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Created December 2, 2019 19:44
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# Get-ADGroupMembership.ps1
# Written by Bill Stewart
#requires -version 2
# Version history:
# 1.0 (2019-12-02)
# * Initial version. Only searches the current domain.
Gets the distinguished names of the Active Directory groups that have a specified object as a member.
Gets the distinguished names of the Active Directory groups that have a specified object, represented by the -Identity parameter, as a member.
Specifies an Active Directory object. You can specify either the distinguishedName or the sAMAccountName of the object.
.PARAMETER Recursive
Specifies to include the object's nested group memberships.
If you use the ActiveDirectory PowerShell module and want Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADGroup objects as output, pipe this command's output to the Get-ADGroup cmdlet.
Get the distinguished names of the groups that the kendyer account is a member of:
PS C:\> Get-ADGroupMembership kendyer
Get the distinguished names of the groups that the kendyer account is a member of, including nested groups:
PS C:\> Get-ADGroupMembership kendyer -Recursive
Get the ADGroup objects representing the groups that the kendyer account is a member of (requires the Active Directory module):
PS C:\> Get-ADGroupMembership kendyer | Get-ADGroup
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[String[]] $Identity,
[Switch] $Recursive
begin {
$CommandName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
# Set up Pathname COM object
$Pathname = New-Object -ComObject "Pathname"
if ( -not $Pathname ) {
[Void] $Pathname.GetType().InvokeMember("EscapedMode","SetProperty",$null,$Pathname,$ADS_ESCAPEDMODE_ON)
# Outputs correctly escaped distinguished name using Pathname object
function Get-EscapedName {
[String] $distinguishedName
[Void] $Pathname.GetType().InvokeMember("Set","InvokeMethod",$null,$Pathname,@($distinguishedName,$ADS_SETTYPE_DN))
# Outputs the memberOf attribute of an object using paged search (in case
# an object is a member of a large number of groups)
function Get-MemberOfAttribute {
[String] $distinguishedName,
[Ref] $memberOf,
[Switch] $recursive
$searcher = [ADSISearcher] "(objectClass=*)"
$searcher.SearchRoot = [ADSI] "LDAP://$(Get-EscapedName $distinguishedName)"
$lastQuery = $false
$rangeStep = 1500
$rangeLow = 0
$rangeHigh = $rangeLow + ($rangeStep - 1)
do {
if ( -not $lastQuery ) {
$property = "memberOf;range={0}-{1}" -f $rangeLow,$rangeHigh
else {
$property = "memberOf;range={0}-*" -f $rangeLow
[Void] $searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($property)
$searchResults = $searcher.FindOne()
if ( $searchResults.Properties.Contains($property) ) {
foreach ( $searchResult in $searchResults.Properties[$property] ) {
if ( $memberOf.Value.Count -gt 100 ) {
Write-Progress `
-Activity $CommandName `
-Status "Getting membership of '$distinguishedName'" `
-CurrentOperation $searchResult
if ( $recursive ) {
if ( -not $memberOf.Value.Contains($searchResult) ) {
Get-MemberOfAttribute $searchResult $memberOf -recursive
if ( -not $memberOf.Value.Contains($searchResult) ) {
$done = $lastQuery
else {
if ( -not $lastQuery ) {
$lastQuery = $true
else {
$done = $true
if ( -not $lastQuery ) {
$rangeLow = $rangeHigh + 1
$rangeHigh = $rangeLow + ($rangeStep - 1)
until ( $done )
Write-Progress `
-Activity $CommandName `
-Status "Getting membership of '$distinguishedName'" `
function Get-ADGroupMembership {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[String] $identity,
[Switch] $recursive
$ldapString = $identity -replace '\\','\5c' -replace '\(','\28' -replace '\)','\29' -replace '\*','\2a' -replace '\/','\2f'
$searcher = [ADSISearcher] "(|(distinguishedName=$ldapString)(sAMAccountName=$ldapString))"
try {
$searchResults = $searcher.FindAll()
if ( $searchResults.Count -gt 0 ) {
foreach ( $searchResult in $searchResults ) {
$memberOf = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[String]
Get-MemberOfAttribute $searchResult.Properties["distinguishedname"][0] ([Ref] $memberOf) -recursive:$recursive
else {
Write-Error "Cannot find an object with identity '$identity'." -Category ObjectNotFound
catch {
Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_
finally {
process {
foreach ( $IdentityItem in $Identity ) {
Get-ADGroupMembership $IdentityItem -recursive:$Recursive
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