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Companion code from DataCamp next-gen sequencing analysis course
# *-----------------------------------------------------------------
# | PROGRAM NAME: RNA seq analysis.R
# | DATE: 12/27/19
# | PROJECT FILE: /Users/amandabogard/Google Drive/R Training
# *----------------------------------------------------------------
# | PURPOSE: dc code and analysis
# *----------------------------------------------------------------
# Introduction to RNA-Seq theory and workflow
# Load library for DESeq2
# Load library for RColorBrewer
# Load library for pheatmap
# Load library for tidyverse
# For the RNA-Seq analysis workflow, we obtain the raw FASTQ sequencing files from the
# sequencing facility. We assess the quality of our sequence reads for each sample,
# then determine from where on the genome the reads originated by performing alignment.
# We will use the information about where the reads align to generate the count matrix
# (the number of reads aligning to the exons of each gene), which we will be using to start
# the differential expression analysis.
### Exploring the raw count matrix
# Explore the first six observations of smoc2_rawcounts
# Explore the structure of smoc2_rawcounts
### DGE Theory: Metadata
# Create genotype vector
genotype <- c("smoc2_oe","smoc2_oe","smoc2_oe","smoc2_oe","smoc2_oe","smoc2_oe","smoc2_oe")
# Create condition vector
condition <- c("fibrosis","fibrosis","fibrosis","fibrosis","normal","normal","normal")
# Create data frame
smoc2_metadata <- data.frame(genotype, condition)
# Assign the row names of the data frame
rownames(smoc2_metadata) <- c("smoc2_fibrosis1","smoc2_fibrosis2","smoc2_fibrosis3","smoc2_fibrosis4","smoc2_normal1","smoc2_normal3","smoc2_normal4")
# exploratory data analysis
# In the videos, we are exploring gene expression differences between the normal and fibrosis samples
# of wild-type mice. In these exercises, we will be exploring gene expression between the normal and
# fibrosis samples from mice over-expressing the smoc2 gene.
### Matching metadata and counts data
# To perform any analysis with DESeq2, we need to create a DESeq2 object by providing the raw counts,
# metadata, and design formula. To do this, we need to read in the raw counts data and associated
# metadata we created previously, make sure the sample names are in the same order in both datasets,
# then create a DESeq2 object to use for differential expression analysis.
# We will use the design formula ~ condition to test for differential expression between
# conditions (normal and fibrosis).
# Use the match() function to reorder the columns of the raw counts
reorder_idx <- match(rownames(smoc2_metadata), colnames(smoc2_rawcounts))
# Reorder the columns of the count data
reordered_smoc2_rawcounts <- smoc2_rawcounts[ , reorder_idx]
# Create a DESeq2 object
dds_smoc2 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = reordered_smoc2_rawcounts,
colData = smoc2_metadata,
design = ~ condition)
### Normalizing counts with DESeq2
# we need to generate the normalized counts (normalized for library size,
# which is the total number of gene counts per sample, while accounting for library composition).
# To obtain the normalized counts, use the DESeq2 object and generate the normalized counts matrix.
# Determine the size factors to use for normalization
dds_smoc2 <- estimateSizeFactors(dds_smoc2)
# Extract the normalized counts
smoc2_normalized_counts <- counts(dds_smoc2,normalized = TRUE)
### Hierarchical heatmap by condition
# Transform the normalized counts
vsd_smoc2 <- vst(dds_smoc2, blind = TRUE)
# Extract the matrix of transformed counts
vsd_mat_smoc2 <- assay(vsd_smoc2)
# Compute the correlation values between samples
vsd_cor_smoc2 <- cor(vsd_mat_smoc2)
# Plot the heatmap
pheatmap(vsd_cor_smoc2, annotation = select(smoc2_metadata, condition))
### PCA analysis
# To continue with the quality assessment of our samples, in the first part of this exercise,
# we will perform PCA to look how our samples cluster and whether our condition of interest
# corresponds with the principal components explaining the most variation in the data.
# Transform the normalized counts
vsd_smoc2 <- vst(dds_smoc2, blind = TRUE)
# Plot the PCA of PC1 and PC2
plotPCA(vsd_smoc2, intgroup="condition")
# Differential expression analysis with DESeq2
### Creating the DE object
# Create DESeq2 object
dds_smoc2 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = reordered_smoc2_rawcounts,
colData = smoc2_metadata,
design = ~ condition)
# Run the DESeq2 analysis
DESeq2 <- DESeq(dds_smoc2)
### DESeq2 model - exploring dispersions
# After fitting the model in the previous exercise, let's explore the fit of our smoc2 data to
# the negative binomial model by plotting the dispersion estimates using the plotDispEsts() function.
# Remember that the dispersion estimates are used to model the raw counts; if the dispersions don't
# follow the assumptions made by DESeq2, then the variation in the data could be poorly estimated
# and the DE results could be less accurate.
# The assumptions DESeq2 makes are that the dispersions should generally decrease with increasing
# mean and that they should more or less follow the fitted line
# Plot dispersions
### DESeq2 model - extracting results
# Extract the results of the differential expression analysis
smoc2_res <- results(dds_smoc2,
contrast = c("condition","fibrosis", "normal"),
alpha = .05)
# DESeq2 results - LFC shrinkage
# To improve the fold change estimates for our data, we want to take our results and shrink
# the log2 fold changes using the lfcShrink() function.
# Shrink the log2 fold change estimates to be more accurate
smoc2_res <- lfcShrink(dds_smoc2,
contrast = c("condition","fibrosis", "normal"),
res = smoc2_res)
# To reduce the number of DE genes that we are returning and to reduce the likelihood of the DE genes
# being biologically meaningful, we are going to use a small log2 fold change threshold to determine
# the DE genes.
# Explore the results() function
# Extract results
smoc2_res <- results(dds_smoc2,
contrast = c("condition","fibrosis", "normal"),
alpha = .05,
lfcThreshold = .32)
# Shrink the log2 fold changes
smoc2_res <- lfcShrink(dds_smoc2,
contrast = c("condition","fibrosis", "normal"),
res = smoc2_res)
# Now that we have extracted our results, we can get a nice overview of the number
# of differentially expressed genes there are for our designated alpha level using
# the summary() function. It will output the numbers/percentages of up- and down-regulated genes,
# as well as, give information about independent filtering and outliers removed.
# Get an overview of the results
# example building results table
smoc2_res_all <- data.frame(smoc2_res) %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "ensgene") %>%
left_join(x = wt_res_all,
y = grcm38[, c("ensgene"
by = "ensgene")
# Save results as a data frame
smoc2_res_all <- data.frame(smoc2_res)
# Subset the results to only return the significant genes with p-adjusted values less than 0.05
smoc2_res_sig <- subset(smoc2_res_all,padj < 0.05)
# visualization of results
### DESeq2 visualizations - MA and volcano plots
# To explore the results, visualizations can be helpful to see a global view of the data,
# as well as, characteristics of the significant genes. Usually, we expect to see
# significant genes identified across the range of mean values, which we can plot using the
# MA plot. If we only see significant genes with high mean values, then it could indicate an
# issue with our data. The volcano plot helps us to get an idea of the range of fold changes
# needed to identify significance in our data.
# Create MA plot
# Generate logical column
smoc2_res_all <- data.frame(smoc2_res) %>% mutate(threshold = padj < 0.05)
# Create the volcano plot
ggplot(smoc2_res_all) +
geom_point(aes(x = log2FoldChange, y = -log10(padj), color = threshold)) +
xlab("log2 fold change") +
ylab("-log10 adjusted p-value") +
theme(legend.position = "none",
plot.title = element_text(size = rel(1.5), hjust = 0.5),
axis.title = element_text(size = rel(1.25)))
### DESeq2 visualizations - heatmap
# Visualizations can also be helpful in exploring the significant genes in more detail.
# The expression heatmap can be helpful in looking at how different the expression of
# all significant genes are between sample groups, while the expression plot can look
# at the top significant genes or choose individual genes of interest to investigate
# the expression levels between samplegroups.
# Subset normalized counts to significant genes
sig_norm_counts_smoc2 <- normalized_counts_smoc2[rownames(smoc2_res_sig), ]
# Choose heatmap color palette
heat_colors <- brewer.pal(n = 6, name = "YlOrRd")
# Plot heatmap
color = heat_colors,
cluster_rows = TRUE,
show_rownames = FALSE,
annotation = select(smoc2_metadata, condition),
scale = "row")
### RNA-Seq DE workflow summary
# Check that all of the samples are in the same order in the metadata and count data
all(rownames(all_metadata) %in% colnames(all_rawcounts))
# DESeq object to test for the effect of fibrosis regardless of genotype
dds_all <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = all_rawcounts,
colData = all_metadata,
design = ~ condition)
# DESeq object to test for the effect of genotype on the effect of fibrosis
dds_complex <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = all_rawcounts,
colData = all_metadata,
design = ~ condition + genotype + genotype:condition)
### DE analysis
# We are going to continue using the full dataset comparing the genes that exhibit
# significant expression differences between normal and fibrosis samples regardless
# of genotype (design: ~ genotype + condition).
# In this exercise let's perform the unsupervised clustering analyses to
# explore the clustering of our samples and sources of variation.
# Log transform counts for QC
vsd_all <- vst(dds_all, blind = TRUE)
# Create heatmap of sample correlation values
vsd_all %>%
assay() %>%
cor() %>%
pheatmap(annotation = select(all_metadata, c("condition", "genotype")))
# Create the PCA plot for PC1 and PC2 and color by condition
plotPCA(vsd_all, intgroup = "condition")
# Create the PCA plot for PC1 and PC2 and color by genotype
plotPCA(vsd_all, intgroup = "genotype")
### DE analysis results
# After exploring the PCA and correlation heatmap, we found good clustering of our samples on PC1,
# which seemed to represent the variation in the data due to fibrosis, and PC2, which appeared
# to represent variation in the data due to smoc2 overexpression. We did not find additional
# sources of variation in the data, nor any outliers to remove. Therefore, we can proceed by
# running DESeq2, DE testing, and shrinking the fold changes. We performed these steps for you
# to generate the final results, res_all.
# In this exercise, we'll want to subset the significant genes from the results and output the
# top 10 DE genes by adjusted p-value.
# Select significant genese with padj < 0.05
smoc2_sig <- subset(res_all, padj < 0.05) %>%
data.frame() %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "geneID")
# Extract the top 6 genes with padj values
smoc2_sig %>%
arrange(padj) %>%
select(geneID, padj) %>%
# Also, remember that we can use the annotables package to convert the
# Ensembl IDs to the more recognizable gene symbols.
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