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Created January 22, 2014 21:17
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TTerrainSection* = tuple
buffer: PArrayBuffer
geometry: ref tuple [
indices: array[0..sectionTriangleCount-1, array[0..2, int]],
vertices: array[0..sectionArea-1, TVec3]]
heightmap: ref array[0..sectionWidth-1, array[0..sectionHeight-1, uint32]]
PTerrainSection* = ref TTerrainSection
TTerrainSections* = TQuadTree[PTerrainSection]
proc generateVertices(section: PTerrainSection) =
debug("Generating vertices from heightmap")
if section.heightmap == nil: # ERROR: Type mismatch blaablablabla
# This might attempt to read from disk in the future
error("Heightmap was nil, this shouldn't happen!")
raise newException(E_Base, "Heightmap was nil, this is unacceptable")
if section.geometry.vertices != nil:
error("Vertices are not nil, this shouldn't happen")
raise newException(E_Base, "Vertices are not nil")
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