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Last active April 19, 2019 12:37
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Demonstrate how an IV captures the treatment effect of the compliers or LATE
# *-----------------------------------------------------------------
# | DATE: 4/18/19
# | PROJECT FILE: /Google Drive/R Training
# *----------------------------------------------------------------
# | PURPOSE: demonstrate how an IV captures the treatment effect of the compliers, or LATE
# *----------------------------------------------------------------
# see companion blog post:
# this is largely based on:
# additional references:
# 1) Angrist, Joshua D., et al. “Identification of Causal Effects Using Instrumental Variables.”
# Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 91, no. 434, 1996, pp. 444–455. JSTOR,
# 2) Angrist, J.D. J Exp Criminol (2006) 2: 23.
# see also:
library(dplyr) # data wrangling and aggregations
library(AER) # for IV estimation
# simulate data for LATE example
Z <- list() # this will be our random treatment assignment indicator - and our 'instrument'
# create 100 treatment cases
for(i in 1:100) {
Z[i] = 1
# create 100 controls
for(i in 101:200) {
Z[i] = 0
# initialize key variables
status <- list() # label for our compliers and never takers
y <- list() # outcome values
D <- list() # treatment recieved indicator - note the combination of treatment recieved (D) and treatment assigned
# determines our 'compliers' and 'never takers'
# the first 20 of the treatment cases will be 'never takers' with an average outcome (y) value = 5
for(i in 1:20) {
status[i] = 'never taker'
y[i] = 5
D[i] = 0 # never takers have a treatment recieved indicator = 0 regardless of treatment assignment (Z)
# the remaining treatment cases will be 'compliers' with an average outcome (y) value = 25
for(i in 21:100) {
status[i] = 'complier'
y[i] = 25
D[i] = 1 # compliers have a treatment recieved indicator = 1 when treatment assigned Z = 1
# the first 20 of our controls will be 'never takers' with an average outcome (y) value = 5
for(i in 101:120) {
status[i] = 'never taker'
y[i] = 5
D[i] = 0 # never takers have a treatment recieved indicator = 0 regardless of treatment assignment (Z)
# the remaining contrls will be 'compliers' with average outcome (y) value = 20
for(i in 121:200) {
status[i] = 'complier'
y[i] = 20
D[i] = 0 # compliers have a treatment recieved indicator = 0 when treatment assigned Z = 0
# pack up lists generated above into a data frame
y <- as.numeric(as.character(unlist(y)))
Z <- as.numeric(as.character(unlist(Z)))
D <- as.numeric(as.character(unlist(D)))
status <- as.character(unlist(status))
df <- data.frame(y,Z,D,status)
# summarize our toy data
table(status,Z) # we see that we have 40 never takers and 160 compliers
# break down outcomes by treatment assigned, treatment recieved and compliance status
summarize(Yavg = mean(y))
summarize(Yavg = mean(y))
# from this data it is clear that the difference in outcomes from our compliers is 5 that is the LATE we will
# identify using instrumental variables estimation below, and compare that to our ITT and as treated analysis
# analysis
summary(lm(y~Z, data = df)) # ITT estimate EST_B = 4
# compare those in treatment group that recieved treatment (compliers) to all controls
mean(df$y[df$Z ==1 & df$D ==1]) - mean(df$y[df$Z ==0]) # EST_B = 8
# compare 'as treated' to those not treated
summary(lm(y~D, data = df)) # EST_B = 10
# estimate LATE via 2SLS
D_star <- predict(lm(D~Z, data = df)) # 1st stage regression
lm(y~D_star, data = df) # 2nd stage regression EST_BIV = 5
# estimate local average treatment effecit or b_iv uisng Z or random treatment assignment as an instrumental variable using ivreg
summary(ivreg(y ~ D | Z,data =df))
# notice this is the same as the difference in means for the compliers in treatment and contorl groups (which is LATE)
mean(df$y[df$status == 'complier' & df$Z ==1]) - mean(df$y[df$status == 'complier' & df$Z ==0])
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