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Last active July 19, 2022 15:18
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How much confidence can we place in the range of values in a CI vs the point estimate
# *-----------------------------------------------------------------
# | PROGRAM NAME: CI Simulation
# | DATE: 7/16/22
# *----------------------------------------------------------------
# | PURPOSE: How much confidence can we place in the range of values in a CI vs the point estimate
# *----------------------------------------------------------------
rm(list=ls()) # get rid of any existing data
cat("\f") # clear console # clear plots
options("scipen" =100, "digits" = 4) # override R's tendency to use scientific notation
# ----------------------------------------------
# create super population
# ----------------------------------------------
# treatent group
mu <- 3500 # mean 4000
sd <- 10500 # standard deviation 3 x mean
cv <- sd/mu # CV
kappa <- 1/(cv^2) # shape parameter
theta <- (sd*sd)/mu # this is theta or scale parameter
# simulate costs based on parameter assumptions above
cost <- rgamma(100000, shape = kappa, scale = theta)
# check descriptive results
hist(cost, breaks = 50)
# simulate ID and treatment indicator
ID <- seq(1,100000)
D <- rep(1,100000)
trt <- data.frame(ID,cost,D) # combine metrics
# control group
mu <- 4000 # mean 6000
sd <- 12000 # standard deviation 3 x mean
cv <- sd/mu # CV
kappa <- 1/(cv^2) # shape parameter
theta <- (sd*sd)/mu # this is theta or scale parameter
# simulate costs based on parameter assumptions above
cost <- rgamma(100000, shape = kappa, scale = theta)
# check descriptive results
hist(cost, breaks = 50)
# simulate ID and treatment indicator
ID <- seq(100001,200000)
D <- rep(0,100000)
ctrl <- data.frame(ID,cost,D) # combine metrics
# create population data frame
df <- rbind(trt,ctrl)
# check descriptives
group_by(D) %>%
summarize(y = mean(cost),
n = n())
hist(df$cost, breaks = 50)
summary(lm(cost ~ D, data = df)) # regression on full model
simdatA <- df # we will use this simulated data below
# what sample size do we need to measure this effect with 80% power and 95% confidence
# calculate effect size 'd'
sigmaA = sd(simdatA$cost[simdatA$D ==1]) # standard deviation for group A
sigmaB = sd(simdatA$cost[simdatA$D ==0]) # standard deviation for group B (for now assume common variance between groups)
Q0 = .5 # proportion in the control group (.5 implies equal sized groups)
sigma_pooled = sqrt(((sigmaA)^2*(1/Q0 -1 ) + (sigmaB)^2*(1/(1-Q0) -1 ) )/((1/Q0 -1 ) + (1/(1-Q0) -1 ))) # pooled standard deviation
# how large of a sample for $500
d = -500/sigma_pooled
pwr.t.test(n = , d =d , sig.level = .05 , power = .8 ,type = c("two.sample"))
# how much power do we have with varying sample sizes
# pwr.t.test(n = 1000, d =d , sig.level = .05 , power = ,type = c("two.sample"))
# n = 8000 80%
# n = 7000 74%
# n = 6000 68%
# n = 5000 60%
# n = 4000 50%
# n = 3000 40%
# n = 2000 30%
# n = 1000 15%
# -----------------------------------------
# CI simulation for scenario 1
# -----------------------------------------
Sn <- 8000 # 8000 fully powered sample
# create treatment and control groups
treat <- simdatA[simdatA$D == 1,]
ctrl <- simdatA[simdatA$D == 0,]
set.seed(9876) # make this repeatable 1234567
pvals <-c()
bhat <- c()
CI_Lower <- c()
CI_Upper <- c()
repNum <- c()
bstrap <- c() # initialize vector for bootstrapped estimates
for (i in 1:100) {
sample1 <- treat[sample(nrow(treat), Sn, replace = T), ] # sample from treatment group
sample2 <- ctrl[sample(nrow(ctrl), Sn, replace = T), ] # sample from control group
bs <- rbind(sample1,sample2) # sample
(summ <- summary(lm(cost ~ D, data = bs))) # our estimator
se <- coef(summ)[4] # SE
est <- coef(summ)[2] # est
pval <- coef(summ)[8] # pvalue
LB <- est - 1.96*se
UB <- est + 1.96*se
bhat <- c(bhat,est)
pvals <- c(pvals,pval)
CI_Lower <- c(CI_Lower, LB)
CI_Upper <- c(CI_Upper, UB)
repNum <- c(repNum,i) # get p-value from this bs sample
print(cbind("Iteration:", i)) # comment this out to stop printing to log
rpt <- data.frame(repNum,bhat,pvals,CI_Lower,CI_Upper)
rm(LB,UB,se,est,i,sample1,sample2,bs,summ,bhat) # cleanup
k <- -500 # population parameter we are estimating
rpt$flag <- ifelse((rpt$CI_Lower <= k & rpt$CI_Upper >= k),1,0) # interval contains 'k'
rpt$sig <- ifelse(rpt$pvals < .05,1,0 ) # estimate is statistically different from 0
rpt$diffLB <- abs(k - rpt$CI_Lower) # difference between k and CI lower bound
rpt$diffUB <- abs(k - rpt$CI_Upper) # difference between k and CI upper bound
rpt$diffEst <- abs(k - rpt$bhat) # difference between point estimate and k
rpt$est_closer <- ifelse(rpt$diffEst < rpt$diffLB & rpt$diffEst < rpt$diffUB,1,0) # flag when point estimate is closer to k
summary(rpt) # check
plot(rpt$bhat, pch=20, ylim=range(pretty(c(rpt$CI_Lower, rpt$CI_Upper))),
xlab='', ylab='', las=1, cex.axis=0.8, cex=.5, xaxt='n')
segments(seq_len(nrow(rpt)), rpt$CI_Lower, y1= rpt$CI_Upper, lend=1)
segments(seq_len(nrow(rpt)), rpt$CI_Lower, y1= rpt$CI_Upper, lwd=1, lend=1)
abline(h = -500)
# order by estimate
tmp <- rpt[order(rpt$bhat),]
plot(tmp$bhat, pch=20, ylim=range(pretty(c(tmp$CI_Lower, tmp$CI_Upper))),
xlab='', ylab='', las=1, cex.axis=0.8, cex=.5, xaxt='n')
segments(seq_len(nrow(tmp)), tmp$CI_Lower, y1= tmp$CI_Upper, lend=1)
segments(seq_len(nrow(tmp)), tmp$CI_Lower, y1= tmp$CI_Upper, lwd=1, lend=1)
abline(h = -500)
# separate intervals where estimate is closer to k than endpoints
tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$est_closer),]
plot(tmp$bhat, pch=20, ylim=range(pretty(c(tmp$CI_Lower, tmp$CI_Upper))),
xlab='', ylab='', las=1, cex.axis=0.8, cex=.5, xaxt='n')
segments(seq_len(nrow(tmp)), tmp$CI_Lower, y1= tmp$CI_Upper, lend=1)
segments(seq_len(nrow(tmp)), tmp$CI_Lower, y1= tmp$CI_Upper, lwd=1, lend=1)
abline(h = -500)
capture <- c()
tmp <- rpt
for (i in 1:100) {
chk <- rpt[rpt$repNum ==i,] # select CI
LB <-chk$CI_Lower
UB <- chk$CI_Upper
tmp$capture <- ifelse((tmp$bhat > LB & tmp$bhat < UB), 1,0)
r <- mean(tmp$capture)
capture <- c(capture,r)
print(cbind("Iteration:", i))
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