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Last active January 17, 2020 23:35
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  • Save BinaryResearch/70a69e651034eed27fb14d129e8269f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BinaryResearch/70a69e651034eed27fb14d129e8269f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
uses angr to automatically generate valid usernames for keygenme
import angr
import claripy
from datetime import datetime
# called in the hook to skip instructions
def skip_banner(state):
def find_valid_usernames():
# since the crackme binary is a Position Independent Executable, setting the base address to 0
# saves us the trouble of having to calculate offsets of any kind
proj = angr.Project("keygenme", main_opts = {"base_addr": 0}, auto_load_libs = False)
# skip code that has no bearing on the rest of the program
proj.hook(0x00001166, skip_banner, length = 0x00001177 - 0x00001166)
# symbolic variable (bitvector) compute values for username
# 10 characters in length * 8 bits per byte
username = claripy.BVS("username", 10 * 8)
# the arg3 string is just a placeholder here, since exploration ends before the code
# opening the password file is reached
# the username is checked in the main() function, so the simulation manager does not
# have to explore very deep into the program. The target address is located in main(),
# after the checks of the bytes the username is composed of
state = proj.factory.entry_state(args = ["keygenme", username, "arg3"])
sim_mgr = proj.factory.simulation_manager(state)
print("[ %s ] Exploration started..." %
sim_mgr.explore(find = 0x00001264, avoid=[0x000012c2, 0x000012ff])
print("[ %s ] Finished..." %
# when a path to the target address is found, compute usernames
# using the constraint solver, then write them to a file
if len(sim_mgr.found) > 0:
print("[ %s ] Computing valid usernames... " %
found = sim_mgr.found[0]
valid_usernames = found.solver.eval_upto(username, 100, cast_to = bytes) # <---------
print("[ %s ] Complete. Writing to file..." %
with open("100_usernames.txt", "w") as f:
for name in valid_usernames:
f.write(name.decode("ASCII") + "\n")
print("No valid usernames found.") # should never happen
if __name__ == "__main__":
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