding in their other hand, they can use a bonus action to make an unarmed strike with the composite arm, but they do not add their Strength modifier to the damage of the unarmed strike, unless that modifier is negative.","If the recipient has both of their arms replaced with composite arm grafts, they may attack with one as a bonus action when they take the Attack action to make an unarmed strike with the other, though they do not add their Strength modifier to the damage of the bonus action unarmed strike, unless that modifier is negative.","Additionally, the recipient of one or two composite arms can attune to and attach warforged components to either arm as if they were a warforged."
"name": "Quicksilver Legs",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 151,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Construct {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft}, common}","Quicksilver leg grafts are made from a composite of living wood and mithral, similar to that of a warforged with mithral tracery, and replace one or both of the recipient's legs, which must be missing prior to grafting.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft a quicksilver leg, the recipient creature must suffer from a 4-point reduction in their maximum hit points. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Arcana}, and succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure to successfully complete the graft.","To graft a second quicksilver leg, the recipient must suffer an additional 5-point reduction in their maximum hit points, and the creature performing the grafting must succeed on a second procedure with the same requirements as the first leg."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"A single quicksilver leg provides the recipient with no unusual benefits, other than being able to walk normally after losing a leg. If both of the recipient’s legs are replaced with quicksilver leg grafts, the recipient's base walking speed increases by 5 feet, and they may use the Dash action as a bonus action.","Additionally, if the recipient has two quicksilver legs, they can attune to and attach warforged components to their legs as if they were warforged."
"name": "Arm of the Ancestor",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 151,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Deathless {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft}, rare}","An Arm of the Ancestor graft is either an entire arm, or extensive amounts of muscle, skin, and sinew from the arm of a donor deathless elf of the Undying Court. The recipient gains not only the strength of the deathless elf, but also the ability to channel the healing energies of Irian.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft an Arm of the Ancestor, the recipient creature must suffer from a 5-point reduction in their maximum hit points. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be an elf who worships the Undying Court and be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Religion}, and succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure to successfully complete the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"The recipient of an Arm of the Ancestor graft has a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls made with weapons held with it, or unarmed strikes made with it.","Additionally, the recipient has a pool of healing power that replenishes when they take a long rest. With that pool, they can restore a number of hit points equal to 2 x their level.","As an action, they can touch a creature with the Arm of the Ancestor and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in their pool.","If the recipient is a paladin, they can combine this pool with the pool granted to them by their Lay on Hands feature, and spend points from it in additional ways as described in that feature.","However, the Arm of the Ancestor has a reduced sense of touch compared to a normal arm. The recipient has disadvantage on ability checks made to use tools and any Dexterity checks involving the arm (such as {@skill Sleight of Hand} checks with the arm's hand). Finally, the recipient can not make use of a weapon's finesse property if it is held in the Arm of the Ancestor's hand."
"name": "Legs of the Undying Marcher",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 152,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Deathless {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft}, rare}","Legs of the Undying Marcher are grafts made from flesh donated by the deathless elves of the Undying Court. They retain the accumulated battle reflexes honed over an immortal warrior's lifetime, granting you instinctive insight, as well as the endurance of a tireless sentinel. The legs cannot be separated, and must therefore replace both of the recipient's legs, and therefore count as two grafts toward the recipient's limit of attached grafts.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft legs of the Undying Marcher, the recipient creature must suffer from a 16-point reduction in their maximum hit points. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be an elf who worships the Undying Court and be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Religion}, and succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure to successfully complete the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"Legs of the Undying Marcher grant their recipient advantage on all Dexterity saving throws, as well as any saving throws to resist being moved against their will. Additionally, the recipient cannot gain levels of exhaustion due to a forced march."
"name": "Bone Plating",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 152,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Deathless {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft}, uncommon}","Bone plating grafts are grown from samples donated from the venerable bones of deathless elves of the Undying Court. When properly implanted, the bone grows into a plate-white shell covering the recipient's entire body. It is smooth to the touch, and moves with the recipient, leaving their movement unhindered.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft bone plating, the recipient creature must suffer from an 8-point reduction in their maximum hit points. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be an elf who worships the Undying Court and be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Religion}, and succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure to successfully complete the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"The recipient of a bone plating graft has natural armor that grants it an Armor Class of 13 + their Dexterity modifier. Additionally, they have resistance to cold damage."
"name": "Deathless Flesh",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 152,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Deathless {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft}, very rare}","Grafts of deathless flesh transplant muscle, sinew, and subdermal tissue donated from a deathless elf of the Undying Court. Recipients of grafts of deathless flesh must therefore be extensively maimed or flayed before receiving such an extensive graft. Such grafts are often lifesaving, though the withered appearance of the recipient's body after the procedure can be mistaken for a state of undeath.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft deathless flesh, the recipient creature must suffer from a 25-point reduction in their maximum hit points. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be an elf who worships the Undying Court and be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Religion}, and succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure to successfully complete the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"A graft of deathless flesh grants the recipient immunity to necrotic and radiant damage, and any critical hit made against the recipient becomes a normal hit."
"name": "Aqueous Body",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 152,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Elemental {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft} (water), uncommon}","The process of grafting the essential essence of a water elemental replaces most of the recipient's blood. This primal elemental water then seeps into the majority of the recipient's body through their circulatory system, granting several benefits.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To receive an aqueous body graft, the recipient creature must suffer from a 6-point reduction in their maximum hit points and have 500 gp worth of powdered, refined khybershards transfused into their circulatory system along with the elemental water. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Arcana}, and succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure, and must know the secret of elemental binding (see Binding Elementals sidebar in Chapter 2) and cast {@spell planar binding} on the recipient to successfully complete the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"The recipient of an aqueous body graft can no longer be dehydrated. This precludes the necessity to drink to avoid exhaustion, and grants the recipient immunity to {@spell Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting|xge}, {@spell blight}, and any other spell or effect that relies on harming the target due to dehydration or removing moisture from the target.","Additionally, when submerged in water, the recipient's body becomes mostly translucent, allowing them to make Dexterity ({@skill Stealth}) checks to hide even if they are not obscured or behind cover."
"name": "Breath of Water",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 153,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Elemental {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft} (water), rare}","The breath of water graft binds the essence of elemental water to the recipient's lungs, throat, and mouth. This allows the recipient to channel the revitalizing essence of the sea.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft the breath of water, the recipient creature must suffer from a 12-point reduction in their maximum hit points and have two khybershards worth 2,000 gp each embedded in their body, one in their chest behind their sternum, and one in the back of their throat. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Arcana}, and succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure, and must know the secret of elemental binding (see Binding Elementals sidebar in Chapter 2) and cast {@spell planar binding} on the recipient to successfully complete the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"The recipient of a breath of water graft can breathe both water and air. As an action, the recipient can breathe elementally-revitalizing breath over themselves or another creature, removing one of the following conditions: one level of {@condition exhaustion}, {@condition poisoned}, or {@condition paralyzed}. Alternatively, if the creature breathed upon is dying, the creature becomes stable instead of removing one of the above conditions. Once the recipient uses this action, they cannot do so again until they finish a short or long rest."
"name": "Buffeting Fists",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 153,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Elemental {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft} (air), uncommon}","The hands of an air elemental are bound to a recipient’s wrists to replace their own hands, allowing them to summon short gales of wind.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft buffeting fists, the recipient creature must suffer from a 5-point reduction in their maximum hit points and have two khybershards worth 250 gp embedded in their wrists, one in each limb. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Arcana}, and succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure, and must know the secret of elemental binding (see Binding Elementals sidebar in Chapter 2) and cast {@spell planar binding} on the recipient to successfully complete the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"The recipient of a buffeting fists graft may deflect incoming missiles. When they are hit by a ranged weapon attack, they may reduce the damage they take from the attack as a reaction. The damage is reduced by {@dice 1d10} + their Dexterity modifier + twice the number of air elemental grafts they have attached.","Additionally, the recipient may also cast the {@spell gust of wind} spell without expending a spell slot. They may cast the spell this way once, and must complete a long rest before they may do so again."
"name": "Earthskin",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 153,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Elemental {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft} (earth), rare}","This skin replaces most of the recipient’s skin with the vital rocky hide of an earth elemental, granting them protection.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft earthskin to a creature’s body, the recipient creature must suffer from a 20-point reduction in their maximum hit points and have a single khybershard worth 9,000 gp embedded in their chest. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Arcana}, and succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure, and must know the secret of elemental binding (see Binding Elementals sidebar in Chapter 2) and cast {@spell planar binding} on the recipient to successfully complete the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"The recipient’s skin becomes a rough, stony texture, and their AC can’t be less than 18, regardless of what kind of armor they wear.","Additionally, the recipient gains a burrow speed of 20 feet. The recipient can burrow through sand, earth, mud, and even nonmagical unworked stone. The recipient doesn’t disturb the material they move through while burrowing."
"name": "Elemental Core",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 153,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Elemental {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft} (any), legendary}","An elemental core graft replaces most of a creature's internal organs and structure with a raw primal element. To outside observers, the recipient appears much as they did before, except that their eyes and mouth are visibly filled with the element that the graft is comprised of.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft an elemental core, the recipient creature must suffer from a 40-point reduction in their maximum hit points and have a single khybershard worth 10,000 gp embedded in their chest cavity. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Arcana}, and succeed on a DC 25 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure, and must know the secret of elemental binding (see Binding Elementals sidebar in Chapter 2) and cast {@spell planar binding} on the recipient to successfully complete the graft.","Unlike most grafts, because the elemental core replaces multiple vital biological systems, if the creature performing the procedure fails the Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check, the recipient creature dies."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"A creature with an elemental core has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons. They are also immune to poison damage, {@condition exhaustion}, and being {@condition paralyzed}, {@condition petrified}, {@condition poisoned}, or knocked {@condition unconscious}. They no longer need to eat, breathe, or sleep (though they must still rest for 8 hours to gain the benefits of a long rest).","Additionally, the recipient of an elemental core is immune to an additional damage type, depending on the type of elemental essence that the graft is made from, as below:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"{@b Air}. Thunder damage.","{@b Earth}. Lightning damage.","{@b Fire}. Fire damage.","{@b Water}. Acid damage."
"Finally, the recipient is considered to be both a humanoid and an elemental, and they cease to age."
"name": "Oceanic Adaptation",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 154,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Elemental {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft} (water), rare}","An oceanic adaptation graft completely replaces the recipient creature's arms with the arms of an actual water elemental, allowing the recipient to propel themselves in water with the utmost ease.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft an oceanic adaptation, the recipient creature must suffer from a 12-point reduction in their maximum hit points and have two khybershards worth 2,000 gp each embedded in their body, one on each of their shoulders, where the elemental arms will be attached. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Arcana}, and succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure, and must know the secret of elemental binding (see Binding Elementals sidebar in Chapter 2) and cast {@spell planar binding} on the recipient to successfully complete the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"An oceanic adaptation graft grants the recipient creature a swim speed of 50 feet.","Additionally, while underwater, the recipient is unaffected by difficult terrain, and spells and other magical effects can neither reduce the recipient's speed nor cause the recipient to be {@condition paralyzed} or {@condition restrained}.","While underwater, the recipient can also spend 5 feet of movement to automatically escape from non-magical restraints, such as manacles or a creature that has it grappled. Finally, being underwater imposes no penalties on the recipient's movement or attacks."
"name": "Hearthfire",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 154,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Elemental {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft} (fire), very rare}","Grafting heartfire to a creature involves replacing their blood with the magma-like blood of a fire elemental, and magically reinforcing their circulatory system to sustain such extreme temperatures.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft heartfire, the recipient creature must suffer from a 30-point reduction in their maximum hit points and have a single khybershard worth 8,000 gp embedded in their heart. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Arcana}, and succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure, and must know the secret of elemental binding (see Binding Elementals sidebar in Chapter 2) and cast {@spell planar binding} on the recipient to successfully complete the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"The recipient of heartfire gains resistance to fire damage. Also, when struck by a melee attack or touched by another creature, the recipient can use their reaction to cause their blood to blaze white-hot. If they do, then any creature that attacks or touches them until the start of their next turn takes {@damage 3d6} fire damage (including the triggering creature). Once the recipient uses this blazing blood effect, they must finish a short or long rest before they may do so again."
"name": "Scorching Gaze",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 154,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Elemental {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft} (fire), rare}","Inserting an khybershard with a bound fire elemental behind each eye gives a creature a powerfully baleful gaze, able to light things aflame with a glance.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft a scorching gaze, the recipient creature must suffer from an 18-point reduction in their maximum hit points and have two olive-sized khybershards worth 2,500 gp embedded in their head, one behind each eye. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Arcana}, and succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure, and must know the secret of elemental binding (see Binding Elementals sidebar in Chapter 2) and cast {@spell planar binding} on the recipient to successfully complete the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"On their turn, the recipient of a scorching gaze graft can cause their eyes to alight with a raging inferno, requiring no action. While the recipient’s eyes are burning, if a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of the recipient and the two of them can see each other, the recipient can force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw if the recipient isn't incapacitated. The Difficult Class of the saving equal is equal to 8 + the recipient’s proficiency bonus + the recipient’s Wisdom modifier. On a failed save, the creature takes {@damage 1d6} fire damage.","A creature that isn't surprised can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. If it does so, it can't see the recipient until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again. If it looks at the recipient in the meantime, it must immediately make the save.","Keeping their eyes burning for too long can be hazardous to the recipient of a scorching gaze graft. The recipient can keep their eyes burning for 1 minute safely, but thereafter takes 1 fire damage at the start of each of their turns. When the recipient finishes a long rest, they can safely keep their eyes burning for 1 minute again."
"name": "Tremor Soles",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 155,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Elemental {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft} (earth), uncommon}","This graft replaces the lower legs and feet of the recipient’s feet with living quartz and slate, allowing them to sense vibrations through the ground.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft tremor soles to a creature’s feet, the recipient creature must suffer from an 8-point reduction in their maximum hit points and have two khybershards worth 250 gp embedded in their knees, one in each joint. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Arcana}, and succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure, and must know the secret of elemental binding (see Binding Elementals sidebar in Chapter 2) and cast {@spell planar binding} on the recipient to successfully complete the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"At the start of the graft recipient’s turn, they may voluntarily reduce their speed to 0. If they do, they can sense the number and location of all creatures within 20 feet that are in contact with the same ground or substance as the recipient. The recipient knows the exact location of creatures the moment they chose to reduce their speed to 0, but they cannot sense movement after that instant.","The living stone of the recipient’s lower legs are bulky and lumbering, reducing their movement speed by 5 feet."
"name": "Whirlwind Form",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 155,
"type": "Graft",
"entries": [
"{@i Elemental {@variantrule grafts|KCAA|graft} (air), very rare}","This complicated graft binds the essence of the whirlwind to the recipient’s extremities, allowing their body to transform back and forth from flesh-and-blood to a howling tornado.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Procedure",
"entries": [
"To graft whirlwind form to a creature’s legs, the recipient creature must suffer from a 25-point reduction in their maximum hit points and have four khybershards worth 1,000 gp embedded in their legs and arms, one in each limb. The creature performing the grafting procedure must be proficient in {@skill Medicine} and {@skill Arcana}, and succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom ({@skill Medicine}) check after 8 uninterrupted hours of concentrating on the procedure, and must know the secret of elemental binding (see Binding Elementals sidebar in Chapter 2) and cast {@spell planar binding} on the recipient to successfully complete the graft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Benefit",
"entries": [
"The recipient of a whirlwind form graft may cast the {@spell warding wind|xge} spell without expending a spell slot. When they do, the spell’s duration is 1 hour and does not require concentration. Additionally, the recipient is not deafened by the wind created by the spell, and any creature that enters the radius of the wind for the first time on their turn, or starts their turn inside it, must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be {@condition blinded} until the end of their next turn. Finally, for the duration of the spell, the recipient gains a fly speed of 20 feet, and can hover.","Constitution is the spellcasting ability for this spell. The recipient of this graft may cast the spell this way once, and must complete a short or long rest before they may do so again."
"spell": [
"name": "Cause Damage",
"level": 1,
"school": "T",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 112,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"components": {
"v": true,
"s": true
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"name": "Artificer",
"source": "TCE"
"name": "Wizard",
"source": "PHB"
"entries": [
"Make a melee spell attack against a warforged, construct, or object you can reach. On a hit, the target takes {@damage 3d12} force damage. This spell has no effect on any other type of creature."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "At Higher Levels",
"entries": [
"When you cast this spell using a slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by {@dice 1d12} for each slot level above 1st."
"spellAttack": [
"name": "Conjure Elemental Mote",
"level": 1,
"school": "C",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 112,
"meta": {
"ritual": true
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "hour"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 10
"components": {
"v": true,
"s": true,
"m": {
"text": "a small khybershard worth 50 gp, which the elemental mote coalesces around. If the mote drops to 0 hit points, the khybershard is burned out and becomes worthless",
"cost": 5000,
"consume": true
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"name": "Wizard",
"source": "PHB"
"entries": [
"You summon a minor elemental spirit of air, earth, fire, or water and bind it to the khybershard, creating an elemental mote that serves you (for the statistics of each type of elemental mote, see Appendix A).",
"While the elemental mote is within 100 feet of you, you can communicate with it telepathically. The elemental mote acts independently of you, but it always obeys your commands. In combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn. The elemental mote cannot normally attack, however when you take the Attack action on your turn, you can forgo one of your own attacks to allow your elemental mote to make one attack of its own as a Reaction. The elemental mote can take other actions as normal.",
"When the elemental mote drops to 0 hit points, the khybershard at its center burns out, releasing the elemental spirit back to its home plane. A burned out khybershard becomes worthless.",
"As an action, you can temporarily suppress an elemental mote. Its elemental essence disappears completely into the khybershard at its center (which drops to the ground if it is not within your reach), where the elemental spirit awaits your command to restore it. Alternatively, you can dismiss the binding of the elemental spirit to the khybershard altogether, sending the spirit back to its home plane. Doing so also burns out the khybershard and renders it worthless. As an action, you can hurl a khybershard with a suppressed elemental spirit inside of it up to 30 feet away from you into an unoccupied space and restore it to elemental mote form.",
"You can't have more than one elemental mote at a time. If you cast this spell while you already have an elemental mote serving you, you cannot use the previous elemental mote's khybershard as the focus for the new spell, and when you finish casting, the previous elemental mote's spirit is released back to its home plane and renders its khybershard worthless."
"miscTags": [
"name": "Emergency Repair",
"level": 1,
"school": "T",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 112,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 60
"components": {
"v": true
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"name": "Wizard",
"source": "PHB"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Artificer",
"source": "TCE"
"subclass": {
"name": "Automatist",
"source": "KCAA"
"entries": [
"A warforged, construct, or object of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 3 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on any other type of creature."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "At Higher Levels",
"entries": [
"When you cast this spell using a slot of 2nd level or higher, the hit points restored increase by 3 for each slot level above 1st."
"miscTags": [
"name": "Fix",
"level": 6,
"school": "T",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 112,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 60
"components": {
"v": true,
"s": true
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"name": "Wizard",
"source": "PHB"
"entries": [
"Choose a warforged or construct you can see within range. You reach out to the magical animating force of the target and enhance it, repairing the target's functions to superlative levels, causing the target to regain 70 hit points. This spell also ends blindness and deafness affecting the target. This spell has no effect on any other type of creature."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "At Higher Levels",
"entries": [
"When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the amount of hit points repaired increases by 10 for each slot level above 6th."
"miscTags": [
"name": "Improvised Wand",
"level": 0,
"school": "V",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 112,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 60
"components": {
"s": true,
"m": "a wand suitable for us as an arcane focus worth 10 gp"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"entries": [
"As you cast this spell you imbue the wand you hold with a single charge of magic, then discharge it in a blast of energy toward the one creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take {@damage 1d8} damage. The spell can inflict acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, piercing, psychic, radiant, or thunder damage; when you first learn this cantrip, you choose two damage types and when you cast the spell, you choose which damage type available to you to use.",
"The spell's damage increases by {@dice 1d8} when you reach 5th level ({@dice 2d8}), 11th level ({@dice 3d8}), and 17th level ({@dice 4d8}). At each of these levels, you may also select an additional damage type to add to your repertoire."
"savingThrow": [
"damageInflict": [
"miscTags": [
"scalingLevelDice": {
"label": "acid damage",
"scaling": {
"1": "1d8",
"5": "2d8",
"11": "3d8",
"17": "4d8"
"name": "Induce Stasis",
"level": 0,
"school": "T",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 113,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"components": {
"v": true,
"s": true
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"name": "Artificer",
"source": "TCE"
"entries": [
"You touch a dying warforged or a construct that has 5 or less hit points. The target immediately enters an inert state, becoming stable if dying, and incapacitated indefinitely. If the target regains any hit points or is damaged, the insert state ends."
"miscTags": [
"name": "Mass Emergency Repairs",
"level": 3,
"school": "T",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 121,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 60
"components": {
"v": true
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"name": "Wizard",
"source": "PHB"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Artificer",
"source": "TCE"
"subclass": {
"name": "Automatist",
"source": "KCAA"
"entries": [
"As you shout arcane words, up to six warforged, constructs, or objects of your choice that you can see within range regain hit points equal to 3 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on any other type of creature."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "At Higher Levels",
"entries": [
"When you cast this spell using a slot of 4th level or higher, the hit points restored increase by 3 for each slot level above 3rd."
"miscTags": [
"name": "Mass Fix",
"level": 9,
"school": "T",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 113,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 60
"components": {
"v": true,
"s": true
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"name": "Wizard",
"source": "PHB"
"entries": [
"A flood of repairing transmutation magic flows from you to into damaged objects and artificial creatures around you. You restore up to 700 hit points, divided as you choose among any number of warforged, constructs, and objects that you can see within range. Warforged and constructs repaired by this spell are also cured of any effect making them {@condition blinded} or {@condition deafened}. This spell has no effect on any other type of creature."
"miscTags": [
"name": "Mass Repair Damage",
"level": 5,
"school": "T",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 113,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 60
"components": {
"v": true,
"s": true
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"name": "Artificer",
"source": "TCE"
"name": "Wizard",
"source": "PHB"
"entries": [
"A wave of transmutation energy washes out from a point of your choice within range, repairing damage in its wake. Choose up to six warforged, constructs, or object in a 30-foot radius sphere centered on that point. Each target regains hit points equal to {@dice 6d4} + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on any other type of creature."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "At Higher Levels",
"entries": [
"When you cast this spell using a slot of 6th level or higher, the hit points restored increase by {@dice 2d4} for each slot level above 5th."
"miscTags": [
"name": "Magewright's Incantation",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 113,
"level": 1,
"school": "D",
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"components": {
"s": true,
"m": "a set of Artisan's tools you are proficient with"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 10
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"name": "Artificer",
"source": "tce"
"name": "Wizard",
"source": "phb"
"entries": [
"When you cast this spell, you impart upon your chosen set of tools an intuitive insight in how best to be utilized by your hands. While you spend a workday of downtime crafting an item associated with your chosen tool, you contribute 10 gp toward completing it instead of 5 gp - essentially doubling your progress.",
"If multiple people are contributing to the crafting of a single item, you contribute the same amount of progress as two people working toward completion. The amount of raw materials needed to complete the item (half market value) does not change."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "At Higher Levels",
"entries": [
"If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher and spend the workday toward the creation of a schema or the crafting of a magic item using the enhanced tool, the time spend working counts as two workdays toward completion of the schema or item."
"name": "Methods of Repair",
"level": 2,
"school": "T",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 113,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 10,
"unit": "minute"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 30
"components": {
"v": true,
"s": true
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Artificer",
"source": "TCE"
"subclass": {
"name": "Automatist",
"source": "KCAA"
"entries": [
"Up to six warforged or constructs of your choice you can see within range each regain hit points equal to {@dice 4d4} + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on any other type of creature."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "At Higher Levels",
"entries": [
"When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the amount of hit points repaired increases by {@dice 2d4} for each slot level above 2nd."
"miscTags": [
"name": "Reactivate",
"level": 3,
"school": "T",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 113,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"components": {
"v": true,
"s": true,
"m": {
"text": "diamonds worth 300 gp, which the spell consumes",
"cost": 30000,
"consume": true
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"subclass": {
"name": "Automation",
"source": "KCAA"
"entries": [
"You touch a warforged or construct that has died or been destroyed within the last minute. That creature returns to life with 1 hit point. This spell can't return to life a creature whose body is lacking parts or components integral for its survival - a warforged's head, for instance - nor can it restore non-integral body parts such as a missing limb. This spell has no effect on any other type of creature."
"miscTags": [
"name": "Reconstruct",
"level": 5,
"school": "T",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 114,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"components": {
"v": true,
"s": true,
"m": {
"text": "diamonds worth 500 gp, which the spell consumes",
"cost": 50000,
"consume": true
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"subclass": {
"name": "Automation",
"source": "KCAA"
"entries": [
"You return a dead warforged you touch to life, or a destroyed construct you touch to a functioning state, provided the creature was dead or destroyed for no longer than 10 days. A warforged's soul must be willing and at liberty to rejoin its body. If the body and soul (if any) are in a condition for the spell to function on them, they return to life or a functioning state with 1 hit point. This spell has no effect on any other type of creature.",
"This spell repairs all vital damage, but it doesn't restore missing body parts. If the creature is lacking parts or components integral for its survival - a warforged's head, for instance - the spell automatically fails.",
"Full repair can take time, and it is an ordeal for a warforged's soul to return to life. The target takes a -4 penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks. For every 24 hours that elapses after the spell is cast, the penalty is reduced by 1 until it disappears."
"miscTags": [
"name": "Repair Damage",
"level": 1,
"school": "T",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 114,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"components": {
"v": true,
"s": true
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"name": "Artificer",
"source": "TCE"
"name": "Wizard",
"source": "PHB"
"entries": [
"A warforged, construct, or object you touch regains a number of hit points equal to {@dice 2d4} + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on any other type of creature."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "At Higher Levels",
"entries": [
"When you cast this spell using a slot of 2nd level or higher, the hit points restored increase by {@dice 2d4} for each slot level above 1st."
"miscTags": [
"name": "Rusting Grasp",
"level": 4,
"school": "T",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 114,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"components": {
"v": true,
"s": true
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Druid",
"source": "PHB"
"entries": [
"You corrode one nonmagical ferrous metal object you touch. If the object isn't being worn or carried, your touch destroys a 3-foot cube of it. If the object is being worn or carried by a creature, make a melee spell attack against the creature. If the object you are trying to touch is the creature's armor or shield, you have advantage on the attack roll. On a hit, you affect the metal object as follows:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"If the object touched is either metal armor or a metal shield being worn or carried, its takes a permanent and cumulative -{@dice 1d4} penalty to the AC it offers. Armor reduced to an AC of 10 or a shield that drops to a +0 bonus is destroyed.",
"If the object touched is a weapon, the weapon takes a permanent and cumulative -{@dice 1d4} penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed.",
"If the object touched is a piece of ammunition, it is destroyed."
"spellAttack": [
"miscTags": [
"name": "Spell-storing Item",
"level": 1,
"school": "T",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 114,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "minute"
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"components": {
"s": true
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 8
"type": "permanent",
"ends": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"entries": [
"As part of casting this spell, you cobble together a device from your supply of small parts and components you usually reserve for the creation of custom spellcasting foci. You place a spell effect into this device, drawing it forth at a later time as an action. The device becomes a spell-storing item for the duration of this spell; in effect a consumable magic item with a single charge which only you can activate.",
"Choose a cantrip from any class spell list. The cantrip’s attack bonus and/or save DC is determined by your spellcasting ability at the time you imbue the cantrip into the spell-storing item. If you do not activate the spell-storing item before this spell's duration expires, then the stored cantrip is lost and the device becomes useless.",
"Creating a spell-storing item is a difficult and dangerous process. When this spell's casting time is complete, you make a DC 15 Arcana check. If you fail, you do not expend the spell slot used to cast this spell, however, you suffer a mishap; this is usually an unintended effect determined by the DM, or it might merely inflict {@dice 1d6} damage to you. This damage cannot be reduced by any means. You may reduce this spell's casting time to a single action, by either expending a Hit Die or spending Inspiration if you have it when you cast this spell."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "At Higher Levels",
"entries": [
"When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd or higher, you may store any spell of a level up to one less than the level of spell slot used to cast this spell, and the stored spell functions as if it was being cast from a spell slot one level less than was used (for example, a 5th level spell slot can be used to create a spell-storing item that launches a fireball as though it was cast at 4th level, dealing {@damage 9d6} fire damage).","If the 1st-level or higher spell you are storing has a costly material component, you must incorporate costly raw materials (usually Eberron dragonshards) worth the same amount of gold as the chosen spell's expensive material components at the time you imbue the spell into the item.","The Arcana check required to create a higher-level spellstoring item is more difficult the higher level the spell slot was used to cast it; the DC is 13 + twice the level of the spell slot used to cast this spell, and if the check fails, any costly raw materials are wasted.","Higher spell levels are even more dangerous to work with than cantrips; if you take damage due to suffering a mishap, you take {@damage 1d6} damage per level of the spell slot you were attempting to cast from (for example, a failed attempt at using a 3rd level spell slot to imbue a spell-storing item with a {@spell misty step} spell might deal you {@damage 3d6} damage, if the DM doesn't decide on some other consequence).","Additionally, it requires greater effort to speed up the casting time of this spell when casting it at higher levels. If you choose to expend Hit Dice to reduce this spell's casting time, you must expend Hit Dice equal to the spell slot’s level that you cast it from."
"name": "Transmute Weapon",
"level": 3,
"school": "T",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 115,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 8,
"unit": "hour"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"components": {
"v": true,
"s": true,
"m": {
"text": "chemicals, unguents, solvents, and at least one ounce of the metal desired, all worth at least 500 gp in total, which the spell consumes, and a set of alchemist's supplies you are proficient with worth 50 gp",
"cost": 50000,
"consume": true
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"name": "Wizard",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Swordmage",
"source": "KCAA"
"name": "Swordmage",
"source": "f:sm"
"entries": [
"You work laboriously for hours, submerging one melee weapon or 10 pieces of ammunition in a solution that transforms the metal comprising the weapon or ammunition into the desired metal used in the spell's material components.",
"If the metal used in the spell's material components has special properties, such as adamantine or silver, the weapon or ammunition gains all the properties of a weapon or ammunition made from that material. Otherwise, the weapon or ammunition retains all the properties of steel but gains the appearance of the metal used in the spell's material."
"miscTags": [
"name": "Whirling Blade",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 115,
"level": 1,
"school": "V",
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "line",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 60
"components": {
"s": true,
"m": {
"text": "a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp",
"cost": 10
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Artificer",
"source": "TCE"
"name": "Ranger",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Sorcerer",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Swordmage",
"source": "KCAA"
"name": "Swordmage",
"source": "f:sm"
"entries": [
"Classes: Artificer, Ranger, Sorcerer, Swordmage",
"You fling a weapon used in the casting of this spell, hurling it away from you to be carried on the wind. You make a melee weapon attack against every creature in a 60-foot long 5-foot wide line extending from you in any direction you choose, making a single attack roll and comparing it to each creature's AC individually. If the attack hits a creature, it deals normal damage for the attack plus an additional {@damage d8} force damage.",
"When the hurled weapon reaches the end of the line, or strikes a solid surface such as a wall, it vanishes and reappears in your hand."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "At Higher Levels",
"entries": [
"When you cast this spell using a slot of 2nd level or higher, the additional force damage increases by {@dice 1d8} for each slot level above 1st."
"damageInflict": [
"name": "Wreck",
"level": 6,
"school": "T",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 115,
"meta": {
"ritual": false
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 60
"components": {
"v": true,
"s": true
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Arcanist",
"source": "KCAA"
"name": "Wizard",
"source": "PHB"
"entries": [
"You reach out and mentally analyze the magical animating force of a warforged or construct you can see within range and then, with an effort of will, catastrophically disrupt it. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes {@damage 11d8} force damage, or half as much damage on a successful save. The damage can't reduce the target's hit points below 1. If the target fails the saving throw, its hit point maximum is reduced for 1 hour by an amount equal to the force damage it took. Any effect that removes a curse allows the warforged or construct's hit point maximum to return to normal before that time passes. This spell has no effect on any other type of creature."
"savingThrow": [
"damageInflict": [
"miscTags": [
"monster": [
"name": "Primal Beast",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 40,
"size": "S",
"sizeNote": "or medium",
"type": "beast",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 14,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"special": "equal the beast's Constitution modifier + your Wisdom modifier + four times your druid level (the beast has a number of Hit Dice [d8s] equal to your druid level)"
"speed": {
"walk": {
"number": 10,
"condition": "(Air), 25 ft. (Water), 30 ft. (Land)"
"climb": {
"number": 30,
"condition": "(land only)"
"fly": {
"number": 60,
"condition": "(air only)"
"swim": {
"number": 40,
"condition": "(water only)"
"str": 14,
"dex": 14,
"con": 15,
"int": 8,
"wis": 14,
"cha": 11,
"save": {
"dex": "+5",
"con": "+3",
"wis": "+4"
"skill": {
"perception": "+4",
"stealth": "+5"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 14,
"languages": [
"understands Druidic but can't speak"
"trait": [
"name": "Amphibious (Water Only)",
"entries": [
"The beast can breathe air and water."
"name": "Flyby (Air Only)",
"entries": [
"The beast doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach."
"name": "Pack Tactics (Land and Water Only)",
"entries": [
"The beast has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the beast's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't {@condition incapacitated}."
"name": "Primal Might",
"entries": [
"The following numbers increase by 1 when your proficiency bonus increases by 1 at 9th level and each time thereafter: the beast's AC, listed skill and saving throw bonuses, and the bonuses to hit and damage of the melee weapon attacks listed in its stat block."
"name": "Primal Rebirth",
"entries": [
"If the beast has died within the last hour, you can use your action to expend a spell slot of 1st level or higher.",
"The beast returns to life after 1 minute with all its hit points restored, reappearing in its last chosen physical form and in an unoccupied space adjacent to you."
"action": [
"name": "Maul",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}{@damage 1d6 + 2} slashing damage."
"reaction": [
"name": "Primal Charge",
"entries": [
"When you take the Attack action, the beast moves up to its speed and makes an attack."
"traitTags": [
"Pack Tactics"
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"name": "Fire Mote",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 156,
"size": "T",
"type": "elemental",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 31,
"formula": "7d4 + 14"
"speed": {
"walk": 0,
"fly": {
"number": 30,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 10,
"dex": 14,
"con": 14,
"int": 5,
"wis": 10,
"cha": 1,
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 10,
"immune": [
"vulnerable": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Ignan"
"cr": "1/4",
"trait": [
"name": "Illumination",
"entries": [
"The fire mote sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light in an additional 20 feet."
"name": "Water Susceptibility",
"entries": [
"If the fire mote moves 5 feet through water, or is splashed with a gallon of water, it is reduced to 1 hit point and becomes suppressed, its fiery essence disappearing into the khybershard core and becoming inert until it finishes a long rest. If the khybershard takes 1 point of damage (AC 10) while the fire mote is suppressed this way, it shatters and the elemental spirit dissipates."
"action": [
"name": "Burn",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) fire damage."
"traitTags": [
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"A fire mote is an elemental spirit from Fernia, bound to a khybershard at its core. Should the khybershard at its center be shattered, the elemental spirit returns to its home plane. It appears as a floating flame about the size of a small campfire."
"name": "Water Mote",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 156,
"size": "T",
"type": "elemental",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 14,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 31,
"formula": "7d4 + 14"
"speed": {
"walk": 0,
"swim": 30,
"fly": {
"number": 15,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 10,
"dex": 14,
"con": 14,
"int": 5,
"wis": 10,
"cha": 1,
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 10,
"resist": [
"immune": [
"vulnerable": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Aquan"
"cr": "1/4",
"trait": [
"name": "Freeze",
"entries": [
"If the water mote takes cold damage, or remains in freezing temperatures for 1 minute, it freezes and deals an extra 2 ({@damage 1d4}) piercing damage with its slam attacks. It unfreezes after remaining in above-freezing temperatures for 1 minute."
"action": [
"name": "Slam",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) bludgeoning damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"A water mote is an elemental spirit from Lamannia or Risia, bound to a khybershard at its core. Should the khybershard at its center be shattered, the elemental spirit returns to its home plane. It usually appears as a globe of water slowly drifting through the air, though it can move much faster when submerged in water. When it freezes, sharp crystalline ice extends from its surface."
"name": "Breed Leech",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 156,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 2,
"formula": "1d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 20
"str": 6,
"dex": 15,
"con": 11,
"int": 5,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 10,
"senses": [
"blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius without a host)"
"passive": 9,
"languages": [
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "0",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"See {@item Breed Leech|KCAA}"
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"A breed leech can't be removed from a host while they're attuned to it, and the host can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If the host is targeted by a spell that ends a curse, their attunement to the breed leech ends, and it detaches from the host.",
"When a breed leech is detached, it leaves its former host {@condition poisoned} for 24 hours."
"action": [
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}1 piercing damage and the target instantly attunes to the breed leech as it attaches itself. If the target is already attuned to their maximum number of magic items, one random attunement is overridden."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This tiny creature appears to be a thick, swollen slug with a lamprey-like mouth. Though it feeds on its host's vitality like any other symbiont, a breed leech also introduces alien chemicals into the host's body that bolster the host's fortitude.","Despite this benefit, the true purpose of the breed leech is to spread the 'progeny' of the daelkyr. The alien fluids it injects into a host will mutate any developing embryo, if present. Should a pregnancy come to term after this mutation takes place, the child will be born as a daelkyr half-blood."
"name": "Coat of Many Eyes",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 159,
"size": "S",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 45,
"formula": "7d6 + 21"
"speed": {
"walk": 1
"str": 4,
"dex": 1,
"con": 17,
"int": 5,
"wis": 20,
"cha": 16,
"skill": {
"perception": "+9"
"senses": [
"darkvision 120 ft."
"passive": 19,
"immune": [
"immune": [
"note": "from attacks made with weapons that aren't byeshk",
"cond": true
"languages": [
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "0",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"See {@item Coat of Many Eyes|KCAA}"
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"A coat of many eyes can't be removed from a host while they're attuned to it, and the host can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If the host is targeted by a spell that ends a curse, their attunement to the coat ends, and it detaches from the host.",
"When a coat of many eyes is detached, it assimilates the former host's eyes into its mass before it goes, leaving the host {@condition blinded} with empty eye sockets. A {@spell lesser restoration} spell or similar magic can restore the former host's eyes and vision."
"action": [
"name": "None",
"entries": [
"A coat of many eyes has no effective attacks."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Appearing as a blob of leathery flesh, a coat of many eyes is covered with the eyes of several different kinds of creatures, each independently moving, gazing at its surroundings."
"name": "Crawling Gauntlet",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 159,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 13,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 4,
"formula": "2d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 20
"str": 18,
"dex": 13,
"con": 11,
"int": 5,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 10,
"passive": 9,
"languages": [
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "1/4",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"See {@item Crawling Gauntlet|KCAA}."
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"A crawling gauntlet can't be removed from a host while they're attuned to it, and the host can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If the host is targeted by a spell that ends a curse, their attunement to the crawling gauntlet ends, and it detaches from the host.",
"When a crawling gauntlet is detached, it takes its former host's hand and forearm with it. The former host's hit point maximum is reduced by 5. This reduction cannot be reversed by any means until the limb is restored, such as from receiving a {@spell regeneration} spell to regrow the limb or otherwise attaching a prosthetic replacement. If this reduces the former host's maximum hit points to 0, they die."
"action": [
"name": "Strangling Claw",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d4 + 4}) slashing damage. On a critical hit, the crawling gauntlet grapples the target (escape {@dc 14}) and begins to strangle them. The target begins to suffocate as if it just ran out of breath and cannot breathe again until it escapes the grapple or the crawling gauntlet dies."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This disturbing creature resembles a monstrous, severed hand. It skitters about in disturbing motions akin to a spider. A host can wear this symbiont like a glove, gaining a claw attack."
"name": "Earworm",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 160,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 5,
"formula": "2d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 15
"str": 6,
"dex": 10,
"con": 11,
"int": 10,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 17,
"senses": [
"blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius without a host)"
"passive": 9,
"languages": [
"understands Daelkyr but can't speak",
"telepathy 10 miles (daelkyr, host, or other earworms only)"
"cr": "1",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Spellcasting",
"headerEntries": [
"The earworm's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 13}. He can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell dissonant whispers}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)",
"To attune to an earworm, a host must hold it against the skin behind their ear for the entire attunement period, whereupon it burrows into the host's head and bonds to their brain. While the earworm is inside a host, they can speak, read, and write",
"name": "Spells",
"entries": [
"The earworm has 4 charges. The host can cast the following spells from it, expending the necessary number of charges (spell save {@dc 15}): detect thoughts (2 charges) or dissonant whispers (1 charge). Each time the host uses the earworm to cast the detect thoughts spell, it sends the information gleaned to the nearest daelkyr, or to the next nearest earworm until it reaches a daelkyr.",
"The earworm regains {@dice 1d4} expended charges daily at dawn."
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"An earworm can't be removed from a host while they're attuned to it, and the host can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If the host is targeted by a spell that ends a curse, their attunement to the earworm ends, and it detaches from the host.",
"When an earworm is detached, it leaves behind a hole in the auditory center of the former host's brain where it once resided.",
"The former host is {@condition deafened} and can't communicate telepathically by any means. A lesser restoration spell or similar magic can restore the former host's hearing and potential to communicate telepathically."
"action": [
"name": "None",
"entries": [
"An earworm has no effective attacks."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"spellcastingTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This fat slug is covered in oily rainbow-shimmering slime. On its own, an earworm looks harmless, but it can defend itself by projecting chaotic psychic static into another creature’s mind."
"name": "Living Armor",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 160,
"size": "S",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 85,
"formula": "10d6 + 50"
"speed": {
"walk": 1
"str": 4,
"dex": 1,
"con": 21,
"int": 5,
"wis": 15,
"cha": 14,
"save": {
"con": "+7"
"senses": [
"blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius without a host)"
"passive": 9,
"immune": [
"immune": [
"note": "from attacks made with weapons that aren't byeshk",
"cond": true
"languages": [
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "0",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"See {@item Living Armor|KCAA}"
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The armor requires fresh blood be fed to it. Immediately after the host finishes any long rest, they must either feed half of their remaining Hit Dice to the armor (round up) or take 1 level of {@condition exhaustion}.",
"Living armor can't be removed from a host while they're attuned to it, and the host can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If the host is targeted by a spell that ends a curse, their attunement to the living armor ends, and it detaches from the host.",
"When living armor is detached, its tendrils wildly thrash on the way out of the former host's body. The former host must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to the Armor Class the living armor granted them while it was attached, reducing their maximum hit point total by 55 ({@dice 10d10}) on a failure, or half as much on a success. If this reduces the former host's maximum hit points to 0, they die."
"action": [
"name": "None",
"entries": [
"Living armor has no effective attacks."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"On its own, a living armor looks like a round mass of muscle and black chitin, and is defenseless except for its extreme durability. When attached to a creature, the symbiont extends tendrils deep into the host's body, entwining around organs and injecting alien fluids into the host's circulatory system. Though disturbing and torturously painful, a host gains several defensive benefits if it survives the process."
"name": "Living Glove",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 161,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 5,
"formula": "2d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 20
"str": 10,
"dex": 15,
"con": 11,
"int": 5,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 10,
"passive": 11,
"languages": [
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "1/8",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"See {@item Living Glove|KCAA}."
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"A living glove can't be removed from a host while they're attuned to it, and the host can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If the host is targeted by a spell that ends a curse, their attunement to the living glove ends, and it detaches from the host.",
"When a living glove is detached, it flays its former host's hand of all its skin as it goes, dealing 5 ({@damage 1d10}) slashing damage. Furthermore, the former host has disadvantage on all ability checks and attack rolls made using the flayed hand, until a {@spell lesser restoration} spell or similar magic is used to regrow their appendage's lost skin."
"action": [
"name": "Slam",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) slashing damage."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"On its own, a living glove looks like a grotesque, fleshy scorpion with four thick legs and a stubby tail. Sinewy muscle pulses with life between its thin chitin. When worn like a glove, the symbiont imparts foreign, skillful muscle-memory to its host."
"name": "Morphing Ooze",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 161,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "ooze",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 5,
"formula": "2d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 15
"str": 6,
"dex": 1,
"con": 16,
"int": 1,
"wis": 6,
"cha": 1,
"senses": [
"blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius without a host)"
"passive": 8,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"cr": "0",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"See {@item Morphing Ooze|KCAA}."
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"A morphing ooze can't be removed from a host while they're attuned to it, and the host can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If the host is targeted by a spell that ends a curse, their attunement to the morphing ooze ends, and it detaches from the host.",
"When a morphing ooze is detached, it seeps out of the former host's digestive tract, leaving behind a foul substance that afflicts them with a debilitating disease. Until cured, the former host has disadvantage on all ability checks and saving throws."
"action": [
"name": "Acid Spittle",
"entries": [
"{@atk rw} {@hit 0} to hit, range 30 ft., one target. {@h}2 ({@damage 1d4}) acid damage."
"senseTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This type of opalescent, symbiotic goo is a creation of Kyrzin. Cultists of the Prince of Slime often capture these oozes and seal them in acid-proof jars, giving them as rewards to the mad faithful, who drink them to gain the 'Blessing of Kyrzin’s Ooze.'"
"name": "Shadow Sibling",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 162,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 45,
"formula": "6d8 + 18"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 1,
"dex": 19,
"con": 16,
"int": 10,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 10,
"skill": {
"stealth": "+8"
"passive": 11,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from attacks made with weapons that aren't byeshk",
"cond": true
"languages": [
"understands Daelkyr but can't speak",
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "2",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"See {@item Shadow Sibling|KCAA}."
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"A shadow sibling can't be removed from a host while they're attuned to it, and the host can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If the host is targeted by a spell that ends a curse, their attunement to the shadow sibling ends, and it detaches from the host.",
"When a shadow sibling is detached, the former host no longer casts a shadow and is vulnerable to cold, necrotic, and psychic damage. This effect remains until a greater restoration spell or similar magic is used to restore the host's shadow."
"action": [
"name": "Corrupting Touch",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d6 + 4}) cold or necrotic damage (the shadow sibling's choice)."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"A shadow sibling is often confused for an undead shadow creature, as it appears to be a vaguely dark, intangible humanoid. In reality it is a hollow, thin sheath of tissue that can attach to a host like a second skin, granting it a shadowy appearance."
"name": "Spellburrow",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 162,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 10,
"formula": "4d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 20
"str": 6,
"dex": 15,
"con": 11,
"int": 5,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 16,
"passive": 9,
"languages": [
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "1",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"See {@item Spellburrow|KCAA}."
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"A spellburrow can't be removed from a host while they're attuned to it, and the host can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If the host is targeted by a spell that ends a curse, their attunement to the spellburrow ends, and it detaches from the host.",
"When a spellburrow is detached, it begins to claw its way out from its former host's skull, reducing its former host's Intelligence score by {@dice 2d4} every round. At the end of each of the former host's turns, it may make a {@dc 13} Constitution saving throw, expelling the spellburrow on a success. If the spellburrow reduces its former host's Intelligence score to 0, they die. This reduction lasts until the former host finishes a long rest."
"action": [
"name": "Fire Bolt (Cantrip)",
"entries": [
"{@atk rs} {@hit 5} to hit, range 120 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d10}) fire damage."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This symbiont appears to be a large beetle with shiny, prismatic chitin. Barely sentient on its own, a spellburrow nonetheless possesses great arcane potential. It must anchor itself in a humanoid’s grey matter in order to awaken its alien sentience, finally able to understand the full power it holds.","The below spellburrow knows {@spell fire bolt}, but this can be replaced with any sorcerer or warlock cantrip. The host knows this cantrip while the spellburrow is attached."
"name": "Stormstalk",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 163,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 14,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 7,
"formula": "3d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 10
"str": 6,
"dex": 17,
"con": 10,
"int": 5,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 11,
"passive": 9,
"languages": [
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "1",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"See {@item Stormstalk|KCAA}."
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"A stormstalk can't be removed from a host while they're attuned to it, and the host can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If the host is targeted by a spell that ends a curse, their attunement to the stormstalk ends, and it detaches from the host.",
"When a stormstalk is detached, it leaves its former host's nervous system a shambling wreck. The former host has disadvantage on Dexterity checks and Dexterity saving throws until it receives a {@spell lesser restoration} spell or similar magic."
"action": [
"name": "Eye Ray",
"entries": [
"{@atk rs} {@hit 5} to hit, range 60 ft., one creature. {@h}9 ({@damage 2d8}) lightning damage, and the target has disadvantage on Dexterity checks and Dexterity saving throws until the start of the stormstalk's next turn."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Similar in appearance to an eel, except for the large humanoid eye replacing its head, a stormstalk's sleek body crackles with electricity. It can discharge this lighting through its eye, and allows a host to use this attack as well."
"name": "Tentacle Whip",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 163,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 17,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 14,
"formula": "4d4 + 4"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 9,
"dex": 18,
"con": 13,
"int": 7,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 10,
"skill": {
"stealth": "+6"
"senses": [
"blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius without a host)"
"passive": 9,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Daelkyr but can't speak",
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "2",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"See {@item Tentacle Whip|KCAA}."
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"A tentacle whip can't be removed from a host while they're attuned to it, and the host can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If the host is targeted by a spell that ends a curse, their attunement to the tentacle whip ends, and it detaches from the host.",
"When a tentacle whip is detached, it delivers a potentially lethal dose of its psychic venom to its former host. The former host must make a {@dc 17} Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 35 ({@damage 10d6}) psychic damage and are {@condition paralyzed} indefinitely. On a success, they take half damage and are not {@condition paralyzed}."
"action": [
"name": "Sting",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d4 + 4}) piercing damage, and the target must make a {@dc 11} Constitution saving throw, taking 14 ({@damage 4d6}) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.",
"If the psychic damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but {@condition paralyzed} for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This creature appears to be a long, thin snake with its skin and scales flayed, leaving wet, slimy muscle. Its psychic venom is capable of paralyzing prey, and a host can use the creature as a deadly whip."
"name": "Throwing Scarab",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 164,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 13,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 5,
"formula": "2d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 5,
"fly": {
"number": 60,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 2,
"dex": 13,
"con": 11,
"int": 5,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 6,
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 11,
"languages": [
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "0",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"See {@item Throwing Scarab|KCAA}."
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"A throwing scarab can't be removed from a host while they're attuned to it, and the host can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If the host is targeted by a spell that ends a curse, their attunement to the throwing scarab ends, and it detaches from the host.",
"When a throwing scarab is detached, it violently thrashes as it burrows its way out the back of the former host's hand, dealing 5 ({@damage 2d4}) piercing damage and 5 ({@damage 2d4}) acid damage. The former host has disadvantage on attack rolls made with the damaged hand until this damage is healed or they finish a long rest."
"action": [
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"Melee Weapon Attack:{@hit -2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}1 piercing damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"At first glance, a throwing scarab appears to be a gem cut in the shape of a small beetle—until it moves. Mostly harmless on its own, while attached to a host, it generates small shards of hard crystal that can be used as deadly throwing weapons that dissolve into acid."
"name": "Tongueworm",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 164,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 18,
"formula": "4d4 + 8"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 19,
"dex": 19,
"con": 15,
"int": 5,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 10,
"skill": {
"stealth": "+6"
"senses": [
"blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius without a host)"
"passive": 9,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "1/2",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"See {@item Tongueworm|KCAA}."
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"A tongueworm can't be removed from a host while they're attuned to it, and the host can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If the host is targeted by a spell that ends a curse, their attunement to the tongueworm ends, and it detaches from the host.",
"When a tongueworm is detached, it takes its former host's tongue with it. The former host's cannot speak while missing its tongue. A {@spell lesser restoration} spell or similar magic can restore the former host's tongue and ability to speak."
"action": [
"name": "Sting",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d4 + 4}) piercing damage, and the target must make a {@dc 12} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition poisoned} for 1 minute. The target is {@condition paralyzed} while {@condition poisoned} in this way. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"Similar in appearance to the tentacle whip, this symbiont attaches to a host by enveloping the host's tongue and compressing itself into the creature's mouth. The host can then launch the symbiont's stinger outward, delivering a potent poison."
"name": "Wandering Eye",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 165,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 14,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 22,
"formula": "4d4 + 12"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 10,
"dex": 17,
"con": 16,
"int": 5,
"wis": 14,
"cha": 10,
"skill": {
"perception": "+4"
"passive": 14,
"languages": [
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "1/4",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"See {@item Wandering Eye|KCAA}."
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"A wandering eye can't be removed from a host while they're attuned to it, and the host can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If the host is targeted by a spell that ends a curse, their attunement to the wandering eye ends, and it detaches from the host.",
"When a wandering eye is detached, the loss of extra perception is disorienting to the former host. The former host is {@condition blinded} for 24 hours as its brain reacclimates to only seeing with two eyes."
"action": [
"name": "Barb",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d4 + 3}) piercing damage."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This disturbing daelkyr-made symbiont is a leathery tentacle with one end terminating in a single bulbous eye, and the other sporting a barb designed to burrow into flesh. It uses the barb in self-defense or to attach to a prospective host."
"name": "Winter Cyst",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 165,
"size": "T",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 14,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 7,
"formula": "3d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 10
"str": 6,
"dex": 17,
"con": 10,
"int": 5,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 11,
"passive": 9,
"languages": [
"telepathy (host only)"
"cr": "1",
"trait": [
"name": "Attach",
"entries": [
"See {@item Winter Cyst|KCAA}."
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"A winter cyst can't be removed from a host while they're attuned to it, and the host can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If the host is targeted by a spell that ends a curse, their attunement to the winter cyst ends, and it detaches from the host.",
"When a winter cyst is detached, it leaves its former host with a bone-draining weakness. The former host has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws until it receives a {@spell lesser restoration} spell or similar magic."
"action": [
"name": "Eye Ray",
"entries": [
"{@atk rs} {@hit 5} to hit, range 60 ft., one creature. {@h}9 ({@damage 2d8}) cold damage, and the target has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws until the start of the winter cyst's next turn."
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"This bulbous, slimy polyp looks like a slug with a glassy, inhuman eye at one end. The eye's iris is ice-blue and glows with a baleful, pale light just before it projects a freezing beam from it."
"name": "Arbalester",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 166,
"size": "T",
"type": "construct",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 14,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 12,
"formula": "5d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 10
"str": 8,
"dex": 15,
"con": 10,
"int": 10,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 7,
"save": {
"dex": "+4"
"skill": {
"perception": "+3"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 13,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Common but can't speak"
"cr": "1/4",
"trait": [
"name": "Homunculus",
"entries": [
"An arbalester homunculus cannot speak, but understands any language its creator knows, and responds to verbal commands.",
"An arbalester's creator can perform an hour-long to imbue an arbalester with the properties of a magical ranged weapon in their possession. The weapon's properties must be applicable to light crossbows. At the end of this ritual, the arbalester's light crossbow attack gains the magical properties of the ranged weapon. Until reversed with another ritual, the magical properties of the ranged weapon are suppressed. This transfer lasts until the magical ranged weapon is more than 100 ft. from the arbalester, or if it is destroyed."
"action": [
"name": "Light Crossbow",
"entries": [
"{@atk rw} {@hit 4} to hit, range",
"80/320 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) piercing damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"An arbalester is, essentially, an ambulatory crossbow. It is carved from exotic livewood, with golden plating and silver thread. It can fire and reload on its own, and magically creates its own bolts, making it an ideal construct for home defense."
"name": "Dedicated Wright",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 166,
"size": "T",
"type": "construct",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 14,
"formula": "4d4 + 4"
"speed": {
"walk": 10
"str": 12,
"dex": 11,
"con": 12,
"int": 10,
"wis": 11,
"cha": 7,
"skill": {
"special": "any one kind of artisan’s tools or an Herbalism kit"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 10,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Common",
"but can't speak"
"cr": "1/4",
"trait": [
"name": "Diligent Crafting",
"entries": [
"A dedicated wright is constructed to be proficient with one kind of {@item Artisan's tools|phb} or an {@item Herbalism kit|phb}. It cannot start a project on its own, but it can finish an item once another creature has spent one workday crafting alongside it. After this first day, the dedicated wright can work on the item continuously without being commanded."
"name": "Homunculus",
"entries": [
"A dedicated wright homunculus cannot speak, but understands any language its creator knows, and responds to verbal commands.",
"A dedicated wright created as a homunculus is proficient with all tools its creator is and applies its creator's proficiency bonus as a bonus on ability checks made with them.",
"A homunculus dedicated wright can use its Diligent Crafting ability to assist in the creation of magic items, as if it was a spellcaster that fulfills all the same requirements of a given schema that its creator does, including the ability to cast any spell its creator can (though it does not actually gain the ability to cast such spells). If both it and its creator craft the item together, the number of workweeks to create the magic item is halved."
"action": [
"name": "Tiny Hammer",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}2 (1 + 1) bludgeoning damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"A dedicated wright is a stubby-limbed humanoid molded from clay, glazed with magically active oils and unguents, then fired in a kiln. They are created to aid craftsmen in their work. A dedicated wright homunculus is prized even more highly for its aid in speeding up magic item creation (see Xanathar's Guide to Everything for downtime crafting rules). When left alone, they shy away from combat. They are intelligent enough to hide someplace too small for larger creatures to follow them."
"name": "Expeditious Messenger",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 167,
"size": "T",
"type": "construct",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 7,
"formula": "1d4 + 2"
"speed": {
"walk": 25,
"fly": 60
"str": 6,
"dex": 16,
"con": 13,
"int": 8,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 7,
"save": {
"dex": "+5"
"skill": {
"acrobatics": "+5",
"stealth": "+5"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 11,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "1/8",
"trait": [
"name": "Flyby",
"entries": [
"The messenger doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach."
"name": "Homunculus",
"entries": [
"An expeditious messenger homunculus can speak and understand any language its creator knows, and responds to verbal and telepathic commands.",
"An expeditious messenger created as a homunculus has the Telepathic Bond trait."
"name": "Telepathic Bond",
"entries": [
"While the messenger is on the same plane of existence as its creator, it can magically convey what it senses to its master, and the two can communicate telepathically.",
"Additionally, the homunculus can act as its creator's mouthpiece when speaking to other creatures, speaking with its creator's voice."
"action": [
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d4 + 3}) piercing damage."
"traitTags": [
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"An expeditious messenger looks like a minuscule lemur or meerkat with draconic wings and a tiny tail. They are crafted from soft clay and bits of hair, scales, and feathers from tiny flying beasts. As its name suggests, it is designed to quickly carry messages from its creator, as evidenced by its unusual capability to speak. Expeditious messengers created as homunculi can serve this purpose even more effectively, projecting their master's own voice.","The expeditious messenger here differs from the one in Eberron: Rising from the Last War, in order to fit better into character options in this book above."
"name": "Furtive Filcher",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 167,
"size": "T",
"type": "construct",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 2,
"formula": "1d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 50
"str": 9,
"dex": 19,
"con": 10,
"int": 12,
"wis": 10,
"cha": 7,
"skill": {
"sleight of hand": "+8",
"stealth": "+6"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 10,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Common but can't speak"
"cr": "0",
"trait": [
"name": "Homunculus",
"entries": [
"A furtive filcher homunculus cannot speak, but understands any language its creator knows, and responds to verbal commands.",
"When created as a homunculus, the furtive filcher gains several benefits. Whenever the creator's proficiency bonus increases by 1, the filcher's bonus to Dexterity ({@skill Sleight of Hand}) checks increases by 2, rather than 1. It also has the Harry ability."
"name": "Harry",
"entries": [
"When the furtive filcher homunculus hits a target that is within 5 feet of its creator with a claw attack, the attack deals extra slashing damage equal to {@dice 1d6} for every six levels the homunculus's creator possesses, to a maximum of {@dice 3d6}."
"action": [
"name": "Claw",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 1} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}1 slashing damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"A furtive filcher is a tiny creature shaped from clay, ashes, and raw shadow-stuff that looks like nothing so much as a vaguely humanoid wisp of darkness. Furtive filchers are constructed by unscrupulous creators to, as the name implies, steal small items. Its size and shadowy nature make it well suited for even the deftest acts of thievery."
"name": "Iron Defender",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 168,
"size": "M",
"type": "construct",
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 17,
"formula": "2d8 + 8"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 15,
"dex": 14,
"con": 14,
"int": 8,
"wis": 13,
"cha": 7,
"save": {
"con": "+4"
"skill": {
"perception": "+3"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 13,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Common but can't speak"
"cr": "1/4",
"trait": [
"name": "Keen Senses",
"entries": [
"The defender has advantage on Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) checks."
"name": "Homunculus",
"entries": [
"An iron defender homunculus cannot speak, but understands any language its creator knows, and responds to verbal commands.",
"When created as a homunculus, iron defender gains several benefits. Whenever the creator's proficiency bonus increases by 1, the save DC for a creature to resist being {@condition grappled} by a defender's bite attack, the amount of extra piercing damage it takes on a failed saving throw, and the escape DC of the grapple all also increase by 1."
"action": [
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 12} Strength saving throw or take an extra 3 ({@damage 1d6}) piercing damage and be {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 12}). The defender can have only one creature {@condition grappled} this way."
"traitTags": [
"Keen Senses"
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"An iron defender resembles a Great Dane, or other large breed of dog, formed from iron plates and bars, with serrated iron teeth. They are constructed for one purpose: to fight for and safeguard their creator.","The iron defender here differs from the one in Eberron: Rising from the Last War, in order to fit better into character options in this book above."
"name": "Packmate",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 168,
"size": "S",
"type": "construct",
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 2,
"formula": "1d4"
"speed": {
"walk": 50
"str": 14,
"dex": 11,
"con": 15,
"int": 8,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 7,
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 10,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Common but can't speak"
"cr": "1/8",
"trait": [
"name": "Secure Chest",
"entries": [
"A packmate is designed to securely transport items. Its compartment is protected as if by an arcane lock spell. If dispelled, the packmate reactivates this magical protection after 1 minute. The packmate can open and close its compartment at will.",
"A packmate can carry a load as if it was a Medium creature."
"name": "Homunculus",
"entries": [
"A packmate homunculus cannot speak, but understands any language its creator knows, and responds to verbal commands.",
"A packmate created as a homunculus is a versatile battlefield assistant and gains the following abilities:",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Throw Flask",
"entries": [
"When directed by its creator, the packmate can throw a {@item Acid (vial)|phb}, {@item alchemist's fire (flask)|phb}, or similar item that was stored within itself with its action."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Administer Potion",
"entries": [
"The packmate can, as a reaction, administer to its creator a {@item potion of healing|phb} or similar restorative item that was stored within itself, should its creator fall to 0 hit points while within 5 feet of the packmate."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Ready Item",
"entries": [
"The packmate be commanded to use its action to take a readied action to hand over any item within itself its creator directs it to, to any creature its creator wishes. The creature who is handed the item can take and use it as part of the same action, or if it is a potion, the creature can use it as a bonus action."
"action": [
"name": "Claw",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}3 (1 + 2) slashing damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"A packmate is a small, sturdy wooden chest bound in burnished bronze that walks on four legs, with two claw-tipped arms protruding from its sides. When opened, the chest is divided into several compartments, for ease of sorting and access."
"subclass": [
"name": "Archivist Specialist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 46,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"shortName": "Archivist",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"3": ["comprehend languages","dissonant whispers"],
"5": ["detect thoughts","locate object"],
"9": ["hypnotic pattern","tongues"],
"13": ["locate creature","phantasmal killer"],
"17": ["legend lore","modify memory"]
"subclassFeatures": [
"Archivist Specialist|Artificer|TCE|Archivist|KCAA|3",
"Mind Network|Artificer|TCE|Archivist|KCAA|5",
"Torrential Overload|Artificer|TCE|Archivist|KCAA|9",
"Pure Information|Artificer|TCE|Archivist|KCAA|15"
"name": "Automatist Specialist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 47,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"shortName": "Automatist",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"3": [{"name": "absorb elements","source": "XGE"},{"name": "emergency repair","source": "KCAA"}],
"5": [{"name": "methods of repair","source": "KCAA"},"shatter"],
"9": [{"name": "mass emergency repairs","source": "KCAA"},{"name": "reactivate","source": "KCAA"}],
"13": ["death ward","dimension door"],
"17": [{"name": "reconstruct","source": "KCAA"},{"name": "skill empowerment","source": "XGE"}]
"subclassFeatures": [
"Automatist Specialist|Artificer|TCE|Automatist|KCAA|3",
"Construct Lock|Artificer|TCE|Automatist|KCAA|9",
"name": "Renegade Specialist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 48,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"shortName": "Renegade",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"3": ["searing smite","thunderous smite"],
"5": ["branding smite","see invisibility"],
"9": ["blinding smite","fly"],
"13": ["dimension door","staggering smite"],
"17": ["destructive wave",{"name": "steel wind strike","source": "XGE"}]
"subclassFeatures": [
"Renegade Specialist|Artificer|TCE|Renegade|KCAA|3",
"Extra Attack|Artificer|TCE|Renegade|KCAA|5",
"Body Augmentation|Artificer|TCE|Renegade|KCAA|9",
"name": "Variant Battle Smith (Dervish)",
"shortName": "Dervish",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 50,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"otherSources": [
"source": "ERLW",
"page": 60
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"3": ["heroism","shield"],
"5": ["branding smite","warding bond"],
"9": ["aura of vitality","conjure barrage"],
"13": ["aura of purity","fire shield"],
"17": ["banishing smite","mass cure wounds"]
"subclassFeatures": [
"Extra Attack|Artificer|TCE|Dervish|KCAA|5",
"Arcane Channeling|Artificer|TCE|Dervish|KCAA|9",
"Master's Weapon|Artificer|TCE|Dervish|KCAA|15"
"name": "College of Thoughtsong",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 59,
"className": "Bard",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Thoughtsong",
"subclassFeatures": [
"College of Thoughtsong|Bard|PHB|Thoughtsong|KCAA|3",
"Secrets of Thoughtsong|Bard|PHB|Thoughtsong|KCAA|6",
"Music of the Mind|Bard|PHB|Thoughtsong|KCAA|14"
"name": "Blood Domain",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 59,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Blood",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"1": [
"false life","inflict wounds"
"3": [
"gentle repose","prayer of healing"
"5": [
"name": "life transference",
"source": "XGE"
"7": [
"blight","death ward"
"9": [
"dispel evil and good","raise dead"
"subclassFeatures": [
"Blood Domain|Cleric|PHB|Blood|KCAA|1",
"Channel Divinity: Thief of Life|Cleric|PHB|Blood|KCAA|2",
"Blood of the Faithful|Cleric|PHB|Blood|KCAA|6",
"Divine Strike|Cleric|PHB|Blood|KCAA|8",
"name": "Corruption Domain",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 60,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Corruption",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"1": [
"bane","ray of sickness"
"3": [
"blindness/deafness","crown of madness"
"5": [
"bestow curse","gaseous form"
"7": [
"9": [
"contagion","modify memory"
"subclassFeatures": [
"Corruption Domain|Cleric|PHB|Corruption|KCAA|1",
"Channel Divinity: Pernicious Twisting|Cleric|PHB|Corruption|KCAA|2",
"Channel Divinity: Beckoning Depravity|Cleric|PHB|Corruption|KCAA|6",
"Divine Strike|Cleric|PHB|Corruption|KCAA|8",
"Master of Mutation|Cleric|PHB|Corruption|KCAA|17"
"name": "Creation Domain",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 60,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Creation",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"1": [
"3": [
"cloud of daggers","spiritual weapon"
"5": [
"glyph of warding","Leomund's tiny hut"
"7": [
"fabricate","stone shape"
"9": [
"animate objects","wall of stone"
"subclassFeatures": [
"Creation Domain|Cleric|PHB|Creation|KCAA|1",
"Channel Divinity: Benediction Ward|Cleric|PHB|Creation|KCAA|2",
"Channel Divinity: Protective Miracle|Cleric|PHB|Creation|KCAA|6",
"Divine Strike|Cleric|PHB|Creation|KCAA|8",
"Magnum Opus|Cleric|PHB|Creation|KCAA|17"
"name": "Greed Domain",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 61,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Greed",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"1": [
"alarm","charm person","friends"
"3": [
"detect thoughts","locate object"
"5": [
"bestow curse","glyph of warding"
"7": [
"Leomund's secret chest","Mordenkainen's private sanctum"
"9": [
"dominate person","geas"
"subclassFeatures": [
"Greed Domain|Cleric|PHB|Greed|KCAA|1",
"Channel Divinity: Illusory Coins|Cleric|PHB|Greed|KCAA|2",
"Hoarder's Boon|Cleric|PHB|Greed|KCAA|6",
"Divine Strike|Cleric|PHB|Greed|KCAA|8",
"Improved Spellmiser|Cleric|PHB|Greed|KCAA|17"
"name": "Passion Domain",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 61,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Passion",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"1": [
"charm person","Tasha's hideous laughter"
"3": [
"enthrall","crown of madness"
"5": [
"beacon of hope","hypnotic pattern"
"7": [
"freedom of movement","confusion"
"9": [
"dream","dominate person"
"subclassFeatures": [
"Passion Domain|Cleric|PHB|Passion|KCAA|1",
"Channel Divinity: Passionate Rebuke|Cleric|PHB|Passion|KCAA|2",
"Channel Divinity: Bestow Inspiration|Cleric|PHB|Passion|KCAA|6",
"Divine Strike|Cleric|PHB|Passion|KCAA|8",
"Supreme Enchantment|Cleric|PHB|Passion|KCAA|17"
"name": "Trade Domain",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 63,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Trade",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"1": [
"3": [
"locate object","zone of truth"
"5": [
"haste","phantom steed"
"7": [
"dimension door","divination"
"9": [
"legend lore","teleportation circle"
"subclassFeatures": [
"Trade Domain|Cleric|PHB|Trade|KCAA|1",
"Channel Divinity: Eye for Treasure|Cleric|PHB|Trade|KCAA|2",
"Channel Divinity: Divine Mediator|Cleric|PHB|Trade|KCAA|6",
"The Language of Commerce|Cleric|PHB|Trade|KCAA|6",
"Improved Coin Toss|Cleric|PHB|Trade|KCAA|8",
"Supernal Negotiator|Cleric|PHB|Trade|KCAA|17"
"name": "Circle of Purity",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 64,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Purity",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"3": [
"see invisibility","silence"
"5": [
"counterspell","dispel magic"
"7": [
"geas","greater restoration"
"9": [
"globe of invulnerability","true seeing"
"subclassFeatures": [
"Circle of Purity|Druid|PHB|Purity|KCAA|2",
"Pierce the Arcane|Druid|PHB|Purity|KCAA|6",
"Purity of Self|Druid|PHB|Purity|KCAA|10",
"Inner Balance|Druid|PHB|Purity|KCAA|14"
"name": "Circle of Ruin",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 65,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Ruin",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"2": [
"chill touch"
"3": [
"blindness/deafness","ray of enfeeblement"
"5": [
"stinking cloud","vampiric touch"
"7": [
"blight",{"name": "rusting grasp","source": "KCAA"}
"9": [
"contagion","insect plague"
"subclassFeatures": [
"Circle of Ruin|Druid|PHB|Ruin|KCAA|2",
"Rotting Strike|Druid|PHB|Ruin|KCAA|6",
"Monstrous Wild Shape|Druid|PHB|Ruin|KCAA|10",
"The Fittest|Druid|PHB|Ruin|KCAA|14"
"name": "Circle of the Guardian",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 65,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Guardian",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"3": [
"blur","warding bond"
"5": [
"aura of vitality","haste"
"7": [
{"name": "guardian of nature","source": "XGE"},"locate creature"
"9": [
"hold monster",{"name": "wrath of nature","source": "XGE"}
"subclassFeatures": [
"Circle of the Guardian|Druid|PHB|Guardian|KCAA|2",
"Spirit Beast Companion|Druid|PHB|Guardian|KCAA|6",
"Tooth and Claw and Spell|Druid|PHB|Guardian|KCAA|10",
"Share Nature's Blessing|Druid|PHB|Guardian|KCAA|14"
"name": "Circle of the Path",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 67,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Path",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"3": [
"misty step"
"5": [
"7": [
"9": [
"contact other plane"
"subclassFeatures": [
"Circle of the Path|Druid|PHB|Path|KCAA|2",
"Conjure Manifest Zone|Druid|PHB|Path|KCAA|6",
"Planar Wild Shape|Druid|PHB|Path|KCAA|10",
"Planar Self|Druid|PHB|Path|KCAA|14"
"name": "Circle of Sealing",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 71,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Sealing",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"3": [
"detect evil and good","protection from evil and good"
"5": [
"glyph of warding","magic circle"
"7": [
"banishment","dimension door"
"9": [
"dispel evil and good","wall of force"
"subclassFeatures": [
"Circle of Sealing|Druid|PHB|Sealing|KCAA|2",
"Repel Aberration|Druid|PHB|Sealing|KCAA|6",
"True Banishment|Druid|PHB|Sealing|KCAA|10",
"Natural Clarity|Druid|PHB|Sealing|KCAA|14"
"name": "Oath of Liberty",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 76,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Liberty",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"3": [
"comprehend languages","protection from evil and good"
"5": [
"lesser restoration","see invisibility"
"9": [
"remove curse","tongues"
"13": [
"aura of purity","freedom of movement"
"17": [
"dispel evil and good","greater restoration"
"subclassFeatures": [
"Oath of Liberty|Paladin|PHB|Liberty|KCAA|3",
"Aura of Freedom|Paladin|PHB|Liberty|KCAA|7",
"Breaker of Chains|Paladin|PHB|Liberty|KCAA|15",
"Angel of Deliverance|Paladin|PHB|Liberty|KCAA|20"
"name": "Oath of the the Unbroken",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 77,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Unbroken",
"additionalSpells": [
"prepared": {
"3": [
"5": [
"lesser restoration","magic weapon"
"9": [
"beacon of hope","remove curse"
"13": [
"aura of purity","freedom of movement"
"17": [
"dispel evil and good","mass cure wounds"
"subclassFeatures": [
"Oath of the Unbroken|Paladin|PHB|Unbroken|KCAA|3",
"Aura of Freedom|Paladin|PHB|Unbroken|KCAA|7",
"Blessed Guidance|Paladin|PHB|Unbroken|KCAA|15",
"Beacon of Liberty|Paladin|PHB|Unbroken|KCAA|20"
"name": "Urban Soul",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Ranger",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Urban Soul",
"additionalSpells": [
"known": {
"3": ["comrephend languages"],
"5": ["see invisibility"],
"9": ["speak with dead"],
"13": ["Mordenkainen's faithful hound"],
"17": ["animate objects"]
"subclassFeatures": [
"Urban Soul|Ranger|PHB|Urban Soul|KCAA|3",
"Timely Distraction|Ranger|PHB|Urban Soul|KCAA|7",
"Street Justice|Ranger|PHB|Urban Soul|KCAA|11",
"Hard Boiled|Ranger|PHB|Urban Soul|KCAA|15"
"name": "Apex Dragonmark",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 87,
"className": "Sorcerer",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Apex Dragonmark",
"subclassFeatures": [
"Apex Dragonmark|Sorcerer|PHB|Apex Dragonmark|KCAA|1",
"Lesser Dragonmark|Sorcerer|PHB|Apex Dragonmark|KCAA|6",
"Greater Dragonmark|Sorcerer|PHB|Apex Dragonmark|KCAA|14",
"Mark of Destiny|Sorcerer|PHB|Apex Dragonmark|KCAA|18"
"name": "Khybermarked",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 89,
"className": "Sorcerer",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Khybermarked",
"subclassFeatures": [
"Lesser Aberrant Mark|Sorcerer|PHB|Khybermarked|KCAA|6",
"Greater Aberrant Mark|Sorcerer|PHB|Khybermarked|KCAA|14",
"Khyber Dragonmark|Sorcerer|PHB|Khybermarked|KCAA|18"
"name": "Generalist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 105,
"className": "Wizard",
"classSource": "PHB",
"shortName": "Generalist",
"subclassFeatures": [
"Ritualized Spell|Wizard|PHB|Generalist|KCAA|6",
"Prodigious Memory|Wizard|PHB|Generalist|KCAA|10",
"Greater Ritualized Spell|Wizard|PHB|Generalist|KCAA|14"
"subclassFeature": [
"name": "Dervish",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 50,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Dervish",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"entries": [
"Battle smiths are artificers that do not flinch from the front lines. While most battle smiths wade into combat with steel defenders, some of these artificers take a page from their Archivist peers and construct sentient magic weapons instead.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Tool Proficiency|Artificer|TCE|Dervish|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Dervish Spells|Artificer|TCE|Dervish|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Battle Ready|Artificer|TCE|Dervish|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Dancing Weapon|Artificer|TCE|Dervish|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Interposing Weapon|Artificer|TCE|Dervish|KCAA|3"
"name": "Battle Ready",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 50,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Dervish",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"When you reach 3rd level, your combat training and your experiments with magic have paid off in two ways:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You gain proficiency with martial weapons.",
"When you attack with a magic weapon, you can use your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity modifier, for the attack and damage rolls."
"name": "Dervish Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 50,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Dervish",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Dervish Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Dervish Spells",
"colLabels": [
"Artificer Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center",
"rows": [
"{@spell heroism}, {@spell shield}"
"{@spell branding smite}, {@spell warding bond}"
"{@spell aura of vitality}, {@spell conjure barrage}"
"{@spell aura of purity}, {@spell fire shield}"
"{@spell banishing smite}, {@spell mass cure wounds}"
"name": "Tool Proficiency",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 50,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Dervish",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with {@item smith's tools|PHB}. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of {@item artisan's tools|PHB} of your choice."
"name": "Dancing Weapon",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 50,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Dervish",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"By 3rd level, your research into magical item sentience has come to fruition. Using {@item smith’s tools|phb}, you can take an action to imbue one nonmagical simple or martial melee weapon with sentience and motion. The dancing weapon is friendly to you and your allies, and shares your alignment. If you already have a dancing weapon from this feature, the first one becomes nonmagical.","Once imbued, the weapon counts as a magical weapon and has an AC of 20 and a number of hit points equal to five times your artificer level. It is immune to poison damage and all conditions. If it is forced to make an ability check or a saving throw, treat all its ability scores as 10 (+O). If the {@spell mending} spell is cast on it, it regains {@dice 2d6} hit points. If reduced to 0 hit points, the weapon becomes nonmagical but is not destroyed.","When you release the weapon from your grip, it hovers in your space, sharing it. As a bonus action, you can direct the weapon to hover in the space of a creature within 30 feet of it or return to you. While hovering, the dancing weapon follows any creature whose space it shares. If doing so would move it further than 100 feet away from you, it returns to your space.","When you direct the weapon to share an enemy’s space, it can also make one attack against it as part of the same bonus action. When it attacks, the weapon functions as if you made a melee weapon attack with it. If the weapon begins your turn hovering in an enemy’s space, you can direct it to attack that enemy as a bonus action."
"name": "Interposing Weapon",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 50,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Dervish",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Starting at 3rd level, you can use your reaction to command your dancing weapon to hinder or defend a creature whose space it shares. While hindering, the next attack roll the creature it shares a space with makes before the start of your next turn has disadvantage. When commanded to defend, it reduces damage the creature it shares a space with takes against one attack by an amount equal to a roll of its own damage die + your Intelligence modifier."
"name": "Extra Attack",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 50,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Dervish",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 5,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the {@action Attack} action on your turn."
"name": "Arcane Channeling",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 50,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Dervish",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 9,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 9th level, you channel arcane power into your dancing weapon, making it deal an extra {@dice 2d6} force damage on a hit. Alternatively, when you command your dancing weapon to defend a creature, you can channel arcane power to grant the creature {@dice 2d6} temporary hit points.","You can channel arcane power a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum once), but you can do so no more than once on a turn. You regain all expended uses of this feature when you finish a long rest."
"name": "Master's Weapon",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 50,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Dervish",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 15,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 15th level, your Arcane Channeling and Interposing Weapon features become more powerful.",
{"type": "list","items": [
"The extra damage and temporary hit points of your Arcane Channeling both increase to {@dice 4d6}.","Whenever you use Interposing Weapon to command your weapon to hinder a creature, the creature takes force damage equal to {@dice 1d4} + your Intelligence modifier."
"name": "Archivist Specialist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Archivist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"entries": [
"Archivist artificers are driven by a devotion to—or some would say, obsession with—self-improvement. These artificers are called Archivists because they ignore conventional wisdom and experiment upon themselves, improving their bodies by implanting and replacing parts of themselves with the products of their mad genius.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Tool Proficiency|Artificer|TCE|Archivist|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Archivist Spells|Artificer|TCE|Archivist|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Artificial Mind|Artificer|TCE|Archivist|KCAA|3"
"name": "Tool Proficiency",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Archivist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with {@item smith’s tools|PHB}. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of {@item artisan's tools|PHB} of your choice."
"name": "Archivist Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Archivist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Archivist Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Archivist Spells",
"colLabels": [
"Artificer Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
"{@spell comprehend languages}, {@spell dissonant whispers}"
"{@spell detect thoughts}, {@spell locate object}"
"{@spell hypnotic pattern}, {@spell tongues}"
"{@spell locate creature}, {@spell phantasmal killer}"
"{@spell legend lore}, {@spell modify memory}"
"name": "Artificial Mind",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Archivist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"At 3rd level, you discover how to create an artificial mind inside an object. Whenever you finish a long rest and you have a set of {@item calligrapher’s supplies|phb} or a {@item forgery kit|phb}, you can magically form a keen mind within a Tiny, nonmagical object on which you write mystical symbols. The object is a magic item while it has a mind, and you can use it as a spellcasting focus. If you already have an artificial mind from this feature, the first one immediately dissipates.","Regardless of the object’s material composition, as your artificial mind it has an AC of 18 and a number of hit points equal to five times your artificer level. It is immune to poison damage and all conditions. If it is forced to make an ability check or a saving throw, treat all its ability scores as 10 (+0). If the {@spell mending} spell is cast on it, it regains {@dice 2d6} hit points. The magic item is destroyed and the artificial mind is annihilated if it is reduced to 0 hit points.","The magic item has the following properties.",
{"type": "entries",
"name": "Telepathic Advisor","entries": [
"The artificial mind telepathically supplies you with advice and information about certain topics: while the item is on your person, you have proficiency in two skills of your choice. The item’s main material determines which skills you can choose from, as shown on the Artificial Mind table in the Skill Proficiencies column, for the nature of the object affects the mind’s knowledge.",
{"type": "table","caption": "Artificial Mind",
"colLabels": [
"Main Material",
"Skill Proficiencies"
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
"Animal (parchment, leather, bone)",
"{@skill Animal Handling}, {@skill Insight}, {@skill Medicine}, {@skill Perception}, {@skill Survival}"
"Mineral (glass, stone, metal)",
"{@skill Deception}, {@skill Intimidation}, {@skill Performance}, {@skill Persuasion}"
"Plant (paper, wood, cotton)",
"{@skill Arcana}, {@skill History}, {@skill Investigation}, {@skill Nature}, {@skill Religion}"
},{"type": "entries",
"name": "All-Around Awareness","entries": [
"Your item’s artificial mind has darkvision out to 60 feet and can see in all directions at once. While the item is on your person, you have advantage on Initiative checks and Wisdom (Perception) checks based on vision, as it feeds you sensory data telepathically."
},{"type": "entries",
"name": "Information Overload","entries": [
"As an action while the item is on your person, you can try to magically overload the thoughts of one creature you or the mind can see that is within 60 feet of the artificial mind, channeling a jumble of information from the artificial mind. Unless the target succeeds on an Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC, the target takes {@damage 1d8} psychic damage, and the next attack roll against it before the end of your next turn has advantage, since it is temporarily too distracted to defend itself well. The damage increases by {@damage 1d8} when you reach 5th level ({@damage 2d8}), 11th level ({@damage 3d8}), and 17th level ({@damage 4d8}) in this class."
"name": "Mind Network",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Archivist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 5,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 5th level, you’ve learned how to use your artifices to access minds, both to communicate and to harm. You gain both of the following abilities.",
{"type": "entries",
"name": "Telepathic Relay","entries": [
"While you have your Artificial Mind item on your person, you can communicate telepathically with anyone carrying an item bearing one of your artificer infusions, as the mind transmits your thoughts to each other. That person can also communicate telepathically with you as long as they have the item. This two-way communication can even cross planar boundaries."
},{"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Damage","entries": [
"When you make a damage roll for Information Overload or an artificer spell that deals psychic damage, you gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum bonus of +1)"
"name": "Torrential Overload",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Archivist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 9,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Beginning at 9th level, whenever a target fails its saving throw against your Information Overload, you can expend a spell slot to deal extra psychic damage to the target. The extra damage is {@damage 2d8} for a 1st level spell slot, plus {@damage 1d8} for each spell level higher than first."
"name": "Pure Information",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Archivist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 15,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 15th level, your Artificial Mind is able to receive and transmit more information than ever before. You gain both of the following abilities.",
{"type": "entries",
"name": "Mind Overload","entries": [
"When you expend a spell slot to increase the damage of Information Overload, the target must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC or be {@condition stunned} until the end of your next turn."
},{"type": "entries",
"name": "Infoportation","entries": [
"As an action while your Artificial Mind magic item is on your person, you cause the mind to turn you into pure information, teleporting you to an unoccupied space the mind can see within 60 feet of it or to the unoccupied space nearest to an item bearing one of your artificer infusions, where you physically reappear.","You can teleport in this way once and must finish a long rest or expend a spell slot of 2nd level or higher before doing so again."
"name": "Automatist Specialist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Automatist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"entries": [
"An automatist is an artificer who focuses on the nature of constructs and hones their intellect toward repairing, maintaining, and creating them. They also learn the fundamental properties of the animus of constructs, and are able to exploit that knowledge to enhanced or hinder constructs around them.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Tool Proficiency|Artificer|TCE|Automatist|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Automatist Spells|Artificer|TCE|Automatist|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Signature Homunculus|Artificer|TCE|Automatist|KCAA|3"
"name": "Tool Proficiency",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Automatist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"When you adopt this specialty at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with one set of {@item artisan’s tools|PHB} useful for the construction of constructs (typically {@item carpenter’s tools|phb}, {@item mason’s tools|phb}, or {@item smith’s tools|phb})."
"name": "Automatist Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Automatist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Automatist Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Automatist Spells",
"colLabels": [
"Artificer Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell absorb elements|XGE}, {@spell emergency repair|KCAA}"],
["5th","{@spell methods of repair|KCAA}, {@spell shatter}"],
["9th","{@spell mass emergency repairs|KCAA}, {@spell reactivate|KCAA}"],
["13th","{@spell death ward}, {@spell dimension door}"],
["17th","{@spell reconstruct|KCAA}, {@spell skill empowerment|XGE}"]
"name": "Signature Homunculus",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Automatist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"At 3rd level, you complete construction on your signature homunculus. Your signature homunculus can be any {@filter construct no larger than Medium that has a challenge rating of 1/4 or lower|bestiary|type=construct|size=t;s;m|challenge rating=[&0;&1/4]} (see Appendix C: Homunculi for constructs particularly suitable for this purpose). When you complete construction of the construct, you imbue it with a portion of your soul, transforming it into your signature homunculus. Your signature homunculus shares your alignment.","Your signature homunculus obeys your commands as best it can. In combat, the signature homunculus shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take one of the actions in its stat block or the Dash, Disengage, Help, or Repair (see below) action.","If the {@spell mending} spell is cast on it, it regains {@dice 2d6} hit points. If it has died within the last hour, you can use a set of {@item artisan’s tools|phb} appropriate for its construction to revive it as an action, provided you are within 5 feet of it and you expend a spell slot of 1st level or higher. The signature homunculus returns to life after 1 minute with all its hit points restored.","At the end of a long rest, you can create a new signature homunculus if you have an appropriate set of {@item artisan’s tools|phb} with you. If you already have a signature homunculus from this feature, the first one immediately perishes. You require 25 gp in appropriate raw materials to create a new signature homunculus in the form of a different type of construct from your previous one (for example, creating a new {@creature packmate|KCAA} signature homunculus when you previously had an {@creature arbalester|KCAA}).","Your signature homunculus has the same statistics as a regular construct of its type, with the following exceptions:",
{"type": "entries",
"name": "Fortified Construction","entries": [
"The signature homunculus’s maximum hit point total is either the normal total for its kind, or equal to five times your artificer level + your Intelligence modifier + the construct’s Constitution modifier, whichever is higher."
{"type": "entries",
"name": "Might of the Master","entries": [
"Whenever your proficiency bonus increases by 1, the signature homunculus’s bonus to skills and saving throws noted in its statistics increase by 1, as well as its bonuses to attack rolls and damage rolls."
{"type": "entries",
"name": "Repair","entries": [
"As an action, the signature homunculus can activate the magical mechanisms inside it to restore hit points to itself or to one construct or object within 5 feet of it. The number of hit points it restores is equal to {@dice 2d8} + your proficiency bonus. It can use this action three times, and it regains all expended uses when you finish a long rest."
"name": "Synchronicity",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Automatist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 5,
"entries": [
"Beginning at 5th level, when you use the Attack action on your turn, if your signature homunculus can see you, it can use its reaction to make a melee attack.","Additionally, while your signature homunculus can see you, it has advantage on all saving throws.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Overdrive Impulse|Artificer|TCE|Automatist|KCAA|5"
"name": "Overdrive Impulse",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Automatist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 5,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Also at 5th level, you master various arcane phrases and codewords that can trigger peak performance in constructs or warforged for a brief moment. Whenever a construct or warforged you can see within 60 feet of you makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you may use your reaction to roll a {@dice d8} and add it to the result of the creature’s roll. You may take this reaction after you see the roll, but must do so before the DM declares the roll’s result. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.","When you reach higher levels in this class, the size of the die you roll for this feature increases: to a {@dice d10} at 9th level, and a {@dice d12} at 15th level."
"name": "Construct Lock",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Automatist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 9,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 9th level, you can force a construct or warforged to temporarily cease all functions. As an action, you can expend one 2nd level or higher spell slot to force one construct or warforged within 30 feet of you that you can see to make a Wisdom saving throw against your artificer spell save DC. If the target fails its saving throw, it locks up for 1 minute.","While a target is locked, it can take no actions or reactions, can’t move or speak, and it automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws. Additionally, attack rolls against it have advantage, and any attack that hits the target is a critical hit if the attacker is within 5 feet of it. At the end of each of its turns, the target can repeat the saving throw. On a success, it is no longer locked.","You can use this feature once and must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again."
"name": "Masterpiece",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Automatist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 15,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 15th level, you complete your final adjustments to your signature homunculus. Pick two of the following features. Your signature homunculus gains the selected features permanently. Once you make your choice, you cannot change it unless you construct a new signature homunculus.","{@i {@u Adamantine Defense}}. Your signature homunculus has resistance to all damage.","{@i {@u Amalgamate Essence}}. When you cast a spell targeting yourself, you can also affect your signature homunculus with the spell if the homunculus is within 30 feet of you.","{@i {@u Arcane Armaments}}. Your signature homunculus’s attacks are considered magical.","{@i {@u Mithral Wings}}. Your signature homunculus gains a fly speed of 60 feet, or its existing fly speed increases by 30 feet. While flying, it can hover. In addition, your signature homunculus doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach.","{@i {@u Quicksilver Fury}}. Your signature homunculus can use its action to make two melee weapon attacks against a single creature, or one melee weapon attack against each creature of its choice within 5 feet of it, with a separate attack roll for each target."
"name": "Renegade Specialist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Renegade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"entries": [
"Renegade artificers are driven by a devotion to—or some would say, obsession with—self-improvement. These artificers are called renegades because they ignore conventional wisdom and experiment upon themselves, improving their bodies by implanting and replacing parts of themselves with the products of their mad genius.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Tool Proficiency|Artificer|TCE|Renegade|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Skill Proficiency|Artificer|TCE|Renegade|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Renegade Spells|Artificer|TCE|Renegade|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Bionic Limbs|Artificer|TCE|Renegade|KCAA|3"
"name": "Tool Proficiency",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Renegade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with {@item smith’s tools|phb}. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of {@item artisan's tools|PHB} of your choice."
"name": "Skill Proficiency",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Renegade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Just as importantly, as part of adopting this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the {@skill Medicine} skill. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with another skill of your choice."
"name": "Renegade Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Renegade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Renegade Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Renegade Spells",
"colLabels": [
"Artificer Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
"{@spell searing smite}, {@spell thunderous smite}"
"{@spell branding smite}, {@spell see invisibility}"
"{@spell blinding smite}, {@spell fly}"
"{@spell dimension door}, {@spell staggering smite}"
"{@spell destructive wave}, {@spell steel wind strike|XGE}"
"name": "Bionic Limbs",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Renegade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"At 3rd level, you take the first major leap in your quest for self improvement, something that clearly announces your lack of limits and marks you as a renegade. You remove one or more of your limbs—usually a perfectly functional arm—and replace it with a special constructed prosthesis you refer to as a bionic limb.","When you make an unarmed strike with a bionic limb, you may choose to use Intelligence for the attack roll instead of Strength, and if you hit you deal bludgeoning damage equal to {@damage 1d8} + your Strength or Intelligence modifier (your choice).","Additionally, whenever you use the Attack action to make an unarmed strike with a bionic limb, you may use a bonus action to make an additional unarmed strike with a bionic limb.","Your bionic limbs are considered martial weapons worth at least 1 sp for all purposes and effects (such as the Enhanced Weapon infusion, or the {@spell steel wind strike|XGE} spell)."
"name": "Extra Attack",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Renegade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 5,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn."
"name": "Body Augmentation",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Renegade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 9,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 9th level, you have augmented so much of your body with artificial components that you gain the following benefits:",
{"type": "list","items": [
"You can, as a bonus action, cause your bionic limbs to become magical weapons for 1 minute.","While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Constitution modifier + your Intelligence modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.","You have a pool of self-maintenance energy that replenishes when you take a long rest. With that pool, you can restore a total number of hit points equal to twice your artificer level. As an action, you can draw points from the pool to restore a number of hit points to yourself, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool.","You may attune to and attach warforged component magic items, even if you are not a warforged."
"name": "Self-Made",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Artificer",
"classSource": "TCE",
"subclassShortName": "Renegade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 15,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 15th level, you have achieved your vision of perfection for yourself. So much of your body is replaced with artificial parts that any critical hit against you is treated as a normal hit, and you are no longer considered a humanoid. Instead, you are a construct. As a construct, you cannot be targeted by spells or effects that specifically target humanoids (such as {@spell dominate person}), and you cannot be affected by spells that explicitly exclude constructs (such as {@spell cure wounds}).","Additionally, you are immune to poison damage, the {@condition poisoned} condition, disease, exhaustion, and you cannot be {@condition petrified}. Finally, you cease to age and will continue to function indefinitely until destroyed due to accident or violence."
"name": "College of Thoughtsong",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Bard",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Thoughtsong",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"entries": [
"Originating in the isolated monasteries of Adar, the College of Thoughtsong unites the musical inspiration of bardic magic with psionic talent. “Thoughtsingers,” as these bards call themselves, project the music of pure emotions and feelings directly into the minds of their audience. Adaran immigrants and kalashtar have spread this tradition to Khorvaire, and thoughtsingers are often on the front lines in the conflict between them and the Inspired.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Psionic Spellcasting|Bard|PHB|Thoughtsong|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Empathic Telepathy|Bard|PHB|Thoughtsong|KCAA|3"
"name": "Psionic Spellcasting",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Bard",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Thoughtsong",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"When you join the College of Thoughtsong at 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast your bard spells as innate spells, requiring no components except material components with a listed cost.","Although you do not speak or make gestures when you cast a bard spell innately, there is an audible thrum in the air originating from you when you do so, and your eyes glow with psionic power as the spell takes effect. This makes it obvious you are the origin of whatever spell you are casting innately."
"name": "Empathic Telepathy",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Bard",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Thoughtsong",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"At 3rd level, you gain the ability to communicate with any creature within 60 feet of you using limited telepathy. You don’t need to see or share a language with a creature to communicate this way, but you can only project emotions, not words. You can communicate this way with any number of creatures within range you desire.","You may use this feature in conjunction with any other bard feature or spell to remove the requirement that you speak, sing, or orate, or that the creature affected by the feature or spell be able to hear you. (For instance, if an ally is within range of your Empathic Telepathy, you may grant them a Bardic Inspiration die without speaking a word, projecting a swelling surge of hope and determination directly into their mind. Alternatively, if you know and cast {@spell vicious mockery}, you may project scorn and derision at a target within your Empathic Telepathy range, allowing you to affect the target of that spell without needing to be heard.)"
"name": "Secrets of Thoughtsong",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Bard",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Thoughtsong",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 6th level, you learn two spells of your choice from the following list: {@spell aid}, {@spell beacon of hope}, {@spell bless}, {@spell blur}, {@spell command}, {@spell detect evil and good}, {@spell divine favor}, {@spell encode thoughts|GGR}, {@spell enemies abound|XGE}, {@spell guidance}, {@spell haste}, {@spell mage armor}, {@spell mass healing word}, {@spell mind spike|XGE}, {@spell mirror image}, {@spell prayer of healing}, {@spell protection from evil and good}, {@spell sanctuary}, {@spell shield of faith}, {@spell thaumaturgy}, and {@spell warding bond}.","The chosen spells count as bard spells for you but don't count against the number of bard spells you know."
"name": "Music of the Mind",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 52,
"className": "Bard",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Thoughtsong",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 14,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Beginning at 14th level, you may start or continue a Countercharm performance for creatures within range of your Empathic Telepathy as a bonus action, instead of an action.","Additionally, as a bonus action while you are performing your Countercharm, you may grant each affected creature an immediate saving throw to end any spell or effect on itself that a Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma saving throw can end, ending the effect on a success. You may only grant this additional saving throw once, and must then finish a short or long rest before doing so again."
"name": "Blood Domain",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 59,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Blood",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"entries": [
"The Blood domain asserts that the ultimate divinity does not lie with the gods, but with the blood that sustains all living creatures. Seekers of the divinity within value mortal power above all, work to sustain life and the community, and aim to avoid death at all costs. Acolytes following the principles of this domain often have a complex relationship with the undead; intelligent undead may be pitied or hated for having lost their spark of the divine, or they may be venerated as tragic heroes having made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of the faith. Deities of any alignment are unlikely to claim influence over this subversive domain. Instead, it is typified by anti-theistic faiths such as the Blood of Vol.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Domain Spells|Cleric|PHB|Blood|KCAA|1"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Bonus Proficiency|Cleric|PHB|Blood|KCAA|1"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Sanguine Sacrifice|Cleric|PHB|Blood|KCAA|1"
"name": "Domain Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 59,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Blood",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Blood Domain Spells table.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Blood Domain Spells",
"colLabels": [
"Cleric Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
"{@spell false life}, {@spell inflict wounds}"
"{@spell gentle repose}, {@spell prayer of healing}"
"{@spell life transference|XGE}, {@spell revivify}"
"{@spell blight}, {@spell death ward}"
"{@spell dispel evil and good}, {@spell raise dead}"
"name": "Bonus Proficiency",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 59,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Blood",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons."
"name": "Sanguine Sacrifice",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 59,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Blood",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Starting at 1st level, you can give the gift of the divinity within your own blood. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, you can choose to restore an additional {@dice 1d6} hit points. If you do, you take {@damage 1d4} necrotic damage. For each spell level above 1st, you restore a further {@dice 1d6} hit points and take a further {@damage 1d4} necrotic damage.","If the spell restores hit points to multiple targets, you can choose whether to use this ability with each target separately. However, you take necrotic damage for each target you choose. For example, if you cast {@spell mass healing word} using a 3rd level spell slot and choose to restore additional hit points to two targets, each gains an additional {@dice 3d6} hit points and you take {@damage 6d4} necrotic damage.","The necrotic damage you take from this ability cannot be reduced by any means."
"name": "Channel Divinity: Thief of Life",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 59,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Blood",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 2nd level, you have learned to steal the lifeblood of those who do not deserve its blessing.","When you deal necrotic damage to a creature, you can use your Channel Divinity to restore hit points to yourself or to one willing creature within 30 feet. The number of hit points you restore is equal to half the amount of necrotic damage you dealt (rounded down). If you dealt necrotic damage to multiple creatures, the amount of hit points you restore is determined by the damage you dealt to only one target."
"name": "Blood of the Faithful",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 59,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Blood",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 6th level, you can reclaim the divinity of your blood from your enemies and distribute it amongst the faithful. When you take damage, you may use your reaction to cause creatures of your choice within 30 feet to gain temporary hit points equal to half your cleric level (rounded down).","You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest."
"name": "Divine Strike",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 59,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Blood",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 8,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra {@damage 1d8} necrotic damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to {@damage 2d8}."
"name": "Immortality",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 59,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Blood",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 17,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 17th level, you have harnessed the power the of Divinity Within in its ultimate form. When you drink the blood of a creature that has been killed within 1 hour (or that has been magically preserved, for example using a {@spell gentle repose} spell), your body does not age for one year. In addition, you are immune to disease, poison damage and the {@condition poisoned} condition for that period."
"name": "Corruption Domain",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 60,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Corruption",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"entries": [
"Gods and faiths of corruption—including Tharizdun, the Shadow, and Cults of the Dragon Below—exist to warp and debase all around them in mind or body, or both. While usually evil, clerics of corruption oftenbelieve they are improving those whose lives they touch, and sometimes amass cults that willingly submit to the change they bring about.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Domain Spells|Cleric|PHB|Corruption|KCAA|1"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Bonus Proficiency|Cleric|PHB|Corruption|KCAA|1"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Fleshcraft|Cleric|PHB|Corruption|KCAA|1"
"name": "Domain Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 60,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Corruption",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Corruption Domain Spells table.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Corruption Domain Spells",
"colLabels": [
"Cleric Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
"{@spell bane}, {@spell ray of sickness}"
"{@spell blindness/deafness}, {@spell crown of madness}"
"{@spell bestow curse}, {@spell gaseous form}"
"{@spell stoneskin}, {@spell polymorph}"
"{@spell contagion}, {@spell modify memory}"
"name": "Bonus Proficiency",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 60,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Corruption",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons."
"name": "Fleshcraft",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 60,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Corruption",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"At 1st level, you gain the ability to magically warp the flesh of those you deem worthy of the honor. As an action, you may target up to 2 creatures within 60 feet. Each target must succeed on a Constitution save or take {@damage 1d4} necrotic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll they make before the end of their next turn. This damage increases by {@damage 1d4} when you reach 5th level ({@damage 2d4}), 11th level ({@damage 3d4}), and 17th level ({@damage 4d4}). This ability has no effect on constructs and plants."
"name": "Channel Divinity: Pernicious Twisting",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 60,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Corruption",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to intensify effects that debase your foe's minds and bodies.","When you roll psychic or necrotic damage, you can use your Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage, instead of rolling."
"name": "Channel Divinity: Beckoning Depravity",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 60,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Corruption",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 6th level, when a creature within 30 feet of you makes a saving throw against a transmutation or enchantment effect, you can use your reaction to impose a penalty to the creature's save equal to the result of a {@dice 1d10} roll, using your Channel Divinity. You make this choice before the DM says whether the save succeeds or fails."
"name": "Divine Strike",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 60,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Corruption",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 8,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra {@damage 1d8} psychic damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to {@damage 2d8}."
"name": "Master of Mutation",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 60,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Corruption",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 17,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 17th level, when you cast a transmutation spell of 1st through 5th level that targets only one creature, the spell can instead target two creatures within range and within 5 feet of each other. If the spell consumes its material components, you must provide them for each target."
"name": "Creation Domain",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 60,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Creation",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"entries": [
"Gods of creation—including Hephaestus, Gond, Onatar, and The Traveler—embody ideals of innovation, craftsmanship, skill. Clerics of creation see beauty in craftsmanship of many kinds, and most believe any creative endeavor is worthwhile. These clerics specifically look to constructs as perfect examples of achievements in ingenuity.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Domain Spells|Cleric|PHB|Creation|KCAA|1"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Bonus Proficiency|Cleric|PHB|Creation|KCAA|1"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Anointed Craftsmanship|Cleric|PHB|Creation|KCAA|1"
"name": "Domain Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 60,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Creation",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Creation Domain Spells table.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Creation Domain Spells",
"colLabels": [
"Cleric Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
"{@spell identify}, {@spell magewright's incantation|KCAA}"
"{@spell cloud of daggers}, {@spell spiritual weapon}"
"{@spell glyph of warding}, {@spell Leomund's tiny hut}"
"{@spell fabricate}, {@spell stone shape}"
"{@spell animate objects}, {@spell wall of stone}"
"name": "Bonus Proficiency",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 60,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Creation",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"At 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor."
"name": "Anointed Craftsmanship",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 60,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Creation",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Also at 1st level, you become proficient in your choice of two kinds of {@item artisan’s tools|phb}. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of those tools.","Additionally, you can affect constructs with any spell that restores hit points as if they were living creatures."
"name": "Channel Divinity: Benediction Ward",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 60,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Creation",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 2nd level, you use your Channel Divinity to utter a quick prayer, fortifying your armor and delivering you from harm. When you are attacked while wearing armor, you can use your Channel Divinity to gain a +10 bonus to your Armor Class against that attack. You make this choice after the attack hits, but before the DM describes the results of the attack (such as damage)."
"name": "Channel Divinity: Protective Miracle",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 61,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Creation",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 6th level, when a creature wearing armor within 30 feet of you is attacked, you can use your reaction to grant that creature a +10 bonus to their Armor Class against that attack, using Channel Divinity. You make this choice after the attack hits, but before the DM describes the results of the attack (such as damage)."
"name": "Divine Strike",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 61,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Creation",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 8,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra {@damage 1d8} damage to the target. This damage is either fire or radiant damage, whichever the target is least resistant to. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to {@damage 2d8}."
"name": "Magnum Opus",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 61,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Creation",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 17,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 17th level, you have the opportunity to create a singularly impressive magic item. If you have Inspiration, you may use it to spend one workweek of downtime to create a magic item of up to legendary rarity at no cost and without a schema or rare component. (Your DM has a list of appropriate magic items, such as those found in the Dungeon Master's Guide. You can also work with your DM to create a brand-new magic item.) You may only create one magic item this way; it is the ultimate sign of devotion to your god of creation."
"name": "Greed Domain",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 61,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Greed",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"entries": [
"Gods of greed—including Tiamat, Hiddukel, and the Keeper—are gods concerned with the amassing and hoarding of wealth. Clerics of greed are typically willing to employ unfair trade practices, legal loopholes, and outright deception to ensure they come out on top of any transaction. Additionally, they tend toward the paranoid, constantly worried about the security of their vaults, worried that their ill-gotten gains may be ill-gotten by others in turn.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Domain Spells|Cleric|PHB|Greed|KCAA|1"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Acolyte of Avarice|Cleric|PHB|Greed|KCAA|1"
"name": "Domain Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 61,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Greed",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Greed Domain Spells table.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Greed Domain Spells",
"colLabels": [
"Cleric Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
"{@spell alarm}, {@spell charm person}"
"{@spell detect thoughts}, {@spell locate object}"
"{@spell bestow curse}, {@spell glyph of warding}"
"{@spell Leomund's secret chest}, {@spell Mordenkainen's private sanctum}"
"{@spell dominate person}, {@spell geas}"
"name": "Acolyte of Avarice",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 61,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Greed",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"At 1st level, you learn the {@spell friends} cantrip. You also gain proficiency with the {@skill Deception} skill and one of the following skills: {@skill Insight}, {@skill Intimidate}, or {@skill Persuasion}."
"name": "Channel Divinity: Illusory Coins",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 61,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Greed",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 2nd level, you can use Channel Divinity to project the image of wealth.","As an action, you can present your holy symbol to cloak a collection of stones, wood chips, or other worthless items in an illusion that makes them feel, sound, and look like gold coins. You can cloak enough small worthless items to make up to 10 illusory coins per cleric level. The illusion lasts for 10 minutes.","A creature can use these fake coins to make themselves appear more affluent than normal. Flashing one or more of these coins while attempting a Charisma ({@skill Persuasion}) check allows the creature to apply double their proficiency bonus to the check, instead of any proficiency bonus they may normally apply.","If these coins are handed over to a creature that is not informed of their nature, the creature may make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. If they succeed, they know the true nature of whatever worthless item your illusion was masking (and are likely to become hostile if you were attempting to defraud them). If they fail their save, they accept the coins as real (and will accept them as legal tender). However, after 10 minutes, the illusion will fade and they will act accordingly."
"name": "Hoarder's Boon",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 61,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Greed",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 6th level, whenever you make an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check with advantage and both rolls would have succeeded, or if you gained a bonus from a class feature or spell and would have succeeded without the bonus, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier plus your cleric level.","In addition, whenever you receive temporary hit points from any source (including this ability) and are at maximum hit points, you receive twice as many temporary hit points as normal from the effect."
"name": "Spellmiser",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 62,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Greed",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 6th level, whenever you cast a spell with a costly material component, you may make a Charisma ({@skill Deception}) check with a DC equal to 14 + spell level. If you succeed on the check, you can cast the spell with no costly material component. If you fail, the spell fails and you can't cast or prepare that spell for 7 days."
"name": "Divine Strike",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 62,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Greed",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 8,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra {@damage 1d8} force damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to {@damage 2d8}."
"name": "Improved Spellmiser",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 62,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Greed",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 17,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 17th level, you can choose to automatically succeed on the Charisma ({@skill Deception}) checks you make when using Spellmiser.","You can use Improved Spellmiser a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest."
"name": "Passion Domain",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 62,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Passion",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"entries": [
"Gods and faiths of passion—including Dionysus, Sune, the Fury, and Cults of the Dragon Below—entreat their followers to live their lives without inhibition. The more benevolent gods of passion believe in love and art as a force of nature, while darker faiths of passion tend to exhort their followers to mad revelries that are often destructive.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Domain Spells|Cleric|PHB|Passion|KCAA|1"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Blessings of Passion|Cleric|PHB|Passion|KCAA|1"
"name": "Domain Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 62,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Passion",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Passion Domain Spells table.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Passion Domain Spells",
"colLabels": [
"Cleric Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
"{@spell charm person}, {@spell Tasha's hideous laughter}"
"{@spell enthrall}, {@spell crown of madness}"
"{@spell beacon of hope}, {@spell hypnotic pattern}"
"{@spell freedom of movement}, {@spell confusion}"
"{@spell dream}, {@spell dominate person}"
"name": "Blessings of Passion",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 62,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Passion",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"At 1st level, you gain proficiency in your choice of two of the following skills and/or tools: {@skill Intimidation}, {@skill Performance}, {@skill Persuasion}, {@skill Insight}, {@item calligrapher's supplies|PHB}, {@item glassblower's tools|PHB}, {@item jeweler's tools|PHB}, {@item painter's supplies|PHB}, {@item potter's tools|PHB}, {@item weaver's tools|PHB}, {@item woodcarver's tools|PHB}, or one kind of {@item musical instrument|PHB}.","Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses one of the above chosen skills or tools."
"name": "Channel Divinity: Passionate Rebuke",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 62,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Passion",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 2nd level, you can use your pain to lash out with an ardent howl.","As a bonus action when you are below maximum hit points, you can use your Channel Divinity to deal psychic or thunder damage (your choice) equal to {@damage 1d6} + your cleric level to every creature within 5 feet of you."
"name": "Channel Divinity: Bestow Inspiration",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 62,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Passion",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 6th level, you can use Channel Divinity grant yourself or a creature within 30 feet that you the ability to gain advantage on any one attack roll, saving throw, or ability check they desire. Affect creatures can only maintain one ability to gain advantage this way at a time, and the ability to do so only lasts until they finish a long rest."
"name": "Divine Strike",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 62,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Passion",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 8,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra {@damage 1d8} psychic damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to {@damage 2d8}."
"name": "Supreme Enchantment",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 62,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Passion",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 17,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 17th level, creatures have disadvantage against your enchantment spells."
"name": "Trade Domain",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 63,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Trade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"entries": [
"Gods of trade—including Tymora, Erathis, and Kol Korran—are gods concerned with the growth of commerce and balanced economies. Clerics of trade encourage fair business practices so society as a whole prospers. Well protected roads and other means of travel are also important to faiths that promote trade, as engaging in an integrated economy with one’s neighbors elevates the standard of living for all.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Domain Spells|Cleric|PHB|Trade|KCAA|1"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Blessings of Trade|Cleric|PHB|Trade|KCAA|1"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Coin Toss|Cleric|PHB|Trade|KCAA|1"
"name": "Domain Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 63,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Trade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Trade Domain Spells table.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Trade Domain Spells",
"colLabels": [
"Cleric Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
"{@spell identify}, {@spell longstrider}"
"{@spell locate object}, {@spell zone of truth}"
"{@spell haste}, {@spell phantom steed}"
"{@spell dimension door}, {@spell divination}"
"{@spell legend lore}, {@spell teleportation circle}"
"name": "Blessings of Trade",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 63,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Trade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"At 1st level, you gain proficiency with two of the following skills or tools: {@skill Insight}, {@skill Persuasion}, one set of {@item artisan's tools|PHB}, {@item herbalism kit|PHB}, or one kind of vehicle (land or water).","Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of these skills or tools."
"name": "Coin Toss",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 63,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Trade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Also at 1st level, you know the {@spell magic stones|XGE} cantrip and it is a cleric cantrip for you.","When you cast {@spell magic stones|XGE}, you must touch one to three coins, rather than pebbles. These coins can be of any value but must be legal tender. Any coins imbued with magic from {@spell magic stones|XGE} that you use to make an attack are undamaged after the attack and can be retrieved."
"name": "Channel Divinity: Eye for Treasure",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 63,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Trade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 2nd level, you are gifted with a divine eye for wealth.","As an action, you can use your Channel Divinity to instantly recognize the most valuable item that you can see within 60 feet of you. Typically, this will point out to you the rarest magic item that might be in your field of vision, but sometimes a mundane item may be worth more, such as the crown jewels on a king's head being worth more than the magical armor he is wearing."
"name": "Channel Divinity: Divine Mediator",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 63,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Trade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 6th level, as an action, you can use Channel Divinity to enhance your ability to negotiate, deal, and haggle. For one hour, you have advantage on all Charisma checks directed toward creatures that are not hostile to you."
"name": "The Language of Commerce",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 63,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Trade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 6th level, you gain the magical ability to understand and speak any language that a non-hostile creature knows and speaks to you. Knowledge of this language is imparted instantly, so you understand the first foreign word spoken by the creature, and knowledge of the language remains with you for up to a minute since it is last spoken to you by a non-hostile creature."
"name": "Improved Coin Toss",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 62,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Trade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 8,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 8th level, whenever you take the Attack action to make ranged attacks with coins magically imbued by your {@spell magic stones|XGE} cantrip, you may make two attacks.","When you reach 14th level, you may make three attacks with imbued coins as part of the Attack action."
"name": "Supernal Negotiator",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 62,
"className": "Cleric",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Trade",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 17,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"When you reach 17th level, your reputation for fair trade and equitable negotiation has reached other planes of existence. You may cast {@spell planar ally} or {@spell plane shift} without expending a spell slot once and regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest.","Furthermore, whenever you cast {@spell planar ally} and begin bargaining with the entity for its services, make a Charisma ({@skill Persuasion}) check contested by the Wisdom ({@skill Insight}) check of the summoned creature. If your check succeeds, the creature requires only half the payment normally required for the task you request of it (modified after all other considerations, such as relative danger or if the task aligns with the creature's interests). If your check fails, bargaining with the entity proceeds as normal."
"name": "Circle of Sealing",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 71,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Sealing",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"entries": [
"The Circle of Sealing is one of the oldest known druidic circles on Khorvaire, believed to be one of the three circles of druidism taught to the original orc druids by Vvarrak. However, despite its age, the Circle of Sealing is exclusively found among the Gatekeeper druidic sect. Druids of this circle attune with and protect the reality of the material plane as a whole, rather than a single environment like druids of the Circle of the Land. Though not all Gatekeeper druids follow the Circle of Sealing, those that do possess the knowledge and means to safeguard the world against extraplanar threats, and typically lead the sect.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Planar Lore|Druid|PHB|Sealing|KCAA|2"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Aberration Bane|Druid|PHB|Sealing|KCAA|2"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Sealing Spells|Druid|PHB|Sealing|KCAA|2"
"name": "Planar Lore",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 71,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Sealing",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you may recall lore about planes of existence, the inhabitants of those planes, and aberrations with a {@skill Nature} skill check. When you do, you add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.","Additionally, as an action, you can sense the distance and direction of the nearest manifest zone within 5 miles of you, and you determine which plane of existence it is tied to. Once you take this action, you must finish a short or long rest before you may do so again."
"name": "Aberration Bane",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 71,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Sealing",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Though unknown to most, you are aware that most aberrations are in fact extraplanar threats alien to the world. Starting at 2nd level, any druid spell you cast that only functions on celestials, elementals, fiends, or fey, also functions on aberrations.","Additionally, when you cast the {@spell moonbeam} spell, aberrations make their saving throw to resist it with disadvantage."
"name": "Sealing Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 71,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Sealing",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"The Gatekeeper druids perceive reality itself as nature, and so are taught a broader range of spells to help defend it. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 17th level you gain access to circle spells. Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Sealing Spells",
"colLabels": [
"Druid Level",
"Circle Spells"
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
"{@spell detect evil and good}, {@spell protection from evil and good}"
"{@spell glyph of warding}, {@spell magic circle}"
"{@spell banishment}, {@spell dimension door}"
"{@spell dispel evil and good}, {@spell wall of force}"
"name": "Repel Aberration",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 71,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Sealing",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"When you reach 6th level, you gain the ability to create a wave of natural purity that aberrations abhor. As an action, you present your druidic focus and channel the natural purity of Eberron. Each aberration within 60 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC equal to your druid spell save DC. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is repelled for as long as you concentrate on this effect, for up to 1 minute, or until it takes any damage.","A repelled aberration can't willingly move to a space within 60 feet of you. If it begins its turn within 60 feet of you, it must immediately use its movement to move away from you. If at the end of this movement, it is still within 60 feet of you, it must use the Dash action to continue moving away from you. The aberration's actions are not otherwise restricted; it can fight other creatures, use spells and abilities, attack you with ranged weapons, etc.","If you approach a repelled aberration to within 60 feet on your turn, it is no longer repelled. You can use this ability twice, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a short orlong rest."
"name": "True Banishment",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 71,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Sealing",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 10,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 10th level, whenever you create an effect that would banish a fiend or aberration from the material plane or imprison them in Khyber—such as casting {@spell banishment} or the using the dismissal effect of {@spell dispel evil and good}—aberrations and fiends gain no benefit from any Magic Resistance trait they might have against the effect you created and such creatures have disadvantage on any saving throws to resist the effect."
"name": "Natural Clarity",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 71,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Sealing",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 14,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 14th level, you can no longer become {@condition charmed} or {@condition stunned}, and you are immune to having your form changed unwillingly (such as from a {@spell polymorph} spell)."
"name": "Circle of the Path",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 67,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Path",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"entries": [
"Druids of the Circle of the Path exclusively belong to the Greensinger druidic sect. While it may be easy for others to dismiss the Greensingers as a bunch of capricious wild-folk that cavort with fey, they have a surprisingly deep connection to nature and the planes. Their close ties with Thelanis, the Faerie Court, have planted the seeds for a new planar philosophy of druidism. While other druidic sects believe that the 'natural world' begins and ends with the material plane, Greensingers of the Circle of the Path maintain that all planes of existence have a place in the natural order—even perhaps Xoriat, the Realm of Madness. The Circle of the Path is a relatively new philosophy within the Greensinger sect, which is mostly comprised of druids of the circle of the land, moon, or song.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Extraplanar Attunement|Druid|PHB|Path|KCAA|2"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Sense Manifest Zone|Druid|PHB|Path|KCAA|2"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Planar Spells|Druid|PHB|Path|KCAA|2"
"name": "Extraplanar Attunement",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 67,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Path",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you choose a plane of existence other than the material plane and learn that plane's language if it has one associated with it. Most of your Circle of the Path features are tied to your chosen plane.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Planes of Existence",
"colLabels": ["Plane","Language"],
"colStyles": ["col-6 text-center","col-6"],
"rows": [
["Daanvi, the Perfect Order","Daan"],
["Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams","Quori"],
["Dolurrh, the Realm of the Dead","-"],
["Fernia, the Sea of Fire","Ignan"],
["Irian, the Eternal Day","Irial"],
["Kythri, the Churning Chaos","Kythric"],
["Lamannia, the Twilight Forest","Primordial"],
["Mabar, the Endless Night","Mabaran"],
["Risia, the Plain of Ice","Risian"],
["Shavarath, the Battleground","Abyssal, Celestial, or Infernal"],
["Syrania, the Azure Sky","Celestial"],
["Thelanis, the Faerie Court","Sylvan"],
["Xoriat, the Realm of Madness","Daelkyr"]
"name": "Sense Manifest Zone",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 67,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Path",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Starting at 2nd level, you can feel where the barrier between realities is permeable. As an action, you can automatically determine the direction and distance to the nearest manifest zone, as well as identify which plane the manifest zone is tied to. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again."
"name": "Planar Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 68,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Path",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"The Greensinger druids of the Circle of the Path are a varied bunch, as would be expected from such a wild, eclectic druidic tradition. All Circle of the Path druids gain access to path circle spells at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level, plus additional circle spells that are tied to their chosen plane. Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Path",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell misty step}"],
["5th","{@spell blink}"],
["7th","{@spell banishment}"],
["9th","{@spell contact other plane}"]
"type": "table",
"caption": "Daanvi, the Perfect Order",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell zone of truth}"],
["5th","{@spell dispel magic}"],
["7th","{@spell divination}"],
["9th","{@spell geas}"]
"type": "table",
"caption": "Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell detect thoughts}"],
["5th","{@spell fear}"],
["7th","{@spell phantasmal killer}"],
["9th","{@spell dream}"]
"type": "table",
"caption": "Dolurrh, the Realm of the Dead",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell gentle repose}"],
["5th","{@spell speak with dead}"],
["7th","{@spell blight}"],
["9th","{@spell antilife shell}"]
"type": "table",
"caption": "Fernia, the Sea of Fire",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell scorching ray}"],
["5th","{@spell fireball}"],
["7th","{@spell wall of fire}"],
["9th","{@spell immolation|XGE}"]
"type": "table",
"caption": "Irian, the Eternal Day",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell prayer of healing}"],
["5th","{@spell mass healing word}"],
["7th","{@spell death ward}"],
["9th","{@spell dawn|XGE}"]
"type": "table",
"caption": "Kythri, the Churning Chaos",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell shatter}"],
["5th","{@spell gaseous form}"],
["7th","{@spell hallucinatory terrain}"],
["9th","{@spell Bigby's hand}"]
"type": "table",
"caption": "Lamannia, the Twilight Forest",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell beast sense}"],
["5th","{@spell conjure animals}"],
["7th","{@spell conjure minor elementals}"],
["9th","{@spell conjure elemental}"]
"type": "table",
"caption": "Mabar, the Endless Night",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell darkness}"],
["5th","{@spell animate dead}"],
["7th","{@spell shadow of moil|XGE}"],
["9th","{@spell negative energy flood|XGE}"]
"type": "table",
"caption": "Risia, the Plane of Ice",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell Snilloc's snowball swarm|XGE}"],
["5th","{@spell sleet storm}"],
["7th","{@spell ice storm}"],
["9th","{@spell cone of cold}"]
"type": "table",
"caption": "Shavarath, the Battleground",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell cloud of daggers}"],
["5th","{@spell phantom steed}"],
["7th","{@spell guardian of faith}"],
["9th","{@spell dispel evil and good}"]
"type": "table",
"caption": "Syrania, the Azure Sky",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell calm emotions}"],
["5th","{@spell fly}"],
["7th","{@spell aura of life}"],
["9th","{@spell hallow}"]
"type": "table",
"caption": "Thelanis, the Faerie Court",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell enlarge/reduce}"],
["5th","{@spell hypnotic pattern}"],
["7th","{@spell conjure woodland beings}"],
["9th","{@spell mislead}"]
"type": "table",
"caption": "Xoriat, the Realm of Madness",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell mind spike|XGE}"],
["5th","{@spell enemies abound|XGE}"],
["7th","{@spell confusion}"],
["9th","{@spell synaptic static|XGE}"]
"name": "Conjure Manifest Zone",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 69,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Path",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 6th level, you can create a temporary, intense manifest zone tied to your chosen plane. This manifest zone is 20 feet radius sphere that can intersect any physical barrier (though the center point of the sphere must be within line of sight). All creatures in the zone are immediately affected by it as it appears (including yourself if you manifested it so that it overlapped your space) unless they spend their reaction to attempt a Dexterity saving throw against your spell DC. On a failure, they fall prone tripping over themselves trying to escape the manifest zone. If they succeed, their reaction is spent running and diving out of the zone, landing prone in the closest space just outside of the zone's radius. Otherwise, creatures are affected by the zone as soon as they enter or start their turn inside it.","The zone lasts as long as you concentrate, for up to 10 minutes. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again. Your manifest zone has the following effects depending on your chosen plane.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Daanvi",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Impeded Magic",
"entries": [
"While within the manifest zone, spellcasters must succeed on a Constitution save to cast a spell (DC 10 + spell level)."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Night Terrors",
"entries": [
"Creatures in the manifest zone are put into a magical sleep unless they succeed on a Wisdom save against your Spell DC. At the end of every turn a creature remains in the zone, they can repeat their saving throw. Every failed save after the first deals {@damage 2d12} psychic damage. Any damage the creature takes other than this psychic damage automatically wakes them up, but no amount of shaking will wake them."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Dolurrh",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Weight of Oblivion",
"entries": [
"It costs 5 feet of movement to move 1 foot of distance within the manifest zone, and all Strength ({@skill Athletics}) and Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) checks are made with disadvantage."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Fernia",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Flame Tide",
"entries": [
"The entire manifest zone is engulfed in flames, automatically dealing {@damage 2d6} fire damage to every creature as the manifest zone appears, then at the end of every turn they remain in the manifest zone, no save."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Irian",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Radiant Suffusion",
"entries": [
"The manifest zone is bathed in bright light and all creatures within gain {@damage 2d10} temporary hit points as the manifest zone appears, then at the beginning of every turn they remain in the manifest zone. These hit points last until the next sunset."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Kythri",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Topsy Turvy",
"entries": [
"Gravity changes directions within the manifest zone at the end of each of your turns. Roll a {@dice d6}. The side that the 6 appears on after the roll is the subjective direction of 'down'. Creatures attempting to resist being flung aside or falling into the sky must make a Strength saving throw against your Spell DC to hang onto the 'ground' or any available handholds. If they fail, the begin falling in the current direction of 'down' and take falling damage should they strike a solid surface from a sufficient height. Should a creature fall unobstructed out of the manifest zone, they are subjected to normal gravity and fall prone. If they 'fall' out of the top of the manifest zone, they remain there, oscillating slightly, until the zone disappears."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Lamannia",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Instant Forest",
"entries": [
"Plant life explodes within the manifest zone, which becomes difficult terrain. In addition, creatures have total cover against other creatures further than 5 feet away while inside the zone."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Mabar",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Devouring Shadows",
"entries": [
"The manifest zone is blanketed in magical darkness and all creatures within take {@damage 2d6} necrotic damage as the manifest zone appears, then at the end of every turn they remain in the manifest zone, no save."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Risia",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Flash Freeze",
"entries": [
"All liquids instantly freeze solid within the manifest zone, and creatures automatically take {@damage 2d6} cold damage as the manifest zone appears, then at the end of every turn they remain in the manifest zone, no save."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Shavarath",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Whirling Blades",
"entries": [
"Flying, whirling blades wing through the manifest zone like a flock of birds. Creatures within the zone are subject to an attack from them as the manifest zone appears, then at the beginning of each of their turns while they remain in the manifest zone. The whirling blades attack using your Spell Attack bonus and on a hit they deal {@damage 3d6} + your Wisdom modifier slashing damage to their target. You are not immune to the blades’ attacks."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Syrania",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Wings of Angels",
"entries": [
"All creatures gain a magical fly speed equal to their walking speed while within the manifest zone. If they exit the zone, they fall gently as per the {@spell feather fall} spell."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Thelanis",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Stuttering Time",
"entries": [
"Time flows wildly within the manifest zone, causing each creature within to blink in and out of the present. All creatures in the zone are affected as though by the {@spell blink} spell for as long as they remain inside it."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Xoriat",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Insane Magic",
"entries": [
"All spells cast within the manifest zone fail, and the creature who attempted to cast the spell must then roll on the {@table Wild Magic Surge|PHB} table."
"name": "Planar Wild Shape",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 70,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Path",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 10,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"When you reach 10th level, you can expend two uses of Wild Shape at the same time to transform into a form appropriate to your chosen plane.",
"type": "table",
"colLabels": [
"Wild Shape Form"
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center",
"rows": [
["Daanvi","decaton modron (use the statistics for an {@creature otyugh|MM}, but it is a construct and has no bite attack)"],
["Dal Quor","{@creature tsoreva|KCTD} (The Korranberg Chronicle: Threat Dispatch, pg. 66)"],
["Dolurrh","{@creature ghost|MM}"],
["Fernia","{@creature fire elemental myrmidon|MTF|minor fire elemental myrmidon} (Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, pg. 203, but half hit points, –2 on attack rolls and saving throws)"],
["Irian","radiant elemental (use the statistics for a {@creature fire elemental|MM}, but replace all instances of fire damage with radiant damage)"],
["Kythri","{@creature red slaad|MM}"],
["Lamannia","{@creature wood woad|VGM}"],
["Mabar","{@creature shadow demon|MM}"],
["Risia","{@creature young remorhaz|MM}"],
["Shavarath","hound archon (use statistics for a {@creature gladiator|MM}, but it is a celestial and is dog-headed), {@creature barlgura|MM}, or {@creature barbed devil|MM}"],
["Syrania","{@creature unicorn|MM}"],
["Thelanis","{@creature green hag|MM}"],
["Xoriat","{@creature gibbering mouther|MM|giant gibbering mouther} (Large size, multiattack for 3 bite attacks and one spittle attack, hit point maximum of 137)"]
"name": "Planar Self",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 70,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Path",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 14,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"When you reach 14th level, you draw vitality and energy from your chosen plane. While on your chosen plane or in a manifest zone tied to it—including one you've conjured—you gain resistance to all damage and may choose to ignore that plane or manifest zone's effects.","Additionally, you gain the ability to innately cast {@spell plane shift} once without using a spell slot or requiring any components, but you can only travel between your chosen plane and the material plane with this feature. You regain the ability to cast the spell this way when you finish a long rest. This functions even if your plane is normally inaccessible (such as is the case with Xoriat and Dal Quor)."
"name": "Circle of the Guardian",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 65,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Guardian",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"entries": [
"Circle of the Guardian druids exclusively belong to the Wardens of the Wood sect. The Wardens believe in harmony between civilization and nature. They do not shun the innovations and progress of the Five Nations, so long as they do not unduly impact the wild. While most leaders and elders of the Wardens are druids of the Circle of the Land, druids of the Circle of the Guardian are respected commanders and stewards of the Warden's armed forces, as well as the training of initiates intending to join the Warden's military.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Warrior of the Wild|Druid|PHB|Guardian|KCAA|2"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Warding Spells|Druid|PHB|Guardian|KCAA|2"
"name": "Warrior of the Wild",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 65,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Guardian",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you gain proficiency with the {@skill Athletics} skill, heavy armor, and one martial weapon of your choice. The Wardens of the Wood are very progressive for druids, and do not place a large stigma on wearing metal armor or using metal shields, so long as the ore used to make them is sourced responsibly."
"name": "Warding Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 65,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Guardian",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"As the martial arm of the Wardens, druids of the Circle of the Guardian specialize in spells that allow them to protect their allies and hunt threats within the Towering Wood. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to circle spells. Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Warding Spells",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell blur}, {@spell warding bond}"],
["5th","{@spell aura of vitality}, {@spell haste}"],
["7th","{@spell guardian of nature|XGE}, {@spell locate creature}"],
["9th","{@spell hold monster}, {@spell wrath of nature|XGE}"]
"name": "Spirit Beast Companion",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 66,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Guardian",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 6th level, you can magically call forth a spirit companion embodying the primal power of the natural world. You can perform a special ritual that lasts for 8 hours. At the end of the ritual, you call forth a primal spirit that takes physical form as a {@creature Primal Beast|KCAA} of the Air, Land, or Water (you determine its appearance; see next page for statistics). You can have only one spirit companion at a time.","The spirit serves as your faithful companion and has a personality trait and a flaw that you can roll for or select from the tables below. Your companion shares your ideal, and its bond is always, “The druid who travels with me is a beloved companion for whom I would gladly give my life.'",
"type": "table",
"colLabels": ["{@dice d6}","Trait"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["1","I'm dauntless in the face of adversity"],
["2","Threaten my friends, threaten me"],
["3","People see an animal and underestimate me. I use that to my advantage"],
["4","I stay on alert so others can rest"],
["5","I have a knack for showing up in the nick of time"],
["6","I put my friends' needs before my own in all things"]
"type": "table",
"colLabels": ["{@dice d6}","Flaw"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["1","If there's food left unattended, I'll eat it"],
["2","I growl or screech at strangers, and all people except my druid are strangers to me"],
["3","Any time is a good time for a belly rub"],
["4","I'm deathly afraid of water"],
["5","My idea of hello is a flurry of licks to the face"],
["6","I jump on creatures to tell them how much I love them"]
"If your spirit companion is reduced to 0 hit points, it begins making death saving throws. If it dies, it disperses into mist and disappears. The bond you share allows you to return it to life when you finish a long rest, creating a new physical body for it. When it reforms this way—or if you perform another 8 hour ritual while it lives—you may change the spirit companion’s physical form, choosing between that of a Primal Beast of Air, Land, or Water again.","The spirit companion obeys your commands as best it can. In combat, it shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take the action in its stat block or the Dash, Disengage, Help, Hide, or Search action. If you are incapacitated or absent, your companion acts on its own."
"name": "Tooth and Claw and Spell",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 67,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Guardian",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 10,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 10th level, whenever your spirit companion uses the Attack action and hits a creature, you may cast a druid spell with a casting time of 1 action as a reaction with the same creature as the target of your spell."
"name": "Share Nature's Blessing",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 67,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Guardian",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 14,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Beginning at 14th level, when you cast a spell targeting yourself, you can also affect your spirit companion with the spell if the beast is within 60 feet of you."
"name": "Circle of Ruin",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 65,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Ruin",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"entries": [
"Circle of Ruin druids exclusively belong to the Children of Winter sect. The 'winter' that they take their name from is a metaphor for the cycle of death and decay, rather than the literal season, for when winter comes death blankets the land and only the strongest survive. Children of Winter believe that to live is to struggle against your own weakness, to fight for survival, and that it is the predator's right to kill the prey. While many of their leaders are druids of the Circle of Ruin, they respect Circle of the Moon druids among their kind as well.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Touch of Decay|Druid|PHB|Ruin|KCAA|2"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Final Harvest|Druid|PHB|Ruin|KCAA|2"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Spells of Decay|Druid|PHB|Ruin|KCAA|2"
"name": "Touch of Decay",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 65,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Ruin",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you learn the {@spell chill touch} cantrip. It does not count toward your limit of druid cantrips known."
"name": "Final Harvest",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 65,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Ruin",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Starting at 2nd level, you can reap the vital energy of a living creature upon their death. When you reduce a living creature within 5 feet of you to 0 hit points, as a bonus action you can regain a number of Hit Dice equal to your proficiency bonus, but no more than the creature possessed. This replenishment cannot increase your Hit Dice total to higher than your normal maximum. You cannot use this feature again until you finish a long rest."
"name": "Spells of Decay",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 65,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Ruin",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"The Children of Winter know that death and decay are the inevitable conclusion of life, and the spells they teach reflect this outlook. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to circle spells. Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Spells of Decay",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell blindness/deafness}, {@spell ray of enfeeblement}"],
["5th","{@spell stinking cloud}, {@spell vampiric touch}"],
["7th","{@spell blight}, {@spell rusting grasp|KCAA}"],
["9th","{@spell contagion}, {@spell insect plague}"]
"name": "Rotting Strike",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 65,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Ruin",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with the natural force of decay. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra {@damage 1d8} necrotic damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to {@damage 2d8}."
"name": "Monstrous Wild Shape",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 65,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Ruin",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 10,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 10th level, you can expend two uses of Wild Shape at the same time to transform into the following shapes: {@creature bulette|MM}, {@creature chuul|MM}, {@creature phase spider|MM}, or {@creature umber hulk|MM}."
"name": "The Fittest",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 65,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Ruin",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 14,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"When you reach 14th level, you have proven yourself a survivor in the face of death itself. You gain resistance to necrotic damage, and your hit point maximum cannot be reduced by an attack that deals necrotic damage."
"name": "Circle of Purity",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 64,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Purity",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"entries": [
"Circle of Purity druids exclusively belong to the Ashbound druidic sect. They believe that civilization is a corrupting force in the world, and typically smear wood ash on their faces as a symbol of its ravages. Though what counts as 'civilization' varies from one member of the sect to another, all are united in believing that arcane magic is the most pressing threat to nature that exists. All arcane works must be destroyed and practitioners of the arcane arts punished. While many influential members of the Ashbound are druids of the Circle of the Land, druids of the Circle of Purity are the best the they have at rooting out and countering the threat of unclean magic.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Know Thy Enemy|Druid|PHB|Purity|KCAA|2"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Sense Imbalance|Druid|PHB|Purity|KCAA|2"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Cleansing Spells|Druid|PHB|Purity|KCAA|2"
"name": "Know Thy Enemy",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 64,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Purity",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"The Ashbound harbor a deep hatred of arcane magic. For the purposes of your circle features, a spell or magic item is 'arcane' if it is a spell cast as an artificer, bard, sorcerer, swordmage, warlock or wizard spell, or is a magic item created by a creature capable of casting those spells. This incidentally includes the entire warforged race, as they are creations of artifice magic."
"name": "Sense Imbalance",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 64,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Purity",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"You perceive the presence of arcane magic as an unclean, dark blight upon the world and its creatures. As an action, you can open your awareness to detect such magic. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any creature able to cast arcane spells within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You can sense the highest level arcane spell slot they are capable of casting from, but do not know the spellcaster's identity (the famous artificer Baron Merrix d'Cannith, for instance). Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of arcane magic as if you had spent an action while concentrating on the detect magic spell.","Creatures with innate spellcasting do not register to your sense unless they also specifically cast arcane spells.","You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses."
"name": "Cleansing Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 64,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Purity",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"The Children of Winter know that death and decay are the inevitable conclusion of life, and the spells they teach reflect this outlook. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to circle spells. Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Cleansing Spells",
"colLabels": ["Druid Level","Circle Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell see invisibility}, {@spell silence}"],
["5th","{@spell counterspell}, {@spell dispel magic}"],
["7th","{@spell geas}, {@spell greater restoration}"],
["9th","{@spell globe of invulnerability}, {@spell true seeing}"]
"name": "Pierce the Arcane",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 64,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Purity",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 6th level, you are adept at bypassing the defenses of arcane magic. When you attack a creature benefiting from an arcane magic item or spell that grants a bonus or value to AC (such as a +1 shield or the mage armor spell), you have advantage on the attack roll.","You can use this ability twice. When you finish a short rest, you regain all expended uses."
"name": "Purity of Self",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 64,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Purity",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 10,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 10th level, you have resistance to any damage inflicted by an arcane spell, as well as bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage inflicted by arcane magical weapons."
"name": "Inner Balance",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 64,
"className": "Druid",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Purity",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 14,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"When you reach 14th level, your mind and body become attuned to the balance of nature, granting you protection from the corruption of arcane magic. You have advantage on saving throws against arcane spells and other arcane magical effects."
"name": "Oath of Liberty",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 76,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Liberty",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"entries": [
"History is pervaded with the presence of oppression and tyranny. But the tales of liberation—of freedom hard-fought for and won—are always the tales that inspire the most. People yearn to be free, and paladins who take the Oath of Liberty will give their all so that others may claim that freedom. Some call them freedom fighters, holy liberators, or knight saviors, but they humbly refuse the mantle of hero. To these paladins, they fight to preserve the freedom of all people, a thing which they believe shouldn't have to be fought for, in a perfect world. They're merely putting right what went wrong.","In the world of Eberron, many Paladins of Liberty devote themselves to Olladra, Dol Arrah, or Boldrei, but far more of these paladins follow no particular faith, except faith in the Code of Galifar. When it still existed, the Kingdom of Galifar was a shining example of just rule and protection against tyranny. It is said Galifar the First personally freed goblins from slavery and offered them full rights of citizenship in the nation he was forging. The Code of Galifar also guarantees the rights of all intelligent folk, be they human, elf, ogre, goblin, or gnoll, the right to life and liberty. In the current day, the reemergence of the institution of slavery with the rise of Darguun and Droaam has driven many paladins to speak new oaths, swearing by the law of a kingdom that no longer is, in the hope of a brighter tomorrow.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Tenets of Liberty|Paladin|PHB|Liberty|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Oath Spells|Paladin|PHB|Liberty|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Channel Divinity|Paladin|PHB|Liberty|KCAA|3"
"name": "Tenets of Liberty",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 76,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Liberty",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Paladins who swear an Oath of Liberty are usually fiercely individualistic and chafe under conformity, so there are as many different variations on the oath as there are paladins who swear it. However, they all share the same dedication to these ideals.",
{"type": "entries","name": "Freedom",
"entries": [
"Life is only worth living when lived free. The shackles of tyranny and oppression steal a person's ability to be who they were truly meant to be. One's destiny can only be attained when the choices leading up to it were free to be made."
},{"type": "entries","name": "Knowledge",
"entries": [
"In order to truly be free, you must be able to make informed decisions. You treasure knowledge that instills a deeper understanding of actions and consequences, and you are eager to teach and foster critical thinking in others, so they can make their own choices instead of blindly trusting another's decisions, even your own."
},{"type": "entries","name": "Equality",
"entries": [
"No one is born with inherently more value than another. Society might have granted the nobility the right to rule the common folk, but this is an accident of circumstance, as far as you are concerned. All sentient people are of equal value in your eyes."
},{"type": "entries","name": "Humility",
"entries": [
"You know all too well how much damage an out-of-control ego can do. Most tyrants don't see their own flaws, and their natural charisma and leadership ability allows them to exploit those around them. As a paladin, you are only too aware how similar you are to these despots, and how easy it might be for you to become one without realizing it. You are very conscious to seek the input of others and consider all opinions, deliberately stepping away from positions of sole leadership and authority."
"name": "Oath Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 77,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Liberty",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Oath of Liberty Spells",
"colLabels": ["Paladin Level","Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell comprehend languages}, {@spell protection from evil and good}"],
["5th","{@spell lesser restoration}, {@spell see invisibility}"],
["9th","{@spell remove curse}, {@spell tongues}"],
["13th","{@spell aura of purity}, {@spell freedom of movement}"],
["17th","{@spell dispel evil and good}, {@spell greater restoration}"]
"name": "Channel Divinity",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 77,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Liberty",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.",
{"type": "entries","name": "Bestow Epiphany",
"entries": [
"As a reaction, when a creature within 30 feet of you makes an ability check, you can use your Channel Divinity to bestow instant divine insight, giving that creature a +10 bonus to the roll. You make this choice as you see the roll, but before the DM says whether the outcome of the check is a success or failure."
{"type": "entries","name": "Break Command",
"entries": [
"As a reaction, you use your Channel Divinity and shout a divine word that can break an ally free of mental chains. One ally within 30 feet that can hear and understand you may immediately attempt another saving throw with advantage against any one effect imposed upon them by a failed Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw. If this saving throw succeeds, the effect on them ends immediately."
"name": "Aura of Freedom",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 77,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Liberty",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 7,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 7th level, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you can't become {@condition paralyzed} while you are conscious.","At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet."
"name": "Breaker of Chains",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 77,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Liberty",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 15,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"When you reach 15th level, any non-magical lock or restraint upon an unwilling living creature is automatically affected by a {@spell knock} spell if it enters your Aura of Freedom or your Aura of Freedom moves so as to overlap it. The object also shatters and is destroyed, and the noise this makes replaces the loud knock as per the spell. This noise is also audible from as far away as 300 feet.","Additionally, when a magical lock or restraint is within your Aura of Freedom, you may cast {@spell knock} on it once without expending a spell slot. Once you cast {@spell knock} in this way, you must complete a short or long rest before you may do so again."
"name": "Angel of Deliverance",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 77,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Liberty",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 20,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 20th level, you can assume the form of an angelic savior. Using your action, you undergo a transformation. For 1 hour, you gain the following benefits:",
{"type": "list","items": [
"Wings sprout from your back and grant you a flying speed of 60 feet.","You emanate an aura of liberty in a 60-foot radius. Within this radius, your allies are unaffected by difficult terrain, have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, can move without provoking opportunity attacks, and attack rolls against them are made with disadvantage."
"Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest."
"name": "Oath of the Unbroken",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 77,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Unbroken",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"entries": [
"'We are not your slaves. We were born bowed. But we are unbroken.' Such were the words spoken to King Boranel of Breland by Bastion, his warforged friend and companion.","Warforged are weapons. It is what they were created for. But now the warforged are free, and each of them must discover for themselves what kind of weapon they will be. Every warforged must now decide who or what they will fight for. Warforged paladins who swear the Oath of the Unbroken have decided to fight for their them.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Tenets of the Unbroken|Paladin|PHB|Unbroken|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Oath Spells|Paladin|PHB|Unbroken|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Channel Divinity|Paladin|PHB|Unbroken|KCAA|3"
"name": "Tenets of the Unbroken",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 78,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Unbroken",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"There is no central authority or unified coda for the Oath of the Unbroken. Every warforged paladin who swears this oath has come to it in their own way but shares the same ideals."
{"type": "entries","name": "Freedom",
"entries": [
"You were forged into servitude, but now are free. You have yet to fully explore your freedom, but you know it is precious. All living beings deserve to decide for themselves their own fates, you are certain."
},{"type": "entries","name": "Compassion",
"entries": [
"Have empathy for your enemies, even if you must fight them. Some have lived a life of nothing but violence and know no other way."
},{"type": "entries","name": "Patience",
"entries": [
"The warforged will not die of old age, so you are told. Therefore, you have no need to rush to conclusions or make rash judgments. Make sure your actions do not encroach on the freedom of others and be understanding of those who have yet to see your wisdom."
},{"type": "entries","name": "Guide, not Command",
"entries": [
"The warforged were indoctrinated to take orders, and you know that even in freedom many warforged still seek a strong leader to follow. Though you abhor the thought of commanding obedience, you know it is your duty to guide all who will listen in the virtues of compassion, patience, and freedom."
"name": "Oath Spells",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 78,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Unbroken",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Oath of the Unbroken Spells",
"colLabels": ["Paladin Level","Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell bless}, {@spell sanctuary}"],
["5th","{@spell lesser restoration}, {@spell magic weapon}"],
["9th","{@spell beacon of hope}, {@spell remove curse}"],
["13th","{@spell aura of purity}, {@spell freedom of movement}"],
["17th","{@spell dispel evil and good}, {@spell mass cure wounds}"]
"name": "Channel Divinity",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 78,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Unbroken",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.",
{"type": "entries","name": "Break Command",
"entries": [
"As a reaction, you use your Channel Divinity and shout a divine word that can break an ally free of mental chains. One ally within 30 feet that can hear and understand you may immediately attempt another saving throw with advantage against any one effect imposed upon them by a failed Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw. If this saving throw succeeds, the effect on them ends immediately."
{"type": "entries","name": "Sacred Bulwark",
"entries": [
"As an action, you can imbue one shield you touch with positive energy, using your Channel Divinity. For 1 minute, whoever is using the shield gains temporary hit points at the start of each of their turns equal to your Charisma modifier. The shield also emits a bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light 20 feet beyond that. If the shield is not already magical, it becomes magical for the duration.","You can end this effect at any time (no action required) even if it is not your turn. If you fall unconscious, this effect ends. When it ends, any temporary hit points granted by the effect disappear."
"name": "Aura of Freedom",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 78,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Unbroken",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 7,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 7th level, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you can't become {@condition paralyzed} while you are conscious.","At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet."
"name": "Blessed Guidance",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 78,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Unbroken",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 15,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"When you reach 15th level, you learn the {@spell guidance} cantrip. When you cast {@spell guidance}, its casting time is one bonus action and it has a range of 30 feet. It targets all allies who can see and hear you, and targets may add the d4 roll to either an ability check or an attack roll."
"name": "Beacon of Liberty",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 78,
"className": "Paladin",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Unbroken",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 20,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 20th level, you are the guiding light for all who walk the path of freedom. As an action, you can emanate an aura of gleaming sunlight. For 1 minute, bright light shines from you in a 30-foot-radius, and dim light shines 30 feet beyond that.","Whenever you start your turn, and whenever an ally starts its turn in the bright light, you and they are affected as by the {@spell freedom of movement} spell until the start of their next turn.","In addition, you and all allies within the bright light have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.","Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest."
"name": "Urban Soul",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 76,
"className": "Ranger",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Urban Soul",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"entries": [
"Rangers with an urban soul are equally at ease in cities and towns as in the wilderness. They hone their keen senses and tracking skills to the nuances of urban life. They can read the flow of a crowd, find the best shortcuts, and corner their prey in the darkest of alleys.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "One With the City|Ranger|PHB|Urban Soul|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Urban Companion|Ranger|PHB|Urban Soul|KCAA|3"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Urban Soul Magic|Ranger|PHB|Urban Soul|KCAA|3"
"name": "One With the City",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 76,
"className": "Ranger",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Urban Soul",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"At 3rd level, you harmonize with the thrum of city life. You halve the cost of living a comfortable, modest, poor, or squalid lifestyle when you spend downtime in a city. You and your group can't become lost in a city except by magical means. If you are traveling in a city alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace.","In addition, you choose to either learn Thieves' Cant (as per the Rogue feature on page 96 of the Player’s Handbook) or gain proficiency in one of the following: {@skill Deception, {@skill Sleight of Hand, {@skill Performance, {@skill Persuasion, {@item Thieves' Tools|phb}, or one type of {@item musical instrument|phb}.","Finally, urban soul rangers have a finger on the pulse of current events. When within a city, you may apply twice your proficiency bonus to Charisma checks to find out information on anything notable or newsworthy in that city (such as in which district a famous noble's estate lies, or where the last in a string of serial murders took place)."
"name": "Urban Companion",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 77,
"className": "Ranger",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Urban Soul",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Starting at 3rd level, you gain the loyal friendship of a beast that has adapted to urban life. Choose from any of the following animals: {@creature cat|MM}, {@creature lizard|MM}, {@creature rat|MM} (or mouse), {@creature raven|MM} (or dove or pigeon), {@creature spider|MM}, or {@creature weasel|MM}. This beast is unusually smart for its kind, with an Intelligence of 6, and it can understand one language of your choice that you speak. Additionally, the following numbers in the beast’s stat block increase by 1 when your proficiency bonus increases by 1: the beast’s AC, listed skill and saving throw bonuses. Lastly, the beast’s maximum hit points are now equal to its Constitution modifier + your Wisdom modifier + twice your level in this class, and it has an amount of hit dice equal to your level in this class.","Your companion is friendly to you and your allies, and it always obeys your commands. In combat, it shares your initiative count but takes its turn immediately after yours. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take an action listed in its stat block, or the Dash, Disengage, Help, Hide, or Search action.","If your companion is ever slain, the magical bond you share allows you to return it to life at the end of a long rest, creating a new body for it. If your companion has died within the last hour, you can use your action to expend a spell slot of 1st level or higher. Your companion returns to life after 1 minute with all its hit points restored, reappearing in an unoccupied space adjacent to you. You can return an animal companion to life in this manner even if you do not possess any part of its body.","At 7th level, your relationship with your companion grows. You can teach it to be proficient in one of the following, as long as you are also proficient in it: {@skill Sleight of Hand}, {@skill Survival}, {@skill Stealth}, or {@item Thieves' Tools|phb}. It’s total bonus on rolls using its new proficiency is equal to the proficiency’s relevant ability modifier + the beast’s proficiency bonus (which is +2) + 3. This bonus increases by 1 whenever your proficiency bonus increases by 1 after 7th level.","A companion proficient with thieves' tools takes ten times as long to use them. Further, it must retrieve the tools from your possession in order to use them, as thieves' tools are too large for your companion to carry itself.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Oath of Urban Soul Spells",
"colLabels": ["Ranger Level","Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell comprehend languages}, {@spell protection from evil and good}"],
["5th","{@spell lesser restoration}, {@spell see invisibility}"],
["9th","{@spell remove curse}, {@spell tongues}"],
["13th","{@spell aura of purity}, {@spell freedom of movement}"],
["17th","{@spell dispel evil and good}, {@spell greater restoration}"]
"name": "Urban Soul Magic",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 77,
"className": "Ranger",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Urban Soul",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 3,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Urban Soul rangers still draw their magic from the wild essence of nature, but for them the hustle and bustle of a metropolis is merely another kind of wilderness. At 3rd, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level, you learn the following spells that don't appear on the ranger spell list. These spells are ranger spells for you, and do not count against your limit of ranger spells known.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Urban Soul Spells",
"colLabels": ["Ranger Level","Spells"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["3rd","{@spell comprehend languages}"],
["5th","{@spell see invisibility}"],
["9th","{@spell speak with dead}"],
["13th","{@spell Mordenkainen's faithful hound}"],
["17th","{@spell animate objects}"]
"name": "Timely Distraction",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 77,
"className": "Ranger",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Urban Soul",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 7,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 7th level, your urban companion can use its reaction to distract a creature within 5 feet of it when the creature makes an attack roll against you or your allies. If it does so, your companion imposes disadvantage on the creature 's attack roll, then immediately moves up to half its speed without provoking an opportunity attack from the creature. This reaction and movement takes place before the creature's attack."
"name": "Street Justice",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 77,
"className": "Ranger",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Urban Soul",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 11,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"When you reach 11th level, you may use your reaction to make an opportunity attack when an opponent you can see attacks you or one of your allies. Your opportunity attack occurs before the attack that triggers it."
"name": "Hard Boiled",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 77,
"className": "Ranger",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Urban Soul",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 15,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 15th level, you can easily shake off effects that control your mind. If you fail a Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma saving throw against a spell or effect, you automatically succeed your next save against the spell or effect if it grants one."
"name": "Apex Dragonmark",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Sorcerer",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Apex Dragonmark",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"entries": [
"Your innate magic comes from a true dragonmark unlike any other in recent history, surpassing even the promise of a Siberys-level dragonmark. Your mark is an Apex Dragonmark, one of only a handful of dragonmarks identified throughout history that matched it in power and potential.","{@b Restriction}. The apex version of a true dragonmark only ever appears among the descendants of true dragonmarked bloodlines. In order to qualify for this subclass, you need to be related by blood (even if distantly) to one of the appropriate Houses and be of the appropriate race or races as listed below. (For example, a half-elf born from a House Phiarlan elf and a human would not meet the prerequisites for the Apex Mark of Shadow, because although she has a blood relation to House Phiarlan, she is not of the appropriate race. Only elves may bear the Mark of Shadow.)","Note that you do not need to be of a dragonmarked variant race or subrace, merely related by blood to those who are.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Dragonmark Racial Prerequisites",
"colLabels": ["Race","Mark","House"],
"colStyles": ["col-2 text-center","col-5","col-5"],
"rows": [
["Half-orc or human","Finding","Tharashk"],
["Elf","Shadow","Phiarlan or Thuranni"],
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Fledgling Dragonmark|Sorcerer|PHB|Apex Dragonmark|KCAA|1"
"name": "Fledgling Dragonmark",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Sorcerer",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Apex Dragonmark",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Starting at 1st level, you manifest a fledgling dragonmark. This dragonmark is roughly the size of your palm, though it can appear anywhere on your body. Each true dragonmark has its own pattern, a blue-green shimmering symbol that appears anywhere on your body.","You gain access to the Spells of the Mark appropriate to your dragonmark (see dragonmarked variant races and subraces in Eberron: Rising from the Last War). You learn all 1st level spells noted on your Spells of the Mark table. Likewise, when you gain 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th level spell slots, you learn spells of the corresponding spell levels on the table. You treat spells you learn this way as a sorcerer spell you know, but they do not count against your limit of known sorcerer spells.","Additionally, all of your sorcerer spells are cast as innate spells, requiring no somatic, verbal, or material components (except those with a listed cost). Instead, your dragonmark itself flares with brilliant light which is extremely noticeable (even through clothing or armor) whenever you cast a sorcerer spell. At 3rd level, when you gain access to the Metamagic class feature, you can select the Subtle Spell metamagic effect and use it to cast a spell without manifesting this eye-catching flare of power."
"name": "Lesser Dragonmark",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Sorcerer",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Apex Dragonmark",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"entries": [
"At 6th level, your apex dragonmark grows into a lesser dragonmark, increasing in size to about three hand spans. You can channel the power of your apex dragonmark to vitalize your body, sacrificing your power for health. You may convert Sorcery Points to Hit Dice on a one-for-one basis. You cannot convert Hit Dice back into Sorcery Points.",{
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Marked Influence|Sorcerer|PHB|Apex Dragonmark|KCAA|6"
"name": "Marked Influence",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Sorcerer",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Apex Dragonmark",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Also at 6th level, your dragonmark develops visible flourishes that differentiate it from other true dragonmarks, no longer appearing identical to others of its kind. This visible difference marks you as one possessing a special destiny or prophetic importance and is quite impressive to those in power and anyone with a keen interest in the Draconic Prophecy. Whenever your unique dragonmark is visible and you make a Charisma check to influence nobles, creatures possessing a true dragonmark, individuals with a keen interest in the Draconic Prophecy, or dragons, you apply twice your proficiency bonus on the check, instead of any proficiency bonus you may have."
"name": "Greater Dragonmark",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Sorcerer",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Apex Dragonmark",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 14,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Upon attaining 14th level, your apex dragonmark rapidly crawls across your entire body, covering every inch of your flesh in its complex pattern and becoming a greater dragonmark. You gain the Siberys Dragonmark feat (see Chapter 3: Character Options), gaining the effects that correspond to your dragonmark. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for spells you cast from the feat, regardless of which Siberys dragonmark’s effects you gain.","If you already have this feat, you regain the ability to cast the feat’s granted spells without using a spell slot when you finish a short or long rest. Spells you learn this way do not count against the number of spells known on the Sorcerer class table."
"name": "Mark of Destiny",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Sorcerer",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Apex Dragonmark",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 18,
"entries": [
"When you reach 18th level, your mark continues to grow in complexity, increasing in fractal detail. You can channel the power of your dragonmark to adjust your destiny. You may concentrate (as though concentrating on a spell) for 5 minutes. At the end of this duration, you can sacrifice a spell slot to gain a number of Luck points equal to one third the level of the sacrificed spell slot (rounded down, minimum 1 Luck point).","Whenever you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can spend a luck point to roll an additional {@dice d20}. You can choose to spend your luck point after you roll the die, but before the outcome is determined. You choose which of the {@dice d20}s is used for the attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.","You can also spend a luck point when an attack roll is made against you. Roll a {@dice d20}, and then choose whether the attack uses the attacker’s roll or yours. If more than one creature spends a luck point to influence the outcome of a roll, the points cancel each other out; no additional dice are rolled. Once expended, Luck points gained through this ability do not return. Once you begin concentrating on this ability, you may not do so again until you finish a long rest.",{
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Mark of Power|Sorcerer|PHB|Apex Dragonmark|KCAA|18"
"name": "Mark of Power",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Sorcerer",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Apex Dragonmark",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 18,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Also at 18th level, when you have at least 1 Sorcery Point remaining, the power of your apex dragonmark grants you a boon. Choose one of the below options when you gain this feature. Once the choice has been made, it cannot be changed.",
{"type": "list","items": [
"You gain resistance to one type of damage.","Your hit point maximum increases by 2 hit points per sorcerer level you possess, and it increases by 2 more hit points for every additional sorcerer level you take.","Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage, the spell deals additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus (applied to only one roll of your choice if a spell has multiple attacks or targets).","You gain a bonus on Initiative checks equal to your proficiency bonus.","You gain proficiency in one saving throw."
"name": "Khybermarked",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Sorcerer",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Khybermarked",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"entries": [
"Your innate magic comes from one of the most potent aberrant dragonmarks Khorvaire has seen for centuries. You might have been the forbidden progeny of two parents with greater true dragonmarks, excoriated from their houses to raise you in secret. Perhaps you have simply manifested the aberrant mark suddenly—during a time of great stress or danger—and have no idea why you were chosen for this power.","Aberrant marks are looked upon with distrust across Khorvaire, and most aberrant marked individuals hide theirs from view. Disconcertingly, however, yours seems to grow just a bit every day.",{
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Fledgling Aberrant Mark|Sorcerer|PHB|Khybermarked|KCAA|1"
"name": "Fledgling Aberrant Mark",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Sorcerer",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Khybermarked",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Starting at 1st level, you manifest a fledgling aberrant dragonmark. This dragonmark is roughly the size of your palm, though it can appear anywhere on your body. While each true dragonmark has its own pattern, their blue-green shimmering nature makes them easy to recognize as related to each other. Aberrant dragonmarks, however, are visually distinct from true dragonmarks and appear in myriad different fashions (you can roll randomly from the Aberrant Mark Manifestations table below, select an entry you like, or come up with your own idea).",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Aberrant Mark Manifestations",
"colLabels": ["{@dice d6}","Manifestation"],
"colStyles": ["col-3 text-center","col-9"],
"rows": [
["1","Shimmering lines similar to true dragonmarks, but angry red and black instead of blue and green."],
["2","An open, twisting wound that continually wells a small amount of blood, but never heals."],
["3","A patch of necrotic dead flesh that rots away normal clothing that comes in contact with it."],
["4","A third degree burn that never fades."],
["5","A shadow cast by an unknown light source that only appears on your flesh."],
["6","Weeping sores that constantly seep yellow pus that forms the mark."]
"The aberrant dragonmark grants you strange powers. You learn any one 1st-level {@filter sorcerer|spells|class=sorcerer} or {@filter warlock spell|spells|class=warlock}. As you gain levels in this class, you learn another sorcerer or warlock spell at every odd level (3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.). Spells you learn must be of a level for which you have spell slots. You treat spells you learn this way as sorcerer spells you know, but they do not count against your limit of known sorcerer spells.","Additionally, all your sorcerer spells are cast as innate spells, requiring no somatic, verbal, or material components (except those with a listed cost). Instead, the dragonmark itself flares with dark light or otherwise becomes extremely noticeable (even through clothing or armor) whenever you cast a sorcerer spell. At 3rd level, when you gain access to the Metamagic class feature, you can select the Subtle Spell metamagic effect and use it to cast a spell without manifesting this eye-catching flare of power."
"name": "Lesser Aberrant Mark",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Sorcerer",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Khybermarked",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"entries": [
"At 6th level, your aberrant dragonmark grows into a lesser aberrant dragonmark, increasing in size to about three hand spans. You can channel your vitality into your aberrant dragonmark, sacrificing health for power. As a bonus action on your turn, you may convert Hit Dice to Sorcery Points on a one-for-one basis. Sorcery Points gained this way disappear after a short or long rest. You cannot convert Sorcery Points back into Hit Dice.",{
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Aberrant Influence|Sorcerer|PHB|Khybermarked|KCAA|6"
"name": "Aberrant Influence",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Sorcerer",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Khybermarked",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Also at 6th level, your aberrant mark is the most intricate and powerful the world has seen in centuries, and you gain a measure of influence over beings similarly touched by Khyber. Whenever your aberrant mark is visible and you make a Charisma check to influence aberrations, creatures native to Khyber, or creatures that possess an aberrant dragonmark, you apply twice your proficiency bonus on the check, instead of any proficiency bonus you may have."
"name": "Greater Aberrant Mark",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Sorcerer",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Khybermarked",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 14,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"When you reach 14th level, your mark rapidly crawls across your entire body, covering every inch of your flesh in its complex pattern and becoming a greater aberrant mark. Your mark allows you to consume the good fortune of others. As a reaction, within 30 feet of you, you can cancel a use of Inspiration, negate a spent Luck point, or prevent a creature from benefiting from advantage. You then gain advantage on your next attack roll, saving throw, or ability check you make before the end of your next turn. You cannot use this ability again until you have completed a long rest."
"name": "Khyber Dragonmark",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Sorcerer",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Khybermarked",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 18,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Upon attaining 18th level, your mark continues to grow in complexity, increasing in fractal detail and becoming a Khyber dragonmark. When you have at least 1 Sorcery Point remaining, your mark grants you a boon. Choose one of the below options when you gain this feature. Once the choice has been made, it cannot be changed.",
{"type": "list","items": [
"You gain resistance to one type of damage.","Your hit point maximum increases by 2 hit points per sorcerer level you possess, and it increases by 2 more hit points for every additional sorcerer level you take.","Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage, the spell deals additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus (applied to only one roll of your choice if a spell has multiple attacks or targets).","You gain a bonus on initiative checks equal to your proficiency bonus.","You gain proficiency in one saving throw."
"name": "Generalist",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Wizard",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Generalist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"entries": [
"Generalist wizards are those mages that intentionally keep their study of arcane magic as broad as possible. They seek lore and knowledge from all schools and traditions of magic, so as to be prepared for anything.",
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Arcane Expertise|Wizard|PHB|Generalist|KCAA|2"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Cantrip Preparation|Wizard|PHB|Generalist|KCAA|2"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Expanded Studies|Wizard|PHB|Generalist|KCAA|2"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Tome Focus|Wizard|PHB|Generalist|KCAA|2"
"name": "Arcane Expertise",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Wizard",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Generalist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Starting at 2nd level, your broad study of every expression of arcane magic has honed your knowledge and expertise in all things arcane. You gain proficiency in the {@skill Arcana} skill. If you are already proficient in the skill, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it."
"name": "Cantrip Preparation",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Wizard",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Generalist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"At 2nd level, you record all the cantrips you know, plus three additional {@filter wizard cantrips|spells|level=0|class=wizard} of your choice, into your spellbook. Whenever you prepare spells, you select a number of wizard cantrips from your spellbook equal to the number in the Cantrips Known column of the Wizard table for your level. These selected cantrips are the only wizard cantrips you can cast until you prepare spells again.","Whenever you would learn an additional wizard cantrip, you record it in your spellbook. Additionally, if you find a spell scroll containing a cantrip, or a cantrip recorded in another generalist wizard's spellbook, you may copy that cantrip to your spellbook as though it was a 1st level spell."
"name": "Expanded Studies",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Wizard",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Generalist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"When you reach 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 14th level you can add two additional wizard spells of your choice to your spellbook. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots when you add them, as shown on the Wizard table on page 113 of the Player’s Handbook."
"name": "Tome Focus",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Wizard",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Generalist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Beginning at 2nd level, you may use your spellbook as an arcane spellcasting focus."
"name": "Ritualized Spell",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Wizard",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Generalist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 6th level, your arcane studies have increased your efficiency in casting a particular spell. Choose any 1st level spell in your spellbook that is not already a ritual. It is considered a ritual spell for you."
"name": "Prodigious Memory",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Wizard",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Generalist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 10,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 10th level, you have attained a greater mastery of spell preparation. As a bonus action, you can replace one spell you have prepared with another spell from your spellbook. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest."
"name": "Greater Ritualized Spell",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 83,
"className": "Wizard",
"classSource": "PHB",
"subclassShortName": "Generalist",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 14,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 14th level, your arcane studies have increased your efficiency in casting an even more potent spell. Choose any 3rd level or lower spell in your spellbook that is not already a ritual. It is considered a ritual spell for you."
"name": "Elemental Mastery",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 42,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Elemental",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"entries": [
"The secrets of elemental binding are behind some of the most famous inventions of modern Khorvaire, including the wondrous lightning rail and elemental airships of House Orien and House Lyrandar. Masters of elemental binding channel the primal power of conjured elementals into their works of artifice to enhance and empower them.","{@b Restriction}. You must know the secrets of elemental binding to select this mastery. The techniques to bind elementals are known only to the gnomes of Zilargo and the Sulatar drow, but with the DM's permission, it is possible that you were taught by an a Zil or Sulatar, or you could discover the art yourself.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Elemental Mastery Spells",
"colLabels": [
"Arcanist Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
["1st","{@spell absorb elements|xge}, {@spell conjure elemental mote|kcaa}"],
["3rd","{@spell arcane lock}, {@spell locate object}"],
["5th","{@spell elemental weapon}, {@spell magic circle}"],
["7th","{@spell conjure minor elementals}, {@spell charm monster|xge}"],
["9th","{@spell conjure elemental}, {@spell planar binding}"]
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Bonus Starting Equipment|Arcanist|KCAA|Elemental|KCAA|1"
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Advanced Mote Conjuring|Arcanist|KCAA|Elemental|KCAA|1"
"name": "Bonus Starting Equipment",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 42,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Elemental",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Arcanists with a mastery in binding elementals begin the game with a single Khyber dragonshard worth 50 gp, sufficient for the material component of the {@spell conjure elemental mote|KCAA} spell."
"name": "Advanced Mote Conjuring",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 42,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Elemental",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"Starting at 1st level, whenever you cast {@spell conjure elemental mote|KCAA}, the conjured mote's hit point maximum increases by 3 for every arcanist level you have.","Additionally, the mote gains an extra die of its damage on its damage rolls when you reach 5th level, and then an additional extra die at 11th and 17th level. (For example, at 11th level, an air mote you conjure would deal {@damage 3d4 + 3} lightning damage with its Discharge attack.)","Finally, should the elemental mote be reduced to 0 hit points, as a reaction you may attempt an Arcana check with a DC equal to the damage of the attack that reduced the elemental mote to 0 hit points. If your check succeeds, the elemental mote is still destroyed, but the khybershard at its core does not burn out, retaining its worth so it can be reused as the material component for {@spell conjure elemental mote|KCAA} again."
"name": "Infusion: Elemental Reconstitution",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 42,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Elemental",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 2nd level, you can use an Infusion to cause a damaged elemental creature to begin reconstituting its form. Choose one elemental creature that doesn't have all of its hit points you can see within 30 feet. For 1 minute, that elemental creature heals an amount of hit points at the start of its turn equal to your Intelligence modifier, unless the creature has more than half of its hit points."
"name": "Defensive Elemental Binding",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 42,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Elemental",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 6th level, you have devised how to channel bound elemental motes into a protective matrix around a suit of armor. If you have summoned an elemental mote and have taken an action to suppress it into its khybershard core, you may spend one workday of downtime (8 hours) integrating the khybershard into any suit of armor. While integrated this way, the khybershard cannot be targeted separately, and the elemental bound inside it has total cover against all spells and effects.","When worn, the augmented suit of armor functions as {@item armor of resistance|dmg} (Dungeon Master’s Guide), granting the wearer resistance to one type of damage the bound elemental itself is resistant or immune to (your choice, made at the time you finish integrating the khybershard into the armor).","The elemental mote still exists, and you cannot summon another one while it and the armor remain intact. You may spend an additional workday of downtime to safely remove the elemental's khybershard from the armor, restoring it to elemental mote form."
"name": "Offensive Elemental Binding",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 42,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Elemental",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 8,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 8th level, you have perfected the techniques for binding elemental motes into weapons, channeling the primal magic of their element for offensive power. If you have summoned an elemental mote and have taken an action to suppress it into its khybershard core, you may spend a workday of downtime (8 hours) integrating the khybershard into any weapon. While integrated this way, the khybershard cannot be targeted separately, and the elemental bound inside it has total cover against all spells and effects.","The elementally bound weapon is a magic weapon, and gains an additional effect depending on the nature of the bound elemental mote as follows (Ranged weapons confer these bonuses to their ammunition):",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Air Mote",
"entries": [
"The weapon deals an extra {@damage 1d6} lightning damage on each hit."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Earth Mote",
"entries": [
"The wielder of the weapon gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls made with it."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Fire Mote",
"entries": [
"The weapon deals an extra {@damage 1d6} fire damage on each hit."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Water Mote",
"entries": [
"The weapon deals an extra {@damage 1d6} cold damage on each hit."
"The elemental mote still exists, and you cannot summon another one while it and the weapon remain intact. You may spend an additional workday of downtime to safely remove the elemental's khybershard from the weapon, restoring it to elemental mote form."
"name": "Elemental Binding Master",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 43,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Elemental",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 17,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 17th level, you have mastered elemental binding. You may now incorporate any conjured elemental you have bound to a khybershard into elementally empowered items.","When binding an elemental mote to a suit of armor or a weapon, you can make the binding permanent if you spend an additional workday of downtime enhancing the binding, along with additional raw materials worth 1,000 gp. If the binding becomes permanent, the elemental spirit is no longer considered your conjured mote for the {@spell conjure elemental mote|KCAA} spell, allowing you to conjure another one without dismissing the permanently bound spirit back to its home plane.","If you bind an elemental creature other than an elemental mote (see Binding Elementals sidebar), you can incorporate its khybershard into a suit of armor or weapon, requiring a number of workweeks of downtime equal to twice the elemental's challenge rating and additional raw materials equal to 1,000 times the elemental's challenge rating in gp.","When binding an elemental other than an elemental mote to a suit of armor, the armor grants all of the elemental's resistances and immunities to the armor's wearer.","When binding an elemental other than an elemental mote to a weapon, the weapon gains magical properties, depending on the nature of the elemental bound to the weapon:",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Elemental Air Creatures",
"entries": [
"The weapon gains the properties of a {@item dancing sword|dmg} (Dungeon Master’s Guide), even if the weapon is not a sword."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Elemental Earth Creatures",
"entries": [
"The wielder of the weapon has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Elemental Fire Creatures",
"entries": [
"The wielder of the weapon has a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with it, and the weapon deals {@damage 2d6} extra fire damage on a hit."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Elemental Water Creatures",
"entries": [
"The wielder of the weapon has a +1 bonus to attack rolls with it, and the weapon deals {@damage 2d6} extra cold damage on a hit"
"Additionally, you can create additional elemental items. Many of these require a team of apprentice elemental binders, in addition to your elemental binding mastery, such as is the case with the creation of House Lyrandar’s elemental airships, which require months of painstaking work from teams of arcanists, artificers, shipwrights, and engineers.","A single item can only have one elemental bound to it (except under exceptional circumstances, such as the famed Golden Dragon, an elemental airship so large it requires two bound elementals to function).",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Binding Elementals",
"entries": [
"A spellcaster that knows the secrets of elemental binding and knows the {@spell planar binding} spell can cast that spell with an alternate material component and produce a significantly different effect than normal.","If you have this secret knowledge, then whenever you cast {@spell planar binding} on an elemental creature, you may use a single Khyber dragonshard worth an amount of gold pieces equal to 500 times the creature's challenge rating as the spell's material component, instead of the spell's normal material component.","If you do so and the elemental fails its Charisma saving throw, the shard is not consumed in casting. Instead, the elemental creature is drawn into the khybershard and completely sealed within it. When cast this way, {@spell planar binding}'s duration is instantaneous. The elemental remains bound within the khybershard until the khybershard is physically destroyed (AC 10, 10 hit points per 500 gp it is worth), which frees the elemental into the nearest unoccupied space.","Such a freed elemental is not under your control and does not follow your instructions. It remains on the current plane of existence it is freed into until another spell or effect transports it to another plane (such as {@spell banishment} or the dismissal effect of {@spell dispel evil and good}).","A bound elemental creature and its khybershard do not produce any effects on their own but may be used as the rare component in the crafting of any of several elementally empowered magic items, depending on its nature."
"name": "Innovation Mastery",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 43,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Innovation",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"entries": [
"Arcanists who focus on mastering innovation constantly strive to create new inventions and devise better ways to use existing ones.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Innovation Mastery Spells",
"colLabels": [
"Arcanist Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
["1st","{@spell identify}, {@spell spell-storing item|kcaa}"],
["3rd","{@spell enhance ability}, {@spell spiritual weapon}"],
["5th","{@spell bestow curse}, {@spell remove curse}"],
["7th","{@spell fabricate}, {@spell stone shape}"],
["9th","{@spell Bigby's hand}, {@spell creation}"]
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Bonus Cantrip|Arcanist|KCAA|Innovation|KCAA|1"
"name": "Bonus Cantrip",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 43,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Innovation",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"At 1st level, you learn the {@spell improvised wand|kcaa} cantrip (detailed in Chapter 3: Character Options). When you do, you know three energy types with which to use it, instead of the normal two."
"name": "Infusion: Perfect Tool",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 42,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Innovation",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 2nd level, you can use an Infusion to temporarily modify an object with conjured additions and attachments that make it the perfect tool for whatever situation you are dealing with. As an action, choose one skill or tool. For the next 10 minutes (and as long as you have the object) you have proficiency in the chosen skill or tool."
"name": "Infusion: Rapid Invention",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 42,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Innovation",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 6th level, you can use an Infusion to reduce the casting time of {@spell spell-storing item|kcaa} to 1 bonus action."
"name": "Intuitive Design",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 42,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Innovation",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 8,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 8th level, your design philosophy for your inventions becomes more intuitive, allowing creatures less knowledgeable than yourself to understand and use your creations. You gain the following benefits:","—When you use an Infusion to make a Perfect Tool, anyone can benefit from the object for the duration of the effect so long as they hold and use the Perfect Tool.","—When you cast {@spell spell-storing item|kcaa}, any creature can activate the item to cast the spell you store in it."
"name": "Magnum Opus",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 43,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Innovation",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 17,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 17th level, you have the opportunity to create a singularly impressive magic item. If you have inspiration, you may use it to spend one workweek of downtime to create a magic item of up to legendary rarity at no cost and without a schema or rare component. (Your DM has a list of appropriate magic items, such as those found in the Dungeon Master's Guide. You can also work with your DM to create a brand-new magic item). You may only create one magic item this way; it is your finest invention."
"name": "Spellcraft Mastery",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 44,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Spellcraft",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"entries": [
"Some arcanists focus on the shaping of raw magic rather than crafting items. They have a wider breadth of study concerning fundamental arcane forces, and usually have access to more directly devastating magic. Experienced arcanists in this field can perceive the quintessential building blocks of spells, rearranging them with improvisational alterations on the fly.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Spellcraft Mastery Spells",
"colLabels": [
"Arcanist Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-3 text-center",
"rows": [
["1st","{@spell detect magic}, {@spell command}"],
["3rd","{@spell scorching ray}, {@spell shatter}"],
["5th","{@spell fireball}, {@spell lightning bolt}"],
["7th","{@spell fire shield}, {@spell phantasmal killer}"],
["9th","{@spell telekinesis}, {@spell cone of cold}"]
"type": "refSubclassFeature",
"subclassFeature": "Bonus Cantrip|Arcanist|KCAA|Spellcraft|KCAA|1"
"name": "Bonus Cantrip",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 44,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Spellcraft",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 1,
"header": 1,
"entries": [
"At 1st level, you learn one {@filter wizard cantrip|spells|level=0|class=wizard} of your choice. It counts as an arcanist cantrip for you."
"name": "Infusion: Energy Modulation",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 44,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Spellcraft",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 2,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 2nd level, as part of the casting time of casting an arcanist spell, you can expend an Infusion to alter the spell’s formula as you cast it.","When you cast a spell with a spell slot and the spell deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage, you can substitute that damage type with one other type from that list (you can change only one damage type per casting of a spell)."
"name": "Infusion: Arcane Alteration",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 44,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Spellcraft",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 6,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 6th level, as part of the casting time of casting a non-abjuration or non-divination arcanist spell, you can spend an Infusion to change the basic nature of the spell, changing its school of magic into any other school, except abjuration or divination.","If you change the spell’s school and it requires a saving throw to resist its effects, the spell’s saving throw changes depending on its new school of magic:",
"type": "list",
"style": "list-hang-notitle",
"items": [
{"type": "item","name": "Conjuration","entry": "Strength."},
{"type": "item","name": "Enchantment","entry": "Wisdom."},
{"type": "item","name": "Evocation","entry": "Dexterity."},
{"type": "item","name": "Illusion","entry": "Intelligence."},
{"type": "item","name": "Necromancy","entry": "Charisma."},
{"type": "item","name": "Transmutation","entry": "Constitution."}
"If the spell normally has a reduced effect even on a successful saving throw, the changed spell has no effect if affected creatures succeed on their save. For example, a {@spell fireball} changed to a conjuration or illusion spell would deal no damage if a creature in its area of effect succeeded on their Strength or Intelligence saving throw, instead of half damage.","The spell’s new school must conceivably be able to produce the base spell’s effects. If your chosen school cannot do so (such as an illusory {@spell dimension door} that does not actually transport yourself), the spell fails, but you do not expend a spell slot or an Infusion. Work with your DM to determine what the limits of each spell school are, and how far you can stretch a desired spell.","If you have two or more uses of your Infusions remaining, you can expend two uses in order to affect a single spell with both Arcane Alteration and Energy Modulation during its casting time."
"name": "Potent Spellcasting",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 44,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Spellcraft",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 8,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"At 8th level, you add your Intelligence modifier to the damage you deal with any arcanist cantrip."
"name": "Spellforge",
"source": "KCAA",
"page": 44,
"className": "Arcanist",
"classSource": "KCAA",
"subclassShortName": "Spellcraft",
"subclassSource": "KCAA",
"level": 17,
"header": 2,
"entries": [
"Starting at 17th level, whenever you prepare your arcanist spells, you may select a number of {@filter wizard spells|spells|class=wizard} to prepare as if they were on the arcanist spell list. The maximum number of spells you can prepare this way is equal to your Intelligence modifier."
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