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Last active May 10, 2022 17:56
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Python script to replicate the matrix rain effect
import curses
import random
import string
from curses import wrapper
import _curses
def generate_string(sample, rows_, high_performance_generation_=False) -> str:
_ = ""
while len(_) <= rows_:
# _ += " "*random.randint(3,7)
_ += "".join(random.sample(sample, random.randint(*(10,50) if high_performance_generation_ else (0,9))))
_ += " "*random.randint(*(10,60) if high_performance_generation_ else (3,10))
# return _[:random.randint(rows_-9, rows_)].center(rows_)
return _[:random.randint(rows_-9, rows_)].strip().center(rows_)
def update_string(sample, seq:list, rows_, reduce_jitter=True) -> str:
spam_ = ""
for word in ''.join(seq).split(" "):
if word:
spam_ += word[:-1] + random.choice(sample) if reduce_jitter else word[1:] + word[0]
spam_ += " "
return spam_[:rows_]
def main(scr:_curses.newwin) -> None:
curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_GREEN, -1)
curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_RED, -1)
curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_CYAN, -1)
curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_BLUE, -1)
curses.init_pair(5, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, -1)
curses.init_pair(6, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, -1)
curses.init_pair(7, curses.COLOR_WHITE, -1)
delay = 50
r = c = 0
color_index = 1
binary = kanji = jitter = high_performance_generation = False
while True:
sample_space = '。「」、・ヲァィゥェォャュョッーアイウエオカキクケコサシスセソタチツテトナニヌネノハヒフヘホマミムメモヤユヨラリルレロン゙' if kanji else "01"*50 if binary else string.ascii_letters+string.digits+string.punctuation
## initial matrix generation
if (r, c) != scr.getmaxyx(): # refresh when window dimension changes
rows, cols = r, c = scr.getmaxyx()
cols //= 2
rows = 500 if high_performance_generation else rows
matrix = [['' for i in range(rows)]for j in range(cols)]
for i in range(cols):
spam = generate_string(sample=sample_space, rows_=rows, high_performance_generation_=high_performance_generation)
for j in range(rows):
matrix[i][j] = spam[j]
key_pressed = scr.getch()
## print matrix
for y in range(r):
for x in range(cols):
try:color = curses.color_pair(7) if not matrix[x][y].isspace() and matrix[x][y+1].isspace() else curses.color_pair(color_index)
except IndexError:pass
try:scr.addch(y,x*2, matrix[x][y], color)
except _curses.error:pass
## update matrix
for e in range(cols):
matrix[e] = list(update_string(sample=sample_space, seq=matrix[e], rows_=rows, reduce_jitter=jitter))
_ = matrix[e][-1]
matrix[e].insert(0, _)
matrix[e] = matrix[e][:-1]
## handle key presses at the end
if key_pressed in (ord("q"), ord("Q")):
elif key_pressed == ord("+"):
delay -= 10
elif key_pressed == ord("-"):
delay += 10
elif key_pressed == ord(" "):
color_index += 1
if color_index > 7:
color_index = 1
elif key_pressed in (ord("r"), ord("R")):
## OwO What's this!?
elif key_pressed in (ord("b"), ord("B")):
binary = not binary
elif key_pressed in (ord("k"), ord("K")):
kanji = not kanji
elif key_pressed in (ord("j"), ord("J")):
jitter = not jitter
elif key_pressed in (ord("x"), ord("X")):
high_performance_generation = not high_performance_generation
r = c = 0
curses.napms(delay if delay > 0 else 0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if sys.argv[1] in ("-h", "--help"):
print("Python script to replicate the matrix rain effect")
print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} [-h] [--help]\n")
print("-h, --help: show this help message and exit\n")
print("[+] increase scroll speed")
print("[-] decrease scroll speed")
print("[b] toggle binary characters")
print("[k] toggle kanji characters")
print("[r] toggle RGB mode")
print("[j] toggle jittering of characters")
print("[x] increase the randomness of the matrix [resource intensive]")
print("[ ] (space) cycle through different colors [default is green]")
print("[q] quit\n")
print("NOTE: If you wanna switch to some other mode, make sure to toggle all existing ones off first")
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