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Last active October 21, 2016 08:06
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module Kmeans where
import System.Random
type Point = (Int, Int)
type Mean = (Float, Float)
type Cluster = [Point]
i2f :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
i2f = fromIntegral
p2f :: Point -> (Float, Float)
p2f (x, y) = (i2f x, i2f y)
-- distance squared between 2 points
dist :: (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> Float
dist (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (x1 - x2)^^2 + (y1 - y2)^^2
-- find index of closest point in list
closest :: Point -> [Mean] -> Int
closest p ms = (snd . minimum) $ zip (map ((dist . p2f) p) ms) [0..]
-- Updates a list of lists by adding an item to
-- one of the lists. The list to be augmented is
-- specified by its index within the list of lists.
add2List :: [[a]] -> a -> Int -> [[a]]
add2List xss x i = take i xss ++ [x : (xss !! i)] ++ drop (i + 1) xss
-- partition points into clusters by
-- assigning each point to the mean point
-- that it is closest to.
assign :: [Point] -> [Mean] -> [Cluster]
assign ps ms = foldr acc zero ps
-- add p to cluster with closest mean
acc :: Point -> [Cluster] -> [Cluster]
acc p cs = add2List cs p $ closest p ms
-- init with an empty cluster for each mean in ms
zero :: [Cluster]
zero = replicate (length ms) []
-- add 2 points together pointwise
add :: Point -> Point -> Point
add (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (x1+x2, y1+y2)
-- multiply point co-ords by some factor
mult :: Float -> Point -> (Float, Float)
mult k (x,y) = (k * i2f x, k * i2f y)
-- find mean point of cluster
-- i.e. (average x co-ord, average y co-ord)
mean :: Cluster -> Mean
mean [] = (0,0)
mean c = mult (1 / i2f (length c)) $ foldr add (0,0) c
-- calculate new means by finding mean of
-- each cluster in list of clusters
means :: [Cluster] -> [Mean]
means = map mean
-- updates a value using a function until the value stabilizes
stabilize :: Eq a => a -> (a -> a) -> a
stabilize x f = let x' = f x
in if x == x' then x else stabilize x' f
-- initialize k means by taking the first k points
kInit :: Int -> [Point] -> [Mean]
kInit k ps = map (\(x,y) -> (i2f x, i2f y)) $ take k ps
-- initialize k clusters in round-robin fashion
cInit :: Int -> [Point] -> [Cluster]
cInit k ps = snd $ foldr acc zero ps
zero = (0, replicate k [])
acc pt (i, css) = ((i + 1) `mod` k, add2List css pt i)
kmeans :: Int -> [Point] -> [Cluster]
kmeans k ps = stabilize initClusters updateClusters
-- assign points to clusters
initClusters :: [Cluster]
initClusters = cInit k ps
-- calc new means from clusters then re-assign clusters
updateClusters :: [Cluster] -> [Cluster]
updateClusters = assign ps . means
--------------------- Screen utilities ----------------------
-- animate algorithm using generated random data
-- size: number of lines in grid
-- k: number of clusters to find
-- delay: to slow animation down ~30
animate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
animate size k delay = do
ps <- randomPoints size k
go ps $ cInit k ps
where go ps cs = do
printClusters size cs
wait delay
let cs' = (assign ps . means) cs
if cs == cs'
then putMsg "Complete!!!" (0,0)
else go ps cs'
plot :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> IO ()
plot i (x,y) = do
putStrLn $ "\ESC[4" ++ [['1'..] !! (i `mod` 6)] ++ "m"
putStr ("\ESC[" ++ show (y+2) ++ ";" ++ show (2*x+2) ++ "H")
putChar ' '
putStr ("\ESC[1;1H")
putMsg :: String -> (Int, Int) -> IO ()
putMsg s (x,y) = do
putStr ("\ESC[" ++ show (y+1) ++ ";" ++ show (x+1) ++ "H")
putStr s
cls :: Int -> IO ()
cls size = sequence_
[ putStrLn $ "\ESC[" ++ show r ++ ";1H\ESC[2K" | r <- [1..size+1] ]
resetColor :: IO ()
resetColor = putStr "\ESC[37m\ESC[40m"
wait :: Int -> IO ()
wait t = sequence_ $ replicate t (go 15)
where go n = if n > 0
then do go (n-1); go (n-1)
else return ()
printClusters :: Int -> [Cluster] -> IO ()
printClusters size cs = do
cls size
sequence_ $ concat $ zipWith (map . plot) [1..] cs
--------------------- random data ---------------------------
normalVar :: Mean -> Int -> Int -> IO Point
normalVar (x,y) steps size =
if steps == 0 then return (bound x size, bound y size)
else do
x' <- randomRIO (-1.0, 1.0)
y' <- randomRIO (-1.0, 1.0)
normalVar (x+x', y+y') (steps - 1) size
bound :: Float -> Int -> Int
bound x size = let x' = round x in min (size - 1) $ max 0 x'
randomMean :: Int -> IO Mean
randomMean size = do
x <- randomRIO (i2f size / 5, i2f size * 4 / 5)
y <- randomRIO (i2f size / 5, i2f size * 4 / 5)
return (x,y)
randomMeans :: Int -> Int -> IO [Mean]
randomMeans size k = do
mss <- sequence $ replicate 10 genMs
return $ snd $ maximum [ (spread ms, ms) | ms <- mss ]
genMs = sequence $ replicate k (randomMean size)
spread ms = sum [ sqrt $ dist m1 m2 | m1 <- ms, m2 <- ms]
randomPoints :: Int -> Int -> IO [Point]
randomPoints s k = do
ms <- randomMeans s k
randPts ms ((s * s) `div` 5)
randPts ms n = if n == 0
then return []
else do
pts <- randPts ms (n - 1)
pt <- randPt ms pts
return $ pt : pts
randPt ms pts = do
i <- randomRIO (0, k-1)
pt <- normalVar (ms !! i) s s
if pt `elem` pts then randPt ms pts else return pt
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Implementation of the k-means clustering algorithm with an animated display thet runs in a terminal.
Works in ubuntu linux - may?? work on windows,

[1] load ghci
[2] animate 30 3 30

To slow it down increase the final param.

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