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Last active May 5, 2020 16:28
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VSCode snippets for Rice2D
"class": {
"scope": "haxe",
"prefix": "rice-class",
"body": [
"class $TM_FILENAME_BASE extends rice2d.Script{",
"\tpublic function new() {",
"\t\t// notifyOnAdd(()->{",
"\t\t// });",
"\t\t// notifyOnInit(()->{",
"\t\t// });",
"\t\t// notifyOnUpdate(()->{",
"\t\t// });",
"\t\t// notifyOnRender((canvas)->{",
"\t\t\t// var g = canvas.g2;",
"\t\t\t// var col = g.color;",
"\t\t\t// ~~~ Your code ~~~",
"\t\t\t// g.color = col;",
"\t\t// });",
"\t\t// notifyOnRemove(()->{",
"\t\t// });",
"description": "Script class for Rice2D"
"scene": {
"scope": "json",
"prefix": "rice-scene",
"body": [
"\t\"name\":\"Scene\", ",
"\t\t\t\"name\": \"object1\",",
"\t\t\t\"height\": 256,",
"\t\t\t\"width\": 256,",
"\t\t\t\"color\": [100, 200, 50, 255],",
"\t\t\t\"scripts\": [],",
"\t\t\t\"spriteRef\": \"sprite.png\",",
"description": "Simple scene for Rice2D"
"emitter": {
"scope": "haxe",
"prefix": "scene-emitter",
"body": [
"var emitter = new Emitter({",
"\tx: 300, y: 300,",
"\tparticle: {",
"\t\tspriteRef: \"sprite.png\", width: 30, height: 30,",
"\t\tlifeTime: 5.0, speed: 1.0,",
"\t\trots: 0, rote:6.28",
"\tamount: 5",
"description": "Simple particle emitter for Rice2D",
"scope": "glsl",
"prefix": "fragpainter",
"body": [
"#version 450",
"uniform sampler2D tex;",
"in vec2 texCoord;",
"in vec4 color;",
"out vec4 FragColor;",
"void main() {",
"\tvec4 texcolor = texture(tex, texCoord) * color;",
"\ttexcolor.rgb *= color.a;",
"\tFragColor = texcolor;",
"description": "Insets the default frag painter shader"
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