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Created July 25, 2024 17:24
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# Get-HexDump.ps1
# Written by Bill Stewart (bstewart AT
# Version history:
# 1.0 (2012-06-29)
# * Initial version.
# 1.1 (2017-03-24)
# * Slight performance improvement (don't keep recreating buffer).
# 1.2 (2019-11-12)
# * Standardize code formatting.
# 1.3 (2024-07-25)
# * Further standardization of code formatting.
#requires -version 2
Outputs the contents of a file as a hex dump.
Outputs the contents of a file as a hex dump. This is useful for viewing the content of a binary file. Characters outside the range of standard printable ASCII characters are output using a dot (.) by default. Use the -UnprintableChar parameter to specify a different character.
Specifies the path to a file. Wildcards are not permitted. The parameter name ("Path") is optional.
.PARAMETER UnprintableChar
Specifies the character to use for output of characters in the file that are outside of the standard printable ASCII character range. The default value is a dot (".").
Specifies the buffer size to use. The file will be read this many bytes at a time. This parameter must be a multiple of 16. The default is 65536 (64KB).
[Parameter(Position = 0,Mandatory)]
$UnprintableChar = ".",
$BufferSize = 65536
if ( -not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Path) ) {
Write-Error "Path '$Path' not found." -Category ObjectNotFound
$item = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Path -Force
if ( -not ($? -and ($item -is [IO.FileInfo])) ) {
Write-Error "'$Path' is not a file in the file system." -Category InvalidType
if ( $item.Length -gt [UInt32]::MaxValue ) {
Write-Error "'$Path' is too large." -Category OpenError
# The file will be output in 16-byte lines.
$bytesPerLine = 16
if ( $BufferSize % $bytesPerLine -ne 0 ) {
Write-Error "-BufferSize parameter must be a multiple of $bytesPerLine." -Category InvalidArgument
$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
# Keep track of our position within the file.
[UInt32] $fileOffset = 0
try {
$stream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($item.FullName)
$buffer = New-Object Byte[] $BufferSize
while ( $stream.Position -lt $stream.Length ) {
# Read $BufferSize bytes into $buffer, returning $bytesRead.
$bytesRead = $stream.Read($buffer,0,$BufferSize)
# Step through buffer $bytesPerLine bytes at a time.
for ( $line = 0; $line -lt [Math]::Floor($bytesRead / $bytesPerLine); $line++ ) {
# Grab 16-byte buffer slice, and create formatted string.
$slice = $buffer[($line * $bytesPerLine)..(($line * $bytesPerLine) + $bytesPerLine - 1)]
$hexOutput = "{0:X8} {01:X2} {02:X2} {03:X2} {04:X2} {05:X2} {06:X2} {07:X2} {08:X2} {09:X2} {10:X2} {11:X2} {12:X2} {13:X2} {14:X2} {15:X2} {16:X2} " -f (,$fileOffset + $slice)
# Create ASCII printable character output.
$charOutput = ""
foreach ( $byte in $slice ) {
if ( ($byte -ge 32) -and ($byte -le 126) ) {
$charOutput += [Char] $byte
else {
$charOutput += $UnprintableChar
"{0} {1}" -f $hexOutput,$charOutput
$fileOffset += $bytesPerLine
# Process bytes from end of file when file size not multiple of $bytesPerLine.
if ( $bytesRead % $bytesPerLine -ne 0 ) {
$slice = $buffer[($line * $bytesPerLine)..($bytesRead - 1)]
$hexOutput = "{0:X8} " -f $fileOffset
$charOutput = ""
foreach ( $byte in $slice ) {
$hexOutput += "{0:X2} " -f $byte
if ( ($byte -ge 32) -and ($byte -le 126) ) {
$charOutput += [Char] $byte
else {
$charOutput += $UnprintableChar
# PadRight needed to align the output.
"{0} {1}" -f $hexOutput.PadRight(58),$charOutput
Write-Progress -Activity $ScriptName `
-Status ("Dumping file '{0}'" -f $item.FullName) `
-PercentComplete (($fileOffset / $stream.Length) * 100)
catch [Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
throw $_
finally {
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