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Created March 25, 2022 07:07
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Access Information returned from QLZARCAPI
-- User Defined Table Function: LicInfo_QLZARCAPI
-- Call QLZARCAPI - Retrieve the information written into the Joblog and split it into Description and Value
Create Or Replace Function YourSchema.LicInfo_QLZARCAPI ()
Returns Table (LicDescr VarChar(256),
LicValue VarChar(256))
Language SQL
Modifies SQL Data
Called On NULL Input
Disallow Parallel
Declare LocStartTs Timestamp Default '0001-01-01-';
Declare LocEndTs Timestamp Default '9999-12-31-';
-- Determine License Information by calling QLZARCAPI (Output into the Joblog!)
Set LocStartTS = Current_Timestamp;
Set LocEndTs = Current_Timestamp;
Return (Select Cast(Substr(Element, 1, locate(':', Element) - 1)
as VarChar(256)) LicDescr,
Cast(Trim(Substr(Element, locate(':', Element) + 1))
as VarChar(256)) LicValue
From (Select RTrim(Trim(Substr(Message_Text,
Locate('->', Message_Text) + 3)),
'.') Text
From Table(QSYS2.Joblog_Info('*'))
Where From_Program = 'QLZARCAPI'
and Message_Timestamp between LocStartTS
and LocEndTS) x
cross join Table(Systools.Split(Text, '. ')));
End ;
Comment on Specific Function YourSchema.xQLZARCAPI
is 'License Information from the QLZARCAPI API';
-- Ho to call
Select * From Table(YourSchema.LicInfo_QLZARCAPI());
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