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Created January 29, 2014 18:43
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public class Browser {
private boolean browsing;
private WebVisit currentVisit;
* Main method for the application. Create a new Browser object and set it to run.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Browser b = new Browser();;
* Constructor for the Browser. Welcome the user and initialize the instance variables.
public Browser() {
browsing = true;
currentVisit = null;
System.out.println("Welcome to FCS Browser v0.01");
* The primary method for the web browser: while the user is browsing the web, continually prompt, read, and execute commands.
public void run() {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
while (browsing) {
try {
String cmd = br.readLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Oops! There was an error reading your command.");
* Prompt the user with a message to the command line.
private void promptUser() {
System.out.println("\nBrowser ready.\n(Commands: visit *web url*; view history; back; quit; )");
* Given a string, determine which command (if any) is being issued and execute it
* hint: splitting at " " will be useful
* hint: notice that comparing Strings requires use of the .equals() method. Let's talk about it.
* @param cmd The complete string entered by the user
private void interpretAndExecute(String cmd) {
String[] commands = cmd.split(" ");
if (cmd.equals("back")) {
} else if (cmd.equals("view history")) {
} else if (commands[0].equals("visit")) {
} else if (cmd.equals("quit")) {
} else if (cmd.equals("forward")) {
}else {
System.out.println("Command not recognized");
* Create a new WebVisit object according to the URL passed in, move it to the top of the stack.
* @param url The URL of the new webpage the user would like to visit
private void visitPage(String url) {
System.out.println("Now going to visit "+url);
WebVisit wv = new WebVisit(url, currentVisit);
if(currentVisit != null) {
currentVisit = wv;
* If there is a previous visit in the browser's history, pop the current one off the top of the stack
* and print out the browser's new page (if it exists). If there is no page to go back to, alert the user and do nothing.
private void goBack() {
if (currentVisit != null) {
System.out.println("Going back...");
currentVisit = currentVisit.getPreviousNode();
if (currentVisit != null) {
} else {
System.out.println("No web visits in browser history");
private void goForward() {
if(currentVisit != null && currentVisit.getNextNode() != null){
System.out.println("moving forward");
currentVisit = currentVisit.getNextNode();
if(currentVisit != null){
} else{
System.out.println("I can't do that silly");
* View a list of all WebVisits in the browser's history; list the total number of visits.
private void viewHistory() {
System.out.println("Showing browser history...");
WebVisit tmp = currentVisit;
int counter = 0;
while (tmp != null) {
tmp = tmp.getPreviousNode();
System.out.println("\t\t"+counter+" total");
* Say goodbye; quit the program.
private void quit() {
System.out.println("Quitting now...");
browsing = false;
import java.util.Date;
public class WebVisit {
private String url;
private WebVisit previousNode;
private Date timestamp;
private WebVisit NextNode;
* Constructor for a web visit. Initialize the three instance variables.
* @param u The URL of this visit
* @param pn The WebVisit previous to this one
public WebVisit(String u, WebVisit pn) {
url = u;
previousNode = pn;
timestamp = new Date();
* Return the previous WebVisit
* @return the previous WebVisit object
public WebVisit getPreviousNode() {
return previousNode;
public void setNextNode(WebVisit wv) {
NextNode = wv;
public WebVisit getNextNode(){
return NextNode;
* Return a neatly formatted String to represent this object so that it can be printed out for the user
public String toString() {
return "Web visit: "+url+" (at "+timestamp+")";
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