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Last active July 17, 2020 20:08
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Mod 3 Gear Up

Who is the developer you want to be?

I want to be the developer that everyone wants to work with. A developer that is kind, understanding, empathetic, and practices mindfulness. I want to learn all the skills to foster a healthy work environment for myself and coworkers.I want others to feel comfortable around me and that they can be themselves. I want to be a developer that is free of biases and nurtures an open healthy work environment. I want to be a developer that addresses the biases of the tech industry and helps the industry overcome them. I want people to feel comfortable talking to me about the problems, even if the problem is me. I want to be a developer that follows the code of ethics and helps spread the knowledge of them.

What impact will you make?

I would like to try to help stop the spread of disinformation online someday. I want to make a diverse and inclusive a priority in my job hunt. I want to use my privilege from being a developer to help those less fortunate either monetarily with donations, or with my time.

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