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Last active November 26, 2018 15:50
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from bookshelf import get_model, oauth2, storage
from flask import Blueprint, current_app, redirect, render_template, request, \
session, url_for
import random
#changing first blueprint from crud to books
books = Blueprint('books', __name__)
#adding second blueprint workflows
workflows = Blueprint('workflows',__name__)
# [START upload_image_file]
def upload_image_file(file):
Upload the user-uploaded file to Google Cloud Storage and retrieve its
publicly-accessible URL.
if not file:
return None
public_url = storage.upload_file(,
"Uploaded file %s as %s.", file.filename, public_url)
return public_url
# [END upload_image_file]
# [START books list]
def list():
token = request.args.get('page_token', None)
if token:
token = token.encode('utf-8')
books, next_page_token = get_model().Crud.factory("Book").list(cursor=token)
return render_template(
# [END list]
# [START books_list_mine]
def list_books_mine():
token = request.args.get('page_token', None)
if token:
token = token.encode('utf-8')
books, next_page_token = get_model().Crud.factory("Book").list_by_user(
return render_template(
# [END books_list_mine]
def view(id):
book = get_model().Crud.factory("Book").read(id)
return render_template("view.html", book=book)
# [START add]
@books.route('/add', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def add():
if request.method == 'POST':
data = request.form.to_dict(flat=True)
# If an image was uploaded, update the data to point to the new image.
# [START image_url]
image_url = upload_image_file(request.files.get('image'))
# [END image_url]
# [START image_url2]
if image_url:
data['imageUrl'] = image_url
# [END image_url2]
# If the user is logged in, associate their profile with the new book.
if 'profile' in session:
data['createdBy'] = session['profile']['displayName']
data['createdById'] = session['profile']['id']
book = get_model().Crud.factory("Book").create(data)
return redirect(url_for('.view', id=book['id']))
return render_template("form.html", action="Add", book={})
# [END add]
@books.route('/<id>/edit', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def edit(id):
book = get_model().Crud.factory("Book").read(id)
if request.method == 'POST':
data = request.form.to_dict(flat=True)
image_url = upload_image_file(request.files.get('image'))
if image_url:
data['imageUrl'] = image_url
book = get_model().Crud.factory("Book").update(data, id)
return redirect(url_for('.view', id=book['id']))
return render_template("form.html", action="Edit", book=book)
def delete(id):
return redirect(url_for('.list'))
# [START workflow list]
def list():
token = request.args.get('workflow_next_page', None)
if token:
token = token.encode('utf-8')
#adding Worklfows
flows, workflow_next_page_token = get_model().Crud.factory('Workflow').list(cursor=token)
return render_template(
# [END list]
# [START list_mine]
def list_workflow_mine():
token = request.args.get('workflow_next_page', None)
if token:
token = token.encode('utf-8')
#adding Worklfows
flows, workflow_next_page_token = get_model().Crud.factory('Workflow').list_by_user(
return render_template(
# [END workflow_list_mine]
def workflow_view(id):
workflow = get_model().Crud.factory('Workflow').workflow_read(id)
return render_template("workflow_view.html", workflow=workflow)
# [START add]
@workflows.route('/add', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def workflow_add():
if request.method == 'POST':
data = request.form.to_dict(flat=True)
# If an image was uploaded, update the data to point to the new image.
# [START image_url]
image_url = upload_image_file(request.files.get('image'))
# [END image_url]
# If the user is logged in, associate their profile with the new book.
if 'profile' in session:
data['createdBy'] = session['profile']['displayName']
data['createdById'] = session['profile']['id']
# [START image_url2]
if image_url:
data['imageUrl'] = image_url
# [END image_url2]
workflow = get_model().Crud.factory('Workflow').workflow_create(data)
return redirect(url_for('.workflow_view', id=workflow['id']))
return render_template("workflow_form.html", action="Add", workflow={})
# [END add]
@workflows.route('/<id>/edit', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def workflow_edit(id):
workflow = get_model().Crud.factory('Workflow').workflow_read(id)
if request.method == 'POST':
data = request.form.to_dict(flat=True)
image_url = upload_image_file(request.files.get('image'))
if image_url:
data['imageUrl'] = image_url
workflow = get_model().Crud.factory('Workflow').workflow_update(data, id)
return redirect(url_for('.view', id= workflow['id']))
return render_template("workflow_form.html", action="Edit", workflow=workflow)
def workflow_delete(id):
return redirect(url_for('.list'))
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from flask_pymongo import PyMongo
builtin_list = list
workflow_builtin_list = list
mongo = None
def _id(id):
if not isinstance(id, ObjectId):
return ObjectId(id)
return id
# [START from_mongo]
def from_mongo(data):
Translates the MongoDB dictionary format into the format that's expected
by the application.
if not data:
return None
data['id'] = str(data['_id'])
return data
# [END from_mongo]
def from_mongo_for_workflow(data):
Translates the MongoDB dictionary format into the format that's expected
by the application.
if not data:
return None
data['id'] = str(data['_id'])
return data
def init_app(app):
global mongo
mongo = PyMongo(app)
# [START list]
class Crud(object):
def factory(type):
if type =="Book":
return Book()
if type =="Workflow":
return Workflow()
assert 0, "bad Machanic creation: "+ type
factory = staticmethod(factory)
class Book(Crud):
def list(self, limit=10, cursor=None):
self.cursor = int(cursor) if cursor else 0
self.results = mongo.db.books.find(skip=self.cursor, limit=10).sort('title')
self.books = builtin_list(map(from_mongo, self.results))
self.next_page = cursor + limit if len(self.books) == limit else None
return (self.books, self.next_page)
# [END list]
# [START read]
def read(self, id):
self.result = mongo.db.books.find_one({'_id': _id(id)})
return from_mongo(self.result)
# [END read]
# [START create]
def create(self, data):
self.result = mongo.db.books.insert_one(data)
# [END create]
# [START update]
def update(self, data, id):
mongo.db.books.replace_one({'_id': _id(id)}, data)
# [END update]
def delete(self, id):
mongo.db.books.delete_one({'_id': _id(id)})
def list_by_user(self, user_id, limit=10, cursor=None):
self.cursor = int(cursor) if cursor else 0
self.results = mongo.db.books\
.find({'createdById': user_id}, skip=self.cursor, limit=10)\
self.books = builtin_list(map(from_mongo, self.results))
self.next_page = cursor + limit if len(self.books) == limit else None
return (self.books, self.next_page)
class Workflow(Crud):
# [START worflow_list]
def list(self, limit=10, cursor=None):
self.cursor = int(cursor) if cursor else 0
self.results = mongo.db.workflows.find(skip=self.cursor, limit=10).sort('name')
self.flows = workflow_builtin_list(map(from_mongo, self.results))
self.workflow_next_page = cursor + limit if len(self.flows) == limit else None
return (self.flows, self.workflow_next_page)
# [START worflow_read]
def workflow_read(self, id):
self.result = mongo.db.workflows.find_one({'_id': _id(id)})
return from_mongo_for_workflow(self.result)
# [END read]
# [START worflow_create]
def workflow_create(self, data):
self.result = mongo.db.workflows.insert_one(data)
return self.workflow_read(self.result.inserted_id)
# [END create]
# [START worflow_update]
def workflow_update(self, data, id):
mongo.db.workflows.replace_one({'id': id}, data)
return self.workflow_read(id)
# [END update]
def workflow_delete(self, id):
mongo.db.workflows.delete_one({'_id': _id(id)})
def list_by_user(self, user_id, limit=10, cursor=None):
self.cursor = int(cursor) if cursor else 0
self.results = mongo.db.workflows\
.find({'createdById': user_id}, skip=self.cursor, limit=10)\
self.workflows = builtin_list(map(from_mongo, self.results))
self.next_page = cursor + limit if len(self.workflows) == limit else None
return (self.workflows, self.next_page)
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