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Psions Primer
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"_meta": {
"sources": [
"json": "Psions Primer",
"abbreviation": "PsPr",
"full": "Psions Primer",
"authors": [
"Korranberg Chronicle"
"version": "1.0.3",
"url": "",
"targetSchema": "1.6.3",
"convertedBy": [
"spellSchools": {
"CS": {
"full": "Clairsentience",
"short": "Clair.",
"color": "00ffff"
"MC": {
"full": "Metacreativity",
"short": "Meta.",
"color": "ff58ff"
"PK": {
"full": "Psychokinesis",
"short": "Psykin.",
"color": "00ff00"
"PM": {
"full": "Psychometabolism",
"short": "Psymet.",
"color": "ffd000"
"PP": {
"full": "Psychoportation",
"short": "Psypor."
"TP": {
"full": "Telepathy",
"short": "Telep.",
"color": "00d200"
"AuAB": {
"full": "Aura Beacon",
"short": "AurBc."
"AuAV": {
"full": "Autonomous Vitality",
"short": "AutVt."
"AuBT": {
"full": "Battle Trance",
"short": "BatTr."
"AuBS": {
"full": "Blind Spot",
"short": "BliSp."
"AuEO": {
"full": "Ectoplasmic Object",
"short": "EctOb."
"AuER": {
"full": "Energy Ray",
"short": "EnRay"
"AuIP": {
"full": "Imbue Psicrystal",
"short": "ImbPsi."
"AuIT": {
"full": "Inertial Transference",
"short": "InTra."
"AuMT": {
"full": "Mind Thrust",
"short": "MndThr."
"AuMB": {
"full": "Mindblade",
"short": "Mndbl."
"AuML": {
"full": "Mindlink",
"short": "Mndlnk."
"AuMD": {
"full": "Mystic Displacement",
"short": "MysDis."
"AuPM": {
"full": "Primal Metabolism",
"short": "PrMe."
"AuPH": {
"full": "Psychic Hammer",
"short": "PsyHm."
"AuPS": {
"full": "Psychic Static",
"short": "PsySt."
"AuSS": {
"full": "Sixth Sense",
"short": "6thSn."
"AuST": {
"full": "Speed of Thought",
"short": "SpTho."
"AuTS": {
"full": "True Shot",
"short": "TrSht."
"AuV": {
"full": "Verve",
"short": "Vrv."
"AuWT": {
"full": "Wild Talent",
"short": "WldTl."
"dateAdded": 1558019431,
"dateLastModified": 1558019431,
"internalCopies": [
"feat": [
"name": "Changeling Mindreading",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 34,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "Changeling"
"ability": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"You have honed your social intuition into palpable psionic talent, tapping into your race’s latent telepathic abilities. You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You gain an internal reserve of psionic energy represented by psi points. Your psi point maximum is 2, or your existing psi point maximum from another source (such as levels in a class with the Psionics feature) increases by 2. All expended psi points are restored when you finish a long rest. Your psi limit is 2, unless another effect increases it.",
"As an action, you can expend 2 psi points to magically read the surface thoughts of one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. While the target is in range, you can continue reading its thoughts, for as long as you concentrate (as if concentrating on a spell). While reading the target's mind, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion) checks against the target."
"name": "Lucid Meditation",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 34,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "The ability to manifest at least one psionic augment"
"entries": [
"Your concentration is nigh unbreakable, even in the midst of combat. You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"Your concentration cannot be broken by environmental phenomena.",
"You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain concentration on a power when you take damage.",
"If your concentration breaks on a power because you were dealt damage by an enemy, you may use your reaction to regain half the psi points you spent to manifest that power."
"name": "Psionic Savant",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 34,
"entries": [
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You learn one of the following psionic talents: {@spell ectoplasmic object|Psions Primer}, {@spell energy beam|Psions Primer}, {@spell imbue psicrystal|Psions Primer}, {@spell mindblade|Psions Primer}, {@spell mindlink|Psions Primer}, {@spell psychic hammer|Psions Primer}, {@spell speed of thought|Psions Primer}, or {@spell wild talent|Psions Primer}. You also learn one 1st-level psionic power that augments your chosen psionic talent. Your psionic ability for these powers is either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (your choice when you select this feat).",
"In addition, you gain an internal reserve of psionic energy represented by psi points. Your psi point maximum is 2, or your existing psi point maximum from another source (such as levels in a class with the Psionics feature) increases by 2. All expended psi points are restored when you finish a long rest. Your psi limit is 2, unless another effect increases it."
"name": "Quori Atavist",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 35,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "Elan or Kalashtar; must have no other atavist feat"
"entries": [
"You have meditated upon the nature of the quori you are linked with, and forged a stronger than normal psionic bond to them. Choose one type of quori and gain the benefits below associated with it.",
"name": "Du'ulora",
"type": "list",
"Increase your Strength or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Focused Rage",
"Your du'ulora instinctively understands anger and rage and allows you to ignite these wild emotions in your foes. You may expend 2 psi points to cast {@spell compelled duel|phb} as a telepathy spell, using no components. When you do, your eyes burn with psionic might. The target is instilled with a furious desire to single you out for retribution. Strength or Charisma (your choice) is your spellcasting ability for this spell."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Burning Gaze",
"You know the {@spell energy ray|Psions Primer} psionic talent, but you may only deal fire damage with it. When you fire a ray while focusing on the talent, the ray shoots forth from your eyes. Strength or Charisma (your choice) is your psionic ability for this spell."
"name": "Hashalaq",
"type": "list",
"Increase your Wisdom or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Instill Confidence",
"Your hashalaq has granted you the ability to empathically connect with your allies and fill them with confidence and security. You may expend 2 psi points cast {@spell bless|phb} as a telepathy spell, using no components. When you do, an audible, harmonic note manifests in the air, originating from you. Wisdom or Charisma (your choice) is your spellcasting ability for this spell."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Static",
"You know the {@spell psychic static|Psions Primer} psionic talent. Wisdom or Charisma (your choice) is your psionic ability for this spell."
"name": "Kalaraq",
"type": "list",
"Increase your Intelligence or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Shadow Eye",
"You channel the otherworldly perception of your kalaraq quori. You may expend 2 psi points to magically create a Tiny shadowy eye that hovers in an unoccupied space you can see within 30 feet of you. When you create the shadow eye, your field of vision shifts to see through the shadow eye instead of your own eyes for as long as you concentrate (as though concentrating on a spell), up to 1 minute. You can move the shadow eye up to 30 feet as a bonus action. The shadow eye disappears when your concentration ends, or if it is ever more than 30 feet away from you. The shadow eye is invisible in dim light or darkness. While you look through the shadow eye, the sclera of your eyes turn pitch black. This is a clairsentience effect."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Hammer",
"You know the {@spell psychic hammer|Psions Primer} psionic talent. Intelligence or Charisma (your choice) is your psionic ability for this spell."
"name": "Tsoreva",
"type": "list",
"Increase your Dexterity or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Terror Strike",
"Your tsoreva wielded fear as literal weapons, and your strengthened bond with it allows you to do the same. You may expend 2 psi points to cast {@spell wrathful smite|phb} as a psychokinesis spell, using no components. When you do, an ominous thrum originates from you while you concentrate on the spell. Dexterity or Charisma (your choice) is your spellcasting ability for this spell."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Mindblade",
"You know the {@spell mindblade|Psions Primer} psionic talent. Dexterity or Charisma (your choice) is your psionic ability for this spell."
"name": "Tsucora",
"type": "list",
"Increase your Constitution or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Panic Impulse",
"Your tsucora is a nightmare incarnate and you channel its ability to inflict horror and dread in a foe. You may expend 2 psi points cast {@spell dissonant whispers|PHB} as a 1st-level telepathy spell, using no components. When you do, a faintly translucent image of something nightmarish hovers about you for a moment. Constitution or Charisma (your choice) is your spellcasting ability for this spell."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Wild Talent",
"You know the {@spell wild talent|Psions Primer} psionic talent. Constitution or Charisma (your choice) is your psionic ability for this spell."
"name": "Usvapna",
"type": "list",
"Increase your Intelligence or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Inflict Despair",
"Your usvapna has given you the ability to cause such utter self-loathing in a foe that they become incapacitated. You may expend 2 psi points to cast {@spell Tasha’s hideous laughter|phb} as a telepathy spell, using no components. When you do, an audible psychic moan originates from you. The spell functions as normal, except the target does not laugh and perceive everything as funny, but rather perceives everything as meaningless, most of all themselves, and weeps uncontrollably for the duration of the spell. Intelligence or Charisma (your choice) is your spellcasting ability for this spell."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Mind Thrust",
"You know the {@spell mind thrust|Psions Primer} psionic talent. Intelligence or Charisma (your choice) is your psionic ability for this spell."
"name": "Umbragen Shadowknife",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 36,
"prerequisite": [
"race": [
"name": "drow",
"subrace": "umbragen"
"ability": [
"cha": 1
"entries": [
"You have honed your metaphysical tie with the Umbra, and can form it into weapons of pure, solid darkness:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Darkblade",
"You know the {@spell mindblade|Psions Primer} cantrip, but it is a conjuration spell for you and the weapon you create with it deals necrotic damage. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Charisma, which you use in place of a psionic ability for the spell."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Shadow Bow",
"When you cast {@spell mindblade|Psions Primer}, you may create a ranged weapon instead of a melee one. The ranged weapon you create is a magical weapon you are proficient with that deals d8 necrotic damage, has a short range of 120 feet, a long range of 500 feet, and has the ammunition, heavy, and two-handed properties. You may choose to use your spellcasting ability instead of Dexterity for the attack and damage rolls of ranged attacks using this weapon. Whenever you make an attack with it, the weapon conjures its own arrow from the Umbra. You cannot use any other ammunition with the weapon."
"name": "Unlocked Potential",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 36,
"prerequisite": [
"other": "Must know at least one psionic talent"
"entries": [
"When you reach 4th level, your psi limit becomes 4, unless it is already higher, and you learn 2 powers of your choice that augment psionic talents you know. When you reach 8th level, your psi limit becomes 6, unless it is already higher, and you learn one additional power of your choice that augments a psionic talent you know. The powers you choose to learn must have a psi cost equal to or lower than your psi limit at the time you learn them."
"spell": [
"name": "Aura Beacon",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 50,
"level": 0,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 40
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"You visibly manifest your aura. While you focus, a bright light radiates from your body. When you cast this spell, and as a bonus action while you continue to focus on it, you may modulate the radius of the aura’s light, from as short as 1 inch, to as long as 20 feet. Regardless of the length of this radius of bright light, a radius of dim light of equal length extends out from the bright light. Your aura’s light can be colored as you like."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Autonomous Vitality",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 50,
"level": 0,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"You amplify the sound of your heartbeat, radiating your own vitality outward and syncing your allies to your lifeforce. Until your focus ends, when a creature within range rolls a death saving throw, you can use your reaction to provide that creature with advantage on that saving throw."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Battle Trance",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 50,
"level": 0,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"You optimize your body for combat. Until your focus ends, any attack roll you make for a melee weapon attack ignores disadvantage. If disadvantage would normally apply to the roll, that roll also can’t benefit from advantage."
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Blind Spot",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 50,
"level": 0,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 120
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"While you focus on this power, you can use your action to try to erase notice of yourself from a creature you can see in range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or you are {@condition invisible} to it until the end of your next turn or until you take an action. If you take an action, your invisibility ends before your action."
"areaTags": [
"savingThrow": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Dwarf (Duergar, Akiak)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"baseName": "Dwarf",
"baseSource": "PHB"
"name": "Ectoplasmic Object",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 50,
"level": 0,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 15
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"You pull matter from a plane of thoughts to create objects you imagine on your own plane.",
"While you focus, you may use your action to create a fragile, Tiny object that lasts for 1 minute, or until you dismiss it as an action, create a new object with this power, or until the object is destroyed. When the object is destroyed, you dismiss it, or its time expires, it dissolves into ectoplasmic slime that evaporates into nothing.",
"The object you create is translucent and with a crystalline, glassy, or slimy appearance as you desire. It has an AC of 5, 1 hit point, and must be able to fit in a 1-foot cube. The object can take whatever form you desire, but is simple with no internal mechanisms. It can have the outward appearance of a complex object, such as a crossbow or clockwork device, but it does not function. The object cannot serve as a tool, weapon, or other useful piece of equipment."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Energy Ray",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 50,
"level": 0,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"You hold your hand aloft and generate a font of pure energy within it. When you cast this spell, choose one of the following damage types: cold, fire, lightning, or thunder.",
"Until your focus ends, you can use your action to target one creature within range and shoot a ray of energy at it. Make a ranged power attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes {@damage 1d8} points of damage of the type you chose when you cast this spell.",
"This power allows you to shoot more than one ray as an action when you reach higher levels: two rays at 5th level, three rays at 11th level, and four rays at 17th level. You can direct the rays at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each ray."
"damageInflict": [
"spellAttack": [
"miscTags": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Dromite",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Imbue Psicrystal",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 50,
"level": 0,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"components": {
"m": "a small crystal worth 10 gp"
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"You hold a crystal aloft and imbue it with a shard of sentience and energy drawn from a plane of thoughts, transforming it into a psicrystal. The psicrystal floats off your hand and into your space.",
"The psicrystal is a Tiny construct with an AC equal to your power save DC, hit points equal to your psionic ability modifier, and a fly speed of 30 feet that allows it to hover. All of its ability scores are 10, and it has no proficiencies. It cannot be {@condition poisoned}, and is immune to poison damage and disease. The psicrystal can see and hear as well as an average humanoid, except that it is blind to everything more than 30 feet from it.",
"When the psicrystal drops to 0 hit points, or when the power ends, it becomes a nonmagical crystal. You may reuse the same crystal to cast this spell again. When you do, the psicrystal you create retains the memories it had from any time it spent as a psicrystal from previous castings.",
"The psicrystal is friendly to you and your companions. You can communicate with it telepathically out to a range of 100 feet. It acts on the same initiative count as you, immediately after your turn. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to mentally or verbally command it to take the Dash, Disengage, or Help actions. The psicrystal cannot make any attacks."
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Warforged (Psiforged)",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Inertial Transference",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 51,
"level": 0,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"You store your potential momentum and impart it onto your allies. While you focus on this power, when you end your turn without having used any of your movement during it, you can use your reaction to move one willing creature you can see within range up to half their speed, following a path of your choice. To move this way, the ally mustn’t be {@condition incapacitated}."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mind Thrust",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 51,
"level": 0,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"While you focus on this power, you can use your action to target one creature you can see within range, making your eyes flare noticeably for an instant. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or take {@damage 1d10} points of psychic damage. This cantrip’s damage increases by {@damage 1d10} when you reach 5th level {@damage 2d10}, 11th level {@damage 3d10}, and 17th level {@damage 4d10}."
"scalingLevelDice": {
"label": "psychic damage",
"scaling": {
"1": "1d10",
"5": "2d10",
"11": "3d10",
"17": "4d10"
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"miscTags": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mindblade",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 51,
"level": 0,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"You create a weapon of solidified thoughts, called a mindblade. It is a magical melee weapon you are proficient with that deals {@damage 1d8} piercing or slashing damage, as decided by you when you create it. You may choose to use your psionic ability instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of melee attacks using your mindblade.",
"Until your focus ends, you cannot let go of your mindblade, nor can it be forced from your grip, unless an effect specifically says otherwise. When your focus on this power ends, your mindblade disappears."
"damageInflict": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Monk",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Soulknife",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mindlink",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 51,
"level": 0,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 120
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"You contact the mind of another creature you can see within range, granting you the ability to communicate with it telepathically while you focus on this power. While you focus, the target can telepathically communicate with you as well. If you don’t share a language with the target, you can convey emotions and feelings, but can’t engage in complex conversation. The target must have an Intelligence of at least 4, otherwise this spell fails and the casting time is wasted. You can only communicate with the target while it remains in range.",
"Until your focus ends, you can use a bonus action to switch the target of this spell to another creature you can see within range. The power ends if the new target does not have an Intelligence of at least 4."
"miscTags": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Kalashtar (Variant)",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mystic Displacement",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 51,
"level": 0,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"With an audible thrum, you extend your senses out around you, reaching through the fold of space to manipulate objects.",
"Until your focus ends, you can use your action to teleport a loose object you can see within 30 feet of you to another location within range. The object can’t weigh more than 10 pounds, and you can’t affect an object being worn or carried by another creature. When the item reappears, it can be in any orientation you desire relative to its original one. The object falls if you cause it to reappear in midair."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Primal Metabolism",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 51,
"level": 0,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 10
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"You alter your body chemistry to produce volatile enzymes.",
"Until your focus ends, you can use an action to expel a visible cloud of poisonous or acidic vapor at one creature within range, or two creatures within range that are within 5 feet of each other. A target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or take {@damage 1d6} acid or poison damage (your choice).",
"This cantrip’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level {@damage 2d6}, 11th level {@damage 3d6}, and 17th level {@damage 4d6}."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"miscTags": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Thri-Kreen",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psychic Hammer",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 52,
"level": 0,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"While you focus on this power, you can use your action to target one creature you can see within range with a battering ram of translucent telekinetic energy. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take {@damage 1d6} points of force damage and be knocked {@condition prone}. This cantrip’s damage increases by {@damage 1d6} when you reach 5th level {@damage 2d6}, 11th level {@damage 3d6}, and 17th level {@damage 4d6}."
"scalingLevelDice": {
"label": "force damage",
"scaling": {
"1": "1d6",
"5": "2d6",
"11": "3d6",
"17": "4d6"
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"miscTags": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psychic Static",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 52,
"level": 0,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"When you cast this spell, you generate a field of subtle mental noise. Until your focus ends, you can make this noise perceivable by any number of creatures you can see in range at any time, requiring no action. Creatures who can sense this effect know it originates from your direction.",
"Whenever a creature you can see that perceives this noise makes an ability check, you may use your reaction to force the creature to roll a d4 and subtract the result from the check. {@condition deafened} creatures are not immune to this effect."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Sixth Sense",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 52,
"level": 0,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"You gain a prescient sense that improves your reflexive response to danger, granting you advantage on initiative rolls until your focus ends."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Speed of Thought",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 52,
"level": 0,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"Your body’s responses to your thoughts quicken, increasing your walking speed by 10 feet until your focus ends.",
"Additionally, while you focus, you may teleport to your feet from a {@condition prone} position once per round on your turn, requiring no action and expending none of your movement. Your speed must not be 0 for you to teleport this way."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "True Shot",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 52,
"level": 0,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"One of your eyes turns a lusterless black, granting you unparalleled concentration in aiming your ranged attacks.",
"Until your focus ends, any attack roll you make for a ranged weapon attack ignores disadvantage. If disadvantage would normally apply to the roll, that roll also can’t benefit from advantage."
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Verve",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 52,
"level": 0,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"When you cast this spell, you are energized and briefly glow as you intone a low hum that reverberates through your body.",
"Until your focus ends, you don’t need to eat, breathe, or sleep. To gain the benefits of a long rest, you can spend 8 hours engaged in light activity."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Goliath (Dreamscarred)",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Wild Talent",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 52,
"level": 0,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 10
"duration": [
"type": "permanent"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talent Duration",
"You manifest minor psionic effects. Until your focus ends, you can create one of the following effects as an action:",
"name": "Far Hand",
"You telekinetically manipulate up to five unattended objects within range, simultaneously moving them to another location within range in any orientation you desire. You can only affect up to 5 pounds of matter at once."
"name": "Dislocate Vision",
"You shift your field of vision to one that originates from any point you can see within range. This point moves relative to you as you move. While your vision is dislocated, your eyes glow with light. This effect lasts as long as you focus, or you use this effect again to return your vision to normal."
"name": "Subjective Sense",
"You telepathically cause all creatures within range to experience a simple sensation that is subjective to each, such as \"the scent of my favorite food.\" This sensation lasts for 1 minute or until you use this effect again, and affected creatures know it is not real. When you use this effect, you must specify which sense will be affected: sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch. Creatures continue to perceive their real surroundings even while subject to this effect, and do not suffer any detriment or receive any benefit due to the subjective sensation they perceive. You gain no knowledge of specifically what a creature senses due to this effect."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Goblin (Blue)",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Ablative Hide",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 53,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"When you are hit by an attack, you can instantly transmogrify the outer layer of your skin into a dense metamaterial that absorbs the impact before flaking away. You gain a +2 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. This bonus applies against the triggering attack."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the bonus to AC increases by 1 for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Absolute Terror",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 53,
"level": 3,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"When you manifest this augment, you target one creature you are telepathically communicating with and cause their instinctual fight-or-flight terror response to go haywire. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it takes {@damage 5d6} psychic damage and considers all other creatures to be life-threatening and hostile to it. Until your concentration ends, it takes {@damage 1d6} psychic damage for every other creature within 5 feet of it at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, the target takes only half the initial damage and suffers no other effect. A creature is immune to this power if it is immune to being {@condition frightened}."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"For each additional psi point spent to manifest this augment beyond the minimum cost, the target takes {@damage #$prompt_number:min=1,max=13,title=Enter amount of psi to spend!,default=1$#|1} additional psychic damage for every other creature within 5 feet of it at the end of each of its turns while you concentrate."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Accelerate",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 53,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You transfer a creature’s future inertial potential into its present form. Choose a willing creature that you can see within range. For as long as you concentrate, the target’s speed is doubled, it gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and it gains an additional action on each of its turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.",
"When the augment’s duration ends, the target is {@condition incapacitated} and has a speed of 0 until the end of its next turn, as it experiences the future from which all its inertial potential was borrowed."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 8 extra psi points to manifest this augment, you manifest it as a 7th-level power, and you may affect up to five willing creatures you can see within range instead of one."
"miscTags": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Acclimatize",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 53,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You or a creature you touch ignores the effects of high altitude, aquatic pressure, and extreme heat or cold (but not cold or fire damage) for the duration."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Goliath (Dreamscarred)",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Affinity Field",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 53,
"level": 9,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 20
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"17 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You alter your telepathic abilities into a concentrated field of psychic sympathy. For the duration, whenever you take damage from a weapon attack, all creatures in the area take the same amount of damage.",
"Additionally, whenever you are targeted by or are in the area of a spell or power of 5th level or lower, all creatures inside your affinity field are treated as though they were targeted or were in the area of the same effect, receiving their own saving throws if applicable. The effects of non-instantaneous spells or powers transferred to targets this way end when the affinity field ends, regardless of whether the spell or power’s normal duration is longer."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Anger Impulse",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 54,
"level": 3,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You coerce the inner id lurking in the mind of another creature to unleash itself, sending it into a reckless fury. One creature you are telepathically communicating with must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes {@damage 5d8} psychic damage, and the only action it can take on its next turn is the Attack action. If the target chooses to take the Attack action on its turn, it makes all of its attacks on that turn with advantage, but all attacks against the target of this power have advantage until the start of its next turn.",
"On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage, and it experiences no additional effects."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you may target 1 additional creature you can see within range for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Apathy Impulse",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 54,
"level": 4,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You briefly suppress all wants and desires of a creature you can see within range. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking {@damage 3d8} psychic damage on a failed save, or no damage on a successful one.",
"Additionally, if the target fails its saving throw, it is {@condition incapacitated} and its speed is reduced to 0 until your concentration ends. The target may repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to being {@condition charmed}."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 3d8 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=11,title=Enter amount of psi to spend!,default=1$#d8|3d8 + an additional 1d8} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Assess Foe",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 54,
"level": 1,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "Bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You refocus your vision to sense the essential qualities of one creature you can see. You learn all its immunities, resistances, and vulnerabilities. You also learn the details of any traits that cause specific damage types to hinder or aid it (such as a troll’s regeneration or a zombie’s undead fortitude)."
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Assimilate",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 54,
"level": 5,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You touch a creature and assimilate their life force and matter into your body. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes {@damage 7d6 + 20} force damage and you gain temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is completely assimilated.",
"A completely assimilated creature dies and its entire body, including everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, is broken down and absorbed entirely into your body. The creature can be restored to life only by means of true resurrection, reality revision, or similar magic.",
"When you completely assimilate a creature, your hit point maximum increases by 2 for every hit die the target creature possessed. Additionally, you gain a semblance of the creature’s form, granting you advantage on ability checks to impersonate it. Both of these effects last until you finish a long rest. This power has no effect on undead or constructs."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 7d6 + 20 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=9,title=Enter amount of psi to spend!,default=1$#d6|7d6 + 20 + an additional 1d6} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Assume Control",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 54,
"level": 5,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"Your force of will overwhelms another creature, allowing you to control its higher motor functions. You target one creature you are telepathically communicating with. The target must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, you choose the target’s movement and action on each of its turns while you concentrate. On a successful save, the target is unaffected. At the end of each of the target’s turns it can repeat the saving throw, ending the power on a success.",
"A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to being {@condition charmed}."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Aura Beam",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 55,
"level": 3,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You lens the light of your {@spell aura beacon|Psions Primer} into a coherent beam and project it at one creature you can see within range. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it takes {@damage 5d6} radiant damage and is {@condition blinded} until your concentration ends. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and is not {@condition blinded}. A {@condition blinded} target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 5d6 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=13,title=Enter amount of psi to spend!,default=1$#d6|5d6 + an additional 1d6} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"conditionInflict": [
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Aura Burst",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 55,
"level": 7,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"13 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You briefly increase the luminosity of your aura to stunningly bright, searing energy. All creatures in range must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes {@damage 10d6} radiant damage and is {@condition blinded} and {@condition stunned} until your concentration ends. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and suffers no other effect. A {@condition blinded} and {@condition stunned} target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending both effects on itself on a success."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 10d6 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=4,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2,default=1$#/2)d6|10d6 + an additional 1d6} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"conditionInflict": [
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Aura of Awe",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 55,
"level": 5,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You shape your aura into one that engenders reverence and obedience. Choose up to 5 creatures you can see within range. Each target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be {@condition charmed} by you until your concentration ends. While {@condition charmed}, the target obeys all your verbal commands to the best of its ability, but it cannot be ordered to take obviously self-destructive actions. The {@condition charmed} target will attack only creatures that it has seen attack you since it was {@condition charmed} or that it was already hostile toward. At the end of each of its turns, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you may choose one additional target for this augment for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"conditionInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Aura of Charm",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 55,
"level": 1,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "feet",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You shape your aura into one of empathic power. Roll {@damage 2d8}; the total is how many hit points worth of creatures this augment can affect. Creatures within range when you manifest this augment are affected in ascending order of their hit point maximums, ignoring {@condition incapacitated} creatures, creatures immune to being {@condition charmed}, and creatures engaged in combat.",
"Starting with the creature that has the lowest hit point maximum, each creature affected by this option is {@condition charmed} by you for the duration, regarding you as a friendly acquaintance. Subtract each creature’s hit point maximum from the total before moving onto the next creature. A creature’s hit point maximum must be equal to or less than the remaining total for that creature to be affected."
"conditionInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, instead roll {@dice 2d8 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=18,title=Enter amount of psi to spend!,default=1$#d8|2d8 + an additional 1d8} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost, the total is how many hit points worth of creatures this augment can affect."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Aura of Comfort",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 55,
"level": 1,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You shape your aura into one of confidence and calm. Choose up to 3 targets among yourself and allies you can see within range. Until your concentration ends, each target can roll a d4 when making a saving throw and add the number rolled to the total."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Aura of Fury",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 55,
"level": 1,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You shape your aura into one that encourages righteous anger in your allies, urging them to fight that much harder. Choose up to 3 allies you can see within range. Until your concentration ends, each target can roll a d4 whenever rolling damage for a melee weapon attack, adding the number rolled to the damage roll."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Aura of Jubilation",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 56,
"level": 2,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You shape your aura into one of distracting mirth. Until your concentration ends, each creature within range that can see you suffers disadvantage on any ability checks using the Perception and Investigation skills."
"opposedCheck": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Aura of Malice",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 56,
"level": 4,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 20
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Your aura darkens into one of dreadful animosity. When you manifest this power, you designate any number of creatures you can see to be exempt from its effects. An affected creature’s speed is halved in the area, and when the creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Charisma saving throw. The creature takes {@damage 3d10} psychic damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, its damage increases to {@damage 3d10 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=10,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2,default=1$#/2)d10|3d10 + an additional 1d10} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Aura of Victory",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 56,
"level": 1,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You shape your aura into one of exaltation that fortifies you and your allies when your enemies are defeated; whenever an enemy you can see is reduced to 0 hit points, you and each of your allies within range gain 2 temporary hit points."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, every time this augment would allow you and your allies to gain temporary hit points the amount is increased by 2 for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Aura Sight",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 56,
"level": 2,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You mystically tune your vision to the aura of one creature you can see. Until your concentration ends, while you can see the target, you learn if it’s under the effect of any magical effects, and the school of magic of any such effect. In addition, if you can see the target, you know its current hit point total and its basic emotional state. While you concentrate, you have advantage on Wisdom and Charisma checks you make against the target."
"opposedCheck": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Avert Fate",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 56,
"level": 7,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"13 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You prevent a disaster about to befall you. When you fail a saving throw, you may manifest this power to succeed on it instead."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Baleful Displacement",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 56,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You choose a point you can see within range and rearrange the spatial coordinates of every creature within a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on that point. Each creature in the sphere must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or take {@damage 2d6} force damage and be teleported to an unoccupied space of your choice in the sphere. Any loose object in the sphere is moved to an unoccupied space of your choice within it if the object weighs no more than 100 pounds."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 2d6 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=16,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2,default=1$#/2)d6|2d6 + an additional 1d6} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost.",
"If you spend at least 4 additional psi points to increase this augment’s damage, you may increase the radius of the sphere to 20 feet."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Baleful Transposition",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 57,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 120
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You instantly swap dimensional coordinates with a creature you can see within range. That creature must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, you and that creature teleport, swapping places. This ability fails and is wasted if either of you can’t fit in the destination space."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Beacon of Recovery",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 57,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You send out a wave of restorative psychic energy. You and up to five allies you can see within range can immediately make saving throws against all effects that allow saving throws at the start or end of an affected creature’s turn."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Bestial Claws",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 57,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You tap into latent, predator instincts and briefly reshape your hands into long claws. Make a melee power attack against a creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, this attack deals slashing damage equal to {@damage 2d4} + your psionic ability modifier."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 2d4 + (#$prompt_number:min=1,max=16,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#*2)d4|2d4 + your psionic ability modifier + an additional 2d4} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"spellAttack": [
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Thri-Kreen",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Bestial Transformation",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 57,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "special"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You fix a bestial version of yourself in your mind and manifest your vision physically. When you use this ability, you choose one or more of the following effects. Each effect has its own psi cost and power level. Add them together to determine the total cost and power level of this augment. Your transformation lasts until you die, until you end it as a bonus action, or until the duration ends. The duration is a number of hours equal to the final power level of the augment.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Aquatic (2 psi, level 1)",
"You gain fins and webbing between your fingers and toes; you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Climbing (2 psi, level 1)",
"You grow tiny hooked claws that give you a climbing speed equal to your walking speed."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Flight (6 psi, level 3)",
"Wings sprout from your back. You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Keen Senses (2 psi, level 1)",
"Your eyes and ears become more sensitive. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Perfect Senses (4 psi, level 2)",
"You gain a keen sense of smell and an instinct to detect prey. You can see {@condition invisible} creatures and objects within 10 feet of you, even if you are {@condition blinded}."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Tough Hide (2 psi, level 1)",
"Your skin becomes as tough as leather; you gain a +2 bonus to AC."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Blade Sling",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 57,
"level": 4,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "line",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You hurl your mindblade away from you and make a melee weapon attack with it against every creature in a 60-foot long 5- foot wide line extending from you in any direction you choose. You make a single attack roll and compare it to each creature's AC individually. If the attack hits a creature, it deals normal damage for a mindblade attack plus an additional 4d8 force damage.",
"When your mindblade reaches the end of the line or strikes a solid surface other than a creature, your focus on mindblade ends."
"spellAttack": [
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Monk",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Soulknife",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Bladestorm",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 57,
"level": 5,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 20
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"As you strike with your mindblade, you fragment into four duplicates and launch a hurricane of attacks. When you manifest this power, you may target up to 4 creatures within a 20-foot radius sphere centered on you and make two melee attacks with your mindblade against each target."
"spellAttack": [
"conditionInflict": [
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Monk",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Soulknife",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Body Adjustment",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 57,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You send a reverberating surge of vitalizing energy throughout your body. You regain a number of hit points equal to 5 + your psionic ability modifier."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the amount of hit points you regain increases by 5 hit points for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Body Equilibrium",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 58,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observant"
"You adjust your body’s density to be dynamically buoyant. Whenever you fall during this power’s duration, your rate of descent slows to 60 feet per round. If you land before the power ends, you take no falling damage and can land on your feet."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 4 additional psi points when manifesting this augment beyond its minimum cost, you manifest it as a 3rd- level power, and for the duration you can walk on water, quicksand, or a fragile solid surface (like a spider’s web or a thin sheet of ice) without sinking or breaking the surface. Additionally, you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed for the duration."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Goblin (Blue)",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Body Rejuvenation",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 58,
"level": 6,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"11 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You induce a supernaturally effective healing state in your body. You regain 30 hit points. For the duration of the power, you regain 1 hit point at the start of each of your turns (10 hit points each minute).",
"Your severed body members (fingers, legs, tails, and so on), if any, are restored after 2 minutes. If you have the severed part and hold it to the stump, the power instantaneously causes the limb to knit to the stump."
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Breath of the Dragon",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 58,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "line",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You inhale more deeply than should be possible, then exhale a wave of virulent breath in a line 5 feet wide and 60 feet long. Choose acid or poison damage. Each creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking {@damage 6d6} damage of your chosen type on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 6d6 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=16,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d6|6d6 + an additional 1d6} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost.",
"If you spend at least 4 additional psi points to increase this augment’s damage, you may choose to exhale your breath in a 60- foot cone instead of a line."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Brute Strike",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 58,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You channel your potential for violence into one strike. Your next damage roll this turn against a target you hit with a melee attack deals an additional {@damage 1d6} damage of the same type of damage that your attack deals. If your attack deals more than one type of damage, you choose which type."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage #$prompt_number:min=1,max=17,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d6|1d6 + an additional 1d6} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Caustic Blood",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 58,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 5
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"When you take piercing or slashing damage, you may manifest this augment to cause acid to spray from your wound. Each creature within 5 feet of you takes {@damage 2d6} acid damage."
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Charged Shot",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 58,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"components": {
"m": "a ranged weapon"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You imbue one ranged weapon you hold with psionic energy. The next attack you make with it that hits before the end of the current turn deals an extra {@damage 1d10} psychic damage."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 1d10 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=17,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d10|1d10 + an additional 1d10} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Chastise Remote Viewing",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 59,
"level": 6,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 24
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"11 psi points"
"You enfold yourself in an {@condition invisible}, protective barrier against magic eyes, projections, or sensors that attempt to view you or your surrounding area (for example, the effects created by arcane eye, clairvoyance, scrying, or thought projection). For the duration, whenever any such effect would be able to sense you, the creator of the effect must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, the target takes {@damage 10d10} psychic damage and cannot perceive you with the triggering effect. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and the triggering effect functions normally.",
"Regardless of a target’s success or failure, you are aware if someone triggers your trap. However, you do not gain any further information on the effect or its creator, such as the location of the sensor, eye, or projection, or whether the target succeeded or failed on their saving throw."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Cold Snap",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 59,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 120
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"With a sharp crack, you instantly and drastically lower the ambient temperature around one creature you can see within range. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes {@damage 1d8} cold damage and has its speed halved until your concentration ends. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and it suffers no further effect. A target that has its speed reduced by this augment can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 1d8 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=17,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d8|1d8} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Compel Confession",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 59,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You ask a question of one creature that can see and hear you within range, your voice reverberating with unnatural gravitas. The question must be phrased so that it can be answered with a yes or no, otherwise the power fails. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw, or it replies with a truthful answer.",
"A creature is immune to this effect if it does not share a language with you or if it is immune to being {@condition charmed}."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Consuming Rage",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 59,
"level": 3,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You stoke the rage of a creature you can see within range, causing it to attack relentlessly with no thought for its own safety. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, whenever the target makes a melee attack while you concentrate, any creature within 5 feet of the target can use a reaction to make a melee attack against it. The target automatically fails the saving throw if it is using a feature or ability that allows it to benefit from strong emotions of aggression, rage, fury, or similar states of mind (as determined by the DM)."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Correspond",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 60,
"level": 4,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "unlimited"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You form a telepathic connection to a creature familiar to you. The target must have an Intelligence of at least 2, otherwise this power fails and the manifesting time and psi cost are wasted. If the target knows you, it recognizes your mind touching its own as you form this connection. While you concentrate, you may telepathically communicate twenty-five words or less to the target as an action. Until your concentration ends, the target may also telepathically communicate up to twenty-five words to you as an action. You and the target can understand this telepathic communication, even if you don’t share a language.",
"You can establish this telepathic connection across any distance and it may even reach across to other planes of existence."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Corrosive Sting",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 60,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"You morph your fingers into claws that inject corrosive venom and sting a creature within your reach. The target must make a Constitution saving throw, taking {@damage 2d12} acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 2d12 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=16,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 3!,default=1$#*2/3)d12|2d12 + an additional 2d12} for every 3 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Courageous Recall",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 60,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"You briefly connect your mind with up to six creatures you can see within range and trigger within them subjective memories of courage. You end the {@condition frightened} condition on all affected creatures. You gain no knowledge of the specific memories triggered in the targets."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Goblin (Blue)",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Covetous Urge",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 60,
"level": 4,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You reach into the mind of a creature you can see within range, and make it believe the object of its deepest desires appears before it. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, you gain partial control over the target’s behavior for the duration of this power. On its turn, you determine the target’s movement, as the target pursues the phantom object it covets. If the target has taken damage since the end of its last turn, it can act normally, otherwise it can only use its action to admire this phantom object. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.",
"A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to being {@condition charmed}."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Crisis of Breath",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 60,
"level": 3,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You reach into the mind of a creature you can see within range, and make it believe it cannot breathe normally. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the target exhales all breath it has in its lungs and begins suffocating. A suffocating creature can survive for a number of rounds equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round), and at the start of its next turn it drops to 0 hit points and is dying. On each of its turns for the duration, the target can use its action to manually gasp for breath, extending the number of rounds it can survive while suffocating by 1. If a creature forgoes gasping for breath to take other actions, it may act normally except that it cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components.",
"If the target succumbs to suffocation and begins dying, it can be healed above 0 hit points, but in order to remain conscious, it must continue to manually gasp for air as an action each turn for the duration.",
"A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to being {@condition charmed} or does not need to breathe."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 8 extra psi points to manifest this augment, you manifest it as a 7th-level power, and you may affect up to four creatures you can see within range instead of one."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Crisis of Life",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 61,
"level": 8,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"15 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You reach into the mind of a creature you can see within range, and instill the belief that it is suffering from an immediate, deadly malady such as a catastrophic heart attack. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the target utterly believes the condition is real and is knocked {@condition unconscious} and begins dying. The target’s current hit point total is not reduced to 0, but for the duration, the target must make death saving throws as though it were. The target dies if it accrues three failed death saving throws, as normal. If the target accrues three successful death saving throws, it stabilizes but remains {@condition unconscious} for the duration. If the target takes damage, it does not suffer automatic death saving throw failures, unless its current hit points have already been reduced to 0.",
"For the duration, magical or mundane healing and assistance cannot allow the target to return consciousness or stabilize it.",
"A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to being {@condition charmed}."
"conditionInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Crush Psyche",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 61,
"level": 7,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"13 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You brutally crush the mind of one creature that you can see within range. The target must make a Charisma saving throw, taking {@damage 8d12} psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage can’t reduce the target’s hit points below 1. If the target fails the saving throw, its hit point maximum is reduced for 1 hour by an amount equal to the psychic damage it took. Any affect that imparts immunity to psychic damage allows a creature’s hit point maximum to return to normal before that time passes."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 8d12 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=5,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d12|8d12 + an additional 1d12} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Cryo Barrier",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 61,
"level": 4,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"With an ear-splitting screech audible up to 300 feet away, you freeze the air to form a wall of ice. The wall is 60 feet long, 15 feet high, and 1 foot thick. At least one 10-foot-long section of the wall must be within range when you manifest this power. Each 10-foot section of the wall has AC 12 and 30 hit points. The wall lasts until your concentration ends or all sections are destroyed. A creature that damages the wall with a melee attack takes an amount of cold damage equal to the damage it dealt to the wall."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Cryo Wave",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 61,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "cube",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"The air before you crackles as you strip heat from a 30-foot-by-30-foot cube originating from you. Any creature in the area when you manifest this augment and any creature that ends its turn there for the duration takes 5 cold damage.",
"Additionally, the ground in the area becomes difficult terrain for the duration, and any creature that moves more than 10 feet on this difficult terrain must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall {@condition prone}. If the surface is sloped, a creature that falls {@condition prone} in the area immediately slides to the bottom of the slope."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Crystal Burst",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 61,
"level": 6,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 90
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"12 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You teleport your psicrystal to any unoccupied space in range, then direct it to burst apart, filling a 30-foot radius sphere with an explosion of razor sharp crystal shards. All creatures and unattended objects in the area take {@damage 6d6} piercing damage, then the shards of your psicrystal teleport back into one solid form in your space."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 6d6 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=6,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d6|6d6 + an additional 1d6} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Crystal Flechette",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 61,
"level": 2,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"4 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You direct your psicrystal to launch a tiny sliver of itself at an enemy it can see. Your psicrystal makes a ranged power attack using your power attack bonus against the target. On a hit, the target takes {@damage 4d10} piercing damage. Hit or miss, the launched sliver teleports back to your psicrystal and merges into it."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 4d10 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=14,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d10|4d10 + an additional 1d10} for every additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"spellAttack": [
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Warforged (Psiforged)",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Crystal Spray",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 62,
"level": 4,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "cube",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 15
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"8 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You direct your psicrystal to spray thousands of tiny needle-like shards of itself in a 15-foot cube adjacent to it. All creatures in the area automatically take {@damage 6d4} piercing damage, then all the sprayed pieces of your psicrystal teleport back into the greater whole, reforming it."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 6d4 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=10,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d4|6d4 + an additional 1d4} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Crystallize",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 62,
"level": 9,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"17 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You direct your psicrystal to move into the space of a creature you can see within range and touch it. If the target has 100 hit points or less, it becomes crystallized. Otherwise, the power has no effect.",
"A crystallized creature is {@condition petrified}, except that it does not gain resistance to thunder damage. Additionally, if an affected target takes 10 or more thunder damage from any single attack or effect, its crystallized form shatters, killing it instantly."
"conditionInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Déjà vu",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 62,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 90
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "round",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You briefly befuddle the senses and perception of one creature you can see within range, making it repeat itself. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, it repeats the action or actions it took on its previous turn. If conditions have changed enough to prevent the creature from taking the same actions again (if the creature it took the Attack action against last round is dead or out of range, if it no longer has the psi points necessary to manifest the augment at the same intensity it previously did, etc.), the target is instead {@condition incapacitated} and doesn’t move until the beginning of your next turn."
"conditionInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Death Urge",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 62,
"level": 6,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "round",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"11 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You slip an artificial, self-destructive instinct into the mind of one creature you are telepathically communicating with. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target is affected. On its next turn, an affected target attempts to end its life by the most direct means possible. If the target is armed, it takes the Attack action to make attacks against itself, all of which automatically hit and are critical hits. The target may repeat the saving throw after each attack, ending this power’s effects on a success.",
"If the target is unarmed, it moves as far as it can, including taking the Dash action if necessary, to its nearest enemy and lowers its guard, provoking an opportunity attack.",
"At the DM’s option, an affected target that perceives an immediately lethal hazard in the environment may subject itself to that hazard, such as flinging itself off a high cliff or diving into a lake of lava. In such cases, the affected creature moves as close as it can to the hazard without subjecting itself to it, taking the Dash action and provoking opportunity attacks if necessary, and then repeats the saving throw. On a success, this power’s effects end before the target subjects itself to the hazard. On a failure, the affected target uses its remaining movement to subject itself to the hazard."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Decelerate",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 62,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You leach the inertia from one creature you can see within range, making it appear to move in a slower frame of reference. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be affected by this augment for the duration.",
"An affected target’s speed is halved, it has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws, and it can’t use reactions. On its turn, it can use either an action or a bonus action, not both. Regardless of the creature’s abilities or magic items, it can’t make more than one melee or ranged attack during its turn. If the creature falls while affected by this augment, it falls only 60 feet a round until the effect ends, and it if it lands before the effect ends it takes no falling damage.",
"A creature affected by this power makes another Charisma saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, the effect ends for it."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you may target one additional creature within range for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Decerebrate",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 63,
"level": 4,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"8 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You focus ominously on a creature you can see within range and attempt to remove parts of its brain. Roll {@dice 15d8}. If the total you roll equals or exceeds the target’s current hit point total, you instantly reduce its Intelligence score to 0 and teleport a large portion of its brain out of its body to a space within range. An affected creature is permanently {@condition incapacitated} and cannot move or speak. It becomes limp and unresponsive to all outside stimuli. If not provided with care, an affected creature will perish in 3 days. These effects end on the target if its Intelligence score is restored."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you instead roll {@dice 15d8 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=10,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d8|15d8 + an additional 1d8} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"conditionInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Destiny Deluge",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 63,
"level": 3,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You touch a creature and show them all possible futures, inundating them with more terrible knowledge than they can bear. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, the target takes {@damage 5d8} psychic damage and is {@condition stunned} for the duration. On a success, the target takes half damage and is not {@condition stunned}. A {@condition stunned} target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, and is no longer {@condition stunned} on a success.",
"A target reduced to 0 hit points by this power is {@condition unconscious} but stable."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 5d8 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=13,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d8|5d8 + an additional 1d8} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"conditionInflict": [
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Destiny Dissonance",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 63,
"level": 1,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You touch a creature and inundate them with imperfect understanding of several possible futures. The target must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or be overwhelmed for as long as you concentrate. While overwhelmed, the target has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls, and its speed is halved."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Diminutive Form",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 63,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You become Tiny until your concentration ends. While this size, you gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and can move through gaps as small as 6 inches across without squeezing."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 7 additional psi points when manifesting this augment beyond its minimum cost, you manifest it as a 5th-level power, and you become even smaller for the duration. While this size, you gain all the regular effects of this augment, plus you gain a +5 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks, a +5 bonus to AC, you can move through gaps as small as 1 inch across without squeezing, and you can’t make weapon attacks."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Discern Hostile Intent",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 63,
"level": 2,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You cast your telepathic field wide and become sensitive to the intention to do you harm. While you concentrate, you know the direction of the nearest creature hostile to you within the area, but not its distance from you. You can sense the presence of hostile creatures that are ethereal, {@condition invisible}, disguised, or hidden, as well as those in plain sight."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Discern Moods",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 64,
"level": 1,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You briefly perceive the emotions of others as distinct colors. You learn a one-word summary of the emotional state of up to six creatures you can see (such as happy, confused, afraid, or violent)."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Discern Position",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 64,
"level": 1,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "hour"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You meditate on the location of one creature. In order to target a creature with this augment, you must have seen the creature first-hand or have received a first-hand description or likeness of them. A disguise, whether mundane or magical, foils this power if you have not seen past the disguise first-hand. If you have a valid target, you gain an understanding of where the target is in the cosmos. You learn the region, city, town, village, and district where it is, pinpointing an area between 1 and 3 miles on a side (DM’s choice). If the creature is on another plane of existence, you instead learn which plane.",
"You may target yourself with this power, learning where you are (useful if you find yourself lost or unexpectedly transported). If you target yourself, you also gain the knowledge of which plane of existence you are currently on."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Discern Remote Viewing",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 64,
"level": 4,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"You subtly attune your vision to detect the presence of {@condition invisible} magic eyes, projections, or sensors that might be viewing the area (for example, the effects created by arcane eye, clairvoyance, scrying, or thought projection). You recognize whether the effect is an eye, sensor, or projection, but gain no further knowledge about it (such as the effect that created it, or who created it). The creator of the effect does not inherently know that you have detected it, but may realize you have depending on your actions after discovering it."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Discern Teleport",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 64,
"level": 4,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"While you concentrate, you can sense disturbances in the fabric of reality, gaining knowledge about teleportation effects that occur within in range, whether you have line of sight to the effect or not. When you sense a teleportation effect, you know its direction of travel and a general indication of the distance teleported (up to a hundred feet, hundreds of feet, miles, or interplanar)."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 4 extra psi points to manifest this augment, you manifest it as a 6th-level power, and you can sense teleportation effects that have occurred in the area within the hour prior to manifesting it."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Disconcerting Lash",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 64,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You inject a sudden, unsettling, and alien feeling in the mind of one creature you can see within range. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it takes {@damage 1d6} psychic damage and can’t move closer to you until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and suffers no other effect. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to being {@condition frightened}."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 1d6 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=17,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d6|1d6 + an additional 1d6} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Dissipating Touch",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 64,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You touch a creature or object and teleport tiny pieces of it away, flaying away layers of its surface. Make a melee power attack against the target. If you hit, you deal {@damage 3d12} force damage to the target."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 3d12 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=15,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d12|3d12 + an additional 1d12} for each additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"spellAttack": [
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Duodimensional Blade",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 65,
"level": 3,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You refine the shape of your mindblade so that it only exists within two dimensions, producing an absurdly sharp cutting edge. For the duration, attacks with your mindblade score a critical hit on a roll of 19–20."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Monk",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Soulknife",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Ectobolt",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 65,
"level": 1,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 90
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"11 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You lob a ball of gooey ectoplasm pulled from another plane at a creature you can see within range. Make a ranged power attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning damage, and is covered in viscous ectoplasm. The next attack roll the target makes while coated in ectoplasm has disadvantage. The ectoplasm evaporates at the end of the target’s next turn."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 2d6 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=16,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2*2)d6|2d6 + an additional 2d6} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"spellAttack": [
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Ectoplasmic Body",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 65,
"level": 3,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"6 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You transmogrify yourself, including all equipment you are wearing, into a generally humanoid mass of translucent, wriggling ectoplasm. For the duration, you are immune to poison and nonmagical bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage; cannot be {@condition poisoned}; critical hits scored against you become normal hits; and your AC becomes 13 + your psionic ability modifier.",
"While in this form, you cannot take the Attack, Dash, or Use an Object actions. You can fly with a speed of 20 feet and can hover, and you can move through any gap that air can pass through without squeezing. You cannot enter water or other liquids, and you automatically fail saving throws to resist effects that create strong winds.",
"For the duration, you may only cast spells or manifest psionic powers that have no somatic, verbal, or material components. To successfully cast such a spell or manifest such a power, you must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the casting or manifesting time is wasted, but spell slots or psi points are not."
"savingThrow": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Ectoplasmic Repair",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 65,
"level": 1,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You pull forth matter from a plane of thoughts and transmogrify it to match a damaged object or creature you touch. If you manifest this power on an object, you can repair up to 1 cubic foot of material. You can repair a break or tear, fuse broken halves together, or fill in missing gaps.",
"If you manifest this power on a construct or undead creature instead of an object, the creature regains {@dice 1d8} hit points. This power has no effect on any other kind of creature."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment on a construct or undead creature, the amount of hit points the creature regains increases to {@dice 1d8 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=17,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d8|1d8 + an additional 1d8} for every additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost.",
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment on an object, it can repair 1 additional cubic foot of matter for every additional psi point spend beyond the minimum cost."
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Ego Whip",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 66,
"level": 2,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You form your thoughts into a briefly perceptible whip of telepathic energy, and strike the mind of one creature you can see within range, forcefully imposing a sudden and intense feeling of self-doubt in it. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes {@damage 3d8} psychic damage, and it can only take the Dodge, Disengage, or Hide actions on its next turn. On a successful saving throw, the target takes half as much damage, and its choice of action is not limited by this power."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you may target 1 additional creature you can see within range for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Empathic Projection",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 66,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You coalesce your telepathic field into a generalized positive disposition and implant it into one humanoid creature you can see within range. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is {@condition charmed} by you until the power ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. The {@condition charmed} creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance. When the power ends, the creature knows it was {@condition charmed} by you."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you may intensify it in one or both of the following ways, but points spent toward one method do not apply to the other. You may target one additional humanoid creature for every 2 additional psi points spend beyond the minimum cost.",
"If you spend 6 additional psi points, you may target any kind of creature within range, instead of humanoids only."
"conditionInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Empathic Shield",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 66,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You target a creature you can see within range and cloak them in psychically imposed sympathy toward you. At the start of each of the target’s turns, it must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target is unable to harm you with an attack or effect until the start of its next turn, forcing it to target other creatures and place areas of effect carefully to avoid you. On a success, this power’s effect ends on the target. If you take any violent action against the target, such as attacking it or affecting it with a harmful power or spell, the effect on the target immediately ends."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you may target 1 additional creature you can see within range for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Energy Adaptation",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 67,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You or a creature you touch gains resistance to cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage (your choice) for the duration."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 4 additional psi points when manifesting this augment beyond its minimum cost, you manifest it as a 5th-level power, and the target creature instead gains immunity to cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage (your choice) for the duration."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Energy Blade",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 67,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You transform your mindblade into a semi-solid state of energy. The next attack you make with your mindblade before the end of your next turn ignores th e target’s armor, requiring no attack roll. Instead, the target makes a Dexterity saving throw against your power save DC. On a failed save, the target takes the attack’s damage and effects as if you successfully hit it with a melee attack. On a successful save, the target takes half the damage you would have inflicted, as if you successfully hit it with a melee attack, but suffers no additional effects (if any)."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Monk",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Soulknife",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Energy Wave",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 67,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "cone",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 40
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"A rippling wave of psychokinetically generated energy emanates from you, in a 40-foot cone. Choose fire, cold, lightning, or thunder damage. Each creature in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw, or take {@damage 6d8} damage of your chosen damage type on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, for every 2 additional psi points spent, the damage increases to {@damage 6d8 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=12,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d8|6d8 + an additional 1d8} and the length of the cone increases by 10 feet."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Enmity Feedback",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 67,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"When a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see attacks you, you may manifest this augment to impose disadvantage on the triggering attack. If the attack hits you, the attacker takes {@damage 2d6} psychic damage."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the attack damage increases to {@damage 2d6 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=16,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d6|2d6 + an additional 1d6} psychic damage for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Ensnaring Ennui",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 67,
"level": 2,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "minute"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You spend the manifesting time of this augment conversing with one creature you can see within range. If the target converses with you for the full manifesting time, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or you insidiously infect it with a sense of overwhelming boredom. At the start of its next turn, the target sits down (becoming {@condition prone}) and is {@condition incapacitated} for the duration. The save automatically succeeds if the target is immune to being {@condition charmed}.",
"This effect ends immediately if the target or any of its allies it can see are attacked or take damage. On a successful save, the creature is unaffected, with no knowledge of your attempt to ensnare its will."
"conditionInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Fearful Recall",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 67,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You cause a creature in range to perceive you as a subjectively frightening memory. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become {@condition frightened} of you for the duration. Whenever the {@condition frightened} target ends its turn in a location where it can’t see you, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. You gain no knowledge of the specific memory triggered in the target."
"conditionInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Goblin (Blue)",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Fighting Words",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 67,
"level": 2,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "minute"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You spend the manifesting time of this augment conversing with one creature you can see within range. If the target converses with you for the full manifesting time, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or you insert in the target’s mind the urge to do violence against one creature you name or describe to it. If the target sees that creature before the duration ends, it attacks the creature. If the target was already hostile towards the creature, it attacks using weapons or magic. If the target is urged to attack a creature it was neutral or friendly towards, it will use unarmed strikes. Once the target attacks, it continues to do so for 1 minute, at which point this power ends. This augment immediately ends if the target or any ally it can see is attacked or takes damage from any creature other than the one it has been incited against. The save automatically succeeds if the target is immune to being {@condition charmed}. On a successful save, the creature is unaffected, and has no inkling of your attempt to bend its will."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Fortify Psicrystal",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 68,
"level": 1,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 8,
"upTo": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You touch your psicrystal and reinforce its crystalline lattice, strengthening its ability to weather harm. Your psicrystal’s maximum and current hit points increase by 5 for the duration. This power ends early if your focus on imbue psicrystal ends."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you increase your psicrystal’s current and m aximum hit points by an extra 5 for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Warforged (Psiforged)",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Fusion",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 68,
"level": 8,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"15 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You and one willing Medium or smaller humanoid you touch fuse together into one creature (you cannot fuse with an already fused creature). The fused creature is a Medium humanoid that replaces you in your space. It has two actions each round, but one action can only involve purely mental activity, such as casting a spell with no components or manifesting a psionic power. You control all of the fused creature’s actions, but you can relinquish control to the other creature comprising the fused being at any time without using an action. If you relinquish control of the fused being, you cannot regain it until the other creature relinquishes it back to you.",
"The fused creature’s current and maximum hit point total is equal to the sum of both creature’s respective hit point totals. It has access to all racial and class features of both creatures (including proficiencies, spell slots available, psi point reserves, spells prepared, cantrips, spells and augments known, etc.). The fused creature uses the higher of either creature’s bonuses for any given attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, and has the higher of either creature’s score in every ability score.",
"When the fused creature comes into being, you decide what equipment you and the other creature are wearing is subsumed into the fused creature’s form, and what equipment remains usable. The fused creature has a regular humanoid body plan, so it can only accommodate as much gear as a normal humanoid could (one set of armor, two hands to hold or wield items, etc).",
"When the power ends, the fused creature separates back into you and the original creature you touched. The other creature appears in an unoccupied space adjacent to yours. If no unoccupied space is available, the creature is immediately shunted to the nearest space that it can occupy and takes force damage equal to twice the number of feet it is moved.",
"When you and the original creature separate, you share the amount of damage inflicted on the fused being between you, as well as expended resources, such as psi points spent or spell slots used (subtracting evenly from both creatures if they share the same resources, or completely from one creature if it is the only one with such a resource).",
"If a fused creature is killed, it separates back into you and the original creature, both of whom are at 0 hit points, but alive and stable."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Genesis",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 69,
"level": 8,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"15 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"The first time you manifest this power, you initiate a process that propagates the creation of a demiplane. This propagation takes 120 days to complete, and if you manifest genesis again before then, the nascent demiplane collapses and a new process begins from scratch.",
"The environmental features of your demiplane (temperature, weather, flora, fauna, terrain, etc.) are chosen by you when you first begin its propagation and can range from a hostile, barren wasteland to a self-sustaining idyllic paradise. Your demiplane’s created environment cannot include precious minerals, gems, or special materials, and the only native life your demiplane can be created with are beasts of CR 1 or lower and inanimate plants. Your demiplane can be any shape you desire, but it cannot exceed 2 miles in any one dimension. Your demiplane does not contain structures, but buildings can be built there afterward.",
"Once the creation of your demiplane is complete, it comes into existence on the Ethereal Plane. Thereafter, whenever you manifest {@i genesis} again, you create a pair of shimmering linked portals of light, one appearing in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you that you can see, and the other appearing anywhere on your demiplane that you choose. Both portals are 5 feet wide and 10 feet high, are vertically oriented, and must rest on the ground. Each portal has a front and back, and travel through is possible only by moving through a portal’s front. Anything that does so is instantly transported, exiting the linked portal on the other side. The portals last for 1 hour, then vanish.",
"If you are familiar with another creature’s demiplane created by {@i genesis} or the {@spell demiplane|phb} spell, you can have the portal you create with either of those effects connect to the other creature’s demiplane instead of yours. Likewise, another creature that is familiar with your demiplane can connect to it if they manifest {@i genesis} or cast {@spell demiplane|phb}.",
"If you manifest {@i genesis} while already located within your demiplane, you produce one of the following effects:",
"type": "entries",
"name": "{@i Receive}",
"You may designate one unoccupied space touching the ground that you can see and begin concentrating (as though concentrating on a power) for 1 minute. If you maintain your concentration and remain within line of sight of the designated space for the entire minute, that surface becomes mystically attuned to receive incoming portals. Thereafter, whenever {@i genesis} or the {@spell demiplane|phb} spell is used by a creature other than you to travel to your demiplane, its portal or doorway appears in the designated space."
"type": "entries",
"name": "{@i Return}",
"If the portals you used to travel to your demiplane have vanished, you may manifest genesis this way to re-open them. The portals appear in the same spaces they previously did if those spaces are currently unoccupied, or in the closest available unoccupied space if not."
"type": "entries",
"name": "{@i Destroy}",
"You cause your demiplane to begin imploding in on itself, shrinking until completely annihilated 24 hours later. All creatures and nonmagical objects inside your demiplane are killed and destroyed if they remain in your demiplane when it is annihilated, leaving no remains. Magic items are scattered to random locations in the Multiverse.",
"You cannot halt the implosion process once started, but after your demiplane is annihilated, you may manifest genesis again to begin propagating a new demiplane."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Gravitic Field",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 68,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "Bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"6 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You suspend gravity around you and seize control of the angular velocity of your inertia. For the duration, you gain a flying speed of 60 feet."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you may affect one additional creature within 30 feet of you for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost. Affected creatures gain a flying speed of 60 feet for as long as you concentrate."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Gravitic Spike",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 68,
"level": 5,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 100
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You intensely magnify the acceleration of gravity in a 50-foot- radius, 100-foot high cylinder centered on a point within range. Creatures who take falling damage in the area suffer an extra {@damage 1d12} bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet they fall. A creature’s walking speed is reduced to 5 feet in the area, and when it enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes {@damage 4d8} bludgeoning damage and is knocked {@condition prone}. On a success, the creature takes half of this damage.",
"In addition to the above effects, flying creatures who are in the area when you manifest this power, or who fly into the area, must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the creature crashes, falling to the ground. On a success, the creature may use its remaining flying speed to exit the area, and its altitude is halved. If it cannot exit the area with this movement, it falls as if it failed the saving throw."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psychic Reformation",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 84,
"level": 6,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 16,
"unit": "hours"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"11 psi points"
"You guide a creature you touch through mediation to psychically reorganize its memories and past experiences, following different pathways of causality. The target creature must concentrate (as if concentrating on a power), and you must remain in contact with it for the entire manifesting time, or you fail to manifest this augment.",
"When you manifest this augment, the target creature can choose to do any of the following:",
"type": "list",
"Lose proficiency in one of its skills and gain proficiency in another.",
"Lose proficiency in one tool it is proficient with and gain proficiency in another.",
"Forget one language it knows and learn another.",
"Change any decisions it made for any Ability Score Improvement class feature it previously gained, including the decision to take a feat it meets the prerequisites for, if applicable.",
"Forget a spell or augment known and choose a different one of the same level."
"The target can choose to do any of the above effects any number of times, however each time an effect is chosen, the maximum hit point total of both you and the target are reduced by 2. This reduction lasts for each creature respectively until it gains a level, and cannot be removed with greater restoration, revitalization, psychic chirurgery, or similar magic."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Reality Revision",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 88,
"level": 9,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"18 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"The power to reshape reality as one desires is the mightiest power a mortal being can possess. When you manifest this power, a visible ripple in space and time propagates out from you, and, in its wake, the world is revised to your liking.",
"The basic use of this power is to duplicate any other power or spell of 8th level or lower. If you duplicate a psionic augment, you do not need to be focusing on the augment’s appropriate psionic talent, and any other requirements of the augment simply appear. You need not provide any costly material components to duplicate a spell either; the spell simply takes effect.",
"Alternatively, you can create one of the following effects of your choice:",
"type": "list",
"You create one object of up to 25,000 gp in value that isn’t a magic item. The object can be no more than 300 feet in any dimension, and it appears in an unoccupied space you can see on the ground.",
"You allow up to twenty creatures that you can see to regain all hit points, and you end all effects on them described in the {@spell revitalization|Psions Primer} power (including its intensified effects).",
"You grant up to ten creatures that you can see resistance to a damage type you choose.",
"You grant up to ten creatures you can see immunity to a single power, spell, or other magical effect for 8 hours. For instance, you could make yourself and all your companions immune to a kalaraq quori’s Focused Mind Seed attack.",
"You undo a single recent event by forcing a reroll of any roll made within the last round (including your last turn). Reality reshapes itself to accommodate the new result. For example, a reality revision power could undo an opponent’s successful save, a foe’s critical hit, or a friend’s failed save. You can force the reroll to be made with advantage or disadvantage, and you can choose whether to use the reroll or the original roll."
"You might be able to achieve something beyond the scope of the above examples. State your desired revision of reality to the DM as precisely as possible. The DM has great latitude in ruling what occurs in such an instance; the greater the revision, the greater the likelihood that something goes wrong. The revision might simply fail to take hold, the effect you desire might only be partially achieved, or you might suffer some undesirable outcome as the result of a runaway butterfly effect. For example, altering reality with the desire that all Inspired be wiped from the world might propel you centuries forward in time to a period after the age of Dal Quor has turned and destroyed all the quori, effectively removing you from the game. Similarly, revising reality such that you are in the possession of a legendary magic item might pull you to the location of the item’s current owner, rather than transporting the item to you.",
"The stress of manifesting this power to produce any effect other than duplicating another power or spell taxes you mentally and physically. After enduring that stress, each time you manifest a power or cast a spell until you finish a long rest, you take {@damage 1d10} psychic damage per level of that magical effect. This damage can’t be reduced or prevented in any way. In addition, your Strength drops to 3, if it isn’t 3 or lower already, for {@dice 2d4} days. For each of those days that you spend resting and doing nothing more than light activity, your remaining recovery time decreases by 2 days. Finally, there is a 33 percent chance that the psi points you spent to manifest reality revision are permanently burned, reducing your maximum psi reserve by 18 points. This reduction cannot be reversed by mortal means, even with a {@spell wish|phb} spell or another reality revision, and it applies to any increased maximum psi reserve you attain for gaining a level."
"damageResist": [
"damageInflict": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Vital Surge",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 100,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"When a creature within range you can see would fail a death saving throw for the third time, you project a beam of bright light from the center of your chest out to the target creature, healing it before it suffers the results of the failed death save. It regains a number of hit points equal to 5 + your psionic ability modifier."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the amount of hit points the target creature regains increases by 5 hit points for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psychic Prowess",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 84,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You channel your psychic potential to improve yourself. Choose an ability score. Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +5 bonus to all ability checks using the chosen ability score."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Soothing Impulse",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 91,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You unleash a pulse of soothing vigor. Choose up to 3 creatures you can see within range. Each target gains 9 temporary hit points."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the number of temporary hit points targets gain from this augment increases by 3 for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Vitality Transfer",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 100,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You touch one creature and transfer your vitality to it, while accepting its pain in return. You take {@damage 3d6} necrotic damage that cannot be mitigated in any way, and the target creature regains a number of hit points equal to 15 + your psionic ability modifier."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment the number of hit points the target creature regains increases by 5 and the damage you take increases to {@damage 3d6 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=12,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d6|3d6 + an additional 1d6} per additional psi point spent."
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Revitalization",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 89,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You touch one creature and restore vigor to it. Remove one of the following conditions from the touched creature: {@condition blinded}, {@condition deafened}, {@condition paralyzed}, or {@condition poisoned}. Alternatively, you remove one disease from the creature."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 6 additional psi points beyond this augment’s minimum cost, you manifest it as a 6th-level power, and the list of conditions you can remove from the touched creature expands to include the following: all reductions to one of its ability scores, an effect that reduces its hit point maximum, one level of {@condition exhaustion}, or any other effect specifically noted as removable with the {@spell greater restoration|phb} spell."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Share Pain",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 90,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You forcefully attune the vital rhythm of a creature you can see within range to match your own. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or you become linked for as long as you concentrate. A creature may choose to fail this saving throw if it wishes. At the end of each of its turns, the target may choose to make another Constitution saving throw, ending the link on a success.",
"While linked, you and the target have resistance to all damage, and each time you or the creature takes damage, the other linked creature takes the same amount of damage.",
"The link ends if you drop to 0 hit points or if you and the target become separated by more than 60 feet. It also ends if this power or the {@spell warding bond} spell is placed on either of the linked creatures. You may also end the link as an action.",
"If you target a creature currently affected by {@spell warding bond} with this power and they fail their saving throw, the {@spell warding bond} spell ends on that creature."
"damageResist": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psychic Defibrillation",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 84,
"level": 4,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You touch a creature that has recently died and jumpstart its body’s vital processes. The target creature must have died within the last minute, or this augment fails. The creature returns to life at 0 hit points but is stable. You cannot return to life a creature that has died of old age, nor can you restore a creature missing any essential body parts."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Vitality Transfer Field",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 100,
"level": 5,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You generate a field of sympathetic transference of life energy. Choose up to six creatures within range. Each target regains hit points equal to 15 + your psionic ability modifier, and you take {@damage 1d6} necrotic damage for each creature healed this way. The damage you take cannot be mitigated in any way."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost the amount of hit points every target creature regains increases by 5 and the total damage you take increases by {@damage #$prompt_number:min=1,max=12,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d6|1d6}."
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Harness Hostility",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 70,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 5
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You extend your battle awareness outward to the minds of foes near you, and steer their enmity towards yourself. While you concentrate, any enemy within range that makes a melee attack roll against a creature other than you does so with disadvantage. Creatures that can’t be {@condition charmed} are immune to this effect."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, this augme nt’s range extends by 5 feet for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost.",
"If you spend at least 4 additional psi points to extend this augment’s range, its effects also apply to ranged attacks that affected creatures make against creatures other than you."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Launching Strike",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 74,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"When you hit a target with a melee attack, you briefly magnify the force of the blow, launching the target away from you. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked 10 feet away from you in a straight line. If the target hits an object, this movement immediately ends and the target takes {@damage 2d6} bludgeoning damage."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost the distance you knock the target back on a failed save increases by 10 feet and the potential damage if it hits an object increases by {@damage #$prompt_number:min=1,max=17,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d6|1d6}"
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psychokinetic Weapon",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 85,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You channel your {@spell battle trance|Psions Primer} as pure kinetic energy into one simple or martial melee weapon you touch. Until your concentration ends, that weapon becomes a magic weapon with a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the weapon’s bonus to attack and damage rolls increases by +1 for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost, to a maximum total bonus of +3."
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Melee Combat Prescience",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 75,
"level": 3,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You enhance your combat senses, allowing you to exploit opportunities you wouldn’t see otherwise. As part of the manifesting time of this power, you either take the Dodge action or make one melee weapon attack."
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Harassing Figment",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 70,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"You cause one creature you can see within range to believe a threatening enemy stalks it, just out of sight. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, it takes {@damage 1d8} psychic damage, and - until the end of your next turn — melee attack rolls against it have advantage and it can’t use reactions. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage, and suffers no other effects. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to being {@condition frightened}."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 1d8 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=17,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d8|1d8 + an additional 1d8} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psychosomatic Haze",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 86,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"You cause one creature you can see within range to believe its sight has become impaired. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, it takes {@damage 1d8} psychic damage and is {@condition blinded} to everything more than 10 feet from it until your concentration on this augment ends. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and its vision is not affected."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 1d8 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=17,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d8|1d8 + an additional 1d8} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"conditionInflict": [
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Tunnel Vision",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 98,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You invert the sensory principle behind your {@spell blind spot|Psions Primer} talent and fixate the attention of a creature you can see within range solely on yourself. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is so thoroughly distracted by your presence that all other creatures are {@condition invisible} to it until your concentration ends. This effect ends if the creature can no longer see or hear you, or if it takes damage."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Obscure",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 81,
"level": 2,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You cloak yourself from sight. You are {@condition invisible} to all creatures you can see until your concentration ends, or until immediately after you damage or otherwise affect any creature with an attack, magical effect, or other ability."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you manifest this augment, you can target one creature you can see in addition to yourself within 60 feet of you for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost. Each target is {@condition invisible} to all creatures seen by at least one target. Your concentration ends if any creature affected by this augment damages or otherwise affects any creature with an attack, magical effect, or other ability."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Dwarf (Duergar, Akiak)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"baseName": "Dwarf",
"baseSource": "PHB"
"name": "Phantom Menace",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 82,
"level": 2,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"You cause one creature you can see within range to perceive a horrifying figment of its imagination. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the target believes a horrifying creature is adjacent to it until your concentration ends. During this time, the target can’t take reactions, and takes {@damage 1d8} psychic damage at the start of each of its turns. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to being {@condition frightened}."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage every round increases to {@damage 1d8 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=17,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d8|1d8 + an additional 1d8} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Vanishing",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 99,
"level": 5,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 500
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"You disappear from the perceptions of all creatures within range. You turn {@condition invisible} and remain so until your concentration ends. While you are concentrating, you cannot be detected by sound or scent, and creatures with extraordinary senses like blindsight or tremorsense can only detect you if their passive Perception is equal to or greater than your power save DC."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Veil Psyche",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 99,
"level": 7,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 24
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"13 psi points"
"You completely obscure your mind from outside influences. For the duration, you are immune to psychic damage, effects that would sense your emotions or read your thoughts, divination spells and clairsentience powers, and the {@condition charmed} condition. This power even foils {@spell wish|phb} spells, the {@spell reality revision|Psions Primer} power, and spells or effects of similar magnitude used to affect your mind or to gain information about you."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mesmering Voice",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 75,
"level": 9,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"17 psi points"
"A creature you touch becomes irresistibly captivating to others. For the duration, whenever the target makes a Charisma check, it can replace the number rolled with a 15. Additionally, no matter what the target says, effects that would determine if it is telling the truth indicate that it is being truthful."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Spectral Steps",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 92,
"level": 1,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You pull ectoplasm from a plane of thoughts and create a solid, translucent staircase that lasts until your concentration ends. The stairs form a spiral that fills a 10-foot-by-10-foot area, and reaches upward 20 feet.",
"When the augment ends, the ectoplasmic staircase evaporates."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the staircase increases in height by up to 20 feet for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Spectral Wall",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 93,
"level": 1,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You pull matter from a plane of thoughts and create a wall of cloudy ectoplasm that lasts until your concentration ends. The wall is 60 feet long, 15 feet high, and 1 foot thick. At least one 10-foot section of the wall must be within range when you create it. Creatures can pass through the wall without hindrance, but the wall blocks vision.",
"When the power ends, the ectoplasmic wall evaporates."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 2 additional psi points beyond the minimum cost to manifest this augment, you fortify the wall with more ectoplasm on creation, making it solid. Creatures cannot pass through the solid version of the wall. Each 5-foot wide section of this wall has AC 12 and 10 hit points. Breaking one section creates a 5-foot by 5-foot hole in it, but the wall otherwise remains intact until your concentration ends."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Spectral Web",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 93,
"level": 2,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 90
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You pull ectoplasmic matter from a plane of thoughts and form it into a 20-foot square area of sticky, psychoactive webbing starting from a point within range. For the duration, the web turns the ground in the area into difficult terrain.",
"A creature in the area when you manifest this augment must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be {@condition restrained} by the web until the augment ends. A creature {@condition restrained} by the web can use its action to make a Strength check against your power save DC. On a success, it frees itself. Regardless of success or failure, however, the creature’s struggles activate the web’s psychoactive strands, causing them to constrict. The creature attempting to escape takes {@damage 2d4} bludgeoning damage, plus another {@damage 2d4} bludgeoning damage for each previous failed attempt to escape the web ({@damage 2d4} for the first failure, {@damage 4d4} for the second, {@damage 6d4} for the third, etc.).",
"When the augment ends, the ectoplasmic web evaporates."
"opposedCheck": [
"conditionInflict": [
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Spectral Shell",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 92,
"level": 4,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 90
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You pull matter from a plane of thoughts and create a shell of solid ectoplasm around a Medium or smaller creature you can see within range. The target is encased in the shell if they fail a Dexterity saving throw; a creature can choose to fail this saving throw if it wishes. The shell lasts until your concentration ends and protects the target from harm while it is trapped inside, providing it total cover from all attacks and effects originating outside of the shell. The target is visible only as a vague shadow within the shell, obscuring line of sight to the creature. The shell has AC 18 and 20 hit points, and weighs as much as the creature trapped inside.",
"While inside the shell, the target can breathe but can’t move or speak, and it can take only take actions that do not require physical movement (such as casting a spell with no verbal or somatic components, or manifesting a psionic power). Teleportation effects can be used to escape the shell, but the ectoplasmic matter of the shell extends into the Ethereal Plane and blocks ethereal travel.",
"A target that is trapped in a shell while flying falls immediately, but the shell protects it from falling damage. The ectoplasmic shell is buoyant, and floats to the surface if it encases a creature underwater.",
"When the power ends, the ectoplasmic shell evaporates."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 8 additional psi points beyond the minimum cost to manifest this augment, you manifest it as an 8th-level power, and it potentially traps all creatures regardless of size in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range (provided they fail their saving throws). Each creature is trapped in an individual shell, and the shells created have AC 20 and 50 hit points."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Spectral Mist",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 92,
"level": 5,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 90
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You draw a significant quantity of ectoplasm from a plane of thoughts and create a roiling, tangible mist of turbulent psychic energy with it. The mist fills an area consisting of up to ten 10-foot cubes, which you can arrange as you wish. Each cube must have at least one face adjacent to the face of another cube. On your turn, you can direct any or all cubes of the mist’s area to move up to 20 feet in any direction, but they must still be adjacent to one another during and after this movement. The mist lasts for the duration, or until strong wind disperses it, ending the power.",
"The mist can occupy the same space as other creatures and objects, and its area is heavily obscured. When a creature enters the mist’s area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it takes 9 psychic damage from the mist’s psychic turbulence. A creature in the area must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw to cast spells or manifest powers. On a failure, the casting or manifesting time is wasted, but spell slots or psi points are not."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases by 1 for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost. For every 2 additional psi points you spend, the mist’s area increases by one 10-foot cube."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Pyrokinesis",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 89,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 120
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You fix your gaze on one creature or object you can see within range and cause it to burst into flames. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes {@damage 1d10} fire damage, and it catches on fire, taking {@damage 1d6} fire damage at the end of each of its turns until your concentration ends or until it or a creature adjacent to it extinguishes the flames with an action. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and doesn’t catch fire."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the initial damage increases to {@damage 1d10 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=17,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d10|1d10 + an additional 1d10} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Synaptic Arc",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 94,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "cone",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 15
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"Visible arcs of synaptic lightning extend from your brow to strike creatures before you. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw, and if the target is wearing heavy armor it makes the save with disadvantage. On a failed save, a creature takes {@damage 1d10} lightning damage, and it has disadvantage on ability checks and ranged attacks until your concentration ends. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and doesn’t suffer any further effects.",
"A target suffering the effects of failed saving throw can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending this power’s effects on itself on a success."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 1d10 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=16,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d10|1d10 + an additional 1d10} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Dromite",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Pyrokinetic Detonation",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 87,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You excite and compress the air into a superheated point within range, until it explodes like a miniature sun. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Constitution saving throw, taking {@damage 4d6} fire damage and being knocked {@condition prone} on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful save with no other effects."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Dromite",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Ultrasonic Tone",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 98,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "line",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"A line of intense, high-pitched sound 60 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts from you in a direction you choose for the power’s duration.",
"When a creature enters the line for the first time on its turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Constitution saving throw, taking {@damage 2d10} thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.",
"Any creature in the line must spend 2 feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves when moving closer to you.",
"As a bonus action on each of your turns while you concentrate, you can change the direction in which the line blasts from you."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 2d10 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=14,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d10|2d10 + an additional 1d10} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Polar Vortex",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 82,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 120
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"Choose a point you can see within range. The air in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point becomes deathly cold and instantly freezes creatures in place. Each creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes {@damage 4d8} cold damage, and its speed is reduced to 0 until your concentration ends. On a successful save, a target takes half as much damage and suffers no further effect.",
"As an action, a target that has its speed reduced can end that effect early if it succeeds on a Strength (Athletics) check with a DC equal to your power save DC."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 4d8 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=16,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d8|4d8 + an additional 1d8} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"opposedCheck": [
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Synaptic Leap",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 94,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "line",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You cause yourself to sublimate into pure synaptic lightning and shoot forth in a line that is 60 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line besides yourself must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking {@damage 3d6} lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. You then teleport to an unoccupied space touched by the end of the line opposite from the space you occupied when you manifested this power."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 3d6 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=13,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d6|3d6 + an additional 1d6} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Immolate Self",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 70,
"level": 4,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"8 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You ignite your body in psionic fire. While you concentrate, you are immune to fire damage, and any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of you takes {@damage 3d6} fire damage. Additionally, you shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet for the duration."
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Noise Barrier",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 80,
"level": 4,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You mentally excite the air molecules before you, forming a wall of pure sound. The wall is 60 feet long, 15 feet high, and 1 foot thick. At least one 10-foot-long section of the wall must be within range when you form the wall. The wall lasts for the duration. Every foot moved through the wall costs 1 extra foot of movement. When a creature moves into the wall’s space for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw, or it takes {@damage 6d6} thunder damage, is pushed in a straight line up to 30 feet away from the wall, and is knocked {@condition prone}.",
"The wall blocks any sound from passing through it, and the cacophony it creates can be heard up to 500 feet away. If another effect that deals thunder damage overlaps with the wall or crosses through it, the wall absorbs the effect, dispelling or destroying it."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Synaptic Web",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 94,
"level": 5,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 90
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You overload the brain of one creature you can see within range and cause bolts of synaptic lightning to coruscate from it to 2 other creatures in range, each of which must be within 30 feet of the first target. The first target must have an Intelligence score of 4 or higher, or the power fails. All targets must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a target takes {@damage 6d8} lightning damage and is {@condition stunned} until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and is not {@condition stunned}."
"conditionInflict": [
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Ultrasonic Boom",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 98,
"level": 5,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You create a shockwave of incredibly loud sound that extends out in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can see within range. Each creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes {@damage 6d6} thunder damage, and it is {@condition stunned} until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, a target takes half as much damage and is not {@condition stunned}."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 6d6 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=12,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d6|6d6 + an additional 1d6} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"conditionInflict": [
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Personality Shard",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 81,
"level": 1,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"When you cast {@spell imbue psicrystal|Psions Primer}, you may manifest this augment as a reaction to impart the psicrystal with a facet of your personality as you create it. If you do, for as long as you focus on {@spell imbue psicrystal|Psions Primer}, the psicrystal is associated with a particular skill and gains the ability to use its reaction to roll {@dice 1d6} and add the result to one ability check you make with that skill, so long as you are within 15 feet of the psicrystal. The psicrystal may take this reaction after you roll the ability check, but it must do so before the DM determines if the result was a success or failure.",
"The skill that the psicrystal can give you a bonus to is determined by what kind of personality you impart it with. Choose from one of the options below.",
"name": "Artiste",
"entries": [
"Charisma (Performance) checks."
"name": "Bully",
"entries": [
"Charisma (Intimidation) checks."
"name": "Cautious",
"entries": [
"Wisdom (Survival) checks."
"name": "Coward",
"entries": [
"Dexterity (Stealth) checks."
"name": "Curious",
"entries": [
"Intelligence (Arcana) checks."
"name": "Friendly",
"entries": [
"Charisma (Persuasion) checks."
"name": "Liar",
"entries": [
"Charisma (Deception) checks."
"name": "Meticulous",
"entries": [
"Intelligence (Investigation) checks."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Project Eidolon",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 69,
"level": 3,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "minute"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You move your psicrystal to an unoccupied space within range, then draw matter from a plane of thoughts and coalesce it around your psicrystal into the shape of an eidolon, a construct made of solid thought. Your psicrystal becomes the core of this eidolon. Its statistics are completely replaced by the eidolon’s and you cannot manifest a power that augments imbue psicrystal again while the eidolon exists. The eidolon disappears when it drops to 0 hit points, when this power’s duration expires, or when you dismiss it as an action. When the eidolon disappears, your psicrystal remains behind, and occupies one space previously occupied by the eidolon. As a reaction, you may direct your psicrystal to teleport to your space immediately after the eidolon disappears.",
"For the duration of its existence, the eidolon is friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the eidolon, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal or mental commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to the eidolon, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions.",
"The eidolon’s base statistics at different power levels are detailed in the below statblocks",
"type": "list",
"style": "list-no-bullets",
"items": [
"{@creature Base Eidolon|Psions Primer}",
"{@creature Shaper's 1st-Level Projected Eidolon|Psions Primer}"
"When you manifest this power, you can select one ability from the Lesser Eidolon Abilities menu and apply it to the eidolon’s base statistics for free."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you may select one additional ability from the Lesser Eidolon Abilities menu for each additional psi point beyond the minimum cost, and apply it to the eidolon’s statistics.",
"For every 2 psi points you spend to intensify this power from 5th to 6th level or higher, you may select an ability from the Greater Eidolon Abilities menu instead of two choices from the Lesser Eidolon Abilities menu."
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Solicit Psycrystal",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 91,
"level": 5,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"When you begin concentrating on any other power, spell, or feature, you may manifest this augment as a reaction to direct your psicrystal to concentrate on the effect instead of you. Until your psicrystal’s concentration ends, it cannot take any actions or reactions except those specified in the effect it is concentrating on, and you cannot manifest any other powers that augment {@spell imbue psicrystal|Psions Primer}. While your psicrystal concentrates, your psicrystal must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending its concentration on a failure."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mind Palace",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 76,
"level": 7,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "hour"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 120
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 24
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"13 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You teleport your psicrystal anywhere in an unoccupied cube of space that is up to 120 feet on each side and with its bottom surface on the ground. If no such space exists within range, the power fails. Once your psicrystal is in place, you begin pulling gooey, ectoplasmic matter from a plane of thoughts, enfolding the psicrystal in it. The ectoplasm crystallizes and hardens into an otherworldly structure that fills the cube.",
"You completely control the growth of the crystalline structure, making all decisions about the structure’s interior chambers and layout, though all interior chambers must connect to others and must be at least 5 feet in any dimension. Interior chambers are otherwise enclosed by floors, walls, and ceilings. Walls can be as thick as 6 inches, blocking light, or thin enough to appear as glass windows. One 10-foot section of the exterior wall on the ground level is a magical entranceway. As an action, you and any creatures you designate when you manifest this power can activate the entranceway when adjacent to it, switching its phases between corporeal and incorporeal states with each activation. Once you finish growing the crystalline structure of your mind palace, your psicrystal detaches itself from an interior wall and awaits further instructions.",
"Your mind palace is partially extradimensional, and blocks teleportation and planar travel effects within its walls (whether it is the destination or origin point of the effect). Additionally, sensors, eyes, and projections created by divination spells and clairsentience powers can’t appear inside the structure, and creatures inside can’t be targeted by divination or clairsentience effects. The crystallized thought-substance of the structure also diffuses harmful psychic energies, granting resistance to psychic damage to all creatures located inside it.",
"The crystallized ectoplasm of the mind palace’s structure can’t be dispelled by dispel magic, and antimagic field has no effect on it. Nothing can physically pass through the structure’s exterior, except the entranceway, when its phase is shifted to incorporeal. An attack or effect that deals at least 10 points of thunder damage destroys a 5-foot section of the wall, or an area of the wall that overlaps with the area of effect that deal the damage, if applicable. The crystal is otherwise impervious to damage or harm. When this power’s duration expires, the mind palace evaporates into nothing.",
"Casting this spell on the same spot every day for a year makes this effect permanent."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Sow Psicrystal",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 91,
"level": 8,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "hour"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"15 psi points"
"You imprint within your psicrystal a metacreative seed of a duplicate of yourself. The seed must germinate for 120 days before it is viable.",
"If your seed germinates for the full 120 days and becomes viable, it remains dormant and tethered to your soul. At any time after the seed becomes viable, if you die, the crystal housing your seed shatters and is permanently destroyed as the seed blooms into a metacreative duplicate of your body in its prime. Your soul then enters the duplicate body, provided your soul is free and you are willing to return to life. Your duplicated body is identical to your original one, except for its possible younger age, and has the same personality, memories, and abilities, but none of your original body’s equipment. Your original body’s remains, if they still exist, become inert and can’t thereafter be restored to life, since your soul is elsewhere.",
"The metacreative seed, whether currently germinating or in a dormant, viable state, evaporates and is destroyed if the crystal you use as a material component for {@spell imbue psicrystal|Psions Primer} spends more than 12 consecutive hours as a mundane crystal, or if it is permanently destroyed."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Urgent Charge",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 99,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You impart an impulse of aggression in up to three allies you can see within range. Each of those allies can immediately use their reaction to move up to their speed in a straight line toward their nearest enemy."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Urgent Movement",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 99,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You impart an impulse of potential energy in up to 5 allies you can see within range. Each of those allies can use their reaction to move up to half their speed, following a path of your choice."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Inertial Armor",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 72,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You wreath yourself with a persistent, intangible field of warped space that absorbs and redirects the kinetic energy of attacks made against you. For the duration, your Armor Class can’t b e less than 14, regardless of what kind of armor you are wearing."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the minimum Armor Class provided by this power increases by 1 for every two additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Inertial Barrier",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 72,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You create an {@condition invisible}, insubstantial wall of distorted space within 60 feet of you that is up to 30 feet long, 10 feet high, and 1 foot thick. Any creature attempting to move through it must make a Strength saving throw. On a successful save, a creature can pass through it. A creature must make this saving throw whenever it attempts to pass through the wall, whether willingly or unwillingly."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Urgent Violence",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 99,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You impart an impulse of potential violence in one ally you can see within range. That ally can use their reaction to immediately take the Attack action, attacking as though it were their turn. You choose the targets of the ally’s attacks."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you may choose one additional ally for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Tactical Aura",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 95,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You create an aura of coordination and tactical potential. Until your concentration ends, any ally within range can use a bonus action on their turn to take the Dash or Disengage action, or they may roll a {@dice d4} and add the result to each attack roll they make that turn."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Inertial Nullification",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 72,
"level": 4,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You strip all inertia and momentum from a creature you can see within range. The target must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is cut off from nearly all physical and magical interactions. A target can choose to fail this saving throw if they wish.",
"An affected creature can’t be damaged by attacks or effects, nor can it damage or affect anything else. The creature’s speed is reduced to 0, and it hovers in place, unable to fall.",
"This power can be dispelled by targeting the affected creature with the {@spell accelerate|Psions Primer} power or the {@spell haste} spell, but these then have no further effect on the target."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psychic Strike",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 85,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"When you deal damage with your {@spell mindblade|Psions Primer}, you may manifest this power as a reaction to increase the damage your mindblade would deal by {@damage 2d8} and change all of its damage to psychic damage."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the extra damage increases to {@damage 1d8 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=8,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d8|1d8 + an additional 1d8} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost. You cannot intensify this power to higher than 5th level."
"damageInflict": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Monk",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Soulknife",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Ring of Blades",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 89,
"level": 3,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 15
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You create dozens of floating duplicates of your mindblade and send them whizzing about you in a ring. The ring of blades is 10 feet high and can have a radius up to 15 feet (5 feet minimum). The ring moves with you, remaining centered on you.",
"Whenever a creature enters the ring’s space for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, you may choose for it to be affected by the blades. If it is so affected, the creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes {@damage 3d8} damage of the damage type your mindblade currently deals. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage.",
"As a bonus action on your turn, you may contract or expand the ring’s radius to be anywhere within the above limits. Moving the ring this way onto a creature does not damage it until it starts its turn in the ring’s space, as above."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 1d8 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=12,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d8|3d8 + an additional 1d8} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Monk",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Soulknife",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mystic Traveler",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 79,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "permanent",
"ends": [
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point1"
"You or one willing creature you touch become a mystic traveler, able to join a group journey enabled by the {@spell mystic caravan|Psions Primer} power. This power’s duration ends early if the mystic traveler is not affected by you manifesting {@spell mystic caravan|Psions Primer} within 1 hour of manifesting this power. This power also ends early if the mystic caravan journey ends.",
"For the duration of a mystic caravan journey, mystic travelers must remain within 15 feet of at least one other mystic traveler. If a mystic traveler is out of this formation for more than 1 round, the mystic traveler power is automatically dispelled on that creature, and it is sent tumbling through the rough psychic currents of the Astral Plane. Such creatures must make a Charisma saving throw, taking {@damage 10d6} psychic damage on a failure, or half as much on a success, and are then transported to a random plane of existence."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Temporal Shunt",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 96,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You attempt to propel one creature you touch up to a minute in the future. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw, or be shunted forward in time one minute, disappearing for the duration of this power. When this power ends, the target reappears in the space it was occupying when shunted or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. A shunted target perceives no personal time passing between the moment it was shunted and when it reappears."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"For every 2 additional psi points spent when you manifest this augment, the power’s range increases by 10 feet and you may target one additional creature in range."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Immovability",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 71,
"level": 4,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 8,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"8 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"For the duration of this augment, you mystically anchor your body and mind to the underlying fabric of reality on your current plane of existence. While so anchored, your weight does not increase but you become next to impossible to move. You gain a +20 bonus on ability checks and saving throws to resist being moved against your will, and you cannot voluntarily allow yourself to be moved for the duration.",
"While anchored, you automatically fail Dexterity checks and saving throws and cannot take any actions, but you become immune to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Magical effects that would teleport you, or any effect described as \"telekinetic\" automatically fail when used on you."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 8 additional psi points when manifesting this augment, you manifest it as an 8th-level power, and may do so as a reaction to any action another creature takes, gaining the effects of the augment before the other creature’s action."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mystic Anchor",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 78,
"level": 4,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 150
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You fire a thin purple ray from your brow at a creature you can see within range. Make a ranged power attack. On a hit, the target becomes anchored to the plane of existence it is currently on for the duration of this power.",
"While anchored, teleportation and planar travel effects fail to work on the target, whether the target is the originator of the effect or not. The target is also barred from entering portals to other locations, whether the portal’s destinati on is on the same plane, another plane or demiplane, or an extradimensional space such as that created by the rope trick spell. If an anchored creature attempts to pass through such a portal, they find it an impassable barrier."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you may target one additional creature you can see within range for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"spellAttack": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mystic Caravan",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 79,
"level": 5,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "day",
"amount": 5
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You lead a caravan of two or more willing mystic travelers (creatures affected by the {@spell mystic traveler|Psions Primer} power manifested by you previously, one of which must be yourself) into the Astral Plane and beyond. When you manifest this power, you must specify another plane of existence as your destination (and may choose a specific location within that plane). Then, all mystic travelers are transported to the Astral Plane, where you begin to travel to your destination. This power automatically fails if you are already on the Astral Plane when you manifest it.",
"Your journey through the Astral Plane is not instantaneous, instead taking several days, and arrival at your destination is not guaranteed. At the end of each day of astral travel, you must make a DC 15 Arcana check. Successes bring you closer to your destination and failures lead you further away. Your journey ends if you accrue either three successes or three failures. The DM may grant you disadvantage or advantage on these checks, depending on certain factors (the waxing or waning periods of your destination plane, your familiarity with your destination, etc.).",
"The result of your journey depends on how many failures you accrued before it ends:",
"If your journey ends with no failures, all mystic travelers are transported to your intended plane of existence, within 1d10 miles of your destination on that plane if you specified one, or arriving at a random location on that plane if you did not.",
"If your journey ends with only 1 failure, all mystic travelers are transported to your intended plane of existence, arriving at a random location, but suffer two levels of {@condition exhaustion} due to the difficulties of the astral journey.",
"If your journey ends with 2 failures, you are forced to turn back, arriving within 1d10 miles of the location you manifested this power. Additionally, all mystic travelers suffer four levels of {@condition exhaustion} as your astral journey was especially tiring and rough.",
"If your journey ends because you accrued 3 failures, all mystic travelers run afoul of turbulent psychic currents of the Astral Plane. Each mystic traveler must make a Charisma saving throw, taking {@damage 10d6} psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Then, regardless of the result of the saving throw, each mystic traveler suffers two levels of {@condition exhaustion} and is transported to a random plane of existence, separated from its fellow travelers.",
"In addition to the pure navigational challenge of the journey, the DM may describe additional encounters and challenges the mystic travelers might face along the way."
"conditionInflict": [
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mystic Diversion",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 79,
"level": 7,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 100
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"13 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You manifest this power as a reaction to one creature teleporting into, out of, or within range. The teleporting creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw to continue its teleport as normal. If the target fails its save, it teleports to a destination of your choice instead of its intended destination, provided the destination you choose is within the normal range of the teleportation effect."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Temporal Reset",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 96,
"level": 8,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instnat"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"15 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Your condition returns to what it was at the end of your previous turn, minus the psi cost of manifesting this power. You must maintain an accurate record of your hit points, psi points, uses remaining of features, and other pertinent information regarding your overall condition for the point at which you return. If you do not have an accurate record of such information, the power fails. This power only returns your inherent features to their previous state, it has no effect on your equipment, including magic items."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Temporal Regression",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 96,
"level": 9,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"17 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You transport yourself backwards in time. The process of regressing yourself to an earlier point in time is exceedingly difficult and dangerous. If you are not in combat, you can attempt to travel backwards in time up to 8 hours, but if you manifest this power while in combat, you can only attempt to regress time back to the point at which you rolled for initiative at the start of the current combat. You must succeed on a psionic ability check against your own power save DC to successfully travel in time with this power. On a failure, you remain in the present moment, take {@damage 10d6} force damage that cannot be mitigated in any way, and the psi points you spent to manifest temporal regression are permanently burned, reducing your maximum psi reserve by 17 points. This reduction cannot be reversed by mortal means, even with a {@spell wish|phb} spell or the {@spell reality revision|Psions Primer} power and it applies to any increased maximum psi reserve you attain for gaining a level.",
"When you travel back in time, only you retain knowledge of the future in which you lived, but small variances in random variables can produce different outcomes to the ones you might expect (for example, a game of chance or sporting event you witnessed the first time around might not result in the exact same outcome you first witnessed). The DM has the final call on the state of the world and the creatures in it after you manifest this power.",
"Likewise, a combat that you return to the beginning of may have wildly different results, necessitating that the entire encounter be replayed."
"opposedCheck": [
"damageInflict": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mental Inquisition",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 75,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"While you concentrate on this power, you know when a creature communicating with you via telepathy is lying."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Metaconcert",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 75,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"When you manifest this augment, you begin communicating telepathically using {@spell mindlink|Psions Primer} with one additional target creature.",
"In addition, for the duration of this augment, you can use a bonus action on your turn to share one memory of your choice with all targets of {@spell mindlink|Psions Primer}, or allow one target to share one of its memories with yourself and all other targets of {@spell mindlink|Psions Primer}. The recipients of a memory gain perfect recall of one thing the sender of the memory saw or did."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you can add an additional target creature to your {@spell mindlink|Psions Primer} communication for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Kalashtar (Variant)",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mislead",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 78,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 5
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"You couch your falsehoods in feelings of trust and acceptance, and deliver them into the mind of another. When you manifest this augment, you target one creature you are telepathically communicating with. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, you telepathically communicate one statement of your choice to the target, and the target believes that statement for the duration. The statement can be up to ten words long, and it must describe you or a creature or object the target can see. On a successful save, the target is unaffected. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to being {@condition charmed} or it succeeded on a saving throw against this augment since the end of your last long rest."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Telepathic Slap",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 96,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Your eyes flare in a moment of concentrated, telepathic anger, as you lash out at one creature you are telepathically communicating with. The target must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, it takes {@damage 1d10} psychic damage and suffers disadvantage on its next Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw before the end of your next turn. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage, and does not suffer disadvantage from this augment."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 1d10 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=17,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d10|1d10 + an additional 1d10} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Missive",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 78,
"level": 2,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 500
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You broadcast a short telepathic message of up to 25-words to every creature within range. Any creature you can see, as well as any creatures that you know or know of in the area can be included or excluded from this communication. This communication is one-way only and instantaneous. If a recipient of your communication does not share a language with you, it perceives only garbled mental gibberish."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Kalashtar (Variant)",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Read Thoughts",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 97,
"level": 2,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 500
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"When you manifest this augment, and as your action on each turn until your concentration ends, you can focus your mind on one creature you are telepathically communicating with.",
"When you initially begin to focus on a creature, you initially learn its surface thoughts — what is most on its mind in that moment. As an action, you can attempt to probe deeper into the same creature's mind. If you probe deeper, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, you gain insight into its reasoning (if any), its emotional state, and something that looms large in its mind (such as something it worries over, loves, or hates). If it succeeds, this power ends. Either way, the target knows that you are probing into its mind.",
"Questions verbally directed at the target creature naturally shape the course of its thoughts, so this power is particularly effective as part of an interrogation."
"opposedCheck": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Pry Memories",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 83,
"level": 3,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "hour"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"You probe the mind of a creature you can see within range. The target must remain within 30 feet of you for the entire manifesting time, otherwise the augment fails. The target must make three Wisdom saving throws, and you learn information from it based on the number of saving throws it fails. The target may voluntarily fail any saves. If the target succeeds on all three saving throws, this power fails.",
"If the target fails any saves, you learn the details of events from the target’s memories that it considers significant. With one failed saving throw, you learn such details from the past 12 hours; with two failed saving throws, you learn such details from the past 24 hours; and with three failed saving throws, you learn such details from the past 48 hours."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Inception",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 72,
"level": 4,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "hour"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "special"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"You telepathically infiltrate the mind of a creature you can see within range. The target must remain within 30 feet of you for the entire manifesting time, otherwise the power fails. The target must make three Intelligence saving throws. You plant an idea or false memory in the creature’s mind, the duration of which depends on the number of saving throws it fails.",
"You choose whether the idea or memory is trivial (such as \"I woke up 5 minutes late today\" or \"Griffons are majestic creatures\") or personality-defining (\"I deserted my unit in the war, causing their deaths, and I can barely live with the shame\" or \"Violence is never the answer, I will never touch a weapon again\").",
"With one failed saving throw, the idea or memory lasts for the next 4 hours. With two failed saving throws, it lasts for 24 hours. With three failed saving throws, it lasts for 48 hours."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 8 extra psi points to manifest this augment, you manifest it as an 8th-level power, its manifesting time is shortened to 1 minute, and the idea or memory lasts one week with one failed saving throw, one month with two failed saving throws, or is permanent with three failed saving throws."
"savingThrow": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Post-Hypnotic Suggestion",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 82,
"level": 4,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "day",
"amount": 7,
"upTo": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"You mentally implant a suggested course of activity (limited to a sentence or two) and a triggering event (such as \"when you awake two days from now\" or \"when you come within sixty feet of the local Countess\") to magically influence a creature you are telepathically communicating with. Creatures that can't be {@condition charmed} are immune to this effect.",
"When you manifest this power, the target must immediately make a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the target perceives a faint whisper intruding into its mind, but is not otherwise affected, and you know the suggestion did not take hold. On a failure, the suggestion and trigger are telepathically implanted in the target without their notice. The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the course of action sound reasonable. Suggesting the creature stab itself, throw itself onto a spear, immolate itself, or do some other obviously harmful act ends the effect.",
"Once the triggering condition is met, the target pursues the course of action you described to the best of its ability. The suggested course of action can continue for up to 8 hours after the triggering condition is met. If the suggested activity can be completed in a shorter time, the power ends when the subject finishes what it was influenced to do. The target will not be able to explain why it took the actions you compelled it to take after the suggestion is triggered and it will have no memory of the suggestion or trigger being implanted.",
"Whenever the target creature finishes a long rest, it may repeat the Wisdom saving throw, ending the effect on a success, though it will still not realize it was affected. If the triggering condition is not met before the power expires, the suggested activity isn’t performed. If you or any of your companions damage the target, the power ends."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mind Probe",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 77,
"level": 7,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "minute"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"13 psi points"
"You delve into the depths of the mind of a creature you are telepathically communicating with. You gain limited access to the complete personal experience of the target, from fleeting memories of everyday events to life-defining moments. For the duration, you may use an action to learn the answer to one question that the target could answer. You do not actually converse with the creature, and need not share a language with it. You merely search the target’s psyche for the information you seek and find it if it is present.",
"The target may refuse to give you access to an answer if it succeeds on a Charisma saving throw, but success on this saving throw does not end the power. You may continue to seek answers (either to the same question or a different one) in subsequent rounds of the effect, until the duration ends. This power ends early if the target moves out of range.",
"An {@condition unconscious} creature automatically provides you answers, but after you receive an answer from it, it may make a Wisdom saving throw if it has at least 1 hit point, becoming conscious on a success."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mind Seed",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 77,
"level": 8,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"15 psi points"
"You touch one humanoid you are telepathically communicating with and infect it with a parasitic seed of your own psyche. The target must make a Charisma saving throw immediately when you manifest this power on it, and must then repeat the saving throw whenever it finishes a long rest. If the target successfully saves against this power three times, the power ends and the parasitic seed fades away with no effect. If it fails its save three times, the parasitic seed of your psyche in the target’s mind germinates. The successes and failures don’t need to be consecutive; keep track of both until the target collects three of a kind.",
"While a creature is still making saves against this power, it acts normally but begins to mimic quirks of your own personality. For instance, if you have a habit of ending sentences with \"y’know?\" the target begins doing so as well, subconsciously.",
"If the parasitic seed germinates, the target’s mind is replaced with a duplicate of your own. Its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores change to match yours at the time you manifested this power on it. The target loses all class levels and class specific NPC traits it might have, and gains the class levels you had 8 levels ago (in effect, gaining the same experience and abilities you had 8 levels earlier). Its physical ability scores, race, and appearance do not change.",
"Although the target becomes a mental duplicate of you, you have no special control over it, and its personality may diverge from yours over time. The duplicate psyche’s initial attitude toward you is friendly, but it does not believe itself to be your servant or slave, and it will act as you would if it is treated as such.",
"Effects that prevent possession prevent you from infecting a target with mind seed, but grant no protection once the seed is already implanted. An intensified {@spell revitalization|Psions Primer}, {@spell greater restoration|Psions Primer}, or the break enchantment effect of {@spell dispel evil and good|Psions Primer} cast on the target specifically to cleanse it of a growing mind seed does so only if the caster succeeds on a spellcasting or psionic ability check with a DC equal to your power save DC, and only if cast on the target before it fails three saves against mind seed.",
"Once the parasitic seed of your psyche germinates in a target, only {@spell reality revision|Psions Primer}, {@spell wish|phb}, {@spell psychic chirurgery|Psions Primer}, or similarly powerful magical effects can restore the target to its original personality and class levels (if applicable)."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psychic Chirurgery",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 84,
"level": 9,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"17 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You telepathically enter the mind of a willing creature you touch, and skillfully repair or improve its psyche. When you manifest this power, you choose one of the following effects.",
"name": "Repair",
"If the target is {@condition charmed} or {@condition frightened}, you instantly end those conditions on the target. You also automatically end any effect that mentally limits or dictates actions the creature can take (such as {@spell id insinuation|Psions Primer}, {@spell ego whip|Psions Primer}, or the {@spell command|phb} or {@spell confusion|phb} spells), possession, permanent insanity, madness, or a reduction in maximum hit points caused by an effect that dealt psychic damage. Additionally you restore the creature’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores to normal if they were reduced by another effect."
"name": "Improve",
"If you choose this effect, you begin to concentrate. If you maintain your concentration for a full minute, you permanently bestow the target creature with the ability to cast one psionic talent that you know, or the {@spell wild talent|Psions Primer} power. You also permanently reduce your psi reserve maximum by 2 each time you manifest this power to improve a creature this way. This reduction applies to any increased maximum psi reserve you attain for gaining a level, and it can only be reversed with {@spell reality revision|Psions Primer} or {@spell wish|phb}."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Implant Beacon",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 71,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You drive a clairsentient beacon into the psyche of a creature you can see like a telepathic hammer hitting a nail. The target must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the target takes {@damage 2d8} psychic damage and you know the distance and direction between you and the target, as long as you are on the same plane of existence. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each hour, ending the effect on a success.",
"You may only have one beacon active at a time. If you manifest this power on a second target, your awareness of the first one fades, regardless of the second target’s success or failure on the saving throw."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psionic Blast",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 83,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You unleash a blast of inexorable psychic disruption at one creature you can see within range. The target automatically takes {@damage 2d6} psychic damage."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 2d6 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=16,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d6|2d6 + an additional 1d6} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psychic Daze",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 84,
"level": 2,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You briefly pause the higher brain functions of one creature you can see within range. The target must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes {@damage 2d12} psychic damage and is {@condition incapacitated} until the end of your next turn, or until it takes any further damage. While {@condition incapacitated}, its speed is halved."
"conditionInflict": [
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Id Insinuation",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 70,
"level": 3,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You worm disrupting thoughts into the mind of a creature you can see within range. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target takes {@damage 3d8} psychic damage and acts erratically for the duration. An affected target can’t take reactions and must roll a {@dice d10} at the start of each of its turns to determine its behavior for that turn.",
"type": "table",
"colLabels": [
"{@dice 1d10}",
"colStyles": [
"rows": [
"The creature uses all its movement to move in a random direction. To determine the direction, roll a {@dice d8} and assign a direction to each die face. The creature doesn’t take an action this turn."
"The creature doesn’t move or take actions this turn."
"The creature uses its action to make a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach. If there is no creature within its reach, the creature does nothing this turn."
"The creature can act and move normally."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you may target 1 additional creature you can see within range for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mind Storm",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 77,
"level": 3,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"You cause a 20-foot-radius sphere of intense psionic disruption to appear, centered on a point within range. Each creature in the area must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes {@damage 4d8} psychic damage and suffers disadvantage on all saving throws until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and does not suffer any further effect from this power."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 4d8 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=16,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d8|4d8 + an additional 1d8} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mind Blast",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 76,
"level": 4,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "cone",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You emit a blast of psychic energy in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in the area must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or take psychic damage equal to {@damage 4d8} + your psionic ability modifier and be {@condition stunned} for the duration. A {@condition stunned} creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"conditionInflict": [
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mind Seize",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 77,
"level": 4,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You disrupt the mind of a creature you can see within range, causing it to lock up. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw, or it is {@condition paralyzed} for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, it can repeat the saving throw. On a success, this effect ends. On a failure, you can use your reaction to force the target creature to move up to half its speed as you desire, even though it is {@condition paralyzed}."
"conditionInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Telepathic Weight",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 96,
"level": 5,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 120
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You generate a crushing telepathic presence in a 20-foot cube within range. Each creature in that area must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes {@damage 7d8} psychic damage, is {@condition incapacitated}, and has their speed halved until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and suffers no further effects."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 7d8 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=9,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d8|7d8 + an additional 1d8} for each additional psi point spent."
"conditionInflict": [
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Shatter Mental Defenses",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 91,
"level": 6,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"11 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You touch a creature and attempt to annihilate any and all defenses against mental and psionic effects it may have. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be affected by this power.",
"Any temporary magical effect on an affected creature that grants it resistance or immunity to psychic damage, advantage against or immunity to being {@condition charmed} or {@condition frightened}, or immunity to enchantment, telepathy, divination, or clairsentience effects, ends early (including {@spell mind blank|Psions Primer}, {@spell veiled psyche|Psions Primer}, and similar effects).",
"If the affected creature is benefiting from a permanent trait, feature, or magical effect that grants resistance or immunity to psychic damage or advantage against or immunity to being {@condition charmed} or {@condition frightened} (such as an elf or kalashtar’s racial traits, a paladin’s {@class paladin|phb|Aura of Courage|||10-0} feature, or a {@item ring of mind shielding|dmg}), those defenses cease to function for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, a creature whose permanent defenses are being suppressed in this way can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mental Shutdown",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 75,
"level": 8,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"15 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You telepathically batter the psyche of a creature you can see, locking them in an unresponsive state. If the target has 150 hit points or fewer, it is {@condition stunned}. Otherwise, the power has no effect.",
"The target must make a Charisma saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, it is no longer {@condition stunned} by this power."
"conditionInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Microcosm",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 76,
"level": 9,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"17 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"When you manifest this power, you forcefully induce catatonia, isolating consciousness. You can choose to target either a single creature or any number of creatures you can see within range. The targeted creatures suffer one of the effects detailed below, depending on the number of targets.",
"name":"Single Target",
"If the target has 100 hit points or fewer, its consciousness is completely cut off from the real world. It perceives an imaginary landscape and creatures, but in reality it falls {@condition prone}, is {@condition incapacitated}, and can’t move or speak intelligibly."
"name":"Multiple Targets",
"Any target that has 30 hit points or fewer, up to a maximum of 300 hit points worth of creatures (affecting creatures with the lowest hit points first), suffers a shared catatonic state. All affected creatures can perceive and interact with each other and their shared hallucinatory environment, but are in actuality {@condition prone}, {@condition incapacitated}, and unable to move or speak intelligibly. Affected creatures believe they are interacting with each other normally, but are in fact telepathically communicating with other affected creatures and hallucinating physical interactions."
"Regardless of the number of targets, affected creatures will eventually die of thirst and starvation without external care.",
"Microcosm’s effects can only be removed by manifesting microcosm on the targets a second time, or other by powerful effects such as {@spell psychic chirurgery|Psions Primer}, {@spell reality revision|Psions Primer}, or {@spell wish|phb}."
"conditionInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Telekinetic Lance",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 95,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "line",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You form a battering ram of pure kinetic force and send it plowing away from you in a line 30 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the area must make a Strength saving throw, taking {@damage 1d6} force damage and being knocked {@condition prone} on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 1d6 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=17,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d6|1d6 + an additional 1d6} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Telekinetic Push",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 95,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "line",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You blast one creature you can see within range away from you with a psychic thrust. The target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d8 force damage and is pushed 5 feet in a straight line away from you. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and is not moved."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost the damage increases to {@damage 1d8 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=17,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d8|1d8 + an additional 1d8} and the distance the target is pushed increases by 5 feet."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Telekinetic Clutch",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 95,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You seize a creature you can see within range and hold it fast with telekinetic force. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be {@condition grappled} by you until your concentration ends or until the target leaves your reach, which is 60 feet for this grapple.",
"The {@condition grappled} target can escape by succeeding on a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by your psionic ability plus your proficiency bonus. When a target attempts to escape in this way, you can spend additional psi points to gain a +1 bonus per psi point spent on your check.",
"While a target is {@condition grappled} in this manner, you can create one of the following effects as an action, spending the indicated number of additional psi points (obeying your psi limit each time you create an effect):",
"name": "Crush (1 - 18 psi)",
"The target takes {@damage #$prompt_number:min=1,max=18,title=Enter amount of psi to spend!,default=1$#d|1d6} bludgeoning damage per psi point spent."
"name": "Move (1 - 18 psi)",
"You move the target up to 5 feet per psi point spent. You can move it in the air and hold it there. It falls if the grapple ends."
"opposedCheck": [
"conditionInflict": [
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Negate",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 79,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"When you visually, audibly, or mentally perceive a creature within 60 feet of you generate a psionic effect, you attempt to negate their psionic power and stop it from coming to fruition. If the target is casting a psionic talent, the casting fails. If the target is manifesting a psionic power of a level equal to this power’s level or lower, the manifesting fails and the target’s focus on a psionic talent ends. If the target is manifesting a power of a level higher than this power’s level, make a psionic ability check. The DC of this check equals 10 + the power level of the target's power. On a success, the target’s power fails to manifest, and its focus on a psionic talent ends."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, this augment’s power level increases by 1 for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Shatter Invisibility",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 90,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 50
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"From your brow, a wave of attenuated force bursts out and disrupts all magic in range that veils sight. The duration of a magical effect that turns a creature {@condition invisible} ends on a creature if that creature fails a Dexterity saving throw and if that magic effect is of an equal or lower level than this power.",
"Any creature that is {@condition invisible} due to an effect that does not have a level (including creatures with natural invisibility such as the {@condition invisible} stalker) and fails its saving throw is instead briefly revealed as a dim outline, which removes its invisibility until the end of your next turn."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Telekinetic Wave",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 95,
"level": 4,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "cone",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 40
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You send forth visible waves of crushing telekinetic force from your brow, extending out into this augment’s area. Each creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw, taking {@damage 7d8} force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Creatures who fail their save are also pushed 10 feet directly away from you."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 7d8 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=10,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d4|7d8 + an additional 1d8} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Telekinetic Puppet",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 95,
"level": 5,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You telekinetically seize a creature you can see in range and force its limbs to move with brute mental force. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw, or you gain control of it, allowing you to decide its movement and actions on its turns while you concentrate.",
"Due to your crude method of control, the target’s speed is halved for its turn and, if you force it to take any action that requires an ability check or attack roll, the target has disadvantage on the check or roll. You cannot force the target to start or stop breathing, or force it to speak, cast spells, or take purely mental actions such as manifesting psionic powers.",
"At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Strength saving throw. On a success, your control of the target’s body ends."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Venomous Spit",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 99,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You alter your glands to turn your saliva into a potent venom, and spit it at one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes {@damage 2d6} poison damage and is {@condition poisoned} until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and isn’t {@condition poisoned}."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 2d6 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=16,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d6|2d6 + an additional 1d6} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"conditionInflict": [
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Titanic Form",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 97,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You gain 10 temporary hit points and you become Large until your concentration ends, if you’re not already Large or larger. Additionally, while you concentrate, your reach increases by 5 feet and your melee weapon attacks deal an extra {@damage 1d4} bludgeoning damage on a hit."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 6 additional psi points when manifesting this augment beyond its minimum cost, you manifest it as a 5th-level power, you gain an additional 30 temporary hit points, and you become Huge until your concentration ends, if you’re not already Huge or larger. While you are Huge, this augment’s bonus damage to melee weapon attacks increases to {@damage 2d6} extra bludgeoning damage, and your reach increases by 10 instead of 5."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Dwarf (Duergar, Akiak)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"baseName": "Dwarf",
"baseSource": "PHB"
"name": "Metamorphosis",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 75,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"6 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You transmogrify your body into a new form. Choose one of the following effects.",
"name":"Change Appearance",
"entries": [
"You transform your appearance. You decide what you look like, including your height, weight, facial features, the sound of your voice, hair length, coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if any. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your statistics change. You also can't appear as a creature of a different size than you, and your basic shape stays the same. The change to your appearance lasts for the duration."
"name":"Beast Form",
"entries": [
"You transform into the form of a beast. The transformation lasts for the duration, or until you drop to 0 hit points or die. Your new form can be any beast whose challenge rating is equal to or less than your level. Your game statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen creature. You retain your alignment and personality.",
"You assume the hit points of your new form. When you revert to your normal form, you return to the number of hit points you had before you transformed. If you revert as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal form. As long as the excess damage doesn't reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, you aren’t knocked {@condition unconscious}.",
"You are limited in the actions you can perform by the nature of your new form, and you can't manifest powers, cast spells, or take any other action that requires hands or speech.",
"Your gear melds into the new form. You can't activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of your equipment."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 10 extra psi points when manifesting this augment to take a beast form, you manifest it as an 8th-level power, and you can transform yourself into any kind of creature whose challenge rating is equal to or less than your level, not just a beast."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Truevenom",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 98,
"level": 4,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"You psionically alter your venom into a magically potent form. For the duration, whenever you would deal poison or acid damage with {@spell primal metabolism|Psions Primer} or a power that augments primal metabolism, your poison or acid damage ignores any resistance to poison or acid damage affected creatures might have, and creatures with immunity to poison or acid damage take half damage from your poison or acid damage (instead of none)."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 2 additional psi points when manifesting this augment beyond its minimum cost, you manifest it as a 5th-level power, and any creature affected by a power you manifest that augments primal metabolism does not benefit from immunity to the {@condition poisoned} condition if that power poisons them."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "True Metabolism",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 98,
"level": 5,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You dig deep into the primal healing capabilities of your evolutionary antecedents and rapidly accelerate cell growth and regeneration. Until your concentration ends, you regain 10 hit points at the start of each of your turns."
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Incite Fury",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 72,
"level": 1,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You distill your telepathic field into a mote of pure fury within the mind of a creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take {@damage 1d6} psychic damage and immediately use its reaction to move up to its speed in a straight line toward its nearest enemy. On a failure, the target takes half as much damage and does not suffer any further effect. The save automatically succeeds if the target is immune to being {@condition charmed}."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 1d6 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=17,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d6|1d6 + an additional 1d6} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Savage Presence",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 89,
"level": 2,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You alter your telepathic field to emanate waves of rage and bloodlust. Until your concentration ends, you and any creature within 60 feet of you has advantage on melee attack rolls. You can only voluntarily end your concentration on this power if you begin concentrating on another effect; your instilled bloodlust is too strong to deny on a mere whim."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Unsettling Presence",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 99,
"level": 2,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You alter your telepathic field to emanate waves of disquiet and repulsion. Until your concentration ends, any creature you choose within 60 feet of you that can see you must spend 1 extra foot of movement for every foot it moves towards you. A creature ignores this effect if it cannot be {@condition frightened}."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Intellect Fortress",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 73,
"level": 3,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You create a field of protective psychic energy. Choose any number of creatures within 30 feet of you. Until your concentration ends, each target has resistance to psychic damage and advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Pandemonium",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 81,
"level": 3,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 90
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"You incite stark, raving panic in up to 8 creatures you can see within range. For the duration, each target must make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of its turn. On a failed save, the target is {@condition frightened} until the start of its next turn. Roll a die for each {@condition frightened} target. If you roll an odd number, that target moves half its speed in a random direction and takes no action on that turn, other than to scream in terror. If you roll an even number, the {@condition frightened} target makes one melee attack against a random creature within its reach. If there is no such creature, the target moves half its speed in a random direction and takes no action on that turn. This effect ends on a target if it succeeds on three saving throws against it."
"conditionInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psychosomatic Feedback",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 86,
"level": 4,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You sharpen your telepathic field into a sensory feedback loop, causing creatures in the area to believe they feel the pain that they inflict on you. For the duration, whenever a creature in the area deals damage to you, it automatically takes 7 psychic damage, ignoring all resistances and immunities to psychic damage the creature might have. A creature that suffers this damage believes it to be of the same type they inflicted on you."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases by 1 for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mass Hysteria",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 74,
"level": 5,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You choose up to six creatures that you can see within range, and induce a horrific, shared hallucination in each of them. Each target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes {@damage 8d6} psychic damage and is {@condition frightened} for the duration. On a successful save, a target takes half as much damage and is not {@condition frightened}.",
"While {@condition frightened} by this augment, a target’s speed is reduced to 0, and the target can use its action, and any bonus action it might have, only to make melee attacks. The {@condition frightened} target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 8d6 + #$prompt_number:min=1,max=9,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend!,default=1$#d6|8d6 + an additional 1d6} for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"conditionInflict": [
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Paranoid Delusions",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 81,
"level": 5,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You coalesce part of your telepathic field into an uncontrollable fear of betrayal, and it seeps into the mind of one creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or it must target its allies with attacks and other damaging effects for the duration of this augment. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature is immune to this ability if it is immune to being {@condition frightened}."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Insanity",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 73,
"level": 6,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"11 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You form your telepathic field into a spike of concentrated madness and ram it into one creature you can see within range, attempting to drive it permanently insane. If the target has an Intelligence score of 4 or higher, it must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, the creature isn’t affected.",
"On a failed save, maddening whispers and visions fill the creature’s mind. The target can’t take reactions and must roll a {@dice d10} at the start of each of its turns to determine its behavior for that turn.",
"type": "table",
"colLabels": [
"{@dice 1d10}",
"colStyles": [
"rows": [
"The creature uses all its movement to move in a random direction. To determine the direction, roll a {@dice d8} and assign a direction to each die face. The creature doesn't take an action this turn"
"The creature doesn’t move or take actions this turn."
"The creature uses its action to make a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach. If there is no creature within its reach, the creature does nothing this turn."
"The creature can act and move normally."
"A creature affected by this power must make another Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If it successfully saves against this power three times, the effect ends. If it fails its save three times, it becomes comatose, subjected to the {@condition paralyzed} condition for the power’s duration. The successes and failures don’t need to be consecutive; keep track of both until the target collects three of a kind.",
"If you maintain your concentration on this power for the entire possible duration, the creature is rendered permanently insane. A permanently insane creature can't take actions, can't understand what other creatures say, can't read, and speaks only in gibberish. Permanent insanity lasts until removed by {@spell greater restoration|Psions Primer}, intensified {@spell revitalization|Psions Primer}, {@spell psychic chirurgery|Psions Primer}, or similar magic."
"conditionInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mindflame",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 78,
"level": 7,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 30
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"13 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You ignite parts of your telepathic field into translucent purple flames of debilitating mental disruption. Choose any number of creatures you can see within range. Each creature with an Intelligence score of 4 or higher must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a creature suffers an effect based on its current hit points:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"50 hit points or fewer: suffer 1 level of {@condition exhaustion} that is removed after 1 minute",
"40 hit points or fewer: suffer 2 levels of {@condition exhaustion} that are removed after 10 minutes",
"30 hit points or fewer: {@condition paralyzed} for 1 hour",
"20 hit points or fewer: killed instantly"
"conditionInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psychic Siphon",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 85,
"level": 8,
"school": ["TP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"15 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You feed on the psyche of a creature that you can see within range, gaining power by draining its mental faculties. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or its Intelligence and Charisma scores become 1. You increase your current and maximum hit points by 1 for every point of Intelligence or Charisma the target creature lost. This increase lasts until you finish a long rest.",
"If the target fails its saving throw, it can’t cast spells, manifest powers, activate magic items, understand language, or communicate in any intelligent way. It can, however, identify its friends, follow them, and even protect them.",
"At the end of every 30 days, the creature can repeat its saving throw against this power. If it succeeds on its saving throw, the power’s effects end.",
"This power’s effect on a target can also be ended by {@spell greater restoration|Psions Primer}, {@spell heal|Psions Primer}, {@spell psychic chirurgery|Psions Primer}, {@spell wish|phb}, {@spell reality revision|Psions Primer, or an intensified {@spell revitalization|Psions Primer}."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Precognition",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 82,
"level": 1,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You open your mind to receive momentary insights from the future, improving your odds of success. Until your concentration ends, whenever you make an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, you roll a {@spell d4} and add it to the total."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 10 extra psi points beyond the minimum cost to manifest this augment, you manifest it as a 6th-level power, and you roll {@spell 2d4} instead of a {@spell d4} for this power’s effect."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Self-Actualization",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 90,
"level": 1,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 10,
"unit": "minute"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You meditate deeply and contemplate on knowledge you seek, pulling the information from the collective unconscious. For the duration, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills: {@skill Animal Handling}, {@skill Arcana}, {@skill History}, {@skill Medicine}, {@skill Nature}, {@skill Performance}, {@skill Religion}, or {@skill Survival}."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you may choose one additional skill to gain proficiency in for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psychometric Touch",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 86,
"level": 2,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You read the aura of one object you touch while you concentrate. If you maintain contact with the object for the complete duration, you learn a fact about the object. Choose from one of the options below:",
"type": "list",
"The race, gender, age, and alignment of the last owner of the object (a creature in personal possession of the object for more than 7 days).",
"A vision of the last time the object was touched by someone other than you or creatures you can see. The vision is from the perspective of the object, as if it could see as well as a human, in any direction you choose, and lasts for 10 minutes, at the end of which the item was let go.",
"Whether the item is magical or not and, if it is, all of its magical properties, as if you cast {@spell identify|Psions Primer} on it."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Third Eye",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 97,
"level": 3,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You partially open your third eye, or the third eye of a willing creature you touch, granting the target a mystic sense that allows it to perceive what would not normally be possible. Until your concentration ends, the target can see all creatures, including hidden and {@condition invisible} ones, regardless of lighting conditions."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 2 additional psi points when manifesting this augment beyond its minimum cost, you manifest it as a 4th level power, and you open the target creature’s third eye even wider, granting them this augment’s normal effects and allowing them to see through objects that are up to 1 foot thick within 30 feet of them.",
"If you spend a total of 4 additional psi point when manifesting this augment beyond its minimum cost, you manifest it as a 5th level power, opening the creature’s third eye completely, granting them this augment’s 3rd and 4th-level effects, plus truesight with a range of 30 feet for the duration of the power."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Xenoglossy",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 100,
"level": 3,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You tap into the collective unconscious and gain the ability to understand any spoken or written language for the duration. In addition, for the duration, when you speak, all creatures that can understand a language understand what you say, regardless of what language you use."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Thought Projection",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 97,
"level": 4,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You create a psychic projection within 60 feet of you, hovering in the air. The projection lasts for as long as you concentrate and is {@condition invisible}. It has normal vision and {@sense darkvision} with a range of 60 feet and can look in all directions, and you mentally receive visual information from it. As an action, you can move the projection up to 30 feet in any direction. There is no limit to how far away from you the projection can move, but it can’t enter another plane of existence. A solid barrier blocks the projection’s movement, but it can pass through an opening as small as 1 inch in diameter."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 1 additional psi point beyond the minimum cost, the projection you create can move through solid objects, but can’t end its movement in one. If it does so, the power immediately ends."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psychometric Sense",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 86,
"level": 5,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "radius",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"As you concentrate, you become sensitive to the psychic impressions left by historical events in the area. Normal everyday occurrences do not leave impressions strong enough to sense, rather you perceive events with strong emotional resonances, such as battles, weddings, murders, and births.",
"You perceive these events as if you were an unnoticed bystander anywhere in the area, witnessing them as they happened. Your \"vision\" of the event is lightly obscured, as if by dim light or mist, but otherwise you view the event as though with truesight, detecting {@condition invisible} creatures and sensing the apparent and true form of magically disguised creatures. Additionally, you identify the primary emotion left by the event, such as terror, joy, or anger. You can perceive events only within the limits of the area; your historical \"vision\" is completely obscured beyond this power’s radius.",
"Your concentration ends early if you move from your space. For every full 10 minutes that you concentrate, you perceive one historical event strong enough to leave psychic impressions, starting with the most recent and then going backwards in time. You can sense historical events as far back as 500 years, assuming your concentration lasts long enough to do so."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Remote Projection",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 89,
"level": 5,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 10,
"unit": "minute"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You can see and hear a particular creature you choose that is on the same plane of existence as you. The target must make a Charisma saving throw, which is modified by how well you know the target and the sort of physical connection you have to it. If a target knows you're manifesting this power, it can fail the saving throw voluntarily if it wants to be observed.",
"type": "table",
"colLabels": [
"Save Modifier"
"colStyles": [
"rows": [
"Secondhand (you have heard of the target)",
"Firsthand (you have met the target)",
"Familiar (you know the target well)",
"type": "table",
"colLabels": [
"Save Modifier"
"colStyles": [
"rows": [
"Likeness or picture",
"Possession or garment",
"Body part, lock of hair, bit of nail, or the like",
"On a successful save, the target isn't affected, and you can't use this power against it again for 24 hours.",
"On a failed save, you create an {@condition invisible} projection of yourself within 10 feet of the target. You can see and hear through the projection as if it were your body. The projection moves with the target, remaining within 10 feet of it for the duration. A creature that can see {@condition invisible} creatures sees the projection as an indistinct, translucent humanoid unrecognizable as you. Instead of targeting a creature, you can choose a location you have seen before as the target of this power. When you do, the projection appears at that location and doesn't move."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Prescient Warning",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 83,
"level": 6,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"11 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You open your mind to the future, and impart vital knowledge to your allies. When you roll initiative, you can manifest this power to grant you and up to 3 creatures of your choice you can see within range a +10 bonus to initiative. Additionally, until your concentration ends, you and affected creatures can’t be surprised and attack rolls against you and affected creatures can’t gain advantage."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, you may affect one additional creature for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Hypercognition",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 70,
"level": 8,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"15 psi points"
"You make a series of astounding deductions, putting together clues, inferences, and logical conclusions from disparate minutiae, possibly even pulling knowledge directly from the collective unconscious of all living creatures. When you manifest this power, you may answer up to five questions you pose to the DM on any topic. The DM provides the answers that you deduce, and must give accurate answers to your questions.",
"At the DM’s discretion, some answers might be so obscure you can only deduce them by tapping into information that you couldn’t possibly know. In such cases, you must succeed on a DC 30 Intelligence check to pull the answer from the collective unconscious. If you are proficient with an appropriate skill to recall lore (such as Arcana, Religion, or Nature) and it applies to the answer you seek (DM’s choice), you may apply double your proficiency bonus to the Intelligence check."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Perfect Clarity",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 81,
"level": 9,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "minute"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 8
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"17 psi points"
"You grant yourself or a willing creature that you touch a sense of profound understanding and serenity. For the duration, the target can’t be surprised and has advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. Additionally, other creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against the target for the duration.",
"If you manifest this power again before its duration expires, it immediately ends."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Motion Blur",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 78,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"Until the end of this turn, you move so quickly that you cause yourself to turn {@condition invisible} during any of your movement."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Nomadic Shift",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 80,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You store your potential energy and release it as a burst of psychoportation. If you have not yet moved on your turn, you may manifest this augment to teleport up to 20 feet, and then your speed is reduced to 0 until the beginning of your next turn. If you manifest this augment after you have moved on your turn, it fails."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the maximum distance you can teleport is increased by 20 feet for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Nomadic Slingshot",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 69,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You create a temporary imprint of your location in the fabric of reality, and instantaneously return to it. At the start of your turn, you can use your reaction to teleport up to 40 feet to an unoccupied space you can see and then your speed is halved until the end of your turn. At the end of your turn, you can teleport back to the spot you occupied before teleporting, unless it is now occupied or on a different plane of existence."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Nomadic Transposition",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 80,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You store your potential energy to swap dimensional coordinates with an ally. If you have not yet moved on your turn, you may choose one willing ally you can see within range. You and that ally teleport, swapping places, and your speed is reduced to 0 for the remainder of your turn. If you manifest this augment after you have moved on your turn, or if either you or the target ally can’t fit in the destination space, it fails."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Sudden Step",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 93,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"When you are hit by an attack, you manifest this augment to suddenly teleport out of the way of danger. The triggering attack misses you, and you teleport up to 10 feet to an unoccupied space you can see."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Nomadic Recall",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 80,
"level": 4,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 120
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 8
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible. Observable"
"You fold the fabric of time and space to create a harmless singularity in a 5-foot cube you can see within range. For the next 8 hours, whenever another ability or effect allows you to teleport to a destination, you can instead teleport to the singularity, regardless of the normal range of the teleport allowed by the other effect, and regardless of whether you can see the singularity or not."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 2 additional psi points beyond the minimum cost to manifest this augment, you manifest it as a 5th level power and you can take up to six additional willing creatures with you when you teleport to the singularity, assuming all targets were also affected by the other ability or effect that allowed you to teleport."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Nomadic Travel",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 81,
"level": 4,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You and up to six willing creatures of your choice that you can see within range teleport up to 1 mile to a spot you can see. If there isn’t an open space for all the targets to occupy at the arrival point, this ability fails and is wasted."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the maximum distance you can teleport is increased by 1 mile for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Nomadic Doorway",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 80,
"level": 5,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "mile",
"amount": 1
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"9 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You fold the fabric of reality and bore a doorway between two points in space. You create a 5-foot cube of dim, gray light within 5 feet of you, and an identical cube at any point of your choice within 1 mile that you have viewed within the past 24 hours. The cubes last for the duration. Anyone entering one of the cubes immediately teleports to the other one, appearing in an unoccupied space next to it. The teleportation fails if there is no space for the creature to appear in."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the maximum distance you can teleport is increased by 1 mile for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Prescient Shot",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 83,
"level": 1,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"You look into the immediate future and lead your shot. When you miss with a ranged weapon attack you may manifest this power to repeat the attack roll against the same target."
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Synchronized Sight",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 94,
"level": 1,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "round",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You hone your vision in on one creature within range, and link your sight with that of your allies. Until the start of your next turn, your allies have advantage on attack rolls against the target creature."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mystic Ammunition",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 69,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PP"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 10,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"For the duration, whenever you make a ranged attack with a weapon with the ammunition property, you gain the ability to teleport magical ammunition for the attack into your waiting hand. This requires no further action beyond making the ranged weapon attack. The piece of ammunition you summon is appropriate for the weapon you are wielding, but you cannot specify a particular piece of ammunition (such as, \"an arrow from the quiver of a creature I can see\"). Instead, the ammunition is summoned from mysterious parts unknown, somewhere in the Multiverse. The magical ammunition you summon has a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls. Whether your attack hits or misses, the summoned ammunition teleports away, returning from whence it came."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, until your concentration ends, each summoned piece of ammunition’s bonus to attack and damage rolls increases by +1 for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost, to a maximum total bonus of +3."
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Seeking Shot",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 90,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"As part of making a ranged weapon attack with a ranged weapon you touch, you may manifest this power to imbue the weapon’s fired ammunition with a psychokinetic charge that seeks the mind of an intelligent target. If the target of your ranged weapon attack has an Intelligence score of 4 or higher, your attack ignores half cover and three-quarters cover. Additionally, against such a target, your fired ammunition can make one turn of up to 90 degrees in order to bypass total cover (for example, firing around a corner, or over a wall) provided that you are aware of the target’s presence."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Ranged Combat Prescience",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 87,
"level": 3,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You enhance your combat senses, allowing you to exploit opportunities you wouldn’t see otherwise. As part of the manifesting time of this augment, you either take the Disengage action or make one ranged weapon attack."
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Impaling Shot",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 71,
"level": 3,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You line up an impossible shot that pierces through every creature it hits in a line that is 5-feet wide and as long as the maximum range of the ranged weapon you are currently wielding. If you are not wielding a ranged weapon when you manifest this power, the power fails.",
"When you manifest this power, you make one ranged weapon attack, and compare the result against the AC of every creature in the line, scoring a hit against all creatures whose AC is equal to or less than the result of your attack roll. Creatures that you hit take force damage equal {@damage 2d8} + your weapon’s damage for a normal ranged weapon attack. Creatures that you miss take half as much damage."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the force damage increases to {@damage 2d8 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=12,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d9|2d8 + your weapon's damage + an additional 1d8} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Iron Endurance",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 76,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You harness the intensity of your will to shrug off attacks that would cripple weaker minds and bodies. Choose bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. You gain resistance to the chosen damage type until the end of your next turn."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 6 additional psi points when manifesting this augment beyond its minimum cost, its manifesting time becomes 1 action, you manifest it as a 5th-level power, and you gain resistance to the chosen damage type for as long as you concentrate on this augment, for up to 1 hour."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psionic Leap",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 83,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 0,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"This power does not have a manifesting time. As part of your movement on your turn, you can fly 20 feet. If you end this flight in the air, you fall unless something else holds you aloft."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, your flying speed increases by 20 feet for each additional psi point spent beyond the minimum cost."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Thri-Kreen",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Quick Burst",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 87,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You rapidly but briefly increase your mobility and reflexes. Until the end of your current turn, all movement speeds you have increase by 10 feet, and you don’t provoke opportunity attacks."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, until the end of your current turn, your movement speeds increase by an additional 10 feet for each additional psi point spent."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Stomp",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 93,
"level": 1,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "cone",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 15
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You briefly but exponentially increase the density of your body and stomp the ground, sending out a shockwave that sweeps from you along the ground in a 15-foot cone. Each creature standing on the ground in the area must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes {@damage 2d8} force damage and is knocked {@condition prone}. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn’t knocked {@condition prone}."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, the damage increases to {@damage 2d8 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=16,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#/2)d8|2d8 + an additional 1d8} for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Goliath (Dreamscarred)",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Instinctive Adaptation",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 73,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"When a creature you can see within range takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you may manifest this augment to grant the target creature resistance to the triggering damage type until the end of their next turn. This power is manifested quickly enough that the resistance it grants applies to the triggering damage."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Mind Over Matter",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 76,
"level": 4,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "bonus"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You assert the power of your own mind over any base matter that tries to harm you. Until your concentration ends, you gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Suspend Life",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 94,
"level": 7,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "permanent",
"ends": [
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"13 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You descend into a meditative trance so deep your body enters suspended animation. While in this trance you are {@condition paralyzed}, but are resistant to all damage and immune to poison and disease (although a poison or disease already in your system is suspended, not neutralized), and you cease to age. Additionally, while you meditate, divination and clairsentience effects do not recognize that you exist, and are unable to target you.",
"For the duration of this power, you are aware of your surroundings, but perceive time differently. Events rapidly progress around you, such that every actual year passing feels like a day to you. This makes it next to impossible to communicate with you, even telepathically, without extraordinary measures.",
"If you attempt to rouse yourself from your mediation and dismiss this power, it takes you 1 minute to do so. If you have taken damage, you can attempt to instantly rouse yourself by making a Constitution saving throw against your own power save DC. On a success, you dismiss this power at the end of your next turn after having taken damage.",
"If your {@spell verve|Psions Primer} talent is dispelled, you rouse instantly but are dazed until the end of your next turn. While dazed, you have disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and Strength and Dexterity saving throws, and your speed is halved."
"savingThrow": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Impervious Self",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 71,
"level": 9,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "round"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"17 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You instantly affix the perfect version of yourself in your mind and deny all deviations from that self. You may manifest this power in response to any action, and it manifests quickly enough to apply its effects to you before the triggering action. When you manifest this power, your hit point total returns to its maximum. Additionally, until the end of your next turn, you are immune to all damage, conditions, and effects other creatures try to inflict or impose upon you."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Sudden Intuition",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 93,
"level": 1,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "reaction"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "self"
"duration": [
"type": "instant"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"1 psi point"
"When you fail an Intelligence check to recall any sort of lore (such as the kind covered by the Arcana, Religion, or Nature skill), you may manifest this power to reroll the ability check with advantage."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Umbra Sight",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 98,
"level": 1,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"2 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You grant yourself or a willing creature you touch the ability to see in the dark. For the duration, the target has {@sense darkvision} out to a range of 60 feet."
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"races": [
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Goblin (Blue)",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psychic Grasp",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 84,
"level": 2,
"school": ["PK"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 60
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"4 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You seize an object with your mind and move it at your psychic command. Choose one object you can see within 60 feet of you that isn’t being worn or carried by another creature and that isn’t secured in place. It can’t be larger than 20 feet on a side, and it can weigh no more than 50 lbs.",
"While you concentrate, you may use your action to move the object up to 60 feet. You must keep the object within sight during this movement. If your concentration ends while the object is in the air, it falls.",
"You may also use your action to end your concentration early and launch the object at a creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d8 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (as appropriate to the item, chosen by the DM) on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"When you spend extra psi points to manifest this augment, for every 2 additional psi points spent beyond the minimum cost, the damage increases to {@damage 3d8 + (#$prompt_number:min=2,max=14,title=Enter amount of extra psi to spend! Must be a multiple of 2!,default=1$#)d8|3d8 + an additional 2d8}, and the maximum weight of the object doubles (6 total psi points for 100 lbs., 8 total psi points for 200 lbs., etc.)."
"damageInflict": [
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Touchsight",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 97,
"level": 2,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"3 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You or a willing creature you touch gain the ability to perceive even the most minute of vibrations through tactile senses. For the duration, the target creature gains {@sense tremorsense} with a radius of 30 feet."
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Sense Link",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 90,
"level": 3,
"school": ["CS"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 200
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"5 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You link your senses of sight and hearing to one willing creature you can see within range. While you concentrate, you can see through the target’s eyes and hear what it hears, gaining the benefits of any special senses that the target might have. During this time, you are deaf and blind with regard to your own senses.",
"As an action, and if the target is willing, you can reverse this link so the target sees through your eyes and hears what you hear."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"If you spend 4 extra psi points beyond the minimum cost to manifest this augment, you manifest this augment as a 5th-level power, and the target of the power does not need to be willing, either for the initial manifestation or the reversing of its effects as an action. If the target is not willing, it must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the power fails. On a failure, the unwilling target is affected, but may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns for the duration of the power, ending it on a success."
"savingThrow": [
"areaTags": [
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Realized Potential",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 89,
"level": 4,
"school": ["PM"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "action"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "touch"
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "minute",
"amount": 1,
"upTo": true
"concentration": true
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"7 psi points"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"You unlock the potential in yourself or a creature you touch. The target gains 30 temporary hit points. In addition, for the duration of this power, whenever the target makes an ability check, attack roll, or a saving throw, the target can roll a {@dice d6} and add the number rolled to the ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. Any remaining temporary hit points granted by this power disappear when your concentration ends."
"areaTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fromSubclass": [
"class": {
"name": "Fighter",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": {
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "PHB"
"subclass": {
"name": "Lurk",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"name": "Project Quori Spirit",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 138,
"level": 6,
"school": ["MC"],
"subschools": [
"time": [
"number": 1,
"unit": "minute"
"range": {
"type": "point",
"distance": {
"type": "ft",
"amount": 90
"duration": [
"type": "timed",
"duration": {
"type": "hour",
"amount": 1
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Cost",
"11 psi point"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Components",
"Audible, Observable"
"You draw ectoplasm from the plane of Dal Quor and fashion it into a vessel in the shape of a quori of challenge rating 8 or lower, then invite a matching quori spirit in to possess it, expending the use of their Possession ability. If you know a specific quori's name that you can create a vessel for, you can speak that name when you manifest this power to request that quori to possess the vessel you create, though you might get a different creature anyway (DM's choice).",
"The vessel appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range and has identical statistics to the quori that possesses it. It disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the power ends.",
"The quori possessing the vessel is under no compulsion to obey you or be friendly to you. It rolls initiative and has its own turn in combat. Its vessel cannot be dismissed by you. When the vessel disappears, the quori returns to Dal Quor, no worse for wear. If the quori’s Possession ability recharges, it may use it to possess another creature. If it does so, the ectoplasmic vessel disappears and this power ends."
"entriesHigherLevel": [
"name": "Intensify",
"entries": [
"For every 2 additional psi points you expend when manifesting this augment beyond its minimum cost, you can fashion a vessel for a quori of challenge rating 1 higher than before."
"miscTags": [
"classes": {
"fromClassList": [
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"class": [
"name": "Empath",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 6,
"hd": {
"number": 1,
"faces": 8
"proficiency": [
"startingProficiencies": {
"armor": [
"weapons": [
"tools": [
"skills": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"count": 2
"startingEquipment": {
"additionalFromBackground": true,
"default": [
"a {@filter simple weapon|items|source=phb|category=basic|type=simple weapon}",
"{a} a {@item crystal|phb}, (b) {@item orb|phb}, or (c) {@item bell|phb}",
"(a) a {@item diplomat's pack|phb}, (b) an {@item explorer's pack|phb}, or (c) a {@item priests's pack|phb}"
"multiclassing": {
"requirements": {
"wis": 13
"proficienciesGained": {
"armor": [
"classTableGroups": [
"colLabels": [
"{@filter Talents Known|spells|level=0|class=Empath (pspr)}",
"{@filter Augments Known|spells|class=Empath (pspr)}",
"Psi Points",
"Psi Limit"
"rows": [
"classFeatures": [
"name": "Psionics",
"entries": [
"You realize your psionic potential, gaining the use of talents and augments, the rules for which appear in {@book Chapter 4|pspr|5}. Psionic powers are magical effects.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psionic Talents",
"entries": [
"A psionic talent is a psionic power that is a cantrip spell. You know three psionic talents of your choice from the {@filter empath talent list|spells|level=0|class=Empath (pspr)}, plus a bonus psionic talent determined by your choice of empathic mantle (see Mantle Powers below). You learn additional empath talents of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Talents Known column of the Empath table."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Augments",
"entries": [
"An augment is a psionic power that augments a psionic talent. You must be focusing on an augment’s corresponding psionic talent in order to manifest it. You know five 1st-level powers that augment the empath talents you know.",
"The {@filter Augments Known|spells|class=Empath (pspr)} column of the Empath table shows when you learn more augments of your choice. When the table indicates that you learn a new augment, you may only choose a power that augments one of the empath talents you know. Each of these augments must have a minimum power level no greater than half your levels in this class when you learn them (round up).",
"For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you learn one new psionic power that augments an empath talent you know, and the power can be up to 2nd level.",
"Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose to replace one of your existing powers that augments an empath talent you know and replace it with another power that augments any empath talent you know. The new power can have a minimum power level no greater than half your levels in this class when you learn them (round up)."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Points",
"entries": [
"You have an internal reservoir of psionic energy represented by psi points. You must spend psi points from this reserve to manifest a power that augments a psionic talent.",
"The number of psi points you have is based on your empath level, as shown in the Psi Points column of the Empath table. The number shown for your level is your psi point maximum. When expending psi points to manifest an augment, you cannot reduce your current psi points to below 0. Your psi point total returns to your maximum when you finish a long rest."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Limit",
"entries": [
"Though you have access to a potent amount of psionic energy, it takes training and practice to channel that energy. There is a limit on the number of psi points you can spend to manifest a power that augments a psionic talent. The limit is based on your empath level, as shown in the Psi Limit column of the Empath table. For example, as a 3rd-level empath, you can spend no more than 4 psi points when manifesting an augment, no matter how many psi points you have."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psionic Ability",
"entries": [
"Wisdom is your psionic ability for your empath powers. You use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a psionic power or when making an attack roll with one.",
"type": "abilityDc",
"name": "Power",
"attributes": [
"type": "abilityAttackMod",
"name": "Power",
"attributes": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Empath Talents",
"entries": [
"Below is a list of psionic talents available to empaths.",
"type": "list",
"style": "list-no-bullets",
"{@spell aura beacon|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell autonomous vitality|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell inertial transference|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mindblade|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mindlink|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mystic displacement|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell primal metabolism|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psychic static|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell sixth sense|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell verve|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell wild talent|Psions Primer}"
"name": "Empathic Mantle",
"entries": [
"At 1st level, you choose an Empathic Mantle from the list of available mantles.",
"Your choice grants you mantle powers and other features when you choose it at 1st level. It also grants you additional features at 3rd, 6th, and 14th level.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Mantle Powers",
"entries": [
"Each mantle has a psionic talent and list of augments – mantle powers – that you learn at the empath levels noted in the mantle description. Mantle powers do not count against the number of empath talents or augments you know."
"gainSubclassFeature": true
"name": "Focused Defense",
"entries": [
"While you are focusing on a psionic talent and are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit."
"name": "Enlightenment (1/Rest)",
"entries": [
"Beginning at 2nd level, you can guide another creature through meditation and unlock their full potential. To do so, you and one other creature within 5 feet of you must remain still, without moving or taking any action and concentrate (as though concentrating on a spell) for 1 minute. If both you and the target remain still and concentrate for the full duration, the target may then add double their proficiency bonus to all ability checks with one skill or one tool they are already proficient in, instead of their normal proficiency bonus.",
"This effect lasts until the creature finishes a short or long rest. You may use this feature once, and must finish a short or long rest before you can do so again.",
"Beginning at 10th level, you may use this feature twice between rests, and, beginning at 18th level, you can use it three times between rests. When you finish a short or long rest, you regain all expended uses."
"name": "Empathic Mantle feature",
"entries": [
"At 3rd level, you gain another feature from your Empathic Mantle."
"gainSubclassFeature": true
"name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"entries": [
"When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Proficiency Versatility",
"entries": [
"{@i 4th-level feature (enhances Ability Score Improvement)}",
"When you gain the Ability Score Improvement feature from your class, you can also replace one of your skill proficiencies with a skill proficiency offered by your class at 1st level (the proficiency you replace needn't be from the class).",
"This change represents one of your skills atrophying as you focus on a different skill."
"source": "UAClassFeatureVariants",
"page": 1
"name": "Empathic Mantle feature",
"entries": [
"At 6th level, you gain another feature from your Empathic Mantle."
"gainSubclassFeature": true
"name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"entries": [
"When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Proficiency Versatility",
"entries": [
"{@i 8th-level feature (enhances Ability Score Improvement)}",
"When you gain the Ability Score Improvement feature from your class, you can also replace one of your skill proficiencies with a skill proficiency offered by your class at 1st level (the proficiency you replace needn't be from the class).",
"This change represents one of your skills atrophying as you focus on a different skill."
"source": "UAClassFeatureVariants",
"page": 1
"name": "Enlightenment (2/Rest)",
"entries": [
"At 10th level, you can use your Enlightment twice between rests."
"name": "Sublime Power (Psi Limit Increase of 2)",
"entries": [
"At 11th level, you gain the ability to glimpse eternity and briefly increase your psi limit. As a bonus action, you increase your psi limit by 2 for the next power you manifest before the end of your next turn. You may use this feature once, and must finish a long rest before you can do so again.",
"The amount you increase your psi limit by grows when you reach certain levels in this class. When you use this feature, you increase your psi limit by 4 starting at 13th level, by 6 starting at 15th level, and by 8 starting at 17th level.",
"Beginning at 19th level, you may use this feature twice between long rests. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses."
"name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"entries": [
"When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Proficiency Versatility",
"entries": [
"{@i 12th-level feature (enhances Ability Score Improvement)}",
"When you gain the Ability Score Improvement feature from your class, you can also replace one of your skill proficiencies with a skill proficiency offered by your class at 1st level (the proficiency you replace needn't be from the class).",
"This change represents one of your skills atrophying as you focus on a different skill."
"source": "UAClassFeatureVariants",
"page": 1
"name": "Sublime Power (Psi Limit Increase of 4)",
"entries": [
"At 13th level, you increase your psi limit by 4 when you use Sublime Power."
"name": "Empathic Mantle feature",
"entries": [
"At 14th level, you gain another feature from your Empathic Mantle."
"gainSubclassFeature": true
"name": "Sublime Power (Psi Limit Increase of 6)",
"entries": [
"At 15th level, you increase your psi limit by 6 when you use Sublime Power."
"name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"entries": [
"When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Proficiency Versatility",
"entries": [
"{@i 16th-level feature (enhances Ability Score Improvement)}",
"When you gain the Ability Score Improvement feature from your class, you can also replace one of your skill proficiencies with a skill proficiency offered by your class at 1st level (the proficiency you replace needn't be from the class).",
"This change represents one of your skills atrophying as you focus on a different skill."
"source": "UAClassFeatureVariants",
"page": 1
"name": "Sublime Power (Psi Limit Increase of 8)",
"entries": [
"At 17th level, you increase your psi limit by 8 when you use Sublime Power."
"name": "Enlightenment (3/Rest)",
"entries": [
"At 18th level, you can use your Enlightment three times between rests."
"name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"entries": [
"When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Proficiency Versatility",
"entries": [
"{@i 19th-level feature (enhances Ability Score Improvement)}",
"When you gain the Ability Score Improvement feature from your class, you can also replace one of your skill proficiencies with a skill proficiency offered by your class at 1st level (the proficiency you replace needn't be from the class).",
"This change represents one of your skills atrophying as you focus on a different skill."
"source": "UAClassFeatureVariants",
"page": 1
"name": "Transcendence",
"entries": [
"At 20th level, your psionically enhanced understanding of the cosmos allows you to transcend mortal limits. You gain the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"items": [
"You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.",
"You no longer age and cannot be magically aged.",
"You are immune to disease, poison damage, and the {@condition poisoned} condition.",
"You can add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any saving throw you make that doesn’t already include your proficiency bonus."
"subclassTitle": "Empathic Mantle",
"subclasses": [
"name": "Mystic",
"shortName": "Mystic",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"subclassFeatures": [
"name": "Mystics",
"entries": [
"A mystic seeks, above all, to guide those around them through life’s hardships to better understand themselves and their place in the cosmos. By empathically connecting themselves to their allies, the mystic becomes invaluable to the team, able to coordinate efforts and maintain the team’s wellbeing.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Mystic Mantle Powers",
"colLabels": [
"Empath Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-6 text-left",
"col-4-5 text-left"
"rows": [
"{@spell autonomous vitality|Psions Primer}, {@spell vital surge|Psions Primer}"
"{@spell vitality transfer|Psions Primer}"
"{@spell revitalization|Psions Primer}"
"{@spell psychic defibrillation|Psions Primer}"
"{@spell vitality transfer field|Psions Primer}"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Counsel",
"entries": [
"When you choose this mantle at 1st level, you gain the {@spell guidance} cantrip if you don’t already know it. When you cast {@spell guidance}, you may cast it as a psionic spell, requiring no components. If you cast guidance this way, it is a clairsentience cantrip. Additionally, when you reach 3rd level, you may expend 4 psi points while you are concentrating on guidance to cast {@spell augury} as an action, requiring no components. When you cast {@spell augury} this way, it is a clairsentience spell. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Aura of Awareness",
"entries": [
"Starting at 3rd level, you project an aura that heightens your allies’ awareness of their surroundings. While you aren’t {@condition {@condition incapacitated}}, each ally within 30 feet of you may add their proficiency bonus to initiative checks."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Healing Mantra",
"entries": [
"Beginning at 6th level, you formulate a restorative mantra that, when spoken, amplifies psionic abilities that heal damage. When you manifest a power that restores hit points to a creature, if you add an optional verbal component to the power, that creature regains additional hit points equal to the power’s level."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Aura of Celerity",
"entries": [
"Starting at 14th level, you project an aura that allows your allies to act on their thoughts with improved alacrity. While you aren’t {@condition incapacitated}, any ally within 30 feet of you can take the Dash action as a bonus action."
"name": "Occultist",
"shortName": "Occultist",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"subclassFeatures": [
"name": "Occultist",
"entries": [
"An occultist seeks to part the veils that separate one from hidden knowledge, whether those veils are temporal, physical, or spiritual. An occultist heightens their sensitivity to emotional and psychic impressions left by others, to glean truths and understanding from the world.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Occultist Mantle Powers",
"colLabels": [
"Occultist Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-6 text-left",
"col-4-5 text-left"
"rows": [
"{@spell discern position|Psions Primer}, {@spell sixth sense|Psions Primer}"
"{@spell psychometric touch|Psions Primer}"
"{@spell third eye|Psions Primer}"
"{@spell thought projection|Psions Primer}"
"{@spell psychometric sense|Psions Primer}"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Occult Knowledge",
"entries": [
"You have accumulated a mental trove of secrets and hidden knowledge. Starting at 1st level, whenever you roll an Intelligence check to recall any sort of lore (such as that covered by the Arcana, Nature, and Religion skills), treat a roll of 7 or lower on the d20 as an 8."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Seance",
"entries": [
"When you reach 3rd level, you learn the {@spell thaumaturgy|phb} cantrip if you don’t already know it. When you cast {@spell thaumaturgy|phb}, you may cast it as a psionic talent, requiring no components. If you cast {@spell thaumaturgy|phb} this way, it is a metacreativity cantrip and its duration changes to Focus. While you focus on {@spell thaumaturgy|phb} you may create one of the spell’s effects as an action. You can have three of the spell’s 1-minute effects activate at a time.",
"Additionally, when you reach 3rd level, you may expend 4 psi points while you are focusing on {@spell thaumaturgy|phb} to cast {@spell speak with dead|phb}, requiring no components. When you cast {@spell speak with dead|phb} this way, it is a clairsentience spell. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Occult Vision",
"entries": [
"Beginning at 6th level, your clairvoyant senses enhance your vision and understanding. You gain {@sense darkvision} out to 60 feet, or the range of your existing {@sense darkvision} extends by 60 feet. Additionally, you gain the ability to read all writing."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Pronounce Omen",
"entries": [
"Starting at 14th level, you may pronounce a good or ill omen on a creature within 30 feet that you can see and that can hear you. This omen last as long as you concentrate (as though concentrating on a spell) for up to 1 minute.",
"If you pronounce a good omen, the creature gains immunity to one damage type of your choice while you concentrate.",
"If you pronounce an ill omen, the creature becomes susceptible to one damage type of your choice. While you concentrate, whenever the creature takes damage of the chosen type, it takes extra damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.",
"You may use this feature once, and must finish a long rest before you may do so again."
"name": "Wilder",
"shortName": "Wilder",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"subclassFeatures": [
"name": "Wilder",
"entries": [
"A wilder is an empath less defined by a personal philosophy and more by the lack of one. If wilders could be said to adhere to any philosophy, however, it would be to live freely in the moment and unshackle one’s emotions from outside concerns. A wilder’s emotions are so strong and uncontrolled that they seep into the world around them in the form of psionic powers. Often taken to be insane or unbalanced due to their great passions, a wilder’s emotions surge and wane, affecting the potency of their psionic abilities.",
"Wilders find themselves in violent situations more often than other empaths, because they don’t hold themselves back and refuse to rein in their more aggressive feelings when their ire is stoked. Whether because they enjoy the exhilarating thrill of it, or because their tempestuous nature drives them to visceral confrontations, wilders can hold their own in a fight.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Wilder Mantle Powers",
"colLabels": [
"Wilder Level",
"colStyles": [
"col-6 text-left",
"col-4-5 text-left"
"rows": [
"{@spell incite fury|Psions Primer}, {@spell psychic static|Psions Primer}"
"{@spell savage presence|Psions Primer}"
"{@spell consuming rage|Psions Primer}"
"{@spell psychosomatic feedback|Psions Primer}"
"{@spell mass hysteria|Psions Primer}"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Bonus Proficiencies",
"entries": [
"When you choose this mantle at 1st level, you gain proficiency in light and medium armor, and one {@filter martial melee weapon|items|category=basic|type=martial weapon;melee weapon;!ranged weapon} of your choice."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Wild Surge",
"entries": [
"Starting at 3rd level, you may unshackle your emotions when you manifest a psionic power. Whenever you manifest a telepathy augment, you may either give yourself advantage on a psionic attack roll against one of the power’s targets, or one of the power’s targets suffers disadvantage on its saving throws to resist the power. Additionally, if the power deals psychic damage, you deal {@damage 1d12} extra psychic damage to one target of the power.",
"Using your Wild Surge potentially drains your vitality. Each time you use this feature, roll {@dice 1d20}. If the result of this roll is equal to or lower than the number of psi points you spent to manifest the power you used in conjunction with this feature, you suffer 1 level of {@condition exhaustion}."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Fury",
"entries": [
"Beginning at 6th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon attacks with psychic energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon, you can deal an extra {@damage 1d8} psychic damage to that target. When you reach 14th level, this extra damage increases to {@damage 2d8}."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Volatile Mind",
"entries": [
"Starting at 14th level, your surging emotions become difficult for others to affect with magic. Whenever another creature targets you with an enchantment, illusion, or telepathy effect, that creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your power save DC or it fails to target you successfully, wasting the action it used to attempt to create the effect, but not spending any other resources such as spell slots, psi points, or magic item charges.",
"In situations where you wish to be targeted by a beneficial effect, you can choose to suspend this ability as a bonus action. It remains inactive for as long as you concentrate (as though concentrating on a spell)."
"name": "Psion",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 12,
"hd": {
"number": 1,
"faces": 6
"proficiency": [
"startingProficiencies": {
"armor": [
"weapons": [
"clubs, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, spears"
"tools": [
"skills": [
"choose": {
"from": [
"count": 2
"startingEquipment": {
"additionalFromBackground": true,
"default": [
"(a) a {@item quarterstaff|phb} or (b) a {@item spear|phb}",
"(a) a {@item scholar's pack|phb}, (b) an {@item explorer's pack|phb}"
"multiclassing": {
"requirements": {
"int": 13
"classTableGroups": [
"colLabels": [
"{@filter Talents Known|spells|level=0|class=Psion (pspr)}",
"{@filter Augments Known|spells|class=Psion (pspr)}",
"Psi Points",
"Psi Limit"
"rows": [
"classFeatures": [
"name": "Psionics",
"entries": [
"You realize your psionic potential, gaining the use of talents and augments, the rules for which appear in {@book Chapter 4|pspr|5}. Psionic powers are magical effects.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psionic Talents",
"entries": [
"A psionic talent is a psionic power that is a cantrip spell. You know three psionic talents of your choice from the {@filter psion talent list|spells|level=0|class=Psion (pspr)}, plus a bonus psionic talent determined by your choice of psionic discipline (see Psionic Disciplines below). You learn additional psion talents of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Talents Known column of the Psion table."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Augments",
"entries": [
"An augment is a psionic power that augments a psionic talent. You must be focusing on an augment’s corresponding psionic talent in order to manifest it. You know five 1st-level powers that augment the psion talents you know.",
"The {@filter Augments Known|spells|class=Psion (pspr)} column of the Psion table shows when you learn more augments of your choice. When the table indicates that you learn a new augment, you may only choose a power that augments one of the psion talents you know. Each of these powers must have a minimum power level no greater than half your levels in this class when you learn them (round up).",
"For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you learn one new psionic power that augments a psion talent you know, and that power can be up to 2nd level.",
"Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose to replace one of your existing powers that augments a psion talent you know and replace it with another power that augments any psion talent you know. The new power can have a minimum power level no greater than half your levels in this class when you learn them (round up)."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Points",
"entries": [
"You have an internal reservoir of psionic energy represented by psi points. You must spend psi points from this reserve to manifest a power that augments a psionic talent.",
"The number of psi points you have is based on your psion level, as shown in the Psi Points column of the Psion table. The number shown for your level is your psi point maximum. When expending psi points to manifest an augment, you cannot reduce your current psi points to below 0. Your psi point total returns to your maximum when you finish a long rest."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Limit",
"entries": [
"Though you have access to a potent amount of psionic energy, it takes training and practice to channel that energy. There is a limit on the number of psi points you can spend to manifest a power that augments a psionic talent. The limit is based on your psion level, as shown in the Psi Limit column of the Psion table. For example, as a 3rd-level psion, you can spend no more than 4 psi points when manifesting an augment, no matter how many psi points you have."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psionic Ability",
"entries": [
"Intelligence is your psionic ability for your psion powers. You use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a psion power or when making an attack roll with one.",
"type": "abilityDc",
"name": "Power",
"attributes": [
"type": "abilityAttackMod",
"name": "Power",
"attributes": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psion Talents",
"entries": [
"Below is a list of psionic talents available to empaths. The descriptions of these powers can be found in Chapter 4.",
"type": "list",
"style": "list-no-bullets",
"{@spell blind spot|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell ectoplasmic object|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell energy ray|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell imbue psicrystal|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell inertial transference|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mind thrust|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mindlink|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psychic hammer|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell sixth sense|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell speed of thought|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell wild talent|Psions Primer}"
"name": "Psionic Disciplines",
"entries": [
"Choose a psionic discipline from the list of available disciplines. Your choice grants you a bonus psion talent when you choose it at 1st level. It also grants you additional features at 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 14th level."
"gainSubclassFeature": true
"name": "Power Siphon",
"entries": [
"You have learned to channel the magical power of mental effects into psionic potential. If you succeed on an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw against any magical effect, you may use your reaction to regain a number of psi points equal to your psi limit. You can use this feature once, and must finish a long rest before you can do so again."
"name": "Psionic Discipline feature",
"entries": [
"At 2nd level, you gain another feature from your Psionic Discipline."
"gainSubclassFeature": true
"name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"entries": [
"When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Proficiency Versatility",
"entries": [
"{@i 4th-level feature (enhances Ability Score Improvement)}",
"When you gain the Ability Score Improvement feature from your class, you can also replace one of your skill proficiencies with a skill proficiency offered by your class at 1st level (the proficiency you replace needn't be from the class).",
"This change represents one of your skills atrophying as you focus on a different skill."
"source": "UAClassFeatureVariants",
"page": 1
"name": "Expanded Knowledge",
"entries": [
"By 6th level, you have studied your mind’s potential even further, stretching the boundaries of what is possible with your psionic might. You learn four {@filter psionic powers|spells|school=CS;MC;PK;PM;PP;TP} of your choice, any of which can be either a talent or an augment. The powers you choose can be from any class, including this one. An augment you learn with this feature must augment a psionic talent you know, including one you may have learned at the same time, and it must have a minimum power level no greater than half your levels in this class when you learn it (round up).",
"The chosen powers count as psion powers for you but do not count against the number of psion talents or augments shown in the Talents Known and Augments Known columns of the Psion table.",
"You learn four additional powers from any class at 10th level and again at 18th level."
"name": "Psionic Discipline feature",
"entries": [
"At 6th level, you gain another feature from your Psionic Discipline."
"gainSubclassFeature": true
"name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"entries": [
"When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Proficiency Versatility",
"entries": [
"{@i 8th-level feature (enhances Ability Score Improvement)}",
"When you gain the Ability Score Improvement feature from your class, you can also replace one of your skill proficiencies with a skill proficiency offered by your class at 1st level (the proficiency you replace needn't be from the class).",
"This change represents one of your skills atrophying as you focus on a different skill."
"source": "UAClassFeatureVariants",
"page": 1
"name": "Expanded Knowledge",
"entries": [
"At 10th level, you learn four {@filter additional powers|spells|school=CS;MC;PK;PM;PP;TP} from any class."
"name": "Psionic Discipline feature",
"entries": [
"At 10th level, you gain another feature from your Psionic Discipline."
"gainSubclassFeature": true
"name": "Power Surge (1/long rest)",
"entries": [
"Starting at 11th level, you may sacrifice your physical health to briefly increase the potency of your psionic manifestations. When you manifest a psionic augment, you may reduce your maximum hit points in order to increase your psi limit for that manifestation by an equal amount. Initially, you may only use this feature once, but beginning at 13th level, you may use this feature twice, beginning at 15th level, you may use it three times, and beginning at 17th level, you may use it four times. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.",
"The first time you use this power, the amount by which you reduce your maximum hit points and increase your psi limit is 2. Each time you use this feature again before you regain any uses of it, the amount increases by 2. For example, the second time you use this feature before finishing a long rest, you increase your psi limit by 4 and reduce your maximum hit points by 4.",
"Reductions to your maximum hit points caused by this feature are cumulative and last until you finish a long rest, and cannot be restored by any other means, including {@spell greater restoration|phb} or an intensified {@spell revitalization|Psions Primer}."
"name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"entries": [
"When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Proficiency Versatility",
"entries": [
"{@i 12th-level feature (enhances Ability Score Improvement)}",
"When you gain the Ability Score Improvement feature from your class, you can also replace one of your skill proficiencies with a skill proficiency offered by your class at 1st level (the proficiency you replace needn't be from the class).",
"This change represents one of your skills atrophying as you focus on a different skill."
"source": "UAClassFeatureVariants",
"page": 1
"name": "Power Surge (2/long rest)",
"entries": [
"At 13th level, you can use Power Surge twice per long rest."
"name": "Psionic Discipline feature",
"entries": [
"At 14th level, you gain another feature from your Psionic Discipline."
"gainSubclassFeature": true
"name": "Power Surge (3/long rest)",
"entries": [
"At 15th level, you can use Power Surge three times per long rest."
"name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"entries": [
"When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Proficiency Versatility",
"entries": [
"{@i 16th-level feature (enhances Ability Score Improvement)}",
"When you gain the Ability Score Improvement feature from your class, you can also replace one of your skill proficiencies with a skill proficiency offered by your class at 1st level (the proficiency you replace needn't be from the class).",
"This change represents one of your skills atrophying as you focus on a different skill."
"source": "UAClassFeatureVariants",
"page": 1
"name": "Power Surge (4/long rest)",
"entries": [
"At 17th level, you can use Power Surge four times per long rest."
"name": "Expanded Knowledge",
"entries": [
"At 18th level, you learn four {@filter additional powers|spells|school=CS;MC;PK;PM;PP;TP} from any class."
"name": "Ability Score Improvement",
"entries": [
"When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Proficiency Versatility",
"entries": [
"{@i 19th-level feature (enhances Ability Score Improvement)}",
"When you gain the Ability Score Improvement feature from your class, you can also replace one of your skill proficiencies with a skill proficiency offered by your class at 1st level (the proficiency you replace needn't be from the class).",
"This change represents one of your skills atrophying as you focus on a different skill."
"source": "UAClassFeatureVariants",
"page": 1
"name": "Psychic Mastery",
"entries": [
"When you reach 20th level, you gain mastery in a {@filter psionic talent|spells|level=0|school=CS;MC;PK;PM;PP;TP} of your choice. When you manifest a power that augments your chosen psion talent, you may do so without spending psi points as long as the total psi cost for manifesting the augment is 5 or less."
"subclassTitle": "Psionic Discipline",
"subclasses": [
"name": "Dominator",
"shortName": "Dominator",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"subclassFeatures": [
"name": "Dominator",
"entries": [
"Telepathy is the school of psionic magic that links one mind to another. While this can be a useful tool for fostering communication and fellowship, a psion that focuses on this discipline believes telepathy is the most effective weapon in the arsenal of the mind. Weaker wills are like clay for a dominator to mold.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Bonus Talent",
"entries": [
"When you choose this discipline at 1st level, you learn the {@spell mindlink|Psions Primer} talent. This talent does not count against the number of psion talents you know."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Demand",
"entries": [
"Starting at 2nd level, while you are focusing on mindlink, you may expend 2 psi points to cast the {@spell command|phb} spell without using any components. When you do, {@spell command|phb} is a telepathy spell and you must target a creature you are telepathically communicating with. Additionally, you deliver the one-word command telepathically."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Mesmerize",
"entries": [
"Starting at 6th level, whenever a telepathy effect you use causes a creature to make a saving throw to resist its effects, you can spend 3 psi points to give one target of the power disadvantage on its first saving throw made against the effect. Psi points you spend to use this feature do not count toward your psi limit when manifesting a power."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Subtle Control",
"entries": [
"Beginning at 10th level, whenever a telepathy power you used ends on a creature, or a creature succeeds on a saving throw to resist a telepathy power you used, the target creature does not realize you attempted to affect them or remember that you did affect them unless you wish for them to do so."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Sieze Concentration",
"entries": [
"Starting at 14th level, if a creature fails a saving throw to resist a telepathy power you used on it, and that creature was concentrating on a magical effect, you may expend 14 psi points (ignoring your psi limit) to seize control of that effect as a reaction. If you do, you may immediately choose new targets for the effect as if you had created it. If the effect allows a saving throw to resist it, the new targets make their saving throws against your power save DC. You may concentrate on the effect for its remaining duration. You can use this feature once, and must finish a short or long rest before you can do so again."
"name": "Kineticist",
"shortName": "Kineticist",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"subclassFeatures": [
"name": "Kineticist",
"entries": [
"Kineticists are experts in the mental manipulation of a certain kind of energy. They often go by more precise titles that indicate the kind of energy they specialize in. For example, if one focuses on controlling flames with their mind, they might call themselves a \"pyrokineticist,\" or a \"cryokineticist\" if they master freezing cold. Psions who harness lightning may refer to themselves as \"galvanicists,\" and ones who focus on creating inten se blasts of thunderous noise might go by \"kinetophonist.\"",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Bonus Talent",
"entries": [
"When you choose this discipline at 1st level, you learn the {@spell energy ray|Psions Primer} talent. This talent does not count against the number of psion talents you know."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Energy Specialization",
"entries": [
"Also at 1st level, you choose one of the following damage types: cold, fire, lightning or thunder. The damage type you choose is your energy specialization which other Kineticist features make reference to."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Intense Ray",
"entries": [
"Starting at 2nd level, when you cast {@spell energy ray|Psions Primer} and chose to deal damage with your energy specialization, you add your Intelligence modifier to the damage it deals on a hit."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Energy Acclimation (Resistance)",
"entries": [
"Also at 2nd level, you gain resistance to the damage type of your energy specialization. When you reach 14th level, you gain immunity to the same type of damage."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Ardent Energy",
"entries": [
"Starting at 6th level, whenever a psychokinesis power you use deals damage with your energy specialization, you may spend 5 psi points to cause the power’s damage to ignore a creature’s resistance to that damage type, if any. Psi points you spend to use this feature do not count toward your psi limit when manifesting a power."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Inescapable Ray",
"entries": [
"Beginning at 10th level, if you cast {@spell energy ray|Psions Primer} to deal the damage type of your energy specialization, the target of the attack takes damage equal to your Intelligence modifier when you miss."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Relentless Energy",
"entries": [
"When you reach 14th level, if you use a psychokinesis power capable of dealing damage with your energy specialization, you may spend 13 psi points (ignoring your psi limit) to treat a targeted creature’s immunity to your energy specialization as resistance instead. You cannot use this feature and Ardent Energy on the same manifestation of a psychokinesis power."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Energy Acclimation (Immunity)",
"entries": [
"When you reach 14th level, you gain immunity to the damage type of your energy specialization."
"name": "Shaper",
"shortName": "Shaper",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"subclassFeatures": [
"name": "Shaper",
"entries": [
"Psions who practice this discipline are experts in metacreativity powers that create sentience. There are realms in the cosmos that are comprised entirely of thought-matter, and shapers draw that matter into the material plane, manifesting thoughts into reality.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Bonus Talent",
"entries": [
"When you choose this discipline at 1st level, you learn the {@spell imbue psicrystal|Psions Primer} talent. This talent does not count against the number of psion talents you know."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Bonus Equipment",
"entries": [
"Beginning at 1st level, you start with an arcane focus crystal, described in the Player’s Handbook, in addition to the equipment granted by this class and your background. This crystal fulfills the material component requirement of the {@spell imbue psicrystal|Psions Primer} talent."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psychic Construct",
"entries": [
"At 2nd level, you learn the project eidolon augment. This does not count against the number of psion augments you know.",
"When you manifest {@spell project eidolon|Psions Primer}, you may reduce its minimum psi cost to 2. If you do, {@spell project eidolon|Psions Primer} augments {@spell imbue psicrystal|Psions Primer} as a 1st level power, and you manifest a weaker version of the basic eidolon. The eidolon you create is Small, has an AC of 12, has one-quarter its normal hit point maximum, has a -2 penalty on attack and damage rolls, and you do not select any abilities from the Lesser Eidolon Ability menu to apply to the eidolon for free. These adjustments are included in the \"{@creature Shaper's 1st-Level Projected Eidolon|Psions Primer}\" stat block."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Manifest Form",
"entries": [
"Also at 2nd level, you select one plane of thoughts to exclusively draw matter from when you manifest project eidolon. Choose Dal Quor (or a plane tied to dreams in campaign settings other than Eberron), the Sea of Siberys (or the Astral Plane), or Xoriat (or the Far Realm). Your choice cannot be changed, and it grants your eidolon one of the additional traits below:",
"name": "Alien Form (Xoriat)",
"The exact physical dimensions of the eidolon are hard to fully comprehend. Creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against the eidolon until they hit it."
"name": "Night Aura (Dal Quor)",
"The eidolon is cloaked in unnatural shadow, reducing lighting conditions around itself by one step (direct sunlight to bright light to dim light to darkness) in a 20-foot radius centered on itself. This aura does not hinder the eidolon’s own vision. Magical light produced by an effect of 3rd level or higher is unaffected by this reduction."
"name": "Temporal Warrior (Sea of Siberys)",
"The eidolon is made from the timeless essence of the Astral Sea. It becomes immune to any effect that would reduce its speed, and it has advantage on saving throws to resist any effect that would slow it or move it through time, such as the {@spell slow|phb} spell or the {@spell temporal shunt|Psions Primer} power.",
"Additionally, on each of its turns the eidolon may shunt itself briefly through time as a bonus action, teleporting up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Manifest Function",
"entries": [
"Starting at 6th level, whenever you manifest {@spell project eidolon|Psions Primer}, the eidolon you create gains an additional way to use its action, depending on the plane of thoughts you chose for the Manifest Form feature:",
"name": "Alien Form (Xoriat)",
"The eidolon may use its action to create a pulse of madness. Each creature within 15 feet of the eidolon must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (against the power save DC of the eidolon’s creator) or be affected as though by the {@spell confusion|phb} spell until the end of their next turn. The eidolon can use this action once."
"name": "Night Aura (Dal Quor)",
"The eidolon can provoke a waking nightmare in one creature it can see within 60 feet. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (against the power save DC of the eidolon’s creator) or suffer the effects of the {@spell dissonant whispers|phb} spell as though it were cast from a 4th-level spell slot. The eidolon can use this action once."
"name": "Temporal Warrior (Sea of Siberys)",
"The eidolon may use its action to magically enfold a creature it can see within 60 feet of it in a field of null-time. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw (against the power save DC of the eidolon’s creator) or be locked in stasis. A creature locked in stasis is {@condition paralyzed}, immune to damage and all other effects, and does not age. Stasis lasts indefinitely, but the target may choose to repeat the saving throw at the end of any of its turns, ending the effect on a success. The eidolon can use this action once."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Emancipated Eidolon",
"entries": [
"Beginning at 10th level, when you manifest {@spell project eidolon|Psions Primer} its duration changes to Instantaneous. The eidolon remains in existence until it drops to 0 hit points or you dismiss it as an action.",
"Your eidolon may spend its hit dice to regain hit points during a short rest, and it may take a long rest by spending 8 hours in light or no activity. It may also regain a single use of the action granted to it by your Manifest Function feature after finishing a short or long rest."
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Improved Manifest Form",
"entries": [
"Starting at 14th level, whenever you manifest {@spell project eidolon|Psions Primer}, the eidolon gains improved versions of the trait you grant it with the Manifest Form feature, depending on the plane you chose for that feature:",
"name": "Alien Form (Xoriat)",
"The eidolon’s physical form is unspeakably alien and nearly impossible to fully comprehend. All creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against the eidolon and the eidolon has advantage on all saving throws against any creature’s magical effects. If a creature deals damage to the eidolon, that creature’s attacks and magical effects are unimpeded by this feature until the start of the eidolon’s next turn."
"name": "Night Aura (Dal Quor)",
"The eidolon is cloaked in magical darkness in a 30-foot radius centered on itself. Only magical light produced by an effect of 8th level or higher can overcome this darkness. Additionally, magical darkness doesn’t impede the eidolon’s {@sense darkvision}."
"name": "Temporal Warrior (Sea of Siberys)",
"The eidolon controls the passage of time about itself. It becomes immune to any effect that would reduce its speed, and any effect that would slow it or move it through time, such as the {@spell slow|phb} spell or the {@spell temporal shunt|Psions Primer} power.",
"Additionally, on each of its turns the eidolon may warp time around itself as a bonus action, teleporting up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see, taking any object it is touching up to its maximum carrying capacity. The eidolon may also take one willing creature it is touching with it when it teleports. A creature traveling with the eidolon in this way arrives in an unoccupied space adjacent to the eidolon.",
"If there is no such unoccupied space, neither it nor the eidolon teleport. The eidolon can take a creature with it when it teleports once, and must finish a short or long rest before it can do so again."
"subclass": [
"name": "Adamant",
"shortName": "Adamant",
"class": "Fighter",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 18,
"spellcastingAbility": "cha",
"subclassTableGroups": [
"subclasses": [
"name": "Adamant",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"colLabels": [
"{@filter Talents Known|spells|level=0|subclass=Fighter: Adamant (pspr)}",
"{@filter Augments Known|spells|subclass=Fighter: Adamant (pspr)}",
"Psi Points",
"Psi Limit"
"rows": [
"subclassFeatures": [
"name": "Adamant",
"entries": [
"Adamants are warriors who have honed their sense of self into a palpable force, fortifying their physical bodies with their diamond will. They refine themselves to be faster, stronger, better; realizing their potential through psionically mastered ego.",
"The monks of Adar first developed the martial and mental traditions necessary to become an adamant centuries before the arrival of the Kalashtar. Today, the ideal of the adamant self has spread across Sarlona, both within the Riedran Empire and to those who oppose it. The Kalashtar and other Adaran immigrants have also brought the techniques used to become an adamant with them to Khorvaire.",
"name": "Psionics",
"entries": [
"When you reach 3rd level, you realize your psionic potential, gaining the use of talents and augments, the rules for which appear in {@book Chapter 4|pspr|5} of the Psion's Primer. Psionic powers are magical effects.",
"name": "Psionic Talents",
"entries": [
"A psionic talent is a psionic power that is a cantrip spell. You learn two psionic talents: {@spell battle trance|Psions Primer} and one of your choice from the {@filter adamant talent list|spells|level=0|subclass=Fighter: Adamant (pspr)}. You learn an additional adamant talent once you reach 10th level."
"name": "Augments",
"entries": [
"An augment is a psionic power that augments a psionic talent. You must be focusi ng on an augment’s corresponding psionic talent in order to manifest it. You know two 1st-level powers that augment the adamant talents you know.",
"The {@filter Augments Known|spells|subclass=Fighter: Adamant (pspr)} column of the Adamant Psionics table shows when you learn more augments of your choice. When the table indicates that you learn a new augment, you may only choose a power that augments one of the adamant talents you know. Each of these powers must have a psi cost no greater than your psi limit (see below).",
"For instance, when you reach 7th level in the fighter class, you learn one new psionic power that augments an adamant talent you know, and the power you choose can have a minimum psi cost of up to 4.",
"Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose to replace one of your existing powers that augments an adamant talent you know and replace it with another power that augments any adamant talent you know. The new power must have a minimum psi cost of no higher than your psi limit at the time you learn it."
"name": "Psi Points",
"entries": [
"You have an internal reservoir of psionic energy represented by psi points. You must spend psi points from this reserve to manifest a psionic augment.",
"The number of psi points you have is based on your fighter level, as shown in the Psi Points column of the Adamant Psionics table. The number shown for your level is your psi point maximum. When expending psi points to manifest an augment, you cannot reduce your current psi points to below 0. Your psi point total returns to your maximum when you finish a long rest."
"name": "Psi Limit",
"entries": [
"Though you have access to a potent amount of psionic energy, it takes training and practice to channel that energy. There is a limit on the number of psi points you can spend to manifest a psionic augment. The limit is based on your fighter level, as shown in the Psi Limit column of the Adamant Psionics table. For example, as a 7th-level fighter, you can spend no more than 4 psi points when manifesting a psionic augment, no matter how many psi points you have."
"name": "Psionic Ability",
"entries": [
"Charisma is your psionic ability for your adamant powers. You use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an adamant power or when making an attack roll with one.",
"type": "abilityDc",
"name": "Power",
"attributes": [
"type": "abilityAttackMod",
"name": "Power",
"attributes": [
"name": "Adamant Talents",
"entries": [
"Below is a list of psionic talents available to Adamants.",
"type": "list",
"style": "list-no-bullets",
"{@spell battle trance|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mindblade|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell primal metabolism|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psychic hammer|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell speed of thought|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell true shot|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell verve|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell wild talent|Psions Primer}"
"name": "Strength of Self",
"entries": [
"Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Charisma saving throws. Adamants possess a deep understanding of the mind, and learn to meditate on their ego to reinforce their sense of self."
"entries": [
"name": "Battlemind",
"entries": [
"Beginning at 7th level, whenever you use your action to cast a psionic talent, or to produce an effect described in a psionic talent, you may make one weapon attack as a bonus action."
"entries": [
"name": "Psychic Warrior",
"entries": [
"At 10th level, you learn how to make your weapon strikes undercut a creature's resistance to your psionic abilities. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, that creature has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes against a psionic power you use on it before the end of your next turn."
"entries": [
"name": "Mettle",
"entries": [
"Beginning at 14th level, you can endure assaults to your vitality and ego. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Constitution or Charisma saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail."
"entries": [
"name": "Immortal Will",
"entries": [
"Starting at 18th level, you can draw on your psionic potential to survive life-threatening injury. At the end of your turn while at 0 hit points, you may spend 6 psi points to regain a use of your Second Wind feature (as if you had taken a short rest) and immediately use that feature, requiring no action. If you do, you regain an additional 20 hit points."
"name": "Way of the Soulknife",
"shortName": "Soulknife",
"class": "Monk",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 20,
"spellcastingAbility": "wis",
"subclassTableGroups": [
"subclasses": [
"name": "Soulknife",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"colLabels": [
"Max Ki Points for a Power"
"rows": [
"subclassFeatures": [
"name": "Way of the Soulknife",
"entries": [
"Monks who adhere to the Way of the Soulknife meditate on the nature of the self and reality, and learn to cut through all perceived barriers, both within themselves and between others.",
"By recognizing these barriers within themselves, these \"soulknives\" can remove the borders between mind, soul, and body, allowing them to use their ki power to physically manifest blades of pure psionic energy from their fists.",
"name": "Soulknife Talent",
"entries": [
"Starting at 3rd level, you know the {@spell mindblade|Psions Primer} psionic talent. Wisdom is your psionic ability for this power. When you cast this spell, the mindblade you create with it counts as a monk weapon for you."
"name": "Discipline of the Mindblade",
"entries": [
"Also at 3rd level, you learn all {@filter psionic powers|spells|subschool=aumb} that augment {@spell mindblade|Psions Primer}. Wisdom is your psionic ability for these powers.",
"In order to manifest an augment you learned with this feature, you must expend a number of ki points equal to augment’s power level (including any intensified adjustments) + 1, instead of the power’s normal psi cost.",
"For example, to manifest {@spell psychic strike|Psions Primer} at its minimum strength as a 1st-level power, you must spend 2 ki points. To manifest it as though you spent 4 psi points on it to increase it to a 2nd-level power, you must spend 3 ki points.",
"The maximum amount of ki points you can expend on any one manifestation of a psionic augment is limited, as shown in the table below. This will prevent you from manifesting some augments you learned with this feature until you reach higher levels in the monk class."
"entries": [
"name": "Master the Blade",
"entries": [
"Starting at 6th level, you gain martial and spiritual mastery over the mindblade. You gain the following benefits:",
"name": "Manifest Soul",
"entries": [
"Choose a type of damage you believe your soul to most closely identify with: radiant or necrotic. Whenever you cast {@spell mindblade|Psions Primer}, you may choose for your mindblades to deal the damage type you choose for this feature, instead of the damage types normally available. If you do, your mindblades appear to be made of solid light or shadow, as appropriate for your choice.",
"Additionally, whenever you manifest the {@spell psychic strike|Psions Primer} power, you may choose for it to deal the same type of damage as the one you choose for this ability."
"name": "Twin Blades",
"entries": [
"You may create two mindblades when you cast mindblade instead of one. If you do, one appears around each of your fists, and you may make one attack with a mindblade as a bonus action after you use the Attack action to attack with the other mindblade. While you have two mindblades created, neither one can be forced from your hands, preventing you from using your hands for any other purpose while you focus on the mindblade talent."
"entries": [
"name": "Nomadic Technique",
"entries": [
"Starting at 6th level, you gain martial and spiritual mastery over the mindblade. You gain the following benefits:",
"name": "Nomadic Throw",
"entries": [
"Mindblades you create with the mindblade talent have the thrown property, with a range of 60/120. While you focus on {@spell mindblade|Psions Primer}, you may let go of a mindblade but only to make ranged weapon attack with it. Immediately following each ranged attack with a mindblade, the mindblade teleports, returning to your grip."
"name": "Nomadic Leap",
"entries": [
"You may spend 2 ki points as a bonus action to teleport up to 100 feet to an unoccupied space you can see."
"name": "Nomadic Strike",
"entries": [
"Whenever you hit a creature with a melee attack using a mindblade, you may spend 2 ki points to force the creature to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the creature is teleported up to 100 feet away from its previous position, in any direction you choose, to an unoccupied space you can see that includes a solid surface that can support the creature’s weight."
"entries": [
"name": "Knife to the Soul",
"entries": [
"Beginning at 17th level, whenever you hit a creature with a melee attack using a mindblade, you may spend 8 ki to forgo the attack’s normal damage and immediately cast {@spell feeblemind} on the target, requiring no components and ignoring the spell’s normal casting time. You can use this feature once, and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again."
"name": "Lurk",
"shortName": "Lurk",
"class": "Rogue",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 21,
"spellcastingAbility": "int",
"subclassTableGroups": [
"subclasses": [
"name": "Rogue",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"colLabels": [
"{@filter Talents Known|spells|level=0|subclass=Rogue: Lurk (pspr)}",
"{@filter Augments Known|spells|subclass=Rogue: Lurk (pspr)}",
"Psi Points",
"Psi Limit"
"rows": [
"subclassFeatures": [
"name": "Lurk",
"entries": [
"Lurks are silent killers that have harnessed the cold logic of their inner id to hone their deadly skills. The urge for survival, to rationalize away all obstacles to your continued existence, is a primal aspect of the psyche buried under layers of the ego and superego.",
"Not all lurks are amoral, instead some merely use the ruthless rationality that lies within everyone. Heroic lurks use this cold logic in the pursuit of altruistic goals, and still others practice a philosophy of enlightened self-interest, recognizing cooperation is more likely to result in success than pure sociopathy. But all lurks tap into this dark well of their mind to manifest their powers.",
"The Dreaming Dark employs lurks as merciless scalpels, to execute the plans of their quori masters. The Kalashtar shadowwatchers, ever fighting their shadow war against the Dreaming Dark, likewise employ the talents unique to the lurk to help their people survive the world of darkness, guiding them toward the Great Light ahead. However, the most prevalent lurks in Khorvaire are changeling agents of the Cabinet of Faces, tapping into the psionic potential hidden in their race to sneak into places unseen and pull the strings of history from the shadows.",
"name": "Psionics",
"entries": [
"When you reach 3rd level, you realize your psionic potential, gaining the use of talents and augments, the rules for which appear in {@book Chapter 4|pspr|5} of the Psion's Primer. Psionic powers are magical effects.",
"name": "Psionic Talents",
"entries": [
"A psionic talent is a psionic power that is a cantrip spell. You learn two psionic talents: {@spell true shot|Psions Primer} and one of your choice from the {@filter lurk talent list|spells|level=0|subclass=Rogue: Lurk (pspr)} list. You learn an additional {@filter lurk talent list|spells|level=0|subclass=Rogue: Lurk (pspr)} once you reach 10th level."
"name": "Augments",
"entries": [
"An augment is a psionic power that augments a psionic talent. You must be focusing on an augment’s corresponding psionic talent in order to manifest it. You know two 1st-level powers that augment the lurk talents you know.",
"The {@filter Augments Known|spells|subclass=Rogue: Lurk (pspr)} column of the Lurk Psionics table shows when you learn more augments of your choice. When the table indicates that you learn a new augment, you may only choose a power that augments one of the lurk talents you know. Each of these powers must have a psi cost no greater than your psi limit (see below).",
"For instance, when you reach 7th level in the rogue class, you learn one new psionic power that augments a lurk talent you know, and the power you choose can have a minimum psi cost of up to 4.",
"Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose to replace one of your existing powers that augments a lurk talent you know and replace it with another power that augments any lurk talent you know. The new power must have a minimum psi cost of no higher than your psi limit at the time you learn it."
"name": "Psi Points",
"entries": [
"You have an internal reservoir of psionic energy represented by psi points. You must spend psi points from this reserve to manifest a psionic augment.",
"The number of psi points you have is based on your rogue level, as shown in the Psi Points column of the Lurk Psionics table. The number shown for your level is your psi point maximum. When expending psi points to manifest an augment, you cannot reduce your current psi points to below 0. Your psi point total returns to your maximum when you finish a long rest."
"name": "Psi Limit",
"entries": [
"Though you have access to a potent amount of psionic energy, it takes training and practice to channel that energy. There is a limit on the number of psi points you can spend to manifest a psionic augment. The limit is based on your rogue level, as shown in the Psi Limit column of the Lurk Psionics table. For example, as a 7th-level rogue, you can spend no more than 4 psi points when manifesting a psionic augment, no matter how many psi points you have."
"name": "Psionic Ability",
"entries": [
"Intelligence is your psionic ability for your lurk powers. You use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a lurk power or when making an attack roll with one.",
"type": "abilityDc",
"name": "Power",
"attributes": [
"type": "abilityAttackMod",
"name": "Power",
"attributes": [
"name": "Lurk Talents",
"entries": [
"Below is a list of psionic talents available to Adamants.",
"type": "list",
"style": "list-no-bullets",
"{@spell battle trance|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell blind spot|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mindlink|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psychic static|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell sixth sense|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell speed of thought|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell true shot|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell wild talent|Psions Primer}"
"name": "Psionic Sneak Attack",
"entries": [
"Starting at 3rd level, you may choose to focus on this feature instead of a psionic talent as a bonus action. While you are focusing on Psionic Sneak Attack, your Sneak Attack damage dice deal psychic damage."
"entries": [
"name": "Psychic Ambush",
"entries": [
"Starting at 9th level, when you are hidden from a creature and you use a psionic power on it, that creature has disadvantage on any saving throw it makes against the power until the end of your current turn."
"entries": [
"name": "Mindsight",
"entries": [
"At 13th level, you gain the ability to perceive the presence of other minds. You are never {@condition {@condition blinded}} against any creature that is within 60 feet of you if it has an Intelligence score of 4 or higher, and such creatures cannot hide from you."
"entries": [
"name": "Slippery Mind",
"entries": [
"Beginning at 17th level, your mind easily slips from the grasp of magical influence or control. If you fail an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma save against a magical effect, you may use your reaction to succeed on the saving throw instead. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again."
"race": [
"name": "Kalashtar (Variant)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": "24",
"ability": [
"cha": 1,
"wis": 2
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 64,
"heightMod": "2d6",
"baseWeight": 110,
"weightMod": "1d6"
"size": "M",
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"traitTags": [
"Damage Resistance",
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"Quori": true,
"anyStandard": 1
"entries": [
"name": "Age",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Kalashtar mature at the same rate as humans."
"name": "Alignment",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"The noble spirit tied to a kalashtar drives it toward lawful and good behavior. Most kalashtar combine strong self-discipline with compassion for all beings, but some kalashtar resist the virtuous influence of their spirit."
"name": "Size",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Your size is Medium."
"name": "Dual Mind",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You have advantage on all Wisdom saving throws."
"name": "Mental Discipline",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You have resistance to psychic damage."
"name": "Mind Link",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You know the {@spell mindlink|Psions Primer} psionic talent. Once you reach 3rd level, you learn the {@spell metaconcert|Psions Primer} augment. Once you reach 5th level, you learn the {@spell missive|Psions Primer} augment. Wisdom or Charisma (your choice) is your psionic ability for these powers."
"name": "Naturally Psionic",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You gain a reserve of psionic energy represented by psi points. Your psi point maximum is 2, or your existing psi point maximum from another source (such as levels in a class with the Psionics feature) increases by 2. When you reach 5th level, your psi point maximum increases by an additional 2.",
"All expended psi points are restored when you finish a long rest. Your psi limit is 2, and when you reach 5th level your psi limit increases to 4, if it is not already higher."
"name": "Severed from Dreams",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Kalashtar sleep, but they don’t connect to the plane of dreams as other creatures do. Instead, their minds draw from the memories of their otherworldly spirit while they sleep. As such, you are immune to spells and other magical effects that require you to dream, like {@spell dream|phb}, but not spells and other magical effects that put you to sleep, like {@spell sleep|phb}."
"name": "Languages",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common, Quori, and one other language of your choice."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "quote",
"entries": [
"I am kalashtar, born of two worlds. Over a thousand years ago, my ancestor bound her bloodline to the spirit Kashtai, and I am a child of that union. Kashtai moves within me. Her memories come to me in dreams, and at times her voice whispers in the silence of my mind. As long as at least one of my sisters is alive, Kashtai will survive\u2014and as long as she lives, she will fight il-Lashtavar."
"by": "Lakashtai, servant of the light"
"The kalashtar are a compound people, created from the union of humanity and renegade spirits from the plane of dreams\u2014spirits called quori. Kalashtar are often seen as wise, spiritual people with great compassion for others. There is an unmistakable alien quality to the kalashtar, though, as they are haunted by the conflicts of their otherworldly spirits.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Bound to Spirits",
"entries": [
"Every kalashtar has a connection to a spirit of light, a bond shared by other members of their bloodline. Kalashtar appear human, but their spiritual connection affects them in a variety of ways. Kalashtar have symmetrical, slightly angular features, and their eyes often glow when they are focused or expressing strong emotions.",
"Kalashtar can't directly communicate with their quori spirits. Rather, they might experience this relationship as a sense of instinct and inspiration, drawing on the memories of the spirit when they dream. This connection grants kalashtar minor psionic abilities, as well as protection from psychic attacks. All of these quori dream-spirits are virtuous, but some are warriors and others are more contemplative. Work together with the DM to determine the nature of your linked spirit. Typically, a kalashtar knows the name and nature of their spirit, but some may know nothing of their spirit or the source of their psychic gifts, such as an orphan kalashtar raised among strangers.",
"The bond to the spirit can cause some kalashtar to display unusual quirks. Consider rolling or selecting a trait from the Kalashtar Quirks table.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Kalashtar Quirks",
"colLabels": [
"colStyles": [
"col-2 text-center",
"rows": [
"You try to understand the motives and feelings of your enemies."
"You prefer using telepathy over speaking aloud."
"You feel a strong drive to protect the innocent."
"You apply dream logic to mundane situations."
"You discuss things out loud with your quori spirit."
"You suppress your emotions and rely on logic."
"You are strongly influenced by the emotions of those around you."
"You prefer to find nonviolent solutions to problems whenever possible."
"You are driven by a warrior spirit and will fight for any noble cause."
"You are obsessed with Dreaming Dark conspiracies."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Hunted by Nightmares",
"entries": [
"The virtuous spirits tied to the kalashtar fled from the dream-realm of Dal Quor to escape evil spirits that dominate it. The rebel quori believe that through meditation and devotion, they can change the fundamental nature of Dal Quor, shifting the balance from darkness to light. Most kalashtar communities focus on acts of devotion known as the Path of Light. But the dark powers of Dal Quor have their own plans for Eberron. Through the force known as the Dreaming Dark, these monsters manipulate the folk of Khorvaire to eliminate kalashtar whenever possible.",
"Many kalashtar defend themselves from the Dreaming Dark by focusing on devotion to the Path of Light. Others, though, seek out the agents of the Dreaming Dark and oppose their plans, or protect the innocent however they can. Still other kalashtar grow up isolated, knowing nothing about Dal Quor or the Dreaming Dark. Such orphans might use their abilities for personal gain or otherwise act against the virtuous instincts of their quori spirits; this can cause internal conflicts and violent mood swings."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Kalashtar Names",
"entries": [
"A kalashtar name adds a personal prefix to the name of the quori spirit within the kalashtar. Such names have no relation to the kalashtar's gender.",
"Kalashtar orphans are unlikely to know the name of their spirit and take names from another source.",
"{@b Quori Names}: Ashana, Ashtai, Ishara, Hareth, Khad, Kosh, Melk, Nari, Tana, Tari, Tash, Ulad, Vakri, Vash",
"{@b Kalashtar Names}: Coratash, Dalavash, Dolishara, Halakosh, Khoratari, Koratana, Lanhareth, Molavakri, Nevitash, Sorashana, Torashtai, Valakhad, Vishara"
"images": [
"type": "image",
"href": {
"type": "internal",
"path": "races/ERLW/Kalashtar.png"
"type": "image",
"href": {
"type": "internal",
"path": "races/ERLW/Kalashtar 001.png"
"name": "Daelkyr Madblood",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": "25",
"ability": [
"cha": 2
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 61,
"heightMod": "2d4",
"baseWeight": 105,
"weightMod": "1d6"
"size": "M",
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"traitTags": [
"Skill Proficiency",
"Uncommon Race"
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"anyStandard": 2
"skillProficiencies": [
"intimidation": true
"entries": [
"name": "Age",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Daelkyr madbloods mature at the same rate as humans but do not generally live as long, since they are more likely to suffer from degenerative health conditions in the twilight of their lives."
"name": "Alignment",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Daelkyr madbloods must always fight vile thoughts that may or may not be their own. They tend toward evil, and are usually neutral at best, but it is not impossible for an exceptional individual to find comfort in altruism and become good. In any case, their roiling madness almost always tends toward chaotic alignments."
"name": "Size",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Daelkyr madbloods are built much like humans but typically appear a little sickly. Your size is Medium."
"name": "Aberrant",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Your body might appear to be humanoid, but something about your presence is anathema to natural creatures. You are proficient with Intimidation, but you have disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to influence humanoids if you are not proficient with the Persuasion skill, and on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks if you are not proficient with the Animal Handling skill."
"name": "Touched by Madness",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You know one of the following psionic talents: {@spell energy ray|Psions Primer}, {@spell primal metabolism|Psions Primer}, or {@spell wild talent|Psions Primer}. Once you reach 3rd level, you learn one 1st-level psionic power of your choice that augments the talent you selected for this trait. Once you reach 5th level, you learn another 1st-level psionic power of your choice that augments the talent you selected for this trait. Charisma is your psionic ability for these powers.",
"Whenever you manifest or cast a psionic power granted by this trait, roll a d20. On a roll of 20, you manifest the power as normal and immediately regain any psi points you spent to manifest it, if any. On a roll of 1, the power fails and each creature within a 10- foot radius sphere centered on you takes {@damage 2d4} psychic damage. This damage increases by {@damage 1d4} whenever your proficiency bonus increases. On any other roll, the power manifests as normal."
"name": "Naturally Psionic",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You gain an internal reserve of psionic energy represented by psi points. Your psi point maximum is 2, or your existing psi point maximum from another source (such as levels in a class with the Psionics feature) increases by 2. When you reach 5th level, your psi point maximum increases by an additional 2.",
"All expended psi points are restored when you finish a long rest. Your psi limit is 2, and when you reach 5th level your psi limit increases to 4, if it is not already higher."
"name": "Unbalanced Mind",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Your mind is in constant self-revolt and contact with it can be debilitating. Any creature that attempts to read your thoughts, study your mind, or make a Wisdom (Insight) check to determine information about you suffers disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saves until the end of their next turn."
"name": "Languages",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common and two other languages of your choice."
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"When a pregnancy develops in an area suffused with the warping influence of Xoriat or the corrupting proximity of a daelkyr, the child is born a \"daelkyr half-blood,\" an otherwise normal child mutated into the spiritual progeny of these terrible forces. Typically the mutation manifests in the form of an aberrant twin, a symbiotic creature that attaches to the child for life.",
"Sometimes, however, the child is born a \"daelkyr madblood\" instead. The corruption in a daelkyr madblood is, at first, subtle. Eventually, as the child matures, their psyche manifests wild psionic powers that they cannot completely control, often resulting in devastation and tragedy."
"name": "Dromite",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": "26",
"ability": [
"dex": 1,
"cha": 1
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 31,
"heightMod": "2d4",
"baseWeight": 30,
"weightMod": "1d6"
"darkvision": 60,
"size": "S",
"speed": {
"walk": 25
"traitTags": [
"Damage Resistance",
"Skill Proficiency",
"Uncommon Race"
"languageProficiencies": [
"Riedran": true,
"anyStandard": 1
"skillProficiencies": [
"perception": true
"entries": [
"name": "Age",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Dromites reach maturity and are accepted into their chosen caste at around 15 years old and live about as long as humans do."
"name": "Alignment",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Dromites tend toward no particular alignment. Unlike a colony of true insects, a city-hive is made up of individuals and does not act under a central hive-mind. Therefore, each dromite is free to choose their own outlook in life."
"name": "Size",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Your size is Small."
"name": "Energy Caste",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You belong to one of four energy castes. Choose a caste from the Dromite Castes table. Your choice of caste specifies the type of damage you deal when manifesting a power granted by your Dromite Psychokinesis and determines the type of energy you resist with your Damage Resistance trait.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Dromite Castes",
"colLabels": [
"Damage Type"
"colStyles": [
"col-6 text-left",
"col-4-5 text-left"
"rows": [
"name": "Dromite Psychokinesis",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You know the {@spell energy ray|Psions Primer} psionic talent. Once you reach 3rd level, you learn the {@spell synaptic arc|Psions Primer} augment. Once you reach 5th level, you learn the {@spell pyrokinetic detonation|Psions Primer} augment. Charisma is your psionic ability for these powers.",
"Whenever you manifest or cast a psionic power granted by this trait, the damage the power deals is the damage type associated with your energy caste, regardless of the damage type the power normally deals."
"name": "Naturally Psionic",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You gain an internal reserve of psionic energy represented by psi points. Your psi point maximum is 2, or your existing psi point maximum from another source (such as levels in a class with the Psionics feature) increases by 2. When you reach 5th level, your psi point maximum increases by an additional 2.",
"All expended psi points are restored when you finish a long rest. Your psi limit is 2, and when you reach 5th level your psi limit increases to 4, if it is not already higher."
"name": "Damage Resistance",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Your chitinous skin grants you resistance to the damage type associated with your energy caste."
"name": "Insectoid Senses",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You have antennae that supplement your other senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any Wisdom (Perception) check you make that relies on smell."
"name": "Darkvision",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Thanks to your compound, insectoid eyes, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of grey."
"name": "Languages",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Riedran and one extra language of your choice."
"entries": [
"Beneath the surface of Sarlona, straddling the thin line between natural underground cave networks and the endless, twisting labyrinths of Khyber below them, dromites make their home. These small insectoid humanoids built huge networks of industrious city-hives, and their society revolves in part around their natural psychokinetic abilities.",
"name": "Caste Society",
"Each dromite, during maturation into adulthood, chooses which caste it will belong to and develops the ability to manifest a certain kind of energy. The dromite’s choice of energy results in the development of a hormonal balance which subtly influences the dromite’s perso nality as well. Torch Caste dromites can manifest fire and are passionate, prone to both laughter and anger. Dromites of the Ice Caste can produce areas or blasts of intense cold and are careful with their decisions, wishing to calculate and analyze their options to determine the optimal choice in any situation. The Voice Caste can generate high-pitched or thunderous blasts of noise and also provides the artists and artisans of the city-hives (especially singers and other stage- performers). Finally, the dromites of the Glimmer Caste can generate lightning with their minds and are often restless and ambitious."
"name": "Surface Relations",
"Millennia ago, dromites used to be a fairly common sight on the surface. However, ever since the Sundering of Sarlona, the Inspired lords of the Riedran Empire have ordered dromites to be exterminated or enslaved on sight, and have gone so far as to attack and lay siege to the dromites’ city-hives located underneath their nation. Nowadays, the network of city-hives is broken, each isolated from each other, and only a rare few city-hives maintain contact with the surface.",
"One such city-hive, Zi’til’natek, is located beneath the mountains of Adar, and the kalashtar have maintained diplomatic ties with this city’s dromites for centuries."
"name": "Dromite Names",
"Dromites are born from communal eggs and given names when adopted by life-bonded parents. All dromites except a city’s Queen and Consort are genderless, so a dromite’s name is assigned on the traditions of the life-bond family they are adopted by.",
"name": "First Names",
"Demisse, Elimu, Fela, Gebre, Idi, Idrissa, Kato, Matunda, Obi, Sefu, Vita, Xolu."
"name": "Life-Bond Names",
"Adanech, Dedanech, Fanech, Gyalech, Marimech, Massawech, Nikech, Ulech."
"images": [
"type": "image",
"href": {
"type": "external",
"path": ""
"name": "Elan",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": "29",
"ability": [
"con": 2,
"choose": {
"from": [
"count": 1
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 56,
"heightMod": "2d10",
"baseWeight": 100,
"weightMod": "1d6"
"size": "M",
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"traitTags": [
"Uncommon Race"
"languageProficiencies": [
"Riedran": true,
"anyStandard": 1
"entries": [
"name": "Age",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"The process to transform a humanoid into an elan can only be performed on an adult, so newly created elans have the physical form and general mental faculties of a mature humanoid from the instant they are created. Elans do not age, and they only expire from accident or violence. You are immune to magical aging effects."
"name": "Alignment",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Elans are created as blank slates, with no part of their former personality or memory intact. They tend toward no particular alignment, but their experiences immediately following their creation by the Inspired can color their outlook for the rest of their immortal lives."
"name": "Size",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"The Dreaming Dark typically chooses humans to create elans from, and the process gives the subject’s body a slightly emaciated form. Your size is Medium. To set your height and weight randomly, start with rolling a size modifier."
"name": "Naturally Psionic",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You gain an internal reserve of psionic energy represented by psi points. Your psi point maximum is 2, or your existing psi point maximum from another source (such as levels in a class with the Psionics feature) increases by 2. When you reach 5th level, your psi point maximum increases by an additional 2.",
"All expended psi points are restored when you finish a long rest. Your psi limit is 2, and when you reach 5th level your psi limit increases to 4, if it is not already higher."
"name": "Psionic Endurance",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"When you take damage, you can spend psi points as a reaction to reduce the damage by an amount equal to twice the number of psi points spent (obeying your psi limit). After you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest."
"name": "Psionic Metabolism",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You have no need to breathe, eat, or sleep provided that you have at least one unspent psi point. To gain the benefits of a long rest while benefiting from this trait, you can spend 8 hours engaged in light activity, rather than sleeping."
"name": "Psionic Resilience",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"When you make a saving throw, you can spend 2 psi points as a reaction to gain a +5 bonus on all saving throws until the start of your next turn. After you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest."
"name": "Languages",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Riedran and one extra language of your choice."
"entries": [
"When a quori spirit is destroyed, its essence returns to {@i il-Lashtavar}, the dark heart of Dal Quor, and is reborn as a new quori. Sometimes, an individual quori is powerful enough that it retains its form and memories when it is reborn. On the extremely rare occasion of a quori this powerful betraying the Dreaming Dark, an alternative punishment must be used to prevent it from continuing to endanger the works of {@i il-Lashtavar}: eternal imprisonment in the flesh of an elan.",
"name": "Living Prisons",
"Elan vessels are made, not born, in an abominable psionic process that turns a regular humanoid into a prison of flesh and mind. The resulting elan resembles a somewhat idealized version of the humanoid it once was, but has no memories of its former life. The infusion of its body with a quori grants an elan immortality and exceptional durability, all the better to keep the quori inside it trapped forever."
"name": "Quori Punishment",
"Unlike the spirits of the original Kalashtar hosts or the quori inhabiting the Inspired, a quori inside an elan vessel cannot communicate with or control the host body in any way. It is trapped inside the elan, insensate. In this way, the quori is sealed forever, for as long as the elan lives."
"name": "Goblin (Blue)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": "30",
"ability": [
"dex": 2,
"int": 1
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 36,
"heightMod": "2d6",
"baseWeight": 32,
"weightMod": "1"
"darkvision": 60,
"size": "S",
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"traitTags": [
"Uncommon Race"
"languageProficiencies": [
"Common": true,
"Goblin": true
"entries": [
"name": "Age",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Blues mature and age at the same rate as normal goblins."
"name": "Alignment",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Blues tend toward chaotic alignments, whether due to the influence of Xoriat or their rejection of oppressive tradition."
"name": "Size",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Blues are typically a few inches shorter than normal goblins. Your size is Small."
"name": "Goblinoid",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You belong to one of the three major goblinoid races."
"name": "Darkvision",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray."
"name": "Naturally Stealthy",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you."
"name": "Blue Talent",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You know the {@spell wild talent|Psions Primer} psionic talent. Once you reach 3rd level, you learn one 1st-level psionic power of your choice that augments {@spell wild talent|Psions Primer}. Once you reach 5th level, you learn another 1st-level psionic power of your choice that augments {@spell wild talent|Psions Primer}. Intelligence is your psionic ability for these powers."
"name": "Naturally Psionic",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You gain an internal reserve of psionic energy represented by psi points. Your psi point maximum is 2, or your existing psi point maximum from another source (such as levels in a class with the Psionics feature) increases by 2. When you reach 5th level, your psi point maximum increases by an additional 2.",
"All expended psi points are restored when you finish a long rest. Your psi limit is 2, and when you reach 5th level your psi limit increases to 4, if it is not already higher."
"name": "Languages",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common and Goblin."
"entries": [
"The origin of blue goblins is shrouded in the annals of goblinoid history. Over nine thousand years ago, daelkyr invaded the material plane from Xoriat, the Realm of Madness. They arrived in western Khorvaire and seemed intent on crushing the goblinoid Dhakaani Empire. For hundreds of years, while the aberrant minions of the daelkyr waged battle with the goblinoids, the insidious, warping influence of Xoriat spread across the continent. Eventually, the daelkyr and their horrors were driven back to Xoriat or sealed away by the Gatekeeper druids deep beneath the surface in Khyber.",
"name": "Lingering Corruption",
"Despite the apparent defeat of the daelkyr, the damage they caused was already done. The corruption that spread during the invasion weakened the great Empire of Dhakaan, which fell within generations of the end of the war due to infighting and madness. Thousands of years later, the echoes of this corruption can still be seen in the rare goblinoids born with fur and skin tinted blue. Invariably, these \"blues\" develop innate psionic power as they mature.",
"Blue goblins are exceedingly rare and are always born to otherwise normal goblins. Because of their odd appearance, the birth of a blue goblin is considered an ill omen. Every blue is thought to be the spawn of the ancient foes of the Dar, and to the goblinoids, nothing could be more anathema. Many of the more ruthless goblin tribes in Droaam or Darguun abandon them at birth, and many goblins living in the Five Nations give up blue children for adoption."
"name": "Blue \"Psychosis\"",
"Although most people of the Five Nations wouldn’t co nsider blues to be intrinsically mad, goblinoids believe the blue tendency to shirk responsibilities in favor of personal freedom to be nothing short of psychopathic. Whether this tendency in blues is due to an actual goblinoid psychological disorder or a reaction to being oppressed by traditional goblinoid beliefs and values is open for debate."
"images": [
"type": "image",
"href": {
"type": "external",
"path": ""
"name": "Goliath (Dreamscarred)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": "31",
"ability": [
"str": 2,
"con": 1
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 74,
"heightMod": "2d10",
"baseWeight": 190,
"weightMod": "2d6"
"size": "M",
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"traitTags": [
"Uncommon Race"
"languageProficiencies": [
"Common": true,
"Giant": true,
"Goblin": true
"entries": [
"name": "Age",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Goliaths have lifespans comparable to humans. They enter adulthood in their late teens and usually live less than a century."
"name": "Alignment",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Goliaths that are born dreamscarred either tend toward the same lawful social norms as their tribe, or rebel from them as a reaction to being shunned, tending toward chaotic alignments in the latter case."
"name": "Size",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Dreamscarred goliaths stand just as tall as their \"stoneborn\" counterparts, but are typically slightly leaner. Your size is Medium."
"name": "Dream of the Mountain",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You know the {@spell verve|Psions Primer} psionic talent. Once you reach 3rd level, you learn the {@spell stomp|Psions Primer} augment. Once you reach 5th level, you learn the {@spell acclimatize|Psions Primer} augment. Constitution is your psionic ability for these powers."
"name": "Naturally Psionic",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You gain an internal reserve of psionic energy represented by psi points. Your psi point maximum is 2, or your existing psi point maximum from another source (such as levels in a class with the Psionics feature) increases by 2. When you reach 5th level, your psi point maximum increases by an additional 2.",
"All expended psi points are restored when you finish a long rest. Your psi limit is 2, and when you reach 5th level your psi limit increases to 4, if it is not already higher."
"name": "Powerful Build",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift."
"name": "Languages",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Goliaths in Eberron can speak, read, and write Common, Giant, and Goblin."
"entries": [
"In the ancient days of the Age of Giants, the giant nations of the continent of Xen’drik enjoyed prosperity and might unparalleled by modern Khorvairian society. However, the beginning of the end for the giants’ civilization came with the Giant-Quori war, when the spirits of dream came to the material world en masse. Historians disagree whether these dream spirits were invading or seeking refuge, but the most learned sages believe that the giants ended the war by breaking Dal Quor’s planar orbit and sh attering Eberron’s 13th moon.",
"The impact of this planar catastrophe was not just physical, however. Millennia later, the scars of this event manifest intermittently on a rare few descendants of giantkind. Among the goliaths, these extraordinary individuals are known as the dreamscarred.",
"Where most goliaths have abstract patterns on their skin, a dreamscarred goliath’s skin patterns appear more representative of objects, creatures, or places. Sometimes these depictions are of actual people, places or things known to the dreamscarred goliath or their tribe, but usually they are unrecognizable, either because the markings are fantastical or bizarre and twisted in some fashion.",
"Some goliath tribes shun the dreamscarred, while others honor them as gifted shamans, for while the dreamscarred are typically less hale and robust than a normal goliath, each is born with the ability to hear the \"Dream of the Mountain\", granting them the potential to increase their endurance and might beyond normal goliath limits.",
"type": "inset",
"name": "Half-Giants",
"In other settings where the ancient war between giants and quori is not part of the world’s history, the racial traits for dreamscarred goliaths can be used to represent half-giants.",
"Half-giants are not a subrace or variant of goliaths, and therefore do not sport the skin patterns and general appearance of that race. Instead, half-giants are the cross breeds of humans and giants, and by some quirk of biology, develop natural psionic abilities.",
"Half-giants tend to be found in harsh desert lands where they acclimate well. They are typically good-aligned, relishing freedom and liberty. Half-giants speak Common, Giant, and one additional language of their choice."
"name": "Thri-Kreen",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": "32",
"ability": [
"dex": 1,
"wis": 2
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 58,
"heightMod": "2d12",
"baseWeight": 125,
"weightMod": "2d6"
"size": "M",
"speed": {
"walk": 35
"traitTags": [
"Uncommon Race"
"languageProficiencies": [
"other": true,
"anyStandard": 1
"entries": [
"name": "Age",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Thri-kreen are extremely short-lived, reaching adulthood after only 6 or 7 years, and rarely see 30 years of age."
"name": "Alignment",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Modern thri-kreen have nearly no conception of formalized society among their own kind and tend toward chaotic alignments."
"name": "Size",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Your size is Medium."
"name": "Extra Arms",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You have two pairs of arms, a major pair and a minor pair. Your major arms can perform all the functions a normal humanoid’s arms and hands can, but you r minor arms are smaller and weaker. You cannot effectively wield weapons or use a shield with your minor arms, nor can you fulfill somatic components for spells with them, but you may otherwise perform any other action with them, such as writing, opening doors, retrieving or stowing an item, or even drawing a weapon and passing it to a major arm’s hand.",
"Additionally, having a second pair of arms allows you to interact with a second object during your turn without using your action. If you want to interact with a third object, you need to use your action. (Some magic items and other special objects always require an action to use, as stated in their descriptions.)"
"name": "Thri-Kreen Weapon Training",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You have proficiency with the gythka and chatkcha. These weapons have the same statistics as the orc double axe and Adaran boomerang detailed in Korranberg Chronicle: Adventurer’s Almanac, respectively.",
"If your game does not make use of that book, use the statistics for the greataxe and handaxe instead, except the handaxe has the finesse property."
"name": "Natural Armor",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You have a hard, chitinous exoskeleton. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor."
"name": "Thri-Kreen Psionics",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You know the {@spell primal metabolism|Psions Primer} psionic talent. Once you reach 3rd level, you learn the {@spell psionic leap|Psions Primer} augment. Once you reach 5th level, you learn the {@spell bestial claws|Psions Primer} augment. Wisdom is your psionic ability for these powers.",
"Whenever you manifest psionic leap using this feature, the power augments {@spell primal metabolism|Psions Primer} instead of the normal talent mentioned in the power’s description."
"name": "Naturally Psionic",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You gain an internal reserve of psionic energy represented by psi points. Your psi point maximum is 2, or your existing psi point maximum from another source (such as levels in a class with the Psionics feature) increases by 2. When you reach 5th level, your psi point maximum increases by an additional 2.",
"All expended psi points are restored when you finish a long rest. Your psi limit is 2, and when you reach 5th level your psi limit increases to 4, if it is not already higher."
"name": "Reverie",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You cannot be magically put to sleep, and you are immune to magical spells and effects that require you to dream, like the {@spell dream|PHB} spell."
"name": "Languages",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Goliaths in Eberron can speak, read, and write Common, Giant, and Goblin."
"entries": [
"In the unknown fathoms of time between the fall of the ancient giants and the founding of modern city of Stormreach, many civilizations have risen and fallen in Xen’drik. One of the most mysterious was the civilization of the thri-kreen, a race of mantis- like insectoid humanoids.",
"Though the thri-kreen civilization seems to have vanished with almost no trace, a few pockets of the mantisfolk still exist in the wilds of Xen’drik. Most follow a nomadic existence in the Menechtarun desert, but a few still lurk in the ruins of their city beneath Stormreach.",
"Thri-kreen are naturally psionic, and it is theorized that their minds exist in Dal Quor and the material plane simultaneously, though there is little in the way of solid evidence to substantiate this claim. The thri-kreen themselves are silent on the matter."
"images": [
"type": "image",
"href": {
"type": "external",
"path": ""
"name": "Warforged (Psiforged)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": "33",
"ability": [
"con": 1,
"int": 1
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 70,
"heightMod": "2d6",
"baseWeight": 270,
"weightMod": "4"
"size": "M",
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"traitTags": [
"Uncommon Race"
"languageProficiencies": [
"common": true,
"anyStandard": 1
"entries": [
"name": "Age",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"A typical warforged is between two and thirty years old. The maximum warforged lifespan remains a mystery; so far, warforged have shown no signs of deterioration due to age. You are immune to magical aging effects."
"name": "Alignment",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Most warforged take comfort in order and discipline, tending toward law and neutrality. But some have absorbed the morality, or lack thereof, of the beings with which they served."
"name": "Size",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Your size is Medium."
"name": "Constructed Resilience",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You were created to have remarkable fortitude, represented by the following benefits:",
"type": "list",
"You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.",
"You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.",
"You are immune to disease.",
"You don’t need to sleep, and magic can’t put you to sleep."
"name": "Crystalline Growths",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Your constructed body is covered in numerous crystals. You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class, but you cannot don armor."
"name": "Psiactive Crystal",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You know the {@spell imbue psicrystal|Psions Primer} psionic talent. Once you reach 3rd level, you learn the {@spell fortify psicrystal|Psions Primer} augment. Once you reach 5th level, you learn the {@spell crystal flechette|Psions Primer} augment. Intelligence is your psionic ability for these powers.",
"When you cast {@spell imbue psicrystal|Psions Primer}, you may spend 1 psi point to use your own body’s crystals as the material component. If you do, a fist-sized chunk of crystal harmlessly separates from your body and becomes the psicrystal. When your focus on imbued psicrystal ends, you may reintegrate the separated crystal back into your body."
"name": "Naturally Psionic",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You gain an internal reserve of psionic energy represented by psi points. Your psi point maximum is 2, or your existing psi point maximum from another source (such as levels in a class with the Psionics feature) increases by 2. When you reach 5th level, your psi point maximum increases by an additional 2.",
"All expended psi points are restored when you finish a long rest. Your psi limit is 2, and when you reach 5th level your psi limit increases to 4, if it is not already higher."
"name": "Languages",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice."
"entries": [
"During the Last War, House Cannith produced the warforged, sentient artificial humanoids made from stone, metal, and wood. The first warforged were trained to be simple soldiers, but over the years experimental production runs created warforged intended for a variety of roles and uses.",
"One of the more eccentric experiments resulted in the psiforged, warforged created with a lattice of psionically conductive crystal suffused throughout their body. The production run of these psiforged was extremely limited, but rumors persist that psiforged are still being made to this day despite the ban on creating new warforged by the Treaty of Thronehold that ended the Last War."
"images": [
"type": "image",
"href": {
"type": "external",
"path": ""
"name": "Chosen",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": "152",
"ability": [
"int": 2,
"cha": 2
"heightAndWeight": {
"baseHeight": 62,
"heightMod": "2d10",
"baseWeight": 125,
"weightMod": "2d4"
"size": "M",
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"traitTags": [
"Uncommon Race"
"languageProficiencies": [
"Riedran": true,
"Common": true,
"Quori": true
"entries": [
"name": "Age",
"entries": [
"Due to their mixed bloodlines, Chosen mature slightly faster and live twice as long as regular humans."
"name": "Alignment",
"entries": [
"Even before being possessed by their quori spirits, Chosen are raised to be arrogant, with an underdeveloped sense of empathy. They are typically lawful evil or neutral evil."
"name": "Size",
"entries": [
"Chosen are humans, but taller on average, with svelte, athletic builds. Their size is Medium."
"name": "Empty Vessel",
"entries": [
"A Chosen automatically fails any saving throw to resist possession by a quori spirit and can be possessed by a quori on the plane of Dal Quor even while the Chosen is awake."
"name": "Dual Mind",
"entries": [
"While possessed by a quori, a Chosen has advantage on Wisdom saving throws."
"name": "Master Manipulator",
"entries": [
"Chosen are proficient in the Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion skills."
"name": "Naturally Psionic",
"entries": [
"A Chosen has an internal reserve of psionic energy represented by psi points. Its psi point maximum is 1, or its existing psi point maximum from another source (such as levels in a class with the Psionics feature) increases by 1. Whenever the Chosen gains an additional class level, its psi point reserve increases by 1."
"name": "Reduced Sleep",
"entries": [
"Because Chosen are constantly subconsciously dreaming, they require only 2 hours of sleep to gain the same benefit a normal human would gain from 6."
"name": "Languages",
"entries": [
"Chosen speak Riedran, Quori, and Common. Most Chosen speak Common with a noticeable accent, but those trained to be Dreaming Dark agents in Khorvaire are raised specifically to match the local dialect of their assignment."
"entries": [
"It is not recommended to let players play a Chosen since they could lose control of their character to a possessing quori spirit at any moment, with no chance to resist, for an indefinite duration. Chosen are trained from birth to encompass who they are and do not choose a background."
"images": [
"type": "image",
"href": {
"type": "external",
"path": ""
"subrace": [
"race": {
"name": "Dwarf",
"source": "PHB"
"name": "Duergar, Akiak",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"ability": [
"int": 1
"page": 28,
"entries": [
"name": "Superior Darkvision",
"entries": [
"Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray."
"data": {
"overwrite": "Darkvision"
"type": "entries"
"name": "Languages",
"entries": [
"You can speak, read, and write Common, Dwarven, and Riedran."
"data": {
"overwrite": "Languages"
"type": "entries"
"name": "Resilient Psyche",
"entries": [
"You have advantage on saving throws against telepathy and being {@condition charmed} or {@condition paralyzed}."
"data": {
"overwrite": "Dwarven Resilience"
"type": "entries"
"name": "Duergar Psionics",
"entries": [
"At first level, you know the {@spell blind spot|Psions Primer} psionic talent. Once you reach 3rd level, you learn the {@spell titanic form|Psions Primer} augment. Once you reach 5th level, you learn the {@spell obscure|Psions Primer} augment. Intelligence is your psionic ability for these powers.",
"When you manifest {@spell titanic form|Psions Primer}, you may do so even when focusing on {@spell blind spot|Psions Primer} instead of the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Naturally Psionic",
"entries": [
"You gain an internal reserve of psionic energy represented by psi points. Your psi point maximum is 2, or your existing psi point maximum from another source (such as levels in a class with the Psionics feature) increases by 2. When you reach 5th level, your psi point maximum increases by an additional 2. All expended psi points are restored when you finish a long rest. Your psi limit is 2, and when you reach 5th level your psi limit increases to 4, if it is not already higher."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Sunlight Sensitivity",
"entries": [
"You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight."
"type": "entries"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"The Akiak dwarves of Sarlona are an integrated society of duergar and other dwarves. They are the remnants of a once-mighty nation that was defeated by the rise of the Inspired. For centuries, the Riedran Empire has enslaved them to toil in mines and camps whenever they could, so the Akiak remain mobile and wander the inhospitable lands of the Tashana Tundra in northern Sarlona. Among the Akiak, duergar develop psionic powers. The origin of these mental abilities is a mystery. Some suspect a failed Inspired breeding program of enslaved duergar, while others offer conjecture that Sarlona’s planar \"aukaraks\" or \"reality storms\" influenced the psionic potential in the gray-skinned dwarves."
"name": "Dwarves",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Kingdoms rich in ancient grandeur, halls carved into the roots of mountains, the echoing of picks and hammers in deep mines and blazing forges, a commitment to clan and tradition, and a burning hatred of goblins and orcs-these common threads unite all dwarves.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Short and Stout",
"entries": [
"Bold and hardy, dwarves are known as skilled warriors, miners, and workers of stone and metal. Though they stand well under 5 feet tall, dwarves are so broad and compact that they can weigh as much as a human standing nearly two feet taller. Their courage and endurance are also easily a match for any of the larger folk.",
"Dwarven skin ranges from deep brown to a paler hue tinged with red, but the most common shades are light brown or deep tan, like certain tones of earth.",
"Their hair, worn long but in simple styles, is usually black, gray, or brown, though paler dwarves often have red hair. Male dwarves value their beards highly and groom them carefully."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Long Memory, Long Grudges",
"entries": [
"Dwarves can live to be more than 400 years old, so the oldest living dwarves often remember a very different world. For example, some of the oldest dwarves living in Citadel Felbarr (in the world of the Forgotten Realms) can recall the day, more than three centuries ago, when orcs conquered the fortress and drove them into an exile that lasted over 250 years. This longevity grants them a perspective on the world that shorter-lived races such as humans and halflings lack.",
"Dwarves are solid and enduring like the mountains they love, weathering the passage of centuries with stoic endurance and little change. They respect the traditions of their clans, tracing their ancestry back to the founding of their most ancient strongholds in the youth of the world, and don't abandon those traditions lightly. Part of those traditions is devotion to the gods of the dwarves, who uphold the dwarven ideals of industrious labor, skill in battle, and devotion to the forge.",
"Individual dwarves are determined and loyal, true to their word and decisive in action, sometimes to the point of stubbornness. Many dwarves have a strong sense of justice, and they are slow to forget wrongs they have suffered. A wrong done to one dwarf is a wrong done to the dwarf's entire clan, so what begins as one dwarf's hunt for vengeance can become a full-blown clan feud."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Clans and Kingdoms",
"entries": [
"Dwarven kingdoms stretch deep beneath the mountains where the dwarves mine gems and precious metals and forge items of wonder. They love the beauty and artistry of precious metals and fine jewelry, and in some dwarves this love festers into avarice. Whatever wealth they can't find in their mountains, they gain through trade. They dislike boats, so enterprising humans and halflings frequently handle trade in dwarven goods along water routes. Trustworthy members of other races are welcome in dwarf settlements, though some areas are off limits even to them.",
"The chief unit of dwarven society is the clan, and dwarves highly value social standing. Even dwarves who live far from their own kingdoms cherish their clan identities and affiliations, recognize related dwarves, and invoke their ancestors' names in oaths and curses. To be clanless is the worst fate that can befall a dwarf.",
"Dwarves in other lands are typically artisans, especially weaponsmiths, armorers, and jewelers. Some become mercenaries or bodyguards, highly sought after for their courage and loyalty."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Gods, Gold, and Clan",
"entries": [
"Dwarves who take up the adventuring life might be motivated by a desire for treasure-for its own sake, for a specific purpose, or even out of an altruistic desire to help others. Other dwarves are driven by the command or inspiration of a deity, a direct calling or simply a desire to bring glory to one of the dwarf gods. Clan and ancestry are also important motivators. A dwarf might seek to restore a clan's lost honor, avenge an ancient wrong the clan suffered, or earn a new place within the clan after having been exiled. Or a dwarf might search for the axe wielded by a mighty ancestor, lost on the field of battle centuries ago."
"type": "inset",
"name": "Slow to Trust",
"entries": [
"Dwarves get along passably well with most other races. \"The difference between an acquaintance and a friend is about a hundred years,\" is a dwarf saying that might be hyperbole, but certainly points to how difficult it can be for a member of a short-lived race like humans to earn a dwarf's trust.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Elves",
"entries": [
"\"It's not wise to depend on the elves. No telling what an elf will do next; when the hammer meets the orc's head, they're as apt to start singing as to pull out a sword. They're flighty and frivolous. Two things to be said for them, though: They don't have many smiths, but the ones they have do very fine work. And when orcs or goblins come streaming down out of the mountains, an elf's good to have at your back. Not as good as a dwarf, maybe, but no doubt they hate the orcs as much as we do.\""
"type": "entries",
"name": "Halflings",
"entries": [
"\"Sure, they're pleasant folk. But show me a halfling hero. An empire, a triumphant army. Even a treasure for the ages made by halfling hands. Nothing. How can you take them seriously?\""
"type": "entries",
"name": "Humans",
"entries": [
"\"You take the time to get to know a human, and by then the human's on her deathbed. If you're lucky, she's got kin-a daughter or granddaughter, maybe-who's got hands and heart as good as hers. That's when you can make a human friend. And watch them go!. They set their hearts on something, they'll get it whether it's a dragon's hoard or an empire's throne. You have to admire that kind of dedication, even if it gets them in trouble more often than not.\""
"type": "entries",
"name": "Dwarf Names",
"entries": [
"A dwarf's name is granted by a clan elder, in accordance with tradition. Every proper dwarven name has been used and reused down through the generations. A dwarf's name belongs to the clan, not to the individual.",
"A dwarf who misuses or brings shame to a clan name is stripped of the name and forbidden by law to use any dwarven name in its place.",
"type": "list",
"style": "list-hang-notitle",
"items": [
"type": "item",
"name": "Male Names:",
"entry": "Adrik, Alberich, Baern, Barendd, Brottor, Bruenor, Dain, Darrak, Delg, Eberk, Einkil, Fargrim, Flint, Gardain, Harbek, Kildrak, Morgran, Orsik, Oskar, Rangrim, Rurik, Taklinn, Thoradin, Thorin, Tordek, Traubon, Travok, Ulfgar, Veit, Vondal"
"type": "item",
"name": "Female Names:",
"entry": "Amber, Artin, Audhild, Bardryn, Dagnal, Diesa, Eldeth, Falkrunn, Finellen, Gunnloda, Gurdis, Helja, Hlin, Kathra, Kristryd, Ilde, Liftrasa, Mardred, Riswynn, Sannl, Torbera, Torgga, Vistra"
"type": "item",
"name": "Clan Names",
"entry": "Balderk, Battlehammer, Brawnanvil, Dankil, Fireforge, Frostbeard, Gorunn, Holderhek, Ironfist, Loderr, Lutgehr, Rumnaheim, Strakeln, Torunn, Ungart"
"type": "inset",
"name": "Duergar",
"entries": [
"In cities deep in the Underdark live the duergar, or gray dwarves. These vicious, stealthy slave traders raid the surface world for captives, then sell their prey to the other races of the Underdark. They have innate magical abilities to become invisible and to temporarily grow to giant size."
"images": [
"type": "image",
"href": {
"type": "external",
"url": ""
"traitTags": [
"Damage Resistance",
"Uncommon Race"
"race": {
"name": "Gith",
"source": "MTF"
"name": "Githyanki (Variant)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"ability": [
"str": 2
"page": 121,
"entries": [
"name": "Alignment",
"entries": [
"Githyanki tend toward lawful evil. They are aggressive and arrogant, and they remain the faith-servants of their lich-queen, Vlaakith. Renegade githyanki tend toward chaos."
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"type": "entries"
"name": "Decadent Mastery",
"entries": [
"You learn one language of your choice, and you are proficient with one skill or tool of your choice. In the timeless city of Tu'narath, githyanki have bountiful time to master odd bits of knowledge."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Martial Prodigy",
"entries": [
"You are proficient with light and medium armor and with shortswords, longswords, and greatswords."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Githyanki Psionics",
"entries": [
"At first level, you know the {@spell mystic displacement|Psions Primer} psionic talent. Once you reach 3rd level, you learn the {@spell psionic leap|Psions Primer} augment. Once you reach 5th level, you learn the {@spell nomadic shift|Psions Primer} augment. Intelligence is your psionic ability for these powers. When you manifest {@spell psionic leap|Psions Primer} or {@spell nomadic shift|Psions Primer}, you may do so even when focusing on {@spell mystic displacement|Psions Primer} instead of the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power. In their fortresses within Limbo, the githzerai hone their minds to a razor's edge."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Naturally Psionic",
"entries": [
"You gain an internal reserve of psionic energy represented by psi points. Your psi point maximum is 2, or your existing psi point maximum from another source (such as levels in a class with the Psionics feature) increases by 2. When you reach 5th level, your psi point maximum increases by an additional 2. All expended psi points are restored when you finish a long rest. Your psi limit is 2, and when you reach 5th level your psi limit increases to 4, if it is not already higher."
"type": "entries"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Unlike their githzerai cousins, the githyanki were militaristic, aggressive, and born to hunt and slaughter the gith peoples that resisted their daelkyr masters.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Never Surrender",
"entries": [
"The creation of the githyanki may have proved too successful, however. When the githyanki completed the genocidal war perpetrated on the original gith race, the illithids took the initiative and began to cull the githyanki, subjecting them to ceremorphosis to create more mind flayers. The githyanki recoiled at this betrayal, breaking their bonds of servitude and fighting back against the daelkyr’s minions far more effectively than the original gith they themselves drove to extinction."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Astral Retreat",
"entries": [
"When the tide began to turn against the daelkyr and their aberrant hordes, the daelkyr decided their excursion into the material plane was finished, and enacted a horrible reality- shattering catastrophe that transmogrified the entire planet, drawing it in its entirety into Xoriat, the Realm of Madness. Finding their world rapidly warping into a form inimical to any kind of life they knew, the githyanki were forced to make a tactical retreat. The vast majority of their armies succumbed to the collapse of reality, but a few battalions managed to disperse into the Astral Plane. From the Sea of Siberys, the surviving githyanki continue their guerrilla war against the beings that created and betrayed them."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Abiding Hatred",
"entries": [
"The githyanki despise the githzerai, seeing them as nothing more than the larval form of illithid elder brains. They blame the githzerai for the destruction of their homeworld, for they believe that without the illithids, the githyanki could have soundly defeated the forces of Xoriat and preserved their home."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psionic Githyanki",
"entries": [
"Psionic githyanki do not possess the Innate Spellcasting (Psionics) trait of standard githyanki. Instead, they have the Innate Psionic Powers trait."
"name": "Gith",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Eberron was not the first world the daelkyr invaded, merely the latest. When these horrors arrived in Khorvaire millennia ago, they brought a horde of aberrant minions from Xoriat with them. Some of these abominations were natives of the Realm of Madness, while others were the twisted creatures of all that remained from the total corruption of previous worlds. The illithid were of the latter kind, created during the successful invasion and transmogrification of the gith homeworld.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Corruption of the Gith",
"entries": [
"When the daelkyr invaded the gith homeworld, they began to experiment with the native life of that planet long before their conquest was ensured. One of the many \"projects\" labored over by the daelkyr known as Dyrrn, the Corruptor, was the creation of the mind flayers. But like all works of the daelkyr, the process was a long, mad, convoluted one. One that would result in the creation of the githyanki, githzerai, and the illithid elder brains. To begin, the original gith race was altered to enhance their psionic potential."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Elder Origins",
"entries": [
"Captured gith were inundated with the energies of Xoriat, infusing their minds with psionic potential and warping their bodies into gaunt, emaciated forms. These transformed gith became known as the githzerai. The githzerai were not created to be soldiers, or even servants. They were bred for one purpose, and one purpose only: the harvest of psionically potent grey matter for the creation of illithid elder brains."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Futile Resistance",
"entries": [
"While vast swathes of the original gith population were being corrupted into githzerai for harvest, the people of that doomed world fought with all their might to resist the daelkyr invasion. During this extended war for survival, more gith were inevitably captured and experimented upon. One result of these further experiments was the githyanki, created to fight for the daelkyr in the Xoriat invasion."
"images": [
"type": "image",
"href": {
"type": "external",
"url": ""
"traitTags": [
"Uncommon Race"
"race": {
"name": "Gith",
"source": "MTF"
"name": "Githzerai (Variant)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"ability": [
"wis": 2
"page": 121,
"entries": [
"name": "Alignment",
"entries": [
"Githzerai tend toward lawful neutral. Their rigorous training in psychic abilities requires an implacable mental discipline."
"data": {
"overwrite": "Alignment"
"type": "entries"
"name": "Mental Discipline",
"entries": [
"You have advantage on saving throws against the charmed and frightened conditions. Under the tutelage of monastic masters, githzerai learn to govern their own minds."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Githyanki Psionics",
"entries": [
"At first level, you know the {@spell wild talent|Psions Primer} psionic talent. Once you reach 3rd level, you learn the {@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer} augment. Once you reach 5th level, you learn the {@spell read thoughts|Psions Primer} augment. Wisdom is your psionic ability for these powers.",
"When you manifest {@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer} or {@spell read thoughts|Psions Primer}, you may do so even when focusing on {@spell wild talent|Psions Primer} instead of the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power."
"type": "entries"
"name": "Naturally Psionic",
"entries": [
"You gain an internal reserve of psionic energy represented by psi points. Your psi point maximum is 2, or your existing psi point maximum from another source (such as levels in a class with the Psionics feature) increases by 2. When you reach 5th level, your psi point maximum increases by an additional 2. All expended psi points are restored when you finish a long rest. Your psi limit is 2, and when you reach 5th level your psi limit increases to 4, if it is not already higher."
"type": "entries"
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Bred to be docile livestock, the githzerai began their existence in slavery. Though their minds were only strengthened to be harvested, eventually they gained mastery over their own psionic destiny.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Strength in Tranquility",
"entries": [
"Githzerai tend to be less aggressive than other humanoids, most especially when compared to their warlike githyanki cousins. But serenity is not weakness. Though they were created to suffer, the githzerai meditated on their suffering, and through their meditations they gained knowledge and strength. A githzerai is able to find peace in chaos, and uses this to center themselves, accessing potent psionic abilities that augment their physical bodies with psychic might."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Planar Exodus",
"entries": [
"Even while the githzerai were being harvested like livestock for the creation of elder brains, the greatest among the githzerai, powerful clairvoyant empaths, spread the sliver of hope they glimpsed through prescient visions of the future. The githzerai would be free, one day, if only they endured. Eventually, the reality of the gith homeworld was shattered, and the spiritual leaders of the githzerai seized the motes of possibility in the chaotic refractions of existence all around them. Taking as many with them as they could, these saviors lead the few remaining githzerai into another, slightly more hospitable plane than the Realm of Madness. They arrived in Kythri, the Churning Chaos, and found their freedom there."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Righteous Disdain",
"entries": [
"The githzerai find the genocide of the original gith people by the githyanki to be an unforgivable act, and they blame the githyanki for the destruction of their homeworld. The githzerai believe that if the githyanki had turned on their daelkyr and illithid masters sooner, instead of doing so only when the githyanki themselves that were threatened with extinction, then all three gith races could have united to save their world. Alas, that was not the case, and the githzerai are too few in number to seek any justice for the death of their world. This final tragedy is just one more thing the githzerai must endure as a people."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psionic Githzerai",
"entries": [
"Psionic githzerai do not possess the Innate Spellcasting (Psionics) trait of standard githzerai. Instead, they have the Innate Psionic Powers trait."
"name": "Gith",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Eberron was not the first world the daelkyr invaded, merely the latest. When these horrors arrived in Khorvaire millennia ago, they brought a horde of aberrant minions from Xoriat with them. Some of these abominations were natives of the Realm of Madness, while others were the twisted creatures of all that remained from the total corruption of previous worlds. The illithid were of the latter kind, created during the successful invasion and transmogrification of the gith homeworld.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Corruption of the Gith",
"entries": [
"When the daelkyr invaded the gith homeworld, they began to experiment with the native life of that planet long before their conquest was ensured. One of the many \"projects\" labored over by the daelkyr known as Dyrrn, the Corruptor, was the creation of the mind flayers. But like all works of the daelkyr, the process was a long, mad, convoluted one. One that would result in the creation of the githyanki, githzerai, and the illithid elder brains. To begin, the original gith race was altered to enhance their psionic potential."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Elder Origins",
"entries": [
"Captured gith were inundated with the energies of Xoriat, infusing their minds with psionic potential and warping their bodies into gaunt, emaciated forms. These transformed gith became known as the githzerai. The githzerai were not created to be soldiers, or even servants. They were bred for one purpose, and one purpose only: the harvest of psionically potent grey matter for the creation of illithid elder brains."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Futile Resistance",
"entries": [
"While vast swathes of the original gith population were being corrupted into githzerai for harvest, the people of that doomed world fought with all their might to resist the daelkyr invasion. During this extended war for survival, more gith were inevitably captured and experimented upon. One result of these further experiments was the githyanki, created to fight for the daelkyr in the Xoriat invasion."
"images": [
"type": "image",
"href": {
"type": "external",
"url": ""
"traitTags": [
"Uncommon Race"
"variantrule": [
"name": "Multiclassing Psionic Characters",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 23,
"type": "section",
"entries": [
"If your group uses the {@variantrule multiclassing|phb|optional rule} on multiclassing in the {@book Player’s Handbook|phb}, use the following rules for multiclassing with psionic characters.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Prerequisites",
"entries": [
"To qualify for a new class, you must meet the ability score prerequisite for both your current class and your new one. The prerequisites for new psionic classes are shown in the Psionic Multiclassing Prerequisites table.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Psionic Multiclassing Prerequisites",
"colLabels": [
"Ability Score Minimum"
"colStyles": [
"rows": [
"{@class Empath|Psions Primer}",
"Wisdom 13"
"{@class Psion|Psions Primer}",
"Intelligence 13"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Proficiencies",
"entries": [
"When you gain a level in a psionic class other than your first, you gain only some of that class's starting proficiencies, as shown in the Psionic Multiclassing Proficiencies table.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Psionic Multiclassing Proficiencies",
"colLabels": [
"Proficiencies Gained"
"colStyles": [
"rows": [
"{@class Empath|Psions Primer}",
"{@class Psion|Psions Primer}",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Class Features",
"entries": [
"When you gain a new level in a class, you get its features for that level. A new class feature presented in the {@book Psion's Primer|Psions Primer} has additional rules when you’re multiclassing: Psionics"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psionics",
"entries": [
"Your psionic potential depends partly on your combined levels in all of your psionic classes and partly on your individual levels in those classes. Once you have the Psionics feature from more than one class, use the rules below. If you multiclass but have the Psionics feature from only one class, you follow the rules as described in that class.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Talents and Augments Known",
"entries": [
"You determine what psionic powers you know for each class individually, as if you were a single-classed member of that class. When choosing new psionic augments for that class use that class’s level or psi limit.",
"For example, if you are an {@class fighter|phb|Adamant fighter|Adamant|Psions Primer} 5/{@class psion|Psions Primer|Kineticist psion|Kineticist|Psions Primer} 3, you know two adamant talents and four powers that augment those talents with a minimum psi cost of no more than 2, based on your levels in the fighter class. As a 3rd-level Kineticist psion, you know four psion talents, including the bonus talent {@spell energy ray|Psions Primer}, and you know seven powers that augment your psion talents, one of which may be a 2nd-level power, with the rest being level 1 powers. Additionally, as a 5th-level fighter, you know {@spell battle trance|Psions Primer} and one adamant talent, plus four powers that augment your adamant talents that have a minimum psi cost of 2.",
"Each psionic talent you know is associated with one of your classes, and you use the power ability of that class when you cast that psionic talent or manifest psionic powers that augment those talents."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psi Points and Manifesting Psi Limit",
"entries": [
"You determine the maximum number of psi points your internal reserve of psionic potential can hold, as well as your psi limit when manifesting a psionic power, by adding together all your levels in the empath and psion classes, and one third your fighter or rogue levels (rounded down) if you have the Adamant or Lurk feature. Use this total to determine your maximum psi points and psi limit when manifesting a power by consulting the Multiclass Psionic Character table.",
"For example, if you are the aforementioned Adamant fighter 5/Kineticist psion 3, you count as a 4th-level character when determining your psi points and manifesting psi limit; you have a maximum reserve of 20 psi points; and your psi limit when manifesting a power is 4."
"type": "table",
"caption": "Multiclass Spellcaster: Spell Slots per Spell Level",
"colLabels": [
"Psi Points",
"Manifesting Psi Limit"
"colStyles": [
"col-1-2 text-center",
"col-1-2 text-center"
"rows": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Sublime Power/Power Surge",
"entries": [
"When your total psionic character levels as determined above reach 11th level, you must choose whether to gain the Sublime Power feature from the empath class, or the Power Surge feature from the psion class. You must have at least one level in empath or psion in order to choose its respective feature. Whichever feature you choose, you use your total psionic character level as determined above when determining the feature’s effects (such as the amount by which it increases your psi limit, and how many times you can use it), instead of your levels in any one class. Once you choose one of these features, the choice is permanent. You can never gain the other feature, nor can you gain the same feature twice from the same class."
"name": "Crysteel Weapons",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 36,
"type": "section",
"entries": [
"A rare crystalline substance mined exclusively in Riedra can be alloyed with steel, resulting in this glittering, vaguely chromatic metal. A {@item Crysteel Weapon|Psions Primer} is not inherently magical, but if the wielder possesses a psi point reserve, they can spend 1 psi point to channel psionic energy into it, requiring no action. If they do, all attacks they make with the crysteel weapon are magical until the start of their next turn.",
"The crysteel version of a melee weapon costs 1,000 gp more than the normal version."
"name": "Sentira Items",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 36,
"type": "section",
"entries": [
"Sentira is an opalescent substance with an organic appearance similar to horn or shell. It is not psionically potent on its own, but responds to psionically potent thoughts and emotions. The Riedran Empire produces the vast majority of sentira equipment, structures, and monuments, though kalashtar and psionic Adarans create some art, arms, and armor from it as well.",
"Raw sentira is a special powdered crystal that can be shaped by a psionic creature channeling its psychic energies into it. The shaper must know the {@spell ectoplasmic object|Psions Primer} psionic talent, and they must expend 1 psi point to shape the raw sentira. Once this psi point is spent, the shaper must concentrate for 1 hour per pound of material (as though concentrating on a spell), and can shape the sentira into any mundane weapon or object they desire, so long as it does not contain complex mechanisms (such as a crossbow or bullseye lantern).",
"Once raw sentira has been shaped, it can’t be reshaped. The color of shaped sentira varies depending on the predominant emotion of the shaper (for example, pitch black if shaped while fearful, blood red if shaped while angry, or soothing blue if shaped while calmly serene). {@item Sentira Weapon|Psions Primer|Weapons} made from shaped sentira are lightweight, weighing only 90% of equivalent steel weapons, and are just as effective, but have no additional properties.",
"In the case of large items created from sentira, multiple applications of raw sentira powder can be layered on shaped sentira, allowing construction of structures or larger items over time.",
"A pound of raw sentira costs 50 gp. Items made from shaped sentira cost 100 gp per pound more than the normal version."
"name": "Crysteel Weapon",
"type": "GV",
"requires": [
"weapon": true
"excludes": {
"name": "Net"
"entries": [
"A weapon made of crysteel is not inherently magical, but if the wielder possesses a psi point reserve, they can spend 1 psi point to channel psionic energy into it, requiring no action. If they do, all attacks they make with the crysteel weapon are magical until the start of their next turn.",
"The crysteel version of a melee weapon costs 1,000 gp more than the normal version."
"inherits": {
"namePrefix": "Crysteel ",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 36,
"tier": "major",
"rarity": "unknown",
"entries": [
"If the wielder of this weapon possesses a psi point reserve, they can spend 1 psi point to channel psionic energy into it, requiring no action. If they do, all attacks they make with this weapon are magical until the start of their next turn."
"name": "Ether Reaver",
"type": "GV",
"requires": [
"weapon": true
"inherits": {
"namePrefix": "Ether Reaver ",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 39,
"tier": "major",
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"bonusWeapon": "+2",
"entries": [
"The striking end of this magic weapon appears to be wreathed in a ghostly, insubstantial film, which is in fact ectoplasm saturated with psychokinetic energy. You gain a {=bonusWeapon} bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.",
"While you hold the weapon, you can see creatures and objects within 20 feet of you that are {@condition invisible} or on the Ethereal Plane. Ethereal creatures and objects appear ghostly and translucent.",
"The ectoplasm enfolding the striking end of the weapon extends into the Ethereal Plane, allowing you to attack and damage ethereal creatures and objects with the weapon, even if you are on the Material Plane.",
"When you attack a creature or object made completely from ectoplasm with the weapon - such as the effects of the {@spell spectral wall|Psions Primer} or {@spell project eidolon|Psionis Primer} powers - you have advantage on the attack roll and you deal an additional 18 force damage if you hit."
"name": "Sentira Weapon",
"type": "GV",
"requires": [
"weapon": true
"excludes": {
"name": "Net"
"entries": [
"Weapons made from {@variantrule Sentira Items|Psions Primer|shaped sentira} are lightweight, weighing only 90% of equivalent steel weapons, and are just as effective, but have no additional properties.",
"Items made from shaped sentira cost 100 gp per pound more than the normal version."
"inherits": {
"namePrefix": "Sentira ",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 36,
"tier": "major",
"rarity": "unknown",
"entries": [
"This weapon is lightweight, weighing only 90% of equivalent steel weapons, and is just as effective, but has no additional properties."
"name": "Linked Armor",
"type": "GV",
"requires": [
"armor": true
"entries": [
"Sets of {@i linked armor} are created together, a sliver from a single shattered psychoactive crystal incorporated into each suit of armor in the set. Up to six suits of armor may be created in a set of linked armors. Individual suits of armor in the same set do not need to be the same kind of armor."
"inherits": {
"namePrefix": "Linked ",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 40,
"tier": "major",
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"entries": [
"While attuned to and wearing a suit of {@i linked armor}, you may communicate telepathically with any or all other creatures wearing other suits of armor in the same set, and you know the direction and distance each other suit of {@i linked armor} in the set is away from you. This link between suits of {@i linked armor} in a set function across any physical distance as long as they are on the same plane of existence."
"name": "Phasing Armor",
"type": "GV",
"requires": [
"armor": true
"inherits": {
"namePrefix": "Phasing ",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 40,
"tier": "major",
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"recharge": "dawn",
"entries": [
"When attuned to and wearing a suit of {@i phasing armor}, you may activate it as a bonus action to turn yourself and your equipment incorporeal until the end of your current turn. While incorporeal, you may move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You can move a total distance of 30 feet while incorporeal, and then the {@i phasing armor} cannot be activated again. If you end your turn or run out of ethereal movement inside an object, you are shunted aside into the nearest unoccupied space, taking {@damage 1d10} force damage for every 5 feet you are moved.",
"The armor regains the ability be activated, and allow you to move incorporeally for 30 more feet of movement, every dawn."
"name": "Psi-Slayer Weapon",
"type": "GV",
"requires": [
"weapon": true
"excludes": {
"name": "Net"
"inherits": {
"namePrefix": "Psi-Slayer Weapon ",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 41,
"rarity": "rare",
"bonusWeapon": "+1",
"entries": [
"You gain a {=bonusWeapon} bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.",
"When you hit a psionic creature with this weapon, the creature takes an extra {@damage 3d6} damage of the weapon's type. For the purpose of this weapon, \"psionic creature\" refers to a creature that knows a psionic talent, has psi points, the Innate Psionic Powers trait, or the Innate Spellcasting (Psionics) trait."
"name": "Crawling Tattoo of Dazing",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 37,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"tattoo": true,
"entries": [
"To use the tattoo, you must hold the needle against your skin where you want the tattoo to appear and speak the command word. The needle turns into the ink that becomes the tattoo, which appears on your skin. Once the tattoo is on your skin, you may use an action to tap it. The tattoo glows faintly while you cast the spell and for the spell's duration. Once used, the tattoo takes effect immediately and then vanishes from your skin.",
"As an action, the bearer of this tattoo can move it to any surface on its body it wishes, or onto another creature in physical contact with it who then becomes its new bearer. If the bearer this tattoo is unconscious or dead, another creature can touch the tattoo as an action and either activate its effects on the bearer, or transfer the tattoo onto their own body.",
"When you tap this tattoo, it does not affect you. Instead, it peels away from your body and skitters up to 30 feet into the space of a creature you can see, provoking no opportunity attacks, then leaps upon the creature, attaching to its face. The target must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes {@damage 2d12} psychic damage and, until the end of your next turn, or until it takes any further damage, it is incapacitated and its speed it halved. The tattoo evaporates immediately if the target succeeds on their saving throw, or over time if they fail, disappearing completely by the end of your next turn."
"name": "Crawling Tattoo of Shrieking",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 37,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"tattoo": true,
"entries": [
"To use the tattoo, you must hold the needle against your skin where you want the tattoo to appear and speak the command word. The needle turns into the ink that becomes the tattoo, which appears on your skin. Once the tattoo is on your skin, you may use an action to tap it. The tattoo glows faintly while you cast the spell and for the spell's duration. Once used, the tattoo takes effect immediately and then vanishes from your skin.",
"As an action, the bearer of this tattoo can move it to any surface on its body it wishes, or onto another creature in physical contact with it who then becomes its new bearer. If the bearer this tattoo is unconscious or dead, another creature can touch the tattoo as an action and either activate its effects on the bearer, or transfer the tattoo onto their own body.",
"When you tap this tattoo, it does not affect you. Instead, it peels away from your body and skitters up to 30 feet into the space of a creature you can see, provoking no opportunity attacks. It then emits an ultrasonic shriek at the creature, dealing {@damage 5d10} points of thunder damage to it if the creature fails a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, or half as much on a success. The tattoo disintegrates immediately after shrieking."
"name": "Crystal Capacitator",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 37,
"weight": 1,
"rarity": "varies",
"reqAttune": "by a psionic character",
"entries": [
"A {@i crystal capacitor} is a collection of three small crystals bound together with silver wire. You may store psi points in a {@i crystal capacitor} you have attuned to, and use them later to manifest psionic powers. Each {@i crystal capacitor} has a maximum number of psi points it can hold, which determines its rarity, as shown in the Crystal Capacitors table. You become aware of the {@i crystal capacitor's} maximum number of psi points it can store when you learn the capacitor’s properties.",
"To store psi points in a {@i crystal capacitor}, you must hold it and expend psi points from your own internal reserve as an action, adding them to the capacitor. This transfer is only one way; you cannot transfer psi points from the capacitor into your own internal reserve.",
"Psi points stored in a {@i crystal capacitor} remain in it indefinitely, until you spend them. Each time you manifest a psionic power with a psi cost, you may choose to spend psi points either from your own internal reserve, or from a {@i crystal capacitor} you are attuned to and holding, but not both. {@i crystal capacitors} do not regain any psi points spent from them on their own; they can only be refilled by transferring psi points.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Crystal Capacitors",
"colLabels": [
"Max Psi",
"colStyles": [
"rows": [
"Very rare"
"Very rare"
"Very rare"
"name": "Dendrite of the Firestarter",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 38,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": "by a psionic character",
"recharge": "dawn",
"weight": 4,
"charges": 20,
"staff": true,
"entries": [
"This long branching staff is made from a single red crystal. It cannot be used as a quarterstaff. While you hold it, you have resistance to fire damage and you may cast the energy ray psionic talent, but you may only use it to deal fire damage.",
"The staff has 20 charges, and while holding it and focusing on energy ray, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges as if they were psi points to manifest the following powers from it (psi limit 10), using your power save DC and psionic ability modifier: {@spell energy wave|Psions Primer} (fire damage only), {@spell immolate self|Psions Primer}, {@spell pyrokinesis|Psions Primer}, and {@spell pyrokinetic detonation|Psions Primer}.",
"The staff regains {@dice 1d12 + 8} expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a {@dice d20}. On a 1, the staff shatters, crumbling into crystalline dust and is destroyed forever."
"name": "Dendrite of Fracturing",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 38,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": "by a psionic character",
"recharge": "dawn",
"weight": 4,
"charges": 10,
"staff": true,
"entries": [
"This long branching staff is made from a single yellow crystal. It cannot be used as a quarterstaff.",
"The staff has 10 charges, and while holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges as if they were psi points to manifest powers from it (psi limit 10), even if you are not focusing on the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power. When manifesting these powers, you use your power save DC and psionic ability modifier and the dendrite of fracturing acts as the psicrystal for the power's ef fects, instead of your psicrystal if you have one. You may manifest any of the following powers from the staff: {@spell crystal burst|Psions Primer, {@spell crystal flechette|Psions Primer}, and {@spell crystal spray|Psions Primer}.",
"The staff regains {@dice 1d8 + 2} expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a {@dice d20}. On a 1, the staff shatters, crumbling into crystalline dust and is destroyed forever."
"name": "Dendrite of the Inquisitor",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 38,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": "by a psionic character",
"weight": 4,
"recharge": "dawn",
"charges": 20,
"staff": true,
"entries": [
"This long branching staff is made from a single clear crystal. It cannot be used as a quarterstaff. While you hold it, you may speak telepathically to any creature you can see within 60 feet. Creatures you communicate with in this way can respond to you telepathically as a bonus action.",
"The staff has 20 charges, and while holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges as if they were psi points to manifest the following powers from it (no psi limit), using your power save DC and psionic ability modifier, even if you are not focusing on the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power: {@spell assess foe|Psions Primer}, {@spell compel confession|Psions Primer}, {@spell discern moods|Psions Primer}, {@spell mental inquisition|Psions Primer}, {@spell pry memories|Psions Primer}, and {@spell read thoughts|Psions Primer}.",
"If you are holding the staff and fail a saving throw against a telepathy power that targets only you, you can turn your failed save into a successful one. You can't use this property of the staff again until the next dawn. If you succeed on a save against a telepathy power that targets only you, with or without the staff's intervention, you can use your reaction to expend 1 charge from the staff and turn the power back on its caster as if you had cast or manifested the power yourself.",
"The staff regains {@dice 2d10} expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a {@dice d20}. On a 1, the staff shatters, crumbling into crystalline dust and is destroyed forever."
"name": "Dendrite of the Invisible Hand",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 38,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": "by a psionic character",
"weight": 4,
"recharge": "dawn",
"charges": 20,
"staff": true,
"entries": [
"This long branching staff is made from a single blue crystal. It cannot be used as a quarterstaff. While you hold it, you may cast the {@spell wild talent|Psions Primer} psionic talent from it, but you can only produce the Far Hand effect.",
"The staff has 20 charges, and while holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges as if they were psi points to manifest the following powers from it (psi limit 10), using your power save DC and psionic ability modifier, while focusing on {@spell wild talent|Psions Primer} instead of the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power: {@spell psychic grasp|Psions Primer}, {@spell telekinetic clutch|Psions Primer}, and {@spell telekinetic puppet|Psions Primer}.",
"The staff regains {@dice 2d6 + 8} expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a {@dice d20}. On a 1, the staff shatters, crumbling into crystalline dust and is destroyed."
"name": "Dendrite of the Voyager",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 38,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": "by a psionic character",
"weight": 4,
"recharge": "dawn",
"charges": 20,
"staff": true,
"entries": [
"This long branching staff is made from a single green crystal. It cannot be used as a quarterstaff.",
"The staff has 20 charges, and while holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges as if they were psi points (no psi limit) to manifest the following powers from it, using your power save DC and psionic ability modifier, even if you are not focusing on the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power: {@spell mystic caravan|Psions Primer}, {@spell mystic traveler|Psions Primer}, {@spell nomadic doorway|Psions Primer}, {@spell nomadic recall|Psions Primer}, and {@spell nomadic travel|Psions Primer}.",
"The staff regains {@dice 2d6 + 8} expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a {@dice d20}. On a 1, the staff shatters, crumbling into crystalline dust and is destroyed."
"name": "Dorje of Blasting",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 39,
"type": "WD",
"weight": 1,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": "by a psionic character",
"recharge": "dawn",
"charges": 14,
"entries": [
"This crystalline wand is 14 inches long and made from a single crystal. It has 14 charges. While at least one charge remains, it glows faintly with purple energy, shedding dim light in a 5-foot radius. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges as if they were psi points to manifest the {@spell psionic blast|Psions Primer} power (psi limit 14), even if you are not focusing on the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power.",
"The wand regains {@dice 2d6 + 2} expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a {@dice d20}. On a 1, the wand shatters, crumbling into crystalline dust and is destroyed."
"name": "Dorje of Broadcasting",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 39,
"type": "WD",
"weight": 1,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": "by a psionic character",
"recharge": "dawn",
"charges": 21,
"entries": [
"This crystalline wand is 9 inches long and made from a single crystal. It has 21 charges. While at least one charge remains, it glows faintly with blue energy, shedding dim light in a 5-foot radius. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges as if they were psi points to manifest the {@spell missive|Psions Primer} power, even if you are not focusing on the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power.",
"The wand regains {@dice 3d6 + 3} expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a {@dice d20}. On a 1, the wand shatters, crumbling into crystalline dust and is destroyed."
"name": "Force Saber",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 40,
"baseItem": "longsword|PHB",
"type": "M",
"rarity": "legendary",
"reqAttune": true,
"weight": 3,
"weaponCategory": "martial",
"property": [
"dmg1": "1d8",
"dmgType": "S",
"dmg2": "1d10",
"bonusWeapon": "+3",
"sword": true,
"weapon": true,
"entries": [
"This item appears to be a longsword hilt. While grasping the hilt, you can use a bonus action to cause a blade of translucent force to spring into existence, or to make the blade disappear. While the blade exists, this magic longsword has the finesse property. If you are proficient with shortswords or longswords, you are proficient with the {@i force saber}.",
"You gain a {=bonusWeapon} bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, which deals force damage instead of slashing damage and deals an extra {@damage 1d8} force damage to any creature you hit with it.",
"This weapon's razor-edged blade of pure force simply ignores fields of similar magical force or altered inertia. When you attack a creature with the {@i force saber}, the target of the attack cannot benefit from any defense against the attack that is described as resulting from inertia or force - including any effect that sets Armor Class (such as {@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer} or {@spell mage armor|Psions Primer}) or provides bonus to Armor Class (e.g., {@spell shield|Psions Primer}), all forms of cover (e.g., {@spell forcecage|Psions Primer} or {@spell wall of force|Psions Primer}), and effects that simply prevent attacks or damage from affecting the target (e.g., {@spell inertial nullification|Psions Primer})."
"name": "Gagethga's Cerebral Hood",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 40,
"rarity": "legendary",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"charges": 20,
"entries": [
"This red mantle and hood appears to be made from glossy, silken thread, but upon closer inspection it is revealed to be composed of strands of muscle and sinew. To attune to this item, you must wear it on your head for the entire attunement period, during which a hidden stinger burrows into the base of your skull and merges with your nervous system.",
"While wearing the hood, you have {@sense blindsight} out to a radius of 30 feet, resistance to psychic damage, and know the {@spell verve|Psions Primer} psionic talent.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psionic Powers",
"entries": [
"The hood has 20 charges. While wearing it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges as if they were psi points to manifest the following powers from it (spell save DC 16, psi limit 14), even if you are not focusing on the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power: {@spell assimilate|Psions Primer}, {@spell assume control|Psions Primer}, {@spell bestial claws|Psions Primer}, {@spell empathic projection|Psions Primer}, {@spell fusion|Psions Primer}, {@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer}, {@spell mind blast|Psions Primer}, {@spell missive|Psions Primer}, {@spell post-hypnotic suggestion|Psions Primer}, and {@spell read thoughts|Psions Primer}."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Symbiotic Nature",
"entries": [
"The hood can't be removed from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the hood ends, and it detaches from you.",
"The hood requires psionic energy to be fed to it. Immediately after you finish any long rest, you must either spend 10 psi points to feed the hood, or take 1 level of {@condition exhaustion}.",
"The hood regains 2 expended charges for each psi point you feed to it, or regains all spent charges, up to its maximum of 20 charges, if it caused you to take a level of {@condition exhaustion}."
"name": "Gloves of Object Reading",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 40,
"rarity": "rare",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"When wearing these white silken gloves, you may manifest the {@spell psychometric touch|Psions Primer} power at will without expending psi points, even if you are not focusing on the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power."
"name": "Hammer of Clobbering",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 40,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"bonusWeapon": "+1",
"entries": [
"This hammer is a magic weapon that is capable of hitting a creature so hard that they are knocked into the future. You gain a {=bonusWeapon} bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.",
"When you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, you deal normal damage for a critical hit and then the target is shunted forward in time, disappearing from their space and reappearing exactly 1 minute after you hit them. At the end of this minute, the target reappears in the space it was occupying when you attacked it, or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. A shunted target perceives no personal time passing between the moment it was struck and when it reappears."
"name": "Ioun Stone (Psionic), Potential",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 40,
"tier": "major",
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"recharge": "dawn",
"charges": 10,
"entries": [
"An {@italic Ioun stone} is named after Ioun, a god of knowledge and prophecy revered on some worlds. Many types of {@italic Ioun stone} exist, each type a distinct combination of shape and color.",
"When you use an action to toss one of these stones into the air, the stone orbits your head at a distance of {@dice 1d3} feet and confers a benefit to you. Thereafter, another creature must use an action to grasp or net the stone to separate it from you, either by making a successful attack roll against AC 24 or a successful DC 24 Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) check. You can use an action to seize and stow the stone, ending its effect.",
"A stone has AC 24, 10 hit points, and resistance to all damage. It is considered to be an object that is being worn while it orbits your head.",
"While this rainbow-hued prism is attuned to you, it contains a reserve of psionic potential represented by psi points. It has a psi point maximum of 10 psi points, and regains all spent psi points every dawn. While it orbits your head, you may spend psi points from this {@i ioun stone} instead of your personal psi point reserve when manifesting a psionic augment."
"name": "Ioun Stone (Psionic), Spark",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 40,
"tier": "minor",
"rarity": "common",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"An {@italic Ioun stone} is named after Ioun, a god of knowledge and prophecy revered on some worlds. Many types of {@italic Ioun stone} exist, each type a distinct combination of shape and color.",
"When you use an action to toss one of these stones into the air, the stone orbits your head at a distance of {@dice 1d3} feet and confers a benefit to you. Thereafter, another creature must use an action to grasp or net the stone to separate it from you, either by making a successful attack roll against AC 24 or a successful DC 24 Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) check. You can use an action to seize and stow the stone, ending its effect.",
"A stone has AC 24, 10 hit points, and resistance to all damage. It is considered to be an object that is being worn while it orbits your head.",
"This dull grey irregular stone contains a single psi point. When manifesting a psionic augment, you may expend the psi point in this stone instead of spending a psi point from your psi reserve, and then the stone crumbles into inert dust."
"name": "Mind's Eye",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 40,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"This small gem has one large, flat facet. When you attune to a {@i mind's eye} and press the large flat facet against the middle of your forehead, it affixes itself there and cannot be removed by anyone other than you while you are conscious.",
"While a {@i mind's eye} is affixed to your forehead, it grants you mystic vision, allowing you to see all creatures, including hidden and {@condition invisible} ones, regardless of lighting conditions. You may take an action to widen the mystic vision of your mind's eye, granting you the ability to see through objects that are up to 1 foot thick within 30 feet of you for up to 1 minute. Once you widen the mystic vision of the {@i mind's eye} in this way, it cannot be widened again until the next dawn."
"name": "Power Stone",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 41,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"A {@i power stone} is a Siberys dragonshard similar to a {@item spellshard|ERLW}, but instead of containing text or a wizard's spellbook, it is imprinted with the knowledge of one psionic power a class has access to and the psi points required to manifest it once. You become aware of the power and the number of psi points imprinted in the stone when you learn the stone's properties.",
"While holding the stone, you can manifest or cast the power from it as an action if the power is either a talent on your class list or a power that augments a talent on your class list. If the power is an augment, you spend all of the psi points imprinted on the stone to manifest it instead of your own psi points, and you may manifest it even if you are not focusing on the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power. Once the power is cast or manifested, the imprint of the power and all psi points disappear from the stone.",
"If the number of psi points the {@i power stone} contains is greater than your psi limit, you must make an ability check using your psionic ability to determine whether you manifest the stone's power successfully. The DC equals 10 + half the psi points contained in the stone (round up). On a failed check, the power and psi points disappear from the stone with no other effect.",
"Each {@i power stone} has a maximum capacity of psi points it can store, and this determines the saving throw DC and attack bonus of powers manifested from it, as well as the stone's rarity, as shown in the Power Stone table.",
"You may imprint the stone with a power and store psi points in it if you'r e attuned to it and it is not currently imprinted with a power. To do so, you manifest or cast the power while holding the stone. The power and any psi points spent to manifest it are stored in the stone instead of having any effect. Casting or manifesting the power must require either 1 action, 1 bonus action, or 1 minute or longer, and you cannot spend more psi points to manifest the stored power than the stone's maximum psi point capacity.",
"Once imprinted with a power, the stone can't be imprinted again until the next dawn.",
"type": "table",
"caption": "Power Stone",
"colLabels": [
"Psi Points",
"Save DC",
"Attack Bonus"
"colStyles": [
"rows": [
"Very Rare",
"Very Rare",
"Very Rare",
"name": "Psicrown of Focus",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 41,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": "by a psionic character",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"This crystalline headpiece rests firmly on the brow. While you are attuned to a {@i psicrown of focus} and are wearing it, you may focus on a second psionic talent you cast, allowing you to maintain focus on two psionic talents at the same time."
"name": "Psicrown of Strife +1",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 41,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": "by a psionic character",
"wondrous": true,
"bonusSpellAttack": "+1",
"entries": [
"This crystalline headpiece rests firmly on the brow. While you are attuned to a {@i psicrown of strife} and are wearing it, you gain a +1 bonus to power attack rolls. In addition, you ignore half cover when making a power attack."
"name": "Psicrown of Strife +2",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 41,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": "by a psionic character",
"wondrous": true,
"bonusSpellAttack": "+2",
"entries": [
"This crystalline headpiece rests firmly on the brow. While you are attuned to a {@i psicrown of strife} and are wearing it, you gain a +2 bonus to power attack rolls. In addition, you ignore half cover when making a power attack."
"name": "Psicrown of Strife +3",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 41,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": "by a psionic character",
"wondrous": true,
"bonusSpellAttack": "+3",
"entries": [
"This crystalline headpiece rests firmly on the brow. While you are attuned to a {@i psicrown of strife} and are wearing it, you gain a +3 bonus to power attack rolls. In addition, you ignore half cover when making a power attack."
"name": "Psionatrix",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 41,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": "by a psionic character",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"A {@i psionatrix} is a multifaceted crystal etched with a labyrinthine pattern and worn as an amulet. Each {@i psionatrix} is synced to a school of psionic magic: clairsentience, metacreativity, psychokinesis, psychometabolism, psychoportation, or telepathy. While you are attuned to and wearing a {@i psionatrix}, your power save DC is 1 higher for powers you use of the {2i psionatrix's} synced school of psionic magic."
"name": "Psychoskin Shell, Chameleon",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 42,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small orbs of gelatinous goo are in fact globs of psionically preserved ectoplasm drawn from the plane of Xoriat. When you activate a {@i psychoskin shell} as an action, it rapidly expands over your body, covering you and your equipment completely like a living second skin. When you deactivate a shell with another action, it recedes from your body and congeals back into its gelatinous orb state.",
"When you are covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}, it does not affect your sight, hearing, or breathing. It reacts instantly to your intentions, withdrawing from your mouth when you wish to eat, or from your bags, pockets, or other items when you wish to retrieve or stow something. Items you are holding are not covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}.",
"You may attune to up to three {@i psychoskin shells} and they count as one item for your magic item attunement limit. All {@i psychoskin shells} you have attuned to may be active at once, but only the outermost shell grants you its benefits. You may take an action to cause an active {@i psychoskin shell} under the outermost one to rise to the surface.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Chameleon Skin",
"While this shell is active, it constantly shifts color and texture to match your surroundings, granting you a +10 bonus to {@skill Stealth} checks."
"name": "Psychoskin Shell, Beast",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 42,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small orbs of gelatinous goo are in fact globs of psionically preserved ectoplasm drawn from the plane of Xoriat. When you activate a {@i psychoskin shell} as an action, it rapidly expands over your body, covering you and your equipment completely like a living second skin. When you deactivate a shell with another action, it recedes from your body and congeals back into its gelatinous orb state.",
"When you are covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}, it does not affect your sight, hearing, or breathing. It reacts instantly to your intentions, withdrawing from your mouth when you wish to eat, or from your bags, pockets, or other items when you wish to retrieve or stow something. Items you are holding are not covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}.",
"You may attune to up to three {@i psychoskin shells} and they count as one item for your magic item attunement limit. All {@i psychoskin shells} you have attuned to may be active at once, but only the outermost shell grants you its benefits. You may take an action to cause an active {@i psychoskin shell} under the outermost one to rise to the surface.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Beast Skin",
"While this shell is active, you may manifest the {@spell bestial claws|Psions Primer} power at will, even if you are not focusing on the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power. You manifest the power as if you spent a total of 4 psi points to manifest it, but you do not actually expend any psi points when you do so."
"name": "Psychoskin Shell, Thick",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 42,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small orbs of gelatinous goo are in fact globs of psionically preserved ectoplasm drawn from the plane of Xoriat. When you activate a {@i psychoskin shell} as an action, it rapidly expands over your body, covering you and your equipment completely like a living second skin. When you deactivate a shell with another action, it recedes from your body and congeals back into its gelatinous orb state.",
"When you are covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}, it does not affect your sight, hearing, or breathing. It reacts instantly to your intentions, withdrawing from your mouth when you wish to eat, or from your bags, pockets, or other items when you wish to retrieve or stow something. Items you are holding are not covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}.",
"You may attune to up to three {@i psychoskin shells} and they count as one item for your magic item attunement limit. All {@i psychoskin shells} you have attuned to may be active at once, but only the outermost shell grants you its benefits. You may take an action to cause an active {@i psychoskin shell} under the outermost one to rise to the surface.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Thick Skin",
"While this shell is active, you have an armor class equal to 12 + your Dexterity modifier. You may use a shield and still benefit from this effect."
"name": "Psychoskin Shell, Vengeance",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 42,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small orbs of gelatinous goo are in fact globs of psionically preserved ectoplasm drawn from the plane of Xoriat. When you activate a {@i psychoskin shell} as an action, it rapidly expands over your body, covering you and your equipment completely like a living second skin. When you deactivate a shell with another action, it recedes from your body and congeals back into its gelatinous orb state.",
"When you are covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}, it does not affect your sight, hearing, or breathing. It reacts instantly to your intentions, withdrawing from your mouth when you wish to eat, or from your bags, pockets, or other items when you wish to retrieve or stow something. Items you are holding are not covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}.",
"You may attune to up to three {@i psychoskin shells} and they count as one item for your magic item attunement limit. All {@i psychoskin shells} you have attuned to may be active at once, but only the outermost shell grants you its benefits. You may take an action to cause an active {@i psychoskin shell} under the outermost one to rise to the surface.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Skin of Vengeance",
"This shell has 1 charge. While this shell is active, you may expend the shell's charge to manifest the {@spell enmity feedback|Psions Primer} power, even if you are not focusing on the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power. You manifest the power at its minimum psi cost, but you do not actually expend any psi points when you do so. If you concentrate on the shell for 10 minutes (as though concentrating on a power), it regains its spent charge."
"name": "Psychoskin Shell, Perfectionism",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 42,
"rarity": "legendary",
"bonusWeaponAttack": "+3",
"bonusSpellAttack": "+3",
"bonusAc": "+3",
"bonusSavingThrow": "+3",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small orbs of gelatinous goo are in fact globs of psionically preserved ectoplasm drawn from the plane of Xoriat. When you activate a {@i psychoskin shell} as an action, it rapidly expands over your body, covering you and your equipment completely like a living second skin. When you deactivate a shell with another action, it recedes from your body and congeals back into its gelatinous orb state.",
"When you are covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}, it does not affect your sight, hearing, or breathing. It reacts instantly to your intentions, withdrawing from your mouth when you wish to eat, or from your bags, pockets, or other items when you wish to retrieve or stow something. Items you are holding are not covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}.",
"You may attune to up to three {@i psychoskin shells} and they count as one item for your magic item attunement limit. All {@i psychoskin shells} you have attuned to may be active at once, but only the outermost shell grants you its benefits. You may take an action to cause an active {@i psychoskin shell} under the outermost one to rise to the surface.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Skin of Perfectionism",
"While this shell is active, you gain a +3 bonus to Armor Class, a +3 bonus to all saving throws, and a +3 bonus to all attack rolls."
"name": "Psychoskin Shell, Brawny",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 42,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small orbs of gelatinous goo are in fact globs of psionically preserved ectoplasm drawn from the plane of Xoriat. When you activate a {@i psychoskin shell} as an action, it rapidly expands over your body, covering you and your equipment completely like a living second skin. When you deactivate a shell with another action, it recedes from your body and congeals back into its gelatinous orb state.",
"When you are covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}, it does not affect your sight, hearing, or breathing. It reacts instantly to your intentions, withdrawing from your mouth when you wish to eat, or from your bags, pockets, or other items when you wish to retrieve or stow something. Items you are holding are not covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}.",
"You may attune to up to three {@i psychoskin shells} and they count as one item for your magic item attunement limit. All {@i psychoskin shells} you have attuned to may be active at once, but only the outermost shell grants you its benefits. You may take an action to cause an active {@i psychoskin shell} under the outermost one to rise to the surface.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Brawny Skin",
"While this shell is active, your Strength score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20, and you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks."
"name": "Psychoskin Shell, Proteus",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 42,
"rarity": "legendary",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small orbs of gelatinous goo are in fact globs of psionically preserved ectoplasm drawn from the plane of Xoriat. When you activate a {@i psychoskin shell} as an action, it rapidly expands over your body, covering you and your equipment completely like a living second skin. When you deactivate a shell with another action, it recedes from your body and congeals back into its gelatinous orb state.",
"When you are covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}, it does not affect your sight, hearing, or breathing. It reacts instantly to your intentions, withdrawing from your mouth when you wish to eat, or from your bags, pockets, or other items when you wish to retrieve or stow something. Items you are holding are not covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}.",
"You may attune to up to three {@i psychoskin shells} and they count as one item for your magic item attunement limit. All {@i psychoskin shells} you have attuned to may be active at once, but only the outermost shell grants you its benefits. You may take an action to cause an active {@i psychoskin shell} under the outermost one to rise to the surface.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Proteus Skin",
"While this shell is active, you may manifest the {@spell metamorphosis|Psions Primer} power at will, even if you are not focusing on the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power. You manifest the power at its minimum psi cost, but you do not actually expend any psi points when you do so."
"name": "Psychoskin Shell, Wall Crawler",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 42,
"rarity": "very rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small orbs of gelatinous goo are in fact globs of psionically preserved ectoplasm drawn from the plane of Xoriat. When you activate a {@i psychoskin shell} as an action, it rapidly expands over your body, covering you and your equipment completely like a living second skin. When you deactivate a shell with another action, it recedes from your body and congeals back into its gelatinous orb state.",
"When you are covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}, it does not affect your sight, hearing, or breathing. It reacts instantly to your intentions, withdrawing from your mouth when you wish to eat, or from your bags, pockets, or other items when you wish to retrieve or stow something. Items you are holding are not covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}.",
"You may attune to up to three {@i psychoskin shells} and they count as one item for your magic item attunement limit. All {@i psychoskin shells} you have attuned to may be active at once, but only the outermost shell grants you its benefits. You may take an action to cause an active {@i psychoskin shell} under the outermost one to rise to the surface.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Skin of the Wall Crawler",
"While this shell is active, you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and you can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. Additionally, while the shell is active, you may manifest the {@spell spectral web|Psions Primer} power at will, even if you are not focusing on the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power. You manifest the power at its minimum psi cost, but you do not actually expend any psi points when you do so."
"name": "Psychoskin Shell, Regrowth",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 42,
"rarity": "legendary",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small orbs of gelatinous goo are in fact globs of psionically preserved ectoplasm drawn from the plane of Xoriat. When you activate a {@i psychoskin shell} as an action, it rapidly expands over your body, covering you and your equipment completely like a living second skin. When you deactivate a shell with another action, it recedes from your body and congeals back into its gelatinous orb state.",
"When you are covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}, it does not affect your sight, hearing, or breathing. It reacts instantly to your intentions, withdrawing from your mouth when you wish to eat, or from your bags, pockets, or other items when you wish to retrieve or stow something. Items you are holding are not covered by a {@i psychoskin shell}.",
"You may attune to up to three {@i psychoskin shells} and they count as one item for your magic item attunement limit. All {@i psychoskin shells} you have attuned to may be active at once, but only the outermost shell grants you its benefits. You may take an action to cause an active {@i psychoskin shell} under the outermost one to rise to the surface.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Skin of Regrowth",
"This shell has 1 charge. While this shell is active, you may expend the shell's charge to manifest the {@spell body rejuvenation|Psions Primer} power, even if you are not focusing on the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power. You manifest the power at its minimum psi cost, but you do not actually expend any psi points when you do so. If you concentrate on the shell for 10 minutes (as though concentrating on a spell), it regains its spent charge."
"name": "Quori Embedded Shard, Aptitude",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 43,
"rarity": "rare",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small psionically-charged Siberys dragonshards draw on the innate psionic power of quori spirits. They must be surgically implanted in an elan, kalashtar, or Inspired vessel in order to function.",
"To have a {@i quori embedded shard} implanted into you, you must undergo a painful procedure that lasts 1 hour and permanently reduces your hit point maximum by 2 for each embedded shard. This reduction cannot be reversed by any means as long as the embedded shard remains in your body, even by means of an intensified {@spell revitalization|Psions Primer} or the {@spell greater restoration|phb} spell.",
"Once a shard is embedded, you may activate or deactivate it as an action. While active, a shard glows visibly underneath your skin. Some shards may have even more dramatic visual effects while active.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Aptitude",
"Each {@i aptitude} shard is synced to one of the following skills: {@skill Acrobatics}, {@skill Athletics}, {@skill Insight}, or {@skill Stealth}. While the shard is activated, you have advantage on all ability checks with the shard's synced skill."
"name": "Quori Embedded Shard, Aura Mask",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 43,
"rarity": "very rare",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small psionically-charged Siberys dragonshards draw on the innate psionic power of quori spirits. They must be surgically implanted in an elan, kalashtar, or Inspired vessel in order to function.",
"To have a {@i quori embedded shard} implanted into you, you must undergo a painful procedure that lasts 1 hour and permanently reduces your hit point maximum by 2 for each embedded shard. This reduction cannot be reversed by any means as long as the embedded shard remains in your body, even by means of an intensified {@spell revitalization|Psions Primer} or the {@spell greater restoration|phb} spell.",
"Once a shard is embedded, you may activate or deactivate it as an action. While active, a shard glows visibly underneath your skin. Some shards may have even more dramatic visual effects while active.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Aura Mask",
"You may only have one {@i aura mask} shard embedded. Each {@i aura mask} has a specific false persona, including a personal history, alignment, race, creature type, and true form. While activated, you register to all divination and clairsentience effects as the {@i aura mask's} persona.",
"For example, if your {@i aura mask's} persona is a human diplomat from Breland and you are questioned about your history while under the effects of a {@spell zone of truth|phb} spell, you may speak answers that would be lies about your actual history, as long as they are true about the mask's persona."
"name": "Quori Embedded Shard, Crystalline Eye",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 43,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small psionically-charged Siberys dragonshards draw on the innate psionic power of quori spirits. They must be surgically implanted in an elan, kalashtar, or Inspired vessel in order to function.",
"To have a {@i quori embedded shard} implanted into you, you must undergo a painful procedure that lasts 1 hour and permanently reduces your hit point maximum by 2 for each embedded shard. This reduction cannot be reversed by any means as long as the embedded shard remains in your body, even by means of an intensified {@spell revitalization|Psions Primer} or the {@spell greater restoration|phb} spell.",
"Once a shard is embedded, you may activate or deactivate it as an action. While active, a shard glows visibly underneath your skin. Some shards may have even more dramatic visual effects while active.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Crystalline Eye",
"If you have four or more {@i crystalline eyes} embedded and all are activated, you gain advantage on all Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) checks and a +5 bonus to your passive {@skill Perception} score."
"name": "Quori Embedded Shard, Ectoplasmic Armor",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 43,
"rarity": "rare",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small psionically-charged Siberys dragonshards draw on the innate psionic power of quori spirits. They must be surgically implanted in an elan, kalashtar, or Inspired vessel in order to function.",
"To have a {@i quori embedded shard} implanted into you, you must undergo a painful procedure that lasts 1 hour and permanently reduces your hit point maximum by 2 for each embedded shard. This reduction cannot be reversed by any means as long as the embedded shard remains in your body, even by means of an intensified {@spell revitalization|Psions Primer} or the {@spell greater restoration|phb} spell.",
"Once a shard is embedded, you may activate or deactivate it as an action. While active, a shard glows visibly underneath your skin. Some shards may have even more dramatic visual effects while active.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Ectoplasmic Armor",
"You may have up to three {@i ectoplasmic armor} shards embedded. Activating or deactivating one {@i ectoplasmic armor} shard activates or deactivates all of them simultaneously.",
"When these shards are activated, your body is shrouded in the image of a quori. This image is progressively more visible the more {@i ectoplasmic armor} shards you have embedded, from barely perceptible with one shard, to ghostly and translucent with two shards, to the appearance of a completely solid being with three shards.",
"While one or more ectoplasmic armor shards are activated and you are not wearing any armor, you gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class for each {@i ectoplasmic armor} shard you have embedded. You may use a shield and still benefit from this effect."
"name": "Quori Embedded Shard, Ectoplasmic Strike",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 43,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small psionically-charged Siberys dragonshards draw on the innate psionic power of quori spirits. They must be surgically implanted in an elan, kalashtar, or Inspired vessel in order to function.",
"To have a {@i quori embedded shard} implanted into you, you must undergo a painful procedure that lasts 1 hour and permanently reduces your hit point maximum by 2 for each embedded shard. This reduction cannot be reversed by any means as long as the embedded shard remains in your body, even by means of an intensified {@spell revitalization|Psions Primer} or the {@spell greater restoration|phb} spell.",
"Once a shard is embedded, you may activate or deactivate it as an action. While active, a shard glows visibly underneath your skin. Some shards may have even more dramatic visual effects while active.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Ectoplasmic Strike",
"Only one of these shards may be embedded per limb. While activated, your associated limb is surrounded by the ghostly image of a quori limb and you may make unarmed strikes with it. If you do, you may use either Strength, Dexterity or Charisma for the attack, and you deal bludgeoning damage equal to {@dice 1d4} + your Strength, Dexterity, or Charisma modifier.",
"If you have two or more {@i ectoplasmic strike} shards embedded and activated, you may make an unarmed strike with one associated limb as a bonus action if you attacked with another associated limb as part of an {@action Attack} action."
"name": "Quori Embedded Shard, Faceted Persona",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 43,
"rarity": "rare",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small psionically-charged Siberys dragonshards draw on the innate psionic power of quori spirits. They must be surgically implanted in an elan, kalashtar, or Inspired vessel in order to function.",
"To have a {@i quori embedded shard} implanted into you, you must undergo a painful procedure that lasts 1 hour and permanently reduces your hit point maximum by 2 for each embedded shard. This reduction cannot be reversed by any means as long as the embedded shard remains in your body, even by means of an intensified {@spell revitalization|Psions Primer} or the {@spell greater restoration|phb} spell.",
"Once a shard is embedded, you may activate or deactivate it as an action. While active, a shard glows visibly underneath your skin. Some shards may have even more dramatic visual effects while active.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Faceted Persona",
"Each {@i faceted persona} shard is synced to one ability score: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. While activated, your ability score matching the shard's synced ability score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20."
"name": "Quori Embedded Shard, Multifaceted Persona",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 43,
"rarity": "very rare",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small psionically-charged Siberys dragonshards draw on the innate psionic power of quori spirits. They must be surgically implanted in an elan, kalashtar, or Inspired vessel in order to function.",
"To have a {@i quori embedded shard} implanted into you, you must undergo a painful procedure that lasts 1 hour and permanently reduces your hit point maximum by 2 for each embedded shard. This reduction cannot be reversed by any means as long as the embedded shard remains in your body, even by means of an intensified {@spell revitalization|Psions Primer} or the {@spell greater restoration|phb} spell.",
"Once a shard is embedded, you may activate or deactivate it as an action. While active, a shard glows visibly underneath your skin. Some shards may have even more dramatic visual effects while active.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Multifaceted Persona",
"Each {@i multifaceted persona} shard is synced to one ability score: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. While activated, your ability score matching the shard's synced ability score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20. If you concentrate for a full minute (as though concentrating on a spell), you may spend 5 psi points to change the shard's synced ability score."
"name": "Quori Embedded Shard, Reckoning",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 43,
"rarity": "common",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small psionically-charged Siberys dragonshards draw on the innate psionic power of quori spirits. They must be surgically implanted in an elan, kalashtar, or Inspired vessel in order to function.",
"To have a {@i quori embedded shard} implanted into you, you must undergo a painful procedure that lasts 1 hour and permanently reduces your hit point maximum by 2 for each embedded shard. This reduction cannot be reversed by any means as long as the embedded shard remains in your body, even by means of an intensified {@spell revitalization|Psions Primer} or the {@spell greater restoration|phb} spell.",
"Once a shard is embedded, you may activate or deactivate it as an action. While active, a shard glows visibly underneath your skin. Some shards may have even more dramatic visual effects while active.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Reckoning",
"While this shard is activated, you may manifest the {@spell discern position|Psions Primer} psionic augment without expending any psi points, and you may do so even if you are not focusing on the appropriate psionic talent listed in the power. However, you may only target yourself when you manifest the power this way."
"name": "Quori Embedded Shard, Shadowsight",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 43,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These small psionically-charged Siberys dragonshards draw on the innate psionic power of quori spirits. They must be surgically implanted in an elan, kalashtar, or Inspired vessel in order to function.",
"To have a {@i quori embedded shard} implanted into you, you must undergo a painful procedure that lasts 1 hour and permanently reduces your hit point maximum by 2 for each embedded shard. This reduction cannot be reversed by any means as long as the embedded shard remains in your body, even by means of an intensified {@spell revitalization|Psions Primer} or the {@spell greater restoration|phb} spell.",
"Once a shard is embedded, you may activate or deactivate it as an action. While active, a shard glows visibly underneath your skin. Some shards may have even more dramatic visual effects while active.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Shadowsight",
"While activated, this shard grants you {@sense darkvision} out to a range of 60 feet, or the range of your existing {@sense darkvision} extends by 60 feet."
"name": "Sentira Staff",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 44,
"baseItem": "quarterstaff|PHB",
"type": "M",
"rarity": "uncommon",
"reqAttune": "by a psionic character",
"weight": 4,
"weaponCategory": "simple",
"property": [
"dmg1": "1d6",
"dmgType": "B",
"dmg2": "1d8",
"weapon": true,
"entries": [
"This magical quarterstaff is made from sentira, a psychoactive material with an opalescent sheen and pearly finish. It is as hard as steel. Elite soldiers of the Riedran Empire's army, the Harmonious Shield, are often outfitted with these weapons.",
"While holding the weapon, you may cast the {@spell mindblade|Psions Primer} and {@spell energy ray|Psions Primer} psionic talents. You use your psionic ability for these powers.",
"When you cast {@spell mindblade|Psions Primer}, the mindblade you create extends from one end of the quarterstaff itself, rather than forming around your hand, and disappears if you let go of the quarterstaff. If you use both hands to wield the quarterstaff while one end of it is a mindblade, the mindblade has reach and its damage dice changes to {@dice 2d6}."
"name": "Skill Shards",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 44,
"rarity": "common",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These tiny slivers of psycho-conductive crystal are suffused with a tiny shard of knowledge or aptitude. Each skill shard is synced to a skill. You may crush a shard as a bonus action to activate it, destroying the shard. Once activated, you may apply twice your proficiency bonus on the next ability check you make using the shard's synced skill in the next minute, instead of any proficiency bonus you might normally apply."
"name": "Tattoo of Density Alteration",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 44,
"tattoo": true,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"entries": [
"To use the tattoo, you must hold the needle against your skin where you want the tattoo to appear and speak the command word. The needle turns into the ink that becomes the tattoo, which appears on your skin. Once the tattoo is on your skin, you may use an action to tap it. The tattoo glows faintly while you cast the spell and for the spell's duration. Once used, the tattoo takes effect immediately and then vanishes from your skin.",
"As an action, the bearer of this tattoo can move it to any surface on its body it wishes, or onto another creature in physical contact with it who then becomes its new bearer. If the bearer this tattoo is unconscious or dead, another creature can touch the tattoo as an action and either activate its effects on the bearer, or transfer the tattoo onto their own body.",
"For 1 hour after tapping this tattoo, you are under the effect of the {@spell body equilibrium|Psions Primer} power intensified to 3rd level. When tapped, the tattoo appears to slowly dissolve into your skin, allowing you to see at a glance the remaining duration of the tattoo's effects. At the end of the hour after tapping it, the tattoo is completely gone."
"name": "Tattoo of Precognition",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 44,
"tattoo": true,
"rarity": "rare",
"bonusAc": "+1",
"entries": [
"To use the tattoo, you must hold the needle against your skin where you want the tattoo to appear and speak the command word. The needle turns into the ink that becomes the tattoo, which appears on your skin. Once the tattoo is on your skin, you may use an action to tap it. The tattoo glows faintly while you cast the spell and for the spell's duration. Once used, the tattoo takes effect immediately and then vanishes from your skin.",
"As an action, the bearer of this tattoo can move it to any surface on its body it wishes, or onto another creature in physical contact with it who then becomes its new bearer. If the bearer this tattoo is unconscious or dead, another creature can touch the tattoo as an action and either activate its effects on the bearer, or transfer the tattoo onto their own body.",
"For 1 hour after tapping this tattoo, you gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class and you are under the effect of the {@spell precognition|Psions Primer} power (no concentration required). When tapped, the tattoo disappears in a brief, bright flash of white light."
"name": "Tattoo of Rejuvenation",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 44,
"tattoo": true,
"rarity": "common",
"entries": [
"To use the tattoo, you must hold the needle against your skin where you want the tattoo to appear and speak the command word. The needle turns into the ink that becomes the tattoo, which appears on your skin. Once the tattoo is on your skin, you may use an action to tap it. The tattoo glows faintly while you cast the spell and for the spell's duration. Once used, the tattoo takes effect immediately and then vanishes from your skin.",
"As an action, the bearer of this tattoo can move it to any surface on its body it wishes, or onto another creature in physical contact with it who then becomes its new bearer. If the bearer this tattoo is unconscious or dead, another creature can touch the tattoo as an action and either activate its effects on the bearer, or transfer the tattoo onto their own body.",
"You regain 8 hit points when you tap this tattoo. The tattoo glows a glittering red when tapped."
"name": "Tattoo of Rejuvenation, Greater",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 44,
"tattoo": true,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"entries": [
"To use the tattoo, you must hold the needle against your skin where you want the tattoo to appear and speak the command word. The needle turns into the ink that becomes the tattoo, which appears on your skin. Once the tattoo is on your skin, you may use an action to tap it. The tattoo glows faintly while you cast the spell and for the spell's duration. Once used, the tattoo takes effect immediately and then vanishes from your skin.",
"As an action, the bearer of this tattoo can move it to any surface on its body it wishes, or onto another creature in physical contact with it who then becomes its new bearer. If the bearer this tattoo is unconscious or dead, another creature can touch the tattoo as an action and either activate its effects on the bearer, or transfer the tattoo onto their own body.",
"You regain 16 hit points when you tap this tattoo. The tattoo glows a glittering red when tapped."
"name": "Tattoo of Rejuvenation, Superior",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 44,
"tattoo": true,
"rarity": "rare",
"entries": [
"To use the tattoo, you must hold the needle against your skin where you want the tattoo to appear and speak the command word. The needle turns into the ink that becomes the tattoo, which appears on your skin. Once the tattoo is on your skin, you may use an action to tap it. The tattoo glows faintly while you cast the spell and for the spell's duration. Once used, the tattoo takes effect immediately and then vanishes from your skin.",
"As an action, the bearer of this tattoo can move it to any surface on its body it wishes, or onto another creature in physical contact with it who then becomes its new bearer. If the bearer this tattoo is unconscious or dead, another creature can touch the tattoo as an action and either activate its effects on the bearer, or transfer the tattoo onto their own body.",
"You regain 32 hit points when you tap this tattoo. The tattoo glows a glittering red when tapped."
"name": "Tattoo of Rejuvenation, Supreme",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 44,
"tattoo": true,
"rarity": "very rare",
"entries": [
"To use the tattoo, you must hold the needle against your skin where you want the tattoo to appear and speak the command word. The needle turns into the ink that becomes the tattoo, which appears on your skin. Once the tattoo is on your skin, you may use an action to tap it. The tattoo glows faintly while you cast the spell and for the spell's duration. Once used, the tattoo takes effect immediately and then vanishes from your skin.",
"As an action, the bearer of this tattoo can move it to any surface on its body it wishes, or onto another creature in physical contact with it who then becomes its new bearer. If the bearer this tattoo is unconscious or dead, another creature can touch the tattoo as an action and either activate its effects on the bearer, or transfer the tattoo onto their own body.",
"You regain 64 hit points when you tap this tattoo. The tattoo glows a glittering red when tapped."
"name": "Tattoo of Somatesthesia",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 44,
"tattoo": true,
"rarity": "rare",
"entries": [
"To use the tattoo, you must hold the needle against your skin where you want the tattoo to appear and speak the command word. The needle turns into the ink that becomes the tattoo, which appears on your skin. Once the tattoo is on your skin, you may use an action to tap it. The tattoo glows faintly while you cast the spell and for the spell's duration. Once used, the tattoo takes effect immediately and then vanishes from your skin.",
"As an action, the bearer of this tattoo can move it to any surface on its body it wishes, or onto another creature in physical contact with it who then becomes its new bearer. If the bearer this tattoo is unconscious or dead, another creature can touch the tattoo as an action and either activate its effects on the bearer, or transfer the tattoo onto their own body.",
"For 1 hour after tapping this tattoo, you gain {@sense tremorsense} out to a radius of 30 feet. When tapped, the tattoo rises from your body like mist as it disappears."
"name": "Titan-Grip Gauntlets",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 44,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"These raw iron gauntlets are studded with crystals on the knuckles. While attuned to and wearing them, you may grapple creatures up to two sizes larger than you instead of one, and you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift."
"name": "Torc of Conservation",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 44,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": "by a psionic character",
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"This crysteel band inlaid with Siberys dragonshard gems can be worn around your neck or upper arm. While attuned to and wearing it, you treat every psionic augment you manifest as if you spent 1 more psi point than you actually did, though this effective psi point still counts toward your psi limit. You must still spend at least 1 psi point from your own reserve to manifest an augment."
"name": "Torc of Free Will",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 44,
"rarity": "rare",
"reqAttune": true,
"wondrous": true,
"entries": [
"This crysteel band inlaid with Siberys dragonshard gems can be worn around your neck or upper arm. While attuned to and wearing it, you are immune to any effect that dictates the kinds of actions you may take if you fail an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, such as the {@spell déjà vu|Psions Primer}, {@spell ego whip|Psions Primer}, or {@spell id insinuation|Psions Primer} powers or the {@spell command|phb} or {@spell confusion|phb} spells."
"name": "Aboleth Dynast",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 102,
"size": "L",
"type": {
"type": "aberration",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 17,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 135,
"formula": "18d10 + 36"
"speed": {
"walk": 10,
"swim": 40
"str": 21,
"dex": 9,
"con": 15,
"int": 22,
"wis": 15,
"cha": 18,
"save": {
"con": "+7",
"int": "+11",
"wis": "+7"
"skill": {
"history": "+11",
"perception": "+12"
"senses": [
"darkvision 30 ft."
"passive": 22,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"Deep Speech",
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "13",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The aboleth's psionic ability is Intelligence (power save {@dc 19}). The aboleth can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell mental inquisition|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell telepathic slap|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell read thoughts|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell shatter mental defenses|Psions Primer}"
"2e": [
"{@spell telepathic weight|Psions Primer}"
"1e": [
"{@spell crush psyche|Psions Primer} (+2 psi)"
"ability": "int"
"trait": [
"name": "Amphibious",
"entries": [
"The aboleth can breathe air and water."
"name": "Mucous Cloud",
"entries": [
"While underwater, the aboleth is surrounded by transformative mucus. A creature that touches the aboleth or that hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it must make a {@dc 15} Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature is diseased for {@dice 1d4} hours. The diseased creature can breathe only underwater."
"name": "Probing Telepathy",
"entries": [
"If a creature communicates telepathically with the aboleth, the aboleth learns the creature's greatest desires if the aboleth can see the creature."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The aboleth makes three tentacle attacks."
"name": "Tentacle",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}12 ({@damage 2d6 + 5}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 15} Constitution saving throw or become diseased. This disease has no effect for 1 minute and can be removed by any magic that cures disease. After 1 minute, the diseased creature's skin becomes translucent and slimy, the creature can't regain hit points unless it is underwater, and the disease can be removed only by heal or another disease-curing spell or power of 6th level or higher. When the creature is outside a body of water, it takes 6 ({@damage 1d12}) acid damage every 10 minutes unless moisture is applied to the skin before 10 minutes have passed."
"name": "Tail",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 10ft. one target. {@h}15 ({@damage 3d6 + 5}) bludgeoning damage."
"name": "Enslave (3/Day)",
"entries": [
"The aboleth targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a {@dc 15} Wisdom saving throw or be magically {@condition charmed} by the aboleth until the aboleth dies or until it is on a different plane of existence from the target. The {@condition charmed} target is under the aboleth's control and can't take reactions, and the aboleth and the target can communicate telepathically with each other over any distance.",
"Whenever the {@condition charmed} target takes damage, the target can repeat the saving throw. On a success, the effect ends. No more than once every 24 hours, the target can also repeat the saving throw when it is at least 1 mile away from the aboleth."
"legendary": [
"name": "Detect",
"entries": [
"The aboleth makes a Wisdom (Perception) check."
"name": "Tail Swipe",
"entries": [
"The aboleth makes one tail attack."
"name": "Castigate (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"The aboleth casts {@spell telepathic slap|Psions Primer}."
"name": "Psychic Drain (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"One creature {@condition charmed} by the aboleth takes 10 ({@damage 3d6}) psychic damage, and the aboleth regains hit points equal to the damage the creature takes."
"traitTags": [
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"While all aboleths have natural telepathy and psychic abilities, some aboleths learn (or are born with the knowledge of) more focused psionic power. When they do, these megalomaniacal amphibious abominations almost universally use their fully realized psionic potential to dominate and crush the will of what they consider to be lesser creatures."
"name": "Caller in Darkness",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"size": "L",
"type": "undead",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 102,
"formula": "12d10 + 36"
"speed": {
"walk": 0,
"fly": {
"number": 60,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 6,
"dex": 18,
"con": 16,
"int": 12,
"wis": 16,
"cha": 20,
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 13,
"resist": [
"immune": [
"immune": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered"
"vulnerable": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"the languages they knew in life"
"cr": "8",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The caller in darkness’s psionic ability is Charisma (power save {@dc 16}). The caller can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell aura sight|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell ego whip|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psionic blast|Psions Primer} (+8 psi)"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell absolute terror|Psions Primer} (+5 psi)",
"{@spell mind seize|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell post-hypnotic suggestion|Psions Primer}"
"1e": [
"{@spell crisis of life|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Incorporeal Movement",
"entries": [
"The caller can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 ({@damage 1d10}) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object."
"name": "Sunlight Weakness",
"entries": [
"While in direct sunlight, the caller in darkness is {@condition incapacitated}."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The caller can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three Charisma drain attacks."
"name": "Charisma Drain",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}13 ({@damage 3d6 + 3}) necrotic damage, and the target's Charisma score is reduced by {@dice 1d4}. If the target is {@condition paralyzed} or {@condition unconscious}, its Charisma score is reduced by 4 instead. The target dies if this reduces its Charisma score to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest.",
"If a creature dies from this attack, its psyche is absorbed by the caller in darkness and a new screaming visage permanently appears in the caller in darkness's form. The caller regains a number of hit points equal t o the target's maximum number of hit dice. Additionally, the caller gains all of the target's memories, including the ability to read, speak, and write any language the creature knew in life."
"name": "Frightful Presence",
"entries": [
"Each creature of the caller's choice that is within 60 feet of the caller and aware of it must succeed on a {@dc 14} Wisdom saving throw or become {@condition frightened} for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the caller's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours."
"traitTags": [
"Incorporeal Movement"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"Frightful Presence",
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"When dozens of people all have their lives end in terror in the same instant, a caller in darkness may form. The terrified psyches of the deceased separate from their bodies and souls and gain a shared gestalt animus as they congeal together into an incorporeal mass of psychically charged spiritual energy. A caller in darkness appears as a malevolent sickly cloud of mist, comprised of numerous ghostly, screaming faces roiling within it.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Misery Loves Company",
"entries": [
"These horrifying entities are driven only to draw other minds into them. Those who are killed by a caller in darkness are doomed to have their psyches subsumed by it, joining the miserable chorus of horror and fear. The Lament of Cyre. The Day of Mourning is the latest event to cause significant numbers of these terrible psionic undead to form. When the dead-gray mists swept through Cyre and killed almost all they touched, the coagulated fear of several pockets of Cyre’s populace transformed into untold numbers of these horrors. Now they roam that once great nation or haunt the misty borders of the benighted realm it became."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Dark Epidemic",
"entries": [
"Callers in darkness are vulnerable to direct sunlight, which historically kept these entities from being a widespread problem in the past, when they appeared only in isolated cases. However, the canopy of dead-gray mist that envelops Cyre’s ruins grants protection from the cleansing radiance of Dol Arah’s sun, allowing the callers in darkness created in the Mournland to linger, spread, and grow for longer than anyone could have foreseen."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Undead Nature",
"entries": [
"A caller in darkness doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep."
"name": "Couatl (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 104,
"size": "M",
"type": "celestial",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 19,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 97,
"formula": "13d8 + 39"
"speed": {
"walk": 0,
"fly": {
"number": 60,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 16,
"dex": 20,
"con": 17,
"int": 18,
"wis": 20,
"cha": 18,
"save": {
"con": "+5",
"wis": "+7",
"cha": "+6"
"senses": [
"truesight 120 ft."
"passive": 15,
"resist": [
"immune": [
"immune": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"languages": [
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "4",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The couatl’s psionic ability is Charisma (power save {@dc 14}). The couatl can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell aura sight|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell read thoughts|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell body adjustment|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell realized potential|Psions Primer} (no temp HP granted)",
"{@spell revitalization|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell vitality transfer|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell verve|Psions Primer} (can affect any willing creature touched, duration 24 hours with no focus required)"
"1e": [
"{@spell revitalization|Psions Primer} (+6 psi)",
"{@spell thought projection|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Magic Weapons",
"entries": [
"The couatl's weapon attacks are magical."
"name": "Shielded Mind",
"entries": [
"The couatl is immune to scrying and to any effect that would sense its emotions, read its thoughts, or detect its location."
"action": [
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d6 + 5}) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a {@dc 13} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition poisoned} for 24 hours. Until this poison ends, the target is {@condition unconscious}. Another creature can use an action to shake the target awake."
"name": "Constrict",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one Medium or smaller creature. {@h}10 ({@damage 2d6 + 3}) bludgeoning damage, and the target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 15}). Until this grapple ends, the target is {@condition restrained}, and the couatl can't constrict another target."
"name": "Change Shape",
"entries": [
"The couatl magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating equal to or less than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the couatl's choice).",
"In a new form, the couatl retains its game statistics and ability to speak, but its AC, movement modes, Strength, Dexterity, and other actions are replaced by those of the new form, and it gains any statistics and capabilities (except class features, legendary actions, and lair actions) that the new form has but that it lacks. If the new form has a bite attack, the couatl can use its bite in that form."
"traitTags": [
"Magic Weapons"
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"A psionic couatl does not possess the Innate Spellcasting trait of the standard couatl. Instead, it has the Innate Psionic Powers trait. "
"name": "Cranium Rats, Hivemind",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 105,
"size": "L",
"type": {
"type": "beast",
"swarmSize": "T"
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 12,
"from": [
"16 with {@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer}"
"hp": {
"average": 88,
"formula": "16d10"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 9,
"dex": 14,
"con": 10,
"int": 20,
"wis": 11,
"cha": 19,
"skill": {
"arcana": "+9",
"insight": "+4",
"perception": "+4"
"senses": [
"darkvision 30 ft."
"passive": 14,
"resist": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "9",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The hiveminds’s psionic ability is Intelligence (power save {@dc 17}). The hivemind can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell aura beacon|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell ego whip|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell id insinuation|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer} (+4 psi)",
"{@spell mind blast|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psychic static|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell read thoughts|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell wild talent|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell xenoglossy|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell telepathic weight|Psions Primer} (+1 psi)",
"{@spell psychic grasp|Psions Primer} (+8 psi)"
"2e": [
"{@spell assume control|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "int"
"trait": [
"name": "Psychic Rejuvenation",
"entries": [
"If a hivemind is reduced to 0",
"Hit Points, it disperses into hundreds of individual cranium rats. If one survives, it reconstitutes the hivemind {@dice 1d6} days later, regaining all of its hit points. Reducing a hivemind to 0 hit points while it is under the effects of the {@spell shatter mental defenses|Psions Primer} power prevents this trait from functioning, permanently destroying the hivemind."
"name": "Swarm",
"entries": [
"The hivemind can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the hivemind can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny rat. The hivemind can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points"
"name": "Telepathic Shroud",
"entries": [
"The hivemind is immune to any effect that would sense its emotions or read its thoughts, as well as to all divination and clairsentience effects."
"action": [
"name": "Bites",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 0 ft., two targets in the hivemind's space. {@h}14 ({@damage 4d6}) piercing damage, or 7 ({@damage 2d6}) piercing damage if the hivemind has half its hit points or fewer."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"A swarm of cranium rats that increases in size and numbers eventually reaches a critical mass and unlocks greater psionic potential, strengthening its ego and sense of self, becoming a persistent hivemind. Some hiveminds even begin to refer to themselves as \"I\" instead of \"we\" when speaking of themselves.",
"A hivemind of cranium rats has access to greater powers than even a regular swarm of these telepathic vermin, making it a significantly more dangerous threat. Once formed, a hivemind retains its ego and personality even if dispersed into its constituent parts, and is able to reform itself after it recovers from the shock of dispersion. An individual cranium rat separated from a hivemind has an Intelligence score of 20 that never degrades."
"name": "Crysmal",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 106,
"size": "S",
"type": "elemental",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 51,
"formula": "6d6 + 30"
"speed": {
"walk": 30,
"burrow": 20
"str": 15,
"dex": 14,
"con": 20,
"int": 5,
"wis": 10,
"cha": 5,
"save": {
"int": "-1",
"wis": "+2",
"cha": "-1"
"senses": [
"darkvision 30 ft.",
"tremorsense 30 ft."
"passive": 10,
"resist": [
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands Terran",
"but can't speak"
"cr": "3",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The crysmal’s psionic ability is Constitution (power save {@dc 15}). The crysmal can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell aura sight|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mind thrust|Psions Primer} (5th level)"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell nomadic shift|Psions Primer} (+5 psi)",
"{@spell ultrasonic tone|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "con"
"action": [
"name": "Sting",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage."
"name": "Mind Thrust (Psionic Talent)",
"entries": [
"While focusing on this psionic talent, the crysmal targets a creature it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must succeed on a {@dc 15} Charisma saving throw or take 11 ({@damage 2d10}) psychic damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"A crysmal is a creature of elemental earth made from ambulatory crystal, about the size of a small dog. It is shaped like a crystalline hybrid between scorpion and spider.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psionic Propagation",
"entries": [
"Crysmals are formed of living psychoactive crystal, and seek to transmute other minerals and gems into more of their kind. By maintaining physical contact with a vein of crystalline, mineral, or gem ore for 24 hours, the crysmal \"seeds\" the substance, realigning a tiny patch of its make-up into a material identical to its own elemental body. The patch of altered material then expands through the ore over the course of 24 hours, until it encompasses enough material to create a duplicate of the parent crysmal, which detaches itself from the vein. Then the process repeats, exponentially, until the entire vein of ore has been transformed into crysmals."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Shard Blights",
"entries": [
"While crysmals are typically found on planes of existence tied to elemental earth (such as Lamannia, the Twilight Forest), they may sometimes be found on the material plane, whether brought there by magical intervention or migrating across the boundaries between the planes during naturally occurring coterminous periods. House Tharashk prospectors, as well as artificers, wizards, and other creators of magic items, refer to such disastrous infestations of the material plane by crysmals as \"shard blights,\" as crysmal propagation can affect dragonshards as readily as mundane gemstones. In fact, crysmals seem to prefer creating more of their kind from magically potent dragonshard ore, and have an unnerving ability to seek out veins or deposits of them. Dragonshards metamorphosed into crysmals lose all of their original properties, making it impossible to salvage useful shards from destroyed crysmals composed of them."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Elemental Nature",
"entries": [
"A crysmal doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep."
"name": "Gagethga",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 109,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 20,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 247,
"formula": "26d8 + 130"
"speed": {
"walk": 40,
"fly": {
"number": 40,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 24,
"dex": 21,
"con": 20,
"int": 25,
"wis": 24,
"cha": 25,
"save": {
"int": "+13",
"wis": "+13",
"cha": "+13"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+13",
"deception": "+13",
"insight": "+13",
"intimidation": "+13",
"persuasion": "+13"
"senses": [
"truesight 120 ft."
"passive": 17,
"resist": [
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands all languages but can't speak",
"telepathy 10 miles"
"cr": "19",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"Gagethga’s psionic ability is Charisma (power save {@dc 22}). Gagethga can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell id insinuation|Psions Primer} (+10 psi)",
"{@spell insanity|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mass hysteria|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell pandemonium|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Alien Mind",
"entries": [
"If a creature tries to read Gagethga's thoughts or attempts to deal psychic damage to it, that creature must succeed on a {@dc 22} Wisdom save or be {@condition stunned}. The {@condition stunned} creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"name": "Hush",
"entries": [
"Gagethga is absolutely silent. It creates no sound when it moves or interacts with other creatures or objects, and Wisdom (Perception) checks made to detect it that rely on hearing automatically fail."
"name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)",
"entries": [
"If Gagethga fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead."
"name": "Psionic Resistance",
"entries": [
"Gagethga has advantage on saving throws against psionic powers and all other magical effects."
"name": "Regeneration",
"entries": [
"Gagethga regains 20 hit points at the start of its turn. If Gagethga takes damage from a byeshk weapon, this trait doesn't function at the start of its next turn. Gagethga dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate."
"name": "Teleport",
"entries": [
"As a bonus action, Gagethga can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"Gagethga makes two Telekinetic Force attacks. It may replace one of these attacks with its Mind Splinter ability."
"name": "Telekinetic Force",
"entries": [
"{@atk ms} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 20 ft., one target {@h}29 ({@damage 4d10 + 7}) force damage, and the target must succeed on a {@dc 22} Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 20 feet in any direction of Gagethga's choice, including straight upward."
"name": "Mind Splinter",
"entries": [
"Gagethga targets one creature it can see within 60 feet of it, firing a bright violet ray that extends from its brow to the target's. The target must make a {@dc 22} Charisma saving throw. On a failed saving throw, a divergent psyche forms in the creature's mind that begins to fight it from within.",
"While this divergent psyche exists, the target can't take reactions, and at the start of each of its turns it rolls a {@dice d8} to determine what it does during that turn. On a 1 to 4, the target takes the Attack action to make melee attacks against itself. On a 5 or 6, the target takes no action but uses all its movement to move in a random direction. On a 7 or 8, the target takes the Attack action to make melee attacks against a random creature, or it does nothing if no creature is within reach.",
"The target can repeat the Charisma saving throw at the end of each of its turns, purging the divergent psyche from its mind, destroying it, on a success."
"legendary": [
"name": "Telekinetic Force",
"entries": [
"Gagethga makes one Telekinetic Force attack."
"name": "Ominous Presence (Costs 3 Actions)",
"entries": [
"Gagethga manifests one of its innate psionic powers."
"name": "Shatter Psyche (Costs 2 Actions)",
"entries": [
"Gagethga targets one creature it is telepathically aware of that has a divergent psyche within its mind. The target must make a {@dc 22} Charisma saving throw, taking 63 ({@damage 18d6}) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.",
"Regardless of success or failure, the divergent psyche is extracted from the creature's mind, endin g the effect of Mind Splinter on it, and a {@creature phthisic|Psions Primer} forms in an unoccupied space next to the target. The created {@creature phthisic|Psions Primer} appears as a horribly mutated version of the target, and is hostile to the target and its allies. It acts immediately after Gagethga in the initiative order.",
"Once a {@creature phthisic|Psions Primer} has been created from a target creature, the target is immune to Mind Splinter while the {@creature phthisic|Psions Primer} created from it lives."
"traitTags": [
"Legendary Resistances",
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"legendaryGroup": {
"name": "Gagethga",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"The horrifying daelkyr are sealed in the twisting depths of Khyber, but they originate from the plane of Xoriat, the Realm of Madness. While Xoriat is a source of psionic energies in the cosmos, and the psionic mind flayers serve all daelkyr, most of the terrible daelkyr aren’t themselves psionic creatures. But not all...",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Gagethga",
"entries": [
"Gagethga is the name of the most psionically potent daelkyr sealed in Khyber. Known as the Master of Silence and the Lord of Shattered Thoughts, Gagethga exudes an aura of madness more potent than other daelkyr, as the aura carries with it the overwhelming weight of Gagethga’s psionic might which constantly seeps from its mind like water from a failing dam about to burst.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Silent Master",
"entries": [
"The appearance of a daelkyr differs from one viewer to the next, but by all accounts they appear to be creatures of picturesque perfection. They are flawlessly beautiful, except for the flaws they choose for themselves. The Master of Silence usually appears as a statuesque Adonis of a man, with long, flowing raven hair and piercing eyes the color of the bluest ocean. Where its mouth would be, however, is a smooth, featureless expanse of alabaster skin. It is unclear if Gagethga even possesses an actual mouth or working jaw behind its missing lips. Because of its complete lack of a mouth, Gagethga obviously cannot speak. It is said all sound dies in the presence of the Master of Silence."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Shards of the Mind",
"entries": [
"The Lord of Shattered Thoughts crafts psychosis and delirium like its peers craft flesh. The most terrifying tales of Gagethga tell of its ability to cleave the neurosis it itself creates in a person’s mind by shattering their psyches, then manifesting those malignant thoughts into physical form, creating a phthisic (described later in this chapter). As the preeminent lord of telepathy among the daelkyr, Gagethga’s telepathic mind can extend for miles, beyond even the range of an illithid elder brain."
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Silent Cults",
"entries": [
"Gagethga has many cults among the backwater tribes of the Shadow Marches, and it gifts its cultists with psionic potential. Mind flayers, cerebriliths, and other psionic aberrations and fiends are revered as the divine messengers of The Lord of Shattered Thoughts, and elder brains are believed by many to be living altars to Gagethga’s divinity.",
"Due to recent events, the Master of Silence has discovered the psionic potential within kalashtar and the Inspired. By examining the minds of kalashtar it has broken, Gagethga has discovered the existence of Adar in Sarlona, a land where psionic practices are widespread. The Lord of Shattered thoughts has begun expanding its realm westward, searching the paths of Khyber for access underneath the mountainous refuge of Adar. Should the Master of Silence find its way to Sarlona, a psionic war of epic proportions may consume the entire continent."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Immortal Nature",
"entries": [
"A daelkyr doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep. It also can’t die permanently. Upon its death, it reforms elsewhere in the multiverse and becomes active again at a time set by the DM. While the Gatekeepers’ dimensional seals remain active, a daelkyr can only reform within Khyber."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Gagethga's Lair",
"entries": [
"Gagethga’ s lair is known as the Halls of Silence, an eerie labyrinth of chambers, halls, and vaults made from mirrored crystal. The mirror-perfect surfaces of the lair periodically shatter soundlessly and slowly reform as if melting back together. If encountered in its lair, Gagethga has a challenge rating of 23 (50,000 XP)"
"name": "Cerebrilith",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 110,
"size": "L",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 133,
"formula": "14d10 + 56"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 15,
"dex": 14,
"con": 18,
"int": 22,
"wis": 15,
"cha": 15,
"save": {
"dex": "+6",
"con": "+8",
"wis": "+6",
"cha": "+6"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+14",
"history": "+14",
"nature": "+14"
"senses": [
"darkvision 120 ft."
"passive": 12,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "10",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The cerebrilith’s psionic ability is Intelligence (power save {@dc 18}). The cerebrilith can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell psychic daze|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell aura sight|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell ego whip|Psions Primer} (+6 psi)",
"{@spell id insinuation|Psions Primer} (+4 psi)"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell assume control|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mind probe|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell spectral shell|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell temporal shunt|Psions Primer}"
"1e": [
"{@spell psionic blast|Psions Primer} (+16 psi)"
"ability": "int"
"trait": [
"name": "Psionic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The cerebrilith has advantage on saving throws against psionic powers and all other magical effects."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The cerebrilith makes two claw attacks and one bite attack."
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d8 + 2}) piercing damage plus 24 ({@damage 7d6}) psychic damage."
"name": "Claw",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 2d6 + 2}) slashing damage."
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Cerebriliths are psionically potent incarnations of madness originating from Xoriat. They stand as tall as an ogre with an exaggerated, hunched appearance. Their heads smoothly transition into their hunched backs, with their gigantic, grotesquely swollen brains sweeping back from their skulls, visible under their distended spinal cords. When they manifest psychic powers, potent synaptic lightning arcs across their visible, glistening brain matter. ",
"type": "entries",
"name": "The Fine Line",
"entries": [
"Cerebriliths are said to embody the madness of genius. They believe themselves to be the smartest creature in any situation, and crave new knowledge and revelations to expand their understanding of the cosmos. When others fail to recognize their brilliance, or doubt the veracity of their keen insights, they grow enraged. To a cerebrilith, all who doubt them are fools, and will not live long enough to rue the day their inferior intellects failed to recognize greatness."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Abhorrent Admirers",
"entries": [
"While any given cerebrilith believes its intellect could never be matched, they also become obsessed with the minds of other creatures who show promising signs of genius. A cerebrilith free to act on its admiration seeks to remove all obstacles to success for their chosen charge. Unfortunately, this includes slaughtering all colleagues, friends, and family that might distract from what the cerebrilith assumes is their charge’s intellectual pursuits."
"name": "Umbral Eft",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 111,
"size": "L",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 51,
"formula": "6d10 + 18"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 17,
"dex": 13,
"con": 17,
"int": 11,
"wis": 14,
"cha": 16,
"skill": {
"stealth": "+7"
"senses": [
"darkvision 120 ft."
"passive": 12,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "5",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The umbra eft’s psionic ability is Charisma (power save {@dc 14}). The umbral eft can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell primal metabolism|Psions Primer} (11th level)"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell duodimensional blade|Psions Primer} (affects attacks with its claws)",
"{@spell quick burst|Psions Primer} (+2 psi)"
"1e": [
"{@spell venomous spit|Psions Primer} (+8 psi)"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Light Sensitivity",
"entries": [
"While in bright light, the umbral eft has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight."
"name": "Shadow Stealth",
"entries": [
"While in dim light or darkness, the umbral eft can take the Hide action as a bonus action."
"name": "Mind Venom",
"entries": [
"Whenever the umbral eft deals poison damage, it regains a number of hit points equal to half the damage it dealt. Additionally, poison damage the umbral eft deals ignores resistance to poison damage, and treats immunity to poison damage as resistance instead."
"action": [
"name": "Claws",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 2d4 + 2}) slashing damage plus 10 ({@damage 3d6}) poison damage."
"traitTags": [
"Light Sensitivity"
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Umbral efts are native to Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. Unlike the quori, nightmarish fiends that rule Dal Quor from its stable center, umbral efts hunt the roiling fringes of the plane, stalking through the endlessly forming and disappearing dreamscapes of mortal minds. Umbral efts appear to be made from black, gelatinous ink, sculpted in the oozing, dripping shape of a twelve-foot tall humanoid skeleton.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Dream Drifters",
"entries": [
"Creatures native to Dal Quor that are not directly born from il-Lashtavar are either eidolons or \"drifters.\" Unlike eidolons, drifters are sentient creatures that are not dependent upon mortal thoughts to exist. Umbral efts are demonic drifters that hunt and stalk mortal dreamers, feeding on their psychic energy. They might cooperate with others of their kind to hunt dangerous prey or defend themselves from quori expeditions into Dal Quor’s fringes, but typically they see other umbral efts as competition, and jealously guard their personal territories.:"
"type": "entries",
"name": "Toxic Thoughts",
"entries": [
"Umbral efts are embodiments of poisonous thoughts. They are the cold, clawing feeling that seeps into the back of a dreamer’ s mind, poisoning them against joy, laughter, and love. While damage to a mortal’s psychic projection while they dream in Dal Quor does not normally translate to actual harm in the real world, repeated invasions by an umbral eft into the same mortal’s dream s can cause severe depression and the inability to feel joy from once-loved activities and relationships."
"name": "Duergar, Akiak",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 112,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "humanoid",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 16,
"from": [
"{@item scale mail|PHB}",
"{@item shield|PHB}"
"hp": {
"special": "26 (4d8 + 8) + 10 temp hp with titanic form"
"speed": {
"walk": 25
"str": 14,
"dex": 11,
"con": 14,
"int": 11,
"wis": 10,
"cha": 9,
"senses": [
"darkvision 120 ft."
"passive": 10,
"resist": [
"languages": [
"cr": "1",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The duergar’s psionic ability is Intelligence. The duergar can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell titanic form|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell obscure|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "int"
"trait": [
"name": "Akiak Resilience",
"entries": [
"The duergar has advantage on saving throws against poison, telepathy and other magic effects, and being {@condition charmed} or {@condition paralyzed}."
"name": "Sunlight Sensitivity",
"entries": [
"While in sunlight, the duergar has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight."
"action": [
"name": "War Pick",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft. or 10 ft. with titanic form, one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) piercing damage, or 9 ({@damage 1d8 + 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage with titanic form."
"name": "Javelin",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft. or 10 ft. with titanic form or range 30/120, one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) piercing damage, or 8 ({@damage 1d6 + 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage with titanic form."
"traitTags": [
"Sunlight Sensitivity"
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Unlike their counterparts in other campaign settings, the duergar of Eberron live among other dwarves in the Akiak tribes, and do not tend toward tyranny.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Born In Turmoil",
"entries": [
"Duergar of the Akiak tribes have, over the millennia, been saturated with ambient psionic energies present on the continent of Sarlona. It is believed they first sparked their psionic potential under the domination of the Inspired lords of Riedra, after the Sundering of Sarlona destroyed the dwarven nation. Now, Akiak duergar use their talents to protect their clans and resist the Riedran Empire."
"name": "Ectoplasmic Swarm",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 113,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "monstrosity",
"swarmSize": "T"
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 65,
"formula": "10d8 + 20"
"speed": {
"walk": 25,
"climb": 25
"str": 3,
"dex": 19,
"con": 14,
"int": 1,
"wis": 16,
"cha": 1,
"senses": [
"blindsight 20 ft."
"passive": 13,
"resist": [
"conditionImmune": [
"petrified prone",
"cr": "4",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The swarm’s psionic ability is Wisdom (power save {@dc 13}). The swarm can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell spectral shell|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell spectral web|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell verve|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "wis"
"trait": [
"name": "Spider Climb",
"entries": [
"The swarm can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check."
"name": "Web Sense",
"entries": [
"While in contact with a web, the swarm knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web."
"name": "Ectoplasmic Strider",
"entries": [
"If an effect described as being made from ectoplasm would hinder the swarm's movement or attacks, the swarm is immune to that effect. For example, the spectral shell power does not provide total cover from the swarm's attacks."
"name": "Swarm",
"entries": [
"The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny spider. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points."
"action": [
"name": "Bites",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the swarm's space. {@h}10 ({@damage 4d4}) piercing damage, or 5 ({@damage 2d4}) piercing damage if the swarm has half its hit points or fewer, and the swarm manifests spectral shell on the target"
"traitTags": [
"Spider Climb",
"Web Sense"
"senseTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"The vast reaches of the Sea of Siberys are often conceived of as a barren, silver void. However, this transitory realm of thoughts between the planes is home to several rare native creatures, one of which is a breed of monstrous spider that lives in huge communal hives, known as ectoplasmic swarms.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Patient Ambush",
"entries": [
"Ectoplasmic swarms spin massive webs made from pure, congealed thought-matter, otherwise known as ectoplasm. While waiting for prey, they enter a quasi-hibernation state, waking only to maintain the structure of their web."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Travel Hazard",
"entries": [
"Although it doesn’t require sustenance to survive, an ectoplasmic swarm can only breed by trapping other creatures in their ectoplasmic web and cocooning them before implanting eggs. While many natives to the Astral Sea have learned to avoid an ectoplasmic swarm’s web, creatures attempting to travel via mystic caravan or astral projection can easily run afoul of sticky ectoplasm, waking the swarm from its hibernation."
"name": "Base Eidolon",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 115,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "construct",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 14,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 75,
"formula": "10d8 + 30"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 16,
"dex": 16,
"con": 16,
"int": 6,
"wis": 6,
"cha": 6,
"senses": [
"darkvision 30 ft."
"passive": 8,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands one language (one its creator knows if created with project eidolon)",
"but can't speak"
"cr": "1",
"action": [
"name": "Slam",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) bludgeoning damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"An eidolon is a construct made from pure thoughts. Eidolons may exist independently on some planes of thought (particularly Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams) but typically they are created through the use of the project eidolon psionic power. Eidolons can appear in a variety of forms, but most often appear generally humanoid. When an eidolon is reduced to 0 hit points, it winks out of existence, disappearing without a trace.",
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"name": "Constructed Nature",
"entries": [
"An eidolon doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Creating an Eidolon",
"entries": [
"When a psionic character manifests the {@spell project eidolon|Psions Primer} power, they choose one or more abilities from the following menu lists, as noted in the power. An eidolon that exists independently on a plane of thoughts might also exhibit any of the following abilities. Unless otherwise noted, an ability from either list may only be taken once.",
"When creating an independent eidolon to challenge player characters, its challenge rating must be calculated from scratch using the method for creating monsters in {@book chapter 9|dmg|9} of the {@i Dungeon Master’s Guide}."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Lesser Eidolon Abilities",
"entries": [
"The following is a menu of abilities available to all eidolons.",
"type": "entries",
"name": "Armored Form",
"The eidolon gains a +3 bonus to the AC provided by its natural armor. This ability may be taken twice. "
"type": "entries",
"name": "Acute Perception",
"The eidolon’s Wisdom score increases to 10 if it is not already higher, and it gains proficiency with the Perception skill. It applies double its proficiency bonus to Wisdom (Perception) checks and its passive Perception score, instead of its normal proficiency bonus. "
"type": "entries",
"name": "Armored Form",
"The eidolon gains a +3 bonus to the AC provided by its natural armor. This ability may be taken twice. "
"type": "entries",
"name": "Celerity",
"The eidolon’s walking speed increases by 20 feet."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Charge",
"If the eidolon moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a slam attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 9 ({@damage 2d8}) bludgeoning damage. It the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw ({@dc 8} + the eidolon's proficiency bonus + its Strength modifier) or be knocked {@condition prone}."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Claws",
"The eidolon's appendages develop sharp claws, allowing it to make Claw attacks. A Claw attack is a melee weapon attack. When the eidolon hits with a Claw attack, it deals slashing damage equal to {@dice 2d6} + its Strength modifier."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Energy Attacks",
"The eidolon's appendages are wreathed in energy, dealing {@damage 2d6} extra damage when it hits with a melee weapon attack. This extra damage is of one of the following types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, psychic, or thunder."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Energy Beam",
"The eidolon's Charisma score increases to 16 and it gains the ability to fire a beam of coherent energy as a ranged power attack against one creature it can see within 60 feet of it as an action, using Charisma for the attack roll. On a hit, the beam deals {@damage 3d6} damage of one of the following types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, psychic, or thunder."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Energy Resistance",
"The eidolon gains resistance to one type of damage from the following list: acid, cold, fire, lightning, psychic, or thunder. This ability can be taken twice, and the second time the eidolon gains immunity to the damage type chosen the first time this ability was taken."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Heightened Faculties",
"The eidolon's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores increase to 12, and it gains proficiency in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Improved Darkvision",
"The range of the eidolon's darkvision increases to 60 ft."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Improved Function",
"The eidolon's proficiency bonus increases from +2 to +4."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Massive Form",
"The eidolon's Strength and Constitution scores increase to 18. Additionally, it becomes Large sized (its hit die increases one size) and its melee reach extends to 10 feet. If the eidolon is created with this ability through the manifestation of the project eidolon power and there is not a 10-foot cube of unoccupied space around the psicrystal, the manifestation of project eidolon fails."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Mighty Slam",
"When the eidolon hits with a Slam attack, it deals bludgeoning damage equal to {@dice 1d12} + its Strength modifier, and the target of the attack must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 10 feet."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Multiattack",
"The eidolon can use its action to make two melee weapon attacks."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Resilient Form",
"The eidolon's maximum hit points increase by 14. This ability can be taken more than once, increasing the eidolon's maximum hit points by 14 each time."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Sinuous Shape",
"The eidolon has an elongated body. It may make a Constrict attack as a melee weapon attack against one creature within its reach as an action, using Strength for the attack roll. On a hit, it deals bludgeoning damage equal to {@dice 1d10} + its Strength modifier, and the target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 10} + the eidolon's proficiency + its Strength modifier). Until the grapple ends, the target is {@condition restrained}, and the eidolon can't constrict another target.",
"If the eidolon has the Multiattack ability, it may replace one of its attacks with a constrict attack."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Greater Eidolon Abilities",
"entries": [
"The following is a menu of abilities available to eidolons that have acquired five or more abilities from the Lesser Eidolon Abilities menu. Some abilities from this menu require an eidolon to have an ability from the Lesser Eidolon Abilities menu before it can be selected.",
"name": "Flight",
"entries": [
"The eidolon gains a flying speed of 60 feet."
"name": "Greater Energy Attacks",
"entries": [
"Prerequisite: Energy Attacks.",
"The energy around the eidolon's appenda ges intensifies, dealing an additional {@damage 2d6} damage when it hits with a melee weapon attack. This extra damage is of one of the following types, and need not be of the same damage type chosen for the Energy Attacks ability from the Lesser Eidolon Abilities menu: acid, cold, fire, lightning, psychic, or thunder."
"name": "Greater Energy Resistance",
"entries": [
"The eidolon gains resistance to three types of damage from the following list: acid, cold, fire, lightning, psychic, or thunder. This ability can be taken twice, and the second time the eidolon gains immunity to the damage types chosen the first time this ability was taken."
"name": "Heightened Prowess",
"entries": [
"The eidolon's Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores increase to 20 and it gains proficiency in Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws. This ability can be taken a second time, increasing the eidolon's Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores to 24."
"name": "Impervious Form",
"entries": [
"Prerequisites: Armored Form, Resilient Form.",
"The eidolon gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage dealt by nonmagical attacks. This ability can be taken a second time, granting the eidolon immunity to the above types of damage instead of resistance."
"name": "Improved Multiattack",
"entries": [
"Prerequisite: Multiattack.",
"The eidolon can use its action to make three melee weapon attacks. Inexorable"
"name": "Senses",
"entries": [
"The eidolon gains blindsight with a range equal to the range of its darkvision."
"name": "Perfect Function",
"entries": [
"Prerequisite: Improved Function.",
"The eidolon's proficiency bonus increases from +4 to +6."
"name": "Pounce",
"entries": [
"Prerequisite: Claws.",
"If the eidolon moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a Strength saving throw ({@dc 8} + the eidolon's proficiency bonus + its Strength modifier) or be knocked {@condition prone}. If the target is {@condition prone}, the eidolon can make another claw attack against it as a bonus action."
"name": "Shaper's 1st-Level Projected Eidolon",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 115,
"size": "S",
"type": {
"type": "construct",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 19,
"formula": "3d6 + 9"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 12,
"dex": 14,
"con": 16,
"int": 6,
"wis": 6,
"cha": 6,
"senses": [
"darkvision 30 ft."
"passive": 8,
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands one language its creator knows",
"but can't speak"
"cr": "1/4",
"action": [
"name": "Slam",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d8 + 1}) bludgeoning damage."
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"name": "Githyanki Warrior (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 119,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "humanoid",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 17,
"from": [
"{@item half plate armor|PHB|half plate}"
"hp": {
"average": 49,
"formula": "9d8 + 9"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 15,
"dex": 14,
"con": 12,
"int": 13,
"wis": 13,
"cha": 10,
"save": {
"con": "+3",
"int": "+3",
"wis": "+3"
"passive": 11,
"languages": [
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The githyanki’s psionic ability is Intelligence. The githyanki can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell mystic displacement|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell psionic leap|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell nomadic shift|Psions Primer} (+3 psi)",
"{@spell veil psyche|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "cha"
"cr": "3",
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The githyanki makes two greatsword attacks."
"name": "Greatsword",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 2d6 + 2}) slashing damage plus 7 ({@damage 2d6}) psychic damage."
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"name": "Githyanki Knight (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 119,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "humanoid",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 18,
"from": [
"{@item plate armor|PHB|plate}"
"hp": {
"average": 91,
"formula": "14d8 + 28"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 16,
"dex": 14,
"con": 15,
"int": 14,
"wis": 14,
"cha": 15,
"save": {
"con": "+5",
"int": "+5",
"wis": "+5"
"passive": 12,
"languages": [
"cr": "8",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The githyanki's psionic ability is Intelligence (power save {@dc 13}, {@hit +5} to hit with power attacks). The githyanki can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell mystic displacement|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mystic traveler|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell psionic leap|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell nomadic shift|Psions Primer} (+3 psi)",
"{@spell veil psyche|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell xenoglossy|Psions Primer}"
"1e": [
"{@spell mystic caravan|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell telekinetic clutch|Psions Primer} (+6 psi)"
"ability": "int"
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The githyanki makes two silver greatsword attacks."
"name": "Silver Greatsword",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}13 ({@damage 2d6 + 6}) slashing damage plus 10 ({@damage 3d6}) psychic damage. This is a magic weapon attack.",
"On a critical hit against a target in an astral body (as with the {@spell astral projection|Psions Primer} spell) or one traveling in a {@spell mystic caravan|Psions Primer}, the githyanki can, instead of dealing damage, either cut the silvery cord that tethers the target to its material body or dispel the {@spell mystic traveler|Psions Primer} power on the target, ending that power on them as if they spent more than 1 round out of formation"
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"name": "Githzerai Monk (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 120,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "humanoid",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 13,
"from": [
"14 with {@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer}"
"hp": {
"average": 38,
"formula": "7d8 + 7"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 12,
"dex": 15,
"con": 12,
"int": 13,
"wis": 14,
"cha": 10,
"save": {
"str": "+3",
"dex": "+4",
"int": "+3",
"wis": "+4"
"skill": {
"insight": "+4",
"perception": "+4"
"passive": 14,
"languages": [
"cr": "2",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The githzerai’s psionic ability is Wisdom. The githzerai can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell wild talent|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell body equilibrium|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psionic leap|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell read thoughts|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell sudden step|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell third eye|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "wis"
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The githzerai makes two unarmed strikes."
"name": "Unarmed Strike",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) bludgeoning damage plus 9 ({@damage 2d8}) psychic damage. This is a magic weapon attack."
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"name": "Githzerai Zerth (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 120,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "humanoid",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 14,
"from": [
"17 with {@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer}"
"hp": {
"average": 84,
"formula": "13d8 + 26"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 13,
"dex": 18,
"con": 15,
"int": 16,
"wis": 17,
"cha": 12,
"save": {
"str": "+4",
"dex": "+7",
"int": "+6",
"wis": "+6"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+6",
"insight": "+6",
"perception": "+6"
"passive": 16,
"languages": [
"cr": "6",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The githzerai’s psionic ability is Wisdom (power save {@dc 14}). The githzerai can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer} (+6 psi)",
"{@spell mystic traveler|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell wild talent|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell body equilibrium|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psionic leap|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell third eye|Psions Primer} (+4 psi)",
"{@spell read thoughts|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell sudden step|Psions Primer}"
"1e": [
"{@spell mystic caravan|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell phantom menace|Psions Primer} (+5 psi)"
"ability": "wis"
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The githzerai makes two unarmed strikes."
"name": "Unarmed Strike",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d6 + 4}) bludgeoning damage plus 13 ({@damage 3d8}) psychic damage. This is a magic weapon attack."
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"name": "Brain Golem",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 122,
"size": "L",
"type": "construct",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 18,
"from": [
"with {@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer}"
"hp": {
"average": 93,
"formula": "11d10 + 33"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 19,
"dex": 9,
"con": 16,
"int": 3,
"wis": 8,
"cha": 1,
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 9,
"immune": [
"immune": [
"slashing damage"
"note": "from attacks not made with byeshk weapons"
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"none; understands telepathic speech from mind flayers",
"but isn't telepathic itself"
"cr": "8",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The golem's psionic ability is Constitution (power save {@dc 14}). The golem can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer} (+8 psi)",
"{@spell mind blast|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "con"
"trait": [
"name": "Immutable Form",
"entries": [
"The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form."
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects."
"name": "Magic Weapons",
"entries": [
"The golem's weapon attacks are magical."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The golem makes two slam attacks."
"name": "Slam",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}15 ({@damage 2d10 + 4}) bludgeoning damage."
"traitTags": [
"Immutable Form",
"Magic Resistance",
"Magic Weapons"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Though golems are typically non-sentient beings with limited mental capacity, if any, the creation of a golem imbued with psionic potential is possible through various means.",
"name":"Constructed Nature",
"Golems don’t require air, food, drink, or sleep."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Brain Golem",
"entries": [
"While the diet of the mind flayer is a well-known nightmare among those who speak of foul things from Khyber, few know that the illithids harvest brains for other purposes as well. One of these is the creation of brain golems.",
"name":"Grotesque Construction",
"Through a horrific process, the brains of dozens and dozens of humanoids are harvested and gathered into a single mass, then \"planted\" with a morsel of grey matter taken from a recently deceased illithid. This \"seed\" then grows, spreading tendrils through the mass of humanoid brains and forming it into a loose humanoid shape at the direction of a mind flayer creator. A translucent, pink, rheumy membrane, secreted by the illithid-seed as it takes root, seals the mass of brains together into a solid form. This slimy membrane is deceptively tough and psionically charged to absorb incoming attacks."
"name":"Unthinking Sentinel",
"Despite its appearance or the illithid origins of the \"seed\" that forms its shape, a brain golem isn’t sentient. Instead, the mass of its body merely acts as a gigantic battery of renewable psychic energy, which its illithid or daelkyr masters use in defense of their enclaves and colonies."
"name":"Aberrant Invulnerability",
"Due to its aberrant method of creation, a brain golem is immune to all physical damage except that dealt by byeshk weapons. If your campaign doesn’t make use of this special material, brain golems are immune to all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage except that dealt by adamantine weapons instead. This change has no impact on a brain golem’s challenge rating."
"name": "Psion-Killer",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 123,
"size": "L",
"type": "construct",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 18,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 178,
"formula": "17d10 + 85"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 26,
"dex": 10,
"con": 20,
"int": 3,
"wis": 11,
"cha": 1,
"senses": [
"darkvision 120 ft."
"passive": 10,
"immune": [
"immune": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks made with weapons that aren't adamantine"
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"understands the languages of its creator but can't speak"
"cr": "14",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The psion-killer’s psionic ability is Constitution. The psion-killer can innately use the following power:"
"will": [
"{@spell negate|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "con"
"trait": [
"name": "Immutable Form",
"entries": [
"The psion-killer is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form."
"name": "Magic Weapons",
"entries": [
"The psion-killer's weapon attacks are magical."
"name": "Limited Psionic Immunity",
"entries": [
"The psion-killer is immune to psionic powers of 7th level or lower, unless its creator commands it to be affected by a particular manifestation of a power. It has advantage on saving throws against all other powers and magical effects."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The psion-killer makes two slam attacks."
"name": "Slam",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}17 ({@damage 2d8 + 8}) bludgeoning damage."
"traitTags": [
"Immutable Form",
"Magic Weapons"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Though golems are typically non-sentient beings with limited mental capacity, if any, the creation of a golem imbued with psionic potential is possible through various means.",
"name":"Constructed Nature",
"Golems don’t require air, food, drink, or sleep."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psion-Killer",
"entries": [
"A psion-killer golem, or \"crystal golem,\" is a massive construct made of sharp, gem-like crystal. Despite their name, they are the bane of all psionic creatures, not just psions.",
"name":"Inexorable Soldier",
"The Inspired use psion-killer golems as their secret weapon against the kalashtar and other underground pockets of resistance or insurrection in or around Riedra. A few important Riedran embassies and outposts uses psion-killer golems as perfect guards, most notably the Riedran enclave in Stormreach and the city of Dar Qat on Xen’drik."
"name":"Inspired Secrets",
"The Inspired lords of Riedra hoard the knowledge of how to construct psion-killer golems. Rumors persist that the secrets of creating these golems were gleaned by Riedran expeditions into the interior of Xen’drik that plumbed the depths of ruined civilizations of the Shattered Land. If the kalashtar and their Adaran allies could duplicate this discovery, it would greatly aid them in resisting the centuries-long siege of Adar by the armies of Riedra’s Harmonious Shield."
"name": "Hollyphant (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 124,
"size": "S",
"type": "celestial",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 18,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"special": "36 (8d6 + 8) + 50 temp hp with {@spell titanic form|Psions Primer}"
"speed": {
"walk": 20,
"fly": {
"number": 120,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 10,
"dex": 11,
"con": 12,
"int": 16,
"wis": 19,
"cha": 16,
"save": {
"dex": "+3",
"con": "+4",
"cha": "+6"
"passive": 14,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "5",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The hollyphant’s psionic ability is Wisdom (power save {@dc 15}). The hollyphant can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell aura beacon|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell aura of comfort|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psychic prowess|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell realized potential|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell vitality transfer|Psions Primer}"
"1e": [
"{@spell psychic defibrillation|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell temporal shunt|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell titanic form|Psions Primer} (+6 psi)",
"{@spell vitality transfer|Psions Primer} (+12 psi)"
"ability": "wis"
"trait": [
"name": "Aura of Invulnerability",
"entries": [
"An {@condition invisible} aura forms a 10-foot-radius sphere around the hollyphant for as long as it lives. Any spell or power of 5th level or lower cast or manifested from outside the barrier can't affect creatures or objects within it, even if the effect is cast using a higher level spell slot or intensified to a higher power level. Such an effect can target creatures and objects within the barrier, but it has no effect on them. Similarly, the area within the barrier is excluded from the areas affected by such spells and powers. The hollyphant can use an action to suppress this trait until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell)."
"name": "Magic Weapons",
"entries": [
"The hollyphant's weapon attacks are magical."
"action": [
"name": "Tusks",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft. or 15 ft. with titanic form, one target. {@h}3 ({@damage 1d6}) piercing damage, or 10 ({@damage 3d6}) piercing damage with titanic form."
"name": "Trumpet (3/Day)",
"entries": [
"The hollyphant blows air through its trunk, creating a trumpet sound that can be heard out to a range of 600 feet. The trumpet also creates a 30-foot cone of energy that has one of the following effects, chosen by the hollyphant:",
"name": "Trumpet of Blasting",
"entries": [
"Each creature in the cone must make a {@dc 14} Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 17 ({@damage 5d6}) thunder damage and is {@condition deafened} for 1 minute. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't {@condition deafened}. Nonmagical objects in the cone that aren't being held or worn take 35 ({@damage 10d6}) thunder damage."
"name": "Trumpet of Blasting",
"entries": [
"Each creature in the cone must make a {@dc 14} Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 17 ({@damage 5d6}) thunder damage and is {@condition deafened} for 1 minute. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't {@condition deafened}. Nonmagical objects in the cone that aren't being held or worn take 35 ({@damage 10d6}) thunder damage."
"name": "Trumpet of Sparkles",
"entries": [
"Creatures in the cone must make a {@dc 14} Constitution saving throw, taking 22 ({@damage 4d8 + 4}) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Evil creatures have disadvantage on the saving throw. Good creatures in the cone take no damage."
"traitTags": [
"Magic Weapons"
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Hollyphants are kind, friendly celestials. They can be found in the planes of Syrania and Daanvi, and more rarely in Shavarath, where they act as messengers for the celestial armies on that plane.",
"name":"Psionic Hollyphant",
"Psionic hollyphants do not possess the Innate Spellcasting (Psionics) trait of standard hollyphants. Instead, they have the Innate Psionic Powers trait."
"name": "Kuo-Toa Oracle",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 125,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "humanoid",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 13,
"from": [
"natural armor",
"{@item shield|PHB}"
"hp": {
"average": 18,
"formula": "4d8"
"speed": {
"walk": 30,
"swim": 30
"str": 13,
"dex": 10,
"con": 11,
"int": 11,
"wis": 16,
"cha": 8,
"save": {
"wis": "+5",
"charisma": "+1"
"skill": {
"insight": "+5",
"perception": "+7"
"senses": [
"darkvision 120 ft."
"passive": 17,
"languages": [
"Deep Speech"
"cr": "2",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The kuo-toa oracle is a 5th-level psionic. Its psionic ability is Wisdom (power save {@dc 13}, {@hit 5} to hit with power attacks). It knows the following empath powers:",
"Psi Points (psi limit 6): 32"
"spells": {
"0": {
"spells": [
"{@spell sixth sense|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell aura beacon|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psychic static|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell verve|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell wild talent|Psions Primer}"
"1": {
"slots": "",
"spells": [
"{@spell ablative hide|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell acclimatize|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell aura of comfort|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell aura of victory|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell discern position|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell precognition|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell self-actualization|Psions Primer}"
"2": {
"slots": "",
"spells": [
"{@spell aura sight|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psychometric touch|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell savage presence|Psions Primer}"
"3": {
"slots": "",
"spells": [
"{@spell third eye|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell destiny deluge|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "wis"
"trait": [
"name": "Amphibious",
"entries": [
"The kuo-toa can breathe air and water."
"name": "Otherworldly Perception",
"entries": [
"The kuo-toa can sense the presence of any creature within 30 feet of it that is {@condition invisible} or on the Ethereal Plane. It can pinpoint such a creature that is moving."
"name": "Slippery",
"entries": [
"The kuo-toa has advantage on ability checks and saving throws made to escape a grapple."
"name": "Sunlight Sensitivity",
"entries": [
"While in sunlight, the kuo-toa has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight."
"action": [
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}3 ({@damage 1d4 + 1}) piercing damage."
"name": "Spear",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d6 + 1}) piercing damage, or 5 ({@damage 1d8 + 1}) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack."
"name": "Net",
"entries": [
"{@atk rw} {@hit 3} to hit, range 5/15 ft., one Large or smaller creature. {@h}The target is {@condition restrained}. A creature can use its action to make a {@dc 10} Strength check to free itself or another creature in a net, ending the effect on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) frees the target without harming it and destroys the net."
"reaction": [
"name": "Sticky Shield",
"entries": [
"When a creature misses the kuo-toa with a melee weapon attack, the kuo-toa uses its sticky shield to catch the weapon. The attacker must succeed on a {@dc 11} Strength saving throw, or the weapon becomes stuck to the kuo-toa's shield. If the weapon's wielder can't or won't let go of the weapon, the wielder is {@condition grappled} while the weapon is stuck. While stuck, the weapon can't be used. A creature can pull the weapon free by taking an action to make a {@dc 11} Strength check and succeeding."
"traitTags": [
"Sunlight Sensitivity"
"senseTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"According to the sahuagin of the Thunder Sea, there used to exist a vast, advanced civilization of kuo-toa in what is now called the Barren Sea. Some cataclysm struck their underwater realm, and now kuo-toa gather in small communities in other seas or in deep underwater realms of Khyber.",
"name":"Constructed Nature",
"When enough kuo-toa congregate and believe in something strongly enough, it becomes reality. Psions and other sages of psionic mysticism theorize that kuo-toa are naturally adept in metacreativity, possessing some sort of communal ability to manifest a reality revision. The limits of this ability aren’t understood, and it i s not known what the critical mass of kuo-toa needed to perform this mystical feat is."
"name":"Occult Vision",
"Oracles are important to several kuo-toa communities, as they direct the beliefs of the school. Oracles cast their mystic vision into the future to find out what is and isn’t possible. Then, they lead their followers to believe in the inevitability of the most desirable possible outcome."
"name": "Elder Brain (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 127,
"size": "L",
"type": "aberration",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 210,
"formula": "20d10 + 100"
"speed": {
"walk": 5,
"swim": 10
"str": 15,
"dex": 10,
"con": 20,
"int": 21,
"wis": 19,
"cha": 24,
"save": {
"int": "+10",
"wis": "+9",
"cha": "+12"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+10",
"deception": "+12",
"insight": "+14",
"intimidation": "+12",
"persuasion": "+12"
"senses": [
"darkvision 120 ft."
"passive": 14,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"slashing damage"
"note": "from non-byeshk attacks"
"languages": [
"understands Common",
"Deep Speech",
"but can't speak",
"telepathy 5 miles"
"cr": "15",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The elder brain’s psionic ability is Intelligence (power save {@dc 18}). The elder brain can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell gravitic field|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mystic traveler|Psions Primer} (self only)",
"{@spell read thoughts|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"1e": [
"{@spell assume control|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mystic caravan|Psions Primer} (self only)"
"ability": "int"
"trait": [
"name": "Creature Sense",
"entries": [
"The elder brain is aware of the presence of creatures within 5 miles of it that have an Intelligence score of 4 or higher. It knows the distance and direction to each creature, as well as each creature's Intelligence score, but can't sense anything else about it. A creature protected by veiled psyche, mind blank, or similar magic can't be perceived in this manner."
"name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)",
"entries": [
"If the elder brain fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead."
"name": "Psionic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The elder brain has advantage on saving throws against psionic powers and all other magical effects."
"name": "Telepathic Hub",
"entries": [
"The elder brain can use its telepathy to initiate and maintain telepathic conversations with up to ten creatures at a time. The elder brain can let those creatures telepathically hear each other while connected in this way."
"action": [
"name": "Tentacle",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 30 ft., one target. {@h}20 ({@damage 4d8 + 2}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is Huge or smaller, it is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 15}) and takes 9 ({@damage 1d8 + 5}) psychic damage at the start of each of its turns until the grapple ends. The elder brain can have up to four targets {@condition grappled} at a time."
"name": "Mind Blast {@recharge 5}",
"entries": [
"The elder brain magically emits psychic energy. Creatures of the elder brain's choice within 60 feet of it must succeed on a {@dc 18} Intelligence saving throw or take 32 ({@damage 5d10 + 5}) psychic damage and be {@condition stunned} for 1 minute. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"name": "Psychic Link",
"entries": [
"The elder brain targets one {@condition incapacitated} creature it can perceive with its Creature Sense trait and establishes a psychic link with that creature. Until the psychic link ends, the elder brain can perceive everything the target senses. The target becomes aware that something is linked to its mind once it is no longer {@condition incapacitated}, and the elder brain can terminate the link at any time (no action required). The target can use an action on its turn to attempt to break the psychic link, doing so with a successful {@dc 18} Charisma saving throw. On a successful save, the target takes 10 ({@damage 3d6}) psychic damage. The psychic link also ends if the target and the elder brain are more than 5 miles apart, with no consequences to the target. The elder brain can form psychic links with up to ten creatures at a time."
"name": "Sense Thoughts",
"entries": [
"The elder brain targets a creature with which it has a psychic link. The elder brain gains insight into the target's reasoning, its emotional state, and thoughts that loom large in its mind (including things the target worries about, loves, or hates). The elder brain can also make a Charisma (Deception) check with advantage to deceive the target's mind into thinking it believes one idea or feels a particular emotion. The target contests this attempt with a Wisdom (Insight) check. If the elder brain succeeds, the mind believes the deception for 1 hour or until evidence of the lie is presented to the target."
"legendary": [
"name": "Tentacle",
"entries": [
"The elder brain makes a tentacle attack."
"name": "Break Concentration",
"entries": [
"The elder brain targets a creature within 120 feet of it with which it has a psychic link. The elder brain breaks the creature's concentration on a spell or power it has cast or manifested. The creature also takes {@damage 1d4} psychic damage per level of the spell."
"name": "Psychic Pulse",
"entries": [
"The elder brain targets a creature within 120 feet of it with which it has a psychic link. Enemies of the elder brain within 10 feet of that creature take 10 ({@damage 3d6}) psychic damage."
"name": "Sever Psychic Link",
"entries": [
"The elder brain targets a creature within 120 feet of it with which it has a psychic link. The elder brain ends the link, causing the creature to have disadvantage on all ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws until the end of the creature's next turn."
"traitTags": [
"Legendary Resistances"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"legendaryGroup": {
"name": "Psionic Elder Brain",
"source": "Psions Primer"
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Mind flayers are not native to the planet of Eberron. Khorvairian sages believe they hail from Xoriat, the Realm of Madness, like their daelkyr masters, but few know that their true origins lie even further back on the gith homeworld.",
"name":"Aberrant Resistances",
"In the Eberron campaign setting, several kinds of aberrant creatures, mind flayers foremost among them, have resistance to damage dealt by nearly all kinds of weapons, even magical ones. The only known substance that these aberrations are susceptible to is an incredibly dense and heavy purple metal found only in the mountain ranges of western Khorvaire, known as byeshk. This resistance increases the challenge rating of mind flayers and other aberrations in Eberron campaigns, as noted in their stat blocks."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Psionic Elder Brain",
"entries": [
"Elder brains are the supreme state of the illithid lifecycle, gigantic brains festooned with whipping tentacles.",
"name":"Origin of the Ego",
"The original elder brain was created during the daelkyr invasion of the gith homeworld by Dyrrn the Corruptor. It was comprised of the harvested brains of hundreds of githzerai congealed into one psychoactive mass. More elder brains were created from yet more githzerai, and from there they began to propagate their own species by spawning larva to be implanted in further gith and githzerai hosts. When no more gith were left, elder brains began harvesting their armies of githyanki warriors, without the direct input of the daelkyr. This resulted in the githyanki rebellion and, eventually, the shattering of an entire planet’s real ity. This was likely the first example of the illithid meta-species exhibiting its own agency and agenda, separate from their daelkyr masters."
"name":"Invasion and Imprisonment",
"During the invasion of Eberron, most elder brains remained in Xoriat, the Realm of Madness, and were subsequently cut off when the invasion was defeated by the Gatekeeper druids. However, during the course of the invasion, long before the gates were closed, a number of elder brains were carried through to Eberron. When the invasion was defeated, these elder brains were driven into Khyber and imprisoned there with the daelkyr. There, they developed mind flayer colonies of the kind depicted in Volo’s Guide to Monsters."
"name":"Psionic Elder Brain",
"Psionic elder brains do not possess the Innate Spellcasting (Psionics) trait of standard elder brains. Instead, they have the Innate Psionic Powers trait."
"type": "entries",
"name": "A Psionic Elder Brain's Lair",
"entries": [
"The lair of a psionic elder brain is invariably found at the epicenter of its colony, where it languishes in psychoactive, acidic slime."
"name": "Mind Flayer (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 128,
"size": "M",
"type": "aberration",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"{@item breastplate|PHB}"
"hp": {
"average": 71,
"formula": "13d8 + 13"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 11,
"dex": 12,
"con": 12,
"int": 19,
"wis": 17,
"cha": 17,
"save": {
"int": "+7",
"wis": "+6",
"cha": "+6"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+7",
"deception": "+6",
"insight": "+6",
"perception": "+6",
"persuasion": "+6",
"stealth": "+4"
"senses": [
"darkvision 120 ft."
"passive": 16,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"slashing damage"
"note": "from attacks not made with byeshk weapons"
"languages": [
"Deep Speech",
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "8",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The mind flayer’s psionic ability is Intelligence (power save {@dc 15}). It can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell gravitic field|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mystic traveler|Psions Primer} (self only)",
"{@spell read thoughts|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"1e": [
"{@spell assume control|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mystic caravan|Psions Primer} (self only)"
"ability": "int"
"trait": [
"name": "Psionic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The mind flayer has advantage on saving throws against psionic powers and all other magical effects."
"action": [
"name": "Tentacles",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}15 ({@damage 2d10 + 4}) psychic damage. If the target is Medium or smaller, it is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 15}) and must succeed on a {@dc 15} Intelligence saving throw or be {@condition stunned} until this grapple ends."
"name": "Extract Brain",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one {@condition incapacitated} humanoid {@condition grappled} by the mind flayer. {@h}55 ({@damage 10d10}) piercing damage. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the mind flayer kills the target by extracting and devouring its brain."
"name": "Mind Blast {@recharge 5}",
"entries": [
"The mind flayer magically emits psychic energy in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a {@dc 15} Intelligence saving throw or take 22 ({@damage 4d8 + 4}) psychic damage and be {@condition stunned} for 1 minute. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Mind flayers are not native to the planet of Eberron. Khorvairian sages believe they hail from Xoriat, the Realm of Madness, like their daelkyr masters, but few know that their true origins lie even further back on the gith homeworld.",
"name":"Aberrant Resistances",
"In the Eberron campaign setting, several kinds of aberrant creatures, mind flayers foremost among them, have resistance to damage dealt by nearly all kinds of weapons, even magical ones. The only known substance that these aberrations are susceptible to is an incredibly dense and heavy purple metal found only in the mountain ranges of western Khorvaire, known as byeshk. This resistance increases the challenge rating of mind flayers and other aberrations in Eberron campaigns, as noted in their stat blocks."
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"When the Gatekeepers sealed the dimensional gates, some mind flayers in Eberron were cut off from the elder brains controlling them from Xoriat. These orphaned mind flayers became independently sentient, something elder brains find abhorrent, like a hand that acts on its own, refusing to listen to the mind. The elder brains imprisoned in Khyber attempt to hunt these orphans and integrate them into their own hiveminds. Some orphaned mind flayers welcome this, while others prefer to make use of their own independence and their ability to execute their own inscrutable plans.",
"name":"Psionic Mind Flayer",
"Psionic mind flayers do not possess the Innate Spellcasting (Psionics) trait of standard mind flayers. Instead, they have the Innate Psionic Powers trait."
"name": "Mind Flayer Telepath",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 128,
"size": "M",
"type": "aberration",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"{@item breastplate|PHB}"
"hp": {
"average": 71,
"formula": "13d8 + 13"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 11,
"dex": 12,
"con": 12,
"int": 20,
"wis": 17,
"cha": 17,
"save": {
"int": "+7",
"wis": "+6",
"cha": "+6"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+7",
"deception": "+6",
"insight": "+6",
"perception": "+6",
"persuasion": "+6",
"stealth": "+4"
"senses": [
"darkvision 120 ft."
"passive": 16,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"slashing damage"
"note": "from attacks not made with byeshk weapons"
"languages": [
"Deep Speech",
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "9",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The mind flayer is a 10th-level psionic. Its psionic ability is Intelligence (power save {@dc 16}, {@hit 8} to hit with power attacks). It knows the following psion powers:",
"Psi Points (psi limit 10): 82"
"spells": {
"0": {
"spells": [
"{@spell aura beacon|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell blind spot|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell energy ray|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mind thrust|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mindlink|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell sixth sense|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell speed of thought|Psions Primer}"
"1": {
"slots": "",
"spells": [
"{@spell compel confession|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell metaconcert|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mental inquisition|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell nomadic shift|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell precognition|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell telepathic slap|Psions Primer}"
"2": {
"slots": "",
"spells": [
"{@spell obscure|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell ego whip|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell missive|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell read thoughts|Psions Primer}"
"3": {
"slots": "",
"spells": [
"{@spell id insinuation|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell third eye|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell synaptic leap|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell sudden step|Psions Primer}"
"4": {
"slots": "",
"spells": [
"{@spell thought projection|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell noise barrier|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell post-hypnotic suggestion|Psions Primer}"
"5": {
"slots": "",
"spells": [
"{@spell nomadic doorway|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell telepathic weight|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "int"
"trait": [
"name": "Psionic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The mind flayer has advantage on saving throws against psionic powers and all other magical effects."
"action": [
"name": "Tentacles",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}15 ({@damage 2d10 + 4}) psychic damage. If the target is Medium or smaller, it is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 15}) and must succeed on a {@dc 15} Intelligence saving throw or be {@condition stunned} until this grapple ends."
"name": "Extract Brain",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one {@condition incapacitated} humanoid {@condition grappled} by the mind flayer. {@h}55 ({@damage 10d10}) piercing damage. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the mind flayer kills the target by extracting and devouring its brain."
"name": "Mind Blast {@recharge 5}",
"entries": [
"The mind flayer magically emits psychic energy in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a {@dc 15} Intelligence saving throw or take 22 ({@damage 4d8 + 4}) psychic damage and be {@condition stunned} for 1 minute. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Mind flayers are not native to the planet of Eberron. Khorvairian sages believe they hail from Xoriat, the Realm of Madness, like their daelkyr masters, but few know that their true origins lie even further back on the gith homeworld.",
"name":"Aberrant Resistances",
"In the Eberron campaign setting, several kinds of aberrant creatures, mind flayers foremost among them, have resistance to damage dealt by nearly all kinds of weapons, even magical ones. The only known substance that these aberrations are susceptible to is an incredibly dense and heavy purple metal found only in the mountain ranges of western Khorvaire, known as byeshk. This resistance increases the challenge rating of mind flayers and other aberrations in Eberron campaigns, as noted in their stat blocks."
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"When the Gatekeepers sealed the dimensional gates, some mind flayers in Eberron were cut off from the elder brains controlling them from Xoriat. These orphaned mind flayers became independently sentient, something elder brains find abhorrent, like a hand that acts on its own, refusing to listen to the mind. The elder brains imprisoned in Khyber attempt to hunt these orphans and integrate them into their own hiveminds. Some orphaned mind flayers welcome this, while others prefer to make use of their own independence and their ability to execute their own inscrutable plans.",
"name":"Mind Flayer Telepath",
"While all mind flayers have psionically potent minds, some discipline themselves and study to further their psychic potential. Most often, these illithid psions focus on the psionic discipline of domination, as befits their natural telepathic abilities."
"name": "Ulitharid (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 129,
"size": "L",
"type": "aberration",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"{@item breastplate|PHB}"
"hp": {
"average": 127,
"formula": "17d10 + 34"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 15,
"dex": 12,
"con": 15,
"int": 21,
"wis": 19,
"cha": 21,
"save": {
"int": "+9",
"wis": "+8",
"cha": "+9"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+9",
"insight": "+8",
"perception": "+8",
"stealth": "+5"
"senses": [
"darkvision 120 ft."
"passive": 18,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"slashing damage"
"note": "from attacks not made with byeshk weapons"
"languages": [
"Deep Speech",
"telepathy 2 miles"
"cr": "10",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The ulitharid's psionic ability is Intelligence (power save {@dc 17}). It can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell gravitic field|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mystic traveler|Psions Primer} (self only)",
"{@spell read thoughts|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"1e": [
"{@spell assume control|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mystic caravan|Psions Primer} (self only)",
"{@spell pandemonium|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell telekinetic clutch|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell thought projection|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psychic siphon|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "int"
"trait": [
"name": "Creature Sense",
"entries": [
"The ulitharid is aware of the presence of creatures within 2 miles of it that have an Intelligence score of 4 or higher. It knows the distance and direction to each creature, as well as each creature's Intelligence score, but can't sense anything else about it. A creature protected by veiled psyche, mind blank, or similar magic can't be perceived in this manner."
"name": "Psionic Hub",
"entries": [
"If an elder brain establishes a psychic link with the ulitharid, the elder brain can form a psychic link with any other creature the ulitharid can detect using its Creature Sense. Any such link ends if the creature falls outside the telepathy ranges of both the ulitharid and the elder brain. The ulitharid can maintain its psychic link with the elder brain regardless of the distance between them, so long as they are both on the same plane of existence. If the ulitharid is more than 5 miles away from the elder brain, it can end the psychic link at any time (no action required)."
"name": "Psionic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The ulitharid has advantage on saving throws against psionic powers and all other magical effects."
"action": [
"name": "Tentacles",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}27 ({@damage 4d10 + 5}) psychic damage. If the target is Large or smaller, it is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 14}) and must succeed on a {@dc 17} Intelligence saving throw or be {@condition stunned} until this grapple ends."
"name": "Extract Brain",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one {@condition incapacitated} humanoid {@condition grappled} by the ulitharid. {@h}55 ({@damage 10d10}) piercing damage. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the ulitharid kills the target by extracting and devouring its brain."
"name": "Mind Blast {@recharge 5}",
"entries": [
"The ulitharid magically emits psychic energy in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a {@dc 17} Intelligence saving throw or take 31 ({@damage 4d12 + 5}) psychic damage and be {@condition stunned} for 1 minute. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Mind flayers are not native to the planet of Eberron. Khorvairian sages believe they hail from Xoriat, the Realm of Madness, like their daelkyr masters, but few know that their true origins lie even further back on the gith homeworld.",
"name":"Aberrant Resistances",
"In the Eberron campaign setting, several kinds of aberrant creatures, mind flayers foremost among them, have resistance to damage dealt by nearly all kinds of weapons, even magical ones. The only known substance that these aberrations are susceptible to is an incredibly dense and heavy purple metal found only in the mountain ranges of western Khorvaire, known as byeshk. This resistance increases the challenge rating of mind flayers and other aberrations in Eberron campaigns, as noted in their stat blocks."
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"The first known ulitharids arose not on the gith homeworld, but in Eberron, millennia after the Xoriat invasion of Khorvaire. Neither the daelkyr nor the illithids quite know why, but when a humanoid native to Sarlona is subjected to ceremorphosis, there is a small chance that the resulting illithid is transformed into an ulitharid instead of a regular mind flayer, a larger specimen with more potent psionic powers and telepathic range that begins to rival that of the elder brains themselves. Fortunately for the world, the illithid infestation of Khyber seems to correspond to realms below the surface of Khorvaire, resulting in relatively few opportunities to transform Sarlonan natives.",
"name":"Psionic Ulitharids",
"Psionic ulitharids do not possess the Innate Spellcasting (Psionics) trait of standard ulitharids. Instead, they have the Innate Psionic Powers trait."
"name": "Neothelid (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 130,
"size": "G",
"type": "aberration",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 16,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 325,
"formula": "21d20 + 105"
"speed": {
"walk": 30,
"burrow": 30
"str": 27,
"dex": 7,
"con": 21,
"int": 3,
"wis": 16,
"cha": 12,
"save": {
"int": "+1",
"wis": "+8",
"cha": "+6"
"senses": [
"blindsight 120 ft."
"passive": 13,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"slashing damage"
"note": "from attacks not made with byeshk weapons"
"cr": "15",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The neothelid's psionic ability is Wisdom (power save {@dc 16}). It can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell gravitic field|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"1e": [
"{@spell pandemonium|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psychic siphon|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell telekinetic clutch|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "wis"
"trait": [
"name": "Creature Sense",
"entries": [
"The neothelid is aware of the presence of creatures within 1 mile of it that have an Intelligence score of 4 or higher. It knows the distance and direction to each creature, as well as each creature's Intelligence score, but can't sense anything else about it. A creature protected by veiled psyche, mind blank, or similar magic can't be perceived in this manner."
"name": "Psionic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The neothelid has advantage on saving throws against psionic powers and all other magical effects."
"action": [
"name": "Tentacles",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. {@h}21 ({@damage 3d8 + 8}) bludgeoning damage plus 13 ({@damage 3d8}) psychic damage. If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 18} Strength saving throw or be swallowed by the neothelid. A swallowed creature is {@condition blinded} and {@condition restrained}, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the neothelid, and it takes 35 ({@damage 10d6}) acid damage at the start of each of the neothelid's turns. If the neothelid takes 30 damage or more in a single turn from a creature inside it, the neothelid must succeed on a {@dc 18} Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall {@condition prone} in a space within 10 feet of the neothelid. If the neothelid dies, a swallowed creature is no longer {@condition restrained} by it and can escape from the corpse by using 20 feet of movement, exiting {@condition prone}."
"name": "Acid Breath {@recharge 5}",
"entries": [
"The neothelid exhales acid in a 60- foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a {@dc 18} Dexterity saving throw, taking 35 ({@damage 10d6}) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one."
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"The product of the illithid lifecycle gone wrong, a mind flayer larva that grows too large to be implanted into a humanoid skull for ceremorphosis only continues to grow. Eventually it reaches titanic size, dissolving and devouring all in its path.",
"name":"Mad Obeisance",
"While illithids of all kinds find neothelids just as disturbing as they do in other campaign settings, in Eberron the mind flayers have masters they must answer to: the daelkyr. Occasionally, a daelkyr might demand the creation of a neothelid for its own inscrutable purposes, and the illithids are forced to comply despite their deep-seated reservations."
"name":"Aberrant Resistance",
"Just as mind flayers do, neothelids of Eberron also resist all physical damage except that dealt by byeshk weapons. This increases their challenge rating in Eberron campaigns."
"name":"Psionic Neothelid",
"Psionic neothelids do not possess the Innate Spellcasting (Psionics) trait of standard neothelids. Instead, they have the Innate Psionic Powers trait."
"name": "Phthisic",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 131,
"size": "L",
"type": "aberration",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 16,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 90,
"formula": "12d10 + 24"
"speed": {
"walk": 30
"str": 19,
"dex": 13,
"con": 15,
"int": 10,
"wis": 16,
"cha": 16,
"save": {
"con": "+5",
"int": "+3",
"cha": "+6"
"senses": [
"blindsight 120 ft."
"passive": 13,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"slashing damage"
"note": "from attacks not made with byeshk weapons"
"languages": [
"one language known by the creature it was created from (usually Common)"
"cr": "6",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The phthisic's psionic ability is Charisma (power save {@dc 13}). It can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell psionic blast|Psions Primer} (+2 psi)"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell ego whip|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell intellect fortress|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell nomadic shift|Psions Primer} (+1 psi)",
"{@spell psychic daze|Psions Primer}"
"1e": [
"{@spell body adjustment|Psions Primer} (+3 psi)"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Regeneration",
"entries": [
"The phthisic regains 5 hit points at the start of its turn. If the phthisic takes acid or fire damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of the phthisic's next turn. The phthisic dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The phthisic makes one attack with its claws and one with its bite."
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}13 ({@damage 3d6 + 3}) piercing damage, and the target's Intelligence score is reduced by {@dice 1d4}. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest, unless its Intelligence score is reduced to 0. If a target is reduced to 0 Intelligence by this attack, it is knocked {@condition unconscious} and the reduction becomes permanent until restored by an intensified revitalization, a greater restoration spell, or similar magic. The target cannot be restored to consciousness while its Intelligence score remains 0."
"name": "Claws",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d8 + 2}) slashing damage plus 7 ({@damage 2d6}) psychic damage."
"traitTags": [
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Phthisics are the creation of a particular daelkyr lord; Gagethga, the Lord of Shattered Thoughts. This terrible being is able to shear a creature's repressed neurosis away from its psyche, and bestow upon these malignant thoughts a warped body of aberrant flesh, birthing a new phthisic. Some scholars doubt that a single being could be the source of all phthisics and posit that they may also arise spontaneously from the minds of vulnerable individuals within Xoriat manifest zones.",
"name":"Distorted Copy",
"A phthisic appears as horrible, grotesque simulacrum of the humanoid it is created from. Other creatures who know the humanoid a phthisic was birthed from will find its particular phthisic disturbingly familiar, and may recognize its origin with a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check."
"name":"Mind Feeders",
"A phthisic hungers for the mental capacity of humanoids, feeding on them with its hideous maw. It hunts on its own whims, with no regard for its originator, attacking them like any other source of sentient thought it can find."
"name":"Abberant Resistance",
"As an aberrant creation of a daelkyr, or Xoriat’s influence, phthisics resist all physical damage except that dealt by byeshk weapons. If your campaign doesn’t make use of this special material, phthisics instead resist all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks. This change has no impact on a phthisic’s challenge rating."
"name": "Psycroak",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 132,
"size": "T",
"type": "aberration",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 1,
"formula": "1d4 - 1"
"speed": {
"walk": 20,
"swim": 20
"str": 1,
"dex": 13,
"con": 8,
"int": 1,
"wis": 30,
"cha": 3,
"skill": {
"perception": "+15"
"senses": [
"darkvision 30 ft."
"passive": 25,
"cr": "14",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The psycroak's psionic ability is Wisdom (power save {@dc 23}). It can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell microcosm|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psychic static|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell shatter mental defenses|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "wis"
"trait": [
"name": "Amphibious",
"entries": [
"The psycroak can breathe air and water."
"name": "Standing Leap",
"entries": [
"The psycroak' s long jump is up to 10 feet and its high jump is up to 5 feet, with or without a running start."
"action": [
"name": "None",
"entries": [
"A psycroak has no effective attacks."
"traitTags": [
"senseTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Deep within the Shadow Marches, orcs and other tribes-folk whisper in fear of the one of the regions most deadly creatures: the dreaded psycroak.",
"name":"Anura Mania",
"The psycroak is a tiny, frog-like creature. It would appear to be a normal tropical frog or swamp toad, if not for one distinguishing feature: massive, glowing eyes that shift rapidly from one color to another. This shifting has a hypnotic effect on other creatures, and can cause permanent catatonia. Some insane tribes capture and worship psycroaks, believing the hallucinations they induce to be the true state of the world, and consider those who fall under its permanent catatonia to have transcended the prison of false reality."
"name":"Psionic Corruption",
"Psycroaks are created when the warping influence of a daelkyr or Xoriat manifest zone begins to leak through the {@i dimensional seals} placed by the Gatekeeper druids millennia ago. This aura of corruption seeps into the local wildlife, and psycroaks are one such being that might result from this tainting of the natural world."
"name": "Hashalaq Quori (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 134,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 12,
"from": [
"17 with {@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer}"
"hp": {
"average": 99,
"formula": "18d8 + 18"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 12,
"dex": 14,
"con": 13,
"int": 18,
"wis": 16,
"cha": 18,
"save": {
"wis": "+7",
"cha": "+8"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+12",
"history": "+12",
"insight": "+11",
"persuasion": "+8"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 13,
"resist": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "9",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The quori's psionic ability is Charisma (power save {@dc 16}). It can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell empathic projection|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell enmity feedback|Psions Primer} (+2 psi)",
"{@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer} (+6 psi)",
"{@spell mind thrust|Psions Primer} (17th level)",
"{@spell psychic static|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell metamorphosis|Psions Primer} (humanoid only)",
"{@spell read thoughts|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell post-hypnotic suggestion|Psions Primer}"
"1e": [
"{@spell assume control|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "cha"
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The quori uses its Mind Thrust effect twice."
"name": "Idyllic Touch",
"entries": [
"{@atk ms} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 1d10 + 4}) force damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 16} Wisdom saving throw or fall {@condition prone} in a fit of laughter."
"name": "Mind Thrust (Psionic Talent)",
"entries": [
"While focusing on this psionic talent, the quori targets a creature it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must succeed on a {@dc 16} Charisma saving throw or take 22 ({@damage 4d10}) psychic damage."
"name": "Possession {@recharge}",
"entries": [
"One humanoid that the quori can see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a {@dc 16} Charisma saving throw or be possessed by the quori; the quori then disappears, and the target is {@condition incapacitated} and loses control of its body. The quori now controls the body but doesn't deprive the target of awareness. The quori can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn fiends, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being {@condition charmed} and {@condition frightened}. It otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, but doesn't gain access to the target's knowledge, class features, or proficiencies.",
"The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points, the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, the quori reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the body. The target is immune to this quori's Possession for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession ends."
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"The quori are the undisputed rulers of Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. Nightmare and emotions given flesh, the quori follow the law of il-Lashtavar, a god-like entity of utter darkness at the center of the plane.",
"name":"The Darkness that Dreams",
"The Darkness That Dreams is the all-powerful being that exists at the very center of Dal Quor, upon which the entire realm of existence revolves. Its ultimate goals are inscrutable, and it speaks only to its chosen servant. Its desires are absolute, followed as law and scripture by the legions of quori that serve it."
"name":"Nightmar Hierarchy",
"Every quori knows its place in the overall hierarchy of quori society, each serving the desires and executing the orders of the quori above it. The hierarchy is split into a tiered series of castes, each caste populated by a specific type of quori. Each type of quori is unique in form and embodies a kind of emotion or nightmare mortal dreams are made of."
"name":"Quori Psionics",
"The quori presented here differ from their statistics described in Eberron: Rising from the Last War and Korranberg Chronicle: Threat Dispatch. Those statistics include several traits and actions that mimic psionic powers in Chapter 4, and so have been removed and replaced with expanded options in each quori’s Innate Psionic Powers trait."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Abilities on Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"Quori are immortal beings born of the very essence of Dal Quor. When physically on that plane of existence, they have the following additional abilities:",
"name":"Dream Walk",
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can innately manifest the {@spell nomadic travel|Psions Primer} power at will, without focusing on a psionic talent, and may teleport to any destination it has seen on the same plane, regardless of distance or line of sight. Charisma is its psionic ability for this power."
"name":"Invade Dreams (1/Day)",
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can cast the {@spell dream|phb} spell on a creature known to it currently on another plane. It can send only itself as the messenger, but it can change its appearance, as if it was a Medium humanoid casting alter self. The Wisdom saving throw for a nightmarish message is equal to the save DC for the quori's innate psionic powers, or 8 + its proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier."
"name":"Quori Possession",
"When a humanoid dreams, it psychically projects its mind into Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. A quori can use its Possession ability on a willing creature even when it is on another plane of existence, as long the creature is dreaming and its psychic projection in Dal Quor is within 5 feet of the quori. If a quori possesses a creature this way and is later expelled from the host, the quori returns to Dal Quor."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Hashalaq (Dreamstealer)",
"entries": [
"Hashalaq quori are the scribes, lore keepers, and magistrates of quori society. They are also known as dreamstealers. Hashalaqs are natural empaths and their talents have led to many mortals succumbing to temptation and willingly accepting possession by quori. Hashalaq quori make up the bulk of the Inspired bureaucracy on Dal Quor, but many other hashalaq function as spymasters and handlers for the Dreaming Dark."
"name": "Kalaraq Quori (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 135,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"18 with {@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer}"
"hp": {
"average": 161,
"formula": "19d8 + 76"
"speed": {
"walk": 30,
"fly": {
"number": 60,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 12,
"dex": 21,
"con": 18,
"int": 23,
"wis": 24,
"cha": 25,
"save": {
"int": "+12",
"wis": "+13",
"cha": "+13"
"skill": {
"deception": "+13",
"perception": "+19",
"persuasion": "+13"
"senses": [
"truesight 120 ft."
"passive": 29,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"slashing damage"
"note": "from nonmagical attacks"
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"telepathy 120 ft."
"cr": "19",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The quori's psionic ability is Charisma (power save {@dc 21}). It can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer} (+8 psi)",
"{@spell psychic hammer|Psions Primer} (17th level)",
"{@spell thought projection|Psions Primer} (+1 psi; the projection is an eye)"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell remote projection|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell id insinuation|Psions Primer} (+6 psi)",
"{@spell eyebite|phb}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "All-Around Vision",
"entries": [
"The quori can't be surprised while it isn't {@condition incapacitated}."
"name": "Psionic Resistance",
"entries": [
"The quori has advantage on saving throws against psionic powers and all other magical effects."
"name": "Incorporeal Movement",
"entries": [
"The quori can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 ({@damage 1d10}) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The quori makes two Soul Binding attacks. Alternatively, it can use its Psychic Hammer effect four times."
"name": "Soul Binding",
"entries": [
"{@atk ms} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}29 ({@damage 4d10 + 7}) necrotic damage. A creature reduced to 0 hit points from this attack dies and has its soul imprisoned in one of the quori's eyes. The target can't be revived by any means short of reality revision or wish until the quori is destroyed."
"name": "Psychic Hammer (Psionic Talent)",
"entries": [
"While focusing on this psionic talent, the quori can target a creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a {@dc 21} Constitution saving throw or take 14 ({@damage 4d6}) force damage and be knocked {@condition prone}."
"name": "Focused Mind Seed (1/Day)",
"entries": [
"The kalaraq manifests the mind seed power on a creature it is telepathically communicating with. The power functions as normal ({@dc 21} Charisma saving throws to resist), except that it can affect any type of creature, and if the seed germinates, the target retains its class levels and class specific NPC traits."
"name": "Swarm of Eyes {@recharge}",
"entries": [
"The quori creates a swarm of spectral eyes that fills a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on a point it can see within 60 feet of it. Each creature in that area must make a {@dc 21} Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 45 ({@damage 10d8}) psychic damage, and it is {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. On a success, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't {@condition blinded}. A {@condition blinded} creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"name": "Possession {@recharge}",
"entries": [
"One humanoid that the quori can see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a {@dc 21} Charisma saving throw or be possessed by the quori; the quori then disappears, and the target is {@condition incapacitated} and loses control of its body. The quori now controls the body but doesn' t deprive the target of awareness. The quori can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn fiends, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being {@condition charmed} and {@condition frightened}. It otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, but doesn't gain access to the target's knowledge, class features, or proficiencies.",
"The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points, the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, the quori reappears in an unoccupied space with in 5 feet of the body. The target is immune to this quori's Possession for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession ends."
"traitTags": [
"Incorporeal Movement"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"The quori are the undisputed rulers of Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. Nightmare and emotions given flesh, the quori follow the law of il-Lashtavar, a god-like entity of utter darkness at the center of the plane.",
"name":"The Darkness that Dreams",
"The Darkness That Dreams is the all-powerful being that exists at the very center of Dal Quor, upon which the entire realm of existence revolves. Its ultimate goals are inscrutable, and it speaks only to its chosen servant. Its desires are absolute, followed as law and scripture by the legions of quori that serve it."
"name":"Nightmar Hierarchy",
"Every quori knows its place in the overall hierarchy of quori society, each serving the desires and executing the orders of the quori above it. The hierarchy is split into a tiered series of castes, each caste populated by a specific type of quori. Each type of quori is unique in form and embodies a kind of emotion or nightmare mortal dreams are made of."
"name":"Quori Psionics",
"The quori presented here differ from their statistics described in Eberron: Rising from the Last War and Korranberg Chronicle: Threat Dispatch. Those statistics include several traits and actions that mimic psionic powers in Chapter 4, and so have been removed and replaced with expanded options in each quori’s Innate Psionic Powers trait."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Abilities on Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"Quori are immortal beings born of the very essence of Dal Quor. When physically on that plane of existence, they have the following additional abilities:",
"name":"Dream Walk",
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can innately manifest the {@spell nomadic travel|Psions Primer} power at will, without focusing on a psionic talent, and may teleport to any destination it has seen on the same plane, regardless of distance or line of sight. Charisma is its psionic ability for this power."
"name":"Invade Dreams (1/Day)",
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can cast the {@spell dream|phb} spell on a creature known to it currently on another plane. It can send only itself as the messenger, but it can change its appearance, as if it was a Medium humanoid casting alter self. The Wisdom saving throw for a nightmarish message is equal to the save DC for the quori's innate psionic powers, or 8 + its proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier."
"name":"Quori Possession",
"When a humanoid dreams, it psychically projects its mind into Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. A quori can use its Possession ability on a willing creature even when it is on another plane of existence, as long the creature is dreaming and its psychic projection in Dal Quor is within 5 feet of the quori. If a quori possesses a creature this way and is later expelled from the host, the quori returns to Dal Quor."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Kalaraq",
"entries": [
"Kalaraq quori are the most powerful of the quori. They form the Circle of Night, a council that directs the course of the quori's destiny. Leading the Circle of Night is the Devourer of Dreams, the only quori capable of communing with il-Lashtavar at the center of Dal Quor without being consumed by it. The plots and plans of the Circle of Night are kept secret to all but their most trusted minions."
"name": "Tsoreva Quori (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 136,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 13,
"from": [
"15 with {@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer}"
"hp": {
"average": 39,
"formula": "6d8 + 12"
"speed": {
"walk": 40,
"climb": 20
"str": 13,
"dex": 15,
"con": 14,
"int": 10,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 16,
"save": {
"dex": "+5",
"cha": "+6"
"skill": {
"intimidation": "+6",
"perception": "+5",
"stealth": "+5"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 15,
"resist": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "3",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The quori's psionic ability is Charisma ({@hit 5} with power attacks). It can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer} (+2 psi)",
"{@spell mindblade|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell psychic strike|Psions Primer} (+4 psi)"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Natural Mindblades",
"entries": [
"When the quori casts mindblade, it creates two mindblades that extend from the end of its forelimbs."
"name": "Frightful Strike (1/Turn)",
"entries": [
"When the quori hits with a mindblade attack, the target must make a {@dc 13} Wisdom saving throw or become {@condition frightened} of the quori for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The tsoreva makes two mindblade attacks."
"name": "Mindblade",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) slashing damage."
"name": "Possession {@recharge}",
"entries": [
"One humanoid that the quori can see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a {@dc 13} Charisma saving throw or be possessed by the quori; the quori then disappears, and the target is {@condition incapacitated} and loses control of its body. The quori now controls the body but doesn't deprive the target of awareness. The quori can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn fiends, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being {@condition charmed} and {@condition frightened}. It otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, but doesn't gain access to the target's knowledge, class features, or proficiencies.",
"The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points, the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, the quori reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the body. The target is immune to this quori's Possession for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession ends."
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"The quori are the undisputed rulers of Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. Nightmare and emotions given flesh, the quori follow the law of il-Lashtavar, a god-like entity of utter darkness at the center of the plane.",
"name":"The Darkness that Dreams",
"The Darkness That Dreams is the all-powerful being that exists at the very center of Dal Quor, upon which the entire realm of existence revolves. Its ultimate goals are inscrutable, and it speaks only to its chosen servant. Its desires are absolute, followed as law and scripture by the legions of quori that serve it."
"name":"Nightmar Hierarchy",
"Every quori knows its place in the overall hierarchy of quori society, each serving the desires and executing the orders of the quori above it. The hierarchy is split into a tiered series of castes, each caste populated by a specific type of quori. Each type of quori is unique in form and embodies a kind of emotion or nightmare mortal dreams are made of."
"name":"Quori Psionics",
"The quori presented here differ from their statistics described in Eberron: Rising from the Last War and Korranberg Chronicle: Threat Dispatch. Those statistics include several traits and actions that mimic psionic powers in Chapter 4, and so have been removed and replaced with expanded options in each quori’s Innate Psionic Powers trait."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Abilities on Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"Quori are immortal beings born of the very essence of Dal Quor. When physically on that plane of existence, they have the following additional abilities:",
"name":"Dream Walk",
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can innately manifest the {@spell nomadic travel|Psions Primer} power at will, without focusing on a psionic talent, and may teleport to any destination it has seen on the same plane, regardless of distance or line of sight. Charisma is its psionic ability for this power."
"name":"Invade Dreams (1/Day)",
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can cast the {@spell dream|phb} spell on a creature known to it currently on another plane. It can send only itself as the messenger, but it can change its appearance, as if it was a Medium humanoid casting alter self. The Wisdom saving throw for a nightmarish message is equal to the save DC for the quori's innate psionic powers, or 8 + its proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier."
"name":"Quori Possession",
"When a humanoid dreams, it psychically projects its mind into Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. A quori can use its Possession ability on a willing creature even when it is on another plane of existence, as long the creature is dreaming and its psychic projection in Dal Quor is within 5 feet of the quori. If a quori possesses a creature this way and is later expelled from the host, the quori returns to Dal Quor."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Tsoreva",
"entries": [
"The weakest of the quori, tsoreva make up a legion of expendable troops for the Darkness That Dreams. Where the more cunning tsucora quori employ sophisticated fears and horrors as their weapons, the brutish tsoreva wield instinctual, primal terror like a knife—literally.",
"While they form fear itself into blades of psionic energy, tsoreva have no understanding of what it is to feel fear themselves, to the point of having no survival instincts. Each tsoreva wishes only to distinguish itself in battle and die gloriously, hoping its energies reform into a greater caste of quori.",
"Tsoreva spend their time patrolling the border around the core of Dal Quor. They keep the quori's territory free from drifters and wild eidolons native to the Region of Dreams, and dispatch errant thought-forms of dreaming mortals that stray from their dreamscapes."
"name": "Tsucora Quori (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 136,
"size": "L",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 12,
"from": [
"16 with {@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer}"
"hp": {
"average": 66,
"formula": "7d10 + 28"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 17,
"dex": 14,
"con": 18,
"int": 14,
"wis": 14,
"cha": 16,
"save": {
"wis": "+5",
"cha": "+6"
"skill": {
"insight": "+5",
"perception": "+5"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 17,
"resist": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "7",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The quori's psionic ability is Charisma (power save {@dc 14}). It can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell empathic projection|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer} (+4 psi)",
"{@spell wild talent|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"1e": [
"{@spell pandemonium|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "cha"
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The quori makes three attacks: one pincer attack, one attack with its claws, and one stinger attack."
"name": "Pincer",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d10 + 3}) bludgeoning damage. The target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 14}) if it is a Huge or smaller creature. The quori has two pincers, each of which can grapple one target."
"name": "Claws",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}13 ({@damage 4d4 + 3}) slashing damage."
"name": "Stinger",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d10 + 3}) piercing damage plus 10 ({@damage 3d10}) psychic damage, and the target must succeed on a {@dc 14} Wisdom saving throw or be {@condition frightened} of the quori for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"name": "Possession {@recharge}",
"entries": [
"One humanoid that the quori can see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a {@dc 14} Charisma saving throw or be possessed by the quori; the quori then disappears, and the target is {@condition incapacitated} and loses control of its body. The quori now controls the bod y but doesn't deprive the target of awareness. The q uori can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn fiends, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being {@condition charmed} and {@condition frightened}. It otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, but doesn't gain access to the target's knowledge, class features, or proficiencies.",
"The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points, the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, the quori reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the body. The target is immune to this quori's Possession for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession ends."
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"The quori are the undisputed rulers of Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. Nightmare and emotions given flesh, the quori follow the law of il-Lashtavar, a god-like entity of utter darkness at the center of the plane.",
"name":"The Darkness that Dreams",
"The Darkness That Dreams is the all-powerful being that exists at the very center of Dal Quor, upon which the entire realm of existence revolves. Its ultimate goals are inscrutable, and it speaks only to its chosen servant. Its desires are absolute, followed as law and scripture by the legions of quori that serve it."
"name":"Nightmar Hierarchy",
"Every quori knows its place in the overall hierarchy of quori society, each serving the desires and executing the orders of the quori above it. The hierarchy is split into a tiered series of castes, each caste populated by a specific type of quori. Each type of quori is unique in form and embodies a kind of emotion or nightmare mortal dreams are made of."
"name":"Quori Psionics",
"The quori presented here differ from their statistics described in Eberron: Rising from the Last War and Korranberg Chronicle: Threat Dispatch. Those statistics include several traits and actions that mimic psionic powers in Chapter 4, and so have been removed and replaced with expanded options in each quori’s Innate Psionic Powers trait."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Abilities on Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"Quori are immortal beings born of the very essence of Dal Quor. When physically on that plane of existence, they have the following additional abilities:",
"name":"Dream Walk",
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can innately manifest the {@spell nomadic travel|Psions Primer} power at will, without focusing on a psionic talent, and may teleport to any destination it has seen on the same plane, regardless of distance or line of sight. Charisma is its psionic ability for this power."
"name":"Invade Dreams (1/Day)",
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can cast the {@spell dream|phb} spell on a creature known to it currently on another plane. It can send only itself as the messenger, but it can change its appearance, as if it was a Medium humanoid casting alter self. The Wisdom saving throw for a nightmarish message is equal to the save DC for the quori's innate psionic powers, or 8 + its proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier."
"name":"Quori Possession",
"When a humanoid dreams, it psychically projects its mind into Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. A quori can use its Possession ability on a willing creature even when it is on another plane of existence, as long the creature is dreaming and its psychic projection in Dal Quor is within 5 feet of the quori. If a quori possesses a creature this way and is later expelled from the host, the quori returns to Dal Quor."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Tsucora",
"entries": [
"The tsucora quori are the foot soldiers of the Devourer of Dreams's forces on Dal Quor. Beings of pure horror and fear incarnate, they form the majority of the Dreaming Dark forces that infiltrate the material plane, as well as many Inspired soldiers and guards in the Riedran Empire."
"name": "Usvapna Quori (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 137,
"size": "L",
"type": {
"type": "fiend",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 14,
"from": [
"15 with {@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer}"
"hp": {
"average": 93,
"formula": "11d10 + 33"
"speed": {
"walk": 30,
"fly": {
"number": 40,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 18,
"dex": 18,
"con": 17,
"int": 17,
"wis": 16,
"cha": 18,
"save": {
"wis": "+7",
"cha": "+8"
"skill": {
"intimidation": "+8",
"perception": "+7",
"persuasion": "+8"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 17,
"resist": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"cr": "10",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The quori's psionic ability is Charisma (power save {@dc 16}). It can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell apathy impulse|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer} (+2 psi)",
"{@spell mind thrust|Psions Primer} (11th level)"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell id insinuation|Psions Primer} (+4 psi)",
"{@spell third eye|Psions Primer} (+6 psi)"
"1e": [
"{@spell crush psyche|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell inception|Psions Primer} (+8 psi)"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Mind Schism",
"entries": [
"As a bonus action, the quori may manifest one of its innate psionic powers with a manifesting time of 1 action. If it does so, it may use its action to manifest any other psionic power it knows with a manifesting time of 1 action, and is not limited to psionic talents."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The quori makes four pincer attacks."
"name": "Pincer",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}10 ({@damage 1d12 + 4}) bludgeoning damage and the target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 15}). The quori has four pincers, each of which can grapple one target. If a creature is hit by two pincer attacks in one turn, the creature must succeed on a {@dc 16} Charisma save. On a failure, the creature is {@condition incapacitated} for 1 round while its mind is filled with doubt and it hears thoughts of self-loathing. A creature with Intelligence 4 or less is unaffected."
"name": "Possession {@recharge}",
"entries": [
"One humanoid that the quori can see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a {@dc 16} Charisma saving throw or be possessed by the quori; the quori then disappears, and the target is {@condition incapacitated} and loses control of its body. The quori now controls the body but doesn't deprive the target of awareness. The qu ori can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn fiends, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being {@condition charmed} and {@condition frightened}. It otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, but doesn't gain access to the target's knowledge, class features, or proficiencies.",
"The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points, the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, the quori reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the body. The target is immune to this quori's Possession for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession ends."
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"The quori are the undisputed rulers of Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. Nightmare and emotions given flesh, the quori follow the law of il-Lashtavar, a god-like entity of utter darkness at the center of the plane.",
"name":"The Darkness that Dreams",
"The Darkness That Dreams is the all-powerful being that exists at the very center of Dal Quor, upon which the entire realm of existence revolves. Its ultimate goals are inscrutable, and it speaks only to its chosen servant. Its desires are absolute, followed as law and scripture by the legions of quori that serve it."
"name":"Nightmar Hierarchy",
"Every quori knows its place in the overall hierarchy of quori society, each serving the desires and executing the orders of the quori above it. The hierarchy is split into a tiered series of castes, each caste populated by a specific type of quori. Each type of quori is unique in form and embodies a kind of emotion or nightmare mortal dreams are made of."
"name":"Quori Psionics",
"The quori presented here differ from their statistics described in Eberron: Rising from the Last War and Korranberg Chronicle: Threat Dispatch. Those statistics include several traits and actions that mimic psionic powers in Chapter 4, and so have been removed and replaced with expanded options in each quori’s Innate Psionic Powers trait."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Abilities on Dal Quor",
"entries": [
"Quori are immortal beings born of the very essence of Dal Quor. When physically on that plane of existence, they have the following additional abilities:",
"name":"Dream Walk",
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can innately manifest the {@spell nomadic travel|Psions Primer} power at will, without focusing on a psionic talent, and may teleport to any destination it has seen on the same plane, regardless of distance or line of sight. Charisma is its psionic ability for this power."
"name":"Invade Dreams (1/Day)",
"A quori on the plane of Dal Quor can cast the {@spell dream|phb} spell on a creature known to it currently on another plane. It can send only itself as the messenger, but it can change its appearance, as if it was a Medium humanoid casting alter self. The Wisdom saving throw for a nightmarish message is equal to the save DC for the quori's innate psionic powers, or 8 + its proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier."
"name":"Quori Possession",
"When a humanoid dreams, it psychically projects its mind into Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. A quori can use its Possession ability on a willing creature even when it is on another plane of existence, as long the creature is dreaming and its psychic projection in Dal Quor is within 5 feet of the quori. If a quori possesses a creature this way and is later expelled from the host, the quori returns to Dal Quor."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Usvapna (Dreamstealer)",
"entries": [
"Usvapna quori serve the hashalaqs as their spies and assassins. Also known as \"dream masters,\" the usvapna revel in twisting the dreams of mortals against themselves, turning hope to despair and triumph into anguish. They can hear the secret doubts of mortals, the voices in their minds that foment hesitation and insecurity. Usvapna quori hear this voice in their own minds, but unlike mortals their inner voices are in complete accord with themselves, allowing the dream masters to split their mental attention in two with ease."
"name": "Spectral Savant",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 139,
"size": "M",
"type": "undead",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"hp": {
"average": 49,
"formula": "11d8"
"speed": {
"walk": 0,
"fly": {
"number": 60,
"condition": "(hover)"
"canHover": true
"str": 7,
"dex": 13,
"con": 10,
"int": 20,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 17,
"save": {
"dex": "+7",
"wis": "+4"
"skill": {
"arcana": "+11",
"history": "+8",
"nature": "+8"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 11,
"resist": [
"resist": [
"note": "from nonmagical weapons"
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
"languages": [
"any languages it knew in life"
"cr": "7",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The spectral savant is an 11th-level psionic. Its psionic ability is Intelligence (power save {@dc 16}, {@hit 8} to hit with power attacks). It knows the following psion powers:",
"Psi Points (psi limit 11): 0"
"spells": {
"0": {
"spells": [
"{@spell energy ray|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell ectoplasmic object|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell inertial transference|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psychic hammer|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell sixth sense|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell speed of thought|Psions Primer}"
"1": {
"slots": "",
"spells": [
"{@spell ectoplasmic repair|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell pyrokinesis|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell spectral wall|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell synaptic arc|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell telekinetic lance|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell telekinetic push|Psions Primer}"
"2": {
"slots": "",
"spells": [
"{@spell cryo wave|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell inertial armor|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell inertial barrier|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell spectral web|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell telekinetic clutch|Psions Primer}"
"3": {
"slots": "",
"spells": [
"{@spell baleful transposition|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell destiny deluge|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell energy wave|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell sudden step|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell third eye|Psions Primer}"
"4": {
"slots": "",
"spells": [
"{@spell immolate self|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell spectral shell|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell thought projection|Psions Primer}"
"5": {
"slots": "",
"spells": [
"{@spell gravitic spike|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell ultrasonic boom|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "int"
"trait": [
"name": "Incorporeal Movement",
"entries": [
"The spectral savant can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 ({@damage 1d10}) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The spectral savant makes a Power Drain attack, then manifests or casts a psionic power it knows with a casting or manifesting time of 1 action or less."
"name": "Power Drain",
"entries": [
"{@atk ms} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) psychic damage and the spectral savant drains psionic or magical energy from the target as follows:",
"If the target has a psi point reserve, it loses up to 11 psi points from it, and the spectral savant gains the same number of psi points.",
"If the target has no psi point reserve but does have innate psionic powers, it loses one use of its least frequently available power remaining, and the savant gains psi points equal to that power' s minimum cost, plus any extra psi noted, up to a maximum of 11 psi points.",
"If the target has no innate psionic powers or psi point reserve, but has innate spellcasting, it loses a use of the highest level spell it has remaining uses of, and the spectral savant gains a number of psi points equal to twice the spell level of the target's lost spel l, up to a maximum of 11 psi points.",
"If the target has no psionic abilities or innate spellcasting, but has spell slots, it loses its highest level spell slot and the spectral savant gains a number of psi points equal to twice the spell level of the lost spell slot, up to a maximum of 11 psi points.",
"If the target has no psionic or spellcasting abilities, the spectral savant gains no psi points."
"traitTags": [
"Incorporeal Movement"
"senseTags": [
"actionTags": [
"languageTags": [
"damageTags": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Spectral savants appear as thin, shadowy silhouettes of the humanoids they once were, but are far more dangerous than any normal undead shadow. They are the remains of powerful psions that succeeded in finding a way to preserve their intellect past death. But such immortality comes with a steep cost.",
"name":"Psychic Parasites",
"Though the psion’s intellect and knowledge are maintained by the power of the spectral savant’s necromantic animus, the creature no longer possesses the psionic potential to manifest its own powers. Thus stricken, the spectral savant hunts for others capable of channeling psionic or magical power, to feed on their potential. Once it has drained a victim, a spectral savant may once more manifest the psionic abilities it worked so hard to preserve for all time. Each manifestation, however, drains its reserve, requiring it to seek out more prey to replenish its psionic power."
"name":"Undead Nature",
"A spectral savant doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep."
"name": "Thought Eater",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 141,
"size": "S",
"type": "aberration",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 15,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 28,
"formula": "8d6"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 12,
"dex": 18,
"con": 11,
"int": 7,
"wis": 13,
"cha": 16,
"skill": {
"perception": "+3",
"stealth": "+6"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 13,
"cr": "2",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The thought eater’s psionic ability is Charisma (power save {@dc 13}). It can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell aura sight|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell precognition|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psychic daze|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell intellect fortress|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Ethereal Jaunt",
"entries": [
"As a bonus action, the thought eater can magically shift from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane, or vice versa."
"action": [
"name": "Thought Drain",
"entries": [
"{@atk ms} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}the target either loses 7 ({@dice 2d6}) psi points, or its Intelligence score is reduced by {@dice 1d4} if it does not have any psi points. If this reduces the target to an Intelligence score to 0, it is knocked {@condition unconscious}. The reduction of the target's Intelligence lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest."
"senseTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Thought hunters are quadrupedal aberrations from the Border Ethereal that hunt sentient creatures on the Material Plane. Their flesh and muscles are made from translucent ectoplasm, leaving their feline skeletons and avian skulls visible inside them.",
"name":"Mental Diet",
"Thought hunters consume minds for sustenance, replenishing the thought-matter that makes up most of their bodies. They lie in wait on the Border Ethereal for a sentient creature—or more preferably, a psionic one—to enter their territory, then stalk them as prey."
"name":"Mysterious Origin",
"While it was once believed that thought hunters originated from the Xoriat invasion of Khorvaire during the Age of Monsters—due to historical records of post-Dhakaani goblinoids describing their predation by these aberrations— recent expeditions into Xen’drik indicate that thought hunters have preyed upon natives of the Shattered Land for millennia prior to those accounts. Professors of xenobiology at the Library of Korranberg also point to the lack of susceptibility to byeshk as evidence that thought eaters do not share an origin with the creatures of Xoriat."
"name":"Ectoplasmic Dissolution",
"Most of a thought hunter’s biomass is made from ectoplasm, which naturally dissolves in the Material Plane. Thought hunters can maintain their physical forms for a short time when attacking prey on Eberron, and must then retreat into the Ethereal Plane."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Thought Eater",
"entries": [
"Thought eaters are, thankfully, the more common breed of thought hunter. These sleek predatory hunters are about the size of a mountain lion or bobcat, with a sharp, vulture-like beak and glowing eyes.",
"name":"Mind Sustenance",
"Thought eaters prefer to hunt weaker prey, siphoning mental capacity with a touch of its beak. A thought eater needs to drain only 14 psi points or reduce Intelligence scores by a total of 4 each week to survive. If it finds it has misjudged the difficulty of consuming a creature’s mind, it is likely to flee into the Ethereal Plane."
"name":"Ectoplasmic Nature",
"A thought eater can survive on the material plane for up to 1 minute. If it is prevented from returning to the Ethereal Plane after this time, it completely dissolves and dies."
"name": "Thought Slayer",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 141,
"size": "H",
"type": "aberration",
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 18,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 161,
"formula": "14d12 + 70"
"speed": {
"walk": 50
"str": 20,
"dex": 13,
"con": 21,
"int": 7,
"wis": 12,
"cha": 18,
"skill": {
"athletics": "+9",
"perception": "+5"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 15,
"cr": "12",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The thought slayer's psionic ability is Charisma (power save {@dc 16}). It can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell aura sight|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell blind spot|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell psychic daze|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell mind thrust|Psions Primer} (17th level)"
"daily": {
"3e": [
"{@spell body adjustment|Psions Primer} (+4 psi)",
"{@spell body equilibrium|Psions Primer} (+4 psi)",
"{@spell intellect fortress|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell precognition|Psions Primer}"
"1e": [
"{@spell vanishing|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Ethereal Jaunt",
"entries": [
"As a bonus action, the thought slayer can magically shift from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane, or vice versa."
"name": "Mind-Consuming Gaze",
"entries": [
"When a creature that can see the thought slayer's eyes starts its turn within 30 feet of the thought slayer, the thought slayer can magically force it to make a {@dc 16} Charisma saving throw if the thought slayer isn't {@condition incapacitated} and can see the creature, and if they are on the same plane of existence. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature instantly dies. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save starts to have its psyche drained by the thought slayer and is {@condition stunned}. The {@condition stunned} creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn, instantly dying on a failure or ending the effect on a success.",
"Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. If the creature does so, it can't see the thought slayer until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again. If the creature looks at the thought slayer in the meantime, it must immediately make the save.",
"Creatures resistant to psychic damage have advantage on saving throws to resist this effect, while creatures that are immune to psychic damage are immune to it."
"action": [
"name": "Beak",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}24 ({@damage 3d12 + 5}) piercing damage."
"senseTags": [
"damageTags": [
"miscTags": [
"conditionInflict": [
"fluff": {
"entries": [
"type": "entries",
"entries": [
"Thought hunters are quadrupedal aberrations from the Border Ethereal that hunt sentient creatures on the Material Plane. Their flesh and muscles are made from translucent ectoplasm, leaving their feline skeletons and avian skulls visible inside them.",
"name":"Mental Diet",
"Thought hunters consume minds for sustenance, replenishing the thought-matter that makes up most of their bodies. They lie in wait on the Border Ethereal for a sentient creature—or more preferably, a psionic one—to enter their territory, then stalk them as prey."
"name":"Mysterious Origin",
"While it was once believed that thought hunters originated from the Xoriat invasion of Khorvaire during the Age of Monsters—due to historical records of post-Dhakaani goblinoids describing their predation by these aberrations— recent expeditions into Xen’drik indicate that thought hunters have preyed upon natives of the Shattered Land for millennia prior to those accounts. Professors of xenobiology at the Library of Korranberg also point to the lack of susceptibility to byeshk as evidence that thought eaters do not share an origin with the creatures of Xoriat."
"name":"Ectoplasmic Dissolution",
"Most of a thought hunter’s biomass is made from ectoplasm, which naturally dissolves in the Material Plane. Thought hunters can maintain their physical forms for a short time when attacking prey on Eberron, and must then retreat into the Ethereal Plane."
"type": "entries",
"name": "Thought Slayer",
"entries": [
"Thought slayers are by far the deadlier breed of thought hunter, able to completely devour the psyche of their prey with a mere look. They are apex predators, the size of mammoth but with the power and build of a tiger or lion, and a massive, eagle-like beak.",
"name":"Mind Gorge",
"Thought slayers make their lairs in the Deep Ethereal, and hibernate for years. When they wake, they travel to the Border Ethereal and begin stalking prey, gorging themselves on the psyches of dozens of humanoids before returning to hibernation."
"name":"Ectoplasmic Nature",
"A thought slayer can survive on the material plane for up to 10 minutes. If it is prevented from returning to the Ethereal Plane after this time, it completely dissolves and dies."
"name": "Thri-Kreen (Psionic)",
"source": "Psions Primer",
"page": 142,
"size": "M",
"type": {
"type": "humanoid",
"tags": [
"alignment": [
"ac": [
"ac": 16,
"from": [
"natural armor"
"hp": {
"average": 33,
"formula": "6d8 + 6"
"speed": {
"walk": 40
"str": 12,
"dex": 16,
"con": 13,
"int": 10,
"wis": 16,
"cha": 8,
"skill": {
"perception": "+5",
"stealth": "+5",
"survival": "+5"
"senses": [
"darkvision 60 ft."
"passive": 15,
"languages": [
"cr": "1",
"spellcasting": [
"name": "Innate Psionic Powers",
"headerEntries": [
"The thri-kreen’s psionic ability is Charisma (power save {@dc 13}, {@atk 5} to hit with power attacks). It can innately use the following powers:"
"will": [
"{@spell blind spot|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell discern position|Psions Primer}",
"{@spell primal metabolism|Psions Primer} (5th level)",
"{@spell psionic leap|Psions Primer}"
"daily": {
"1e": [
"{@spell bestial claws|Psions Primer} (+3 psi)",
"{@spell obscure|Psions Primer}"
"ability": "cha"
"trait": [
"name": "Chameleon Carapace",
"entries": [
"The thri-kreen can change the color of its carapace to match the color and texture of its surroundings. As a result, it has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide."
"action": [
"name": "Multiattack",
"entries": [
"The thri-kreen makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws."
"name": "Bite",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d6 + 1}) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a {@dc 11} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition poisoned} for 1 minute. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is also {@condition paralyzed} while {@condition poisoned} in this way. The {@condition poisoned} target can repeat the saving throw on each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success."
"name": "Claws",
"entries": [
"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit,
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