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Last active January 6, 2022 20:23
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explore using e-values for sensitifity to confounding in the context of OLS
# *-----------------------------------------------------------------
# | PROGRAM NAME: ex EValues.R
# | DATE: 1/6/22
# *----------------------------------------------------------------
# | PURPOSE: explore using e-values for sensitifity to confounding in the context of OLS
# *----------------------------------------------------------------
# references:
# Mathur, M. B., Ding, P., Riddell, C. A., & VanderWeele, T. J. (2018). Web Site and R Package for Computing E-values.
# Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 29(5), e45–e47.
options("scipen" =100, "digits" = 4) # override R's tendency to use scientific notation
# example from:
# background
# Hammond and Horn estimated that cigarette smoking increased the risk of lung cancer by more than 10-fold.
# Fisher proposed that genetic confounding may explain all of the apparent association.
# We can calculate the magnitude of confounding that would be necessary to fully explain
# the estimated risk ratio of 10.73 (95% CI 8.02, 14.36):
evalues.RR(est = 10.73, lo = 8.02, hi = 14.36)
# The E-value of 20.95 tells us that a confounder, or set of confounders, such as that proposed by Fisher,
# would have to be associated with a 20-fold increase in the risk of lung cancer, and must be 20 times more
# prevalent in smokers than non-smokers, to explain the observed risk ratio. If the strength of one of these
# relationships were weaker, the other would have to be stronger for the causal effect of smoking on lung
# cancer to be truly null
# example OLS from:
# note:
# This function is for linear regression with a continuous exposure and outcome.
# Regarding the con- tinuous exposure, the choice of delta defines essentially a
# dichotomization in the exposure between hypothetical groups of subjects with
# exposures equal to an arbitrary value c versus to another hypo- thetical group
# with exposures equal to c + delta. Regarding the continuous outcome, the function
# uses the effect-size conversions in Chinn (2000) and VanderWeele (2017) to approximately
# con- vert the mean difference between these exposure "groups" to the odds ratio that
# would arise from dichotomizing the continuous outcome.
# For example, if resulting E-value is 2, this means that unmeasured confounder(s)
# would need to double the probability of a subject’s having exposure equal to c + delta
# instead of c, and would also need to double the probability of being high versus low
# on the outcome, in which the cutoff for "high" versus "low" is arbitrary subject
# to some distributional assumptions (Chinn, 2000). A true standardized mean difference
# for linear regression would use sd = SD(Y | X, C), where Y is the outcome,
# X is the exposure of interest, and C are any adjusted covariates.
# See Examples for how to extract this from lm. A conservative approximation would
# instead use sd = SD(Y). Regardless, the reported E-value for the confidence
# interval treats sd as known, not estimated.
data ("lead") # load data from package
# first standardizing conservatively by SD(Y) data(lead)
summary(lm(age ~ income, data = lead))
ols = lm(age ~ income, data = lead)
# for a 1-unit increase in income
evalues.OLS(est = ols$coefficients[2], se = summary(ols)$coefficients['income', 'Std. Error'], sd = sd(lead$age))
# for a 0.5-unit increase in income
evalues.OLS(est = ols$coefficients[2], se = summary(ols)$coefficients['income', 'Std. Error'], sd = sd(lead$age),delta = 0.5)
# now use residual SD to avoid conservatism
evalues.OLS(est = ols$coefficients[2],
se = summary(ols)$coefficients['income', 'Std. Error'], sd = summary(ols)$sigma)
# example with lalond data
data("lalonde") # load lalonde data
# first standardizing conservatively by SD(Y) data(lead)
summary(lm(re78 ~ treat, data = lalonde))
ols = lm(re78 ~ treat, data = lalonde)
# for a 1-unit change in 'treat' (assuming this is just the contrast between treatment and control for a binary treatment indicator)
evalues.OLS(est = ols$coefficients[2], se = summary(ols)$coefficients['treat', 'Std. Error'], sd = sd(lalonde$re78))
# point lower upper
# RR 0.9256 0.7914 1.082
# E-values 1.3752 NA 1.000
# Questions and Interpretation:
# ? RR = .9256 ~ converson of treatment effect from OLS (-635) to a RR per documentation
# E-value: with an observed RR = .9256, an unmeasured confounder assocaited with outcome (re78) and exposure (treat) would
# have to have a RR = 1.37 in order to explain away the estimate, but weaker confounding could not.
# ? given the relatively small RR (compared to the observed RR) you might conclude that confounding could plausibly explain
# away this relationship ?
# e-values with controls
# standardizing conservatively by SD(Y)
summary(lm(re78 ~ treat + age + educ + race + married + nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde))
ols = lm(re78 ~ treat + age + educ + race + married + nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde)
# for a 1-unit change in 'treat' (assuming this is just the contrast between treatment and control for a binary treatment indicator)
evalues.OLS(est = ols$coefficients[2], se = summary(ols)$coefficients['treat', 'Std. Error'], sd = sd(lalonde$re78))
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