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Forked from matthewdowney/crash.clj
Created February 16, 2021 22:17
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The deterministic algorithm behind the casino game
(ns user.crash
"The deterministic algorithm behind the casino game
Includes code to
- generate a crash point from a game hash
- generate all game hashes and crash points since the start of the game
- simulate betting strategies (n.b. this is just for fun, as there's no way
to make a bet with a positive expected value)"
(:require [pandect.algo.sha256 :as sha]))
;; hash of bitcoin block #610546
(def salt "0000000000000000000fa3b65e43e4240d71762a5bf397d5304b2596d116859c")
(defn hex-biginteger [^String s] (BigInteger. s 16))
(defn rpartition-all
"Like partition-all, except the first chunk -- rather than the last -- may
contain fewer than `n` elements if `xs` cannot be chunked evenly."
[n xs]
(map reverse (reverse (partition-all n (reverse xs)))))
;; To be completely honest I'm not sure why Roobet's sample code implements
;; modulus against hex strings instead of just parsing the hex string to a
;; number and using JavaScript's modulus (see sample @,
;; but I'm going to port their code faithfully because ... chesterton's fence
(defn divisible? [hex modn]
(let [chunk->n #(hex-biginteger (apply str %))]
(fn [val n] (mod (+ (.shiftLeft (biginteger val) 16) n) modn))
(map chunk->n (rpartition-all 4 hex))))))
(defn crash-point
"The crash point for game given its hash."
(let [hash (sha/sha256-hmac salt game-hash)
e (Math/pow 2 52)
h (BigInteger. (subs hash 0 13) 16)
;; They changed this magic number at some point in time to reduce the
;; EV of each bet. See:
magic-immediate-crash-number 20]
(if (divisible? game-hash magic-immediate-crash-number)
(/ (Math/floor (/ (- (* 100 e) h) (- e h)))
(defn all-game-hashes
"A lazy sequence of all game hashes in reverse chronological order from
`recent-hash` all the way back to the first game hash."
(let [first-game-hash (str "77b271fe12fca03c618f63dfb79d4105"
(->> recent-hash
(iterate sha/sha256)
(take-while #(not= % first-game-hash)))
;; E.g. to generate the last million game hashes
(def games
(->> "eeb2553823a150a584767d0dfa990f7fb96d88a125f0ecf773ffed104de2c472"
(take 1000000)
(into []))))
; "Elapsed time: 4144.176054 msecs"
;; The last 10 game crash points
(->> games
(take 10)
(mapv (fn [gh] {:crash-point (crash-point gh) :game gh})))
;=> [{:crash-point 32.64, :game "eeb2553823a150a584767d0dfa990f7fb96d88a125f0ecf773ffed104de2c472"}
; {:crash-point 4.69, :game "08c8e0d47b16703c1a3ab72f605732fb2850597969d28d7d14f63f36beae133a"}
; {:crash-point 2.44, :game "763d38cac9a5e56dc0ed51f0e6cf47544ebd3817aa96a94e071432a02d33a88b"}
; {:crash-point 1.29, :game "96dce54f6d7e9f12bd9b4ad3429685395dfa94464aa4f189755ed5861a4294a8"}
; {:crash-point 1.03, :game "cad42a35d39c789c0f006726c5eaf7a44a2cb28c56fc666f9f687dd8cde309eb"}
; {:crash-point 138.85, :game "eaf49bc33178ceae91f50df199d86129fd834958c9b5295bda8f3530647acc36"}
; {:crash-point 13.05, :game "cdb0cbd6f6b36c0ed26f3ad8b58feaf18cba6650e858d54030af175a56be5b28"}
; {:crash-point 1.09, :game "4e5108c551e339c50a6631a7040c3f74a3310a6f10733947c8e50aefd55abcf8"}
; {:crash-point 4.51, :game "2d5ced83236b0e30ef79250616d0539f531d1b1fd59d8e1cd5ded1e96c168ddd"}
; {:crash-point 9.8, :game "3d37d4908eb86710af0907ce34a57d1199cf41bab63e6ee05c0737e20ad729ca"}]
;;; For checking historical expected values
(defn hist-ev
"The expected value per bet of betting to cash out at `multiplier` over the
given `games` hashes."
[multiplier games]
(/ (->> games
(fn [game]
(if (>= (crash-point game) multiplier)
(apply +))
(double (count games))))
;; What's the historical EV over the last 10,000 games betting on 2x, 20x,
;; and 200x?
(def games
(->> "eeb2553823a150a584767d0dfa990f7fb96d88a125f0ecf773ffed104de2c472"
(into [] (take 10000))))
(hist-ev 2 games)
;=> 0.947
(hist-ev 20 games)
;=> 0.866
(hist-ev 200 games)
;=> 0.8
(hist-ev 2000 games)
;=> 0.4
(hist-ev 20000 games)
;=> 2.0
;; Does that mean betting on larger multipliers has a positive theoretical
;; EV? No; the expected value per bet is always negative, but if you bet on
;; large enough payouts, you can "overfit" your strategy to accomplish the
;l equivalent of quitting when you're ahead.
;;; For simulating betting strategies
(defn build-summary [summary {:keys [win? usd multiplier]}]
(if win?
(-> summary
(update :wins (fnil inc 1))
(update :pnl (fnil + 0M) (* usd (dec multiplier))))
(-> summary
(update :losses (fnil inc 0))
(update :pnl (fnil - 0M) usd))))
(defn simulate [strategy games & {:keys [bankroll take-profit stop-loss]}]
(fn [{:keys [bets summary] :as x} game]
(let [bet (strategy bets game)
{:keys [pnl] :as summary} (build-summary summary bet)
x (assoc x :bets (cons bet bets) :summary summary)]
(if (or
;; Bankroll exhausted
(and bankroll (>= (- pnl) bankroll))
;; Take profit limit hit
(and take-profit (>= pnl take-profit))
;; Stop loss hit
(and stop-loss (< pnl stop-loss)))
(reduced x)
{:bets (list)
:summary {:wins 0 :losses 0 :pnl 0}}
(defn bet [game {:keys [usd multiplier] :as b}]
(let [cp (crash-point game)]
(assoc b :win? (<= multiplier cp) :cp cp)))
;; E.g. simulating a modified martingale strategy over the last thousand
;; games. The strategy starts with a bankroll of 100 USD and bets on a
;; multiplier of 4.
;; A martingale strategy initially bets e.g. $0.10, and if it loses it doubles
;; its bet size, resetting it to $0.10 if it wins. The modification here is
;; that we impose a max bet size limit of $10 to avoid crazy exponential
;; growth.
(defn martingale' [[prev-game] game]
{:usd (if (and prev-game (not (:win? prev-game)))
(min (* (:usd prev-game) 2M) 10M)
:multiplier 4}))
(def last-thousand
(->> "eeb2553823a150a584767d0dfa990f7fb96d88a125f0ecf773ffed104de2c472"
(take 1000)
(def results (simulate martingale' last-thousand :bankroll 100M))
(dissoc results :bets)
;=> {:summary {:wins 157, :losses 549, :pnl -101.4M}}
;; PnL and win/loss with each bet made throughout the session
(->> (reverse (:bets results))
(reductions build-summary {})
(take 10))
;=> ({:losses 1, :pnl -0.1M}
; {:losses 2, :pnl -0.3M}
; {:losses 3, :pnl -0.7M}
; {:losses 3, :pnl 1.7M, :wins 2}
; {:losses 4, :pnl 1.6M, :wins 2}
; {:losses 5, :pnl 1.4M, :wins 2}
; {:losses 6, :pnl 1.0M, :wins 2}
; {:losses 7, :pnl 0.2M, :wins 2}
; {:losses 7, :pnl 5.0M, :wins 3}
; {:losses 8, :pnl 4.9M, :wins 3})
;; Max P&L during the session
(->> (reverse (:bets results))
(reductions build-summary {})
(map :pnl)
(apply max))
;=> 256.4M
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