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Created May 23, 2016 07:37
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$ ->
if $('#publisher').length
# Initialize an OpenTok Session object
session = TB.initSession(gon.opentok.sessionId);
videoOptions = {width: 640, height: 480}
# Initialize a Publisher, and place it into the element with id="publisher"
publisher = TB.initPublisher(gon.opentok.apiKey, 'publisher', videoOptions);
# Attach event handlers
# This function runs when session.connect() asynchronously completes
sessionConnected: (event) ->
# Publish the publisher we initialzed earlier (this will trigger 'streamCreated' on other clients)
if session.capabilities.publish == 1
# Connect to the Session using the 'apiKey' of the application and a 'token' for permission
session.connect(gon.opentok.apiKey, gon.opentok.token);
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