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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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public class Mom implements Replenishable{
private int bankAccount;
public int getCurrentAmount(bankAccount){
// finds out the current anoint in the bank account
public int getFullAmount(bankAccount){
// finds out how much there should be
public boolean isEmpty(){
// returns true if the current amount is 0
// returns false if not
public int replenish(){
// if the current amount eqauls the full amount then it will do nothing
// if the current amiunt does not equal the full amount then it will add half of the full amount to the current amount;
public class Mom implements Replenishable{
private int bankAccount;
public int getCurrentAmount(bankAccount){
// finds out the current anoint in the bank account
public int getFullAmount(bankAccount){
// finds out how much there should be
public boolean isEmpty(){
// returns true if the current amount is 0
// returns false if not
public int replenish(){
// if the current amount eqauls the full amount then it will do nothing
// if the current amiunt does not equal the full amount then it will make them equal
interface replenishable{
int getAmount(int x); // returns how much of the item there is
int getFullAmount(int x); // returns how much of the item there should be
boolean isEmpty(); // returns whether or not thre is any more of the item
int replenish(); // adds to the amount
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