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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Excursiopedia Widgets API

Excursiopedia Widgets API



Excuriopedia widgets are iFrame based widgets with built in real-time customization system in "debug" mode.



type: 'box1' Required

Define widget type as box1, box2, category, boxcustom

akey: '****' Required

Partner affiliate code

lang: 'en' Default: en

Two-letter language code

query: 'Munich' Default: page title

Search query, city name or country name

theme: 'default' Default: default

Widget theme. Value must be on of: default, grey, custom.

width: 242 Default: depends on widget type

iFrame width

height: 400 Default: depends on widget type

iFrame height

currency: 'CZK' Default: Excursion currency

Three-letter currency code supported by Excursiopedia

parent: 'id' Optional

DOM node id, where widget must be rendered

debug: true Default: false

Debug mode.

styles: {}

Object with widget custom styles. Required style is type: custom.


Widget`s style processor works only with Hex color format. List of available elements:

icons border background button button_text inbutton inbutton_text


Excursiopedia widget exports various objects EX, depending on whether a debug or normal mode of the widget. In normal mode EX is DOM node with widget iframe. In debug mode it's an object with getters, setters, config, frame etc... Unfortunately EX do not store updated state of config, so you have to keep actual settings outside EX.

EX.set({width: 200, height: 300...})

Default setter which pushes object in to the frame. You can push there any option from Option list. NOTE: if you want to update custom styles you should push all styles at once. EX.set({styles: {...}}).


This function executes callback function after DOM inside iframe is ready


This function reinitialize EX with given options. You may need it if you change language or type, because it reloads everything inside iframe. NOTE: you must pass the whole configuration object to this function.


Set value:

$('#width').on('change', function(e){
	window.EX.set({width: e.currentTarget.value})

Change widget type:

$('#type).on('change', function(e){
	var config = EX.config;
	config.type = e.currentTarget.value;
		console.log('Widget reloaded!');

Render output example

renderOutput = =>
  renderConfig = (data = (if widget_config? then widget_config.defaults else exc_config), tab = '      ')=>
    out = ''
    i = _.keys(data).length
    for index, value of data
      if typeof value is 'object'
        out += tab+index + ': {\n'+ renderConfig(value, "\t")+"#{if tab == "\t" then "}\n" else tab+'}'}"
        record = @model.get(index)
        if index is 'with_excursions'
          record = !!record
        if index is 'height' and record is 199
          record = $('#ExcBox').height()
        out += """#{tab}#{index}: #{
        if isNaN(parseInt(record))
        then "'"+record+"'"
        else record}#{if i is 1 then '' else ','}\n"""
    return out
  return """var exc_config = {#{renderConfig()}};"""

P.S.: Please don`t render "debug:true" in production mode, it's not necessary, but recommended.

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