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Gets BitLocker recovery information for one or more Active Directory computer objects
# Get-BitLockerRecovery.ps1
# Written by Bill Stewart (bstewart AT
# Version history:
# 1.2 (2024-07-01)
# * Updated code formatting.
# * Changed PasswordID to PasswID.
# 1.1 (2019-09-12)
# * Dispose SearchResultCollection objects in 'finally' blocks.
# * Use second Pathname object to fix distinguishedName property output in rare
# case of multiple -PasswordID search results.
# * Throw ArgumentException for bad password ID (instead of generic exception).
# * Standardize code formatting.
# 1.0 (2016-06-20)
# Initial version.
Gets BitLocker recovery information for one or more Active Directory computer objects.
Gets BitLocker recovery information for one or more Active Directory computer objects.
Specifies one or more computer names. Wildcards are not supported.
Gets the BitLocker recovery password for this password ID (first 8 characters). This parameter must be exactly 8 characters long and must contain only the characters 0 through 9 and A through F. If you get no output when using this parameter with a correct password ID, the current user does not have sufficient permission to read BitLocker recovery information. If you do not have sufficient permission to read BitLocker recovery information, you can either 1) use the -Credential parameter to specify an account with sufficient permissions, or 2) start your PowerShell session using an account with sufficient permissions.
Gets BitLocker recovery information from computer objects in the specified domain.
Specifies a domain server.
.PARAMETER Credential
Specifies credentials that have sufficient permission to read BitLocker recovery information.
PSobjects with the following properties:
distinguishedName - The distinguished name of the computer
name - The computer name
TPMRecoveryInformation - $true if TPM recovery information stored in AD
Date - The Date/time the BitLocker recovery information was stored
PasswordID - The ID for the recovery password
RecoveryPassword - The recovery password
The TPMRecoveryInformation, Date, PasswordID, and RecoveryPassword properties will be "N/A" if BitLocker recovery information exists but the current user does not have sufficient permission to read it. If you do not have sufficient permission to read BitLocker recovery information, you can either 1) use the -Credential parameter to specify an account with sufficient permissions, or 2) start your PowerShell session using an account with sufficient permissions.
#requires -version 2
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Name")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Name",Position = 0,Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "PasswID",Mandatory)]
begin {
if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "PasswID" ) {
# Use this rather than ValidatePattern parameter attribute (better error
# message)
if ( $PasswID -notmatch '^[0-9A-F]{8}$' ) {
throw [ArgumentException] "Cannot validate argument on parameter 'PasswID'. The argument must be exactly 8 characters long and must contain only the characters 0 through 9 and A through F."
# Pathname object contstants
# Pathname objects
$Pathname = New-Object -ComObject "Pathname"
$PathnameValueOnly = New-Object -ComObject "Pathname"
[Void] $PathnameValueOnly.GetType().InvokeMember("SetDisplayType","InvokeMethod",$null,$PathnameValueOnly,$ADS_DISPLAY_VALUE_ONLY)
# Returns the parent path of a distinguished name
function Get-ParentPath {
[Void] $Pathname.GetType().InvokeMember("Set","InvokeMethod",$null,$Pathname,($distinguishedName,$ADS_SETTYPE_DN))
# Returns only the first element of a distinguished name (value only); use
# second Pathname object to avoid changing display type for the first
# Pathname object instance
function Get-NameElement {
[Void] $PathnameValueOnly.GetType().InvokeMember("Set","InvokeMethod",$null,$PathnameValueOnly,($distinguishedName,$ADS_SETTYPE_DN))
# Outputs a custom object based on a list of hash tables
function Out-Object {
$order = @()
$result = @{}
$hashData | ForEach-Object {
$order += ($_.Keys -as [Array])[0]
$result += $_
New-Object PSObject -Property $result | Select-Object $order
# Create and initialize DirectorySearcher object that finds computers
$ComputerSearcher = [ADSISearcher] ""
function Initialize-ComputerSearcher {
if ( $Domain ) {
if ( $Server ) {
$path = "LDAP://$Server/$Domain"
else {
$path = "LDAP://$Domain"
else {
if ( $Server ) {
$path = "LDAP://$Server"
else {
$path = ""
if ( $Credential ) {
$networkCredential = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential()
$dirEntry = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($path,$networkCredential.UserName,$networkCredential.Password)
else {
$dirEntry = [ADSI] $path
$ComputerSearcher.SearchRoot = $dirEntry
$ComputerSearcher.Filter = "(objectClass=domain)"
try {
[Void] $ComputerSearcher.FindOne()
catch [Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
throw $_.Exception.InnerException
# Create and initialize DirectorySearcher for finding
# msFVE-RecoveryInformation objects
$RecoverySearcher = [ADSISearcher] ""
$RecoverySearcher.PageSize = 100
# Gets the DirectoryEntry object for a specified computer
function Get-ComputerDirectoryEntry {
$ComputerSearcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=computer)(name=$name))"
try {
$searchResult = $ComputerSearcher.FindOne()
if ( $searchResult ) {
catch [Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception.InnerException
# Outputs $true if the piped DirectoryEntry has the specified property set,
# or $false otherwise
function Test-DirectoryEntryProperty {
process {
try {
$null -ne $_.Get($property)
catch [Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
# Gets a property from a ResultPropertyCollection; specify $propertyName
# in lowercase to remain compatible with PowerShell v2
function Get-SearchResultProperty {
if ( $properties[$propertyName] ) {
# Gets BitLocker recovery information for the specified computer
function GetBitLockerRecovery {
$domainName = $ComputerSearcher.SearchRoot.dc
$computerDirEntry = Get-ComputerDirectoryEntry $name
if ( -not $computerDirEntry ) {
Write-Error "Unable to find computer '$name' in domain '$domainName'" -Category ObjectNotFound
# If the msTPM-OwnerInformation (Vista/Server 2008/7/Server 2008 R2) or
# msTPM-TpmInformationForComputer (Windows 8/Server 2012 or later)
# attribute is set, then TPM recovery information is stored in AD
$tpmRecoveryInformation = $computerDirEntry | Test-DirectoryEntryProperty "msTPM-OwnerInformation"
if ( -not $tpmRecoveryInformation ) {
$tpmRecoveryInformation = $computerDirEntry | Test-DirectoryEntryProperty "msTPM-TpmInformationForComputer"
$RecoverySearcher.SearchRoot = $computerDirEntry
try {
$searchResults = $RecoverySearcher.FindAll()
foreach ( $searchResult in $searchResults ) {
$properties = $searchResult.Properties
$recoveryPassword = Get-SearchResultProperty $properties "msfve-recoverypassword"
if ( $recoveryPassword ) {
$recoveryDate = ([DateTimeOffset] ((Get-SearchResultProperty $properties "name") -split '{')[0]).DateTime
$passwordID = ([Guid] [Byte[]] (Get-SearchResultProperty $properties "msfve-recoveryguid")).Guid
else {
$tpmRecoveryInformation = $recoveryDate = $passwordID = $recoveryPassword = "N/A"
Out-Object `
@{"distinguishedName" = $computerDirEntry.Properties["distinguishedname"][0]},
@{"name" = $computerDirEntry.Properties["name"][0]},
@{"TPMRecoveryInformation" = $tpmRecoveryInformation},
@{"Date" = $recoveryDate},
@{"PasswordID" = $passwordID.ToUpper()},
@{"RecoveryPassword" = $recoveryPassword.ToUpper()}
finally {
# Searches for BitLocker recovery information for the specified password ID
function SearchBitLockerRecoveryByPasswordID {
$RecoverySearcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=msFVE-RecoveryInformation)(name=*{$passwID*}))"
try {
$searchResults = $RecoverySearcher.FindAll()
foreach ( $searchResult in $searchResults ) {
$properties = $searchResult.Properties
$computerName = Get-NameElement (Get-ParentPath (Get-SearchResultProperty $properties "distinguishedname"))
$RecoverySearcher.Filter = "(objectClass=msFVE-RecoveryInformation)"
GetBitLockerRecovery $computerName | Where-Object { $_.passwordID -match "^$passwID" }
finally {
process {
if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Name" ) {
$RecoverySearcher.Filter = "(objectClass=msFVE-RecoveryInformation)"
foreach ( $nameItem in $Name ) {
GetBitLockerRecovery $nameItem
elseif ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "PasswID" ) {
SearchBitLockerRecoveryByPasswordID $PasswID
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