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Last active May 27, 2019 21:40
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Some javascript to fix media widget display issues in WordPress 4.8
// Use a timeout so we can ensure any resizing/ transitions are complete. May need to make the duration a little longer.
// This code should be called from the code that makes the hidden widgets visible. For example in the button click event.
// Requires jQuery for a couple of bits - shouldn't be a problem since most WordPress themes use it.
function() {
// Remove any media elements currently initialised.
// Should change .sidebar-overlay to match the html on your site.
// This should be some sort of container that holds the hidden widgets.
// The container is used to ensure widgets in visible sidebars are not affected.
$( '.sidebar-overlay .mejs-container' ).each(
function( i, el ) {
// Remove the reference to the media player from the js object so that it will be reinitialized later.
if ( mejs.players[ ] ) {
mejs.players[ ].remove();
// Initialize overlay.
if ( window.wp && window.wp.mediaelement ) {
// Trigger window resize event to fix video size issues.
// Don't use jqueries trigger event since that only triggers
// methods hooked to events, and not the events themselves.
if ( typeof( Event ) === 'function' ) {
window.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'resize' ) );
} else {
var event = window.document.createEvent( 'UIEvents' );
event.initUIEvent( 'resize', true, false, window, 0 );
window.dispatchEvent( event );
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