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Last active July 19, 2021 20:43
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Install Fenics in Docker

1. Show available containers 

sudo docker ps

2. Start container with shared root in local machine  $(pwd):/media/home/Fenics/ to container root  /home/fenics/shared 

docker run --shm-size=1g -ti --name notebook -w /home/fenics -v F:/fenics/run_examples:/home/fenics/shared -d -p 'jupyter-notebook --ip='

docker run --shm-size=1g -ti --name fenics -v F:/fenics/run_examples:/home/fenics/shared

notebook usage

docker inspect notebook #find ip address ip:8888

3. Re-enter the container

sudo docker attach fenics

docker exec -u fenics -it fenics bash

4. Re-start the container

sudo docker restart fenics

5. Close a container

sudo docker stop fenics

6. Run fenics


7. Run another terminal in one container

docker exec -ti notebook bash

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