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Last active November 8, 2020 14:54
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SEO Knowledge collected
## Technical stuff
* Properly configured robots.txt
* Don't disallow too much, only what would really drag down your ranking!
> Example:
> ```
> User-agent: *
> Disallow /admin
> ```
* Well structured pages, e.g. put things in the correct places and use semantic elements where possible.
* Headings
* Use <h1> for the title of the content, not the name if the site
* Only use <h1> once
* For Sub-Headings use <h2> and smaller, depending on their "indentation" level
* Don't abuse heading-tags for non-headings, use css instead
* <title> for the title (displayed in the browsers titlebar)
* <article> for main content
* <header> and <footer> for the respective header and footer
* Add meta data
* Default meta-properties
* open graph properties
* Responsiveness (mobile friendliness)
* Follow best practices from Google Pageinsights / Lighthouse-Tab in Chrome developer tools
* have a favicon, preferably with `.ico` ending and format (.ico is a multi-dimension file format)
## Content related
* Keep users on the page for long (WRITE GOOD CONTENT!)
* Links to know sites and link-backs from known sites
## Unsure whether these are helpful and how helpful:
* Add a sitemap.xml (referenced in robots.txt)
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