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Created February 27, 2020 08:46
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* println(Schema2CaseClass.schema2Cc(dfp.schema, "Party"))
object Schema2CaseClass {
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
case class RecFieldRes(fieldStr: String, additionalCc: Option[String] = None)
case class CcRes(cc: String, additional: List[String])
def schema2Cc(schema: StructType, className: String): String = {
val res = CcRes(s"case class $className (\n", Nil)
val res1 =, a) => b.copy( + s"\n${a.fieldStr},", b.additional ++ a.additionalCc))",") + "\n)\n" + res1.additional.mkString("\n\n")
private def field(sf: StructField): RecFieldRes = {
def fd: String => String = fieldDef(sf)
sf.dataType match {
case at: ArrayType => at.elementType match {
case s: StructType => RecFieldRes(fd(s"Seq[${}]"), Some(schema2Cc(s,
case _ => RecFieldRes(fd(s"Seq[${primitiveFiledType(at.elementType)}]"))
case mt: MapType => RecFieldRes(fd("Map")) //TODO
case st: StructType => RecFieldRes(fd(, Some(schema2Cc(st,
case pt => RecFieldRes(fd(primitiveFiledType(pt)))
private def primitiveFiledType(dt: DataType): String = dt match {
case _: ByteType => "Byte"
case _: ShortType => "Short"
case _: IntegerType => "Int"
case _: LongType => "Long"
case _: FloatType => "Float"
case _: DoubleType => "Double"
case _: DecimalType => "java.math.BigDecimal"
case _: StringType => "String"
case _: BinaryType => "Array[Byte]"
case _: BooleanType => "Boolean"
case _: TimestampType => "java.sql.Timestamp"
case _: DateType => "java.sql.Date"
case _ => "String"
private def fieldDef(sf: StructField)(ft: String): String = sf match {
case x if x.nullable && !x.dataType.isInstanceOf[ArrayType] && !x.dataType.isInstanceOf[MapType] =>
s""" ${if("type") "`type`" else }: Option[$ft]"""
case _ => s" ${}: $ft"
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