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Last active May 18, 2024 16:55
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Get rid of EU Cookie Banners (Tampermonkey)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Get rid of EU Cookie Banners
// @namespace
// @description Get rid of EU Cookie Banners
// @license
// @downloadURL
// @homepage
// @version 0.3.4
// @author Dominik Deobald
// @match http*://*/*
// @grant none
// @run-at document-idle
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var config = {
selectors: {
rules: [
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".CookiesOK"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#closeCookieBanner"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".CookieBanner-button"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#nts-set-cookie"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".cc_btn_accept_all"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".noticeCookiesContent .CustomDismissCtrl"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".cookie-consent .cookie-btn"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#accept-cookies"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#cookie_button_agree"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#cookies-agreement #agree-button"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#cookielayer .action-btn"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".cookie.nag .close"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#__tealiumGDPRecModal #consent_prompt_submit"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: 'button[data-selenium="CookiesAcceptButton"]'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".gdpr__button"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".eu-cookie-compliance-agree-button"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".cookie-notification .js-cookie-notification-hide"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".js-accept-cookie-policy"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#cookie-law-info-bar #cookie_action_close_header"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#cookie-bar .cb-enable"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".cookie-bar .cb-enable"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '.butterBar--privacy button[title*="I agree"]'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#cookieChoiceDismiss"},
// oath (Tumblr)
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: 'div[data-view="guce-gdpr"] button[data-submit="agree"]'},
// HumbleBundle
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#_evidon-accept-button"},
// WordPress
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".widget_eu_cookie_law_widget .accept"},
// Doodle
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#d-dismissCookieBanner"},
// Sivantos
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".cookie-confirmation-button"},
// StackOverflow
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#js-gdpr-consent-banner .js-notice-close"},
// DPD
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "#btnCookieOK"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: ".cookiesOkButton"},
// Payback
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: 'div[data-userhiddencontent-name="dsgvo"] .stripe__collapse-trigger'},
// Paypal
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: "a#acceptAllButton"},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#dsgvoAccepted a[title="Cookie-Hinweis schließen"]'},
{hostname: /$/, action:"remove", "target":".announcements"},
{hostname: /$/, action: "click", target: "#need-to-close-quickly-true"},
{hostname: /$/, action: "click", target: ".gdpr-vx-consent-bar-button"},
{hostname: /$/, action: "click", target: 'input[name="/de/telekom/phoenix/checkout/controller/CookiesPolicyFormHandler.submit"]'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: 'button[data-gdpr-single-choice-accept]'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonAccept'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#cookieinfo-close'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#disclaimer-cookie-accept'},
{hostname: /derstandard/, action: "click", target: '.js-privacywall-agree'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '.optanon-allow-all'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '.js-hide-cookie-message'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '.cookies-message__close'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '.js_gdpr_close'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#acceptCookieHint'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#btn-agree-cookie'},
{hostname: /$/, action: "remove", target: '#privacy-consent'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '.eupopup-container'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '.cookie_hint'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '.cookiebanner'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#cookiebanner'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#cookieBarConfirm'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#cookieBar'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '.cc_banner-wrapper'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#js-eu-cookie'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#AcceptCookiesBanner'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '.js-CookieBanner'},
{hostname: /payback/, action: "remove", target: 'div[data-userhiddencontent-name="dsgvo"]'},
{hostname: /(, action: "click", target: '.guj-cb__button'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#ck-close-cookie-statement'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#ck-cookie-statement'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '.cc-window,.cc-banner,.cc-overlay'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#cookie-law-info-bar'},
{hostname: /, action: "remove", target: '#cookieChoiceInfo'},
{hostname: /sivantos/, action: "remove", target: '.cookie-confirmation'},
{hostname: /$/, action: "remove", target: '#cookieMsgBlock'},
{hostname: /$/, action: "remove", target: '#gdprCookieBanner'},
{hostname: /$/, action: "remove", target: '#dsgvoAccepted'},
{hostname: /, action: "click", target: '.pl-cookies-cta .pl-accept'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#cookie-banner'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: "#cookie-notice"},
{hostname: /adobe/, action: "click", target: "#_evidon-accept-button"},
{hostname: /, action: "click", target: "#sncmp-popup-ok-button"},
{hostname: /, action: "remove", target: "#wrapperdiv"},
{hostname: /, action: 'remove', target: "#_psaihm_main_div,_psaihm_overlay"}
rulesdelay: [
// {hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '.cc-banner .cc-dismiss'},
// {hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '.cc-window .cc-dismiss'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: '#cookie-banner'},
{hostname: /./, action: "click", target: '#cookie-consent-accept-button'},
{hostname: /./, action: "remove", target: ".cc_banner-wrapper"},
function doClick(node, selector) {
var didSomething = false;
for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {
if (!node[i].dataset.cookieAwayClicked) {
node[i].dataset.cookieAwayClicked = true;
didSomething = true;
if (didSomething) {
console.log('click', selector);
function doRemove(node, selector) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {
if (node.length && selector) { console.log('remove', selector); }
function doRule(rule) {
if (typeof rule.hostname == 'string' && rule.hostname !== location.hostname) { return; }
if (typeof rule.hostname == 'object' && typeof rule.hostname.match == 'function' && !rule.hostname.match(location.hostname)) { return; }
if (rule.action == 'remove') { doRemove($$(,; }
if (rule.action == 'click') { doClick($$(,; }
var $$ = function(s) {
return document.querySelectorAll(s);
function getObject(key, defValue) {
var obj = window, keys;
try {
keys = key.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
obj = obj[keys[i]];
} catch(e) {
obj = defValue || null;
return typeof obj !== 'undefined'? obj : defValue;
function firstCall() {
typeof getObject('Cookiebot.dialog.submitConsent') == 'function' && window.Cookiebot.dialog.submitConsent();
typeof window.hideCookieHint == 'function' && window.hideCookieHint(true);
typeof window.golemAcceptCookies == 'function' && window.golemAcceptCookies();
typeof window.CookiesOK == 'function' && window.CookiesOK();
typeof getObject('CookieControl.notifyAccept') == 'function' && window.CookieControl.notifyAccept();
function delayCall1() {
config.selectors.rules = config.selectors.rules.concat(config.selectors.rulesdelay);
function delayCall2() {
function delayCall5() {
typeof window.__cmpui == 'function' && window.__cmpui("setAndSaveAllConsent",!0); // SourceForge
config.selectors.rules = config.selectors.rules.concat(config.selectors.rulesdelay);
function execute() {
setTimeout(firstCall, 100);
setTimeout(execute, 150);
setTimeout(execute, 500);
setTimeout(delayCall1, 1100);
setTimeout(execute, 2000);
setTimeout(delayCall2, 2100);
setTimeout(execute, 5000);
setTimeout(delayCall5, 5100);
setTimeout(execute, 10000);
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tmetn commented May 18, 2024

Will check, thanks for the tip.

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